Scary Candy | Stump Sohla

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Love the bleeding apple concept!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AquaOlly 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
- This video is brought to you by Squarespace. Squarespace is the all-in-one platform to build your online presence. I built my brand new website on Squarespace. It was so easy to use, I recommend it if you're looking to build your website yourself. Go to and use code Babish to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. (dramatic music) - [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, today Sohla El-Waylly is putting a spin on Halloween candy. It's time to Stump Sohla. (wheel clicking) - [Both] Oo! - Spooky. - Spooky! - I can't even get in the Halloween spirit. (laughing) It's September folks. Make it scary. That's exciting. How are you gonna make candy scary? - I'm going to talk to Jess, find out your deepest darkest fears, and then we'll see how that works out. - Great. (laughing) The folks at home might not know that I do not respond well to being scared. (laughing) I am what you might call kind of a jumpy guy. - I only watch scary movies. - You only watch scary movies? - Almost exclusively. (laughing) - That explains a lot. (laughing) Well, normally I say I can't wait to try it and I'm glad I don't have to make it, but now it's more like... (laughing) (groaning) - I wish I just had like, cockroaches in my pockets. - Oh no, you're gonna do cockroach oriented things? (laughing) Oh dude. (laughing) Normally I say I can't wait to try it and I'm glad I don't have to make it, but this- (screaming) (thumping) - We're off to a good start. Scary candy. We made it scary. Ooh. (thunder crashing) So now we need candy. When I think of scary for me, the scariest thing is blood. If I look at it, I die. I don't die. I just get, I get emotional. I want something to bleed. So we're going to do a candy apple. I'm going to do a red candy coating. I want to fill it with something that's going to like ooze. So I want to fill it with a beet caramel. I want to think about like trick or treat, there's gotta be a trick in there. So the trick is going to be, I want to open up some fun size bars and then fill, fill them with a granola bar and then close them back up. So you think you're going to get candy. When it's a... It's a trick guys. It's going to be a, it's going to be a granola bar. I want to refill these M&M bags with maggot M&Ms. I want to make my own M&M, but on the inside, it's going to have puffed rice and fondant. And I'm hoping that it looks like maggots when you bite into it. Is he up there? Mixed bugs, assorted. I'm gonna temper them in chocolate dip them, throw 'em in there. It's all tricks. Some treats, huh? All right, we're going to make it scary. (thunder crash) So. I'm going to start with my granola bars. I already toasted some mixed nuts and seeds. I'm going to process that in the food processor, along with some rolled oats until it's nice and mealy. to this, I'm going to add just under tablespoon of salt. Some oil. Okay. I'm going to mix this up to combine. While I mix this, I'm going to get my honey caramelizing. So I just want to cook the honey until it just starts to smell like it's darkened a little; we're not going crazy here. Next some raisins, you can use whatever fruit you like, but I'm using raisins because everybody hates them. Does Andrew hate raises? - [Jess] I don't know, actually. - Well, we'll find out. Peanut butter. I'm going to pour right on top. And then when we pour the hot honey over it, it will come together really nicely. Honey caramelizes really fast. Actually it goes from honey to burnt like that. So I'm going to just keep an eye on it. We're cooking it a little bit to remove some of the moisture. So it kind of holds together a little bit better. It gets so foamy that you really have to depend on your sense of smell more than sight. And I think we're there. Smells a little toasty gonna pour it over my peanut butter and then mix it up. Oh, I forgot. There's more oats. Some unprocessed outs for texture. Pan. Enter. Flatten it out. It's a bit thick huh? Let's lose some of this. The TV doesn't need to see this. Hide it. Now I'm just going to use the back of a measuring cup to make sure it's really nicely packed. Now I'm going