Science Max | FRICTION PART 2 | Science Max Season1 Full Episode | Kids Science

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[Music] here is an experiment you can do at home with friction this is a toy boat yes you guessed that right and this is a wooden plank correct that's two for two I put the boat on the ramp and watch what happens nothing the reason why is because the friction between the boat and the ramp is enough to counteract the force of gravity trying to pull it down but watch what happens if I raise the ramp to the right height the boat slides down because the friction isn't enough and gravity pulls it down but when we change surfaces to this carpet let's see what happens same angle I can raise it higher higher higher because there's more friction between the carpet and the boat than there was between the wood and the boat now if you're thinking that we're just gonna do it with a small ramp you're wrong because of course we're gonna max it out hey this is amazing thanks I made it myself Wow radiant climbin absolutely here we go so that was very easy well it's probably cuz the friction from your shoes is high enough so you don't flip right and the friction from my clothes is much lower which is why I could fly yeah so how do we make it more difficult we probably have to make it higher all right let's make it higher with the ramp at a steeper angle I'll need more friction to climb up all right ready I'm totally ready here I go oh hey you try okay hold later we go oh so clearly we are not getting enough friction between our shoes and the ramp at this angle we should add some carpet because carpet would add some more friction between our shoes in the ramp all right let's add carpet sorry here's your drill Thanks yeah same angle yes and why have we done this more friction more friction let's give it a try hey way to go totally able to climb the ramp so what do we do now to make it harder make it higher make it higher wow it's really steep I don't think you're gonna make it sure if I take a really good run at it I think I can do it book sound oh there's one way to find out No okay so I can't do it is that it well how bout velcro Wow right it'll give you more friction so you can try climbing with this will give you velcro kneepads velcro shoes Velcro velcro hand holds velcro knee pad velcro on my shoes helmet for safety dance okay ready ready here we go creating friction between me and this ramp means I can stay up here for as long as they want no no Belko no no okay your turn our Hubbard is worth well so well that we decided to build another if we have to hover disks then we can race them using different kinds of friction to push them along something that has low friction like a dust mop and something that has higher friction like a pole with rubber balls at the end runner has great friction that's why we make car towers and the Trojan our shoes out of rubber okay we have a giant race course that we've set up we've got two low friction hover disks and I'm gonna use the low friction dust mop version to propel my hover disc when Helena what do you have I am the high friction rubber ball stick start your engines and we're off remember Helena and I are using very different methods to get our hover discs moving I'm using a low friction dust mop and Helena is using high friction rubber balls as you can see my low friction dust mop doesn't make enough friction with the ground for me to push myself Helena on the other hand is having no problems and then we have a widow yes those were a few slightly way back over there I still suck at the second turn way to go Helena so what was the strategy what how did it work well pretty much was using those red balls I was getting friction helping me steer you know what I think we need a little bit more thrust that would work even better if we had something pushing us even harder definitely uh wait I have an idea wait oh I need your I need your help come over I'm an I fly Toronto indoor skydiving to talk to you about friction that's Mike he's gonna help me out okay here we go unfortunately we can't hear what Phil is saying because there's too much wind it looks like it looks like he is trying to tell us something about the friction yes he's saying the friction from the air rushing up in the chamber is enough to counteract the force of gravity which is why he is able to float or swim or whatever he's doing now it looks like he might be saying even something like air can have a lot of friction if it's going fast enough and the air in this chamber is going fast which is why we can't hear a word he's saying oh well he seems to be having fun [Music] so how important is friction well let's say I'm out for a drive car tires need friction to grip onto the rope without it my car wouldn't be able to turn at all but that's nothing without friction the bulk holding the wheels on the car wouldn't work in fact none of the bolts screws or glue on the car would work and nothing would stop moving or stick to anything else even the trees would blow away with a slave's free friction is everywhere and without it nothing would work ok hover discs race round two this time we've decided to have a little bit more thrust so Helena and I are going to be using fire extinguishers now do not use fire extinguishers at home fire extinguishers have a very important purpose and it's not for this but we got these ones special are you ready Helena oh yeah oh yeah okay here we go Russell so Racism start your engines [Music] using fire extinguishers gives us a lot of thrust but because the disks were riding on don't have any friction wherever we point ourselves we just keep going in that direction which makes steering very difficult cars grip onto the road and can go around corners thanks to the friction of their wheels when you have no friction it's kind of like moving on an ice rink [Music] haha I ran out of I ran out of fire extinguisher at the end there but I so I had to cheat a little bit so one for you one for me and all of them for friction Oh the lack of friction or the lack of friction science max experiments at large what do we do next larger barracks they wish or suffixes okay see you next time I I know where we can get some actually we can go if we go to the fire extinguisher store where we got these fire extinguishers we can get back science max is a show or we take small experiments and do them big if you want to try these experiments yourself go to our website for instructions but not all the experiments on science max are the kind you should try at home this one yes this no try this don't try this a big yes a big no I I don't know how you could possibly do this one at home and remember if you're ever not sure ask an adult thanks for watching science facts experiments at large carbon is an atom that is B basically but know what you me hit myself in the head with the friction sign that's more of an impact not friction really how can you destroy my life anymore that huh [Music] you
Channel: Science Max
Views: 1,229,658
Rating: 4.6971607 out of 5
Keywords: Science Max, Rocket car, Balloon powered car, lab, Phil, big balloon, Newton's cradle, bowling balls, Guinea Pigs, Newton's 3rd law, science max experiments at large, science max tvo kids, science max catapult, science max season 2, science max tvo, science max simple machines, science max full episodes, science max friction, science max air and flight, science for children, kids science, science for kids, kids science shows, braniac
Id: -wkaKQLnDJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2017
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