Fish | Basics with Babish Live

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what's up folks how we doing welcome to the new binging with babish kitchen where I'm very excited to offer you a new kind of streaming experience we've we've experienced couple upgrades here both in the kitchen and the equipment gear what's up guys how you doing daddy's in the house thank you for following lonely gloom you might notice there's a there's a tip jar in the corner and you can see I'm gonna try to line up this glass with the actual tip jar where is it okay so welcome oh okay there's a little delay so here we go add a little further I'll figure it out but anyway welcome to to the new kitchen and as you can see I'm putting my face in the stream I didn't realize I was doing that till now looking pretty blown out because of the light I got it to turn down that light a little bit okay note to self we're learning always a learning curve here so among the many new changes I want to introduce one of the thick boys I know that you you guys are big fan of the thick boys and one of them Sawyer Jacobs is in the other room and he is acting as the sort of rose to my Fraser he is going to be fielding your guys questions and telling me when you guys have have questions about the stream or about myself or about how to cook some stuff and so I go ahead and introduce yourself he's got his own mic in the other room hello everyone hello hello I'll be watching the comments I'll be letting you let me know if the levels are okay I'm seeing things bounce around alright so far very happy to be here very happy to watch those bits drop I hope you guys appreciate our kcl logo more of that to come and I'll be here a watch of the old logo yeah he's gonna almost it's almost perfect just when I get that little write on it exactly in the right spot so for those of you guys just turning it tuning in where you are making salmon so now we're making two different kinds of fish tonight we're making fish and chips we're making salmon crusted with herbs and panko breadcrumbs let's see hey Sawyer sparks two one one one wants to know how your day was my day was great sparks and W buck I hear you I turned my mic down a little bit let me know if that sounds a little better but yes barks we had a great day we've been I went to B and H they told us what they could tell us and we put all this stuff together this afternoon so it was a fun one for us I'd say what do you think yeah Andrew I mean it was I was a lot of new challenges this this kitchens presenting a lot of opportunities a lot of challenges and I think we we had some some interesting obstacles to some round today book but I hope that we're gonna bring you guys a new level of babish streaming experience now this making much of a tip jar if if it were empty am i right so guys help me fill the tip jar with uh-huh and I'm gonna go ahead and add my own little the babbys little tip right here this is one of my favorite sayings MP not sponsored just like it so don't worry about that so yeah again let us know if there's any issues with the audio and I mean let's get cooking shall we guys thank you for subscribing salty time appreciate it and see now I have this great have this great feed that shows that subscribe hey thanks for tips thanks for bits whatever those are I see little pictures of me like what's that's creepy mmm here's to you guys what you guys bring it tonight when life gives you gives you limes thank you for subscribing when life gives you lines that's clever spiced rum is better than whiskey what the what are you drinking spiced rum that didn't land I didn't the way I wanted it to did you are you miked with that laughs oh yeah I turn the mic on for that laughs thank you Suntory toki if somebody has a sharp eye that's not what i have here this is Nika that's Suntory who's drinking Suntory Toki I'm gonna have a little bit of this later on once we've gotten a little bit further down this rabbit hole but for now we're gonna prep some salmon guys what do you guys think of the high shutter speed and see how like manic my movements look it looks like it's like looks like a Steven Spielberg like Saving Private Ryan kind of vibe like no motion blur lady Yuna potato thank you for subscribing tier-one sub thank you I actually don't know entirely what that means who is the background boy Oh Jake they pick it and somebody says it's picking up cop cars outside your mic yeah I keep turning my mic off whenever I can and turning upon what that's used to speak so that'll that'll uh cut down on the street sounds but I'll come to New York City my friend you know yeah get in take it in feel it hear it and yeah that's the movie and and speaking of moves for anybody who's just joining us for the first time this is the first stream out of the new kitchen and we got some some fun surprises in store for you guys and I know fish isn't the most exciting thing to be cooking especially in a new kitchen but I am a recent fish convert I used to not like seafood at all and then past two-three years I've gotten way into it and this one my favorite ways to make salmon and who doesn't love fish fry we're from Rochester New York which is known for his Friday night fish fries and you know so this this really is some hometown pride and culinary wonder all and one I'm noticing that my my skin looks a little hot it's a little bright so I'm just gonna crank down this light just a little bit I know this is not very Pro and I apologize I'm just gonna crank it down a little bit just so my my hands aren't reading so hot there we go see that's nice and balanced I prefer that where we think it's a little bit like sexier in here a little moodier I'll turn it back up a little bit I'm seeing some people saying they don't like fish and I feel you man fishes fishes something you can get over you know you can you can not like it your entire life and then you get some really good fish and you're like holy [ __ ] I actually like this it's very exciting blurry no no I'm blurry yes but you'll notice that the table is perfectly in focus that's because this is a new 35 cinema lens I have on this camera here and as an extremely shallow depth-of-field you'll see my hand is out of focus in focus I had a focus in focus Barry so the food's gonna be unfocused soon speaking of food how about we get some down in the table on let's start making some salmon so you might notice I've got the the new fringe here fridges are kind of these like this is the fridge it's so cool I love it so restaurant style so I've got the cod later for the fish fry for now I've got some salmon enough for two fillets enough for me and Sawyer for dinner tonight we're gonna have us a lovely little meal thank you for subscribing some sonam $9.99 thank you super max for following thank you guys for following I see bits thank you guys for the bit Samantha so tell what Lex make sir thank your guru looking pretty full maybe I'll give it a empty what do you say well we'll say that again should I empty that tip jar oh that's totally full let's empty the tip jar guys Wow thank you guys so much for all the tips that's so nice thank you so much and now you might notice that I'm throwing the salmon directly out of my table and that's because in the new kitchen this table which used to be where the entire show took place it has now become my gigantic cutting board so that's that's what I'm gonna use it for here and go back to my knife collection back here I got my knives hanging on a magnetic strip over that away and I'm gonna cut this into two two evenly sized fillets not one larger than the other because oh that was a little bit bigger that one will be sores because I'm a nice freakin guy yeah really good skin at the end there Yoshi gamer I turned myself down a little bit thank you thank you Yoshi gamer thank you for like we are wide open for any issues that need solving anything that's bugging you we are all ears so and tell me what's going on your lives I'm all ears to that - what's going on with y'all uncle tell you wants to know about that expresso maker back there ooh uncle tang well we have back here you probably can't see it very well - Breville something it's a breath I think it was called the the barista mini I think it was it was the actual name of it it's served us very well so far I'm not like you know I love espresso I love coffee but I'm not like a huge nerd about it I wish I were this is something you got to look out for guys you might notice I'm pulling bones out of this they don't always get all the bones at at your local fishmonger so you got to be careful just you if you squeeze it like this you can feel they're these little pointy guys and you don't want to catch any of those when you're eating it was an unpleasant experience and won't won't kill ya but it won't make you stronger I don't think and that's sort of it goes against its conventional wisdom all right I'm not feeling anything else we're gonna move on let me just wash my hands real quick and then we're gonna get to making some topping for this hay hunting claw congratulations my man just get through that homework graduate watch a little bit do what you can we appreciate you man thanks for watching get through the homework all right thank you guys for the tips to see more tips that just pile up in the tip jar I appreciate it I know it's finals time for a lot of people across the nation across the world right now and my art goes that to you you know I'm gonna get down get down right here and look you in the eye I'm gonna tell you keep studying stay in school sometimes it helps depending on your major we'll see but good luck keep it up all right so the next thing we need to do for the for these slamming fillets is we need to toast some bread crumbs that we need to toast them in a fry pan which traditionally I would take out that induction cooktop that you guys know and love and put it right here and we'd see it right here but I have a very special treat for for all y'all first time viewers which is that I'm just gonna walk over here real quick and we're gonna see you know what happens when I do that oh my gosh would you look at that I'm in a new place we have gone multicam uh-huh I was constantly watching the stream to make sure that it actually cut cuz that would have been really weird if I was making that commentary with no yeah I'm also not so sure on the timing with the delay so you know if that looked really slick you're welcome but my audio should be like in line with my actions right I don't yeah yeah that's what I figured yeah all right so what I'm gonna do is we think folks show me the emotes if you like the new angle all right so I'm gonna grab some butter out the flinch here I'll be right back don't don't cut away just yet and I got some panko breadcrumbs I got some butter oh you know something we're gonna have to cut back in a second here because I forgot we need time with new fresh herbs so got the butter in here let's head back to camera one and we're gonna chop up some fresh herbs all right so we're back back over here hopefully my man Jake over there is doing a fabulous job directing and producing this this show right now we're kind of a two-man band here I'm just washing off the knife so I can cut herbs without poisoning it with raw fish so there we go I'm just gonna get some time going here you can use any number of herbs or breadcrumb mixture I'm really just gonna go with thyme and butter and I think that's going to be plenty so time time is such a tricky little monster because like depending on what on what kind of time you get sometimes they're like all these sometimes sorry they're they're like all these little branches and all this stuff and but sometimes they're these fabulous single branches that you can so easily just grip the top of it and whoop easy as that and you know so when you're in the grocery store try to be on the lookout for time sometimes they look like this like this is one single stalk and this would just be a nightmare to peel the leaves off of because you know how you gonna do it so you know I try to look for these ones that have lots of these these single stalks here we got some flowers and their time flowers that's pretty we don't want to put those in our fish though no sir I mean actually I don't even know what kind of effect that would have but I'm not gonna I'm not trying to experiment here we're trying to learn the basics you know we're not trying to reinvent the wheel tonight we're just trying to learn some easy techniques for fun healthy weeknight meals except for the fish fry which is gloriously unhealthy because everything is deep-fried look at all those flowers little tongue flowers I got going here I'm gonna put some of those in there let's see what happens what's the worst that could happen poisoned it's time turned to poison so we're at Google that time turned poisonous when they wanted flowers I'm kidding I know it doesn't but you can never be sure you know I once ate the leaves of a rhubarb plant and had to go to the hospital wow that's something I wasn't aware of I wasn't saying to the fact that rhubarb apparently is always poisonous you should never eat rhubarb is what I'm taking away that is the safest approach that is the safe if you want to make it through the day you gotta just not eat any rhubarb