Jack and Jill - Nostalgia Critic

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[Music] [Music] [Music] critic critic okay hmm nostalgia critic who nostalgia critic is this your car out here that's the fact could you open the door please yeah yeah just the fact seriously critic get a hold of yourself think about it it's just Adam Sandler let's take a look at the first film in history to win a Razzie award in every category Jack and Jill this is a film so infamously despised that even the trailer got people deeming it the worst movie ever helped the mere idea got people saying it's the worst movie ever Adam Sandler has a twin sister who what a shock is loud love's farts and has no distinct character outside of an unfunny voice you've got an hour and a half of that baby the comic comparison is that it looks like one of the fake movies made up in Adam Sandler's dramatic comedy funny people mocking the cheap humor of his films but this isn't satire this is real life where dreams go to die it appears on a ton of horse films ever lists it's said to be Sandler's worse even by Adam Sandler movie standards and for some reason whoo we gotta take a look at it let's not waste any time as we have a whole film that's gonna do that this is Jack and Jill it opens with a collection of twins talking about what it's like to be twins on the set of a milk commercial a married couple you can't divorce her I just knew going in I'd be comparing this to when Harry Met Sally who just make these sounds it's like despite it being kind of grating why do I feel like this annoyance is still gonna be the best part of the movie cut to a baby farting so far my assumptions correct give them credit that even from the start they don't try to make the sister look like a girl they just dress up a pair of twin boys granted Sandy's amazing ability to create fleshed out characters through strangling cat noises doesn't go unappreciated should get to a voice slightly less annoying hold it got Jack are you watching this no I did say just slightly it looks like Sandler's on the set of a commercial or an unused Dana Carvey show sketch as he plays Jack an ad executive who oh my god an ad executive really really okay look at I know that doesn't sound like a big deal but here's the thing Sandler's films are infamously known for their product placements they're always trying to sneak in advertisements well not sneak as much as violently bludgeon you with man is you who is good by the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and some Gatorade so now they literally just make him an ad executive just cut through the [ __ ] he's gonna be surrounded by ads and after the opening credits how many points do we have we may lose Dunkin Donuts well Never Say Never it could only get worse by making it the focus of the story plan they want Al Pacino to do a commercial they got this new coffee drink the dunkaccino dunkaccino Al Pacino they sound alike oh yeah that's his mission throughout the entire film trying to get Al Pacino to advertise the dunkaccino remember you didn't think we'd give Brad Pitt to do that RadioShack commercial I could go for a diet coke right now oh my god is working on me and I didn't even know it's we're up to four product placements in the first four minutes that's a product placement per minute for the love of insert your ads you're just palace all right where were you come back to the product placements go back to the brownie placements so believe it or not that Sandler as the twin sister who flew in for Thanksgiving an American airline are you sure Adam Sandler himself isn't a product buy at this point now Jill is different from Sandler's wide range of characters who are loud high-pitched and evah Lisp because this one also has boobs oh wait he's done that before there is no difference between this and his other characters oh and she also has a talking bird which I guess could be funny but it literally just says one cat phrase even if you were gonna do that could it be something funny at least it says over and over like learn how to say stop boy you dumb bird I'm gonna lose my job if I don't teach you this product placement dumb bird not that the other two loud parakeets they are never funny are much better though those are both Adam Sandler sorry did they blend so we cut to San Luis Thanksgiving which comprises of a homeless man a girl in a pilgrim costume a boy who tapes things to himself and Katie Holmes why is Katie Holmes the strangest thing in that lineup and it looks like they all sit down to eat dinner [Music] yeah I love the old one you ever wonder what would happen if Linda from Bob's Burgers took on the identity of any of the Monty Python actors and drag you haven't you shouldn't but you are now thanks movie I'm allowed out here once a year though I tend to miss things Sophie just got her green belt in karate I didn't even know she did karate