7-Course Convenience Store Tasting Menu | Stump Sohla

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The first episode was "Sohla is charming while struggling with using outdated techniques." The second episode is "Sohla flexes her creativity and immense knowledge."

I loved both episodes, but I hope most of the episodes let Sohla flex.

👍︎︎ 672 👤︎︎ u/_Finn_the_Human_ 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

I just noticed what looks like a new neck tat on Andrew, when did that pop up??

👍︎︎ 157 👤︎︎ u/lespaulbro 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Is it weird that I love how much Andrew/Babish engages with this sub?

Reminds of how excited I get when kenji pops into the seriouseats sub.

👍︎︎ 147 👤︎︎ u/poggiebow 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Damn she fuckin killed it

👍︎︎ 108 👤︎︎ u/KirbyGlover 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

I am very hopeful for this new format

👍︎︎ 374 👤︎︎ u/IT_Chef 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

How does Sohla's head contain her GIANT brain. The stuff she comes up with is so clever, I was wowed the entire episode by how much could be accomplished with such basic ingredients.

Looking forward to a lot more of Stump Sohla, and we all continue to fail to stump her.

👍︎︎ 158 👤︎︎ u/da96whynot 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

My only complaint is that the sound was not as good as other Binging episodes; not sure why.

But in terms of entertainment & food technique, this is one of the most enjoyable episodes I've seen and it's so cohesive. It's a 30minute video but it feels that every second of footage has its place and is not just added fluff for the video to be longer.

Additionally, this format solves a very big issue with other similar food shows; we get an honest food review from someone we can recognise. In most cases, including with the regular BWB episodes, it's the host that tries the food and opines on it which always leaves a question mark.

👍︎︎ 126 👤︎︎ u/paul232 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm emotionally devastated that there was no bodega cat in this video.

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/RX-18-67 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

I have to say I love Sohla. This was the highlight of my week. Such a fun video.

So glad she has joined the team.