you see it on menu just say no kids okay all right yeah it's that seriously watch the leaves they kill you yeah don't yeah don't but in all seriousness don't eat those oh this is a this is a bountiful time to time I've sprig right here I'm gonna get lots of leaves off of that look at that yeah all right that's enough time I don't have time for this more n more puns other time the puns I'm not out of time I got plenty of time here you know I've shout out to Giga kilo for the callback time is poison to dogs we appreciate you oh thank you for watching the grilling episode two weeks ago out in Nashville where we learned that everything is poison to dogs so thank you very much what did you say was gigatron thank you for watching we appreciate you how you guys like it Linda Giga kilo I'm sorry how you guys like in the new kitchen I'd love to hear y'all's opinions on the new spot what do you think what do you think of the way it looks like you know we built this like we put up the peg were behind us here we you know we tried to make this into the the literal extension of the babish aura I wanted this to be you know just sort of the a literal manifestation of what the show is bad so let me know what you guys think o mods can start a poll let's get a poll going on the kitchen I'm sure it's gonna really break my heart a lot of people are going to be like it's dumb it's ugly the one complaint that I've heard is that like it's too like you know tech dat's too like like going on people I was using a small you know apartment kitchen because it made it a bit more accessible and I totally get that but that kitchen back in Harlem as much as I loved it it wasn't proper for shooting it was in a railroad apartment I had to move the camera every time I wanted to open the fridge kitchens too blurry I know yeah this is a blur there's a blurry kitchen I polish yes alright so Jake let's move over to camera two because I'm gonna start testing some breadcrumbs here one really fun thing about this new kitchen is that's the only way to where's my torch oh oh here is the only way to light the stove there's no pilot light for the stove there's no electric starter so this is the only way to light the stove and it's a it's a it's a jet engine listen to that thing go I don't know if you can hear it through my mic okay I'll lean over it and catch on fire so you can hear it alright we're gonna try to turn this down as low as it'll go these guys burn hot but we want nice low heat because we're just trying to melt this butter we're just trying to get it foaming was the foam subsides we're gonna add our breadcrumbs we definitely don't to brown it the brown butter is not really you know the ideal application for what we're doing here we're just toasting some breadcrumbs having a good time just telling some some some funny bones and some chuckles balls and funny bones over here this balls and puppy bones balls and funny but gets forget about it forget it buddy forget about it there's the food's the forget it buddy forget it forget it buddy he's just doing some cooking not a big deal don't worry about it so much we're but we're not as good at that as as Jon Glaser and and Jon H Benjamin are check that out if you haven't that's gold we have watched it forget about ease and watch the whole thing because partly to eat up gotta get up to one joke yeah that jars looking full vectors are gonna follow your little hands empty out the truck let me look at that jar oh no they've fallen out do I still get the bone out of the guy get up alright clearing it cleared it up clear it up thank you what if I lose lips because they can't fit broke off you guys forget about ease forget about A's alright maybe I can turn this up a little bit higher I'm still getting used to the stove folks you know we're here in Evaristo audio is cutting out Andrew but I'm not seeing your mic bounce any different ways so I don't know what to tell you we're hearing that my audio is cutting out yeah you're cutting in and out are we talking like straight cut 0 to hundred or up and down with the little bush alright is fine no audio problems here alright alright we're getting trouble we're getting trolled keep a hug I don't know Harmon we're gonna come and forget about it forget about it common audio trolling that's that's the lowest form of trolling I want to hear ok that's all this time tails oldest wish now so I got that I got the butter melting here and it's I'm just gonna let it fall off a little bit as soon as the phone goes away that's when we're adding the breadcrumbs and we're just gonna toast them up a little bit we're gonna add the time towards the end because we want to heat up those herbs get rid of their vegetate that's the word indeed a word and just mellow out the flavors get it let everybody get to know each other and that's gonna be the perfect topping for our salmon which we're going to adhere to the salmon using some mustard and maybe some mayo I got to check the recipe I can't fully remember but this looks like the perfect amount of butter for you know enough breadcrumbs for two to Salomon's so you can see that it's foaming up here you can see some butter bubbles and as soon as it's sort of like levels that is the bun the bubbles are no longer clumping together that's kind of what I'm looking for right there it's not really foam it's just bubbles so I'm gonna drop these guys in just enough to cover them up and really make them feel well coated and loved now I forgot that I'm not cooking in a non-stick pan right so normally I would just flip around because they wouldn't stick but I have to exercise the use of an implement in my testing of these bread crumbs because this is a stainless steel pan so stainless steel not all right Jerry I just checked the poll and we're at 93% smash and 7% pass that sounds like a man whoever whoever came up with those polling metrics you're my new favorites viewer so thank you smash versus pass that's great I'm very happy that you guys would mostly want to smash rather than pass I'm very very very excited to hear that man this stove is really powerful it takes some getting used to got to keep things moving but high heat like you know that's where a lot of great cooking comes from now that I've loosened this from there we go see now now that I've gotten it unstuck from the bottom of the pan I can really toss these around with that with wild abandon we're just trying to get some nice light browning on there because these guys are gonna keep cooking a bit more in the in the oven when we roast the salmon so we don't need them dark brown we just want them what a light toast going on these guys that's all smoked salmon they put South bit in the fish tacos Hank anybody any of king of the hill friends out there I know you're out there thank you so much I'm gonna add that to the roster yeah that should be on the locker that's such a scare one though it's it's what's the name of that guy hey it starts with me I think yeah is it I don't want to say I don't want to just like holes yeah somebody tell me whose pocket knife Enrique of course Enrique and who was Annie name it yeah Enrique I apparently can do a flawless of Enrique impression so hooray all right seen start to see some flex of these guys are starting to to turn a nice lovely tan that's what we want maybe this is the point where I add this the time so I'm just gonna grab that real quick here we go I can see the little time flowers in there it's a lovely little kind of splash of color and then I'm going to hit this because we want to season as many of the separate elements of a dish as possible so even though we're gonna season the salmon on its own we are gonna season these as well just a little bit of kosher salt a little bit of freshly cracked pepper Jake I'm sorry I wish you were in this room you smell this right right now it smells like Irby toast it's lovely here yeah I'm gonna sealed off but hey that pepper grinder sounds great in the mic and my right people that's can you hear them well let's start a new poll doesn't the pepper grinder sound great I think more of it yeah Oh Charice Rose wanted to know what kind of salmon so then my follow up to that is there's different kinds of salmon yes there are yes so Sawyer there Batman I love this dynamic that we're building here it's good it's like we've known each other or something it's like we've known each other since we were 14 yeah by the way just for newcomers Sawyer and I have known each other since we were 14 we've been friends since freshman in high school and and we've been we've been dreaming of being media moguls our entire lives and now this is our chance so so Frasier and Ross that's really what we want yeah no we're really good we're a raptor Frasier and Roz relationship and I think we're we're nailing that right now but uh yes to answer a question there are different types of salmon there is farm salmon there is wild caught salmon Alaskan Scottish like it can come from different regions that while there can be farmed generally I would go wild salmon it's more expensive but it's more flavorful and they'd farm salmon sometimes they will they will add artificial colors to the Sam and make it look Pinker which is just kind of gross like you'll see that like really electric pink salmon and that's usually farmed salmon and it is inexpensive and it is still healthy for you but it's less flavorful it's kind of like you know factory farm chickens it's cheap they're big they're juicy but they're not as flavorful they're not as they're just not as good so you know I hate advocating for the expense of the fussy ingredients the this tossing looks dope with the high with the highest shudders I'm gonna do a big to us look at that ooh Wow whoa almost lost something that looks sick wait till the till happens I'm gonna watch on the stream so I can see it oh wow it was cool okay look how lovely and golden brown these guys have gotten and taking them off the heat in fact I'm not only gonna take them off he I'm gonna take them out of the pan so they don't keep cooking because they are very toasty golden-brown and on them any golden brown er than this because they have more cooking to do in the oven so let's remove them entirely for me all right let's head back over to the prep table we're gonna go back to camera one here and we got our salmon I'm kind of doing this from memory I need to look at the recipe here because I don't want to I don't mess this up alright what did I do Oh mustard okay so mustard it acts as the glue to get our breadcrumbs on in the salmon but we also want to add some egg whites to to these breadcrumbs that's going to help them stay together and it's gonna it's gonna act like a like a glue to keep them from just you know if you've ever made salmon food with breadcrumbs it's a mess it's a disaster so as soon as these guys cool off enough to add an egg without cooking the egg we're gonna we're gonna toss these with with an egg whites and that's gonna make for a really you know more cohesive topping for our salmon so we don't lose too much of that crunchy goodness and it's not gonna soak up in the breadcrumbs it's not gonna make a mushy it's just gonna make them adhere a little bit better oh wow so any any this is this new setup dude any any good good good questions from the audience here we want to feel well Cherise wanted to tell me that the way you say your name is caris I guess so there's that careful yards Carey okay yeah but I'm sorry sorry boys we're seeing some talk about different sand ants you know it is true that though the more expensive salmon is much more expensive we did notice that yeah it's nearly twice the price i i've seen it at twice the price where you know you'll be looking at eleven bucks a pound for farm salmon you'll be looking at twenty two dollars a pound for for the wild cost stuff so yeah big price gap but you know it always comes down to flavor I don't think that I'm not gonna advocate like you know you're a bad person if you get farm Sam because you're not like it's it's it's good for you and and it's a relatively sustainable wife's livestock where you call fish it's a relatively sustainable food to farm I don't think it's a livestock no it's I felt weird referring to fish his livestock I really felt uncomfortable so I'm sorry for anybody who had offended by saying that I will drink my tip jar here thank you oh the tip jar is almost full again Oh catch here we go boom Cheers hmm one pound of salmon cost one Bitcoin what whoa maybe that as high as any high has 2010 we got we have you've just awoken our resident cryptocurrency free care oh yes well III own some Bitcoin though I have some bitcoins in the theorem that's gonna wake up that's gonna kiss some comments going uh-huh but uh cheers to to cryptocurrency hmm that's how I'm spending this money you guys are giving me with these tips that's going straight into crypto so thank you uh hum but let's say it was HIV ell or is this another word that means that means hold on for dear life it's a acronym for buying cryptocurrency and then trying your hardest to forget you did and just let it sit until we live in a society where we're as close to our currency as humanly possible we represent ourselves with our own money and cryptocurrency is all we have so that's a whole is exactly that's exactly