whether I'm in the twilight zone right now trust me Christ you're not alone I'm like Jimmy fill it at the end of that movie that one would have been positive okay we all know what this jokes gonna be they're gonna say a wonderful life and she's not gonna believe him next It's a Wonderful Life no no with Jimmy Stewart that one way he meets the angel It's a Wonderful Life why do you keep saying that oh my god we're not a little Nicki almost yep but sweet Jesus were tight-roping there Oh pagogo I can't stand you be here it's like a white Madea Thanksgiving except there's two Madea stop running that down Tyler Perry and now a great impression of everyone who saw this film this is really awkward I'm gonna go a little too calm and collected though she'll gets upset and runs outside leading to oh joy more screaming 15 minutes in and already I'm praying for nuclear annihilation I knew you didn't love me God it looks like the family hasn't turned her name Felipe it's about as funny as everything else plenty me groceries she'll stop I do a great impression of a tree let you compare son Jill says she wants to stay longer at the house and Jack begrudgingly agrees yeah this was supposed to be an American Girl doll plug but they remember they like having customers as if things weren't incestuously creepy enough that is actually what you wake up to in hell or at least it probably should be stop writing that down Satan no they go on The Price is Right because somebody is blackmail photos of somebody and Jill gets to spin the wheel good luck to you I don't even know how that was supposed to knock her out didn't look like there's anything in the wheel tune that karate you know it is quiet for a few seconds I'll count my blessings they partake in the trailer shot with six reminders to drink coke trust me I'll be seeing lots of coke after this film is over as chill cell phone goes off please stop talking well now you're just confusing the audience no Adam Sandler viewer would interpret this as rude to make Jill feel better after apparently jack was acting out of line according to his idiot idiots maybe she's lonely and she needs someone to get her through the holidays he sets her up for online dating and lies on her profile to get a lot more dates what you gonna wear I'll give the film a smart point on that one the date is of course cameo number 50 who is shocked to find who he's going out with I live in the Bronx you know Sandler I'm aware we both got or kind of anti humor thing going on but how are you anti humor oh he ends up hanging on the light in the bathroom for dozens of minutes to escape because just going out the door made too much sense as juveniles how bad her date went [Music] now give the film this it's great insect repellent why are you an idiot I mean we know why we just really want to hear you say it Jack feels bad about setting her up so he takes her to a basketball game that it just so happens Al Pacino is that what's going on with a beard I don't want people to know I'm in an Adam Sandler movie honestly if we're going by current movie roles Depp should be the one in the beard Jack tries talking to Al Pacino and of course Pacino falls in love with Jill compliments to mr. Pacino what it's a dead horse's head and hey if you think Depp's cameo doesn't age well check this one out just just chair it's fine I miss the old Jarrett he was around he'd be with me and not with the two hookers which by the way aren't they look older than what you're used to check out this strangeness when it's revealed that somebody there is an atheist you really make me mad you hear those bodies falling that's just another piece of comedy dying but Al Pacino finds out about their get together and follows Jill don't be startled it's only me you alone not so scary you and a jack-and-jill movie terrifying [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so Pacino takes Jill to his home and I know this is gonna sound insane but Al Pacino's love for her is awkwardly hilarious he's like weirdly into it it's time for my salvation I found one woman with a long rough you and John who lead me back to sanity even when he has her do something as stupid as play ball in his office leading to wall something breaking he's still pretty damn funny through it I'm sure are you thinking but oddly enough I don't and movies like this is why but hell with that we have Felipe's birthday party to go to can't overlook that my kids awesome is there Chinese festival going on too maybe we can break out the breakfast at tiffany's make up for Rob Schneider never show that woman again for the love of God you're gonna show her a lot [Music] [Applause] you know why don't you just show the robbers a joy constantly stealing all happiness from you when your self-love returns they will purge it with this film no no she got knocked out better feed her jalapenos because you know Mexicans you