Science Max | ELASTIC FORCE | Experiments

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greetings science maximites i am phil mccordick and this is science max experiments at large today we're going to be experimenting with the balloon-powered car here's how it works it all has to do with newton's third law [Music] newton's third law for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction uh we don't we don't have to do this now we can this is all for later we can build the cars first and then we can uh let's go over here so how do you build a balloon powered car well i suggest you be science maximites because there's any number of ways you can build a balloon powered car you do not have to follow my design you should come up with one of your own it may even be better than the one i built but i will give you some tips though that make it a lot easier first of all you need something to stick your balloon on that has an opening on it i used a turkey baster for this car i just pop the top off and remember to tell an adult that you're using the turkey baster and then you stick the balloon on there and it allows you to attach something to the car and it also makes it easier to up the balloon you can use any number of things even just uh any kind of tube that you find lying around it helps you attach the balloon to the car and it helps you blow up the balloon way easier the other thing you should think about when you make your balloon powered car is how you're going to make the wheels roll once you've decided on the base of the car you could use anything even just a piece of cardboard like this you can do your wheels in two ways the first way is to attach the wheels to the axle this is how i made the axle of this car i used a shish kebab skewer and i stuck it inside a straw just like that and then i attached the lids to the shish kebab skewer so the lids and the shish kebab skewer are attached and they rotate in the straw that's one way to make the wheels turn the other way is to tape down the axle or whatever you're going to use uh and have the wheels spin around on the axle two great ways to make your wheels turn and it really kind of depends on the wheels you're using you can make your own design and keep refining it and making it better and faster or do what i like to do and make a whole bunch of different cars so we've got this one duh this one i made out of paper plates and this is a snorkel awesome this one is the rock car because there's a rock on it i've got uh the dragster model it's a long broom handle and it might not work that well but who knows and this is my favorite design this made out of waffles and an ice cube tray this is why i make a whole bunch of different cars because i can race them [Music] here's another fun way you can play with an elastic force take a milk carton i prefer science max milk because it's the creamiest two percent cream 100 science wrap some elastic bands around it with some popsicle sticks on the bottom sort of like feet then take some clamshell packaging which wraps just about anything you buy nowadays and cut out a square or a rectangle then wrap some tape around that square with an elastic in it and put the elastic on the feet of your milk carton then wind it around and make sure you go backwards so your paddle wheel boat will go forwards when you put it in the water [Music] and there you go a paddle wheel boat now it is time to max it [Music] the out maxed out elastic force paddle wheel boat mattress i need i need a better name but i've made a giant paddle wheel boat that will work on elastic force because i've got surgical tubing as my elastics and that's an air mattress and then i use some lumber to hold it all together and of course i need a paddle wheel and what better thing to use in a pool than a flutter board okay here we go so normally you're not allowed to wear your clothes and your shoes in the pool but i got special permission because of signs besides i'm not worried at all so i didn't wear my swimming outfit because i figure i can totally do this entire experiment without even getting wet that is how confident i am all right now the tricky part will be getting on to the mattress okay here we go the ss science hey ss science that's a great name for this look it works great and i meant to say totally dry huh well almost [Music] you thought i was gonna fall in the pool but i didn't uh oh my flutter board has has stopped moving and i'm i'm in the middle of the pool almost yeah didn't think this through no no no no that's not going to work maybe i'll maybe i'll wait so how important is friction well let's say i'm out for a drive car tires need friction to grip onto the road without it my car wouldn't be able to turn at all but that's nothing without friction the bolts holding the wheels on the car wouldn't work in fact none of the bolts screws or glue on the car would work and nothing would stop moving or stick to anything else even the trees would blow away with the slightest breeze friction is everywhere and without it nothing would work okay hover disc race round two this time we decided to have a little bit more thrust so helen and i and i are going to be using fire extinguishers now do not use fire extinguishers at home fire extinguishers have a very important purpose and it's not for this but we got these ones special are you ready helen oh yeah oh yeah okay here we go russell so races start your engines [Music] [Music] using fire extinguishers gives us a lot of thrust but because the discs we're riding on don't have any friction wherever we point ourselves we just keep going in that direction which makes steering very difficult cars grip onto the road and can go around corners thanks to the friction of their wheels when you have no friction it's kind of like moving on an ice rink [Music] i ran out of i ran out of fire extinguisher at the end there uh but i so i had to cheat a little bit so one for you one for me and all of them for friction or the lack of friction or the lack of friction science max experiments at large what do we do next larger fire extinguishers i think so okay see you next time i i know where we can get some actually we can go if we go to um the fire extinguisher store where we got these fire extinguishers [Music] building a door in a wall is hard because how do you make a big gaping hole in your wall without your wall falling over well people have come up with lots of ways to put doors and windows in walls made of stone blocks over the centuries and you can do this at home with books like i'm doing or with building blocks just go up until you're happy with the height and then stack each next layer a little closer to the middle until the final layer touches just like this and then you take a big heavy book and you drop it right on top and it's pretty stable and you've just made a doorway it works even better if it's part of a wall because you want extra weight on the outside of these books here so of course i had to build one that was part of a whole wall this is the same core bold arch built out of little building blocks and as you can see i went closer and closer together until it meets at the top and it is very strong now let's max it out the kind of arch we're building is a corbeled arch and the science max build team and i are using pieces of wood cut to different lengths how high can it go we can use my head to no okay wait wait it takes a while to get together but once it's done it looks just like the kinds of doorways stone buildings had in ancient times ta-da there you go it maxed out cardboard arch we went straight up until we got to these layers and they got a little bit closer and closer to the middle until the last piece is one big solid piece and if we built this right it should be strong enough to hold me up [Music] science [Applause] well it held me up for a minute didn't it [Music]
Channel: Science Max - 9 Story
Views: 943,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Science Max, Experiments, Science, Awesome, Awesome experiments, Home experiments, educational, tvo
Id: 4subpxu8TMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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