Dan Levy's Personal Relationship With Tina Turner's "The Best" | Entertainment Weekly

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episode six open mic it has another song in it which to me is honestly one of the most romantic and touching moments not just on your show but like on any I think I watched him sing that song like four or five times were of course talking about simply the best yes I at the stores open mic night yeah where did that idea come from right and why that song well I knew did you knew no no knew the song I knew he could sing I knew that he was a really talented musician and I obviously wanted to write something for him in a romantic capacity like you know because I knew that he could pull it off I find it incredibly cringy like people singing generally but I knew that he had such a confidence and a conviction to his to that side of his sort of like artistry that I wanted to use it and I think Four Seasons Inn we had really been peeling back the layers enough to take the audience to this these kinds of places and I think each of our characters in the fourth season were experiencing emotional stakes that they had not been used to before which was really fun it was fun to get to this place where we feel like okay we have we've earned the ability to ride that fine line between comedy and real human moments and for David for me it was always like where do you find the point because I think in any relationship we can pinpoint a moment or two where things change where you go from liking a person to loving a person and how do you articulate that and dramatize that and I had always loved the Tina Turner song best and I was always that person when it came on and like had a busy bar would do it stop the lyrics they're so beautiful I understand what's happening right now I thought what a great pairing if we have him if the setup is the details David he's gonna perform at this open mic night and David sort of first impulse is like this is so humiliating and this is gonna be a make-or-break point for their relationship and it becomes this sort of pleasant surprise and an romantic sort of revelation and so I said to Noah this is the song it was scripted as as you know Patrick sings a surprisingly beautiful cover of tina turner's the best and we approached noah and said do you want us to figure out someone to come in and interpret the song or do you want to take it on yourself and said let me try it and a couple weeks went by and then in the middle of the night I got this text message and it was him singing it at home and was like tell me what you think and I put it on it was like Oh at the time like as a single person receiving that like that not good for anybody but like for me to have just like watched an episode of Downton Abbey and like said goodnight to my dog and tucked myself into bed and then receives that it was like this is both very sweet and so dark and I knew as soon as I heard it because it didn't change at all that what he had done with that song was extraordinary and that the seat we had a scene because if we didn't have that song and he didn't do it the way that he had I think that scene would not have had the kind of weight that it did and the ability to change my character in the way that it did and then of course it came time to shooting it and we just got to sit back and listen to him sing and Katherine was so moved by it that she couldn't get through the episode she couldn't get through the scene without crying and for us it didn't really serve us well to have Moira cry so we sort of had to like cut around it well what's funny is I was a second where you bite you don't you know and I was like you never see her cry she's 20 wiping a tear yeah so funny and at one point she sort of turns back to reach for a tissue which was not part of the scene but it's a funny little I mean we we you throw it in because I think sometimes it's nice to show the candid misses of the television but it was a lovely moment it was a moment that for me meant a lot because it was a parent supporting their kid I think you know a moment at the end also like what she does because the me to find out Jocelyn in enrolling or having a baby baby yeah and she's like yeah and they are trying to make her a big part of that just like I don't care I'm gonna focus on someone else other than me yeah which was a big moment for her and I think even the physical at one point she sort of reaches over and touches my arm as if to say like what's happening here there's something really special happening and I think for us to be able to project a loving and supportive family in a moment when it counts was really important and to show that kind of physical support of a parent supporting their queerer child in a really lovely and magical time in their life was was a message that I wanted to like get out there and fortunately the scene was really easy to cut together it's not hard to act like you're moved when that song is being sung to you and people really responded to it it was a lovely it was a lovely moment in the show what is this consider this my olive branch [Music] it was scripted the David sort of lip-syncs the song the Patrick had sung to him and again scripting at being like isn't this hysterical and then you could get get into the day it's like I don't answer I'm not really a performer I'm not a musician I don't know what I'm gonna do and we started to think I the night before I was just learning the lyrics to the songs I realized I had to know it and we shot that scene right after lunch and I requested a bottle of Prosecco to have over lunch and Noah and I split the bottle and we shot multiple glasses okay and we shot it right after lunch and what you see is basically the majority of our first take and I think as an actor it was the most sort of unsafe I've ever felt in the sense that like I'm gonna do something that's so outside of my own personal comfort zone that level of sort of unabashedly get those moments so rarely so I was like ah screw it let's let's try this and and we finished the scene and our director came out and he was crying and I didn't quite understand because I had always pictured that moment to be quite funny and the rest of our team behind the cameras were crying and I remember thinking like I don't understand I don't know what's going down it wrong I thought I had done it wrong and I think at times there are moments that come out of when you're making TV that are unexpected and I didn't as I was performing it and even when I wrote it I don't think I knew what the context of the moment was and how emotional it would be I guess for people who were invested in the storyline and and even once it aired people were like I was sobbing through your performance and me looking at that performance finger look I thought I was doing something funny I'm glad that it carried a deeper significance than it than it did and I think that's just the context of the of the show but yeah it was a it was a very memorable time and it was also scorching hot in the store and I was wearing this green that third Jevon she wet shirt that was lined in silk you got yourself into you it was I all have never been hotter and I think part of what made that seem so unhinged was just the fact that I was like a little to everybody to just get this done in his little takes as possible
Channel: Entertainment Weekly
Views: 563,652
Rating: 4.9507327 out of 5
Keywords: dan levy, schitts creek, tina turner, tv, Tina Turner's, dan levy interview, behind the scenes, Dan Levy behind the scenes, behind the scenes Dan Levy, tina turners greatest hits, Entertainment Weekly, EW, entertainment, film, music, movies, celebrities, celebs, stars, famous, pop culture, pop, gossip, entertainment news, highlights, Hollywood, interviews, comedy, news, celebrity, review, film (media genre), Personal Relationship, Dan Levy Personal Relationship, Personal Relationship Dan Levy
Id: ddySNZh3xAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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