I built this YouTuber a Bionic Hand!

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this is Jesse he's a gamer from the UK who  was born without a left hand but that hasn't   stopped him from kicking butt online and he  loves making people smile while pranking them   with his missing digits. I don't need that one  right now um [Laughter] but he's never even had   a real prosthetic before just a hook, they're so  expensive literally this right here is the only   prosthetic I've ever had so we're going to build  him a prosthetic hand from his favorite video game   but what he doesn't know is this isn't just some  cosplay prop costume no this is the most advanced   bionic hand in the world and he gets to keep it  I'm not sure there are any professional Gamers   playing hardcore action games with a bionic hand  maybe Jesse will be the first it's going to blow   his mind what this video is sponsored by nakaka  bladepoint Who challenged us with the task of   making Jesse a bionic hand for a video to turn  him into the character Hattie Ismail from the   game Jesse's been playing the game one-handed  and he's really good well having two hands make   him even better hey Jesse how's it going hey James  I'm doing great I was watching you play naraka and   you're pretty damn good at it thanks you know with  one hand it took some practice think you'd be any   better with bionic hand well I mean I don't know  I've never really had a prosthetic hand before   all right I'll see what I can do wait what so how  are we going to do this well we could probably 3D   print some kind of hand pretty easily but that  wouldn't be very functional luckily this past   summer I visited Psyonic in San Diego a company  a mission to make the world's most advanced and   affordable bionic hand for everyone who needs one  this is something I've wanted to do my whole life   ever since I was actually 7 years old so I was  born in the Chicago suburbs but my parents are   actually from Pakistan and I was uh visiting  Pakistan when I was seven and that's the first   time I met someone missing a limb and she was my  age missing her right leg using a tree branch as a   crutch living in poverty and that's kind of what  inspired me to go into this field they actually   gave us an R&D hand to mess around with and I  think Jesse would get more use out of it let's   turn it into Hadi ismail's mechanical arm for  this build Logan's going to be helping me with   all the aesthetic Parts cuz he is way better  at that kind of stuff than I am this is going   to be a super fun project and unlike anything  I've done in the past I'm making a prosthetic   for somebody in the UK and the best part yet  it's designed after a character from a video   game Hadi Ismail from naraka blade point and it's  super super sweet because it's this robotic arm   and it's got a bunch of superpowers you can fly  around I don't know if we're going to be able to   make Jesse do that but I'm going to get started  designing the aesthetic pieces so how exactly do   you control a bionic hand when you don't have  a hand well this is a medical grade muscle   sensor or an EMG unit it's a super sensitive  sensor that can tell when you're Contracting   a muscle reminds me that time we electrocuted my  muscles in an attempt to make me play real life QWOP ...you didn't hit space space [Music] bar [Music] [James shrieking] anyway these are just sensors they won't be  electrocuting Jesse - let me show you how they work - so inside the Psyonic app you can actually  see the sensor data and as you can see we got a   pretty Flat Line cuz I'm not flexing right  now but if I go like this you can see that   it's picking up the fact that I'm flexing so now  we can use that to actually control the hand. The   beauty of the psionic app is you can configure  everything on the hand in it so you can actually   control the gain the speed and you can fine-tune  your sensor results perfectly to you that's really   important because the sensor is going to read  different data on different people so you need   need to be able to configure it precisely to  be able to get the best result for you now I'm   just showing the hand using One sensor right now  but you can actually use two sensors typically   you'd use one on the inside of your forearm  and one on the outside and that way you can   keep track of clenching and extending and that  gives you more control of the hand but it's also   possible to do it with just one like I'm showing  right now so what's really incredible about the   ability hand is allowing the user to actually  configure it most Prosthetics you'd have to   go to the doctor to change pretty much anything  but now um psionic actually empowering the user   to be able to configure the hand any which way  they want you can even make your own grips you   can configure how strong the fingers grab you can  you can configure all the end points it's actually   it's really incredible how much um customizability  they've built in into this hand and the app which   by the way connects by bluetooth faster than  any consumer electronic device I've ever used I   don't know how they do it like seriously watch  how fast I can connect to the hand scan found connected my headphones don't even connect  that fast and that is pretty gnarly we should   be getting that 3D model of Jesse's arm today  so we can start on