VFR Flight Through Class B with ATC Communications

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hi everyone I'm Russ still radio work can be one of the most intimidating parts of flying we're worried we'll miss a call from ATC or reply with the wrong thing but like everything in aviation it just takes practice in this video we're gonna fly a Cessna skylane from the north side of Atlanta to the Henry County Airport on the south side that will cross us directly over downtown Atlanta and squarely into one of the busiest Class B airspace is in the country if there was ever a time to be on top of our radio skills this is it we'll start out by requesting flight following and further request to transition through the Class B airspace we'll be given a squawk code for the transponder followed by a clearance into the class Bravo now this one is a bit long but we have lots of camera angles and I think you'll really enjoy following along with a nonstop radio chatter let's cut to the flight in progress welcome aboard everyone as we talked about in the ground briefing today's mission is to do a Class B transition now and to get an authorization to get through Class B VFR requires a couple of things you kind of first of all need to know what the procedure is you need to know if there's a standard via for VFR corridor you need to know where that is and ask for that if there's not if there's some local customs about what kind of routes they're gonna put you on you need to be familiar with those you also need when you talk to ATC you really need to be on top of your game you need to sound professional you need to sound like you know what you're talking about you need to be quick to respond with headings and altitudes and he's expecting you to act like a professional pilot so when you're in his airspace when he's cleared you into the Class B he's gonna be giving you a heading and an altitude and you need to stay right on that you need to be really sharp on your on your headings in your altitudes so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to call them up we're gonna call up Atlanta approach and I've already had the the frequency written down here it's a 126 97 we're gonna call Atlanta approach and we are going to tell them if we'd like to get flight following and we have to be going to the Henry County Airport down to the south we're on the north side now and then we'd like to be at the VFR our class B transition so first of all flight followings we're going to get that squawk code in we're gonna wait for him to tell us that he has we have radar contact that's the magic phrase that lets us know that he has has us on the radar and then we got to hear the next magic phrase and this is the big one cleared into the class Bravo if we don't hear those exact words we can't go in so that's what we're looking for radar contact after we got our squawk code in there cleared into the class Bravo then he's going to give us some vectors he's going to give us a heading and an altitude to fly and that's what we're gonna do so let's go over to Atlanta approach I've had it turned down let's so turn up the frequency here and see if we could get in get a word in it was kind of busy earlier we'll see how they are now I'm gonna be not uh looks like I'll be good not only am I excited maintain 3000 3000 someone I presently reduce or Charlie 3,800 flappy to buzz up this is loitering out here so we can jump in to get over 2300 Charlie to stop your quad and maintain 4,000 32 to Foxtrot Charlie stop there climb maintain 4,000 Atlanta broke Scotland for 274 to VFR request for two very close that was for 274 two or a skyline we'd like to get flight following down to a Henry County a hotel Mike Papa and like to get the Class B transition we are at 4,500 and we're 18 miles north PDK there's one do it brother I need your best reticle on out of 5,000 for credit get one o'clock 5 miles he's down to 4000 and so he's back talking us up buddy l hopeful that there's no problem let's fly hitting 1 for 0 to get you going we'll come back to Westerley Fulton County right now just circles I love this on five miles heading southeast not as of here at 4100 and a strobe of the climb but he's caught no Jennifer Tilly another 7 for 10 ago Ritter contact 8 miles south at one out of 4,500 beam out the left same directions that's here at CBS our 4511 he'll be behind you certainly keep looking for that 5 5 4 with the autocratic 12 35 miles east bound at 860 of 5000's a fresh cow white following if there's nothing a lot o'clock 5 miles southwest go to the last P is workload pretty good thing so we've got to hope that this guy it's gonna have time to work us in not earlier mine cuz I pull the county in fact well the clock as it told us to go away yet so so far so good