Schitt's Creek - Cast Roundtable - Part 1

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[Music] shows is generally sort of needle-in-a-haystack II I think in an industry so I mean for me I think it's an opportunity to continue to tell more stories which is always a great thing and to have the support to be able to tell the stories that we're telling ya and most series that did get to go more than once one season got better and better Mary Tyler Moore you see the early pilots I mean the classic sitcoms you see their first season you know the yeah you're just developing the characters but I'm especially I'm happy for I'm proud of Daniel for pulling this off and continuing to do write such great material and and be so lovely to work with Thanks the onus does fall on Dan Daniel from the from honestly you know right through and developed storylines that are really quite amazing and and so there's always that to kind of fall back on for looking at the success of a show or the longevity of a show you know and and just began the cast is an outstanding Cavs to be able to take these characters which I think right from right out of the gate from season one were so there and because the writing is kind of given every character more dimension and push the envelope each character kind of grows and the audience kind of grows with it I think to that point I think very rarely in a comedy particularly do you get the people who can do anything and that in terms of writing allows for drama and comedy it allows for babies to have like later life and to believe you know that this is you know to believe this as a real situation instead of a sitcom which I think sort of rests on top of the story and sort of relies more on the presuppositions of like who everyone is to tell those stories seems like well she's the this and he's the bat right so to continue to throw things at a cast and challenge not just the characters but push the story into new in different directions I mean it it speaks I think volumes to the abilities of the team and you never thought of this as a sitcom originally I mean this was always going to be sort of comic but real as real as it can can get on TV yeah yeah I think in a way we've always sort of seen it as a drama right that has comedy in it yeah right yeah right here you almost have to do that right you almost have to look at it as a drama to start with to give your viewers and the audience something to latch on to people latch on to comedy and jokes and that's one thing for just how funny the show is but you're only as funny as your last joke if that's what you're if if that's what your thing is but a you know the character comedy which is what kind of set out to do in the kind of government ask you know Best in Show world where these characters were very very real and and also very funny and the audience really kind of gets gets behind the storylines of every characters and that was as kind of the thing but it's really kind of thickened out over the years where the audience has really gotten behind the storylines and the development of of these characters which is which is great yes and a tribute to Danielle the drama then the jokes are organic right and also the deeper laughs I think when when you care about the character it's also uh sorry I got my fingerprints do we have a green glove or something here we could just wipe it with no I enjoy like getting laughs on the show not necessarily from jokes but just from an attitude and I've had I and I rarely had that privilege on the other shows that I've worked on you know it's usually come out do your joke and leave and you know on this show I can actually act a little bit which is I don't know if any of you have seen me a hack but it's it's very you I have seen yeah how you were doing it on this show no I know I'm and I'm doing it on purpose I'm actually a flower petal then this is good I've got a I've got to take note from here on in yes now anyway those are my last words which i think is like you know I don't love any kind of television where I feel like words are telling the story I think right the challenge for us is always how do you get extract emotions and extract you know tell make sure that plot points are being told in ways that the characters don't have to explicitly say yeah sure feel tired today because I've been on that truck and I was trapped with those pirates for a long time when it's soap opera coppers always do that I yeah no one else has no other character in the room right that's you know in the genre of sitcom that is very much the sitcom ways your character walks in and says well it's been a very long day Jack's been at the bus stop all afternoon you know it's like it's a slightly more challenging scenario to say how do we get that information out in a way that doesn't involve someone saying Jack's every episode he's mad about something yeah I think generally that you know in the beginning they were the thing was look how fast can we get out of here and what can we do to get out well nobody's interested in buying the town yet so everything they're doing every every little now things are taking longer now that Johnny's takin over the motel with Stevie and now they're trying to initiate things that will make the motel a success which they have done and that's like one thing and you know I think that in Johnny's mind things are kind of being done with the idea that this is all adding to the value of the town but it's not so parents not so forefront in his brain right now but the blueprint for everything is still kind of that that's still what's kind of driving him although each