making that attachment to   hook up the wrist to the rest of the arm we were  working with uh pro prus pro protis pro I don't   want to say prosthetist because I'm leaving all  of this in I want you to know that a prosthetic   specialist um we worked with so I'm at the  clinic right now just finished anyway he   took a 3D scan of Jesse's arm so that we could  make our mechanical arm attached to his James   is going to whip that up on the 3D printer  and continue working on the socket while I   finish up the atic armor pieces so far I have  finished making the aesthetic Palm cover and   the aesthetic backand cover to make that fit  the rest of the aesthetic we've got to paint   the uh fingers with some gold paint we're going  to mix our pigment together so I'm replicating   this kind of bronzy coppery gold color so to  replicate that I've got a bunch of different   M pigments here we're going to mix together  a combination of those and try to get a close color so I finished up all the aesthetic  outer pieces in blender and then   I'm going to print those on our bambu Labs printers out of pla so now that we   have all the pieces printed we can  get to sanding gluing and painting them this is the first coat  I have to do like two or three done so with all of the little aesthetic  crystals and uh light up diamonds that it has   um I wanted to make those transparent I'm  going to print them on our form Labs resin   printer and we are going to dye them with  some alcohol inks so then we can get them   to the colors that they are on the arm  now we've never done any prosthetic work   before so this really is a new field  for us luckily one of our past interns Chris - [shouting] let's go!!! - just had an internship at  Psyonic last summer and is super familiar   with the ability hand he's also never designed  a socket but hopefully with our combined skills   we're up for the challenge and since he's back  in town for engineering school we brought him   in to lend us a hand now he came up with  a pretty slick arm piece design that the   hand attaches to and we'll be able to fit  it onto Jesse's arm to make it look extra   cool so I printed it out on our Pantheon  3D printer in carbon fiber PETG plastic oo that looks nice now using the carbon copy of  his arm we can cast a silicone glove to make sure   this arm fits in perfectly let's see how Logan's  getting on with the Armor All right so we're going   to be assembling the socket to this we have to  add all of our coupler pieces and components so   then we can actually fasten and attach the wrist  to our socket here for Jesse so to do that we're   going to need to install this little coupler  ring which we got sent by Psyonic we can do   a test fit with the hand here just to make sure  it fully fits in and sits in hear that snap did   there you go this little uh coaxial plug which  allows our controller box here to talk to all   of the different joints and components inside of  the hand and then we'll also need to install the   battery in [Music] here we get some red blinkies  that means we just have to swap a few things [Music] made this mold up for an inner  socket little silicone piece and I had   a inner mold piece of his left arm here  and then I casted that in a smooth on   dragon skin 20 silicone so it's got  some flexibility to it and then it'll   be extra comfortable for him and what I'm  going to do right now is we need to cut a   hole I've got to trace this out so we  can actually install it onto the belly [Music] scalpel he looking nervously if you   like and then he'll be able to use  his arm to control the hand okay sweet hey there we go that's first try okay let's get those on there  all right put some Velcro on my inner piece you know what Rob just  skip to the [Music] beauties [Music] all right James I finished the hand  you ready to come see it oh my God what do you think do Jesse is  going to love this that looks   incredible nice work with the paint  and the gems than man look at this ready oh no way too just have to finish install I   just to figure out how to get this  through customs at uh the airport oh so the X-ray machine didn't even flag the  hand kind of surprised surprisingly no one   at the airport even raised an eyebrow at  my extra hand and I was across the pond   to Jolly Old England once I landed it was a  2-hour Uber ride to Jesse's so I caught up   on some of his latest videos I can't wait  to see his reaction when he tries out the   hand all right Jesse so uh got a little  upgrade for you I saw the wooden hand   thought you'd use something a bit more in the  uh 21st century hey perfect I'm ready for it yes oh my God I'm I'm so ready to put this on  so we've got all the the plastic pieces to um   do it up but yeah for now I'll just take them  off so we can show you the actual core hand   try sliding sliding through here wait okay all  right yeah just trying to get the elbow yeah   but the silen co s pretty good yeah yeah yeah  yeah fits in perfectly so then when we uh I'm   just used to the Elbow being more inside let me  just grab that elastic and now if we double tap it oh oh there you go oh let's see oh my God wait can I here let's let's uh what um let's put in um  close I one two 3 one two three oh yeah you're   getting [Music] it and then you can you can  change Jesse in the app what a grips you can   cycle through and and like