Nostalgia Kid Episode 89: Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins

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[Music] hey everyone so these movies exist here's a little fun fact for you guys originally i was going to talk about these two movies in 2015 but due to some real life or personal issues i decided to hold back on the idea so no better to get to them now for this marathon known as the third and fourth live action scooby-doo movies mystery begins and curse the lake monster were released in 2009 and 2010 on cartoon network well before shows like adventure time and steven universe this channel has had some dark times for this episode let's begin with the first out of these two the mystery begins which advertises itself as a prequel showing how the gang met and the events of their first case even though technically we already had a prequel with the pup named scooby-doo this was already giving me bad signs because like i said earlier this was released in 2009 why is that bad because this was the exact same year that gave us ace ventura junior and if you've been around here for quite some time you would know that i really don't like that movie okay maybe i'm just fearing for the worst i mean it can't be that bad let's see who directed this all right let's see here um brian levant where have i heard that name before let's see what else he's done okay he's the same guy who did jingle all the way not a very goo movie but a guilty pleasure in my opinion at least and he's also done no no this can't be true he's the same guy that made christmas story 2. yet another movie that destroyed someone i like from my childhood well there's no good signs here which means we're screwed let's get this over with this is scooby-doo the mystery begins we open in the city of coolsville which makes me wonder if the opposite town of here would be called dorksville as we're introduced to this movie's version of pierre parker i mean shaggy arriving late to the school bus where we also see the new versions of velma daphne and fred who's not blonde in this version what's that supposed to be angry about this no um okay so how could they make fred not a blonde this minor change has me outraged zero 10 hashtag not my fred they arrived to school where shaggy enters the principal's office who notices that he still doesn't have any friends so he decides to help shaggy by getting him into the hobby of stamp collecting now if you look closely you'll notice that the jackrabbit has only one eye it's a misprint those are the most valuable wow knife and ten minutes into the movie and they already gave away who the villain is i mean who in the hell is gonna fall for this look at the face he gives here that's the face of someone who is not subtle about being a bad guy it doesn't help that they even have a picture of him being unmasked on the film's imdb page you have to be on a new level of lazy to not even try meanwhile be cut to a pet adoption event that the town is having where we're introduced to the pad today oh gee i wonder who it might be meet our pet of the day he's very affectionate well that took me by surprise here i was thinking it might be droopy also you gotta love how the cgi on his dog is able to look worse than the last two movies anyway we see scooby is hoping to get adopted but everyone is too creeped out by him even when he's close to getting picked up they're terrified by the simple things that pets do my god a dog clicking apocalypse they begin to take him back to the kennel and wait a minute i recognize this town oh [ __ ] we're in the woody woodpecker movie oh no you will not hurt me again he falls out of the truck when later that night he comes across an abandoned cemetery where for some reason the ghosts of the deceased begin to rise scooby runs away from the sight of them and by pure freaking coincidence he runs at the shaggy like it's a dog of a kkk member man my name's norville but most people call me shaggy well then it's nice to meet you scooby-doo nice to meet you maggie so because of this chain of events this leads to the shaggy and scooby becoming friends as we see them playing frisbee eating each other's food like in the cartoon shaggy getting belly rubs okay i seriously want to know how much they paid the actor to do this the next day shaggy decides to take scooby to school with him as we see him in disguise and i get that he's supposed to look like a high school student but the way he has his hoodie draped over him it makes scooby look like a drug dealer hey you looking to get high because i get that good [ __ ] [Music] so a bully on the bus makes shaggy trip ask scooby bites out which causes a fight on the bus with everyone there mainly our main characters because everyone else is just standing there watching the fight if this was done nowadays someone on the bus will pull out the phone and start shouting worldstar gee i wonder what's gonna happen my new car oh well now that took me by surprise i'll stick to a giant mondo burger crushing said bed's car thank you very much so the vice principal played by gary chalk takes our usual suspects into the library for detention nothing else to say because this character is just here to make us think that someone else is the villain as well as the same with the librarian the rules for detention are the same as they are in the library that means no talking no texting and no eating no fair so like what the heck are we supposed to do in a library for two hours try reading a book i don't know if they cut my budget now i've got to do double duty with a bunch of illiterates oh yeah i'm sure she's the mastermind behind all of this i should point out that the librarian is played by lorena gail who during production of this movie unfortunately passed away due to a ballot fro cancer so please understand that i'm not trying to speak ill of the dead i'm poking fun at the character not the actor with that said let's get back to the movie while they're in detention the film decides to turn into a school plays rendition of ghostbusters [Music] can you help us to run to the middle of a prep rally where the ghosts follow them and reveal the big baddie for the movie [Music] the mask from the opening of a three stooges short well i suppose we should consider canceling classes tomorrow cancel classes with all due respect i strongly disagree but like it's obvious what's going on around the vice principal thinks our main characters are to blame for this and thinks it was just a prank um how i mean they were in the librarian for like three minutes and needed more time to prep for this if they did do it oh of course silly me for trying to add logic into something so stupid and to add more fuel to the fake out fire he even suspends them because they really really want us to think that it's him plus it doesn't help that this character's name is grimes now you may think of it as the name of the canadian singer but if you take the s and just have grime you'll have something that is defined as dirt and grain on the surface of something i swear they're not even trying i know someone who can help us clear our names scooby-doo where are you who are you oh hey he said the thing shaggy invites him over to his place to look up on what the villain who is named the spectre wants as it turns out that he's after the school's time capsule so they break it to the school later that night they begin looking for it by the way you gotta love how right behind him there's a banner that says all about character this feels like brian levant is telling us sure these characters don't look or act like how you know them as growing up but don't forget it's all about character in fact i think that's the same