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/N0tPanda 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Thank you Trade Coffee for sponsoring this episode and supporting my new show. - With Trade you can discover new coffees from the nation's top roasters. Trade will match you with your own personal selection of coffee, and conveniently deliver it right to you. - [Sohla] Take the coffee quiz, and Trade will curate matches just for you to be delivered to your door. - First 100 people to click the link in the video description below, will get 30% off their first order, plus, free shipping. - Free shipping. - Free shipping. - That's out of control. - It is out of control, I feel out of control right now. - We gotta go get some coffee. - We don't need to go get coffee, Trade will deliver it to us. - Whoa! - Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to Stump Sohla. This is the official Stump Sohla wheel. This is how we're gonna put a spin on your seven course tasting menu. Are you ready to give it a spin? - More ready than the last time. - Give that wheel a spin. (wheel clicking) (upbeat music) Oh, convenience store! That means that every ingredient you use in your seven course tasting menu must be purchased at a convenience store. What do you think? - So like, I'm gonna take snacks, soda, beer, bodega coffee, and make a tasting menu. - A bodega is a slang term for convenience store here in New York city. - Yep. - Are you excited for your challenge? - Yeah, this is gonna be a good one. - Well, Sohla, as usual, I'm excited to try it, and happy that I don't have to make it. Good luck, and we'll see you on the other side. - Really wish you had that wheel guy now, huh? All right, so we just got back from the bodega. These are all my favorite bodega snacks that I'll be using to make our tasting menu this evening. So when I think of like a tasting menu, I kind of want it to go from light to heavy. So I wanna start light with an ajoblanco. Which is, it's like a savory nut milk. So we're gonna make that with our mixed nuts. I think it should be delicious, mixed nut ajoblanco. Second course, PBR Chawanmushi. So I'm gonna like mix the beer up with some eggs, season it up a little bit and set it into a custard that we're gonna bake in a water bath. So for the bread course, I want to take some ramen. I haven't done this before, but I'm gonna try and like pulverize it into a flour and use that to make a flat bread. I'm gonna laminate the flatbread with the seasoning packet I think that'll be good. And then that's gonna go next to, for me the main reason I go to a bodega is for coffee and a breakfast sandwich. So I wanna put that into a dish. So, I'm gonna do like a warm yolk, little bit of like bacon bits situation. And then I wanna make a foam with bodega coffee and blue berry muffin. I feel like that sweet savory thing, I don't know, I think it's gonna taste really good. I think it's gonna be really good like middle course. Final two courses. We're gonna start with bodega cordon bleu. So it's gonna be ham with some American cheese inside, coated in a potato chips, and then I wanna try and make like a potato chip puree, that might be gross but we'll see how it happens. We'll try it, we'll try it. And then, you know, you gotta have a little red meat at the end of any tasting menu. So that's what we're gonna do with our ground beef. I'm gonna go for like a chopped cheese inspired kind of situation. I wanna make crackers out of crackers, blend up the Cheez-Its, steam it, fry it, hopefully I get this like puffy cracker, and then I wanna do like a seared beef cheddar thing. And then pre-dessert you need a pallet cleanser, no better palette cleanser than LaCroix. Bodegas always have these like mixed melon fruit cup things. And it's always really, really hard unripe fruit. So I wanna compress it with some root beer and then top it with LaCroix ice, that sounds good. And then the Twinkies, grand finale Twinkie, I'm gonna turn the Twinkie into an ice cream sandwich. I'm gonna try and make like a liquid suble cookie with the cake and then swirled with cream and some ice cream that we also got from the bodega. This is the last item, now all the items are here. We're gonna either make something delicious with it or something just terrible. So I'm gonna start by cooking this bacon. We're gonna use the bacon to make little bacon bits, and it's gonna go inside my ode to a bodega breakfast. That's the full title of this dish. Okay so I'm gonna glaze my bacon in some of these fruit cup juices, just a little fruit cup glaze, why not. I only have enough juice to do half and I'm only gonna do half 'cause I don't think we need all of it, and maybe it's bad, you know, what if it's terrible. Time to put it in the oven, okay. So I'm gonna work on our dessert. So I'm going to dissect these Twinkies, remove the cream filling, and then I wanna dehydrate the cake so I could blend it. Hopefully it turns into like a cookie butter thing that I'm gonna spread rollout, freeze, cut into little cookie circles. It, it'll, really, it'll make sense when we do it