to bake. Granola bars. Done. (clap) Okay. So now I'm going to make my beet caramel that's going to go inside of the candy apples. I'm going to start by chopping up some beets, blending it with some water and then passing it through a strainer to make our beet juice. How is this talking? How's my talking game today? - [Jess] It's great. (laughing) You have a lot of energy. - I do? - [Jess] Yeah. - Cool. Not inside my heart. Little water. Okay. Let's blend it up. Ooh, spooky. Just the fact that it's beets alone probably scares a lot of people. Blood, blood. Blood. (laughing) I don't know. What do vampire sound like? Blood. Okay. Beet juice. Now we're going to make our caramel. (clap) Gonna measure out some cream. I mean it says September 28th. It's just two days. It's probably fine. All right. This is our de-glazing cream, some butter... Tare. Tare. Tare. (button clicking) Hmm. Tare. I know you want to do it. Okay. Let's try this again. On. Tare. Excellent. Okay. Butter going in. Huh. That didn't, that didn't register on the scale. - [Jess] Should we get another one? - Well, you know, I think it'll be okay. We need sugar sealed for my protection. Tear. Oh! it turned off. Huh. Scale. Let's try again. On. Tare. Okay. Okay. Will you weigh for me, buddy? Yeah. You're you're cooperating now. And then little corn syrup tare. Come on. You can do it. You can do it. You can't do it. Do I have to hold it down? Nope, that's off now. Okay. I put in 150 grams of sugar. And now about 35 grams of corn syrup. Beet juice... You know what? I'm just going to guess on this one. Enough beet juice to moisturize everything. We'll get this cooking until it's become caramel or something. You're not very useful, scale. (metal clanking on oven) Okay. These puffed. I wasn't expecting that. Those bugs. I mean, not bugs. The raisins look like bugs, right? They look terrifying. He's going to hate that. And it's great. So while my caramel caramelizes, I'm going to bloom some gelatin. So what that means is we're going to hydrate it in a little bit of cool water. Let it sprinkle. Like it's a gentle shower from the heavens. So each little granule gets to hit the water and you don't end up with clumpies. This is just going to hang out on the side while our caramel caramelizes. There's probably a better way to say that. Something more eloquent, but whatever, we're just trying to be spooky today. Spooky. (spooky laughter) I don't think it's caramel yet. Check it out. (beeping) Whoa, sticky. Whoa. There's probably a temperature this should be, but I don't know what that is. It looks... Doesn't it look creepy? Spooky. Scary. Oh guys. Our skeleton's name's Harold. Say hello. (spooky thump) We're still caramelizing. Cool, cool. (laid-back music) It's smelling really toasty. So I'm going to do it. So since the cold, cream was cold, some of the sugar got a little clumpy, so I'm just going to cook it. Make sure all those clumps are gone. It feels good. Okay. So my gelatin has bloomed and you can see it's like totally hydrated sucked up all that water she's going in. Just going to stir to dissolve. Gelatin doesn't need that much heat to dissolve and you actually want to make sure that it doesn't get over the boiling point. 'Cause then it can just deactivate and die. (dramatic booming) Gonna strain this over the rest of my cream. Ooh, that's a good color. Maybe I don't need to add food coloring. It's so thin though. Well, we'll just see what happens. There's gelatin in there so it should set up. All right. We'll chill that. See how it goes. So next I'm going to work on the maple fondant. That's going to be the center of my maggot M&Ms. Hopefully, I don't know. We'll see. I'm going to cook together maple, sugar, corn syrup, cream, and some salt. We're going to cook it until it's 240 degrees. Okay. That didn't take that long. I'm going to pour it into a mixing bowl and let it cool to about 118 before paddling it together. And that's going to make it like nice and creamy. It's going to go from being like really shiny to opaque. And that's how you get like, that creamy fondant texture. (machine whirring) Mm. Each one's getting better. Andrew's making pizza today. This is our third slice. They're being handed over to us. It's truly luxurious. Okay. So this has been whipping for a while. Remember how it was this thick brown syrup? Look at it