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have you ever done a science experiment wondered what it'd be like if you did it big I have [Music] my name is Phil and I take your everyday science experiments and do them big this is science facts experiments that are it's time to get stuck on magnets what's our attraction to magnets what's their attraction to each other and can I use magnets to levitate and float in the air all on this episode of science facts experiments at large [Music] creating science facts of life so welcome to science max experiments at large my name is Phil and today we're going to be looking at the power gone mad magnets you see magnets are fun things to experiment with because they are really okay they're really interesting this magnet that I've got here is a neodymium magnet or a rare earth magnet it's one it's one of the one of the strongest magnets you can get a magnet is an object that is attracted to anything that is ferromagnetic which is iron nickel or cobalt and mag magnets are interesting because they have two sides there are two there are two poles I'd show you but I can't [Applause] haha there are two there are two poles to every magnet just like the earth there is a North Pole and a South Pole that's right the earth is a giant magnet so if you take kitchen magnets you'll find that there's two different poles I've written north and south on these ones they don't normally come like that if you put the north in the south together they stick but if you put the north north or south and south together they repel they repel see they don't want to go together at all and you can force them together if you want but if you do they will spring away the second you let them go haha but when magnets repel each other I find that some of the most interesting stuff check this out this is just a small container and I've got a magnet in here and I have a loonie attached to it so that it fits nicely in the container like that for the top I've attached two magnets together and have another coin on it and if you put them in there I've made sure that the two poles repel each other which means this magnet will just sit there and float magnetic levitation very interesting and you can pop the top on that if you want and just carry around a levitating magnet now there's a couple fancier ways you can levitate stuff with magnets this is just a wooden frame I've made this is completely not necessary you can use just about anything in your house a desk lamp works really well the important part is I've tied a magnet to the end of this arm here and this is a bolt which is attracted to the magnet but it's got a thread tied to it so it can't get there just far enough that it will actually hang in midair look at that it's not attached to anything it's just being pulled up by the attraction from the magnet the thing is as soon as you pull the bolt away far enough it will lose the and it'll just fall very cool here's one that's a little bit more complicated but is also really neat this one uses disc magnets which have a circle for a hole in the middle of the mirror and you put two around a pencil and then four more in such a position that you can put the pencil against this wood on the side and it will just levitate on its own you can even give it a spin look at that and if you want to make a levitating pencil yourself there are step-by-step instructions on how to build an easy peazy version on our website meantime we're gonna max this out magnetic levitation on science max experiments at large but you're probably thinking what are we going to levitate well we're going to levitate me at least that's the plan that's why I'm going to the Center for skills development and training what oh what's that what why is it so small and only only going down to waist level this is the weirdest room I've ever been in hey Matt hi Phil this is Matt he's from job master magnets now you guys use lots of big magnets right that's right we do awesome so maybe you could help me max out this wow you did a great job of building the levitating pencil experiment yeah so what's going on here exactly well all magnets have at least in north and a South Pole right and when you put light poles together they want to repel okay so have you ever levitated a person not yet well let's do it all right do you think we can use these we could try okay well put that one on the ground and okay so north and I'll put the north one foot here and then if I just step in a minute stop moving I step on it step on there okay well first of all there this magnet keeps sort of moving away from me when I try to push down on it what do we do how do we fix this well we need to keep the magnets of position so that they don't move around when you try to put it together yeah cuz I have to come straight down on it that's right so why don't we attach this one to the floor good idea and then we'll put a board on this one we'll see how it goes perfect okay let's do it all right [Music] this is a magnet this is a magnet this is a shoe what's the difference to know that you have to know your magnets this is a donor it does not stick to this magnet these paperclips stick to this magnet that shoe does not so what is attracted to magnets only things that are ferromagnetic here's a difference horseshoe horseshoe magnet this one is a magnet this one is not what the horseshoe sticks to the horseshoe magnet because this one's a magnet and this one is ferromagnetic only things that are ferromagnetic are attracted to magnets things that are not attracted to magnets they're not ferromagnetic plastic banana sandwich magazine no but how do you know do you go around the world sticking a magnet that every single thing one at a time hey ma I need you to come over I need to see if you're ferromagnetic no ferromagnetic no you don't need to do that first of all only metals are ferromagnetic so that eliminates all your clothing your luncheon meats your magazines what have you everything that's not metal you don't need to worry about nevermind much doesn't matter but this clock is metal it