Halo Helmet with REAL Heads Up Display!

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We're building the Halo Master Chief Helmet complete with a heads up display. You're an enemy. It actually does feel just like the game. I don't know why everyone's an enemy though. Halo Infinite has arrived and we're so excited about it we're doing three special episodes tackling three different iconic pieces of tech. Bogdan made the energy sword. Charles will build master chief's, weapon of choice The MA5. Today, we want to experience halo. That means getting the same perspective as master chief build into the helmet, somehow. Hey, I'm Darryl. Usually I'm behind the camera. Hey, look at the lens. Come on. When I'm not behind the camera, chances are I'm playing halo. So when I heard we were doing the HUD had to step in front of the camera, make sure we do it right. It all starts with the helmet itself. This is a halo master chief motorcycle helmet that we bought online. Motorcycle helmets are great because they're super. And super strong. We know this from experience. Let me show you how durable this one is. Just a couple of cosmetic pieces that snap right back on. I'd say that's pretty good. Let's add a display. The user will be wearing this VR headset and the views will be supplied by these three cameras. For night vision, we have the infrared CS Mt. Raspberry PI camera. We've removed the infrared filter, which allows invisible Infrared light into the camera. Next, we have another CS. Mt. Raspberry PI camera. I wanted to add a zoom lens so I could add a scope mode just like in the game. There's one issue with this headset when there's no cameras feeding to it, I can't see anything. So I need a camera just for regular vision The zedd mini is a stereoscopic camera, which means it has two cameras placed eye distance apart, it creates a more immersive and realistic experience for the wearer. So that's it for view modes, but we all know that the halo heads up display is a lot more than just that. Let's talk about overlays. Look at all this information on screen. I can't believe this is what you see every day, this is a lot, we've got a mini map. We've got ammo count and we're going to need all of this in our helmet. So we're going to need a pretty powerful computer to do that. Do you want one? No, too bad. This is the brains of the halo heads up display the Jetson Xavier NX. I've gone ahead and sourced a bunch of PNG graphics. That will be used to build the different elements of the overlays. I'll be using visual studio to write some Python code. The code is essentially a program that pulls the graphics from the overlay library and displays them over top the different camera views inside the headset. This is an example of the normal view. This video has been sponsored by rise of kingdoms last month, just Dustin and I battled for dominance in rise of kingdoms with a dozen civilizations to choose from you can turn the tide of history, forming your own invincible empire in the super fun and free strategy games. I was a Viking. Dustin, a Roman Vikings are the best obviously, and the audience agreed you vote for Vikings to win. And now Dustin gets to pay the price. Let's watch his punishment. Okay. First of all, Dustin, that doesn't look like nearly enough slime and it's just bouncing off your head. What is the teen choice awards you lost against the Vikings man? At least take your punishment. Seriously. You know, I love building things. And the beauty of rise of kingdoms is to build massive civilizations without too much effort. And with the Vikings, 10% loading bonus, you can gather resources faster, even while you're away, escalate your building and prove you're the best commander, just like me Ragnar. And one of my other favorite parts is playing out history or rather changing the course of history by taking over the world as a Viking download rise of kingdoms for free right now using my link below. Something notable while playing halo is the friend or foe system blue for good guys, red for bad guys. So I've asked Chealsie to implement the same system into our halo hud. So we took photos of all the Hacksmith employees and put them into the Jetson and then she's programming it so that it identifies one in three as a foe. So if you show up red, you better watch out. Okay. Go in. I don't like this. Okay, I'm ready. Hello. You're good. You're a friend. Okay, Tyler, go ahead. I don't like that smile. You're a foe. Sorry, Tyler. Okay, Alex, go ahead. I'm actually really scared. You're a friend. That's good. All right, guys, let's have a, let's take it easy here, you're a friend. Mike, go ahead. Go easy on me Charles. Sorry, Mike. You're a foe. Could've been worse, but it wasn't too bad. Okay Darryl, head to the middle suspicious. You're an enemy. Oh no! Oh. Oh, oh right in the rib. That was the worst one. Ooh, that's going to leave a mark. All right, Chelsea, it's time, Charles, please. It's only fair, I guess, but Darryl it's still only a one in three chance. What's it say Chelsea? Friend? Great. Betrayal. Are you okay? I feel bad. I'll be good. But you didn't hit me like right in the nipple. I hit you in the nipple? Yeah uh, I got a recoil down and I was like, same line, but suddenly bam. All right. Well that was fun. So we have all the individual components working. The issue is this is a lot of stuff to fit inside this helmet. And I don't want to just stick things on the outside because that would look ugly. We need to get creative on how to fit everything inside the helmet. First things first, we need to gut this bad boy. so this isn't working, but I just found out that acetone melts styrofoam as well. So we're going to try that. I'm not really sure if this is going to work. I thought the dermal would work, but because it's a motorcycle helmet and the foam is so thick, it's such a thick layer to get out. Hopefully when I come back, the foam will be disintegrated. We need to give it a while. Cause like the center is like sunken in now. There we go that worked better than expected. All