I promise. Next up, I'm gonna steep my potato chips and the mixed nuts in some hot water. So I'm basically trying to rinse this fat off of these. It might not work. I'm fully expecting this one to be gross and not work, but you gotta try. Let's steep our coffee foam. We've got our toast stuff, coffee from the bodega. And I'm gonna soak the muffin in the coffee. I don't know, see what happens. Putting it away, so many things are steeping. What's happening with bacon? Bacon is ready to come out. Okay, I think the glaze did something. So this half I glazed in the fruit cocktail, this half I didn't, and it does look like a caramelize and some things happened, but we'll taste both and then see which one to use. Okay, so we're steeping our coffee. We're gonna set our LaCroix. This is passion fruit, I think it'll be a nice, refreshing way to break up our meals. And I just want it to set like a sheet of ice. I'm really hoping that it'll freeze with some of like the carbonation. So just like a sheet, I'm gonna pop this in the freezer. Let's infuse the fruit. This is a really fun trick. I'm going to put the fruit in here, cover it with some root beer, and then charge it with nitrous oxide and O2, but also on their manual they tell you not to do this, so don't do this, it's very likely to explode. There's a 30% chance this will explode. (lid crackles) (bottle squeaking) Okay, nothing crazy happened. Let's put another one in there extra pressure. I feel like now that I've set it up, like this is it's gonna be disappointing if it doesn't explode. Just to you know, really, pump it up you know. (bottle hissing) I think that's full now, yeah. We wanna let the gas out, but we don't want the liquid to escape. So we're gonna eject upwards, (bottle hissing) gently. I'm pressing down on the trigger really lightly. If you go all the way, even though it's held upright, the soda will come right out. (bottle hissing) Okay, we didn't, it didn't explode. I think we're out of the woods. See that was fine, nothing happened. Can you tell it's more like glassy, that root beer is kind of, you know, permeated through it. It's like a quick pickle almost. Look at that, one dish is basically done. It tastes like pineapple, but it also tastes like root beer. Whoa. All right, I think I'm gonna move into the Cheez-It cracker. Well, it's a cracker, but I'm gonna make a different kind of cracker, mostly because Andrew keeps eating them. I'm gonna try and make like a paste, by combining this with some tapioca starch and then I'm gonna try and steam it then dehydrate it. Okay, so I guess I need a food processor. I'm gonna get rid of, okay. I think that works, yeah look at that, it's like a dough. That actually worked really well, okay. You're still gonna keep eating it. You're gonna love these crackers. These crackers out of crackers. What's wrong? Needs salt? - [Andrew] No it's good. (laughs) - This is a nice smooth texture now. I'm gonna spread it onto my parchment round. It doesn't have to look pretty, just gonna fill this up, cause we're probably gonna break these up and then fry it for like natural looking cracker pieces. Okay, so I'm gonna steam my sheets of Cheez-It smoosh. We're gonna steam this until it's like set. I don't know how long it's gonna take. It's already changed color from moments ago, it's hot. I'm gonna just let it cook now. (laughs) It seems hot. I'm not gonna stick my hand in there again, cause I learned my lesson. But you can see that they are totally like, they've changed color. Hold on, you will see, you will see, that they have changed color. We're gonna, it's gonna be a reveal. I'm gonna stick my hand in there. Ooh, hot stuff, okay. It's like change color and it's cooked through and it's like set you know, it's not like a dough. So, I'm gonna pop these guys in the dehydrator now, and then we're gonna fry them. So, these guys have been soaking for awhile. Potato chips absorbed a lot of water. I wasn't expecting that, but I'm gonna drain them. So this did accomplish what I was hoping. You can see this water is like really murky and greasy. So, all that like stale oil and extra salt has come off the nuts and I'm gonna soak them again in some fresh water. Gonna let that soak overnight, and tomorrow we're gonna blend into nut milk. And now I'm gonna deal with this, that I have very little hope for this but we'll see what we can do. Yeah, we removed fat. So now they're just like wet potatoes and I hope they turn into potato puree. I'll taste it why not? It kinda just tastes like a wet potato. I think this might be okay. Ooh look at that slide right in there, okay. (chuckles) Let me assess the bacon. All right so this is cooled off. And I just wanna taste and see if we're gonna go with fruit cocktail glazed or classic. (electric guitar music) I chew a lot. You totally don't taste the glaze at all, not even a little bit. They're exactly the same. So since they taste exactly the same, I'm gonna just chop them up. You know, we tried, sometimes you get stumped, but I think in tasting menu food, I feel like it's always really small. You're gonna leave