individual venture is is a full-time job to keep that thing going and keep it running so it's you know but you know I think the family honestly is just their lives are kind of spreading out into this community and kind of seeping the community is seeping into their lives whether they're conscious of it or whether they're not and that's now becoming their life as they think they are still moving forward to try and get out but it's a much more kind of pleasant day to day I think then it was when they first got their season five has a glimmer of hope in the future yeah it's like it's a possible dream come true in the future so Moira's less panicked and can afford to be you know relaxed with people in town have been warned you know and focus on them because she has yeah but then with David and Alexis they have both found like a first and genuine love in the town and first and genuine friendships too so that's kind of a yeah I would say generally in Roland and Jocelyn aside who now have a young child but they have to freaking have it right DUI where's Rico you know ultimately I think the show is a joy chaser a little bit you have everyone just trying their best to find a happy life I think happiness is a kind of a key thing with the show it is generally a happy thing and I think the I think there I think there were a little negative bumps in every season that you know you kind of you hit and then get over but at the end of it all we're not I don't think the point is to kind of you know leave the audience with a big heart crushing what well we had some fun relationship stuff which was good I think you know positive representation of characters you don't get to have that kind of freedom a lot in half hour comedy specifically you know I think those you know queer characters are often sort of reduced to very stereotypical cliches that serve some kind of comedic relief in a lot of I think entertainment so - or they had no problems at all yes yeah everything's perfect enough yeah yeah and I think to tell a story that is just two people falling in love was was a choice that we felt was necessary in the sense that you know you should not treat anyone with any different kind of glove just because of sexual orientation so I think the the nonchalance with which that was handled I think resonated with people because it felt fresh and it connected with with people not just queer people but anyone who has fallen in love because I think the stepping stones of that relationship were so sort of Universal in the way that it happened and you know no was just a great acting partner and I think has really brought such a lovely warmth to that character and as a result has sort of warmed David up a little bit to the point where he feels slightly secure enough to be emotionally avail someone chicken yeah yes like a therapy chicken yes yeah and that's why it was I mean casting that character was like one of the hardest things we've done because you're looking at a character that has to a find charm in David we want to be with him long enough to put all of his baggage and his quirks aside and find genuine excitement and inspiration I think in who he is which I don't think many people have historically speaking rubs people the wrong way for some reason but yeah generally speaking the response the letters the feedback for the show I mean yes the relationship but I think the show as a whole has been so great to read people have written in thanking Dan and the show for making their coming out that much easier and people have been able to find the words because of the relationship between David and Patrick and it's it's amazing to be on a show it's amazing to be on a show that you love so much and then it's amazing to be on a show that you love so much that is starting to really affect the lives of other people in a bigger way than just a show the duelling watching on a weekly basis it's beautiful nothing about it says we're saying something here yeah we're teaching something see what we're doing this is how it should be there's nothing there's no element about it like that it's not preachy and I think I told you I ran into it's just about love and I ran into a woman and her grown daughter in New York and the woman said I want someone to look at me the way Patrick looks at David yeah it's just about love it's so sweet yeah no I also I think just the way you've written sort of the the rest of the the townspeople it's sort of been accepted nobody's really there isn't anyone that challenges it at all it's sort of like here we are at this point in life in this time and even in this small town with you know a kind of provincial mayor he even like rolling may not understand it but he's he he knows it's right you know there isn't this there isn't anybody challenging it in the town well right from the beginning to roland was was in a very non-judgmental very accepting frame of mind with david when he knew that well this kid knows about clothes right certainly women women's clothes right so I'm gonna ask him to go with me cuz they gotta get some right thanks for Josh right I'm sexy clothes for John right right Devil Wears Prada coal plant I think you know I think that's the only political stand that I've taken as a showrunner is that I will not show that right at all because I think that people learn through were social creatures we learned by what we watch and even if you're presenting someone who puts out that energy there is someone who will watch that inside with it if you eliminate it from the conversation nobody has anything but your point of view to soak in and so that's why people have taken to this