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Have you ever wondered why there aren't any eccentric millionaires out there Using their money to become superheroes? Well I may not be a millionaire yet but Hacksmith Industries is the R+D facility capable, of, well, outfitting a superhero. So I think it's about time that I use my own resources to augment my own mortal abilities. It's time to build my very own, Winter Soldier arm! This video is sponsored by Marvel Contest of Champions. Use my link below before July 1st to get both the Winter Solider and Falcon for free! So how exactly am I going to build an armoured, overpowered, bionic arm?? Well, I guess the first step is to cut off my arm. Dave? Alright, not gonna do that. So I guess the question is How can I turn my regular arm, into a bionic augmented arm? Using....maybe nanotech? No... Nanotech isn't anything like it's shown in the movies sadly. Well, we could try to make some sort of exoskeleton, like we've done in the past. Whether we use nomadic cylinders like my original elysium exoskeleton. Hydraulics like our powerloader project. Or maybe even pneumatic muscles like the exo-arm last summer. But they are all pretty bulky. It'd be fine if I didn't have an arm inside. But there's no way we can make it as compact as the Winter Solider's arm. Since it's basically the same size as a...regular...muscular arm. So I think for this project we'll focus on making a flexible armour for my normal arm. He does a ton of cool stuff with his arm that isn't really based on strength. Like blocking bullets, swords, grabbing the ground to slow down while making sparks from his finger tips. Imagine what you could do if you couldn't hurt your arm! Alright Bogdan, hit it! Alright, I've always wanted to try this...chainsaw fight!!! Alright let's try this again but slowly. Alright, let's see what happens. Do it! That would be fun... Ok, daydreaming is fun, but how can we actually do this in reality? Well, in engineering school there's a course called Material Science. And it might sound kinda boring... But it's actually quite an interesting course. It focuses on learning about different materials and their properties In order to use them for your advantage. So I think the first step is to research the materials we're going to use for my arm. And for this episode of Make it Real, I think we should kick it old school. No computers or fancy equipment allowed. Let's use pencil and paper. Alright so to make this arm I think we're going to need to use multiple layers for maximum strength. Basically creating a composite armour, for my arm. So I think layer 1 is going to be padding. We're going to need to use some type of foam. Something with some impact resistance. There's a few different things we can use... Foam, D30 foam. We could use rubber. Maybe neoprene. Something like that. And then layer number 2, we'll need some sort of Abrasion resistant material to protect the padding. So I think for the abrasion resistant material We're going to use some kind of aramid fibre. Maybe kevlar or dyneema... Or some kind of fibreglass... So I think layer 3 is where we really start layering up the composite armour of this. So I think I'm going to want to add some titanium Because titanium is the same strength as steel, but half the weight. So why don't we put in some titanium bars. To really protect my arm. And we might even use some kind of fibre or composite over top of that titanium. Finally we have layer 4. This is the external layer of armour for my arm. So again it needs to be abrasion resistant, and durable. So I think for this layer it's going to be another kevlar or aramid fibre sleeve on top. And then we're going to coat this whole thing in a rubberized polymer. For both abrasion resistance and padding. And hopefully make it more durable than just the aramid fibre sleeve. Then hopefully we can use a few different colours of this rubberized coating. To give the arm some of that detail that you see in the game. And of course we're going to draw a Hacksmith logo right here. And I think that sums up the design for our Winter Soldier arm. So let's get some of these materials together and decide what we're going to make this out of. Then we just have to put it together. I've gathered all the supplies I think I need to build our Winter Soldier arm. Let's start with the base layer. Now I've got a few aramid fibre composites available. I've got some dyneema fabric. I've got some kevlar fabric. I've got some fibreglass matting. And I even have a water activated carbon fibre tape. Plus I also have this kevlar cut-proof sleeve. Now it is a bit short. The nice thing is... They actually sell it by the roll. Now the question is how am I supposed to attach this to my shoulder? Well I've gotten a whole bunch of shoulder braces because I figure we could use that to attach the arm to my body. But then I started thinking. We also need a layer of padding. So what if we used a half-body wetsuit? This is already 5mm of neoprene foam, which also acts as padding. Plus it rigidly connects to the rest of my body. So I think this might actually work better than the shoulder braces. We'll use the wetsuit both as a base layer that connects to my body, as well as our layer of padding. Then we'll have a kevlar sleeve for the first layer of protection. We can add in some composite materials like titanium to provide more protection for my arm. Then we'll go back to another layer of kevlar. And this time we're going to coat it in a rubber polymer. Now I've actually tested a number of consumer available, rubber, spray-on paints. And I think paint number 7 did the trick. it's still kind of flexible, but it's also very