Boy Scout field-level 5500 Phillipa story that traffic always the other well the class be out where we are if we look on fourth light here 7:14 zero one two four four zero one four four four four two seven four two that's our squad code zero ok squawk codes in there now we're gonna listen here we have a tight now anyway I was gonna say the Class B is a 17,000 old row turning out where we are as you can see on forward four thousand five hundred school spirit area in 15 degrees left let approach go stream eight seven eight year Mike 13 across organs at eleven thousand vision X think we're looking for is cleared into the class Bravo Fulton County power one one eight point four five day visual tricks they could have radar contact cleared his Madrazo here's one Julie Bravo TURN RIGHT heading into six zero the traffic sound effect of the path off you're a great 7/8 reminds one approach good afternoon expect vectors dutiful 402 six I believe he's good Fox tracks right correct racer Mike Swick visible to subscribe thank you what a for was the Alpha the traffic no factor dispenser discretion sent our discretion for number four two seven two four two winter contact 106 miles north Peachtree reported 4500 you're cleared into bravo airspace maintain VFR at 4,000 okay clear to the class Bravo with maintain 4504 274 - okay so he's given us an altitude he's cleared us into the past Bravo for now was that last call for four to seven for two to proceed to Atlanta Guylaine another to direct to Atlanta direct ATL 47 for two okay so I want us to go there we're just gonna watch this the GPS so we could be real pro like $3 1/2 zero point out of today over to our cross yeah I'm gonna start for another fork literate winder 4.4 was that cleric water sir 104 clitoris winder to Foxtrot Charlie quantum maintain 5000 try to close all right so there's our heading we've got our altitude we're hit straight that video right now charlie climate maintain 5,000 you're looking for flight you'll see that murder a little bit to the left and then Charlie cleverly gentle I don't there that's because I just take a spot it ran to the start in left heading one not our hero we're gonna be flat by eleanor gps enjoy brother though that magenta line will give us an approximation of where we've already here one four four Niner four contact approach one three 2.4 northern suburbs if anybody's familiar with area here we're over Roswell right now which is on the north side of Atlanta my rapier my head on the head I can see the three skylines at our center yet and then what we call fit town which is downtown Atlanta almost like three different cities all together we get closer you'll get a good view of them three little separate pop-up skylines and someday they'll they'll fill in it'll look like Manhattan it'll just be a very long solid skyline of really tall buildings we've got a nice day for this nice and clear we've got a little bit of haze out there but I think I'll try to return a before PFR for gonna prove it I'll try to keep some narration going here but I do have to pay very close attention to the radio planet apart orientation quarters has given us I have increased their correct date yo Thank You 4500 so for a thicker like departure content or that may not give us anything else until we get four thousand six Charlie Charlie better contact read Arthur be transiting to tears of pressures are all with up to four towers Silicon Valley in southern for to traffic eleven o'clock five miles turning westbound will be south and I'm gonna citations three four four they'll get out in front of you that climb above all right four - step four - looking for the tribe the citation well he'll be out there somewhere but four tubes will be another citation departing Peachtree northbound he'll pass off your left above get on okay Roger on the two citation side a PDK trail a trail like wanna maintain 6,000 heading two three zero two six thousand three zero Madison College on all right it's I may never even see those two citations psych patients at the ground clutter down there but we're keeping our eyes open anyway I can actually see Hartsfield off in the distance I mean it's not going to show up in the cameras yet but I already made three remaining credit I don't even really need the GPS 30 miles away but I can see the clear area where it is parties field is such a passive airport it's easy to pick out number two another southern for tango Connect approach one three two point four seven get in thirty to forty seven cents or tango just passed over the Chattahoochee River to the first citation had no money or to send four to four to the second till eleven o'clock five miles the northbound on the pass off your left and I apparently added 22 cutters all right for to set for Tuesday