Food Illusions: Movie Snacks | Stump Sohla

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Sohla's Babish impression was easily the highlight of this episode.

👍︎︎ 211 👤︎︎ u/Vince-M 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 84 👤︎︎ u/PickAndPins 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

I think what I really love about this episode is that Shola demonstrates really cool technique and has some good ideas, but ultimately isn't super successful. It's a fun reminder that even someone as skilled and intelligent as Sohla isn't going to come up with something that works every time.

That, and it's fun to watch people have fun, which might be my favorite part of every episode. Everyone's having fun and it's infectious.

👍︎︎ 140 👤︎︎ u/akanefive 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Everytime one of these come out, I watch it and just think "God, how stupid was Conde Nast".

👍︎︎ 150 👤︎︎ u/faithdies 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Really love the double spoon tasting trick, I noticed it in some earlier episodes and I've been using it ever since!

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/WaitwhatamIdoinghere 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

I notice Jess seems to be quite involved in the creation of these episodes. Is she like a producer now? It’s fun to see all these people doing what they do, and being friends. It would be fun to see Ham and more of Buckwheat in some upcoming videos...Just thinking out loud.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/GhOsT_wRiTeR_XVI 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Something I've been really enjoying about these videos is the low-key casual nature of them. It's obvious Sohla is really intelligent and a capable cook but so many times she says "I don't really know what I'm doing but let's try it". Though I don't generally think I'll make the things she is doing watching her try and experiment feels so nicely casually. It really takes the pressure off of cooking which is something I needed in my life.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Did I see Sohla use a Pilot G2 pen? Those pens are incredible. I know I should be focusing on the food but I'm way too happy to see a pen I like.

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Sohla drinking beet juice while Kendall gags off-camera was hilarious. Is that really the next trendy beverage? (...should I go get beet juice and try it myself?)

I'd leave a more in-depth comment but I've become one with the sugar.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/RexSueciae 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Thank you, ButcherBox, for sponsoring this episode and supporting my show. - ButcherBox believes in better. They partner directly with farmers who are committed to raising. - Directly. (both laughing) - They partner directly with farmers who are committed to treating animals humanely and sustainable farming practices to bring high quality meats directly to your door. - Mm-hm, they offer 100% grass fed meats, free range organic poultry, heritage breed pork and wild caught seafood. - You choose your box type and delivery frequency, and you can skip a month or cancel anytime. - And your order comes in an eco-friendly 100% recyclable box. - New members will get a whole, free range, all natural turkey in their first box for free. - For free. - Head to the link in the video description, sign up now, and get yours in time for the holidays. - Get on it. - Get on it. - The holidays approach. - This is a limited time offer. You're not gonna get a turkey after Thanksgiving. - Nope. - Why would you? - [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, today, Sohla El-Waylly is putting a spin on movie snacks. It's time to stump Sohla. (upbeat game show music) - Ooh! - Food illusions. - Food illusions. - What exactly is that? - I think, in my head it's like when you see a shoe on Instagram and then it turns out to be a cake. - [Andrew] Ooh, that's charming. - I don't know how to do that. - Oh you don't know how to do that? - No, not at all. - Oh okay. - But, I'm gonna figure it out. (Sohla laughs) - I mean, I've learned a few things about you on this show. You love fire. - Love fire. - And you can't be stumped. And you figure it out. - We'll see. - Movie snacks, food illusions. How's that gonna go? - I mean, I love movie snacks. - I love movie snacks. - I'm gonna try and make movie snacks that are actually something else, but they look like something else. - That sounds like the challenge. - Yeah! (Sohla