hungry, spend a lot of money. For our honeymoon, we had a tasting menu dinner and it was like $600 and it was like one of the most expensive meals I've ever had. And I left so drunk and so angry because I was starving. Okay we're gonna make a foam. My toasted muffin that's been soaking in our coffee with cream. - [Andrew] What did I walk in on? (blender whirring) - And then the booze really hits you, hits you hard because you've been sitting there for three hours just having like one bite every 20 minutes. And then we got in and out after. So I'm gonna take some of my reserve coffee. We're gonna add some gelatin. So we're just gonna really gently warm it until it's melted and that's it. If it feels hot, you've gone too far. Back in the blender. So we wanna get at a gentle vortex and then I'm gonna add the gelatin in. It's a terrible color. Really just the worst color. (bottle hissing) With this we're gonna shake to evenly distribute the gas, and we're gonna charge it one more time. Cool, foam. You know, it's another form of entertainment I guess, you know, you could go off "Book of Mormon" or go eat a lot of small food. So this is the fluff, the innards from the Twinkies. And I'm just going to swirl it into some ice cream. So this is gonna go in between my Twinkies, that I'm gonna blend and then turn into something. I'm gonna pop that in the freezer, cool. But I guess when I think of tasting menu, I guess it's really conceptual. You want like a succession of little tasty bites and it should like kinda tell a story. I think that's what you're really there for. So hopefully this tells the story of bodega. Are you ready to watch me peel grapes for half an hour. So here we go. There's really no trick to it, you know, you just peel your grapes. You really have to be a certain kind of person to enjoy this. I really enjoy doing things like this. Is this something the audience is gonna really be into? (calm music) We're not just peeling it for fun, although this is a lot of fun. It helps the pickling liquid really penetrate. I mean, you could just cut them in half, but we're gonna peel them. (calm music) All right that's it. I'm done with the grapes, I'm gonna pickle them. Instead of putting sugar, should we just use more root beer? That's cool. There's so much root beer happening in this now. A little root beer, some vinegar, salt. Needs more root beer. Whoo it's perky. I'm just gonna pour this over our grapes, let it hang out and we did it. Seven pickled grapes, only took half an hour. The Twinkies got really nice and dry in the dehydrator and I'm hoping I can blitz it up into like a cookie butter, fancy chefs call this a liquid suble. (food processor whirring) I'm gonna just let that go and see if it liquefies. Like a nut butter, you want us to get kind of creamy and soft and spreadable, but I haven't done it before with Twinkies. I think we're gonna need to add a little fat, this is feeling very, very dry. Not everything's gonna work today guys, but it's cool, that's why you're watching. Would you believe I've broken a lot of food processors? - [Andrew] Would you believe I have never used a food processor? - Really? - [Jess] Actually I haven't either. - Maybe we could add something to this, just a little ice cream, you know, to bring it all together. I think this is the way to go. (food processor whirring) Oh yeah look at that. It's fine. I mean, it's still kind of just tastes like peasant blended Twinkie, that's what it is. Texture is good, it's like a dough, I'm gonna be able to roll out. Maybe I didn't need to dehydrate it after all. Oh well, we did and then we put ice cream in it. Okay, I'm gonna roll this up. So it helps to kind of get it spread out to start. I'm going for like, just under a quarter inch. This is working. Okay, I feel like that's pretty good. Okay so I just got to get this in the freezer now. And once this is frozen solid, I'll be able to like crack it into pieces, like a cracker. And I'm gonna put my ice cream layered between a couple of pieces and that's gonna be our dessert, sheet of Twinkie. So I'm gonna blitz this ramen into a flour and make some flat bread. There's so many things that's just getting blended. I'm gonna add some flour, beef seasoning packet, smells good. Smells beefy, smells very good, smells very Twinkie. This smells good, maybe this one's gonna be good. It really smells like ramen. It smells pretty good, it does smell really good. Okay I'm happy about how this smells. It does really smell good Jess. - [Jess] I believe you. - Can you smell it from there? Oh God, Oh God. (rattling) (upbeat music) Disaster. Okay, so now for the beer Chawanmushi, I wanna put a little pretzel crumble in there. So I'm hoping I can just pulverize the pretzels, add some mustard and butter and bring it all together. With the streusel you want it to just like barely hold together into these like little clumpies. It's not as clumpy as I'd hope, should I add some flour? No, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine guys. That'll work it smells great. Let's throw it in the oven. Pretzel mustard, butter