what I'm going on right now so hang on for dear life guys all right so these guys are cooling off here they're almost cool enough for me to add an egg-white to let me grab a bowl so you guys can see what's going on there there I got a bowl right here and let's toss these guys in there and I'm gonna grab some eggs up fridge and we're gonna make ourselves some lovely crunchy juicy healthy relatively healthy except with the fact that you're eating all these breadcrumbs and butter hey the the casual businessman wants to know what's a good scotch for that's in my interest so here we go this is a Japanese I think it's a single malt or notes the the the nikah pure malt I just got and I really am enjoying this is a this is a heavy smoker right here this guy puts that some this got chuck some fat clouds all the smoke he's bluffing but right now currently what I'm drinking is a bourbon called angels NV I really like it again not sponsored this has just been one of my favorites in its price point it is pricier you you know these guys will run you 45 50 bucks but it's a really solid Kentucky bourbon I really enjoy it I don't know what what to pair with salmon honestly I don't know what what bourbon goes with salmon does bourbon even go with Sam and I know this is a white wine fish so if you're gonna drink you know I have some Sauvignon Blanc or have some you know some classy like that alright let me grab I'm gonna preheat the oven over here okay so this oven super-scary it's a new oven I've seldom used it and it's SuperDuper scary so I'm gonna go ahead and turn it on the reason it's scary is not only because it's huge and like commercial but also because it doesn't have a starter it doesn't have a just like the the burners it just has a constant pilot light going and so when you turn it on you just hear the gas just turn on and it's it just makes me think that I'm just pumping gas into the room but it's just it's just widening its its eternal flame that it constantly has burning this is almost completely cooled off so we're almost set here what I'm gonna do though is I'm going to prep the cookware that it's going to go on I have some my parchment paper where's my so sorry I got my aluminum over here around the corner let me grab it coming back here we go so this is some thick aluminum foil so you won't really need to spray it down normally I would recommend and spray this down with Pam because as I as I so playfully jived in my in the episode these things will cling to to aluminum foil the same way that your landlord will cling to your security deposit it's really funny I know but it's also accurate they will they will not let go they will hang on now let go this I don't know how these are nonstick they do feel a little greasy on one side where it says it's a nonstick side I don't know exactly how that works but I'm not gonna question it and I'm going to you know sort of take it for even though I know it's nonstick I'm gonna take a precaution I'm gonna hit it whoa I'm gonna hit it with a whole [ __ ] ton of vegetable oil apparently I let me get some paper towels to mop that up I just dumped a half a cup of oil on here fish wants to know could you cook it on a salt plank you could cook salmon on a salt plank and you know what I have a salt playing over the over in the the the I'm never gonna use these things closet you totally could I don't know why you would because salt planks are cool because you can like heat them up super hot and then you know cook things directly on them like thin meats you can sear them on there and they'll get imbued with that saltiness but I don't know why you'd do salmon because it would just make the bottom of the Salmons the skin salty which personally I don't eat anyway and most people don't eat unless it's in a sushi situation so I'm not entirely sure why you do that but hey this is a free country and it wouldn't hurt I'm sure would be fine so anyway we're got these guys right here and now I'm gonna add an egg whites of this joints grab my eggs will have some caramelized onions leftover from that from bubble basses burger wonder if there's anything fun I can do with those Sawyer got to try the bubble bath burger what do you think Jake I hate an embarrassing amount of that bubble bass burger I'll tell you that right now all right so we are extracting egg whites so carefully toss the egg yolk back and forth between the two halves of your shell until you got all that delicious whites extracted if you break the yolk get rid of that mustn't have any yolk and I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to have a little yolk in there but I'm not risking it not today now when all you guys are watching there we go tell eggy egg off my hand and I'm just gonna grab a fork and just give this guy a little stir I've got my oven preheating to 325 degrees Fahrenheit for those of you who are cooking long as anybody cooking along we got any people saying like hey I'm making this right now my name is Bob Simmons I live in Tallahassee Florida and I have 12 kids and I'm making this for all of them at once I don't know where I'm coming up with it's not like a stereotype don't come over coming up with this character but Bob Simmons is one of my best favorite years I gotta bring the screen back up so I see all his comments let's see Robert Paul Robert Paulson that's a Fight Club reference from not mistaken all right so I've got these nice breadcrumbs going here they just have a little bit of egg white in them there's still a little crisp but you know they've softened up a little bit but they're gonna crisp right back up this is the egg white cooks when we throw these guys back in the oven it's totally combined so now to act as a little bit of glue and extra flavorant first I'm going to hit these guys with the requisites a little bit of kosher salt remember season everything season all layers of your dish if it's something you're cooking for awhile season it at the end but we are cooking these and then immediately eating them after like I believe the cook time is 12 minutes I have to check the recipe with it's not much I know it looks like I'm putting a lot of salt on there but I'm still with little pinches that way it's more forgiving no no and then we did a lovely ground pepper noise yeah you guys liking that pepper noise let me check the grinder 96% like the pepper no they actually made a pole I knew they would yeah pepper grinders pepper grinder hot or not 55 votes only two not 53 four yes so what is that is it overwhelming oh you know what let's do another poll this needs to be a quick one because I need an answer like in the next few minutes should we use old-style whole-grain mustard or should we use Dijon mustard whole grain Dijon whole grains each other you shout out to our spencer daming for setting up the last - yeah our special gaming thank you very much you've seen a lot of Dijon in the comments oh all right the hole looks like the comments I'm seeing a lot of whole grains okay I'm seeing a lot of Dijon stew oh geez this is why we need to pull it looks split man I'm I'm gonna go Dijon because it's gonna act as a better glue for for the breadcrumbs the the whole grain would still definitely work but this is you know this is nice and smooth it's just gonna it's gonna spread on real good so we're just gonna drop some of this guy here make sure you're not touching the spoon to the salmon and then putting it back in the jar obviously so don't do that so you know generously mustard it and then spread the mf'er around you know I mean it's heavy now there we go make sure it's got a nice even layer mustard I could just eat this the way it is I love salmon then the thing is you got to cook it like for me you got to cook it medium-rare I want a nice you know soft sort of trends semi translucent almost paint at the center and I know people are gonna make some innuendos about that right now so that'll be fun but that is the way I like it and it's so tender so juicy when you do it that way whoa we got we got we got Adam here from B&H in the stream hey what's up dude thanks today we got that we got the fellow from B&H who helped us purchase this streaming equipment today he said that he would subscribe and he wasn't lying thanks man he and his wife for cooking salmon maybe not right now but they're always looking for good recipes so hopefully hope you enjoy this one all right well to bring you back up to speed because I know it's probably some people are just joining right now what we have here are some salmon fillets that we've coated with some Dijon mustard and we've got some panko breadcrumbs that we've toasted with butter salt pepper and freshly chopped thyme and then once they cool down we added in egg whites two egg whites depending on how many breadcrumbs you have you want to just sort of just moisten them so they're they're starting to clump together a little bit but not totally you know saturated and that way they're gonna hold it hold together a little bit better and now we're just gonna you know do this little thing right here we're going to coat these guys down with a generous helping of breadcrumbs because really you're eating set I love salmon but you're eating salmon for the breadcrumbs I mean come on I mean I'm eating the salmon because it's got this crunchy goodness on top here I'm gonna do a side view for this next one so you can see what's going on you can see that there's a very healthy layer of breadcrumbs on that guy this is gonna be mean so where's dinner and we're just gonna have us a nice little time there we go I'm really stacking them on there and you see like yeah I'm losing some but they're really staying put because of the egg white the egg whites holding them together just loosely there's still they're not they're not mush they're not like one whole thing but they're being kept together and that's you got to stick together in this day and age you know things are so crazy right now you've got to stick together people who won something here's he the salmon fillet is crusted in breadcrumbs and now I'm gonna put these in the oven I don't know Jakob we want to do a camera switch because it's just literally me put in the oven but let's do it why not we're experiment here we go camera 2 welcome so I'm just gonna throw these in the oven then we're gonna head right back over there I hope that this is at the right temperature I said 325 325 Fahrenheit for 18 to 25 minutes I'm gonna go shoot these are not like the thickest pretty thick but they're not the thickest thick boys and not the thickest filets in the world and and sorry I'm just adjusting my microphone so I don't want the last thing I want in the entire world is for them to overcook overcook so I'm just gonna toss them in for let's 2 for 15 minutes to start and then I'm gonna take your temperature that's toasty let me set a timer I'm not gonna do the the command on my phone because then all your friends are gonna get a knots am i right so you know I'm talking about I'm gonna set a timer over here for 15 minutes and 3 seconds go there we go and then we're gonna check on the salmon after that let me clean this up a little bit so we can start moving on the fish and chips as fast as possible for those of you who might be wondering I know I would be wondering maybe you or not but I certainly would be how I'm I'm cleaning this wooden cooktop when I just had fish on it what I have here is a very strong vinegar solution it's not pure white vinegar you can go pure white vinegar if you want to truly sanitize that will kill all the germs but this is maybe like half and half just so it's not too crazy stinky and this is really gonna take care of most of the bacteria that have ended up there but you know wooden cutting boards have been a thing for much longer than all of you have been alive combined so you know this might not be like this might not get an A via the New York or that's this a nationwide thing now the restaurant ratings maybe get a B but vinegar really knocks out most most pathogen so your your your pretty good and we're putting more fish down there nicely so not really much to worry about all right so while that's going let's talk stuff because we have a solid 15 minutes to kill I'm gonna get down here so y'all can see my beautiful face my beautiful freckled and droopy eyes I can't I can't remember who asked but somebody wanted to know what your death row last meal would be and that's something I'm curious about as well you might be the one serving God willing God willing my friend um my death-row meal is probably going to be either just like a deck at the quick boys pick a snakes like you know yeah thick coats cooked medium rare rare like you know almost moving with with steak outside or it's gonna be both burning yelling I love Brooklyn Brooklyn you know so much I know that's why your favorites too sore oh yeah if it's something comforting and warm and yeah like me that's the thing that's what people call me but uh what are your guys last death row meals I want to hear them later you're what are you death row Manson or the last one duck fat I'll it's a good one yeah a little bit of duck fat in there leaning away from the mic yes I just leaned over so presumably my faces further away from the mic and it would normally be as that there were again chicken 10 DS who