Ice Cream Lasagna | Stump Sohla

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I feel like I look forward to this show like an more adult Saturday morning cartoon, incredibly fun and entertaining content that I can watch while sleeping in on the weekend!

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/sseidl88 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

The pasta ice cream sounds really good.

Tomato ice cream is totally a thing. I would have just made some of that, and then added some Italian seasonings, instead of the sorbet. Marinara is awful when it's cold.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/LupinThe8th 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

More like lasagna ice cream than ice cream lasagna.

I really like this show. They've improved the audio so much since the first episode.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Lars34 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

I guess it's safe to say that Sohla can't be stumped. Right?

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/piperpike 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

I thought this was gonna be a vienetta style dessert instead of a legit ice creamified lasagne. I’m very impressed.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/theedqueen 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

So have they just abandoned the whole "spin the wheel game show" bit at the beginning?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ThisDerpForSale 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Have they just given up on using the wheel?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/flyingbkwds21 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
(chill instrumental music) - [Sohla] Thank you to ButcherBox for sponsoring this episode. ButcherBox partners with farmers who are committed to treating animals humanely, and use sustainable farming methods to deliver high-quality meat directly to your door. They offer 100% grass-fed beef, free-range organic chicken, heritage breed pork, and wild caught seafood. You choose your box type and delivery frequency, and you can skip a month or cancel at any time. Your order comes in an eco-friendly, 100% recyclable box. New members will get up to 10 pounds of free meat in their first box. Go to the link in the description to sign up today. (ominous whirring) (playful instrumental music) - [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, today, Sohla El-Waylly is putting a spin on lasagna. (wheel spinning) It's time to "Stump Sohla." - So I have to make lasagna into ice cream. (light Mediterranean music) When I think of lasagna, I think of wavy, long pasta noodles, you know, with like the ruffle on the edge, some kind of tomatoey thing, ricottaey thing, and like, broiled cheese on top. So those are the flavors I'm gonna focus on. Lasagna. I'm bad at spelling, so I have to say it like that to myself, and I still mess it up. First thing is the noodes. Pasta is just, sometimes it's just water, or semolina and egg yolks. So because my ice cream base is already gonna have a lot of egg yolks, I think I'm just gonna add semolina to it instead of adding toasted pasta, so it's like we're building the pasta in our base. Yeah, so it's gonna be like a semolina pudding almost that we're gonna churn. That's good. So far, that's tasty. We're in tasty town. For the ricotta, I wanna do different textures of ice cream so that when we go to eat it, it's not just like one thing, so I'm gonna do a ricotta semifreddo. A semifreddo is an ice cream that's not spun, so it's usually like a moussey situation, whipped eggs, whipped cream folded together, and then you just freeze it. So because you're adding the air into it before freezing it, you don't have to churn it. For my sauce, I'm gonna go for sorbet. I have not made marinara sorbet before. Oh, (claps hands) important. Okay, so let's talk about ice cream for a second. I forgot, I need to give you some base knowledge. So the sugar in ice cream is really important because it prevents crystallization, and it helps you get a really nice, smooth texture. But I don't want this to lean too sweet. I want it to go more savory, 'cause we're going lasagna, so I'm gonna be using a lot of glucose powder. Glucose powder is a sugar that's a little bit less sweet than table sugar, but it does all the same things that table sugar does. So that's what I'm gonna be putting into my ice creams. Other really important part of a lasagna is the broiled cheese on top. I'm not gonna build this beautiful