okay alright so the first citation is out of the way second one off the paper pick nominees early turn like anyone ate fun without Willa versatile time they fix on I won that are Julia traffic 2 o'clock four miles northwest on a go three and seven for 4,000 the past two and a quarter of you're right even our Julia hello departure citation a3 Charlie romance with you freeze over thank you everyone take five for each other brought me with you pretty tough very sorry feeling a lot of pressure quantity in 6,000 it in Excel I danced for general now so we've been cleared into the class Bravo we're currently still below it we're 4500 it's we're still in the section here you let me over there contact two miles north where the fondant everything else free there will be going out the lower layers here Center them off your left a mile and a half pounds of sky land via for our fourth about right over tough for each other on there will be look at the Parker k1 over pop I don't the cameras picking it up right now busiest class deerforce in the country to they didn't reach early early on turn left heading into 3-0 the family it'll be no factor left the two three zero for children here one of our Ellison factors the smiles left went right over downtown Atlanta I'm staying right on three two zero adding three to zero ice your mic station fix Charlie Charlie try the club o'clock one one on sound sent a serious at five sounds Neil over take over shortly and the next a lot higher for you six college on Eileen southern fourth to all the citations it all back sep 4 2014 12 hour left we've got a Dobbins which is a guard base of as air base off to our about our 2:30 3 o'clock position used to be a Naval Air Station but I'm not sure that they still have a Naval Air Station I really Bravo pairing 10 degrees right that's right I want joy brother alright we're approaching we're gonna go right smack dab 185 approaching which is a pretty populated area with high buildings north of Midtown verse 6 under 100 you Lea connect the prose 1/3 2.47 - forgive me about giving you a travelogue reported as long as I pay attention to the radio stay off my heading the thick trail eternally comes down my also to watch for traffic don't good play classical reason I should give you a little bit of local colour don't remain pure and light turn off my name to a girl left heading toward zero racer Mike Epps and laugher checking or five four three golf the chicken is eight thousand with Fox throat of County near five four three girl valve on approach Cincinnatus like like there's little fruits runway music vectors visual - six Rococo irrelevant five one Julie problem kind of approach well I'd say we're about 1 zeros number five one brother about seven minutes north of Hartsville we're about seven minutes before we're over the top of ATL after that we'll we'll be leaving the Class B and then the point he'll give us a descent so you start to go to the Hampton Airport which is not too terribly far south and arts field but outside of the Class B Seneca 3-2 to Foxtrot Charlie for now disregard [Music] all right motoring along we're all coming up on Midtown there I think he could probably make out in these front cameras the guyscraper sky where whatever crop splatting a320 Cana maintain one one thousand three two zero one one thousand or five and that's not a departure five one eight echo Romeo level in three pounds runway heading but a five on a deck for me I wanted to Berkshire climb and maintain 6,000 it in 6,000 feet of supply or hey Decco Romeo here comes the flash don't say that take three trailing around the old fighting 1 9 0 1 9 0 300 Romeo they give you a squawk code and ask for an ident just press the idea but you don't have to say here cups a flash LLL see you he'll see you light upon his screens and that's the confirmation number 9 0 2 to Julia a lot of pro to the Atlanta Islanders 3 0 0 5 freezers are a hero slap two seven zero Attica Romeo they say five three thriller on the iconic the first or one to five point six five and a one to five point six five - Charlie Romeo number three golf found its intense and forth up down to four thousand three golf out that presupposes time has the weather all right I'm pretty sure that you may be able to be picking up Hartsfield out there in front of us now I actually see a couple of a large airliners party off to the west bombing out five one eight really I'm gonna compare one to one point for this one to one point zero it over the approach yet but some went close to the middle of the airport so we're gonna get a really good view of this really big large Airport oh you've got six cameras on the airplane today so I'm hoping that all of them will work and give us the view that we're looking for today culture made through my