durable. As you can see it's tight, but still flexible. So I think that will provide the whole arm with good abrasive properties. And then we can finish it off with some of this detail spray. To give it that grey shine just like the Winter Soldier arm. Now the one thing I haven't mentioned yet, is... What do we do about the hand? How do I protect my fingies? Well we have kevlar, cut-resistant gloves. But it's cut-resistant, not cut-proof. So I went and picked up a chain mail glove. And the combination of this kevlar and chain mail means my hand is virtually indestructable. Alright I think I know how I'm going to build it now. But building it on my arm might be a bit tricky cuz I kind of need to use my hand. I think I need a body double. Now if you've been following my vlog channel you'll know that I recently came into possession of quite a few mannequins. Let's see if we can find one that's approximately my body size. Now apparently mannequins are supposed to be the perfect ideal body type. Or at least that's what clothing stores want us to believe. So let's prepare to be disappointed. Dam! Now that is one fashionable mannequin, outfitted from For the latest fashions and trends, make sure you check out Alright so I've got about a 40 inch chest. Let's see if we can find a mannequin that's the same size as me. Nope too small. Closer. Alright what about this guy... Perfect! We can use this guys chest. About 14.5 inches...15.... Alright, I got quite a few arms in here. Nope too small. Alright this one's gotta be too big. Too small!? I mean to be fair these mannequins aren't flexing. But it's important to find an arm that's as big as me flexing, because we want the arm to fit when I flex. Let's try the other bin. 13...13...13... That's way too small. Alright how about this one? Huh! Still a little small but this is the closest one that I've found so far. I might want to add some padding to make this arm a bit bigger because when we build the armour over top of this We want it to be a bit bigger than my actual arm to make sure I have flexibility. So when I'm wearing it, it's not stopping my mobility. But I think this might work! Let's try it. Alright I've padded the mannequins arm to make it a bit bigger. Let's start with putting the wetsuit onto the mannequin And see if this is actually going to work. It's on there, let's see if the kevlar sleeve fits over top. Alright we're going to use a much longer piece of this. And what we're going to have to do is sew it onto the cuff And figure out how we are going to attach to the wetsuit up here as well. Now i haven't actually done much sewing. In fact, I just bought this machine so please forgive me if it doesn't look like I know what I'm doing...because I don't really know what I'm doing. But let's give it a shot. Alright definitely not my best work but at least it will keep the kevlar on the cuff. And I think that's really all we need right now. So now we need to figure out what to do on the other end. How we're going to connect it up at the collar. How's that look? In the right place? That went a bit better. So this stitch I'm doing is flexible, which is good because we don't want to lose that flexibility. Hey look at that! So that's the base, aramid fibre layer using cut-proof kevlar. Now I want to attach some titanium bars to protect my forearm. And we want to do a few of them around it like that. So step 1 is to cut this titanium in half. I love cutting titanium because of the bright white sparks it's really cool. Just going to clean these up with the other grinder. Woah! Come look at this. So when you sandblast titanium it actually makes sparks. I did not know that until today! That is really cool! Turned out quite well. I'm going to apply the first layer of rubber composite onto the Winter Soldier arm. I don't want to go too thick with it because we still want this layer to be quite flexible. While we wait for that to dry, let's start working on the costume. Now I want this costume to be functional, so I think that means more kevlar! This video is sponsored by Marvel Contest of Champions. Marvel Contest of Champions is one of my favourite mobile games. It's also one of the longest running and most popular Marvel fighting games out there! So far we've made Civil Warrior's Shield, which actually works. And a terrifying Morning Star. You can collect over 200 Champions. From your favourite Avengers, X-men, or even Guardians. There are character spanning over 80 years of Marvel history. It's specifically designed for mobile, and you can compete against some of the best players in the world To become the Ultimate Champion! With millions of players already playing, what are you waiting for? Download Marvel Contest of Champions today, before July 1st And you'll automatically receive Falcon, and the Winter Soldier for free! Big thank-you to Marvel Contest of Champions for sponsoring this video. Luckily the Winter Soldier in Marvel Contest of Champions has a relatively simple costume, all things considered. So it looks like he's wearing a pair of jeans. So I've gone ahead and picked up these really cool motorcycle pants. And the neat thing about these pants is that they are built with aramid fibre's throughout for extra durability and abrasion resistance. They also have kevlar panels in some of the high-wear areas, like the knees and the butt. Which means they're going to be practical and functional. I also picked up this blue, mill-speck shirt to try and match the costume. And since we're cutting one of the arms off, it doesn't really matter that much. But the interesting thing about this costume is that he's got this rifleman style, military vest on. And I think since we're