doesn't stick well not all metals are ferromagnetic mainly just the ones with iron nickel or cobalt now you know your magnets I hate the phone on the magnet there okay ah can you hear me ma hang up the phone hang up hang up the phone ma my first attempt at levitating had the magnets sliding all over so the plan is to take the bottom magnet and attach it to a big wooden board so it won't go anywhere then attach another plank to the top magnet to make it a little easier to stand on okay is definitely attached to the floor thank you all right now if I just get this lined up oh look at that you could totally Oh totally it doesn't want to stay put hey let me take my lemon tape why does it want to stay and it just doesn't hmm should I stand on it okay I'll stand on it here we go ah-hah am i levitating no no hmm so why isn't this working well just like your pencil experiment we need a shaft through the center to hold the magnet in position oh yeah maybe we could use like a ring magnet yes that's like we used with the pencil right and and we're gonna need stronger magnets we're gonna need stronger magnets or the ring magnets strung yes they can be awesome all right let's do it all right now it's time for a science max quiz which one of these things do we have magnetism to thank for birds flying south in the winter music Oh sandwich if you picked a you're right some birds migrate in the spring and fall using the Earth's magnetic field many animals can sense the Earth's magnetic field and use it to navigate migrating birds fly hundreds or thousands of kilometres north or south when they migrate in the spring and fall a compass works the same way by using magnetism to point to the Earth's magnetic north pole but if you pick B music you're right here's some music the way you're hearing this music is because the musicians recorded their instruments using microphones which use magnets and then the signal was translated by a computer and stored on its hard drive which uses magnets then it was broadcast the RTVE and comes out your speakers which use you guessed it magnets and for those of you who said you have magnetism to thank for your sandwich haha well you're right you'd probably go to the kitchen to make that sandwich right well I'm guessing you got all of the tasty ingredients from your refrigerator well it works on electricity which is produced by magnets and then there's an electric motor in the fridge that circulates the air and keeps it cool and guess what magnets and finally the door on your fridge stays closed because the door has magnets so there you go you can take magnetism for birds flying south music and your sandwich it just goes to show when you're talking about magnets everybody wins because magnets are everywhere this has been a science max quiz [Music] here's an experiment you can do with a bag of water take a sharpened pencil and carefully push it through the bag if you do it carefully it won't spill the reason this works is because the bag is made of polymers long stretchy chains of molecules and also because the pressure of the water against the pencil prevents any water from spilling out now we're gonna max it out this is a very large bag of water and here I have some very large pencils you ready that's what that's - here we go should I go from the bottom [Music] science okay okay okay I know what you want like I was saying science turns out trying to balance two repelling magnets on top of each other is pretty much impossible here's why this is a magnet and here is the magnetic field it's often drawn with lines like this but actually the magnetic field radiates out in all directions really think of the magnetic field kind of like a ball when you try to balance another magnet on top of the first magnet it's about as hard as balancing one ball on top of another ball so here's the plan just like the levitating pencil we're going to use ring magnets because we can put a shaft through the center of one ring then drop another ring magnet on the shaft it will keep them perfectly aligned then it's just a matter of putting the bottom magnet on a board to keep it stable and using another board so I can stand on it and tada magnetic levitation or at least that's the plan okay boarding magnets magnets whoo awesome and now I'm gonna put the platform on nice yeah I got some weights here let's see how this works yeah this is gonna work amazing all right think I should try it give it a try okay here we go yeah but I'm doing it I'm levitating what just a little bit oh really yeah so hmm yeah what do we do we need more power more power I like that idea how do we give it more power more shafts more magnets okay sure well why don't we do when we do one two three four shafts and then we'll have magnets on all the shafts great idea all right let's do it [Music] if you attach something ferromagnetic like this washer to a magnet not only does it stick but the magnetic field travels down the metal making it a magnet too which means you can stick more and more things to each other and they will continue to stick until you run out of magnetic field you can do this yourself at home with anything ferromagnetic paperclips work pretty well or washers like a hammer screws or bolts and they'll continue to stick to each other as long as the magnetic field is strong enough you can see it's getting pretty weak here and they'll all stay magnetized as long as the first one is still attached to the magnet but if you want to go even further all you need to do is keep adding more magnets to reinforce the magnetic field I've got a few here this get the chain started like that and then I've got a magnet attached to this washer so it will keep the magnetic field strong and I continue to add on one magnet one washer and we'll just see how far I can go [Music] you can even sculpt it a little bit look at that and then at the end a whole bunch of paper clips eventually the weight will make it fall off but it's a lot of fun to play with magnets and make art speaking of art you can make with magnets you can also make sculptures when everything