said chicken 10 DS sink synchrotron I down with that at phones this is Bose sound sport and basically so I can hear Sawyer this is a little ratchet but so I can hear Sawyer I were doing a phone call right now he's on the phone and this is Bluetooth into my phone and we're just having a phone conversation so I can hear what he's saying live so it's not only delayed or whatever I'm Ellison on the strength if we hit me with a whisper if you have a better idea yeah hit us with a whisper okay I want to hear the whispers explain my freckles no lobster lobster Lobster and got to go to Texas for deep dish anchovies for last meal I don't think they'll let you do that especially in Texas they took away the death row a meal in Texas so for you you you're in death row you better hope it's not in Texas you're not gonna get it last meal I mean you'll get a last meal but it's not the only one I see DeForest Pizza fabulous let's see discord I say discord is the way to go and weird last meal choice but I'll take it pupusas with salsa pizza rolls what was your favorite video game console as a kid I was immense I was an intent of what all the way through PlayStation 2 so I with NES Super NES and 64 and then I switch the PlayStation 2 after that and I've been a PlayStation guy ever since I do have a switch fettuccine alfredo with watermelon for dessert that's an interesting combo sounds like something that I would hear a serial killer ordered for his last meal I love my pizza and nachos video I never did a not just video of those and I'm aware of but thank you uh-huh let's see this person phone called Jake are you asking about calling why are people talking about discord in phone calls because we asked them if there was a better way for us to communicate than a phone call and people are telling us to use discord which I guess is cool then yeah that's fine but we still have to do the earpiece rigmarole yeah there's no there's no way around that there's always gonna be an earpiece unfortunately we're gonna talk to each other so it's gonna be nervous but we also want to introduce a call and make this like Frasier we want to introduce a calling element to the show and we're thinking that that might be available to like patreon supporters or something like you get the number if you support on patreon or something like that but we want to that's going to be expect that in future episodes for your need to be able to call in and talk to me live on the air and that should be fun we're trying it's slowly turning into Frasier that's really that's been the plan all along it's the tradition what we've been trying to do since the beginning that is the intention of the shows to eventually become Frasier to the Frederick goes to college so what we do another time here how are we doing on time nine minutes so in that time what can we get up to nothing really because I want to do the the fish and chips all once I guess what I can tell you about is the way I'm doing the chips in the video I did I started them off in cold oil and slowly brought it up to temp and that worked it created really nice crispy french fries but they stuck to the bottom there's a little problematic so I'm returning to my my favorite method which is to par fry the chips the the fries for those of you who are Parfrey them for about ten minutes until they just start to turn blonde just a little bit golden and then freeze them fully for at least four hours I've only got two hours under my belt here and because I had to get ready from the stream you want to go at least four hours because that's gonna let the internal structure of the potato crystallize and it's going to then completely almost I don't wanna say dissolved in its we know we can really soft and tender when we fry them again so you take them out of the freezer try him again that's why fast-food fries and fries from restaurants are so good because they order them frozen and this is sentient this same process happens we they get par fried frozen shipped and then refried and that's why they're so gosh-darn crispy on the outside and soft yeah I think that's I think we'll definitely look into doing the private patreon discord I think that's a good idea a couple questions for you Andrew that's here well what would be your favorite Christmas dish my favorite Christmas dish I mean I think Christmas I unfortunately think Thanksgiving foods I think that's kind of a standard like you just make Thanksgiving again for Christmas or Christmas ham I guess mm-hmm Christmas foods I I love you know I love the Christmas ham I love a Christmas turkey and and that's a tricky but I can't think of Christmas foods what's what's happening in my brain isn't whiskey what do you what are your favorite Christmas foods Jake yeah that's a good question I love Christmas I really love Christmas smells you know so I'm tracking Craig's as I love the tiny Christmas smell so then maybe like a spiced warm Christmas rum was that a thing that's a thing yes spiced rum butter of rum Marty's favorite and that's yeah that's it butter butter drum I mean there are times I don't know if you've ever had this but there are times when you bite into something you're like or you drink something take it to into something like wow that tastes like Christmas finger on it it's like a certain mix of spices and vibes and and whatever that is that's my favorite that those things that you tasting liqueurs I guess ignorant Olympic doesn't love me what other questions we got going here well people wanted to know about your favorite old video games my favorite video games time to me nope that was me sorry yeah that was an accident I would never try to FaceTime stream that was very unprofessional I'm sorry oh and my fave art good go ahead I still my favorite video games back when I was a kid or when I was on the n64 Zelda it was it was wasn't even that flying game we were just talking about Oh pilot wings 64 baby pilot wings 64 blast corpse blast core whatever its called what Super NES it was Megaman X was like my favorite you know the dog was donkey kong country was on SNES I think and then nowadays fortnight and well fortnight no I'm kidding that's confusing no I don't want build stuff bought by people it's hard it's too hard for other guys like us yeah we're old people with 30 okay I've been playing a lot of God of War then you've got a war which I absolutely love it the combat system than that and I love how the whole thing as one shot and the voice acting is really great it's it's a fact I love that game I love no Megaman X I see some megman x fans out there thank you for being who you are how we doing on Sunday I think we only got a couple minutes left don't FaceTime swear that's what we're trying not to do oh my phone's freaking out it can't handle all the stimulation for minutes I have to be ready to take this guy's temperature normally I have my thermapen my trusty you know read from instant read thermometer but it's packed away half of my kitchen is still in boxes so I'm gonna have to use some knock off join unfortunately but we're gonna do our best to take our Simon's temperature I'm aiming for 125 degrees Fahrenheit that you know that's that's like medium-rare salmon and it's the same as the same as beef really to shoot for that it'll come up five more degrees while its resting and then we're gonna we're gonna eat it and maybe when it's out sweater if you want some salmon we'll have you come out here and they can meet you face to face because because I love I'd love for them to to know you absolutely and W buck just answer your sports question I'll be feeling in most of those we're Buffalo Bills fans yes we are but we will not be discussing sports in this in this arena I'm sorry we can discuss whatever we want with the Sanders in the other this is a safe space what would you when I do hot ones if they asked me to be on it hell yeah guys flood hot ones with requests with comments saying get babish it on there please I just hung out with Sean Evans yesterday he was just here we were just shooting with a crossover episode because I was just on Sean in the wild so he's gonna appear in next week's episode which is I'll leak it to you now it's an Arrested Development's special so hot ham water I'm I'm gonna let you guess what the babish version of hot ham water is gonna be let's see if you can guess what that is it oh I know I'll make it easy for you it's not split pea soup or some kind of ham soup it's something else corn balls cornballer and and frozen bananas of course with frozen bananas I was gonna do the skip scramble but it looks really really hard and I don't want to so next time Arrested Development part yeah we're leaking today hand gravy that's a good guess background noise is gone apparently my sleeves aren't even I'm sorry no it they're not uneven they're just kind of seat there we go all better see I just pulled one down by accident look at the symmetry look at the disgusting beautiful symmetry that I am right now um let's see we should be almost up on time here we've been streaming for an hour man that's pretty good minute and 30 seconds and then we are going to take our salmon step temperature and see what's going on then you know what we should have done while we were waiting we should have made tartar sauce that's what we should have done because we need to make tartar sauce for our fish and chips it would probably go pretty good with this as well tartar sauce is a very simple simple sauce is just mayo and and some herbs and pickles and I'm just gonna use relish in this case and and a couple basic spices it's very simple lovely mmm I love this stuff for those of you just joining its Angels Envy dude I'm stunned by the numbers here they told us we were getting on the front page can you check on the front page and see if we're there yeah anybody could know how they found us that would be great yeah cuz last time we did this we had in excess of 15,000 viewers and now maybe it's because this fetch versus grilling grilling is so much more seductive as a as a subject matter but yeah that's cool I'm very happy to cook for you guys I'm not complaining thanks for still thanks for coming out you know came from the front page yeah got that bad alert daddy babby grilling is exit you're absolutely right especially that Trager I'm not sponsored anymore I was doing sponsorship then and I'm saying this of my own free will Trager dope that thing was on you just set it to a temperature and go was it just policy full of smoke look there's my timer going off in my ear oh no I just I just think that the call with Sawyer disaster I'm gonna call him back there we go sorry pickup it's me sorry pick up we're not on the stream there he is alright timers up so that means fish is coming out of the oven Jake let's go over to camera two oh sorry to catch you off guard there I know I know that was a little bit of a no fango but I am gonna run over and close the window so they don't hear the busy streets New York seems testing what don't look nearly there so I'm actually gonna give them more time I'm also wondering if those ovens hot enough you know just getting used to this oven for the first time folks it's hard to decide you know how it behaves all ovens behave differently they're not super duper accurate and the fish just it doesn't look cooked it looks totally raw on the side so and you know I was checking early anyway so this is just gonna be towards the higher end we have time now we probably have at least five minutes I'm gonna set five minutes on the timer and we're gonna make tartar sauce in that time let's do it go back to camera one as soon as you get back from the window oh I got you boy all right I shouldn't set timers because I apparently can't stop them without hanging up on you yeah so I could say this time all right I set the timer five minutes for me would you not a problem hey Sawyer set time set a time with five minutes hey Sawyer calls foyer hey Sawyer all right so I got some parsley here that's gonna be nice I have a lemon I got my parsley got a lemon what else goes with tartar sauce tell me recipe all right we need mayonnaise we need relish where's my Mayo in this fridge I think here we go got the mail squeak all right we got mayonnaise we got lemon we got our relish we've got some salt and pepper we can add a little bit of grated onion I have this microplane right here that I think I'm gonna try grating the onion through nope doesn't hurt to add more flavor like the the these are the basic ingredients that you need to make tartar sauce right here but you know for a little extra in there a little sugar is also nice in in tartar sauce so let me grab I don't know where the sugar is we you know again just moved here getting used to it and I don't know so we're gonna forgo the sugar commenters I'm relying on you to tell me when that jar is full and it looks pretty full to me so next time just let me know so I can empty it okay thank you do you hear that commenters thank you sorry that John keep an eye on the jar eyes on the jar all right I'm just grabbing some of this this isn't washed so make sure you always wash your your herbs like these I'm gonna I'm gonna get a little rinse just a little rinse just to make sure there's no dirt or you know contaminations and then you know parsley doesn't really bruise