ice cream lasagna, and broil it, and just watch it all melt in front of me. Instead, gonna grate some cheese onto a sheet tray, bake it until it's golden brown, brown and crispy, and then steep that into my ice cream base, and hopefully it has a lot of that toasty cheese flavor. I wanna freeze it really, really hard so that I can grate it on top, so it kinda looks like the cheese finish that you see on lasagna. I think this is gonna be interesting. I'm excited to be making four totally different kinds of ice creams. So I think we're gonna have a lot of variety in texture, variety in flavor, and I hope that it kind of reminds you of lasagna, and isn't disgusting. (light jazz music) So I'm gonna start with my broiled cheese ice cream. So I'm gonna to use equal parts Parm and pecorino. No, no, no. Yeah, yeah. Grate it coarsely in the Vita-Prep, and then lay it out on a rimmed baking sheet. We're gonna bake it at 375 until it looks toasty and golden. Now I'm gonna make a sorbet syrup. This is gonna be the base for our sorbet. If you make a bunch of sorbet syrup, then you can kinda just blend in any fruit, or vegetable, or in this case, marinara, and it'll spin into sorbet. We're gonna do a combo of dextrose and sugar. Now I'm gonna bring my pot of water to the boil. (soft chiming music) (light jazz music) I don't know if this one's gonna make it. This might be weird, but I mean, the whole thing's gonna be weird. It's lasagna. We're just watching a pot of water boil. - [Jess] Oh. - Isn't that thrilling content? - [Jess] Yes. - Look at that steam. Should we go over the stages of water heating up? (chalk scrawling on chalkboard) Steam. We're starting to see small, the technical word is not bubblage, it's perlage, but I think bubblage is better. Look at those little bubbles. Wow, it's getting warmer. (sighs) We're really getting close. This is thrilling. This is thrilling content. Okay, look, it boiled, and we watched it. Everything you've heard is a lie. So we're gonna sprinkle and whisk. (light Mediterranean music) We just are looking to dissolve. If it isn't, the syrup, once it cools, it can begin to crystallize, and then you're gonna have a grainy texture in your sorbet. We just want it to come right back up to a boil, and that's how we know it's gonna be dissolved. We have dissolved. Applause? (people applauding) - [Jess] Yay. (Sohla applauding) Okay, now this is gonna cool completely, and then we're gonna use it to make our sorbet. We're using Rao's Homemade. Only the best. Combining it with some of that sorbet syrup, seasoning it up with a little salt, malic acid. Should we do a little red pep? I don't know, we'll taste it, we'll see. All right, so I'm doing 550 grams of marinara. This is my sorbet syrup that's fully cooled, and I'm gonna add 550 grams. No more, no less. I was supposed to have 500 grams and added 550. You know what? You know what? We'll just see what happens, you know? I'm gonna whisk it up, and season it up. Red pepper flakes, please. (whip cracking) Thank you, Kendall. (Sohla laughing) Oregano, please. (whip cracking) Thank you, Kendall. They're ready to go. Seasoning it up. A little chili pep. Oregano. We definitely need salt. And then, let's see, maybe, maybe I need to put a little bit more sauce to make up for- What is the point of these very precise measurements? People made sorbet before scales existed. Gonna be fine. Gonna add a little malic acid. Just to brighten it up a little. Say when. (intense instrumental music) (light Mediterranean music) - [Jess] When, question mark? (Sohla laughing) - Meanwhile. Ooh, toasty, cheesy. That does smell really good, okay. Need more black pepper. (intense instrumental music) - [Jess] Uh, when. (Sohla laughing) (light Mediterranean music) - Okay. Yeah. Let's spin this baby. Here is my marinara sorbet base, going in, and we'll see how this turns out, hmm? Done. (laughing) So this is the pecorino and Parm that I grated and cooked in the oven until it got nice and toasty, and I'm gonna break this up and put it into my milk and cream mixture. I'm gonna have a little cheese snack for myself. All right. I'm gonna bring this up to a simmer, turn it off, let it hang out, cool down. Hopefully, it'll get nice and cheesy. While this happens and this happens, I'm gonna toast my semolina flour. So semolina, it's a wheat. It's a wheat, right? That's often used to make pasta. I'm just gonna spread it out onto a sheet tray and let it toast. I'm gonna go in there and toss it a few times. I want this to get like, lightly golden. Boom. Okay, I have a little bubbly. I'm gonna turn this