streusel. Okay, so these are my tapioca Cheez-It, what did we call this? Smoosh? And what should happen if this all worked out properly, is as soon as it hits the fryer it should puff like a chicharrone. Let's give it a shot. Are you puffing? (jazzy music) I see bubbles, it's, maybe the oil needs to be a little hotter. That wasn't that the dramatic puff I was hoping for. I'm gonna turn the fryer up a little bit. Okay, let's see how this is. It's not like totally crispy all the way through. I think maybe I didn't flatten it thin enough, but I have some corners that are nice and thin that I think will work out for this so. This is much thinner, I have high hopes for this piece. Yeah I think the hotter oil is helping too. This one feels more successful to me. My Cheez-it chicharrones. - [Crowd] Ooh. - Oh (beep) It's okay. I totally did forget about it though. It's a little toasty or than I wanted, but it's fine. Pretzel mustard streusel. This is a very hard word for me to say. This is my ramen Paratha dough, it's been resting. And we're gonna try and roll this out, then I cut the dough into portions. With Paratha, you roll it out twice. So this first roll, we just want it to be as thin as possible. And then we're gonna roll it up with some fat to like laminate it and get layers in there and then roll it out again. Softened butter is great for this because it kind of stays put when you roll it up again. Sprinkle on a little bit of our beef seasoning and a little pinch of flour, just to help keep those layers distinct. And now we're gonna coil it up. Bring in both sides like this and then smoosh. And we've created like so many layers in that bread. So when we roll it out again it's gonna be super flaky. I'm gonna get my beer Chawanmushi going. So Chawanmushi is a custard. Usually it's dashi set with some eggs and then you steam it gently until it's just barely set. And normally there's like little treats hidden inside, like Shiitake mushrooms, we're not gonna do that. We're gonna do a pretzel streusel on top, and set our Mushis right in here, and then I'm gonna steam it in a pot. So I will dice up some ham. So there's little ham treasures at the bottom of this. Got a little surprise ham chunks. So more treasures, a little bit of pretzel nuggets. That'll probably get like soggy and interesting hopefully. So I'm gonna do two eggs, we have ramen packet, which is basically instant dashi. I think that the bitterness from the beer is gonna really balance out you know, the richness from the eggs and the ramen packet, right? I'm feeling this beer. There's a little more custard than I need, just a touch. That's pretty good. I mean ramen packet makes things taste good. This is one of the sillier things in this meal. Okay, I'm gonna save this in case something goes wrong and these don't work out, it's possible. I wanna stay close to this while working on the cordon bleu 'cause I do not want this to over cook. We're gonna do ham, with cheese inside of it, breaded in potato chips. I'm gonna smoosh it up in this bag, so we can get it nice and fine. Oh God, there's a hole in it no. (chips crackle) It's gonna be okay. You can't even see that, I'm in the wrong I'm too far away. How are you doing? - [Andrew] I'm doing great. - I'm talking to the custards. They got, they got poofier than I expected, stop bubbling. This is an interesting one. All right we have our three stage breading. Now we're gonna roll up some ham with some cheese inside of it and see how that works out. Like a little burrito? Hmm? Okay that broke. Maybe I should coat it in flour before trying to roll it so we get it really evenly coated, okay it broke, it broke. No, no ham doesn't want to curl like that for you does it? Yep, we're gonna make the hand work for us yeah. What if we go like this? Huh? Then roll it this way and then we roll it this way. Maybe we trim this off a little, that might work. Dust in flour okay it's staying together. Okay we did it. So stressful, I was so stressed for a moment. I don't know could you tell? I'm fully expecting this one to be gross and not work, there's no way that's gonna be good. And this might not work. I wonder if he's gonna hate all of this. And it could be terrible. I have very little hope for this but we'll see what we can do. I wonder if any of this is gonna taste good. It might be terrible, the potato chip puree is gonna be gross. A lot of this will not be good. I mean, none of it's gonna be fantastic. I don't know if this is gonna work. You can tell me it's bad. We may have stumped me. Well, that's not bad. It's just like a Chawanmushi, barely held together with the egg. You get a lot of savoriness from the ramen packet and the bitterness of the beer really comes through. I think the pretzels might've been a mistake. These are the potato chips that I soaked and drained, and I wanna blend it up and hopefully we can get like a nice smooth pommes puree kind of mash. Okay, here we go. (blender whirring) Woah, I'm really putting all of the tools through it. I mean, it looks pommes puree ish. It does have the texture of mashed potatoes. I think