laughs) - Well Sohla, as usual, I can't wait to try it and I'm glad I don't have to make it. We'll see you on the other side. (fingers snapping) Forgot the wheel, sorry. - This is definitely something that I don't know how to do. Actually, when I saw it on the wheel, at first I was like, maybe we should take that off. (Sohla laughs) But it's here, it's there. It happened, we landed on it. What I know about food illusions is I've seen some cool stuff on Instagram now where you see something that looks like a flip-flop and then they cut into it and it's a cake. So it's pretty awesome. There's some really incredible stuff out there. I don't know how to do any of that. I can't do this one. I'm definitely gonna be stumped. So I'm just gonna like have fun and do whatever the hell I want. Movie snacks are something that I really, really like. A big appeal of gonna the movie theater is to get the snacks. I always get popcorn. And I think it's the only place that I get licorice and whoppers. I also really like how the candy comes in boxes and it makes me want to eat candy. But I feel like some of the new theaters don't do that. Have you noticed that? - [Jess] I haven't been to a theater in a while. - Yeah, I guess none of us have. (Sohla laughs) Popcorn, I want to make popcorn ice cream by steeping the milk with some popcorn and then making a nice cream with it. You know what sounds really good is just like a bowl of popcorn milk with popcorn on top. Maybe we could just stop there. (Sohla laughs) Anyways. Must be a licorice. I want to take parsnips and candy them in sugar and beet juice so it gets like dark red. Like hopefully like around the same color as licorice. And then I want to dehydrate them and twist them. And hopefully it kind of looks a little bit like licorice and then you bite into it and you're like, ew, it's a parsnip slash beet. Fun? And I want to do something that's like a Whopper. None of these are gonna look like their things, whatever. For the Whopper, this is just gonna be stupid. I'm gonna make meatballs. Because I've been watching a lot of "The Office" and one of my favorite gags is when Jim puts meatballs in Dwight's stuff and then Stanley yells, "You've been meatballed!" Can we get a cut of like, "You've been meatballed?" - What the? - You've been meatballed! - So I want to just yell, you've been meatballed. And I want to make a gravy and try and glaze the meatballs in the gravy. I feel like that might work. But I don't know. That's what we're doing today. I'm gonna start by working on my parsnip licorice. The first thing I'm gonna do is cut the parsnips into long pieces. I'm gonna candy this until it's nice and tender and sweet in a mixture of sugar and beet juice. And then they're gonna go into the dehydrator. And once it's like halfway dry, I want to twist it. And I'm hoping that these edges will kind of look similar to the, the ridges that you see in like a Twizzler. I'm, this is gonna be a bad one. I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Can you tell, can you feel my anxiety? I'm gonna just simmer that gently until the parsnips are nice and tender and like they've become one with the sugar. Become, become one with the sugar. Sugar. Does that make sense? We'll see, let's see how this stump goes. (clapperboard snapping) (Sohla laughs) Okay, so the parsnips I've set aside. It's gonna keep simmering while I work on, (hands clapping) popcorn, ice cream. The popcorn ice cream is gonna be, it's gonna be a pretty classic ice cream base. So milk, cream, sugar, egg yolks, and anglaise. The only thing to make it popcorn ice cream. I'm gonna steep the milk with some popcorn. (hands clapping) I'm gonna set my beet juice aside. Mm, I feel like it would be very good with some gin. A little splash of gin. Not into it? Little lemon. (Kendall gagging) Maybe top it with a little sparkling water. I think this is the next cool beverage. Mm-hm. It's probably good for you or something. Okay, I'm gonna use a bagged popcorn because this stuff has like lots of nice artificial butter flavoring that I think it's gonna really come through. I've done it before with just like popcorn that I popped and it's just, the flavors a little bit subtle. How is it even so yellow? My popcorn never looks like that. The main thing is you want to do a cold seep. If you do a hot liquid, it kind of just swells up whatever you're soaking, you just lose it all. It just gets sucked up into the oats or the crackers or the popcorn or whatever. So cold steep overnight, you get a lot of flavor. And luckily Kendall has soaked some