off, let it cool down completely, and then we'll see what it's become. Now I'm gonna work on my ricotta semifreddo. So we're gonna start by separating our eggs. Ha. Oh. I needed a few more eggs. Thank you, Kendall. (laughing) Now, before I get in there and start separating, I like to wash my hands, because the outside of the eggshell is usually where all the bacteria is. It's coming out of a chicken's butt, so wash your hands after you touch eggshells. All right, so we need 250 grams of egg whites, and then 125 grams of sugar. We want this to be slightly less sweet, because it's lasagna. I'm gonna do 75 grams of glucose. Get in there, whisk it really well, and then we're gonna put this over a water bath. So in the pot, there's about an inch of water. We don't need a lot because- What happened to my hand? What is that? What is that? Where did that even come from? All right, yeah, so we only need an inch because we need steam. When you cook the eggs a little bit, we're gonna denature the proteins, so it's gonna whip up even more voluminous, and be a lot more stable. Okay, so I let this get nice and warm. I just like, dip my finger and see if it's nice and steamy. If you really care about pasteurization, get an instant read thermometer, make sure that the mixture has reached 165, and then you're free to serve this to the elderly, young children, and immunocompromised. Okay, now we're gonna whip it. (mixer whirring) All right. Check it out. Whipped, whipped. I can do the thing where I flip it over my head. (dramatic music) Oh god, that would've been- Okay. (light jazz music) Now we're gonna do the same thing with the yolks. So as you can see, our yolks are nice and creamy, thick. They have like, doubled in volume, but they don't gain the kind of volume of whites do. So we're gonna whip some cream, gonna do it right in this same bowl, no need to clean it up. That's why I like to do it in that order. I like to whip the whites first, because you don't wanna get any fat in there, and then I go ahead and put all the fat in there my heart desires. (mixer whirring) Okay. Our cream is perfectly whipped. Now we need our ricotta, because this is gonna be ricotta semifreddo. And I'm gonna add a little olive oil, because, you know, Italian food. Now we're gonna fold everything together. When you fold stuff like this together, you wanna start with your heaviest thing, and then fold on your light thing. So I'm gonna mix my ricotta with the olive oil, and then we're gonna fold in the yolks. Then we're gonna fold in our cream, gentler, gentle fold. Okay. Now the light stuff with our meringue. Okay. It's super light, so it's gonna freeze and stay creamy instead of being like, a hard block. I guess we should taste it. Mm. I taste the olive oil a lot more than I thought I would, and I like it. Well, I think the olive oil was the best choice we made here. And the oregano's just like, a subtle thing, like, hint of oregano. I'm gonna freeze this, and this is my ricotta semifreddo. So this is the marinara sorbet. Huh? It really smells like marinara. I think it looks like marinara. Let's give it a taste. It's just super weird. Oh, that tastes like pizza sauce, but it's dessert. I wouldn't do this again. (Sohla laughing) This is the milk and cream that has had the toasted cheese steeping in it. Huh. Interesting. It just kind of like, turned into like, sour cream. The whole thing like, set. Look at that. Ooh, it smells cheesy. Whoa. That's good, I like that. I'm gonna just blend the whole thing together, and spin that. Okay, so we're gonna blend this up. I just hope it doesn't turn into butter. I am going to strain it right into the ice cream machine. Nothing's coming out. (laughing) Just needs a little encouragement, you know? We all do sometimes, right? All right, spin. So since this is just like milk and cream, there's no sugar, there's no yolks, it's gonna really easily over-spin, and there's not very much in there, so I'm gonna just watch this. I'm gonna just stare at this. (upbeat instrumental music) (light jazz music) And I believe we have ice cream. So I'm going to freeze this in a container. I want it to be kind of flat. I'm hoping it's hard enough to grate. Cool. That's very cheesy. Really, really, really, really cheesy. Okay. Freezer. Now, the most important part of the lasagna are the noodles, so I'm gonna start making my lasagna noodle ice cream. We're gonna start milk and cream, sugar, glucose, and whisk in that toasted semolina. And I'm gonna cook it until it's like a thick porridge. Smells good. Smells wheaty. Smell semolinay. All