Science Max | EGG DROP | School Experiments for Kids

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this is an egg eggs do not like to be dropped Oh fortunately we can use the power of science to design something that'll keep the eggs safe as it falls behold my egg drop contraptions the thing I really like about this experiment is there's no wrong way to do this you can come up with any design you want and see if it works this one here is a bunch of helium balloons this structure is just to keep the helium balloons on so the egg can touch down very gently here it goes and the egg is unharmed miraculously sound that one worked really well success this is a giant helium balloon that I think will work pretty much the same way because I think this balloon will drop just slowly enough that the egg can actually just touch and nothing will happen so that didn't work and then there's this one which has no slowing at all it's all designed to just absorb the impact and the idea is that the cone will crumple and absorb the force when it hits the bottom Oh No I think it would have worked if it hadn't turned down the air but it did and well I guess the egg is completely broken so I call that one a fail this one is the parachute you see the egg has been nestled into this foam container and this is a parachute that will hopefully slow the egg down that one seemed to work well yep the egg is totally fine the parachute worked all right egg drop experiment totally fun experiment to do but the question is how do we max it out and the answer is pumpkin drop haha same thing except with a pumpkin instead of an egg come on okay alright pumpkin drop with everything attached all at once okay here we go ready one two three [Music] so what we've learned from this is the heavier something is the more force is acting on it from gravity which means the harder it is to slow down when it's falling okay fair enough you win this one gravity but I'll beat you next time I'm I'm gonna get a broom [Music] breeding science maximize my name is Phil and welcome to science max experiments at large at this very moment half the lab is being held together with the power of electromagnets a magnet one turning off electromagnets are a really cool and powerful way to interact with the world and when I say power that's because you need power to make them work or not work magnetism is an invisible force that has to do with the magnetic fields created by magnets that lets them attract things that are metal or each other but electromagnetism is a little different you see magnets are magnets all the time it's because of what they're made out of electromagnets are only a magnet when you have an electric current going through them which means you can turn them on or off today we're gonna be building an electromagnet oh that was that was the wrong switch anyway like I was saying today we're gonna be building an electromagnet you need a bunch of copper wire a very large nail or something metal to become your electromagnet electrical tape a battery and on-off switch wire strippers or a craft knife and the help of an adult and finally something to magnetize like these paper clips and remember all of the steps for this experiment are on the website to begin take the copper wire and start at the top of the nail leave a little bit of wire sticking out then carefully start to wrap the wire around the nail don't go all the way to the end because you need some metal to turn into the magnet instead when you want to start again run the wires straight back to the top and start wrapping again in the same direction and keep wrapping and wrapping until you get to this now I've used some electrical tape here here and here to hold it all together using your wire strippers or a craft knife and the help of an adult remove the plastic coating from the ends of the wires attach these wires to the wires from the on/off switch with electrical tape or attach them directly to a battery if you don't have an on/off switch and today you have an electromagnet with your on/off switch all you need to do is take the things you're going to magnetize turn your electromagnet on and suddenly it becomes a magnet pretty amazing ha ha ha and then you can magnetize to your heart's content but when you're done don't forget you want to turn it off here's a fun chain reaction you can do with popsicle sticks or craft sticks cuz these ones are a little bit wider than popsicle sticks it is because these kind of sticks are slightly bendy and when you bend them and put them together in a pattern in a certain way you can keep them under tension and then they want to sing back and then they'll fly so here's how you make the pattern ready you take a popsicle stick or a craft stick and you put it down on the table I know ok it's a slow start and we take another one and put it across now comes the secret the secret is over and then under you want to put it over one and then under another like that and then this one over under put it over the one that looks like it's the top stick and under the stick that looks like it's the bottom stick and then it starts to hold tension it starts to hold the potential energy continue this pattern each stick goes over and under the two sticks at the end now here's the trick soon as this one lets go then that one will let go then that one then that one then when and that's how you get the chain reaction they all start flying up so you have to build it with never letting go of that last stick you got to always remember to keep a hand on it or else you'll have to start again ok so you're ready you want to see me let it go here we go I know that isn't so great because it's better if it's a longer chain so fortunately I have a longer chain I've got a binder clip on this end keeping the craft sticks together ready three two one [Music] Wow a release of kinetic energy from the potential energy of winding all the craft sticks together fun and you can totally do it at home now let's max it up we hold almost 800 craft sticks in a long nicely designed a triangle ready 2 1 across the chain reaction I'm gonna go get something to clean this all up with [Music] so I've joined Chris from logics Academy and we are maxing out our stop rocket to do that we're gonna use larger pipe more airflow bigger launch the theory is that moving a larger volume of air through wider pipes will make our rocket work even better so we get to work this version is built exactly the same we cut and attach the pipes a long piece an elbow and a short piece then secure them all down we attach the plastic water bottle and tape it so is airtight and then the only thing to do is make a new rocket that fits over the larger pipe ready to try it I'm ready to try it all right let's do it let's go one two three in the end though it worked it wasn't much better than the smaller rocket I think we could still do better right oh yeah this is science max not science medium right okay let's go back to science packs headquarters vacuum-sealing that's what you call it when you take all of the air out of something often a bag to seal in the freshness of food I will demonstrate using this science max banana 100% banana but with added science not all bananas contain science here's how you can do it at home put your food in a bag seal it most of the way because we have to take out the air from the bag and we will do that with a straw put a straw inside the bag and then suck the air out of the bag and then seal it at the very last [Music] there are a vacuum-sealed banana now I know it's kind of hard to see that it's been vacuum sealed because bananas don't really crush much when you take the air out so I like to use stuff that has a lot of air in it to begin with in fact there are special bags that are specifically for vacuum sealing that are supposed to store big and bulky items that have a lot of air in them like this pillow see this nozzle right here it's designed to be used with a vacuum so what you do is you put the vacuum on this nozzle open it up and then you turn the vacuum on Oh the vacuum is sucking all the air out of the bag just like we did with the banana but because the pillow is full of air as well it starts to shrink and shrink and you try the seal up and all right and tada a vacuum sealed pillow okay let's max it up what could possibly be more maxed out than a vacuum sealed pillow okay I put plastic bags against the door and then seal the edges with duct tape and of course I didn't put any plastic over my head because you never put your head in a plastic bag right well let's see if vacuum sealed filled it works the vacuum sucks all the air from the bag which seals the bag and me in it to the wall that means I should be able to knock this milk crate out from under me air pressure or the lack of air pressure is keeping me sealed to the door
Channel: Science Max
Views: 1,012,309
Rating: 4.751606 out of 5
Keywords: Science Max, Experiments, Kids, Science, Awesome, Awesome experiments, Home experiments, educational, tvo
Id: F2viSraBe0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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