passing it adding butter that's gonna be totally good. Something was easy. This is the thing I most thought wouldn't work. It even, look at that it looks pretty good right? Okay, I think this is good. (laughs) It's so smooth. Let me assemble the ice cream sandwich. Oops there's still some potato on me. Is there a potato on my face? There is? Really? Okay. (laughs) Let's see how this came out. Oh, it did the setup as firm as I wanted. Oh, you know what we can do? Since it's like flexible may be we can roll it, so it's like a Twinkie again, I'm into that. I think I'm gonna let this firm up and then slice it and I think it'll be like a quick easy little pop, know what I'm saying? What do you think? - [Andrew] I wanna eat one now. - Okay, Oh God, everything's melting. Oh God, oh God okay. I think this has to return in the freezer, but we got, we got it, we got, we got one. Things are happening, things are coming together. It's gonna be okay. This was the passion fruit LaCroix that we just set and I'm hoping to get some thin sheets. Oh yeah, yeah, that's perfect okay. You can still taste the passion fruit. All right that's good, I'm happy with that. Okay, it's gonna get real chaotic once service begins real chaos. Let's just go into it, let's go into it. Is he ready? Are you ready? Okay it's time to serve. Let's do it, no more waiting. I gotta just do this. (upbeat music) So, here we have root beer pickled grapes, with mixed nut ajoblanco. Enjoy. - Wow, thank you. All right, here we go first course. So this is like a pickles, grape, nut soup. That's actually quite good. The ajoblanco is very lightly nutty, like just barely. The grapes are really where I'm getting the nut flavor from even though she said it was a bit of root beer right? So let me try it one of the grapes on its own without any of the ajoblanco. That tastes like root beer. I'm not even playing this up for camera, that's genuinely cool. That's really good. - [Sohla] Peanut butter and jelly. - Peanut butter and jelly that's the peanut butter and jelly. That's pb and j. (upbeat music) - Course two, Pabst Blue ribbon Chawanmushi, with mustard, pretzel, streusel and ham surprise. - Ham surprise? - Enjoy. - Alright. You didn't even have to call it surprise I'm sure I'm gonna be surprised. So, this is, it seems like kind of a custurdy kind of thing. I see a little bit of ham surprise in there. That one I'm gonna put more in the category of interesting. It's very savory. I'm in no position to judge this by the way. You're so much more an accomplished chef than I am. I shouldn't be here, like giving feedback on this but. - [Sohla] You're eating out of a beer can. (Sohla laughs) - Fair. The first thing that hits me is beer. There's very, very clearly PBR in there. Then we have these ham noodles? Is that what these are? - [Sohla] There's also there's soggy pretzel and crunchy pretzel dualed pretzel textures. (both laugh) - The fact that these turned out to be pretzels is actually a little upsetting. (Sohla laughs) I'm gonna try the streusel on its own and see what the deal is here. The streusel is very good. Is it spiced with like a Curry or something? - [Sohla] Just mustard. - Just mustard. Okay, you know what it reminds me of? Is those, yeah those, those mustard pretzels. See how I connected those dots there. This is a dissection of some very lovely snacks. It's interesting to look at, but it does look like something that you would serve in a beer can. (Sohla laughs) (upbeat music) - Here we have an ode to a bodega breakfast. - So far, I've been delighted immediately by everything you've brought out anyway. - So we've got a bacon and egg with coffee muffin foam and a ramen Paratha for dunking, enjoy. - Oh my God that sounds amazing. Okay, ooh it's hot. Smells good. So I'm just dunking it right in here. Whoops. The foam is really good. Let me get some bacon under here. Is that raw egg too? - [Sohla] It's a warm jammy egg. - Oh warm jammy egg, you're speaking my language. That's really good. She made this from a bodega. This is breakfast in a bite. That's great, that was really good. Last one, interesting. This one really good. (upbeat music) - This is a chopped Cheez-it. - Oh my God, so it's like a chopped cheese with Cheez-its? - [Sohla] With Cheez-its. - Those are two of my favorite things in the world. Okay. (food crackles) I mean come on, it just tastes like a Cheez-it cheese cheeseburger, it's the best thing I've ever eaten in my life. (food crackles) That's quality. You don't go to a bodega and think that you can get something like this, until now. Thanks to Sohla. (food crackles) Salty, cheesy, crunchy Cheez-ity. I get a commemorative Cheez-It box to take home. - [Sohla] We have to reuse that for the next guest actually. (box smacks) - Okay. (upbeat music) - Here is the bodega cordon bleu. Let me sauce you, sir. This is a red-eye gravy with old bodega coffee and we have a potato chip puree. - I love how you still included old. That looks beautiful, this is Instagrammable. Frankly, I'ma snap a pic of this and people are gonna be like, "I didn't know that 11 Madison Square Park