for me already. All right, here's our popcorn milk. And I'm just gonna strain it and use this to make my ice cream base. Smells like popcorn. It's very subtle. It's not as popcorny as I wanted. What else can we do? There's a lot of good flavor on this bag and I want to figure out how to get it into my milk. So I think I'm gonna scrape the popcorn gunk off of the bag and add it to my milk. I think this is where the real flavor is. I strained out that popcorn that was steeping overnight. And I'm gonna add some more, just the dark orange ones, because they seem to have more flavor. And I'm gonna let that just get soggy and wet in there and then I'm gonna blend it. So we have like actual popcorn puree in our popcorn ice cream and I think that's gonna really help bump up the flavor. So the parsnips have been simmering in this beat syrup for a while now. Maybe like an hour. It's tender. It almost looks like a candy already, like a gummy candy. We just got started. So I'm gonna lay it out on the dehydrator. We're gonna be positive. This is gonna be a great episode. You're gonna be so entertained. That's pretty good. The insides a little bit, like fluffy almost. You don't taste too much beet, I'm surprised. It's more like parsnipy. Sweet earthiness. So I'm gonna dehydrate this until it's just like stiffened up a little bit and then I'm gonna twist it and let it go some more. Into the dehydrator. (hands clapping) Now I'm gonna make my popcorn ice cream. I'm gonna take my popcorn and milk that's been soaking. I'm gonna blend that until it's smooth. (rock music) I'm gonna be making my ice cream base. Let's see how much milk this is. I need about eight ounces. All right, I'm adding eight ounces of cream. Seven egg yolks. I'm gonna add about a half teaspoon of salt and six ounces of sugar. So I'm gonna whip together the eggs and the sugar until they get creamy and like come to a, it's called ribbon stage. And it's 'cause it'll fall off the whisk and ribbons. This bowl might be a little small. Perhaps we transfer. While I whip this I'm bringing the milk up. There's a lot of starch in there from the popcorn. I'm gonna store it occasionally to make sure it doesn't scorch. I made a cracker ice cream once. It was a 16 gallon batch. I wasn't stirring vigorously enough and it burned. But I thought it tasted delicious. It turned into toasted, toasted cracker ice cream. So sometimes your mistakes are wonderful. Right? I'm trying to be entertaining guys. - [Jess] It's entertaining. - I don't believe you. Sometimes, I'm like, I feel like getting the mixer's more work than just doing it. But it's not. I should've just gotten the mixer. I feel good about that. This is simmering. I don't want to add this hot mixture to the eggs all in one shot, because then the eggs are gonna get grainy and maybe even curdle. So, instead you do something called tempering where you add a little bit at a time, bring the temperature up of this mixture and then bring it all together. It's not chocolate tempering, don't worry. This is easy peasy. So a little bit of this and a little bit of this. Oh gosh. Oh boy. Bowl is spinning. Okay, here we go. I'm just putting it all in there. And we're gonna go back in the pot and cook it. Now I'm gonna strain this afterwards, hoping to catch all those little grainy bits of popcorn, but you should always strain your custard because there's this little tough part on the, on the egg called the chalaza, and it's the thing that connects the egg yolk to the egg white. It's awful. It's like a booger but with more texture. I think that we are, we have achieved anglaise. Can you see the steam? It coats the back of a spoon and it holds a trail. So that's how you know you're there. Now I'm gonna cool this down over an ice bath before churning it so it turns faster, and then you get like a smoother texture. Ice bath. Thank you, Kendall. Cooling enough. The color's nice eh? I believe we have chilled. Let's spin. Popcorn ice cream. I think it's gonna be tasty. (upbeat game show music) Ice cream has been spinning and I feel like it looks pretty good. That looks good, right? Mm-hm, mm-hm. Here's the food illusion part. So I'm gonna put the ice cream in here and then top it with popcorn. Food illusion, done. (Sohla laughs) Is it popcorn or is it ice cream? Whoa, Whoa! I'm gonna pop this in the freezer. So the licorice has been dehydrating and I'm gonna check on it. See if it's ready to twist. And it is ready to twist, it is. They still look like glassy, like a candy, which is good. It like, doesn't want to stay twisted? Perhaps this is not gonna do