Scared of Class B Airspace? Watch This. (Full Flight w/ ATC Audio)

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we rolling yeah we're rolling okay hey guys charlie here i'm at the georgetown airport near austin texas and i flew into lago vista earlier this morning dropping some people off there shot a cool instrument approach in there super fun then realized i couldn't figure out the gas pump so relocated over to georgetown i'm sure the gas pump worked fine it's probably just user error like most things are so i got came over here got fuel and i'm headed back to addison which gives a chance to kind of show some uh busy airspace going back into class b and the class delta and all that stuff point is if you're all intimidating about going into busy airspace it doesn't have to be hard and hopefully i can demonstrate that people are firing up behind me i'm about ready to go too so uh it's hot y'all let's get going [Music] ground sky lane 916 delta foxtrot flight following request november 916 delta foxtrot say your request yes sir like flight following to the addison airport which is alpha delta sierra at 7 500 we're assessed on 182 slash golf november 916 delta fox shot i'll put that in for you okay we're at the fuel pump with uh information pop-up ready taxi november 6th delta foxtrot do you need a run-up affirmative six-hour foxtrot november six delta foxtrot taxi alpha one to charlie advise run up complete alpha one to charlie advisor and run up complete now on sixth foxtrot november sixth delta foxtrot i have your flight following information when you're ready to copy okay stand by stealth box truck never have to be rushed by tc you can always tell them to hang on a second they're fine with that i'd rather you get it right around sixth foxtrot it's ready to copy november six delta foxtrot squawk two five six one two five six one departure one one nine point zero okay two five six one on the box on one one nine for uh 916 foxtrot okay let's do a run up go through the checklist tower skylane 916 delta fox drive ready for length one eight in sequence we're falling to the north six delta foxtrot do you have room to take the runway at uh bravo affirmative six-cell talk show foxtrot runway one eight cleared for takeoff point clear for takeoff thanks uh do you want left uh or right turn out uh you can make a left turn out for six delta foxtrot left turn out sixth foxtrot thanks bend one niner zero at five [Music] so [Music] assessment 916 delta fox contact austin approach 119.0 good day go to approach thanks delta foxtrot [Music] approach sky lane 916 delta fox right off georgetown 2500 climbing seven thousand five hundred i want to take austin departure radar contact altitude your climate a year discretion and contact gray approach on one two zero point zero seven one two zero zero seven climb in our discretion six health box drop blue eleven thirty eight contact houston center one three four point two uh 8 000 for now that'll be vectors for the ils one five degree how the approach terminate two seven five in the heading down to eight thousand on the go auction tower for ton of six months great approach sky lane 916 delta foxtrot 2 900 climbing 7500 916 health foxtrot great pro chilter 299 or zero two nine nine or zero nine one six no fox drop pretty slow until we start approaching the dallas fort worth airspace so might skip ahead here a little bit get to the fun part well i wonder if we should do uh 5500 might get a better tailwind down there yeah i think we will i approach six delta foxtrot we're gonna make 5 500 our final cruise today excellent foxtrot roger head back down to 5500. all right this is the part where you kind of sit and wait so uh we'll fast forward to where things get interesting uh closer to dallas and get into the busier airspace was the romeo foxtrot vfr we'll see you later okay so as we're approaching class b they're more than likely gonna clear us into class b but sometimes they'll send you like way east all the way around here and not clear you through the class b or they'll send you uh you know through here over red bird and over love field and then on to addison sometimes they'll do that but either way until you get cleared into class b it is up to you to stay out of it so what that means here is that uh this class bravo shelf coming up here [Music] which starts at 4 000 feet i know that i gotta be below before i get there that involves a little bit of battery departure radar contact turn left heading zero forward so based on four flight of going you know 130 knots right now uh i'm nine minutes away from being uh at the class bravo boundary three hundred and i'm at fifty five hundred so i need to get down to probably thirty five hundred so i got a five hundred feet a minute that's four minutes that's going to take down to lose two thousand i'm sure you can proceed direct derby so if i know i'm gonna be there in ten minutes or in eight minutes and it's gonna take me four to seven it means in four minutes i gotta start down so once we talk to approach control they'll they'll tell us what to do and they might give us clearance at a certain altitude and we don't have to keep descending but you kind of got a plan on hey this is up to me to stay out of it so we'll start down here in a couple of minutes and then once we're in range we'll try to pick up the atis or the weather at addison because they're going to ask us if we have that so we've got information golf they're going to ask us for that so we probably need to go and start down because says we are about seven minutes until the class b we need four of those minutes we'll start down here in about 60 seconds skyline 6 delta fox shock contact regional approach 125.2 good day 25 2 good day 911 southwest 695 rogers 10 18 6000 approach skylane 91.6 delta foxtrot descending out of 4500 we got golfer addison 416 delta foxtrot maintain 4500 put direct dialysis executive direct data okay 4500 clear class b direct executive and direct addition i want six delta fox drop number six five one mike sounded like a lot it was um 4500 which is kind of where we're already at 755. let's just go to executive contact approach on 124.3 make your request which is redbird rbd so it does help to if you're going to be going into busy air space like this does help to kind of brief and in advance because they might send you to an airport and at least you'll kind of be kind of familiar with it a little bit but if you're not just speak up just say hey what's the identifier for executive 1540 because this guy renamed it used to be redbird now it's a dallas executive all right just ask him or say hey i'm familiar can you give me a vector delta foxtrot ubc direct status eric daddison thanks 916 buckstrap okay even better pretty quiet guys but i will take it straight home number 916 delta foxtrot