now. So creamy. So fluffy. So tasty. Smells very maple-y. This is going to be delicious. It's still a little warm. So before cools down, I'm going to fold in our maggots. It really looks like it. If you're looking at that from far away, you would think it's a maggot. (rice cereal thumping on tin) This is going to be our little maggot filling M&Ms. Okay. I want to taste. Hmm. Hmm. This is good. This one's yummy. Mhm. Okay. Okay. Wow. (bag crinkling) So I don't need all of this, but I went a little overboard. Okay. So I basically want to carefully unpackage some of these so I can repackage our tricks in there. These are fake cockroaches. (bag crinkling) (laughing) We have to be careful. Andrew can not come down here. He can not. But for like a couple of them, I want there to be a candy bar with a roach on top. I think that could be like a regular Hershey's and we just slip a roach in there. We'll do a couple of those. I think that the Snickers is the perfect size to fit our little granola bars in. These are going to be our maggot M&Ms, and then in the Almond Joy, we're going to pry out the almond and pop some bugaboos on there and re-coat it in chocolate. I'm going to have to eat one too. Oh. And then we're going to do a cilantro one. We have to get some cilantro and microwave it until it's dehydrated and then blitz it into a powder and dust it on top of something and put it back in. So maybe that should be our Kit-Kats. Is he even going to eat this you think? If he doesn't eat one, then I won't. So that works out. You can see their eyes. Can you see the eyes? Okay. I'm going to put these away. I'm really... Don't want to keep looking at that. You know what really scares me though, is climate change. (laughing) - [Jess] Real talk. - Too real. (laughing) Too real. So now I'm going to temper some chocolate to dip my maggot M&Ms and hide my little bugs in the Almond Joy. I'm going to melt down some chocolate and then I'm going to chop up some more chocolate to be the seed. I like to use 30% like, like, what am I trying to say? Like if I put a thousand grams of chocolate in there, like two, 300 grams for tempering, that's not how much chocolate I'm gonna use right now. But, but you know what I'm trying to say? 30%. This is a terrible voiceover. Brad Cash can't use any of this. (laughing) Crystal formation actually takes quite a bit of time if you just melt and cool. So instead what we do is you drop it down below your target temperature (dramatic music) and there, at that lower temperature crystal formation is really active. I'm going to chop this up. It just helps it melt a little faster. The whole tempering process goes a little faster if you chop it up, but if you're feeling lazy... Don't. But if you're feelin' lazy, you probably shouldn't temper chocolate. It's like, who's going to win here, you or the chocolate? - Not the chocolate. Not the chocolate. (dramatic music) - While this happens, this is going to take some time. I'm going to start rolling the maggot balls. How does that sound? - [Jess] Sounds great. - Yeah. I want it to look like a peanut M&Ms. You know what? They're going to be a little bigger. Who cares? I want to make sure each piece has a good amount of maggot you know? This maggot filling is delightful. Truly. Some of them are kind of hard to make smooth, so you might need to pull out a maggot here and there. - Gotcha. (laughing) - So this is my favorite way to roll truffles. So you put a little dollop in there and then this hand you keep relatively clean and then you roll and you drop. Little drop. Roll it around. We're going to do a couple layers. - Mine are so much bigger than yours. And I've genuinely tried to make my own smaller. And it's impossible. - You can do it. I believe in you. I think it could be half that size. - Oh my God. Okay. (laughing) There we go. - Nailed it. Thank you for your assistance. I'm going to go back and double coat the ones that have set up. So, you know it's tempered because it's setting up right in front of our eyes. Going to pop this in the fridge real quick, and then we'll do the Almond Joy with the bugaboos in there. None of us are looking forward to this. So let's just do it. We're all gonna suffer through this together, you know? I'm just going to saw off the top. Now the unpleasantness begins. Gonna put a little layer, just a little pat