Alexis’s Receptionist Job Timeline - Schitt’s Creek

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alexis you want it to be treated professionally so i have to ask where are the rest of your scrubs oh i thought this was kind of an either or thing [Music] the amount of times that i run into in this place is like out of a romantic comedy i'm sorry what is everything okay um yeah totally i mean i have a pimple because i wash my face with dirty hand soap but no biggie you just don't look at it thanks one tea on the house thanks wait no smoothie today no not today i am i forgot my purse at home oh well if you want a smoothie i can get you a smoothie no no no don't worry because then i would have to pay you back which is gonna be hard because my entire family is broke and we can't afford to eat right now so oh wow i'm sorry to hear that me too hey i i don't know if this is something you'd be interested in but my secretary just quit and if you need the cash so sweet but i would be uncomfortable accepting free money no no you'd be working doing her job and i would pay you for it oh but there would be animals around all the time that is generally what one can expect when working at a vet clinic yes so i have been thinking about your job posting and i have decided that i am interested great but i would like to interview for it just like everybody else are you sure about that because i already offered you the job no i know i just i don't want any special treatment and it's really important to me that i feel like i really earned this okay uh have a seat okay okay so just a second okay okay have you ever worked as a receptionist before that would be a no but i have dealt with a lot of receptionists before and so i feel like i have the right temperament for it okay and how are your typing skills well you've seen me text and how are you at spreadsheets okay i'm just gonna stop you right there i'm loving this q a but i think what's important right now is my positive attitude and i don't want to brag but us weekly once described me as up for anything so okay yeah great well i think that's all the information that i need for now so thank you very much for your time and i will be in touch thank you very much for your time did i get the job yeah yes you got the job okay okay you're a really good actor thanks you're welcome david ted said that i had to wear scrubs but what does that mean really um i think it means you have to wear scrubs you know well look at me you look amazing who designs these things whatever happened to empowering women's sexuality i don't think sex appeal is the guiding principle behind nursing uniforms obviously you've never been out for halloween david so are you nervous this is like the first job you've ever had no it isn't putting your name on a line of edible nail polish isn't what i would call having a job i was very hands-on david i came up with all of the flavors by myself even the one that poisoned all those people david the factory in guangzhou assured us that it was lead-free ugh anyway i'm actually really looking forward to this you look like a stick of gum like what david [Music] hey sorry i'm a bit late um i wasn't sure what the etiquette was for this kind of thing so i just walked around the block a little bit oh you can show up early or on time early's probably even better okay great alexis you want it to be treated professionally so i have to ask where are the rest of your scrubs oh i thought this was kind of an either or thing no they come as a set that's why i gave you both those bare legs are dangerous todd no i'm serious the animals can carry bugs or ticks that can burrow into your bare skin ew don't worry we'll just have you focus on filing for today um okay awesome thank you so many files i'll just dive right into this you won't even miss your last secretary once i get finished with these puppies good news found you a loan repair helen must've left him phew thank you ted those are just perfect um doris that is so exciting love him for you i don't know i mean poor albert is allergic to cats but i can't leave mittens alone so how do i spend time with albert veterinary clinic how can i help you can i put you on hold okay so if there's one thing i learned is that when it comes to love you cannot let the little things get in your way like i once stated this sultan's nephew who was forbidden to talk to me or even to look at me and we made it work for like half a regime change so do you want i know uh alexis yes can i talk to you for a second yeah we're gonna put this on pause the doctor needs me yes so how's the filing coming i have been in the swamp doris's cat is like totally high maintenance yeah well doris has been worried about her cat for two years she comes in every week okay well what am i supposed to do fourth thing is like desperate for a man and uh why are there three calls on hold um i don't know someone hung up okay alexis there is more to the job than just keeping customers happy all right this is a place of business and right now there are clients waiting to talk to me are you sure that you're cut out for this okay okay i brought you some trail mix but i spilled it in my purse so sweet of you doris thank you hey i was thinking about what you said yesterday and um i think now is not a good time okay um how are things with mittens uh he he's dead ew i'm just trying to figure out what happened all right okay um well what am i supposed to tell doris don't say anything to her just keep her company while i figure this out okay okay so i'm just supposed to act like nothing happened yeah for now okay um how am i supposed to do that alexis okay yeah hey i i think i might just pick up these treats while i wait oh um yeah no um but these treats are actually gonna go on sale next week so maybe you just want to hold off until