right, let's temper in our eggs. We're gonna add a couple of ladles of this to our eggs, and just get it nice and warm, and then we're gonna put our yolks right into the semolina custard thing that we have happening, and we're gonna cook it until it's just nice and steamy, and we know that those yolks have cooked. Okay, I think we did it. Whoa. It's really good. It's really, really tasty, as it is. Like, I just wanna have a bowl of it, so I think whatever this turns into, it's gonna be good. Now, before we spin it, we need to chill it down. So, Kendall, ice bath. (whip cracking) (Sohla laughing) - [Kendall] I also have another bowl. - [Sohla] Thank you. Thank you, Kendall. - [Kendall] You're welcome. - It's enthusiasm, you know? Okay, we chill. You always want your ice cream to cool down as quickly as possible, so if it starts out cold, it'll chill faster, it'll have a better texture. I think we are chill. I don't know how this is gonna spin, because it's pretty thick, so we'll see what happens. Our ice cream is spun. Okay, I'm gonna have to move really quickly, 'cause it's gonna want to melt immediately. I wanna spread it into sheets. My goal is I wanna lay these dowels down so that they kind of have a little fluted edge, like a real lasagna. (Sohla groaning) This is not doing what I want it to do. Perhaps I must abandon these. It's gonna have to be flat. Sorry, guys. On the plus side, this ice cream is delicious. Seasoning is really good. It's not too sweet, but it's not like, too savory. I would eat a bowl of this. Gonna put this in the freezer so it firms up, and then we can stack up our lasagna. All right. (upbeat instrumental music) So our ice creams have been chilling, they're nice and firm, and now I'm going to try and (claps hands) build my lasagna. (light Mediterranean music) So these are my pasta ice cream sheets. Let's see how they do. I'm hoping they easily release from the tray, right? And then they can peel off that sheet. Yes, this is working. Now let's see how this is doing. Oh, it's not bad. This is a nice texture. Okay, I'm gonna do pasta sheet, smoosh on the tomatoes. Why didn't I put everything in sheets, right? That would have made sense. I'm gonna pop this in the freezer. Let's smoosh a couple more layers. This is not something I think anyone will make. You need to go back in the freezer. And then our ricotta semifreddo. I was gonna pipe it, but it's a really nice texture, so I think I'm gonna just do these like, scoops all the way across. It will become lasagna, it will. Maybe I shouldn't have sauced first. (groaning) Okay. Can you pop this in the freezer for a sec? Should I pre-scoop 'em? Yeah, why don't we- Yeah. Everything is melting. We're gonna put on the final layers. This is my moment, my "8 Mile" moment. One shot. Not really, I have enough to make another lasagna if this doesn't work. (laughing) Okay. I don't know if it's lasagna. (laughing) And then our cheese ice cream, I'm gonna scrape it up so it's gonna be, hopefully look like grated Parm. - [Jess] It really looks like Parmesan. - [Sohla] This is a great food illusion. - [Jess] Sohla, look at you. - What? - [Jess] You did it. - (laughing) Something. This is my lasagna ice cream. It smells very cheesy, and very marinaray. (laughing) Like, I'm getting big waves of marinara and Parm, so, it's gonna be interesting eating this. (laughing) (upbeat instrumental music) Are you ready? - Am I ready for lasagna ice cream? - Mm-hmm. - Hell yeah. - Yeah. - Readier than I've ever been. - Yeah, you are. Okay. - I'm lactose intolerant. I'm in big trouble. Oh my god. (laughing) That's just, it's beautiful. - (laughing) Does it look- - It's gorgeous. - Does it look lasagna-esque? - This is gorgeous. I would have guessed that it was dessert. Would you eat this for a dinner? Would you eat this as a main meal? - I wouldn't eat this for anything. (laughing) Smell it. - Well, let's dig in. - Give it a whiff. Ooh, it smells cheesy. - Mm-hmm. - Smells very cheesy. - (groaning) Maybe the plate was a little small. (laughing) That's a pretty good cross-section. - This is a great cross-section. Let's show the people. We used a fillet as it cuts clean. - That was a very large piece of this. - I'm gonna eat every single bite. - Is it gonna be in the clean plate club? I hope you don't have plans for the rest of the day. - What does that mean? - Well, you're lactose intolerant. (laughing) - Oh. (laughing) Why'd I blow- I just blew on it. (laughing) That's how much you fooled me. (suspenseful music) Ow, oh, my sensitive teeth. - It tastes so much like lasagna. It's disgusting. - It