and then smoosh these in, in place of our almonds. I'm going to be generous with it you know? - [Jess] There's only one almond in Almond Joys. - Yeah, but they're so small. I'm going to eat one too. We're all gonna do this together. We're all in this together. Isn't that a song? I don't want to eat this. - [Jess] I don't either. - You don't have to, but you, you already said that you would for solidarity. It's going to be okay. We're going to put some... Okay. Now we're going to dip the whole thing in chocolate. How do I do this without it all just like falling right off? Here we go. No stopping now. Right? (record scratch) (shout) No! I lost it in there! No! Come back. Now everything is contaminated. Okay. Okay. This is a mess, but it's okay. One. (laughing) Dip some solo. Okay. In you go. Buddy boy. See ya on the other side, huh? Delightful. They look so lovely when they're dipped, right? You can't even tell. How many more should I do? A couple more. That one's for Sawyer. So we got Brad Cash, Sawyer, Sawyer the Lawyer. Kendall, Jess. Babby. And me. You never know. Maybe someone wants seconds. We got them. We got enough for all our friends. All right. So I've got my granola bars. They're cool. It's a little thicker than I was anticipating. (laughing) I don't know how I'm going to fit these things in these packages. We'll figure it out. Ooh, ooh, ooh! It's a little thick, but the height is the same as the width. It looks like there's bugs in there. Let's see how this does. We dip. I just need, I need like three. Okay. Can't even tell the difference, right? It's exactly the same. (clanking on pot) Oh god. Don't fall off. I feel like it didn't work. (dramatic music) The raisins are just falling out. I'm going to stop now. (laughing) I'm going to stop. I want to try and carefully open these up and keep the package intact so I can slide on one of these in. Okay. Let's see how this goes. (dramatic music) This is like, harder than anticipated. They're all going to be a little wrinkly. (dramatic whoosh) I don't want to rip it. (gasp) No, I ripped it. I wonder how many it's gonna take to do this. Maybe there's a smarter way to do this. Nope, I did it. Didn't have to be smart. I'm gonna wiggle this guy's little butt in here. Isn't this just like your worst nightmare? This would like turn me off candy forever. Yeah. Tuck them in. Go to bed. Won't suspect a thing. All right. Little arts and craft. That doesn't look suspicious, right? Does it? There's a little bulge at the back. (laughing) Right now I'm going to do the rest. Not bad, not bad. I think it'll fit. Yeah. Yeah. We got it. Got this. This is just like what it's like when I put my pants on in the morning, you know? Got to lay down. No, that's a lie. I've just given up on pants. Stretch pants, guys. (laughing) Oo, baby. Come on. I don't know if this is food safe, but I imagine it is because kids eat this stuff, right? We're not eating it. It's just close to our food. Okay. (laughing) What do you think? Not bad. Could be worse. Let's do the bugaboos and then we're done. It's a, it's a little funny looking 'cause it's dark chocolate here and milk chocolate there. You know, just don't look too closely. And it's fine. So next I'm going to try and candy coat my M&Ms. So I'm going to try and make a royal icing and then hand roll them in the royal icing the same way I dipped them in chocolate and it's supposed to be scary candy. So it's okay if it looks a little terrible, right? Royal icing is really, really simple. It's just a combo of powdered sugar and egg white and the egg white helps it set really firm and crisp. I never use a recipe for this. As you can see, you just keep going until it's the texture you want. Quite thick. So it won't just drip right off. Now I want to color them. I've had these food colorings since like, I began cooking. Maybe it's a little crusty. Let's open her up. Oh god. (laughing) With royal icing you do have to move pretty quickly. 