what I wanted it to do. If I hold it, it looks pretty good, but it's not staying. We're gonna try to cut a strip of parchment to like, hold it down and then tape the parchment to the wire rack. Tape doesn't really want to stick to the parchment. This tape can do anything, right? Yeah. Maybe I need to put these in first and then I can slip the licorice under? I think I need to make it a little bit looser. Everything is sticky. The tape is sticky, the licorice is sticky. I think this is gonna work. It's just a very long process, but we'll get, we got this. Let's do it. (upbeat game show music) Looks twisty, looks licoricey. Gonna look this dehydrate and hopefully those twists hold. Licorice! Done, kind of maybe. So I'm gonna make meatballs and try to glaze them in gravy and call them Whoppers. So I really like this joke from the office. You've been meatballed. So I want to just yell, "You've been meatballed." Anyways, I thought it'd be fun if we could set it up like "Binging With Babish." So here we go. Is there a pace to the walking? - [Jess] That's a little slow. - What the? - You've been meatballed! (Stanley laughs) Are ready for some meatball? - [Dwight] Oh man. - [Sohla] What's up guys? Welcome to this week's episode of "Binging with Babish" where we take a look at the meatball. And every good meatball starts with the meat. - [Jess] Then you walk off that way. All the way off, all the way off. - How do I talk like him? This meatball recipe comes from Serious Eats. We're gonna start by making a panade. Does that, do you think that's how Andrew would say it? Panade! Pan, I feel like, P! - [Sohla Voiceover] For the panade, I'm gonna start becoming the cross off some white bread. Cubing it up, tossing it all into a bowl and covering it with some whole milk. So it's nice and moist. Mm, so moist. Next, I'm gonna dice up half a white onion until it's really nice and small. We don't want big pieces of onion sticking out of our meatball. Now it's all going go into a mixing bowl. I cut up too much onion, oh well. So we'll set that aside for later. Adding some salt. I couldn't find the teaspoon measure so that's four half teaspoons of salt. Adding our panade a little allspice, white pepper, seasoning it up. Adding an egg, attaching the paddle attachment and letting it mix, this is hard, oh God. (Sohla laughs) And there's our meatball meat. Now I'm gonna fill up a pot with some oil, bring it up to about 375. Glove up, we're gonna roll our meatball meat into meatball balls. We're gonna fry it until it's nice and golden brown and cooked through. Now I put too many onions that were cut too big into my balls. So they're sticking out and it will definitely not look like a Whopper and I'm getting sick of rolling tiny balls, so we're gonna do one giant meatball to meatball Andrew. Drop it in gently to get it nice and golden brown on the outside. It's going to finish cooking in the oven because this is one mighty meatball. Now that it's brown I'm transferring to a sheet tray and it's gonna bake for about, eh, until it's done, at 350 degrees. Oh wait, wait. I think I forgot something. Come back Sola! Okay, I wanted to put, wrap the meat around a whisk to, you know, meatball, Andrew, but I forgot. So we're gonna wiggle it in and let's see if it goes in, and uh, we're swishing it in. We just need it's little butt to come out the other side, and boom, we did it. Successful prank. Meatball, a la whisk. Okay, swedish meatballs. You gotta have gravy. I'm gonna start by melting two tablespoons of butter. Once that's foamy I'm gonna add three tablespoons of flour. Cook that for a moment. We don't want to get any color, this is a blonde roux. It's sizzling. Okay, so now I'm gonna add two cups of chicken broth. You want to add it, just a splash at a time, stirring vigorously. If you add a whole bunch of liquid all at once, that's when you get a lumpy gravy. Once all the liquids in there, you just need to let it simmer for a couple of minutes until that starchy taste goes away. It's gonna thicken up. But more importantly when you taste it, it's not gonna have that like raw flour taste. My double tasting method, patented. Use less spoons and avoid double-dipping. That tastes like it's cooked. Okay I'm gonna season up my gravy. Little bit of white pepp, little bit of soy sauce, little vinegar, just for a little pot and salt. I don't know why I thought this was gonna be like brown. Like the color of chocolate. It's not, it's not at all. Which one was my pouring spoon? Yeah, this is my scooping spoon, this is my tasting spoon, right? Is that how I was doing it? Pretty good. (ominous music) Pretty good. Now we're gonna add gellan this, which is a gel that sets warm. So I'm gonna weigh my gravy and figure out how much of the gellan I need to add. 