trying to make this costume actually functional and practical, we should focus our efforts on making this actually bullet proof. Now like I mentioned earlier I don't actually know how to sew. in fact I only picked up this machine a few weeks ago. And if you've been following me on instagram you'll see I only just started messing around with it. So how exactly do you make bullet resistant fabric? The answer is in composites. Basically, you want multiple layers of fabric. Take this piece of paper for example. By itself it's pretty weak. You can stab right through it no problem. But if you have a whole bunch of layers of paper The knife goes in, but it gets stopped. This is the same concept of using bullet proof armour. Basically if you can have many layers of a very durable material Such as kevlar or another aramid fibre You can actually prevent a knife or a bullet from penetrating the fabric. So the big question for making useful armour is, how many layers do we need? And what kind of material? Because this is going to decide whether it's light enough to wear, and strong enough to protect you. Like the sleeve in the material, I've actually got some kevlar. And kevlar is used in most bullet proof fabrics. And that's because it's a very strong type of fibre, and is very tightly woven. Which makes it very good for stopping things like knives and bullets. As one of my first sewing projects, I actually tried making a panel of kevlar. For this costume. And we decided to go test it as well. So while we were shooting our Mandalorian armour test scene to see if it was bullet proof. I thought why not try the composite I made for the Winter Soldier costume. Let's see what happens. Clear? You can definitely see the damage in the nylon. That's pretty good! I think one got through. Alright it mostly stopped the shotgun, let's see what a 22 does. Is it right here? I think Ian found it. Yeah. That went straight through. It did deform the lead a decent bit but not really. Ok, I'm curious though. This is only 4 layers of kevlar, let's try doubling it up to 8 layers. And see if that stops it. Not too sure. Definitely moved a lot. Let's see. There's still only one hole! It worked! Woah! Look at that! The first layer caught it this time, but I guess because the second layer kind of assisted. All the way through, but look, then it was just like 1 of 2 layers. So that means 6 layers might actually be enough to stop a 22. Alright that was freaking cool! Not bad for my first attempt of making a bullet resistant fabric. I mean it stopped the shotgun pretty good. And it even stopped the 22 rounds when we doubled it up. And I think we hit the sweet spot of 6 layers to be 22 proof. Because as you can see it actually caught the bullet here. It did go into the next layers as you can see right there. But it was stopped. And check this out. You can hear the buck shot inside the fabric. So I'm going to cut this open and see if we can see the insides. Yeah. Look at that. That is pretty cool. So basically the buck shot was stopped by the first few layers of kevlar. And that's just thanks to the material properties of kevlar. Well, I can't use this for the costume, so I guess that means I'm going to have to build another one. Alright so our first layer of rubber has dried. I actually went back and added another layer of kevlar overtop so it would actually bond together. And now these two are one. Which means it's time to do our top coat. And for the top coat I want to do a type of grey colour because that's what Winter Soldier's arm looks like. So I'm going to try and mix white with black, and I'm hoping to get grey. Let's see what happens. Alright so I'm going to start down here because I want to bond these two layers of kevlar together at the seam. You know how he's got the star on his arm. I think we need a Hacksmith patch from Alright that looks pretty good, if you guys want your own patch check out Now there's a bit more detail work to do. I want to do some black lines around the edge of the arm. So it looks just like the arm from the game. But then, that means it's ready to test. So we had an awesome test lined up to really see what this Winter Soldier arm could do. Unfortunately even the best laid plans sometimes don't work out. While filming another video, I actually broke my left hand. And while the Winter Soldier is on my right hand I just don't feel comfortable doing some of the epic things I was planning on doing. Like smashing through this wall. Breaking all those appliances over there. We were going to break things off of my arm. We were going to do some crazy stuff outside where I actually slow myself down by grabbing the ground. So anyway, we're actually going to cut this video short and we're going to do a dedicated test video For the Winter Soldier arm Once I'm all healed up and ready to don the suit, to test it. Anyway, big thank-you to Marvel Contest of Champions for sponsoring this video. Use my link below to try the game today and you'll receive a free Falcon and Winter Soldier. Make sure you subscribe to our channel with notifications turned on cuz you're not going to want to miss this test. I just gotta hurry up and heal. You don't want to miss it.
Channel: Hacksmith Industries
Views: 5,359,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thehacksmith, hacksmith, winter soldier, bionic arm, exo arm, marvel contest of champions, mcoc, marvel, bucky barnes, wintersoldier, exoskeleton arm, falcon, tfaws, the falcon and winter soldier, disney+, disney, disneyplus, iron man, stark tech, wakanda, wakanda tech
Id: DcgWu4WT2xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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