sticks to everything else you can make some pretty fancy designs this is a rare earth magnet a very strong one and a bunch of nuts that I've gotten and this one here is an electromagnet but electromagnets are a little different because they need an electric current to work check this out this is sort of a magnet dude with crazy hair there's an earth magnet here and this is a giant screw and these are some metal bits and then I've got two more magnets at the top here to hold on his crazy wire hair he's got crazy wire hair because he's crazy magnitude now of course we couldn't just talk about magnetic sculptures without maxing it out so let's max it out this is a bunch of scrap metal from leftover experiments and I've got a bunch of rare-earth magnets and now I'm gonna max out a magnet sculpture [Music] [Music] there you go a maxed-out magnet me I made this guy out of metal pipes with earth magnets in between and these are his arms attached of course with magnets his hand to his little metal pieces attached with magnet steel wool for the hair and of course hat non-magnetic all right here we go ready [Music] wanna see a magic trick simple copper tube drop things through it nothing unusual happens but watch when I drop a magnet through what it's not magic its science because the magnet creates a magnetic field when it goes through the tube the magnetic field repels the magnet upwards now the field isn't perfect so the magnet doesn't come to a stop but still it slows down from a fall to a nice graceful drop take a look from above pretty amazing right magnets not magic science so it managed to levitate on some magnets but just barely what Matt and I needed was more power so instead of having one shaft and one pair of ring magnets we're going to lose a larger board and put a shaft on each corner then we'll have four times the power because we're using four times the magnets hopefully this will be strong enough to get me floating on a cushion of magnetic energy and magnets magnets okay here we go hahaha it's good work great and top board mm-hmm what do you think looks great yeah okay here we go mad you're entertaining right it feels cool it's sort of like it sort of feels like surfing a little bit all right thank you so much Matt that was amazing and there you have it science max experiments at large magnetic levitation you know I'm surprised we could do an entire episode on magnets and we never actually got them so close to the camera that the camera went all weird because cameron's of magnets they don't hold deal oh no that's okay I can I can what I can fix this if I just maybe you know maybe if I put the magnet to the camera again that way oh oh okay that's not that didn't help okay well thanks very much for watching science max experiments at large and we'll see you soon as you get a new camera have you ever done a science experiment wondered what did it'd be like if you did it big I have [Music] my name is Phil and I take your everyday science experiments and do them big this is science facts experiments as our [Music] today's episode is about friction how can I hang on to this rope without poly can we reduce it so we can slide around can we increase it so I can climb a wall can I use it to fly yep today on science max experiments at large hey science maximized so slippery but that's okay because today we're talking about friction friction is a force that is everywhere and happens when any one thing rubs against any other thing we need lots of things to increase friction like like wear shoes with with treads on them and we can do things to reduce friction like the experiment we're doing today we're gonna build a hover disc and it's very easy you take some cardboard and cut it into a circle just like this then put a hole in the middle of the circle you might want an adult to help you with that and then take a plastic drink bottle cap like this I like the ones that we use the ones that you get on sport bottles because they have a little nozzle that pops open or closed and then you glue it around the circle and you get this then you need a balloon so you blow up your balloon I know you know that step and then twist the balloon so it doesn't get away from when it's nice to twist it you can stick it over the drink bottle cap like this and then untwist it and this is why I like to use the plastic drink bottle caps that come from sport bottles because you can open it when you want and when you do your disc rides on a cushion of air reducing the friction with the table and it's almost like a sliding on ice you can also use CDs if you want to do a different design just make sure you're using CDs you never want to listen to again now if any of this is too fast don't worry you can always go for the science max website where we have all of the instructions and now it's time to max it out we're gonna see if we can make a human-sized writable low friction hover disc I'm going to the Ontario Science Centre where hopefully I have an expert that they can help me dorkness stuck I think there's a little bit too much is the Science Center hi you're here to see the hardest yes please alright come on right this leg so I made one in the lab that works pretty great it's on cardboard and it has a balloon the one you have here works on the same principle yeah it does but you know what my friend Russell has some ideas about making something like this but even bigger do you think we can make one big enough to ride maybe yeah alright well let's take a look at the one you have here oh I see right this one works the same as the one I made it's really hard to move the disc but if you add some air it looks like an Orion there we go great so let's ride it not this one the one upstairs you can write that one oh okay should we bring this one what if we need it for running I'm sure it is pretty heavy are you sure you change your hair yeah it's nice it's like doing this now but you should be used to but now it's yeah I like it you shouldn't be the name of your guy cuz I wanted to hey oh hey how are you you ever think to yourself no matter what I do I