School Tik Toks That Are Actually Relatable

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love friends it's me pretty sure schools are out by now so today we're going to be watching some school tick tocks i bet my nephew 50 dollars to do this [Music] bet him fifty dollars to trip and fall you sure that was on purpose it looked quite convincing this girl went up on stage after she graduated right she hugged all the teachers a lot and just boom the disrespect and then went back to hugging the rest down the line what did she do to you that you were just like i mean to be fair she didn't even like go in for the hug or anything so that teacher the whole year she was telling her like you aren't gonna graduate you're gonna fail you're gonna fail my class you're not gonna walk down that line and then when she finally did she hit her with that i graded last week's tests and they came back these what do you mean by ds um what i mean is basically these nuts sorry uh am i muted can you guys am i coming through can we just get our actual scores yeah yeah wow not even a snicker from this dude's class this dude over here like can we get our actual scores like i know i did not get a d on that test dude they did not pass the vibe check my students this classroom is straight busting it works every time i mean how to get your kids attention yo if i was the teacher i would be like on tick tock all day like what what what are these kids up to oh wait i do that now this is a genius way to get out of class excuse me um the fire alarm in our apartment is going off oh yeah emma and i are going to edit it but we're going to come back as soon as they let us back in okay all right she got the fire alarm on speaker full volume bro i i think this building is on fire i gotta like get out of here we gotta dip what are you gonna tell her no pov you're listening to the class next to yours having a pizza party in the fifth grade because they sold more box stops you just hear the music through the walls and you're just like that could have been me that could have been us they used to hype up pizza party so much for what for this hey what's the matter i have a headache you have a headache yeah okay do you want to lay down for a little bit yeah but my my dad has a new girlfriend and my mom's very mad um i'm sorry what not only do you have a headache but also some tea dad got a new girlfriend and mother is mad so what else point of view you ask your teacher for some help and they're like and what did you get 2 times 2 is 63. you're on the right track you're right and wrong but i could tell you're getting warmer go back to your desk look up your notes one more time warmer time but the answer ain't even close we ain't even in the same ballpark and they're like you're on the right track try again bro what you mean i was close are we even looking at the same answer also why they always be eating and talking like you do not need a good excuse to go to office hours your professor wants to meet i don't know if that y'all heard it from an actual teacher like i i don't know this dude the funniest t-shirt on tick-tock you might want to see your professor but your professor most certainly does not want to see you good to know we will stick to email the principal in her office after walking past the gym teacher in the parking lot i flirted out my nose like why they all got the same walk it was my vice principal they'd be throwing it back with every step they take jiggle's more than a cup of jello nurse's office oh yes sarah's mom you want her to ride out the rest of the day okay i'll let her know bye-bye sarah i'm sorry your mom's not coming to get you you're gonna have to go back to class i know but you've been here for an hour and you don't have a fever here's your pass you're gonna be okay what's wrong sweetie you're having a panic attack oh no well here's an ice pack and i'll come over and check your temperature okay for a second i thought i was actually at the nurse's office i don't care what's wrong panic attack broken toe tummy hurts nothing solves it like a good old ice pack mother's not coming to get you that's what free healthcare look like me can i copy your notes yeah sure me better copy the notes they're handwriting uh yeah nevermind i think i'ma just read the textbook when it looks this bad like what does that even say someone did this to me once i'm the one with the messy handwriting they were like can i borrow your nose i wasn't here yesterday i was like yeah sure and then they were asking me to like read like what does all of this say i was like if you can't read it give it back ask someone else there's always that one girl in class that has the perfect handwriting the neatest notes you know who i'm talking about teachers after the whole class failed the test oh in my 25 years of teaching it always starts however many years they have been teaching i ain't never seen anything like it i'm sure you do this every year it's like if your whole class is failing a test it's not the student's fault it's the teacher's fault if they're not learning that's on the teacher every april fools i give my students a word search without any words in it alright so we have 15 minutes okay find those words cross them off this is for a grade make sure your name's up at the top oh that is a broom in basket especially if they're kids they go look at this like where are the words in the crossword i don't they're spooky a word search looks like most of us are going to be spending recess time finishing these no not recess okay serious question are you guys like joking no no no no killing oh i am april fools all right that was a good one too it's seven in the morning what are y'all doing oh we just got to school it's seven in the morning and she already cutting off 16 inches of hair girl who are you trying to hide from that we are getting a whole new identity for every english teacher ever it's just the cardigan thing what can i say it's so weird do we all just have the same teachers that all do the same thing correct me if i'm mistaken but i never had a guy english teacher and i've never had a girl history teacher okay so does every high school have that one girl who had to wear a knee brace for all four years and she's just mobbing through the hallways like yeah and she was either in lacrosse or volleyball i don't know i never inquired about it like hey yo what's with the knee brace i thought she just had a bad knee or something like isn't that why they wear it like i wear like a wrist brace because i get carpal tunnel also i have arthritis nobody was ever like why are you wearing that same i never do the same i'm just like ashley with the knee my student emailed me the other day and got what happened it's over we found your tick tock oh how the tables have turned you know usually before it looks like i gotta worry about the teacher or the other students finding my tick tock but no clock just when the teacher has a tick tock billy what do you mean it's over like are you gonna fail me are you gonna blackmail me you're gonna take this to the principal and be like look miss cranberry you got a tick-tock i pranked my students by giving them a surprise test on april fool's day or math today we are friends we are taking a test to test our fraction knowledge okay and if we do have indoor recess we'll we'll go into indoor recess with this okay [Music] y'all didn't even see the paper yet it's 4-121 yes all right you guys can turn the page in three two one it literally says april fool's april fools okay they started ripping the test and throwing the paper at her aren't y'all glad y'all don't have a test take this is what i think where you sit in class is about how you act people in the escape zone sat in the front row so that they'd look like a good student but they actually just wanted to be as close to the door as possible they're watching the clock doodling ready to leave these are your stereotypical front row people they're raising their hand every five seconds asking a million questions and weirdly trying to prove to everyone how smart they are these people might not be as good at school but their plan is to become best friends with the teacher whose desk is right there they'll just try to get them off track talk about anything other than class in the loud zone you got people talking to each other passing notes laughing the whole time let's be honest it's a fun place but like 50 of it's for attention from the whole class and the teacher and they secretly do care about class it'd be hot take but these people can be fantastic students just without asking as many annoying questions they might not participate as much as everyone else but they're going to get the highest score on the test i don't know what it is about this spot right here but these people actually don't care about school they're never going to turn anything in get in weird fights with your teacher and it's just not a great energy strangely accurate also the death by the window that's where the main character sits specifically the two middle ones watch my graphic design teacher roast our work it's boring but it works right h hey you know what you can't go wrong with just making a letter it mostly just looks like a butt when you fill in a letter b oh monica no sorry this feels kind of like a logo for like a corporation that is proudly polluting the environment is it a noodle company i'm not totally sure as far as this goes the question is why it just looks like you're mad if you're if you are mad maybe that's your name this says i know how to do code um which i guess is probably what you're going for i'm not sure ass as once again letters in a circle sure this just feels like a kind of a a poorly drawn logo that somebody wrote on the outside of their notebook in grade school which is cool for that he already knows the students are a joke you know what we're gonna grade everybody's assignment like right now going through them like chips but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that like button though and let me know which one was your favorite and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe to the wolfpack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 5,711,835
Rating: 4.9563608 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, relatable, tiktok memes, school, school tiktoks, school tik toks, memes
Id: t3PpUv2k27g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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