that much basil bruises if you do this but parsley doesn't really so you can sort of take it in a paper towel like this and then just wrap it up and like squeeze it I'm just squeezing all my mark right now and when I unwrap it boom relatively dry parsley dry enough parsley that's that's really what I'm after so let's let me get a bowl going here so I can my bowls go little Bowl from tartar sauce and give this guy a little choppy chop also tartar sauce only gets better with not a lot of time but like if you make this the day before it's gonna taste better the next day because everything is gonna have to sort of gotten to know each other and mellowed in golds and yes nice to let your flavors get to know each other I just wanted to say that I was just trying to be formal and calling you the commenters and I apologize I'll call you the chess if that's what you prefer swear did you [ __ ] this up I don't think so I think people recognize that it wasn't malicious you know we're just just trying to have a combo here but if it's the chat it's the chat you know that's it how our numbers doing did you slash our numbers up we lost like 400 people Oh God okay all right well anyway still fun I'm gonna go ahead and grab a Viking spoon some Mayo well Sawyer makes good on his his apology for calling you guys commentary apologize that was a yeah and a little a little I just preferred to the the chat as the chat and it's actually just chat so that's what we're gonna go with swear can you you're really [ __ ] this up right now yeah that's epic sowed one in the new era where we're learning our ways I'm kidding Sawyer has really been making this happen he has way more knowledge about streaming than I do and he's he's the one who put to get you know put together all the the bits and the the tip jar and and and and the the new fun stuff that we've got going in the stream so well we might not know ooh pickle jars like you know stereotypes are true about pickle jars Lee oh wow let's get this guy open we're we're on live TV Andy here we go Erin is y'all thought it was y'all thought of slacking on a job not today okay so with tartar sauce generally you can go like 50/50 ratio chopped pickles or sweet relish to mayo that seems about right you know take a look you know we're looking at like with me a little bit more mayo than pickles but it's when it comes to sauces it's gonna come down to your personal taste so measure all you want to sort of like learn a baseline and then learn what you like you know I'm gonna add some parsley here you could add dill dill would be a great addition tartar sauce I don't have any bill on me no what's that your five minutes are up oh I didn't hear the timer thank you for the five minute warning let me let's go over camera two let's check it out all right we're over at camera two I assume and okay and that's what I want to see so the salmon is starting to turn a lighter pink oh it's really blown out from all the light I'm sorry there we go it's starting a lighter pink than it was when it was totally raw I'm still thinking these aren't done but I'm going to take their temperature anyway because I want to see what's going on in here you know what I mean so I'm gonna insert this probe into the very thickest part of the salmon and I'm getting right now its temperature reading but those who see this is not like my normal Fermat then this is just some you know of the thermometer nothing fun right now I'm getting a reading of about a hundred degrees so we are not done yet this oven I think one's a little cold so we're gonna put this how about if you could set another timer for me for another five minutes that'd be great man yeah that feels like 325 but it feels more like 325 what love that I can identify that all right we're back camera one and here at camera one we're making tartar sauce I've got a lemon here that I'm going to I'm gonna start with with the squeeze of half of lemon is it you know you don't want to go crazy with the lemon and tartar sauce you can again this is all comes down to your preference so I am just going to start with half a lemon and then I'm going to taste it and if it needs more lemon I'm going to add more lemon that's how this works ooh Thank You mega maniac thank you happen thank you the jar is full empty jars full thank you megalomaniac and thank you all all you guys who are filling the jar I really appreciate it that's very very kind and let's great us some onions shall we I don't know why I've never done this I've always wanted to so got myself a yellow onion here taking the outermost layer off just so we don't have any tough gnarly stuff going into our sweet sweet tartar and I'm just going to use this that this isn't like a traditional microplane grater it's got like these wide holes and I think that's gonna be great for the onions so we still get some little hung sunny and that's great enough free-flying it's perfect though yeah these aren't like annihilated there there they're nice little pieces you can see little chunks onion and that's going to be grapes we keep adding to the texture that's one of the best things about tartar sauce is the texture of it and I'm just going to have a competition for the pepper grinder what what's the competition for pepper grinder onion grinding crack oh this is good sound yeah let me get in there you like that done I'm gonna grate my finger off doing can you feel how satisfying or can you hear how satisfying this feels nothing enough enough horseplay that looks like plenty of onion you don't want to over onion it either but that's gonna add a lot of nice flavor and a little bit of texture to no complaint and I'm definitely going way too deep into the complexities of a tartar sauce but that's because my fish is still in the oven so we're also gonna seafood we're also gonna season this guy a little bit of salt a little bit of pepper let's get that pepper grinder action going and get right now Mike OH running low on peppercorns that's you oh wow that's the last of the peppercorns hope you guys don't want any more pepper in anything ever because I'm done now and forever I feel like I'm on I'm doing Tim's kitchen tips right now because I'm just making a tartar sauce like he he was just making like you know even simpler stuff like like French French or Russian dressing and he was putting Pistons mustard into it but it does feel silly that I'm putting this much effort and talking into making it into tartar sauce but this looks like perfect tartar sauce like this is exactly exactly what I want and I'm sorry it's a little blown out because all the light when we put it over here there you can see a little better over here perfect for dipping perfect for the fish and this stuff's only gonna get better with time so go ahead make it ahead of time and it might taste a little bit again we're testing out for lemony munis mmm no it's perfect that is perfect so I'm not gonna touch it I'm gonna put it in the fridge leave plastic wrap it oh my mic keeps falling down this is really annoying right now the the earpiece cuz this is just a headphones and the other half of its go now my sure to keep falling down got to come up with a solution for this alright the cling wrap and then this guy's going on the fridge until we are ready for it which should be soon how we doing on that timer Jake yeah that's a good question did you set a timer 15 seconds for me Oh nailed it alright my hardest sauce and free it go and let's check on our salad man let's go to the camera - we're over at camera 2 now and I'm grabbing this and I'm gonna take it to temperature this time I'm gonna do the other other fillet so we make sure that we're see the breadcrumbs have become like super crisp like they become this crust on the outside the salmon is beautiful alright I'm registering temperatures upwards of oh jeez I don't think we're there just yet and then 110 looks like we got to go a little bit longer folks even though this thermometer is infuriatingly slow yeah 110 is where we're at right now so let's put it back in give me another five minutes bruh I think this oven runs really cold so I'm going to turn up a little bit higher I do like my salmon really medium rare but not that medium rare so the way that goes and this onion I'm gonna save for a future please helping breakfast tomorrow what kind of breakfast foods would you guys like to see me make I made it have done eggs episodes before tell me your favorite breakfast foods and why I should well I always want to make bacon from scratch you guys want to see that not all they're basic though it's not something those people do Lego maniac again thank you the jar Lego maniac Thank You bacon pancakes makin bacon pancakes nations thank you very much for subscribing twitch Prime appreciate it hash browns good thinking Japanese omelet not a huge fan personally just because the the I think I feel like they're more visual than then functional I feel like they just look cool and they're not as as as tasty but that's that's my experience with them maybe there are better ones out there I'm sure there are I'm dying to go to Japan so what I do Monte Cristo sandwich hell yet made many jump pay sir thank you very much many jump a sir thank you for subscribing appreciate it rack of lamb thank you for the the bits get Giggy pillow thank you for you're the one who's doing your final exams biggy kilo I think thank you let's see do I know any other languages than English I can speak I can speak the same amount of Spanish as a very self-centered toddler like I really can only talk about myself if you start talking I don't know what you're talking about so yep a little bit but that's about it that's that was far and away my worst subject in school was foreign language the comprehension I was terrible at it and I continue to be but I do speak a little tiny bit of Spanish hola see you necesito tres breeches para me eat me send me Gus see you know let's see Scottish fry up pray tell what is the Scottish fry up it sounds like a one of those big Scottish sure well those big European breakfast with the sausage and the eggs and the beans and you know the whole works blood sausage all that get my shirt all situated here I'm getting a little wrinkly from bending over so much that sounded wrong I need three burritos for me and my friends correct Crunchwrap breakfast them down I've done food from adventure time I did Jake's perfect sandwich but I'll keep going tell me what do you guys want to see from from adventure time you might see the Mississippi Queen what else is there I don't want to do the everything burrito because or Jake's burrito because he all he does is just throw up in the fridge in there that's not legit I've made bacon pancakes it's up on the channel check it out see breakfast burrito that's one of my favorite things thank you for the bits agent hero one of my favorite things in the world is to like prep you know buy 50 tortillas fry up you know two dozen eggs fry up a pound of bacon front panas AUSA's cheese and then just assemble making a second an assembly line gun and freeze all those things and then get just a ton of microwave burritos it's amazing Mississippi Queen Finn cakes homemade bacon I'm down then Jake let's try taking our first break because your boy has to blow his nose and last time wasn't very well-received and I'd love to go blow my nose and I don't want to do it in your ears so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take a quick break you're gonna see a graphic come up says we'll be right back and then we will literally be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're back all right folks I'm reading 125 that is perfect look at that 25 Fahrenheit enter nope oh we're getting our intercom back up and running there we go all right we're back we back up and live Jack shoot can you hear me now yes I can hear you now all right are we back up in life yeah you there saying your mic sounds a little low but that could be because I just deft everybody with that dang so yeah I'm very just very sorry about that yeah well good guys there's a learning curve here we're new at this and we're just gonna have some fun we have weeks landing sitting desks and I was sitting before but now I'm gonna stand so things are gonna change or I have a serious business here we go here we go oh man I'm still getting one 15 on one of these this guy's good to go but this one's still a 115 whatever fish raw sushi that's that's what I hear all right you know what just sit for the sake of so we can get going here let me let me hang on let me take it one more time yeah I mean this is gonna be very medium rare that's the way I like it so guess what I'm gonna I'm gonna call it okay let me put the temp probe over here I'm gonna plate these guys up let's bring it back over to camera one in five four three two one and cut there we go hopefully that was perfect so all right let me kill the oven because we're done with the oven for now don't yell at us as loud please all right I need a spatula ooh spatula thank you miss McGee this sorry these are just barely gonna fit in here yes I know all right Jake you and I are gonna share a plate hope you don't mind okay we got a lot more coming yep we do all that means is extra fries for me please that's not what that means thanks for fries no you misunderstand