i hate to do it i'm gonna stick east around the departures because of the congestion that happens sixth foxtrot roger nine or zero nine one 911 box drop wow i shouldn't have said anything guys i mean that wasn't even edited timing that was like just me saying i'm heading straight home he says hey take a hard right oh man okay well hey that's cool so we actually get to demonstrate both scenarios that i talked about so they can take you right over the top of love field which is southwest airlines headquarters and stuff but they got so many arrivals and departures and stuff they'll take you all the way around basically like this all the way around the class b and then they're because uh love field is right here and so you got airplanes coming in this way and is coming out that way if that makes sense but point is they're gonna take you around everything at least for a 4500 not like 2500 sometimes it'll take you real low too and then you're down it in the heat and the yourself maintain 3 500 fly hitting zero easier zero zero three thousand five hundred now one sixth box trend oh my goodness that is i need to stop talking y'all every time i say something and i'm like oh at least it's this they chime in and say nope do something different i can't make that stuff up delta fox shot trying to maintain vfr at three thousand turn left heading zero five zero zero five zero down to three thousand now with six cell foxtrot i mean i just keep jinxing myself november 916 delta foxtrot contact approach on one two four point two five twenty four twenty five get in i want six not the box strap on citation descending to three thousand we have that traffic inside press two one three thank you thrust two on three turn right heading two zero zero all right let's see if we have better luck with this guy approach sky lane nine one six delta foxtrot sending uh three thousand four hundred for uh three thousand and zero five zero sign in the heading nine six descend vfr 2500 down to 2500 now it's six health box truck 560 off delta traffic insight no factor thank you better luck number six delta fox strat turn left heading zero four zero are you familiar with white rock quake zero four zero and affirmative sixth fox drop thank you foxtrot to remain east of white rock lake enter the left downwind runway one five at two thousand five hundred two thousand five hundred remain east of white rock and inner left downwind four one five nine six now foxtrot all right here's white rock lake in front of us and i'm way off the distance i do see addison for six dope foxtrot contact addison tower 126.0 good day go to tower good day now one sixth health park strap hey give it to us early here's why rock on our left lantern it's pretty like one pocket one five rsx 75 madison tower skylane 916 delta foxtrot on the east side of wyrock lake 2500 about nine takes out the foster out of some tower to the left that one from one five maintained current altitude 10 current altitude left downwind four one five nine six five fox drop november six delta flash drought traffic is a citation departing roaming one five northeast bound climbing in two thousand i know joe we're looking sixth fox trap no just now midfield airborne oh there he is got him six hundred foxtrot has the jet wow look how fast he's climbing holy smokes i should be surprised but over the park's body man cheers guys november 16th at the foster hot december across your white servants from the departed citation roger we'll start down in a minute but uh our discretion thanks excellent box starts 213 right we went back through his wake we're gonna fly through it then uh shut off everybody's turn okay you'll call our base six stealth foxtrot number five for fast charge take off into the left down in front air park dallas right here y'all probably can't see it it's on my list i want to go land there like a northbound departure please roger there's six out the foxtrot turn base turkey base six cell phone strap uh oh you can see it now here underneath this obviously what's your directional flight eastbound just like in the middle of the city go right over a road to land there it's inside madison airspace land there at some point to the left one from one five maintain current altitude pretty far out but hold off on putting in more flaps just yet number zero that's charlie we're only one five clear take off farther away i'll call your north down turn zero delta charlie uh clear for takeoff runway heading and you'll call the turn there if i flush i can seat eastbound mercedes okay gas undercarriage yes undercarriage mixture prop carb heat cow flaps are open there we go seat belts securely fastened seven off the tango runway one pocket take off clear for takeoff on one five seven alpha tango i laugh at undercarriage our gear is always down and locked throughout 292 runway one five take off one five quid for takeoff thrust two ninety two six out of five starting one five good win five clear delay now one sixteenth of the box trap there's real australia you can turn left on course more than they packed them in there they we'll stay on the same heading watch out for the traffic seven alpha tango november seven i'll take a turn left on course thank you no factor training left on course thank you seven hour tango number zero delta charlie maintain vfr at two thousand zero double charlie again sir november 0 delta charlie maintain vfr at 2 000. see road delta charlotte vfr 2000 across 292 traffic in the upwinds of sears eastbound roger [Applause] x-ray at 2 500. there's eight hundred tango x-ray edison tower make a right turn it's just heading up two six zero maintain your current altitude two six zero maintaining two thousand five hundred eight nine eight tango x-ray let's take out the frost trout save parking romeo let's take out the fire continuing the runway to foster up okay continue to foxtrot down with six teleport strap november six delta foxtrot turn left to foster attacked it to romeo via alpha and language frequency foxtrot alpha romeo with you thanks good job today sixth foxtrot thank you sir okay well i hope that kind of demonstrates that it's not uh doesn't have to be too intimidating to come into class bravo airspace so super fun flight hey i've got a new publishing routine now every single monday morning airplane academy we're posting at 8 am baby at uh uh central 8am central so hit subscribe you guys will never miss one of those videos and i can't wait to see you guys then
Channel: Airplane Academy
Views: 42,039
Rating: 4.9569621 out of 5
Keywords: cessna, aviation, general aviation, flight training, cessna 182, private pilot, student pilot, atc audio, air traffic control, pilot, airplane academy, pilots license
Id: q9dEZsjwhOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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