'Cause it gets dry and crusty really fast. I want to divide it into five equal amounts. So we have no color that's going to be more represented than the other. There's one extra. So I think I'm going to eat it. This one. The rice crispy middle didn't stay crunchy. It got soggy. Okay. We'll start from the yellow. Guys, I don't know. I don't know. I don't have the highest hopes. No, that's not going to work at all. I think it has to be dipped, huh? This also really doesn't want to work. This looks terrible. (laughing) It's not the worst for like a homemade attempt without any of the proper tools or equipment. This is not natural food coloring or anything like that. I want an electric blue that sends shivers down your spine. Nature doesn't have that. Now let's make some green. I think it's about the icing consistency and the one on the green icing has like a really nice consistency. It's coating really nicely. Okay. Let's see what horrible color we get. Let me put it all together. Ooh, gross. Maybe it should have all been this color for scary candy. It's just like sewage, but I think it works. Okay. We did it. We did it. These are my maple... Maggot... M&Ms. I hope they're drying. So now I'm going to fill my bleeding caramel apples with some of this beet caramel, which looks pretty gross already. The gelatin made it like this really disgusting texture. Whoa. Going to add a little bit of red dye, try and make it look even more guts-like, and then I'm going to try and core out these apples, make a little hollow part, fill it with this stuff, put an Apple plug back on there, stick a stick on there and hopefully it stays together and it might not. And if it doesn't then we're just going do candy apples. This stuff looks gross. Really truly disgusting. (gasp) So much. It's fine. We want it to look terrible. Yeah. I think that was an appropriate amount of dye. I like the little chunks in there. I think it adds to the disgustingness. All right. I haven't really thought through how we're going to plug it up once we open it. I'm hoping I can get a nice round thing that I can poke back in there. Like when you carve a jack-o-lantern. I'm going to scoop out the guts and fill it with more guts. It's a pretty disgusting texture. Success there. Where's my plug? Hmm. Hmm. Ew. (laughing) (loud whoosh) We're going to figure this out. (loud bang) Gonna put this through here. Oh God. Do you think this could work? Yeah. I think this, I think we'll go this way. I think that that will... There's a little oozing, but I think that's kind of cool. Once I've taken out the core, I try to, I'm going in to the sides, hollowing out a little bit to make some room for caramel instead of going all the way down so that we still have the stability at the bottom to stick that stick into. Ooh! That one's really good. Huh? There's no leakage at the top. Does this sound like apple coring ASMR? Wait, let's do it. Let's just make it apple coring ASMR. I'm slowly going to... (apple core slicing) Carve out... (apple slicing) The insides of this apple. (apple slicing) And then I'm going to fill it... (apple slicing) With a gelatinous sludge. (apple slicing) The color of coagulated blood. (apple slicing) Before dipping it... (apple slicing) In more beet caramel. I think that we should get a cut of this for social. Is that a good sound? (caramel thumping on bowl) - [Jess] No! (laughing) - So I've got my beet caramel filled apples. And now I'm going to make a little bit more beet caramel to coat the apples in. This caramel is just gonna be sugar and corn syrup. 'Cause we want it to set hard and crunchy. So it's not going to have any cream or butter and going to cook down my sugar, corn syrup, and beet juice until it's thick. Viscous. This is some leftover beet juice from yesterday. It looks like blood. I don't know what's scarier. Blood or beet juice. Then corn syrup. You really don't have to measure this. And here we go. It's bubbling. We can even, we can do the ice water test. Hold on. Let me get some water. So you can already tell this is not there yet because it is so thin. It will cling to the spoon tightly when we get there. But I'll drip some in here and it completely dissolved because we're nowhere near it. It's getting thicker. Look at that. Wow. This is like softball stage. It is not just completely melting into the water like we did earlier, but it's not hard. We got to keep cooking. Okay. Look at how firm this ball is. Huh? (spooky music) I think I'm going to turn this off. I think this is it. It's going to continue cooking from the residual heat. So it's, it's pretty firm, (tapping on bowl) but still a little pliable. So I feel like by the time it cools down to the temperature that it's ready to dip, it will be ready. We