alright so as you can see normally you know salmon sticks to the to the aluminum foil like like a like a bad joke but it's just coming right up no problems no complaining it's just like yes take me I am done so that's coming right off no problems no muss no fuss that just came out of an oven and I just grabbed it with my hands so that just happened and what we're gonna do is grab our uh gloves so we can move this um I think that oven runs really cold I think I need to have this looked at because it was like at 375 and if failure was still barely cooking this some Forks here and then Jake when you're ready you're welcome to join me [Music] so you guys are gonna meet us where Jacob's who has been around for many streams he's one of the original thick was and here he is hey oh oh okay I'm getting my hands beat I can't speak okay alright earpiece is coming out okay my earpiece is gone speaking to my chest okay I was getting crazy feedback there alright so here's a fork this one's a little bit more done this one's a little bit less done and if you want a more done just eat towards the front but this one should be perfectly cut in fact why don't we do across sessions that's well that's what we do on the show we do cross sections so let's just cut right in there let's hope it's not totally raw oh no it's perfect that's just the way daddy likes it yes can we see that let's take a look it's just like perfectly soft and on the inside it's not all dry and tough a light-colored it is perfect that's just the way I go from the center yeah I'm gonna grip some of this right here she's like wake tender it's having some tartar sauce I bet that's gonna be good tartar sauce hard-pressed to think of a fish that tartar sauce doesn't go with were they saying over there maybe like a squid or octopus that's very truthful I'd probably not go very well with boiled octopus I didn't think though thank you all right I'm gonna try gripping a little this little challenge here with spacial hmm last wait up hmm oh that's good hmm that's way good I'm into that that's great great combo but all right even on the phone he's back you know here we go mm-hmm what y'all think of that a little bit of lemon all right alright alright dude thank you for coming out do you want do you want any of this to bring with you a snack on there you won't wait for fish and chips okay I'll get my head my head be assembling you go back in the other room head piece ear piece mmm hope you guys will forgive me for eating this but I'm hungry I mean these guys are asking for a close-up shot I can try and now this is a fixed cinema lens guys I'm sorry and I can't reach I can't it's too far away can't reach the focus ring so I can't I can't do a close-up shot I'm sorry but just know that it's friggin perfect [Music] mmm hmm Oh other is the chewing good ASMR hmm it's not my favorite not your favorite no I'm not a cheerio yes mr guy I was asked to show the kind of up yeah I'm not into that mukbang stuff mukbang handsome arse very nice yeah it's not me I'm not a weirdo yeah that salmon is off to the side where it can be stacked upon by your man Sawyer Jacobs if he so desires and myself honestly because it's really good and I'm very hungry oh why I'm so hungry we had a big lunch it was a while was a while ago I shouldn't be so down at myself hmm okay sorry left way okay yeah all right guys let's make some fish and chips yeah now this is gonna get a little complicated because this involves deep-frying two things at once and you know I normally like in the episode I did both of them in the same deep fryer and I kept the chips in the oven keep warm walls frying the fish but no matter how lovingly and carefully you do this the the chips are always gonna come out worse after hanging out in the oven for you know 20 minutes or whatever so I'm going to attempt to use both the deep fryer and a Dutch oven on the stovetop to fried these simultaneously it's gonna make Sawyer's job a little bit more difficult because he's gonna have to cut back to work as I check these two things but and I should have warned him beforehand that I was doing this he said these days that the standing destiny he's standing okay tartar sauce going back in the fridge yay ah sound the neck one more bite hmm and she like the topping didn't disintegrate and go everywhere most of it went inside of me because that's where it belongs and the egg white just keeps just ties the whole room together you know what I mean okay all right so to do this I need a deep fryer set up here and I need hmm first we need to make our batter we need to make the the batter for the fish fry so first one would do is I'm going to harvest this this this baking sheet right here by this discarding that boom this is gonna be perfect for me to dredge my fish and flour before I put it in the hot oil let me get the stuff going for the dredge and for the beer batter so what we need is a cup and a half of all-purpose flour it's okay to you know normally I've been advocating doing stuff by weight no mostly that's what baking with this you know we're going for a consistency we're looking for like a pancake batter type consistency so it's you know yes you should measure by weight whenever you can but this is a simple enough thing we should be able to just sort of wing it and it'll be fine here we go here's my flour and I'm gonna I'm especially going to win it because I don't know where my measuring cups are because again I'm only a half unpacked here and they're in a box somewhere so I'm just gonna sort of eyeball a cup or no a cup and a half rather right yeah a cup and a half about a cup and a half flower that looks that's about right again we can really be you know kind of kind of loosey-goosey with this and then half a cup of corn starch which I think that's really all I have here that looks like a bad I have half a cup right there yeah that looks perfect about a half cup of corn starch then after that comes some salt and freshly ground pepper for flavorants and I'm out of pepper so that's not gonna happen we'll just pretend like it's happening but I am out of pepper so that's too bad let's see flour cornstarch a pre-cut now I did this in the episode where I just added the paprika it's at this stage of the of the the dredge but paprika burns pretty quickly so upon re-examination of that technique I realized what I should do is start by whisking these guys together here like so just so they're combined and we got you know our nice flour and cornstarch salt and supposedly pepper mixture and then we are extracting about maybe about a cups worth of this stuff for our dredge not too much just like that maybe a little bit more okay and then this is where we're gonna have the free cup because when we dredge we're gonna dredge in the flour and then hit it in the beer batter and that way the paprika will be protected by the beer batter and it won't it won't some it won't burn quite so easily when it's being deep-fried so whoo that's dangerous don't do that any knife away from you open that guy up and not too much of this s bones too big I'll use a fork see this this kitchen is very new man you know just moved in here like two weeks ago and it's it's taking a little bit of getting used to but yeah that's like idea right there and then I'm just gonna swoosh that around a little bit now we got a nice flavorful dredging flour into which we can dredge our fillets and then to this mixture right over here we got the remaining flour and and cornstarch we're going to add a teaspoon of baking powder which again I have to sort of eyeball I call add about a teaspoon teaspoon of baking powder and then one whole Mexican beer which you know I'm talking about a 12 ounce Mexican beer you know a normal can but the only thing I could find at the grocery store we went to was it was a tall boy so I'm gonna crack this guy open we'll sit for good luck mmm that's beer and I'm going to get that baking powder incorporated and then I'm just gonna sort of slowly add this until it reaches my desired consistency I want it to be like again like a pancake batter so about so 12 ounces what that's a cup and a half so about a cup and a half worth of beer that's way too thick so we're gonna keep it going it's good good so this is what this is a 24 ounce so half of this is ideally what we're going for and we want to not over mix this just like a pancake better because it's got flour in it and liquid and that is that that is a recipe for for gluten so we don't want to over mix it can be a little lumpy it's very frothy don't having a hard time seeing what's going on but I think we got a good beer batter go let's take a look care what's the bubbles settle down with much better idea what's going on and we can adjust from there yeah that's that's looking about right I got some lumps in there I'm not gonna bother me and it's pretty thin you know it's too thin so I'm going to adjust I'm gonna add a little bit of flour back into this got a gotta hit that nice sort of texture that I'm looking for I think I overdid it with the the beer added too much compensate gotta be able to improvise you know if you're making dinner you wouldn't just move on with this you wouldn't be like oh well maybe a little work out no you improvise you you you get it where it needs to be and that that's looking better see it's coating the sides of the of the of the bowl there that's looking more like pancake batter still got some lumps in it I'm just gonna you know a few lumps in there but I don't want too many I really want to be able to you know fully coat the fish and that's looking right about where I want it to be okay so next up we need to start heating up our oil here so I'm gonna bring the the deep fryer over one moment there we go it's coming over oh wait I need an extension cord oh oh I don't have an extension cord so I guess what we're gonna do is we're gonna deep fry it back here over on camera two this way we can see both at the same time that's brilliant actually sort of and what I'll do is I will move this camera back and tilt it up so you can see both here we go learning curves ladies and gentlemen learning curves we're just figuring it out here there we go sorry to take out a little ride there and there we go and let me check focus we got to be all focused on the front burner there we are you get a little bit wider shot of the kitchen there that's good win-win Jake are we still on the phone here I am still here just making sure what's going on with with with V the what's the name of what we're supposed to call them oh well there was a poll on that let me see what the Paul says oh god this point everything the chat wins so so flag right we can call it the chat all right what's going on - changing it whenever necessary we want to do whatever makes you guys happiest that's why we're here Oh glasses full Thank you Thank You Karis oh thank you guys so much for filling the glass repeatedly it's so kind of you so this this deep fryer back here I'm heating up I'm plugging it in and I'm setting it to about 350 375 and that's gonna be where I'm going to fry the french fries I guess because that's that's less intense than the fish and we probably want to get the fish going up here so here's this and then I got a solid you know half gallon of vegetable oil here I'm going to dump into the Dutch oven let go there we go so it's a little less than half full that's good because when you drop stuff in there really you know like a lot of bubbles come up so you don't want this thing overflowing starting a grease fire especially when you have a huge audience watching you does you look like a real dingus so there we go Oh restrains is right are we gonna get some nice sizzle sound now yeah get ready for all different kinds of sizzle sounds right now guys because we're deep-frying two different things at once I'm going to it's gonna be stereo sizzle we got sizzle back here we got sizzle up here it's it's it's an all-around sizzle sizzle fest I think at some point we needed all all-inclusive pull on all the favorite sounds yeah no that's a good idea if that lives together and we'll get that out if our Spencer gaming is still here oh very is talking about poles yeah maybe a that one for us pepper grinder me chewing deep fryer and great grading onions also I'd like to add when you wipe your hand across the booze bar I really like that alright let's head back over to camera one so we can give that a shot shall we wipe across okay I'm gonna do a quick wipe across the booze block I'm hearing that this is possibly a good add some more here we go how's that feeling it's certainly one of the more subtle ones but I really like it yeah all right well I live to serve alright and I get a couple of my sort of kutrimmer out of the way here so I can more efficiently make this fish efficient Lee ladies and gentlemen he's out of the way there we go and you know I actually might move this over to this burner yeah you guys don't mind in fact that'll be good because then we'll see both that's brilliant side just a brilliant person except that just when I do it my torch there it is I'm gonna move it over and that way I'm not like carrying dripping fish over the over the you know there we go get that guy going Oh looks like a jet engine there it goes break it down a little bit down we go garment