does. It tastes like, all I was thinking was, I'm eating frozen lasagna that I haven't microwaved yet. (chuckling) - It's like, you know, Stouffer's. - And you can't chew it. Like, my instinct is to chew these flavors. - It's not bad, it's just really confusing. - Yeah. (upbeat instrumental music) - This is the marinara sorbet. - Okay. - We have different kinds of ice cream. - Sorbet, okay. - Marinara sorbette. - Sorbette. - Sorbette. - Yeah. Yeah, that's the thing that's killing the experience for me, 'cause it's very confusing. It's a cold, frozen, soft tomato sauce, with a distinct, like you said, Chef Boyardee kind of vibe to it. It's like you're eating a frozen can of Chef Boyardee. - But with excellent texture. - But with excellent texture, my god. (Sohla laughing) (upbeat instrumental music) That's not bad. - I think that's delightful. - Yeah, that's good. - There's a little olive oil in there. - I'm getting some texture in there. You made it with ricotta, so it's got little curds in there. - Yeah. - Is there basil in there? - Oregano. - Oregano. - Mm-hmm. - Dammit. - Very close. I think that that's good. - Yeah. I would eat this as like, a palate cleanser. - Yeah. - Between like, savory courses. - A fancy Italian restaurant would give you this much of it. (upbeat instrumental music) - All right, so this is the one I'm really curious, and excited, and have childlike awe about. It tastes pasta-like. Did you put pasta in there? Did you grind up pasta? - It's just, it's like a semolina pudding. - Oh. - With some egg yolks. Then we spun it. - That's very smart. - And I think this is actually really delicious. - Yeah, this is really good. (upbeat instrumental music) Parmesan pecorino powder ice cream. You know, with the exception of the tomato, I really like all of these elements separately. This is very interesting on its own. - Mm-hmm. - These are genuinely good on their own. - And that tomato's terrible. - This is a little confusing. - But it wouldn't taste like lasagna without it. - Yeah, oh no, exactly, you can't do it. - I like the cheese ice cream. - I like it, too. I think this is good. - I would eat this on a fancy cheese plate. - On a hot summer's day? My god. - With a nice warm poached pear. - Mm. - I hate the sorbet so much. - Yeah, sorbet's awful. - Sorbert's awful. - The semifreddo's great. Granita's great. I think my favorite is the semolina. - The semolina's my favorite, too. I'm legitimately gonna make this. - You really should. - This is delightful. - It's downright pleasant. - Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. (upbeat instrumental music) - Well, you have decidedly, I would say, not been stumped, 'cause this is lasagna ice cream to the bone. (chuckling) This tastes exactly like lasagna in ice cream form. - Aren't you glad I didn't put bolognese in there? - I'm thrilled you didn't put bolognese in there. (Sohla laughing) Oh, frozen meat. (groaning) - Mm-mm. These are your lasagna sheets. - All right. - It's gonna be better now that it's a little tempered. - Mm. - Guys, make the semolina ice cream, we learned one thing. We had to do a lot of weird things to learn one useful thing. - That's how that's how life be sometimes. - (laughing) Yeah. - If you wanna find us, you know where we'll be. - Mm-hmm. - Sitting here eating this pre-frozen sheet of lasagna pasta ice cream pudding. Semolina. "Stump Sohla." (chill instrumental music) - [Sohla] Thanks again to ButcherBox for sponsoring this episode. With ButcherBox, you can get regular deliveries of high quality beef, chicken, pork and seafood on the schedule that you want. I love to use ButcherBox to get free-range organic chicken, perfect for frying on a Sunday night. If you're concerned about packaging, don't worry, because your order will arrive in an eco-friendly, 100% recyclable box. New members will get a whole pork butt, ground beef, and bone-in chicken thighs free in their first box. That's up to 10 pounds of meat. Sign up at the link in the description.
Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 1,180,203
Rating: 4.8406005 out of 5
Keywords: babish, babbish, binging with babish, basics with babish, stump sohla, babish sohla, sohla babish, sohla el-waylly, sohla bon appetit, sohla el-waylly babish, sohla el-waylly bon appetit, sohla ice cream, sohla recipe, stump sohla binging with babish, stump sohla ice cream, pear qwerty horse, lasagna ice cream, ice cream lasagna, stump sohla lasagna, sohla dessert
Id: 1ecLOK-b-1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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