just want it to settle down a little. It's like super bubbly right now. And those bubbles are going to show up in your apple. When it's hard, see how it just like, the little droplet didn't flatten out? It just like stayed like a little ball as soon as it hit the water. Okay. Bubbles have settled down. Shall we begin? We'll tilt. Tilt and swirl. Give it a second to like drip and twirl so that you don't end up with like a big, heavy foot of sugar at the bottom. I feel like that's good. That's my bleeding candy apples. All right. So now I want to make a spooky, scary punch. What's going to make it spooky and scary? A lot of alcohol. This is just some lapsang souchong. Is that how you say it? Perhaps in voiceover. Andrew can add it is pronounced- - [Andrew] Lapsang souchong. (laughing) - But it's a nice like, smokey tea. We're going to do some honey. Mix it up with some unsweetened cherry juice for some nice tartness, little lemon, little bourbon, little bitters, some vermouth. - [Andrew] Tasty. - I'm going to start with honey so that we can dissolve it into the tea. Let's add some lemon. I'm going to start with one. Little cherry juice. (lid thumping on table) Ah it's so- ah, I got it. Okay. All right. Sweet vermouth. Bourbon. (water sloshing) Is that a lot? Let's just finish it. (laughing) And some bitters. Okay. I'm going to give that a taste. I might be a little on the strong side. (laughing) I think we need more lemon. I also feel like perhaps it's not boozy enough. Let's do... Whew. That gave me like, hot belly. One more vermouth. Some more lemon. Definitely needs some more zip. (wood thumping on glass) I feel like it needs more honey. Or we can sweeten it with more bourbon. What about that? More bourbon. That's what we need. (wooden spoon thumping on glass) (water swishing) Once that's cold I think that'll be good. Okay. Here's our witches brew. Witches brew. Witch doesn't have an H. Not there. Not next to the W right? Does it? No. Nope. Andrew hates cilantro. So these are cilantro leaves. If you lay them out on a plate and microwave them, they get real crisp and dry. But they kinda retain their green fresh color in a way that, when you dehydrate it, it doesn't... So it has more of a raw fresh cilantro taste. I'm gonna... Oh man. (sniff) Whoa. It's very cilantro-y today. So. Just gonna kind of powder it up and cover some Kit-Kats in it. And then put them back in the package. This has turned into an ASMR video. (crispy crunching) I need a spice grinder. This plug's really short, so I'm going to do this on the ground. (machine whirring) That didn't really powder. But we're gonna go with it anyways. (laughing) Just brush a little corn syrup on there to make it stick. This might work. Okay. Slick the- (loud sneeze) (laughing) We got a nice thin layer. Put our cilantro confetti on there and to top off the excess, whoa, there's not much access. It's a lot. (laughing) It's really just holding on tight. (laughing) He's going to hate this. This is might be the one he hates the most. I hope you guys try this at home. Prank your friends, your loved ones. These are like harmless little pranks. It's not razorblades. Cilantro. Sealed. - [Jess] For your protection. - Yeah. (laughing) All right. Huh... The bottom is still goopy goop. I think this like really needs to go overnight. Whatever. We'll put it on a plate. It doesn't need to be in the bag. Let's figure out how we are going to do this then. I guess we're ready to serve. (upbeat music) - [Andrew] Oh (beep). - So spooky! - [Andrew] Oh my god. Is that us in a pumpkin? (laughing) - Kendall did it. - Kendall! That's awesome. This is sick. - I believe we should begin with a little liquid courage. - I could use some. - Witches' brew. - Witches' brew. I can smell the whiskey from here. So I think it's going to give me plenty of courage. - So don't drink the cubes of dry ice. (laughing) - I'll try. (laughing) - Here we go. All right. - Cheers. - Cheers! - Nicely done with the spooky drink. - So spooky. - Ooh! Ooh! What's goin' on there? We got some fruity stuff. What's happening? - Some bourbon, some cherry juice, vermouth, lemon, honey, tea. - That's positively of the season. - I think you might need all of that. Really to get- (laughing) (beep) (laughing) - Here we go. (laughing) - Don't. Don't do it. It's all. It's so much bourbon. We found another