Alexis & Twyla’s Friendship Timeline - Schitt’s Creek

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why don't we do a jewelry swap well i do have a large collection of my grandfather's hospital bracelets yum [Music] i need the room tonight because i'm having a friend over what friend um toilet we're gonna have a fun little sleepover mm-hmm you and twyla yeah we're gonna do face masks and we're gonna talk about boys that we both know and have dated um have you spent more than five minutes with the girl one-on-one she could be a serial killer tway and i have tea together like every day david that she serves you at the cafe because we're friends hey ty come sit oh i'd love to it's just i have a lot of tables right now okay well um maybe we can hang out after i was thinking we could have a little ladies night at my place the two of us yeah um come by around eight i'm working tonight uh but maybe this weekend or are you with mud on weekends um no we broke up so i'm sorry to hear that although part of me is a little relieved since you did tell me to break up with him and then you dated him so sweet of you but i'm gonna be fine so how late do you have to work tonight um until people leave i guess and when do people leave i don't know after people clear out okay well when everybody clears out you can just pop by you know when i broke up with my mm-hmm i just took a lot of alone time to rebuild and regroup i just i think it's so important yeah and i'm doing the same kind of thing right now cause it's so important all right good so you know what they say you can't be by yourself then you probably shouldn't be in a relationship i totally get that but call me um if you happen to get off work early twide call me if you get off work early here's your team mrs rose thank you twala so it looks like i will be seeing you tonight why would that happen well alexis came by this morning and was really adamant that we go out tonight apparently i've been taking too much time for myself and i need to get back out there and meet people is that so yeah i actually had plans tonight but alexis said it would be best if i just cancel them she's gonna help me get ready at the motel and then we're gonna go to the bar together always a little philanthropy though it's possible this outing might serve you both well i'm sure you're not aware of this but our alexis is unfortunately suffering a bit of a dry spell exacerbated by this situation with the former lover ted and his new girlfriend harriet you mean heather i believe it's heather yeah um ted and heather have been together for a while now they started dating when alexis was still working at the vet's office she says it doesn't bother her but sometimes i wonder always the closed book our alexis bless her soul i've always found her to be pretty open about things a closed book that falls open the second you take it off the shelf that's enough gossip for today twyla no i'm not comfortable discussing the intimate details of alexis's private life with her not present oh i i wasn't gossiping it was just that you brought it up so i just wanted to clarify those gossip is the devil's telephone best you just hang up [Music] you do this every night you go out i do this every night and look at the two of you will you remind me of my days at the old mud club on the lower east side i remember one regrettably early morning with johnny thunder can we help you with something oh i'm sorry can't her mother show a little interest in her only daughter's social calendar so what establishment are we going to grace tonight it's just a bar on the outside of town and how are we getting around they don't allow you to drink and drive anymore we will be taking a cab no you won't i will drive you oh dear i have the night to myself and i would like nothing better than to find a new man for twyla i see before mia beautiful young woman in her prime who deserves every happiness mrs rose that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me and i mean every word of it so i think you girls should allow me to play chauffeur for the evening it'll be the black car out front okay i know what our car looks like but thank you oh before you go in a bit of advice from someone who's been around okay pretty sure we didn't ask you but sure if and when you meet someone who catches your eye hold his gaze then walk up behind him trace a single finger down his back and if he follows you into a dark corner of the bar it's meant to be okay that sounds super embarrassing it was my go-to move many years ago and it always paid off you know who my last target was who was it john cougar no melon camp but guess who drove me home that night mr rose yes and that car ride was better than any dark corner dalliance with jcm you were sometimes in life and in love risks must be taken one never knows what may happen okay shall i wait here for you paul um we're not in high school so i think we're good but thank you okay thanks for the ride mrs rose hey thanks alexis you're wrinkled in the back oh what confidence girls so i don't think i'm gonna need a ride home tonight oh my god that's so great because i think i'm going home with a guy no yeah i pieced that together he plays soccer and he works at the quarry and we both have the same second favorite color so important your mom's trick totally worked i ran my finger down the backs of three different guys and one of them turned around it's a total numbers game you're gonna be okay yeah yeah for sure of course i'm just so glad i took a risk speaking of which a guy over there has been staring at you all night [Music] hey troy i've always admired your jewelry game just like pick a few pieces and just wear them to death oh if you're talking about my earrings the class broke so i actually physically cannot take them off okay i am experiencing the same problem all of my jewelry is boring is that what i said so way back when all of my girlfriends and i used to throw the diamonds we got from our parents on a table and just do like a big jewelry swap i wish i had someone in this town to swap with yeah i used to think that a lot growing up when i'd see other kids with their families okay you just gave me a great idea why don't we do a jewelry swap well i do have a large collection of my