different finger  positions if you ever want to configure any   of those um there you go going grab the other  hand with oh wait I'm put it here let let it balance oh my God I just picked up my wooden hand   with an actual hand on my  left arm what and now oh my oh I'm so baffled so it it takes some practice  but um these are pretty light it's possible if   they catch really wait but my reaction has to  be you got to you got to calibrate in your head   but [Music] um oh is that the first time you  caught something yes yes ah I messed it wait what oh my God I feel like I'm  playing a video game in real life   like I'm I'm having to control my  my arm to get it which video game Rock oh my God dud I don't know if you  can tell but he's having a blast yeah   yeah yeah yeah I just of it oh yeah try  as pinch to try and pick up something   small something small I have I have always  been curious about like turning the key   and stuff what [Music] that's yo that's  really really really small and it just I need oh wow wow wow so if you pinch something  now if we pinch it and grab something and then   we just tap it once oh and I can just move around  and it's and it's just there I can I can contract   my my muscles do whatever and then you just tap it  again to unfreeze and then you have full control   oh my God yes I wasn't expecting that okay wait  wait so if it's it's contracted free oh no wait   let's oh I freeze it when it was open okay  sorry close that's freezed yeah but now if   I unfreeze it I have to be still contracted in  the same position right yeah yeah yeah and then   if I open it yeah cuz if I do this freeze it and  then uncontracted when I click it's probably just   going to open the hands yeah okay okay I've got  the hang of it I'm I'm getting used to it okay   left one two no it's not plugg in what oh my so  this is an R&D hand but I talked to psionic and   this is your hand now you to keep it you're  joking it's all yours you're joking really   yeah no way really yeah I got that's your hand  thank thank you for real wait oh my god oh you   kid need to plug it in but for real I [Music]  what yeah I didn't think I was going to keep   it I I didn't think I I was like oh the mold I  mean they'll just take out the mold and anyone   else can use it so you got more time to film  your video cuz oh my God I can go on a Meagle   and prank people with yeah son told me that once  they do have clinical hands we can swap it out   for an official one later on but in the meantime  it's basically on permanent loan to you oh my God   yeah that so sick oh my God I was not facing that  with it this is my oh wow so that's my uh the only   gy one yeah that's the only prothetic I've ever  had I've ever worn that slight upgrade yeah from   a little a little clamp to an actual closing  hand just but then the cool thing is the grip   editor in beta you can configure things more  so for say cylinder on of those you can change where so that's the end point that is so you  you can actually mess around quite a bit and   like make custom ones and whatnot uh-huh so for  example you might be able to open the wallet with   your middle finger maybe um do you know what  why I thought was going to be you were going   to ship the hand I was going to unbox it use it  whatever then I I was going to ask like just to   keep it for a few days so I can record some  videos then I was going to send it back and   that would be the end of it you've come here  flown over meet in person and you just give me   the hand s you're welcome thank you I don't even  know what to say cuz like it's so oh my god wow   just wow yeah I'm going to I'm going to have some  fun I all these things that was so awesome it was   priceless seeing Jesse's reaction when he got  the arm huge thank you to Naraka for coming up   with this crazy idea I almost can't believe we  pulled it off they told me the core concept of   the game is Unchained and I think this project  did just that we literally made Jesse Bionic I   can't wait to see what he does with his newest  upgrade click the link below to try and ncka   yourself and help support epic projects like this  thanks for watching one two three no no you you   get back here imagine being killed by someone  using a bionic hand you know and don't forget   to check out Jesse's channel to see him using  the arm to play nraa and head over to Twitter   for an amazing charity event that Naraka is  putting on where they will donate $1 US for   charity for every tweet with a photo of you  and your gaming pal with the hashtags Naraka   blade point and my gaming pal plus you have  a chance to win an awesome Christmas sweater
Channel: Hacksmith Industries
Views: 4,623,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thehacksmith, hacksmith, engineering, science, technology, mechanical, workshop, 3D, 3d printingm, ability hand, advanced bionics, advanced prosthetics, alita battle angel, artificial muscles, bionic, bionic arm, bionic hand, bionic hands, creating, cyber, cyberpunk, deus ex, future, hacksmith industries, henson, limb difference, limb difference com, mechanic, mechatronic, mind controlled, printing, prosthetics, prototype, psyonic, research, robotic, sci-fi, star wars, stem, tech, winter soldier, naraka
Id: zMjrr87sVjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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