backup right here now as far as the French frys let's go back to camera 1 I'm gonna talk about the French fries a little bit oh I already talked about french fries yes but here I'm gonna show you what they look like what they should look like after you've cut them into your desired pieces and then par fried them you just want a little bit of color on these guys so here this is what they should look like it's a little blown out because the light here we go if I bring them over here you can really see sorry about the bright light but you can see you know they're just starting to turn a little brown like right on the edges they're just just getting a little bit of color that's right where you want them wow that's cold I'm gonna go ahead and no touch that anymore whoo okay and let me get my temperature probe into the into the Dutch oven here so I can keep an eye on where the spoil is heading don't want to overheat it we want to hit about 350 on the oil there and then I'll see this is great now we got the fries over here we got the fish over here everything worked out look at that and I can be right in the center like here's the fish here's the fries look at the difference all right we got the batter here I'm gonna get the cod out and start prepping it which really is not anything at all basically just cutting it in half because I have one big fillet and I want to cut it into two pieces here goes nothing and the beauty of frying fish is that it cooks so quickly that you're really taking it out when the batter is done like that's the indicator that it's done is the batter is nice and brown as soon as that's done you know fish cooks very quickly in the in the hot oil and that this is a very delicate light fish we're a little wife I just felt a bone I want to get it out of there oh yeah there's a boat mustn't have a bone and a fish fry give me a break so this fish is cod or anybody who's wondering if you're following along at home cod is my preferred well this is full of bones this has a ton of bones in it they can't really get them out hang on wow this is just all bones okay [Music] what I need are like needlenose pliers or something new okay so I've got a bone a bony situation here I'm very gentle these scissors can I get them out jeez they're really in there Wow this is a disappointing they're really only in this part of the fish so I'm tempted to just cut this part out yeah I can't get these in train one more time before I give up and slice these guys up oh yeah I'm pulling this apart okay we're just gonna adjust our expectations a little bit here and we're just gonna cut that part right out there we go and then we're left with a beautiful boneless it should be skinless but a little piece hang on there something I've never understood is why I've had plenty of fish fries but they leave the skin on and that blows my mind like why would you do that why are you letting half of the breading on the fish you know just be completely useless and pointless this is just chock full of bones and they can't get them out there is plenty of good fish on here and I don't want to waste it so I am going to cut this part off and that should be bones free and we just got this little hunk here that we got to say goodbye to and what I'll do is I will cut this into two pieces so this is gonna be more like it's gonna be less like a traditional fish fry more like fish fingers I guess he's gonna be nice thin little pieces and I don't mind that you fine with that we're improvising you know just like we did with the batter the batter is gonna come out fine fish is gonna come out fine wash my hands a little bit here get them nice and nice sighs all right so gutter got our Cod here haddock is another great option just any you know mild whitefish is a great way to go when it comes to fish fry this oil is sitting that 200 degrees I want to hit about 350 happily back here I've got the deep fryer which is if I want to switch the camera to I don't know if we're already there happily back here I've got the deep fryer which is it's already hit three 375 which is right actually I'm gonna put it down to 350 for the fries because I don't want them to cook too too fast don't want them to brown evenly and get all nice perfect another bite of this salmon so we're sitting around here waiting for stuff it's urban it's got a little bit of lemon to it sorry over here the camera - yeah I was you were standing in the middle of there I was making some choices okay I get it's got to be a better way we can do that oh crap all right my oil is good to go back here little mistake camera two for the moment x-ray you know what this is gonna be tricky man because I needed to I need to bread the fish on camera one and then fry it and camera two right here okay I will keep you updated let's say a camera wonderful right now and as basically as soon as as soon as the fish comes out of the batter as soon as I'm done dredging in the batter it we go to camera two and we hit it we head into the deep fryer nice all right so this oil is reaching 250 and I'm going to I'm at least gonna get the fries into the basket I guess so switch camera 2 and let's get the fries go in the basket so I got the frozen fries here you can see I drained him on on paper towels and they're just lightly fried from their par fry just gonna put them in the bet in their basket so they're just all ready to go this is just exactly what would happen in a restaurant like they would get frozen fries and the brief rime and they come out really really good that way it's just the best way to make fries and don't anybody let me forget to salt bucks like the minute they come out of the oil as soon as they're done drip drying tripping drying all the oil after hanging in the basket for a few minutes they need to go they need to get hit with salt because the salt will only stick while they're hot then after that they become useless undersalted fries there we go fries are in the basket here I'll bring them over so you can see not that it really truly matters but there you go you got fries in the basket ready to go and our oil is reaching 275 I got this this burner cranking pretty high so should be ready very very soon we can get started let's go back to camera 1 and we can sort of get a kind of advance you know we can start by dredging these guys in flour and they can hang out for a minute until we're ready to hit them with the beer batter and I know these are really small for fish fried dough this is not traditional fish fry size but you know just work with me here we only had one fillet and I had a bunch of bones in us so we had to chop it down a little bit no way you can get bones out of fish pretty easy but this was this was a real challenge didn't want to didn't want to give up those bones so we had to we had to cut him out I had to cut it out of her lives just like any toxic relationship we had to talk to some quick relationship with those bones give us your bones sorry Steve rule anybody rules rules all right we got these guys dredged in Flour we are about 75 degrees shy on the frying oil for the fish so let these guys hang out they're all nicely dredged in Flour and I'm just gonna drop the fries in because why not so let's let's see if we here I'm gonna get my mic real close to it and we'll see if we get some nice ASMR go in here Oh evidence watch much like there be an oil explosion and burns half my face off because I'm trying to get a really good ass tomorrow I'm gonna crank up the oil temperature I forgot that really cold french fries are going to crank down the temperature the oil really really fast so go ahead and crank the temperature up to 375 but these are these are sizzling they're coming along and they'll heat up in no time okay fish on the other hand is at nearly room temperature and is going to fry beautifully and quickly and I'm gonna get plate all ready and get these fishy utensils out of the way get this fishy paper out the way if oil is at 315 we're almost there I'm gonna give this a little spray with my vinegar solution just to get any fishiness that was left there and that's perfectly safe vinegar you know it's gonna taste all good with all this stuff so you don't have to worry about getting it on there like you would Windex or something all right these guys are nice because they're frozen they're coming up to temperature they might stick together a little bit just move around a little make sure they're nice thick and they are frying nicely okay wipe up this mess okay and we get a plate ready oh all the big plates are in the dishwasher let's get one out the dishwasher these are clean by the way just kiss your winter and I know you were I sure was all right here's a plate for what we're gonna finish everything up ideally you want to finish this up on some like a brown paper bag that you've cut open brown paper bags apparently are the best surface upon which to eat fried foods because they soak up oil without without making the fried food - soggy so that's why you ideally want but I mean come on I don't have any brown paper bags going around so I'm just not gonna do that and sorry it's still gonna taste mighty good I promise so I got my batter here it's nice and thick it's gonna coat the fish real good and it's gonna fry up real good it's all gonna be real good and get rid of this whisk and fries are frying up nice oils come back up to temp I'm just gonna make sure they're not sticking together too much when I separate two fries I don't know about you guys but I like my fries separate so just pay attention to what's going on anything your world okay now what's going on with you guys thank you guys for following I'm seeing I'm seeing an almost full tip jar thank you so much and you know just so you can see things better maybe I should turn this camera maybe that'll make this a more immersive experience let's turn it all right now yeah now you can see the oh there's a monitor in the way shoot uh whatever you can still see what's going on here I'll move I'll move the cat bread there we go look at that huh there we go and you can see everything y'all put this monitor on the floor and just pretend like it's I can see what's happening okay focus there we go lovely focus and let's get to France and fish shall we so this just hit 360 that is just about right and we're not gonna turn down the heat just yet because we're about to introduce a whole bunch of relatively cold fish into the environment so it's gonna drop the oil temperature a bit and if you let it drop too far you end up with some soggy breading so don't do that all right oh nice nicely dredged nicely coated fish all right and get a nice and drip dried and gently wrap it in so same deal over here trying to keep them separate once they get in the oil because they will stick together in the early stages and then as soon as that crust hardens up a little bit they won't stick together so much so I'm gonna try steer clear of that first one there we go and don't do what I just did what you want to do is you know the this fish you can see it has a clear thick side in the thin side and you want to hold it by the thin side because that way you can there's less of a splash when you drop it down in so here we go got it by the thin side and I'm just gonna gently lay it down and see there's a lot less commotion their fries are frying up nice and as my man Bradley Oney would say we're just letting everything get a little nice nice which I'm seeing Brad in two weeks we're gonna do another crossover episode I'm not sure if I'm supposed to spoil that or not but that's what we're doing I'm not ashamed say it very excited I won't tell you what it is but we're gonna be making some yummy stuff surprise prize but I've missed Brad a lot Brad had a kid for anybody who doesn't know what's going on Brad had his had a child and as a father twice a father now I believe this is a second child so hats off to Brad you're doing it doing it right I'm just making sure my his fries aren't stuck together too much here there we go I wish you could see what's going on here so I like that alright and actually use these same songs to inspect the fish oh the fish is stuck to the bottom of the pot that's fine there we go lift it right up just be gentle be gentle we'll be careful try not to strip all the precious breading off your beautiful dish fillet I think oh there we go there goes that one yeah you got to be careful I'm sticking when we first got them in you guys try to move them I almost forgot about the or I did I totally did forget about that turning down the temperature because it's starting to get a little hot again keep them moving as soon as they get in there otherwise this stick to the bottom you can see that I don't know if you can see that soon you can see it go down it's stuck to the bottom a little bit but it's really fun all get here those are looking gorgeous Jake you still with me oh yeah I'm with you I'm seeing the comments people love Brad people are so happy for him and so am I such a nice yes Vinnie to two of the best Brad and Vinnie you know peas in the pod couldn't couldn't imagine life without without them Thank You Brad and Vinnie for being who you are and bringing us joy on the day-to-day basis in the culinary and fun way we hope that we do the same for you and here at Benjamin favish all right