clitoris Fulton County decided maintain three thumb mr. Fulton counting down to 3,000 AC my second three two - Foxtrot Charlie conic approach 1 2 3 2 point 4 7 today 3.14 Safari 7 Burt to Foxtrot Charlie is closed 30 to 47 approach top 6 4 4 2 we're sending the best we can to make the hand today if we look at why you see this little Satan of the class beat now as a full 43,000 feet little crow for there right so we're clearly in it now the surface area is coming up next free ride surface areas starting at the surface to go into the top of the Class B 12,500 land is a big Airport it's a pencil who's a counter listening to but it's generally considered one of the busiest airports in the world heading 185 185 4 - 7 4 - all right so Galloway the feather for to change to my frequency 18.5 71 28.57 77477 would be written every terminal our frequency gave us a new heading up on that new heading now which is going to take us or towards the approached him on his new frequency I'm gonna check in to check in all I do is say my tail number in my altitude better contact them on our number to be straight I believe you were the post to still be runway heading and he's gonna stay on whatever getting around now 3 4 5 0 0 number 8 here Mike Fulton County 12 o'clock eight miles feeder discretion inside for a steel I selected the double person a to six kind of Fulton County power one 18.4 saga day good day Chandler Atlanta four to seven four to 4500 therefore 2040 ready thing all right that's how 50 with now success we've ended in pain got handed off at the different frequency by the same controller bill flight 185 here 4064 4q nikon 6440 fitting one that's Niner five whoops what nine five five dot cop six fortune here one of a proposed by laconic Salina center one 33.1 233 100 focus allowed a good afternoon Ferris exist one with ceiling was with you six thousand but nine zero nine there in six six one with you blame a lot of fruits expect lectures visible through and I three ratifies many of uniform the ly houseboaters three zero zero five three zero five we had uniform number seven two four seven seven with you on approach at here alright you don't get a better view of Atlanta than that for 770 transmitting with moderator service terminated Columbia far for containing proven a nice long conga line of aircraft taxiing out for departure metacenter girl copter q6600 which level 4000 I got four to six six zero zero at LAN approach and are you looking for a crossing at dhaba view hotel correct we do have a hotel and we're looking for ILS runway Kuna guard 6 e r0 psyche vectors ILS 2 9 approach thank you 4 3 4 micron and maintain that get a frequent peak by heading an altitude here so I stay right on it you're early brother number one with the echo flooding three four zero seven four six six one with the lino fly heading three four zero three fourth row link even a 4/4 shell Bravo leveling three test a 383 for Mike Latta departure climb thanks downside of a seat for fortunately Bravo under departure 2014 frequencies written down for ham dinner I've got a traffic pattern altitude here tonight 500 I got the seats half the weather frequency 3 and the runway number 0 0 so 3 0 0 whenever he's ready to hand us off before I'm ordering out disinformation rather kind of ready to do stuff let's not even getting 2710 6 more table the for Chile brother letter contact for miles the big tasks are getting a zero one zero zero one racetrack Hampton hopefully you're a chiller Bravo four to see that one we're in the pattern boundary on the relevant approach Dylan also there's three zero zero five I'll see three Z person be neither original dot-com 6443 all announced in front of that sense of you know factor now that I maintain free sub 3000 see ya some smoked way down there so some fire going on tells me that I've got a cross wind out of the West or Charlie brother turn around anyone's ear through one zero zero about them and the runway there's no word if anything for that six to four though expect I'm probably gonna be landed on the run by two four we'll see once we get the weather over there still in the surface area so there's no way that uh he's gonna be letting us go quite yet however we're getting ready to reach the next layer where the boniface 3000 that point might let us start our descent because actually actually see the airport out there singer three dolls out the turn left heading two nine zero up to 9:03 go go Ocampo four three we do have BBK inside back on 64 42 Thank You Clarence and a moment sweating to zero zero two hundred four I'm 64 42 turn right at hand 2 1 0 so what okay all right we are now out of the surface area I'm gonna go ahead let him know that we have the airport in sight and he might go ahead and let us start our VF hard to