know that joke was so funny and such good commentary let's do it twice peppers are Mexicans life juice it's light because the people have wrote this joke are going to hell meanwhile Pacino breaks into Jack's house to find Jill and comes across her sweat stains on the bed Al Pacino said yes to this but again this is old al pacino young out but she'll probably done this to the movie so Pacino tells him they have Jack gets in Jill he'll do the Dunkin Donuts commercial I mean come on how can you not go for a person like this I think this is how every Sandler script is written line fart line fart line it's an elegant dance of [ __ ] Pacino takes a call literally in the middle of a play again surprisingly kind of funny if Jack can't seem to convince Jill to go on a date with Pacino so of course he dresses up like her on a cruise to meet up with him the bathroom attendant even straighten some out so to speak oh I guess but she no flies a helicopter overhead and picks him up and keeping with Pacino being the only semi entertaining thing in this we get our first legit laugh out loud joke I used to raise business really yeah no I'm sorry that was Brando oh [ __ ] that was a really good job too with such a good record going don't worry though it gets more awkward you know so empty why does this make me feel so bad sure enough Jill calls and finds out but he's pretending to be her breaking her poor little heart because I am so ready to have an emotional scene with this character I think I'd cry more with this guy but okay here's a classic setup we know exactly where this is gonna go but they can't possibly screw it up right know what's coming it's done wrong we know exactly what he's gonna do and that she's obviously gonna hit him so you gotta deliver it a little differently like here here's a different edit of the same scene that works better because it allows us to put the pieces together it doesn't have to be spelled out it respects our intelligence and I know it's ironically stupid thinking Jack and Jill will respect our intelligence but I'm sorry I have some hope for something jack realizes he betrayed his sister though and he gets back on the cruise ship yeah good Jill was right you are a weird home and I'm married to Tom Cruise speaking of weirdos David Spade is in this movie too let's see if they use him to his full potential yeah sounds about right but jack appears to tell Jill just how much she means to him and their secret language Margot dodo pokey oh go go to ID not neat punky you know it's only a matter of time before Sandler films got so bad at being sentimental that even his gibberish is trying to sound emotional but lady spade insults Jack's wife so Jill insults lady Spade and lady spade tackles Jack's wife and Al Pacino comes in as Don Quixote Bato oh this feels justified oh my god is that Colonel Sanders no that was earlier your purity befits a knight more worthy tonight go to him hey weights fine you know Pacino I was actually enjoying you're weird but then you went and made it weird it's a foul monster oh let's just go you don't care how the seen it they go to see Philippe who apparently shoveled all the fake snow off his house seriously it looks like shaving cream popcorn em Philippe confesses his love to Jill because now was the thing apparently a happy ending or so they tell us but hey I don't think we plug Dunkin Donuts enough what's my name Danka Gina it's a whole new game dark Cochino say hello to my chocolate blip so this is a mental breakdown first Gary is a thug the Chino is supposed to give his thoughts on the commercial at the end but you know what just show what he's really talking about burn this I'm sorry all copies destroy them I couldn't agree more Jack and Jill is Jack Shannon Jill Jett the only thing it has going for it is oddly enough Al Pacino's weird ass performance I hate to say it but his dedication steals the show and give me funny once in a while aside from that though it's pretty much as annoying grating and painfully obnoxious as you would expect if he can't figure out this is gonna be a stinking pile then maybe you deserve the awful film you got coming to you for me if it looks like a dump and smells like a dump it must be Jack and Jill I'm the Nostalgia Critic I remember where do you want us to put these release it after you bury every copy of this movie ever made but we can't do that every copy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 1,761,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, doug walker, movie, movies, film, jack and jill, jack and jill review, jack and jill movie, movie review, film review, adam sandler movies, adam sandler, bad movies, worst films ever, worst movies, razzies, worst razzie movie, katie holmes, al pacino, worst adam sandler movie
Id: djIIs2dkaX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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