'Cause it's based off of percentage. 420 grams. Now we need to do some math. Okay so it's gellan-F and gellan-L. I think one is more flexible and one is more stiff. So you can get like the texture you want based on the combo. And this is a glaze that I used to do when I did poached pears and then I would glaze it in the poaching liquid. And I kind of like that ratio. It's like, it's like a tender gel that holds tight. So that's what I'm going for with this gravy. So I need 0.15% of gellan-F of 425 grams, which is, wait 420. Hold on, math. 420 times 0.15%. 0.63 grams. Okay. (Sohla laughs) For the L, 0.2%. 0.84. Okay, cool. Did it, nailed it. I want to get like a little vortex goin' here. I'm gonna sprinkle this in. Then I'm gonna put it back in the pot. Boil it vigorously. It needs like a full minute for it to hydrate. And then we dip our balls, easy. Look at that. It's already setting on the whisk, so gross. Okay, here we go. I should have pre-picked all my balls, huh? - That's what she said. - Oh God, it's setting already. (Sohla laughs) This is not a win. This is not a win. These don't look like Whoppers. Ugh, I think that the glaze has gone. It's just, we got a few. I'm gonna taste it. Tastes good. Doesn't it look just like a Whopper guys? (Sohla laughs) Okay, let's see how the big ball's doing. Okay, I think we're ready to do this. - Great. - Ready - Let's go. - Cut. (upbeat game show music) - [Andrew] You ready for me? - Ready for you. Come on down! (feet stomping) - Read for me to come down? - [Sohla] Yeah. - Okay. Woo! - A lot of fairs. This is the longest staircase ever. - [Andrew] Oh my God, it's a tall building. Oh no! Don't get this. - Food illusions. - Okay - Illusions of food. - All right. These are illusions, 'cause they look like normal food to me. - Mm-hm. - This looks like Twizzlers. - Okay. - This looks an awful lot like popcorn. - Yes. - I will be the first to admit that I'm illuded. - Uh-huh. - That's not right. This is stumped me. And what do we have in the chicken? - I think I'll wait for the chicken. - Okay. - But let's start with the corn. - Let's start with the corn. - Because this guy's gonna melt. - It's gonna melt? - So uh. - Do I eat it with a spoon? - I think you should just get in there. - Just get in there, dig deep. - Okay, all right. I was gonna say, this looks exactly like popcorn, but okay I see we have. - 'Cause it is popcorn. - We have, oh some sort of iced cream. - Iced, iced cream. Cream of the ice version, of the iced. - Is that popcorn ice cream? - Mm-hm. - Buttered popcorn ice cream. - Mm-hm. Just because it reminds me of buttered popcorn, Jelly Belly's, it bums me out. - That's my favorite Jelly Belly. - Ugh! I need to try that ice cream on its own without the. It tastes better than the Jelly Belly's because it tastes, it actually tastes like buttered popcorn instead of nightmares, you know? It tastes, this tastes like buttered popcorn ice cream. - I scooped the goop off the bag of popcorn. - Ugh. - You know, whatever. - The butter substitute? - The butter substitute. - Okay, this is the orangest popcorn I've ever seen in my life. - Real popcorn doesn't taste as popcorny anymore, to me. 'Cause I've gotten used to this, you know? - That's sad, wow. - I know. (Sohla laughs) - You've been ruined for real popcorn. - Yeah. (upbeat game show music) So I'm team Red Vines. - I'm seeing Red Vines as well. - You are, okay. - 'Cause I like to peel. - No, that's Twizzler. - What? No. - Yeah. - Original Twizzlers you can't, you can't peel. - But Red Vines you can't peel it all. - Okay, then I don't know what I'm talking about in the licorice game. Oh, it's very soft, wow. Ooh. Ooh. It tastes healthy. Very healthy. Go there, Andy. Go to the place where this came from. - The dark place. Become, become one with the sugar. - I was gonna say strawberry, but that wouldn't make sense because then it would just be homemade Twizzlers. But because it's got like a really earthy flavor, and because the color may say beet. Is it beet? - It's a parsnip. - Parsnip? - Candied in beet juice. - Oh! - So 50%. - Okay. - Half the points. - All right. I get half points. - 50, you get a 50 out of a hundred, that's a fail. - I love. (Sohla laughs) - True, I've been stumped. (upbeat game show music) - All right, last up. Your trademark. It's becoming your signature chickens, - It's the final chicken. - [Andrew] The final chicken. What's in the final chicken? - They're Whoppers. - They're Whoppers. I love Whoppers. - Whoppers. That's what they are. - Okay. - That's what they are guys. - They're Whoppers. Can I unchicken it? - [Sohla] Yeah, do it. - All right, it's been dechickened. They're white Whoppers. 