grandfather's hospital bracelets yum um but i also love that cute little locket around your neck well that makes sense because you gave it to me for christmas and i wear it every day and i always think like what would i look like in it so do you want the locket no it's why i got it for you but what i'm saying is let's swap for it i have a toe ring that would look so cute on you we're actually not allowed to wear open-toed shoes but um maybe i could take that bracelet yes um i actually got this in a swap with sienna miller and by that i mean it fell off her wrist at a halloween party and i kept it maybe i could come over on my lunch break and we can swap some more stuff yes twilight i mean i actually thought this would be like a one-for-one situation but if you want to open it up let me help you with that oh that's okay i got it nope the necklace oh right now okay can i have some more popcorn oh sure oh don't worry i'll get it i uh see you're wearing the locket oh i don't know am i yeah right well you proved me wrong alexis and i have to say i'm actually kind of relieved because that means that you also kept my favorite photo of the two of us i keep that photo in the locked folder on my phone no no i'm talking about the one in the locket now this appears to be a photo of twyla yes i put that there because twyla is an important friend and twyla's mom is her important friend he gave the locket to twilight didn't you okay i would have kept it but the necklace just kept reminding me of all the bad things that i'd done and then twyla gave me a christmas gift and i didn't have anything to give her okay alexis i think we should just agree to stop feeling bad about her past and just focus on the future yes ted twyla may i say you are looking very chic would you look at that that looks like the thierry award your butt mitzvah alexis well i had a little help from a friend should probably coordinate a time to swap everything back oh don't worry i'm fine [Music] and what exactly did you get out of this fun swap i got twyla's stepbrother's dog tags and a whistle oh alexis garbage day is the same for the whole street you didn't need to bring your garbage all the way here um i brought my garbage here for a reason i thought you might like to wear some of it what as you know david and i are sharing an apartment in new york so i'm like downsizing a little bit i can't take all of this alexis maybe we could do another swap or or why don't i just go through it and pay for the ones i want to keep dwine i can't take your money i've seen how people tip here alexa's between us i don't do this job for the money okay well if you don't do this for money i'm scared to know what you do do for money okay now that you're leaving can you keep a secret depends on how dark it's gonna get but yes i want some money in the lottery a few years ago oh my god twice go you why did you not tell me this before well because you guys had just gotten here and and you would just lost all your money what was i gonna say i just won 92 million dollars you want 92 million dollars oh no sorry okay okay cause i was like literally about to pass out yeah no no i split the 92 million with another guy so you won like so much money i just i just don't want anyone to know it changes things twice what are you doing here you could be anywhere doing anything i have everything i need right here and if i've learned anything from how my mom spent the money i gave her it's that money can buy a lot of snowmobiles but it can't buy happiness so it's about how you live your life doing what makes you smile and being here getting to hear your stories over the past few years even the scary ones that makes me smile dwight you might be the best person i know but as someone who's had a lot of money and then not had it and now is like still pretty poor but somewhat okay every now and again spending like a little bit of money on something really special it might not buy you happiness but it can definitely help make you smile this cute dress makes me smile not quite sure how that one got in there but anything else in there is yours if you want it oh [Music] come in hey twy is everything okay did i forget to pay for lunch again oh no you remembered today okay anyway um i wanted to come and tell you that what you said to me this morning really resonated twice that means so much um um what part of what i said specifically oh that i shouldn't be afraid to spend money on things that are special to me mm-hmm so i bought the cafe what i called the owners and told them to name their price okay i was talking more like a spa day or like a cute little anklet or something it's something that will make me smile twyla's cafe tropical it's got a nice ring to it right yeah or like twila's cafe yeah i don't think so dwight i'm so happy for you you deserve it thank you alexis and you deserve this oh my god twice it's for all your dresses most of them fit and whatever doesn't i'll just give to my mom okay that's so sweet but those dresses would never sell for this much like not even in retail consider it a goodbye present a little something to help you start your new life maybe even enough to get you your own place you're gonna do great things alexis no i know but i can't accept this even though i know i'm gonna regret it in like a minute i think that if i'm gonna do this on my own i need to do this on my own i respect that hey i don't mean to tell you how to spend your money but maybe you could use some of it to come visit me i'd like that hey why like cute dress thanks my friend gave it to me hmm [Music] you
Channel: Schitt's Creek
Views: 54,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schitt's Creek, Schitts Creek, SchittsCreek, Pop TV, POpTV, PopNow, Pop Now, schitt’s creek clips, official schitt’s creek, schitt’s creek episodes, dan levy, Daniel levy, eugene levy, Catherine o’hara, annie murphy, emmys, comedy, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, schitts creek, schitt’s creek, schitts creek clips, official schitts creek, schitts creek episodes, daniel levy, catherine o’hara, Alexis, Alexis Rose, twyla and alexis schitt's creek, sarah levy, twyla
Id: Gx5-_KroGvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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