can't seem to get anywhere I can't I can't get enough traction well you my friend need some more friction which one of these two shoes has more friction hmm take a closer look huh right BAM this one this one doesn't have a lot of treads it doesn't have a lot of friction but this one it's got metal spikes on the bottom this is called a cleat and the spikes are for helping you grip on to the crest when you're playing soccer or golf increasing its freshing why do you think skis are smooth on the bottom come on look at that it's so smooth and in glide you my hand just I can barely even touch the surface it just slides right off it's sort of quiet and smooth that's smooth to help you glide across the slope reducing their friction why doesn't this box slide down this ramp friction this roller skate has wheels wheels reduce friction that when I push the roll escape how come it doesn't just keep rolling forever and ever ever and ever then going all the way around the world and writing a memoir say it with me braking louder friction can't hear you friction little tool out friction ease it back friction how can I hang on to this rope without falling friction how can I look laughs how can I jump down on the floor without falling over friction and yeah you know your britches your friction yep you're reaching command Oh Ramona the friction sign is broken reset Oh the plan is to take our small hover disk and make one big enough to ride so I'm off with Helena to another part of the Science Center to meet Russell who has some ideas on how we can do it Russell hey hey Bill how you doing Russell is doing film so this is the hover disc this is how small hub of this yes how does it work well um I'll tell you sit on here right here we'll go into here it gets vented through these separate holes here so we get an airflow over the entire area hopefully this will work too to pick something up all we need is oh well that's easy because the small one worked like this so I'll just we just put the balloon on right I hope you okay so you put the balloon on hold on hold on larger plan sorry sorry that's okay okay it's not it doesn't good way to be adjusted you feel like there's there's a it still feels pretty appreciate I think we might need something more than a balloon so what do we do well I think we need more consistent air coming through here yeah so not a balloon lots of blooms something opposite to a vacuum cleaner opposite to a vacuum cleaner that would be a leaf blower so why do we make a couple larger disks well we'll hook some leaf blowers to them and we'll see what happens definite give it a go okay great Carbon is an atom and is the basic building block of all life as we know it you mean all plants all animals are carbon-based life forms other things are made of carbon - diamonds are carbon coal is carbon even pencil lead isn't lead it's graphite which is carbon if you were to take all the carbon atoms in your body you could fill nine thousand pencils of course kind of prefer my carbon where it is our low-friction Hubbard is still had way too much friction one of the problems that Russell mentioned is that the balloon just wasn't giving enough air but then Helena had the idea of using a leaf blower instead the plan now is to make a leaf blower power disc by starting with a big circle of wood cutting a hole in the ward where the air will come through and then covering the bottom with a tarp that has many holes cut out of it for the air to escape because leaf blowers are made to push lots of air hopefully they'll be enough for me to ride it well this is the business this is good right oh yeah let's go Shoob you know high volume of air through that so yeah I think it's a dryer vent that we I just found it in the lab and then this of course is leaf blower so I get on here and then Helen if you want to turn it on yeah so once we fire it up the air coming up from the bottom of the disk raises me up and I blow on a cushion of air because the friction between the disk and the floor is so low I end up floating wherever Helena and Russell push me [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow that worked amazing not too much control though I have no control whatsoever but this is great so that so we have the no friction' is down pat I feel we need some way to actually move well something to push you along yeah I was thinking as you're going like leeteuk a broom or something a broom okay yeah what if we do what if we do like something low friction like a broom and something high friction like that that we could really sort of stick on the ground yeah yes I mean then we could build we could build two of them and we would have two disks and two ways of moving them are we gonna race and we could race here is an experiment you can do at home with friction this is a toy boat yes you guessed that right and this is a wooden plank correct that's two for two I put the boat on the ramp and watch what happens nothing the reason why is because the friction between the boat and the ramp is enough to counteract the force of gravity trying to pull it down but watch what happens if I raise the ramp to the right height the boat slides down because the friction isn't enough and gravity pulls it down but when we change surfaces to this carpet let's see what happens same angle I can raise it higher higher higher because there's more friction between the carpet and the boat than there was between the wood and the boat now if you're thinking that we're just gonna do it with a small ramp you're wrong because of course we're gonna max it out hey this is amazing thanks I made it myself Wow ready of climbing absolutely here we go so that was very easy well it's probably cuz the friction from your shoes is high enough so you don't flip right and the friction from my clothes is much lower which is why I could fly Yeah right so how do we make it more difficult we'd probably have to make it higher all right let's make it higher with the ramp at a steeper angle I'll need more friction to climb up all right ready I'm totally ready here I go you try okay hold major