wheel. (gasp) - A wheel! - So I feel like you should spin this to figure out what candy you're going to taste first. - All right. That makes sense. - And I'm going to decide what these mean. (laughing) - You make the rules down here. This is your domain. What do I do? This button? - Yeah. (wheel whirring) - Oh, it actually spins. - What does it say? - Says... Watch your back. - Watch your back! - Ah! (laughing) Oh! (laughing) That looks too real. - Yeah. - That looks too real. (upbeat music) - You know, your classic fun size candy. - I don't like this. Does any of this hurt? - No, nothing hurts. - Okay. - Nothing hurts. - That's all that matters. - But you know, just try one of each. Let me know what you think. I'll do it with you. - Okay. All right. Is something going to like snap at me? (vocalizing) Okay. - Goin' right in for the Almond Joy. Almond Joy, harmless. - It appears as though these have been opened. (laughing) So let this serve as a caution that kids going trick or treating, you find candy like this, don't eat it. I know that your intentions are good. Some other people in this world, I don't know. There'd be razorblades in here. I mean, this looks just like an Almond Joy. So nicely done on that. - Okay. I want you to taste it and then tell me what you think is inside. I'm going to taste it with you. - Is this full of bugs? (dramatic music) Okay. It's a bug, isn't it? - Mhm. - You made me eat a bug. (laughing) - I'm doing it with you. (fake crying) - Okay. All right. Are these little bugs? (laughing) - Surprisingly, it just tastes like a nut. - It does. You would have fooled me. - I know what it is. So I'm not going to have another bite. - I'm all set. I'm picking cricket out of my teeth. (upbeat music) - Easy peasy. Our hens have returned. - All right. I've had good experiences with the hens. What's going to be under here? Ah, okay. All right. (both groaning) (laughing) - So these are my attempt at making M&Ms with a maggot center. - Like a real maggot center? - No it's rice Krispies that I was hoping would look like a maggot, maple fondant. But... They should've dried like overnight, but who cares? They're a little, still, they're still a little moist. - Should I try to bite it in half, or just eat the whole thing? - I'm going to bite it in half. Yeah. - Hmm. - Kind of looks like I bit into a maggot. Oh, it's tasty. - Maple maggots. It's just a nice treat to break up the tricks. You know? - Gotta have some treats. Little tricks. What are we doing here? That's really good. That's what I was smelling yesterday with the maple. I could smell what was happening down here, but I couldn't see it. - I think if they had time to dry, we'd get that nice crisp contrast. - I think that they're absolutely delicious. I never would have imagined maple M&Ms in that. That really works. - Let's return to the candy bowl. (laughing) The candy bowl of broom. (upbeat music) What are you feeling? You just want to play with that now. - What? Okay. Kit-Kat time. - Kit-Kats. All right. I love a Kit-Kat. - I love a Kit-Kat too. I don't see anything going wrong here potentially. - No, nothing. Nothing at all. (candy wrappers crunching) - You... Sadist. Oo, green. Very green. You just glued some... Some cilantro? (laughing) That's cilantro isn't it? (laughing) - I should've just glued some cilantro to it. (laughing) - I will take a bite of this for camera. I'll vomit off camera. How, how is it objectively as, as somebody who likes cilantro? How's a Kit-Kat with cilantro on it? - I'm gonna wait for you. (groan) (crunch) (wrapper crinkling) - Even as someone who likes cilantro, that is way too much cilantro. (groaning) Dried it so it's nice and concentrated really hit you with that cilantro flavor. (laughing) - That's mean. - Would you like some more? - Yeah. Yep, I need this. - Chaser. (grunt) - Now that's scary. (upbeat music) - [Both] Snickers! - Snickers. - What'd you do to this? Did you make this from scratch? It looks just like a... No that looks... - It looks like a Snickers. - Did you make these? - Looks like a Snickers. (loud boom) (laughing) - I'm scared, but I'm going to try it. (sigh) Cheers. - Cheers. It's a granola bar. - Oh! Little healthy. - Mhm. - That looks just like a fun size. How'd you get this like... The feathering on top? - I don't know, with a fork. It was luck. - This is nice. Just