so fries are looking good there almost there the fish is almost that it's really coming along and the way I'm going to drain these is on on a metal rack because you know paper towels they're gonna serve to make your fish a little mushy you don't want that so I got myself a nice a baking sheets with a rimmed baking sheet with a with a cooling rack in it or wire rack in it and that's gonna be perfect place for our fish to hang out after its boiled back we give them a little flip just make sure they're getting even distribution the heat here they're looking gorgeous looking beautiful Oh what just got splashed a little bit of hot oil that's hot Wow okay heat down a little bit there are many hazards of good food is that you generally hurt yourself in the process you smell through the door that's a sign of that's good evening small through doors these french fries are feeling crazy crispim just gonna take him out switch the camera to real quick I'm gonna take them out believe it okay oh you can't see I'm sorry you can't see it from that far away but when they're when they're when they're done I'll pull them out and we'll train them we'll take a look at them there's they're looking for just they're gonna be fabulous I'm super excited about them all right oh the fish is looking cool rates but it is splattering like a new mother ideally you want a splatter guard it at this juncture but I don't have one so I'm just weathering its and enjoying all the little the little micro burns all over my skin oh okay well I got my my nice Modelo beer here that I can as Mexican beer I can enjoy while I'm waiting for my fish to come out the doctor prior this is a great I mean you know guys tomorrow's Friday and Friday is fish fry night ask any restaurant uh-huh and so yeah this is not hard just took what 30 minutes tops and it and and that's because I'm like I'm trying to wrangle three things at once and talking to you guys and stuff you're just making this at home by yourself it'll take no no time at all and your family is just gonna love you to death with so please we'd love for you to do it in the send us pictures we would love for you to do it tag me on instagram visit with babish I want to I want to see your your creations okay I want to see how yours came out an Easter bread yeah post it posted in the subreddit for tagging on Instagram tag me on on Twitter just hit me from all angles I want I want you to now when you hit me from every imaginable angle with all your beautiful food photos okay oh yeah he's looking good killer panda this will be archived I believe on YouTube and also twitch twitch it doesn't last forever the twitch the the twitch videos they're available I think for 30 days or maybe more than that maybe 60 days but every episode livestream is uploaded to to YouTube after the fact you can you can check out any live stream cook along anytime you like I'm taking these fries out the prior they're looking done billikin dunzo so I'm gonna hang those up let them drain for a little bit and so they're not totally dripping with oil and then I'm gonna season them up and we're gonna freaking eat them because that's that's how we do it you know I'm killing the heat on this because I think these guys are ready to come out they're looking really nice and gold look at that I mean come on flames happy to hear you made the pizza hey you made the pizza thanks critically-acclaimed hope you enjoyed it are you seeing this fish that's golden knights look at this friggin fish it looks better than it did on the episode it's got this crazy crispy shell on it like the shell around it is is insane okay fish is out fish is dunzo and Tom's gonna put right there I'm gonna recenter the camera cuz this we're gonna eat so I'm gonna I'm gonna recenter it pardon me pardon me while I run and adjust here I'm gonna switch to the camera so they can experience the shake is that what people want cats what you're gonna get alright this is where we started let me know when you're ready we're ready let's go check it up here we go I'm gonna let you look - left - there's stuff over there Wow lucky lucky audience oh all right let me check focus here I just gonna make sure the plates in focus there we go and I think we're good to go is that look crooked at all let's look straight I feel like that's looking crooked let's try yeah that's looking better now I just adjusted it oh yeah that's looking good all right I'm gonna double-check foot all right focus is good you know you guys know I went to film school right that's my original vocation okay let me get a big old Bowl going here to season our fries and you if you thought this is where the ASMR is gonna happen then I'm sorry I'm just gonna grab the monitors you can see what I'm doing I just want to make sure that I'm everything's all nice and centered you know guys know how I thank you and you guys know how I like symmetric ality and I want to make sure that everything's nice for you so look at that that's perfectly centered okay so I'm gonna dump the fries into this bowl and you're gonna hear oh like Jules like crispy Jules so let's take a look oh look at that huh look at that fries that's what I'm talking about and I heard from some British folks that my fries were not thick enough so these are extra thick for the thick boys you know I'm talking about these are thick thick fries for the thick boys and I'm gonna really salt the hell I don't not all of its gonna stick and what's what's worse than Under the prize alright give you guys a little toss to toss action here yeah oh this one I like having that fast shutter speed I'm gonna try one yeah I'm gonna try to eat it into the mic so you can hear mmm oh my god mmm oh it's hot but oh it's good whoo that's good all right Wow uh-huh oh okay but god they're beautiful they're perfect we're not perfect those are cheese all right let's dump a moment plate all of them because we're going we're on ham tonight run ham with our fries fish regret let me grab the fish you can come to camera two if you want to see the fish grabbing action but it's not the most exciting thing in the world but it is something and you can hear that crunch so nice oh my oh yeah this is this is the crunchiest crunch that's ever crunch then I've got some crunchy stuff happening here look at that that's a fish fry come on give me a freakin break come on come on all right so now all that's left to do is grab a ramekin full it's harder sauce I'm gonna fill up this ramekin with our homemade butter sauce this didn't come out of know Jar say that much this didn't come out of know Jar this was made by our hands just gonna fill this guy up because I'm feeling we're gonna go through all of it I'm also gonna get the thing full of ketchup going to because wait do I own ketchup yes I did okay ketchup a smaller thing to catch up with fries come on there we go get that ketchup going sorry I know it's not Heinz but it's all I could get at the time all right let me get all this strenuous crap out of the shot I want it cleaned okay thank you have any malt vinegar people are asking for malt vinegar but I don't know if we have well no I do have I do have malt vinegar I have malt vinegar hang on hang on hand yes I do I knew I forgot this is this is this is British we got to do malt vinegar of course then you guys just dump it directly on the fries or do you like dip it curious I don't want to dump it directly on cuz that's gonna make them all soggy well mmm there's not very good ketchup but those are good fries let's get that mole vinegar burying the shot so nobody can say that I didn't do this right yeah everybody sing dump it on that's the craziest British nonsense I've ever heard how would you do that you're just gonna make him so soggy all right oh look at that let's bust this guy open shall we let's bust right in have a look inside oh yeah flaky tender fish smells great I'm gonna I'm gonna spoon the sauce upon it so we don't make too much of a mess here we go I got myself a nice mmm oh my god oh so good yes we'll say a giant chicken nugget gosh ro moist and crisp yeah this would be on the clean plate club if I wanted to die but I need help so Jake whenever you're ready you can come on out of here and help me with this Oh music to my ears here I come ah how do we do this this mole finger we just dumped it on top that's crazy you know what I mean it's just gonna make everything soggy all right here you go people you happy all right that's how we write that's really really really hot so be careful that's bloody knackered my god got to be careful with that fish no tits off grab some this mulberry rack mm-hmm all right it's a good choice we have to eat it fast cause it's getting soggy right right all right thank you all for your contribution delicious mmm oh man that's some fresh front right there if I've ever had fish friend I have I'm from Rochester all right unless we're coming dude hmm I see Sawyer more than I see any human being because he has his office set up here and we work together so work any working guy knows that's what you see the most in life watch where it's been uh he wants tip of a beer ah oh yeah knock that thing down whoo what are they saying why are there no keys yeah Rochester New York of course not Rochester Minnesota who think we're talking about though there isn't Ruster Minnesota before we're just up here telling some giggle giggle bones and peas is a typical just ketchup as crap something's off with that ketchup I agree it's that's the against the whole foods cold food it's really fruity 365 it's too sweet it's it's to sweets everybody here yeah we just said that at the same time again all right all right all right we'll check the Paul for what everyone's favorite AMS ours make sure we do a bunch of that next time every livestream we're listening bet there's gonna be a pepper it was good because we can do that every I wonder if your sound any different to do the that mic yeah I love fried food it's hard not to what do you guys think anybody else make this at home you guys anybody enjoying this on there on the in their in their house home sorry I took part of your Fisher nice that's it's not a it's not a clean meal it certainly isn't good for you but in moderation you know pry some stuff up man because some of the best foods were born of necessity that's where frying came from things like deep Southern cuisine like you know just fried everything like it so it's a way to to make something tasty out of something that might be normally tough so it's a delicious way to eat things oh and thank you guys for suggesting the malt I promise somebody probably would have called me would have called me out on that later on which I did that in the episode more people saw Jake thank you very much for your help we'll get better that's a that song won't hurt you next time I promise well we're learning it's just the two of us here you know this isn't this isn't like I don't know something this is some big fancy television channel yeah it's just two guys forget about it well I want to leave a little bit of food on the plate so that's good for finishing off and then we can eat that later but all right take some well thanks dude thanks for well no thank you wait I'm gonna come down and talk to y'all a little short thank you guys very much for tuning in this the first livestream at the new apartment couldn't be happier with the way the food came out and thank you very much to my dear friend and business partner store who has been running this whole thing from behind the curtain and helping me eat the food expect to see a lot of him in the near future he's one of the thick boys and and he's gonna be helping me eat stuff he's gonna be helping me enjoy stuff in this and make new and bigger and better content for you guys so thank you guys so much for coming and hanging out I had a lot of fun I hope you guys had fun I hope you guys make this yourself please take pictures tag me on instagram sheridan the subreddit and the bingeing with babish subreddit tag me on twitter you know text it to me if you have my number I hope you don't but if you do thanks it to me and I hope you hope you enjoy it hope you try it yourself and and keep cooking you know thank you guys so much for hanging out and I'll see you guys in two weeks we got one more episode of basics coming up from round three of shooting and then I've got the crew coming here we're gonna be shooting a whole new batch of basics so leave comments about what you want to see in future basics episodes go to the subreddit that's where I'm seeing most of these comments go to binging with babish subreddit and tell me what you want to see on basics next what technique you want to see break broken down so we can make it together and enjoy like this and thank you guys Cheers here's to you have a good night [Music]
Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 1,718,601
Rating: 4.6387415 out of 5
Keywords: babbish, how to make salmon, babish livestream, basics with babish livestream, cooking with babish, pear qwerty horse, basics with babish, how to make fish and chips, livestream, binging with babish, fish livestream, fish
Id: 4o_7xoucHnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 35sec (8255 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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