'Cause Whoppers are normally chocolate colored, right? - [Sohla] Yeah, yeah. - [Andrew] Okay, so they're white Whoppers. - Uh-huh. - That's already, Already thrown me. So I just eat this with my hands? - I guess so. - Oh boy! (Sohla laughs) - [Sohla] It's squishy. - Gelatinous on the outside. - [Sohla] The outside is squishy. - The outside is rather squishy. - It's a meatball. - It is a meatball. (Andrew laughs) (sad music) - Okay. (Sohla laughs) - With a gravy glaze. - Did you, how much gelatin did you put in the glaze? Did you put gelatin in there? - It's gellan. It's a gellan glaze. - Gellan glaze. - 'Cause it sets while it's hot. - Yeah. - 'Cause I wanted these to be hot. - Ah, okay. - They're not hot. - Okay. - Can we pretend they're hot. - Ooh. - Ooh ooh, hot hot! (Sohla laughs) Look at it guys, look at it. Look at a squidge around. - I just feel like I ate an alien meat egg. - I think this might've been better for scary candy. So this episode's really gone off the rails. (Andrew laughs) - I like it when it goes off the rails. - We have another surprise that has nothing to do with food illusions. - Okay, is it more cockroaches. - Are you ready? - I don't know, I don't know about this. - Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready? - I'm not ready. - This is the only thing about this episode that made me happy. - I'm telling you. - That this was gonna be how the day ends. - Okay, as long as it made you happy. Fine, I'm ready, I'm ready. - Are you ready? - Yeah, I'm ready. - [Stanley] You've been meatballed! (Stanley laughing) - Oh, what happened to Stanley? - On no! - What happened to poor Stanley? He's been meatballed. - Whoops. - In the face. - It's gravy. He got a little gravy on his face. - You've been gravied, Stanley. Mm, that's a good meatball. - You've been meatballed. We've all been meatball today. - I've been meatballed. (upbeat game show music) - What do you think? Do you think you were stumped today? - Uh-huh. (Sohla laughs) - And with my consensus, I believe finally, we've stumped Sohla. Until. - At least you've been meatballed. - But at least I've been meatballed. - So it's okay. - That cancels it out. - It was worth it all because of that. - Not stumped, been meatballed. - Next time you want to meatball your friends, come with your best. - Want to meatball your friends but don't know how? It's time to call ButcherBox. You've been meatballed. Directly in the face. Thank you ButcherBox again for sponsoring this episode. - With ButcherBox, you get regular deliveries of high quality chicken, pork, beef, and seafood on the schedule that you want. - You know what, Sohla? - Yes, Andrew? (both laughing) - You know, Sohla? Yes, Andrew. (Sohla laughing) - Sohla! - Yes, Andrew? - I've tried so much ButcherBox. (both laughing) - You know, Sohla. - Yes, Andrew. - I've been eating a lot of this ButcherBox meat recently and I'm super impressed with how porky the pork is, how beefy the beef is, how lobstery the lobster is. It's all incredible because it's all free range, grass fed, wild caught, heritage, good stuff. - And if you're concerned about packaging, your order will come in an eco-friendly, 100% recyclable box. - Even if you're not concerned about packaging, still gonna come in 100% eco-friendly recyclable box. Hit the link in the video description to sign up, now! - New members get an all natural free range, organic turkey, for free! - For free! - [Both] Get one now. - Get one now. - Now, please go get one. - Please go get one. I have kids to feed. (Andrew laughs) - I don't like it. I don't like it at all. Why did I do this? It, it, it's so much worse than I imagined. - And it doesn't even look like Whoppers. (both laughing) (quirky music)
Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 1,577,801
Rating: 4.8780193 out of 5
Keywords: babish, babbish, binging with babish, basics with babish, pear qwerty horse, sohla, sohlae, sohla el-waylly, sohla babish, babish sohla, stump sohla, movie candy, movie snacks, food illusions, sohla candy, sohla cooking, sohla recipe, new stump sohla, butcherbox, butcher box, meatballs, sohla meatballs, babish culinary universe, bcu, sohla and babish, babish and sohla
Id: xl_H9zvMsOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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