Why will non Muslims go to hell if Allah made them non Muslims? - Q&A - Yusha Evans

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Ah yes, explains the rich oral history of our ancestors.

Edit: also why does Allah need anything to be written? Does he need a reminder? I don't understand the purpose of this pen or the purpose of what it's writing. Could Allah not know what was gonna happen without this pen?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/truereligionapostate 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2015 🗫︎ replies


Jesus Christ, what is wrong with these people.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2015 🗫︎ replies
you spoke about non-muslims choosing to go to the fire of hell is it not true that god knows about everything from beforehand and why can they be blamed for choosing isn't it allah who chose for them that they will burn in the fire of hell and how can that be justice beautiful question beautiful question we've had some actually some very good questions today um did everyone hear the question understand it raise your hand if you didn't hear the question or understand it okay so i will repeat it the question was i said that human beings can willingly choose to go to hellfire by disobeying god and doing these things but doesn't allah the creator already know who will and will not go to heaven or hell and hasn't that already been ordained therefore how is it that we're making that choice when that choice has already been made for us it's a very good question and it's an issue that within the religion of islam many deviated groups have broken off the mainstream islam based upon this issue of predestination predestination or uh predestination now let me explain something to all of you and this is something that many muslims miscomprehend and i'm not going to get too deep in it because i will confuse you and probably me and everybody else you have sheikh haitham here and uh other uh resident uh scholars who are going to come on here that will answer these questions for you uh beautifully but i will sum it up for you in a way that you might be able to take it home you see we as human beings don't really concept or comprehend some things about god because of our limitation of our minds and our faculties we look at the world through the prism of our eyes correct this is how we see the world through the faculty of our senses our eyes our ears we need them correct do we not need our eyes to see can you see without your eyes yes or no it's a question this is the actual real question it's not rhetorical can you see if i take your eyes out of your head no if i break your eardrums can you hear if i cut off your hands can you touch no you see we don't look at god like this we look at allah is that he sees without the need of eyes he's not in need of anything he hears without the faculty of needing something to hear he looks at everything in a way that we can't comprehend he sees the past the present and the future all very easily for us we have to see the world through the prism of time can you watch a movie and see the beginning and the end at the same time has anyone had the capacity to watch a movie and see the beginning and the end at the same time and all this in the middle at the same time can you do it no you have to watch it from beginning to end as it progresses god does not see the world like this he doesn't see his creation like this he sees all of it comprehensively and he has the most intimate knowledge about things and i will tell you about these things so you will understand this question the creator knows everything that has happened everything that has ever happened at any place within existence he knows it perfectly and knows everything about it since the thing of time was created since time itself was incepted he also knows everything that is presently happening everywhere perfectly within his existence and creation everything he knows it perfectly intimately even what you're thinking right now even what you're feeling he knows it number three he knows everything that will happen at every time every place until there is no such thing called time any more that means forever and ever and ever infinite he knows all of it and then also he knows something else which makes his knowledge something we are unable to comprehend he also knows what will not happen but if it were to happen he knows how it would happen correct he knows what will not happen meaning if you were given three choices in life to do a b or c not only does allah know which one you will choose but he also knows which ones you will not choose but if you chose them how everything would be different that's what's called ultimate knowledge that we as human beings can't comprehend therefore yes allah has already written in his book whether i will go to heaven or hell he wrote that in his book before anything existed that i will be a muslim and i will go to heaven or hell that's it i know that it's a part of my religion but he did not make that choice for me he already knew what i was going to do he knew every choice that i would be given in life and how i would make that choice and how that choice would determine my life and how i ended it that's ultimate knowledge ultimate knowledge it doesn't take away my free will it's just the fact that a lot already knew everything that i would be doing and i want to remind all of you of something right now i want you to leave this place today with your head a little bit higher than it was because islam gave us something called dignity and honor and it was given to you long ago how many of you in this room have heard of the first thing that was ever created and that's how i'm going to finish because we have seven minutes i want to finish like this because that was a beautiful question to be asked because it's all about what this is about how many of you in this room know the first