we go oh so clearly we are not getting enough friction between our shoes and the ramp at this angle you should add some carpet because carpet would add some more friction between our shoes in the ramp all right let's add carpet sorry here's your drill Thanks yeah same angle yes and why have we done this more friction more friction let's give it a try hey way to go totally able to climb the ramp so what do we do now to make it harder make it higher make it higher wow it's really steep I don't think you're gonna make it sure if I take a really good run at it I think I can do it books alumel there's one way to find out [Music] No okay so I can't do it is that it well how bout velcro Wow right it'll give you more friction so you can you try climbing with this will give you velcro kneepads velcro shoes Velcro velcro hand hold velcro knee pad velcro on my shoes helmet for safety bro-bro dance ok ready ready here we go creating friction between me and this ramp means I can stay up here for as long as they no no no go no no [Music] okay your turn hmm our hover just worked well so well that we decided to build another if we have to hover disks then we can race them using different kinds of friction to push them along something that has low friction like a dust mop and something that has higher friction like a pole with rubber balls at the end brother has great friction that's why we make car towers and the trucks in our shoes out of rubber ok we have a giant racecourse that we've set up we've got two low friction hover discs and I'm gonna use the low friction dust mop version to propel my hover disc and Helena what do you have I have the high friction rubber ball stick start your engines and we're off remember Helena and I are using very different methods to get our hover distmoved I'm using a low friction dust mop and Helena is using high friction rubber balls as you can see my low friction dust mop doesn't make enough friction with the ground for me to push myself Helena on the other hand is having no problems [Music] [Music] we have a winner yes a few slightly way back over there I still suck at the second turn way to go Helen oh nice so what was the strategy what how did it work well pretty much was using those red balls I was getting friction helping me steer you know what I think we need a little bit more thrust that would work even better if we had something pushing us even harder definitely uh wait I have an idea wait oh I need your I need your help come over I'm an I fly Toronto indoor skydiving to talk to you about friction that's Mike he's gonna help me out okay here we go unfortunately we can't hear what Phil is saying because there's too much wind it looks like it looks like he is trying to tell us something about the friction hi yes he's saying the friction from the air rushing up in the chamber is enough to counteract the force of gravity which is why he is able to float or swim or whatever he's doing now it looks like he might be saying even something like air can have a lot of friction if it's going fast enough and the air in this chamber is going fast which is why we can't hear a word he's saying oh well he seems to be having fun [Music] so how important is friction well let's say I'm out for a drive car tires need friction to grip onto the rope without it my car wouldn't be able to turn at all but that's nothing without friction the bulk holding the wheels on the car wouldn't work in fact none of the bolts screws or glue on the car would work and nothing would stop moving or stick to anything else even the trees would blow away with a slave's free friction is everywhere and without it nothing would work ok hover discs race round two this time we've decided to have a little bit more thrust so Helena and I are going to be using fire extinguishers now do not use fire extinguishers at home fire extinguishers have a very important purpose and it's not for this but we got these ones special are you ready Helena oh yeah oh yeah okay here we go Russell so Racism start your engines [Music] [Music] using fire extinguishers gives us a lot of thrust but because the Discworld riding on don't have any friction wherever we point ourselves we just keep going in that direction which makes steering very difficult cars grip onto the road and can go around corners thanks to the friction of their wheels when you have no friction it's kind of like moving on an ice rink [Music] haha I ran out of I ran out of fire extinguisher at the end there but I so I had to cheat a little bit so one for you one for me and all of them for friction Oh the lack of friction or the lack of friction science max experiments at large what do we do next the larger fire extinguisher suffix No okay see you next time I I know where we can get some actually we can go if we go to the fire extinguisher store where we got these fire extinguishers science max is a show or we take small experiments and do them big if you want to try these experiments yourself go to our website for instructions but not all the experiments on science max are the kind you should try at home this one yes this no try this don't try this a big yes a big no I I don't know how you could possibly do this one at home and remember if you're ever not sure ask an adult thanks for watching sighs max experiments at large carbon is an atom that is B basically but no no what you see myself in the head with the friction sign that's more of an impact not friction really how can you destroy my life anymore huh [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: Science Max
Views: 2,917,516
Rating: 4.66469 out of 5
Keywords: Science, science for kids, experiments, science experiments, science max, rocket car, balloon powered car, lab phil, big balloon, bowling balls, boats, guinea pigs, science max experiment, kids tv shows, brainiac, science tv, kids science, science max catapult, science max season 1
Id: 80XeNdr15oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 31sec (2611 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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