then well i think he'd really like them yeah i'm sure he would really like them if he wasn't dead hooked yeah he's dead but but the good news is you're not vince is dead yeah but um but you're free doris and in a way so is mittens oh what happened we're not sure yet but i think that the important thing is that mittens is no longer suffering well what do i do now do i put him in a box bury him oh no you don't have to talk about that right now okay i know this is hard but um the upside um the upside oh is that albert from down the hall can now come over for dinner without worrying about his allergies threatening his life hey i think it's time that we find you a new love of your life it's okay you know i have to say that i'm impressed it's not everyone who can tell an old woman that her cat is dead and set up a love connection and sell our most expensive marble urn in the same three-minute conversation well i'm not totally sure about the love connection i'm still waiting for doris to text me back right so was there something that you wanted to say to me what i just earlier it seemed like you were trying to tell me something oh no i think it was about um vacation days oh yeah you had mentioned two weeks so i guess i was just wondering um how many two week vacations are available per year well tell you what why don't we start with one and then we'll just go from there okay yeah that could work great okay look at this filth community center adds rant no this he says the comma is a typo but it is run that way three years in a row who is this person he looks like if ricky martin and mark consuelos had a baby it's a competition and he's selling his body to get clients it's disgusting you could probably take just as sexy a photo if you wanted to i could definitely take just i don't want to let me ask you this question why should the person who is performing surgery on your pet have to have a six-pack you have a six-pack that's not the point and it's not a full six yet that's why i'm shredding right now i don't know looks like a pretty smart campaign to me if he wants to sell sex then he should just get a job down at the dude cave make more money than being a vet um what's the dude cave i say all male strip club outside of town my cousin dwayne works sitter drives a corvette okay listen you might want to think about spicing up your approach a little bit the bottom line is that i did not go to med school just to exploit innocent puppies as a cover for my extreme vanity but people love extreme vanity and they love puppies so you have to give them at least one of the two i don't know oh what about the bunnies that we have up for adoption we can set up like a little bunny cam and stream it live from our clinic that is very popular with people who hate their jobs or are in loveless marriages are those the people we want to be targeting well it's free marketing and you can find little homes for those little bunnies that don't have any houses fine but if those bunnies feel exploited even a little bit i am pulling the plug yes honey pee [Music] hi come look at this look at the bunnies ah cute this isn't one of those animal rights viral videos where the bunnies go through a meat processor in the end is that ew no david i set this up to get people to visit ted's website where thing is like out of it when it comes to selling himself there are 200 people watching this david that's like double your instagram followers okay my account is private thanks there's ted yeah sometimes he comes in and out um ted is taking his clothes off you wish stephen no ted is n ted is getting naked on your webcam oh no no no no no no no i emailed our entire client list about this david i emailed his parents i'm obsessed with this this is incredible no no no that looks good david he looks really good okay that's gross okay hey you know i've tried to add an extra half hour to my morning run but my body just isn't having it you look great thanks um about the bunny cam i know it's a huge hit we've gotten like nine new customers overnight and some of them don't even have pets they just want to discuss whether or not they should get a bed ted the camera can see you okay just so should i like wave or something next time nope the camera can see you like after your run oh oh no why did you tell me the camera could see me when i get back from my runs i just noticed actually david noticed first last night but that's exactly when there's a huge spike in the website oh i'm worse than dr miguel no you didn't know although there was a moment last night where it looked like you might have known and you were doing this like thing with your hips alexis no i know of course you didn't know of course um don't worry i'm gonna take it down right now wait you said you saw a spike in the website views people were um very concerned as to whether or not you would get your pants on successfully well who's to say that people weren't watching for the bunnies i am that's what i'm saying i feel that until these guys are adopted we can't take it down that'd be bad for business for the bunny's sake i'll just have to be more careful next time um hello who are you and what did you do with theodore mullins what can i say sometimes i like to live dangerously while still respecting my personal boundaries yes hey um you know those courses we were talking about oh yeah i thought that data management one looked like it might be good for you um yeah i had the same thought but when i looked into it all the courses were full and then the courses that weren't full conflicted with each other and then everything just canceled out alexis if you don't want to take the course you don't have to take the course no there were courses that did look very interesting um it's just kind of complicated yeah but it's so worth it sometimes i wish i could