mentality that was news for these movies jinkies look at this what is it i'm not sure clearly it's from the people who are shooting the porn parody oh i mean uh it's ectoplasm yeah that that's it to go sneak up on them disguised as football mannequins as they proceed to chase our heroes one of them even tries to tie fred up i've seen nightmare on elm street too so i pray to god this does not lead to him being butt naked in the shower okay i never want you to say that again shaggy and scooby hi in the freezer and somehow are able to survive the whole night locked in there i'm surprised they don't look like this after they open the door well i am pleased to inform you that your suspensions have been lifted hallelujah because now you're all expelled even better oh wait they all get expelled because once again they want us to think that grimes is the bad guy shaggy begins to think about the usual suspects as they all decide to go back to school and try to interview them but seeing how they can't be seen at the school they have to go in disguise where we see daphne just finished putting up velma this is the same thing they did in the second movie i would do the same reaction like i did before but seeing how this is a high school student that would mean i have to go to jail [Music] what is it what scooby doo and having this dog getting the hots on human females was this in the cartoon diamonds the episode where the guest star was this gross chick so they all go to school in their disguises fred goes as a background character from mob who's most wanted daphne is someone who wants attention and shaggy and scooby are in trash cans which didn't make me chuckle we didn't see the librarian catches velma but she quickly makes her think that she's a foreign exchange student i spent a semester studying the language at the university of moscow yeah yes oh i missed the russian sense of humor this disguise is so stupid it could work in the gym in a holograms movie [Music] what's this huh turns out that she was actually in that one i guess her agent has a thing for being shitty cartoon adaptations if that's the case fire him you're unable to get any information at the librarian so their next suspect is grimes because they still want us to think that he's the bad guy okay i think you guys get the point as they plan to go to his house at the top of a mountain how the hell is he able to afford that teachers get paid deadly dick and he's able to live in a nice house all the way up there did he have the almost exact plan as jindrick they say that none of them could drive but shaggy can because it turns out that he has his license i was uh i was born on a leap year and uh i'm very tall for my age it's uh because of a pituitary condition and uh shaggy oh like all right i got held back twice thank you for that detour to scooby's thought process seriously it was much needed they'll go to daphne's place to pick up a car gee i wonder which one they'll choose well no [ __ ] all it needs is a makeover right i was thinking uh maybe some blue and oh and some big orange flowers huh that'd be cool right yeah 300 000 miles that's a mystery this machine still runs they drive up the mountain where the signs are paying with that chiller font that anyone could get for free no really it's this one see as they arrive to his house and begin looking for clues time capsule remember they were going to bury it on the school's opening day but they never did that's right because of the coolsville flood exactly so that means that the time capsule is still inside the old school which is buried 200 feet under the new school [Music] we did it we solved the mystery yeah no the ghosts turn out to be there as well as to begin to chase our heroes out of the house where the specter is waiting for them he's praising with the same sleeping gas that the green goblin had as they wake up in the school with a giant hole made in the gym he tells him to find a time capsule and if they don't he'll kill scooby you'll never get away with his vice principal grimes grimes that was one piece of the puzzle you never managed to put into place wait you told me that it wasn't grimes oh this buoys totally keep me guessing just remember dogs don't have nine lives oh [ __ ] he knows that i'll be in that movie in the future i gotta get out of here they go down the hole to look for the time capsule but the set begins to fall on the actors are you okay never better was there really anyone trying to ship fred velma if so anyone with half a brain cell will know that it doesn't go anywhere anyway they don't seem to find the time capsule as they tricked the specter to come down they managed to trap him and plan to leave him in one of the rooms how in the hell is all that water in there this looks to be many years old and if there was a piper's this whole place should have been flooded it is it like big fat liar and this was a movie set and someone in the back just activated the water screw the time capsule they should be figuring out the mystery of this damn room they managed to find a book that has a spell to get rid of the ghost but they accidentally read the one that frees all the ghosts in the city to only later on read the right spell and put them back in their graves well then what the hell was the point of that other spell you could cut it out of the movie and it wouldn't change a damn thing do you think that changes anything i'm still the only one getting out of here if you're asking where i got this dynamite i pulled that out my ass with the fuse already left but then scooby is able to free himself as he proceeds to tie the specter up and now we will see who it really is no [ __ ] what could be in the time capsule that's so valuable a principal would want to close his own school only one way to find out [Music] it's just a bunch of old letters and papers and stuff not just letters letters with stamps and look at this one it's a misprint yes the eerie stamp the most valuable misprint in the entire world so raising ghosts from beyond the grave and causing damage to school property all that was for a freaking stamp hell even our heroes are baffled by it this doesn't make any sense i mean is it really that hard to get your lazy ass onto ebay and buy the stamp it would have been all mine if it weren't for you meddling kids and your dog he said it he said it there are cores congratulated by the town agreed to solve mysteries like this more often as we can montage the scenes that recreates moments from both the cartoon and the other live action movies which you would be better off watching rather than this because honestly would you even remember this origin sure the acting is okay and the effects for a tv movie are decent at some parts but aside from that the rest of the film is just generic and forgettable at least with the last two movies there were some scenes i found memorable and gave me a few chuckles none of that was in this one i mean for an average kids movie it's harmless at best but at its worst however yeah this is worth skipping by but we do got sequel to look at next time i mean who knows maybe they made some improvement with this one my name is shaggy i like to eat me miss scooby but he got puffy me and my homies solve mysteries through cartoons movies and tons of dvds as old school goes we've been kicking it since 1969 the trail leads back to you what's this what did
Channel: Nostalgia Kid
Views: 5,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nostalgia Kid, Scooby Doo, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Cartoon Network, Brian Levant, The Mystery Begins
Id: a1SIiJylfb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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