Tik Toks That Are Actually Relatable

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hello friends it's me and today we're gonna be checking out some tick tocks to see if they're relatable when you forget to shake the ketchup ready i felt that friendly reminder to shake the ketchup this happened to me for years and now i never forget ain't nobody gonna talk about why he putting ketchup on bread when i tried to use the bathroom at night why is it so loud though like y'all make no sound during the daytime but as soon as everybody's asleep and i'm trying to take a fat piss suddenly the hinge alarm goes on oh and don't even get me started about the stairs creaking at least i knew if somebody was ever gonna break into my house i would be able to hear it mom have fun at your sleepover 16 year old me you see i never had the luxury to do this because i was terrified of my parents but like you take a bottle you wrap your hoodie around it that's common sense why is this so jingle jangly you asking to get caught the way to make this relatable for me me bringing down all the glasses on my nightstand do you ever just no she did it she did the unthinkable it's like those little things they bug you so much oh i got one right now no no that is a dangerous game we're playing you know what i do i just bite them off never rip them off unless you enjoy pain it's suffering when they're waving to somebody behind you oh no no i think i'll just skirt bye i can't tell you the amount of times i've done this and now anytime that i think somebody is waving to me i will not wave to them i can't take that risk anymore you have any idea how humiliating this is there are no clean little spoons oh no eating cereal with the big spoon ah what it feels like i really do feel like a shovel though i thought i just had a little mouth this everybody like they're just certain things i can't eat with a big spoon it makes it mildly unpleasant to have half a mouthful of metal me trying to remember my friend's birthday even though i asked a hundred times you know this used to be an issue but most of my friends i could just like google them well bam birthday or you know what i go into my text i search birthday and then i could find when i told them happy birthday so i've gotten to a point where i've actually memorized all my friends and family's birthdays i know wild you'll get there too one day does your eye ever freestyle on its own bro i thought this was just me like sometimes my eye like did i i've never seen it i've never seen what it looks like but i felt it i don't know the bottomless like grow a heart and start beating does this happen to everybody or just to select certain few nobody my family closing the bread extra tight no air is gonna get in these buns and then you gotta take your trusty old thumbnail and just like skirt make a big hole in it parents gonna be like oh you've been in your room all day okay what's the problem am i bothering you i don't want to deal with human interaction right now i what's the problem he do got a point like yeah i ain't trying to deal with anybody let me be in my room or when you finally come downstairs and everybody's having dinner like look who it is look who finally came out of their hole me on the bus trying not to look like i'm out of breath because i had to run all right i want to know why this is so embarrassing for like no reason like if i go up a flight of stairs run to my destination or chase after the ups man yeah i'm gonna be out of breath but like if i'm around other people i'll just be like trying to keep it in like breathing loud and being out of breath is sinful like it's humiliating for no reason eight-year-old me realizing i could just get a loan from the bank and then buy the bank a person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except for you know you need money why don't you just get a loan from the bank and then buy the bank literally so simple why are there still poor people when you get on the test i got an 83 oh my god dude that's sick it's okay you like a genius dude i wish i got your score oh why what did you get i got a 96. boy i'm gonna beat your i can't stand those people why are you hyping up my school well yours is higher than mine get out of here i cannot be the only one that does not know what to do when their friends are crying um i don't know whether to hug you fizz bump high five you wanna go build the puzzle oh oh no oh i'm i'm i'm just gonna be like are you okay maybe i should start crying too you know from experience i could tell you that all of the above maybe not the high five like imagine being upsetting spaghetti you start crying and then they'd be like well anna you hit up with it down a little too slow nah but for real if your friends start crying the best thing you could do is hug them hold them rub their back pet their heads just be comforting don't ask if they're okay like if i'm crying clearly i'm not okay me googling a phone number instead of answering it if it's a number that i don't recognize if it don't got a name i'm not picking it up it's like do you answer your door to somebody you don't know no so why would i answer my phone me will catch up no no no i hate ketchup it's nasty okay stupid perfect i don't know who any of those are relatable too but yeah i like ketchup where my i hate ketchup gang at do you all exist like real people i just this so your total is 2.98 would you like to donate your two cents change to help starving blind children in africa who are running for their lives and all they want is a place to sleep at night no thank you would you like a bag for 20 cents yes i would love the bag for 20 cents but we ain't gonna donate two cents i'm gonna tell you now this is a huge scam when stores do this when you donate to them i don't care how much it is two cents are all you generous philanthropists donated in a dollar that store gets to write off your donations off of their taxes ever since i found that out i'm like nah and i don't feel bad saying no anymore things i can do before my best friend replies to my text graduate serve a 56 year sentence in prison give birth to five children it really be that bad i can understand like your crush that doesn't even know you exist but like your best friend like me and my best friend we got record time texting each other back how i usually walk up the stairs [Music] i wanna walk up the stairs when my man is behind me when your man is behind you or when you got siblings you see if you got a man's he'll just do the good old but if you got siblings they'll just like pants gone i've only been pantsed once in my life and it was traumatizing taking your mask off for a second in public to unlock your phone you're teasing me oh no but when i do that and it still doesn't recognize me and ask for my passcode and i took down my mask for no reason apple needs to just like get rid of it i hate face id what was wrong with a thumb print why can't you all put both i thought hibernation meant that animals go to sleep for literally four to six months okay i'm not ashamed to say that i did not know this until i saw this tick tock and then i realized wait they can't go to sleep for like four to six months at a time they gotta eat nah when it gets cold outside the squirrels they just stay in the little tree hole they collected all the food for the winter they just be chilling in there netflix and nuts for six months but somehow we were all taught yeah they hibernate for like they sleep for months at a time public school system sucks how my best friend and i text each other hi three days later hey wanna hang out tonight i can't what about friday sure cool friday hi i can't hang out today yeah me neither one month later i am at your house i'm not home i know i just wanted to nap in your bed okay i'll be home later okay bring food one week later i wanna hang out today no okay three months later your girl got covered stupid does anyone actually text like this to like their best friend because like i text like this to people i don't actually like y'all be cancelling way too much if i want to see someone i'll go see them we make plans the plans is set unless y'all want to cancel then i'll be late okay more naps for me getting in her car for the first time her turning on the car sees the car it's cold her waiting starts to drive off once the light comes on realizing she might be the one okay honestly i have to watch this like four times to realize like what is going on so apparently people like wait in their car until like the heat gets going the car is warm before they start driving i ain't got time to just like sit around waiting in my car wait for it to heat up i'm gonna just suffer the first minute in the cold like i got places to be someone's telling me a joke me not getting it later that night okay you see i used to be like this i don't understand a joke i would just wallow in self-pity the next few hours until i understood it but now as an adult i don't leave from the social interaction until i understand that joke i will ask if i have to no shame also i understand most jokes so that's fine when you get smacking your mom says do you want me to give you something to cry about try to stop yourself from crying trauma just hit different when you were a child eight-year-old me realizing i can buy the dollar store with just one dollar kid level genius right there but that that wasn't me i knew that was impossible keep dreaming but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one of these was the most relatable if you guys enjoyed make sure to like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 26,857,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok meme, funniest tik toks, tik toks worth watching, memes, tik toks that are actually relatable
Id: 0hBHbxFjShE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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