go back to college pub nights frisbee in the quad late night hacky sack we got some serious sack circles going so many sex circles sack hacky sack we always hoped they'd lead to sex but still college so crazy so crazy okay the thing is i can't go to college yet because i didn't finish high school oh you know it's so embarrassing i never should have taken that semester off but i did meet beyonce and mykonos so it was almost worth it didn't you say on your resume that you did four years at ucla yes technically if you consider belair an extension of the campus which everybody does this might sound crazy but i almost think i should finish high school that doesn't sound crazy at all and truth be told it took me a minute to finish high school myself you're only saying that to make me feel better no no me and some friends we just got in the car and took off really yeah we were following the american idol tour we missed a couple shows but it's always the exact same set so no regrets um really wish you hadn't told me that last a little bit but thank you that makes two of us okay another girl dropped off her resume this morning ted have you read these these are actually very impressive there are people here who went to school specifically for vet stuff yeah well a formal training is usually encouraged well i don't have formal training this person assisted with surgery is that something that i should be doing no god no well ted if there are people here that can help you you should hire them i'm very happy with the job that you're doing and i i like having you here well i like being here but not as much as like tiffany serrera's poor thing went to cat camp so what are you saying well i'm saying i didn't realize that there was a huge pile of way more qualified people just like waiting to be hired yeah but you're learning i know but i'm taking someone's desk here like someone who actually wants to touch animals a lot like maybe there's a job out there that i'm better suited for and some other like gorgeous slightly underqualified girl is sitting at my desk asking herself the same question okay i'm just realizing that wanting to come in and laugh at your animal puns isn't enough when there's like people here those were genuine laughs sometimes yeah well i can't say that reception will be as fun but it's really generous of you alexis like surprisingly generous no i know so um i guess i should go my graduation tonight so well it's only 11 and i am paying you for the day i totally get that um i will stay until four day ends at five but sure thank you very much alexis oh my god ted hey um is there like a pet massacre or something what is with all these sad looking people nope all these perfectly happy-looking people are actually applying for your old job i literally just quit ted again quit implies a negative connotation and i'd say that we had a pretty fun time working together we did have a pretty fun time this is not what i meant but uh anyway what's up oh i just wanted to thank you again for coming to my graduation yesterday it was a very sweet surprise it's my pleasure here oh thanks and um i also had a question uh yeah alexis i would love to answer that question it's just i'm kind of right in the middle of interviewing these people so okay yeah totally i will just um [Music] um i actually used to work here this used to be my desk so you know uh no now that you're here i guess you could sit in on the interviews with me oh okay sure um now everybody just so you know i got a job here and i have literally zero interest in animals so you guys are already like way ahead okay so all right thank you very much and we will be in touch i have to admit alexis some of your questions were shockingly effective found it very telling how many people would just accept a cocktail from a total stranger thank you who would have known that paul was allergic to cats what's he doing here i'm happy to help you know it is gonna be different around here without you you definitely had a certain something that i can't quite put my finger on thank you thank you thank you i just so you were gonna ask me something earlier oh sorry yeah um so something gross happened at the motel so i was actually hoping i could crash at your place tonight yeah normally that'd be totally okay it's just um i have a date tonight oh fun okay um well maybe i could like drop my stuff and wait or yeah it's uh it's just kind of that um we may uh you know need the apartment at some point apartment at some point oh my god like for sex i i don't know why i thought you were single that's yeah i thought i'd mention her to heather the woman with the cat yes the woman who wanted you to wash her cat all the time yeah i thought that was like a little casual thing it was and then it sort of turned into more of a thing hmm did well good for heather thirsty little thing isn't she um cool okay well um i should probably go alexis wait um who would you hire from today um i liked the guy with the glasses me too um or the guy with cystic acne either or okay or the girl with the oily braid it's also very good okay lots to think about there thank you alexis [Music] you
Channel: Schitt's Creek
Views: 128,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schitt's Creek, Schitts Creek, SchittsCreek, official schitt’s creek, dan levy, Daniel levy, eugene levy, Catherine o’hara, annie murphy, comedy, episodes, tv show, funny, funny video, funny jokes, funny clips, schitts creek, schitt’s creek, schitts creek clips, official schitts creek, schitts creek episodes, daniel levy, catherine o’hara, Alexis, Alexis Rose, Noah Reid, Alexis’s Past, Stevie Budd, Emily Hampshire, shits creek, Cabaret, david's business idea, moira
Id: _Sj1RAVh08c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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