thing that was ever created raise your hands sister i'm gonna get a sister to answer yes sister yes yes what's the first thing that was ever created ever a pen beautiful the first thing ever created was a pen that's just beyond our understanding and that pin was commanded only to do one thing what was it commanded to do brothers anybody first it was only given one word right that's it it was told right and what did that pen say right what what do you want me to write allah created a pen they can talk yes many things of beyond our understanding can be created the pin said what should i write allah said write everything that will ever happen from this point on write it all and then the prophet muhammad peace be upon him said something when he made his ascension into the heavens he said what when he came back he said the pen has been lifted and the ink is dry in that book that was writing from the beginning of time he said the pen has been lifted and the ink is dry meaning it's what is commanded to be done will be done i want all of you to think about something today muslims in this room and non-muslims i want you to think about this for them and and the first time i ever thought about this it really overwhelmed me and it overwhelms me every single time i think about it somewhere in that book and now i'm going to tell you something about me somewhere in that book allah commanded that pen to write yusha joshua evans will become a muslim somewhere in that book the creator of all that exists saw something in within the creation of me that he valued to the point where he decided that i would be guided to the right path just thinking about that really overwhelms me because that was before anything ever existed called human beings or any of these worlds existed allah wrote in that book you would be a muslim or he wrote in that book that you would come here today and hear these words that means he valued you enough the creator favored you enough to place you either as a muslim or in this gathering what are you doing with your life to repay him what are you doing with your life to repay him that's something i didn't ask for and i didn't do anything to deserve because i had not been created yet but for some reason the creator said you will be a muslim i can't do anything to give that back i can't repay that if you gave me a hundred lifetimes upon guidance i would not even come close to scratching the surface of being able to repay that debt to my creator so what do i do i try every day to do as much as i can i try today to do as much as i can tomorrow to do as much as i can but it'll never be enough and this also gets to your question as well it will never be enough when i stand in front of my creator on the day of judgement i will have nothing even if i never committed one sin in my life i wouldn't have anything that i could show to my creator and say here you go i deserve paradise you tell me what i've done that's valuable enough for eternal paradise nothing nothing and the prophet muhammad peace be upon him said this himself he said let none of you think that by doing good you're going to go to paradise don't let your good make you arrogant in thinking that you deserve anything from allah because if you tried to repay allah for your eyesight you couldn't if you tried to repay him for your heir that you breathe you couldn't if you tried to repay him for the heart he gave you you couldn't what are you going to do to repay that what about the guidance that he gave you to the right path or the ability to be here in this conference today what are you going to repay him with you can't you just try to the best of your ability and the companions even ask the prophet peace be upon him and that's how i finish they said not even you o messenger of allah not even you even your good is not going to take you to paradise it's not even me not even my good will take me to paradise unless what anybody know how this ends unless god the creator allah is merciful to me why what if he committed no sin mercy of the creator is just the fact that i can breathe the mercy of the creator is the fact that my heart beats that my eyes see that my brain works that i'm alive today is the mercy of the creator so unless he has true mercy upon us and forgives us for what we cannot do to make up what he has given us none of us will ever make it think about that today that that name your name was in that book for a reason try to do everything you can to repay your creator for it because if not you're a loser a loser you're a loser in this life i don't care how much money you make you're a loser if you miss this point i don't care how much of a big home you have fancy cars beautiful wife beautiful children if you miss this you're a loser and this was very clearly stated by the first two human beings that ever existed they said our lord we have wronged our own souls every day we wrong our own soul every day we commit sin they said our lord we have wronged our own soul if you don't forgive us and have mercy on us then indeed we will be a loser this is the reality of life this is the reality this is the point this is the whole purpose allah created you to show who he was and i want to give you a little small snippet since i got eight minutes you have another questions okay i will end then with my last statement to make it all fit together in a nice little package this do this is shark
Channel: Islam Net
Views: 637,010
Rating: 4.7112403 out of 5
Keywords: Muhammad (Military Commander), Religion (TV Genre), islam, muslim, Allah, koran, quran, Muhammed, Muhammad, peace conference, Scandinavia (Location), oslo, norway, Prophet, Sheikh, islam net, islamnet, pcs, power, 2013, 2015, dawah, invite, invitation, da'wah, yusha evans, God (Deity), does god exist, proof, hell, punish
Id: 3xxbVOgDVbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2015
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