a chocolate covered granola bar. Nothing scary here unless you're a child and you hate nutrition. - Exactly. (upbeat music) Candy apples. - Candy apples. - All right. They're a little sticky. We're going to have to pry them off. - Okay. (laughing) - They're really sticky. Oh no! How are we going to eat this? - Those are glued. (laughing) - That's the future of your mouth. (laughing) - That's scary. Hey! All right. - Okay one. Got one. - Nice. - Okay oo. - Nicely done. - We did it. - There we go. (apple crunching) Ah. (mumbling incoherently) (laughing) Ah, I can't breathe. (laughing) Is it scary because I feel like it's gonna clog up my windpipe? - No, keep going in the center. (laughing) - Ah! - Ooh! - What is that? - Beet caramel. Apple guts. - Ahh, it's bleeding. My apple's bleeding. Holy (beep) It's glued to the top of my mouth. (laughing) It's really tasty. (laughing) I think it's a permanent part of me now. (laughing) (upbeat music) Here we go. - Here we go. - Cockroaches to... Contend with. This doesn't feel like an everyday Hershey bar. (laughing) There's a protrusion (laughing) in the center of the bar- Ah! Hey. (laughing) - Hey. I was hoping for more of a jump. That's it. - Listen. - It's just a Hershey bar. With the cockroach in it. - The only way that you're going to make me jump- (loud shout) (upbeat music) I was thoroughly spooked by your, your all your bugs. (laughing) So many bugs, so many spooky fogs. And I'd say far more treats than tricks. - Success. - But lots of tricks still. I ate a bug. - Oh, oh! - More bugs? - Bonus round. For the whole team to bond over. There's enough for all of us. - How? There? (laughing) Is it like, what is it? (laughing) What are these? - Chocolate covered... Crickets and silkworms. - Okay, cool. Nice- - For the team. - Wow, there you go team. - For the team, guys. Come on, come on! - Cricket? A little cricket? - Come on Kendall. - Chirp, you want a cricket? - Jess, you said you were gonna do it. - [Jess] I know. Which one's a cricket? - I don't know anymore. - Does it really matter? (laughing) - A little one. - Guests? - Guests, honored guests? (laughing) - You're going to do it. I can see it in your eyes. - Wow. Its' really salty. (laughing) - A very spooky Halloween to you and yours from us and ours. May your Halloween be as full of frights and delightful surprises, mine and Sohla's. Here here. (laughing) Oh, it is salty. (laughing) Why are mealworms slaty? (upbeat music) Do you feel stumped? - I dunno. - I don't think you were stumped. - I dunno if it was like the M&Ms were... Eh. - They were really delicious. Maple M&Ms. - Maple maggot. - Maple maggot M&Ms. I don't think you were stumped. I think that you stumped us once again with your creativity and bugs. - It's fun. Halloween is fun. - Halloween is super fun. I mean, look at this. You can buy fake roaches in the video description below. - Sponsored by- - It's an Amazon affiliate link. (laughing) Sponsored by fake roaches. (laughing) - Shut it down. - Shut it down. Happy Halloween. Turn off the... Somebody turn off the lights so we can disappear. This power button. Can you hit the power button there? - Oh we have to get the- - Happy ha- (laughing) - [Sohla] Thanks again to Squarespace for sponsoring this episode. Squarespace is the all-in-one platform to help build your website. Check out my new website,, which I built on Squarespace. The platform is user-friendly and easy to use. So I was able to set up my website exactly how I imagined it. You can find my recipes, recent videos, sign up for my newsletter, or just look at photos of my dogs. Go to and use code Babish to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. (laid-back music)
Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 1,540,389
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Keywords: babish, babbish, binging with babish, basics with babish, pear qwerty horse, sohla, sohlae, sohla el-waylly, sohla babish, babish sohla, stump sohla, homemade candy, candy from scratch, how to make candy, halloween candy, candy for halloween, sohla candy, sohla recipe, sohla making candy, sohla elwaylly, sohla el-waylly recipe, sohla how-to, scary candy
Id: -xtuczh5y68
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Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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