right, let's get these cameras mounted. I 3D printed these mounts specifically for the cameras to mount onto the helmet. time to take apart our virtual reality goggles. And if you want some real reality goggles, check out Hacksmith.store. So the reason we can't put this whole VR headset in the helmet as well, it's too big. It's too chunky. Haha chunky. We need to strip it down to the important bits and fit it inside this headset mount that I 3D printed to get the zedd mini onto the VR headset. We're going to use some old fashioned hot glue, but we have to be really careful because we don't want to get any glue on the headset itself. I really like how this is looking. I just need to do some wire management and it will be good to test All right, it's done? Everything's good with it? It's good to go? Oh, let's see how this... Oh my God. That's actually, that's really, really close. Like this is pretty accurate, man so you're friend, you're a friend. You're a friend. Wow. I think, uh, I think we've got to show some people this cause like, this is really, really cool. I think we'll probably stop by retail first. See, what's going on? You get to try on that helmet first. Really? No, that's a lie. I tried it on first, but you get to try it on second. Sure. Okay. Take off your glasses. I'm blind. So that's really good. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah, that's cool. Oh, that's good. All right. It really, this work like it's highlighting you like perfectly. Yeah. And master chief as well. And then master chief, you're all friends from where I can tell, and I can see the ammo. I can see the radar. Um, yeah, this is really cool. Wow. So Chris is also a really big halo fan, probably the most, uh, halo guy in the world. You're the halo guy toss this on. Oh should I get these, uh, some, one of these is a microphone. Okay. And then I think you need to put these earbuds. This is what master chief does every single time he puts on the helmet, That's why he only puts it on once. oh, I forgot to take off my glasses. Can you take off my glasses? Gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. Thank you, Darryl. Woah, yeah, woah, yeah, friend. Um, what's really cool about this is that there's different view modes. So they're voice activated, so if you say Cortana night vision should change to night vision, but you got to say it into the microphone. So you have this kind of Cortana night vision. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. I can really see Darryl. Oh yeah? How do I look? Look at those pearly whites I'm not going to lie, Chris. This is probably the best you've ever looked anyways. Thank you, Darryl. No problem. I appreciate that. So it's got night vision. Yep. And it also has a zoom mode. A zoom mode? So I believe if you say Cortana zoom mode. You just did it for me. Zoom mode. Woah. So zoomed. Well, I can really watch halo now You can watch it close up. So as a, as a halo fan, does it check your boxes? Like normal mode, good friend and foe mode, good, night vision. Accurate? Zoom mode. Accurate. Yup. Yeah. Call that a success. Charles. Charles, Charles, Charles got some exciting uh, news for you, the HUD's done. The hud's done. Like in that, and is it supposed to sit on your forehead like that. There's the back open. I don't think this fits. Cortana! Open helmet. You do have a pretty large head. Yeah that's a shame, isn't it? Looks pretty cool. It does look great. But, uh, can you, there's no way there's no, no way. No way no how. Alright. Uh, moving on. Okay. And his head fits, thoughts, comments? A little bit of a latency. Uh, it does look 3D though. Does it feel like halo? Just like the game right? I'll never actually played halo infinite, you never played Halo Infinite you should give it a shot. It's pretty good. Last time. It made me super motion sick I put it on for like three seconds and now it's not bad and it actually looks 3D. Like the image feels like it's actually blending pretty well. Does it fit? Oh, you're all enemies are all red. I'm getting dizzy. I like it. Does it feel like the game? It does. You've played halo. I have played halo. It actually does feel just like the game anyway. Cool. Nice. Works for that too. Well, let's go, uh, check out Ben here. Have you played the halo games? I played for 10, 15 hours maybe. Okay. So you know what, like master, you're looking through master chief's eyes here. Would you say it's accurate? It is amazingly accurate. I can't, I couldn't tell you what game it's from, but all the elements look right. Yeah. I am really excited to see the next version of this hardware. Whenever we put together our next HUD. Well Chealsie, this has gotta be our most advanced heads up project yet. Fantastic work. I just wanted to present you with little Hacksmith Internship Certificate to recognize your time here at Hacksmith Industries. Thank you James. I had a lot of fun working here, and this is the most exciting co-op I've ever had. So thank you. I hope you guys enjoyed the video. And of course, don't forget to click the link in the description below and download rise of kingdoms for free right now and support my civilization, the Vikings. And of course, a big shout out to our Roman adversary, Just Dustin for being such a good sport. Good luck with all that slime. Huge thank you to rise the kingdoms for sponsoring this video.
Channel: Hacksmith Industries
Views: 2,222,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai helmet hud, artificial intelligence, becoming master chief, hack smith, hacksmith, halo helmet, halo helmet display, halo hud, halo infinite, halo infinite real life, halo master chief, halo series, halo tech, halo tech in real life, heads up display, make it real, master chief, master chief cosplay, master chief takes on the banished, real halo display, real halo helmet, real life, real life halo, the banished, thehacksmith, video game franchise, video game made real
Id: gU5ZbBsWk6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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