was back open. Can I get a reservation?" That's really good. So you effectively made a mashed potato out of potato chips. Stunningly creamy, considering the trauma that you put those potatoes through. They'd already been sliced and deep fried, and then you pureed them. I would have expected that to be gummy, but it's really nice and light. The red eye gravy, very flavorful. This is delightful. I'm gonna get a little cross section on this here. We've got some ham and this is crusted potato chips. Is there a cheese element? - [Sohla] Crepe deluxe. - That's delightful. - [Sohla] All right dessert. - There's more. (upbeat music) - [Sohla] This is bodega fruit cup, compressed in root beer with LaCroix ice. Get in there. - Gladly, it's even sealed for my protection. (food shutters) Whoo, oh my. Which LaCroix did you use? Or I'll, hang on, I'll tell you. It's passion fruit. - [Sohla] Mm-mmh. - Yep, I know my LaCroix. I'm a hipster living in Brooklyn. Reminds me of some candy that I had growing up. Every time I would win at Chucky Cheese if I got 10 tickets, you know one of those things, but in a really nice way, obviously. Most people hate honeydew. I think that this is a honeydew redeemer. That's a nice light refreshing palate cleanser. It's not too sweet. That's the key to a palette cleanser it should be, it should be light, it should be cold usually, refreshing. And that's everything this is. And it also is just disappearing from my palette. It's got lovely flavors, but it's not overwhelming. It's not gonna carry into the next course. That's why it's a palette cleanser. - [Sohla] Final Chicken. (upbeat music) I like to call this Twinkie reborn. - Woah, I saw you grind up Twinkies into a powder and you've remade it into a new one. A new Twinkie and it's cold. Look at that. It's so much better than Twinkie. The cookie butter is so rich. It still has texture to it. Like it's got a little bit of like cookie crunch little bit. And then the ice cream inside, did you make this from the filling? - [Sohla] Mm-mmh. - So only a Twinkie reborn is the humble way to put it because this should be the Twinkie reinvented because this is a Twinkie that's been made better with science and technique, knowledge, skill, power, and soul. Hmm. (upbeat music) Wow, so you just gave me a seven course, Michelin starred, tasting menu, out of things that you just found in a convenience store. And what I really loved about it, was that you weren't trying to hide the fact that the ingredients were from the convenient store, you were celebrating the convenience the bodega experience. - I love bodegas. - I love them too. - Yeah. - And it is where I get all my breakfast after I've had too much fun. At the end of these episodes normally I ask you, do you think you've been stumped? - Uh-huh. - And I'm still gonna ask you that, but I'm gonna prefix that with, I don't think you've been stumped. I think that you just knocked this one out of the park. - Yeah, I mean it was fun. I'm very happy with Twinkie reborn. - Twinkie reborn was yeah. - That's my favorite. And the bodega bleu. Surprisingly, the potato came out better than I thought. - Herculean effort, not just a Herculean effort for, but a huge payoff in a really succinct celebration of the bodega. You stumped us. - I wasn't expecting a hand shake at the end. - Next time. Thanks again to Trade Coffee for sponsoring this episode. - I took the coffee quiz and now I'm enjoying my first box. - Make sure when you take the coffee quiz that you rate your matches so the coffee can set, coffee every train. Make sure when you take the coffee quiz, make sure. Make sure when you take the coffee quiz, you rate your matches so that Trade can send you coffee you're gonna love every time. - The first 100 people who sign up at the link below are gonna get 30% off their first box plus free shipping. - 30% off. - Plus free shipping. - Plus free shipping? If they click the link in the video below. - Yep, just go click link. - I think I understand all the terms and conditions. - They apply. (both laugh) I think you're gonna like this course, no matter what happens to it. Is there a Cheez-it. More than half is left. - Some of it left in here. - Yeah, yeah. - As long as long as you got what you need. - Yeah. (upbeat music) - So we'll just replace all the components that don't work out with Cheez-it components. - Season two, made babish slice larger, how is she gonna do it? Stump Sohla 2021. - I liked that one. (upbeat music)
Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 3,205,809
Rating: 4.9046626 out of 5
Keywords: binging with babish, babbish, babish, cooking with babish, basics with babish, stump sohla, pear qwerty horse, sohla el-waylly, sohla el-waylly bon appetit, sohla, sohla e, bodega, convenience store, babish sohla, sohla babish, tasting menu, 7 course meal, 7 course menu, 7 course tasting menu, sohla tasting menu, bodega tasting menu, convenience store tasting menu, bodega recipe, convenience store recipe
Id: 4zDZV-jGJ6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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