Schitt's Creek Cast Reveals the True Stories Behind the Show's Best Moments

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what happens when you take money out of an equation money that's been a band-aid to problems and has sort of allowed this family to exist in a very superficial atmosphere what's left and the only thing inevitably is love [Music] you're lucky if you're able to find your footing in terms of people finding their characters within the first season or the first two seasons and I really feel like looking back at that first season our cast was so strong right off the bat these characters were so real and lived in from the very first episode so I feel like in a way our lovely cast has set the tone from day one there is always room for better ideas there's always room for collaboration and I think that really adds the personal sort of intangible magic to the show because everyone has a stake in it I'm gonna go grab a drink but um it was so nice to finally meet you I spent a lot of time watching clips of the Kardashians and the Olsen twins and Lindsay Lohan they're just caught the Olsens now oh sorry they don't like that it's mary-kate Olsen very fashionable I'm gonna respect the wishes so Mary Kate Nash my wishes your and I realize that many a socialite kind of carries their handbag over their hands like this one night I was like what if there was no handbag and I just flipped my wrist over and added another risk to the mix and then just kind of ended up with this pathetic little situation I never tried to do it and I can't quite get it can be the most enlightening and even heuristic exercise what are you saying Kathryn gave me a book of words that are not often said as much as I have tried to master the book nobody has mastered it more than Kathryn in terms of like what if I said this word instead of this word you do realize the baby is crying my best champ yeah when I stole my own baby I think the first time I did it was kind of a mistake or just goofing around a few people laughed and it made me happy so maybe happy to say it that way that really was a giant step in terms of the eccentricity factor in the beginning it really kind of kicked it up and away yeah I say most words correctly I mean I remember I was like Angela does okay so I remember a moment when we were doing the Angela 2 scene and it was very early in the show the odd geladas were my mother's recipe I would have no experience so far be it from me to ever sort of tap Catherine on the shoulder and suggest anything but I do remember in that moment sort of saying like and I because I remember it being because there was a moment where I was like I don't want to tell her what I don't ever wanna I love that you thought you couldn't tell me everything is kind of just just music to the ears that rolls off my wrist oh I like it when you eat when you're able to draw out a one syllable word into multiple syllable oh you must like do we know how this man expired well that was totally emotional so I was afraid I'd killed a man right we love you boss very much well I think what brings so much joy to me in terms of writing this family is that all of these sort of monumental moments for each of these characters are two most well-adjusted people totally everyday things like saying I love you David finally realizing that he doesn't have to have his guard up when it comes to a relationship finding someone that really sort of celebrates who he is was a really nice sort of moment and I think in terms of the relationship itself it's it seemed to sort of unlock a door for the audience as well telling this relationship with not a lot of questions asked and really not making a big deal about the fact that it's two men who are falling in love seems to have really affected change in people's homes gay people queer people have been so accustomed to seeing queer love stories met with tragedy that to put out the idea that this love story would be nothing but a love story and that we were not going to show the other side we were not to fan the flames of anyone that would question it there's a safety I think for people and even though it is a projection of our world in a world that I hope we can get to at some point one that is accepting in a world where love inevitably makes you a better happier healthier person which I think generally is the case for all of us I think by creating that safe space it's allowed people to really feel joy and feel seen and the response to it has been completely overwhelming I think people just love people who express storylines and relationships that is kind of the polar opposite creating a world that you would actually want to live in we might have been living in am falsely safe state we didn't acknowledge a lot of negativity I don't know there's something been revealed in the last few years but I think if you do know it's a negative it allows you to really embrace the positive because it's just as strong and it's more powerful ultimately and it's worth fighting for well it's been amazing just in terms of the feedback - because I've received feedback from both sides of the political spectrum they've both been overwhelmingly supportive of the show which to me is always sort of has raised an eyebrow because I feel like you know we're exploring territory that a lot of these people supposedly do not support all people I think at this point are looking for is just a safe place to express how they feel express why they feel it so by creating a world where conversations can be had without extreme consequence or fear that you're going to be humiliated or shamed for what he believes finding that middle ground really allows for change and allows for people to realize that maybe really hard beliefs that they had held before are changeable and I think in terms of particularly the David Patrick storyline I've received a lot of feedback from religious based people who just hadn't had an in to understanding what a gay relationship in this case was was about and by rooting for these characters they came to understand something that they had never been sort of privy to before and that kind of change is the change that I think we need to do more of he sees you for all that you are the intention of the show was always to season after season peel back the layers on who these people are and show why we were telling the story in the first place and the fact that people seem to sort of fall in love with the show season after season a little bit more is sort of the highest compliment for us I'm glad that we are ending the show with the same kind of purity that we started it with in the Outstanding Comedy Series category our shits Creek to be recognized to have to get recognition for your show from people that you admire and respect and it's wonderful and we've had a like I would say a slow build on our show usually shows don't get their first Emmy in the fifth see yeah it's truly extraordinary and for a show this small to get recognized by the Academy which is sort of the top of the top is it shouldn't be possible and yet it is to not just get a nomination but to get four nominations is truly extraordinary at the same time we think we should win a corpse Harry Shearer out for your consideration said what time you've gotten dressed up and you're in a car on the way to there anything cool I might as well win the bottom line it's always a good feeling when people enjoy your show that's good to laugh [Music]
Channel: TV Guide News
Views: 286,936
Rating: 4.965517 out of 5
Keywords: schitt's creek, dan levy, daniel levy, annie murphy, eugene levy, schitts creek, dan levy schitt's creek, catherine o'hara, alexis rose, emily hampshire, moira rose, pop tv, comedy, noah reid, patrick and david, schitt's creek season 6, eugene levy schitt's creek, poptv, schitt's creek final season, tv guide, video, interview, schitt's creek interview, schitt's creek season 1
Id: Z76UZ4JuF08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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