community of shits Creek so well because it is it is an all-inclusive kind of community and it's this it's a very accepting community without making any kind of statement so that kind of example to set for people really goes to show you that like if you take the hate out if you take the rules of that that are dictating who you can love how you can love them what kind of people are good people what kind of people are bad people you're only left with joy which can only have kind of a an enlightening effect on whoever's sort of watching it or involved in arts yeah yeah I think people are actually in the town more uncomfortable with me yeah Rowland and Johnny love between them yes Johnny and Stevie this time yes it's an it's an irritation factor that that is a more a more Greg that you can't live I think that's what it is the day would somehow be off balance right without it exactly yeah you rollin sir no I'm gonna ask you a questions we're all at Williams we kind of know how Johnny feels about having rolling around but I'm not sure I know how rollin feels about Johnny do we do you want him to love you well I want him to love me I think for sure because I think I'm you know probably I think I'm smarter than you yeah and I kind of feel like you know I don't know that you've you probably have you know a Hollywood attitude I don't care for strange like sort of simpatico between us is that the word I didn't go to college I know it's hard to tell yeah no I think I want your approval for sure and I think Roland tries in various awkward and annoying ways to get that and the opposite happens you kind of feel you feel kind of bad for Roland you know the fact is he was kind of coasting as mayor but still not making money right at it but he was kind of a you know Oh what kind of an heir do well mayor you know loved the position and you know and it comes down from the family of course so you inherited the the position but the fact is now you need money that was the thing about that story line two is that that that when with the baby coming and only one income coming in which obviously wasn't enough to carry the load and kind of asked for a job working at the motel just to make some extra money which I thought was kind of a it was like the first storyline with Roland that was like you know kind of a very kind of touching you could feel it into like we all just have money and things and nobody talks about like there's so many stories about wealthy people and we don't talk enough about like who's paying this phone bill but it's a nice touch of background to that but yeah we need a little more money now cuz we made a baby why did we um you know actually that's one of the to me one of the sort of subtle touching things about rolling in the script so far since Roland jr. has been born is that he's he's actually seems like a good dad he's like and you know rolling is pretty childlike himself so he probably you know has this affinity for kids and and certainly for his own I think he's although you don't really see it he doesn't shove it in people's faces that he's a great dad although that might be funny yes now my mutt is 54 years old right and he looks nothing like us I don't he's really we don't talk about really fun for Jocelyn because she's exhausted and not herself she's all tired pull together pull together and that's so fun as an actor to play a character with my rhythm yeah like when you have a baby you know of time from now with adults now so it's just you're not putting up with me yet yeah you're really standing up to me as like it's nice for your character development but I'm not sure well that even in mean in terms of sort of like filling in the holes of all the characters and trying to authenticate people and think about the scenarios and logistically sort of figure out where have we not seen this person go or realistically how would this person respond and you're thinking about all of these situations and Jocelyn for the longest time there's been some passive aggression for sure but always with a smile and you know for this season we were thinking like well let's just let's just put her through the wringer because she's never really shown her true colors and we know they're just simmering under the surface so we got to yeah so she is patience but yeah it was about just pushing her pretty far and seeing what happens in three words more of the same go ahead and say not exactly more of the same I think I thought you were gonna say not exactly three words yeah well not exactly you know I would say like architectural II speaking from a seasoned season five was meant to sort of be a reaction to season four which I think season four you saw these characters learning about themselves you saw layers being stripped back you saw vulnerability you saw sadness and happiness and joy and fear and season five I think is a reaction to that in a in a sort of joyful we're trying to create happy memories for trying to take characters in you know funny unexpected directions and I think it's the happiest season we've done and I think it's really sort of laying groundwork for some really fun memories for the audience to make you took the words Catherine can you untie me [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Schitt's Creek
Views: 813,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schitt's Creek, Schitts Creek, SchittsCreek, Pop TV, POpTV, PopNow, Pop Now, Catherine O'Hara, Eugene Levy, Chris Elliott, Daniel Levy, Dan Levy, Jennifer Robertson, Annie Murphy
Id: i2BMt5MoO5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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