set Atlanta 4 to 7 4 2 has the airport for to the afford aside is Chris Berman was made for just a moment will stay with you with the VFR descent for 274 to 445 I'm gonna stay with radios to try to listen to the a wash he's pretty busy I think my listening ability thanks a lot to him I could ask him if I could leave the frequency overnight as you wanted to check the weather descending to 8,000 we have uniform considering how busy it is now close we all right start at energy constant airspeed to set I am gonna go ahead put the traffic frequency in there and according to what I have written down here it's more 2272 left to 8:03 go home so it's ready to punch that's a hair so flip that top radio and listen to what's up mode longer having to talk to him [Music] leaving his airspace so technically I should be staying right on that but he told us to do our VFR descent that probably isn't good about if we kind of squeeze a little bit more towards the airport under these circumstances the airport's right here it's about our 11 o'clock position Darren one with you Lena keep your feet up and maintain 3000 we'll keep our feet up and down 2 3 definitely you know hit post up the airport I'm gonna see if I could just pop into a wasp real quick three families we've got a three thousand three golf house observation to 0:08 sumu weather wind three five zero at three visibility one zero clear below nice try nice rewrite [Applause] 101 epic stories out at one point eight the fourth oh one off x-ray letters fortress one in Game six out of it in six thousand and I do anyone over there fortunately brother Coddington one-fourth of one point thousand Charlie Bravo great a three four nine connective road for one very busy I'm gonna tell him folks we have the weather at the airport that we're ready to get off flight falling soon as the can we're down well we're still the Class B or we're factoring are treated actually no it's four thousand feet here so we were cleared the reckful county of my dear for sale right hey director County will let you know I got sizes Rico from then I 138 heading zero zero zero zero for the climate now a 30-amp very picture Zulu fighting one eight five eight same fourth up pending 185 down to four thousand Niners are a picture when I factory external effects instead of zero let's see seven zero one out that's right Atlanta 4 to 7 4 2 has a withered Hampton canceled flight following weight illiterate pastry heard that we're not full for Charlie Bravo flooding 0 9 0 sonic go out of federal one three four point five it is Sharon 9 0 34 - Bravo report theater this won't be a part of a new graph shows relative alright squawk VFR for to set for two so long alright so well 100 frequency change approved let's go to the frequency here the local seat path and we're right now on a cross wet Henry County traffic 4 to 7 4 2 is left crosswind for runway two-four Henry County all right traffic pattern here is 1900 feet we're getting ready to turn on to the downwind leg four to four you can see the NASCAR track out over there the might be some people out there driving today but there's not a race going on all right we're now a traffic pattern altitude henry county traffic four to seven four two is left downwind to four Henry County all right we're gonna trim the plane up so we can stay at this altitude on the downwind and with us let the airplane slow down do a for landing Gump check this on both undercarriage just down mixed you're going to rich and we'll put the props in when we do one more GUP check on final all right you get to power down a little bit more before I pushed the props rpm and now if you have a your final 172 or a piper warrior or something you don't have a constant speed prop and that's not something that you would deal with boy we're right smack over the over the Speedway [Applause] we're feed the numbers so I'm gonna pull my power back about normal setting Carpy comes in one notch of flaps and Amalek this airplane slow down to about 70 knots before we start her to set but we're going to slow down before we go down alright there's 70 knots so we'll just let the nose drop and we'll trim it to stay at 70 alright we've now lost about 200 feet from the traffic pattern altitude that's usually a good time to make our turn to the base leg once we get through this turn will make our traffic call Henry County traffic 4 - 7 4 - is left base 4 - 4 . Henry County alright things are looking good we're about halfway through the base leg air speeds a little high let's pull back a little more power let's go to a second notch of flaps and here's our turn - final henry county traffic for 274 - is final - 4 . henry county be a little bit of a cross wind coming in from the right so we're gonna crab just a little bit into that wind so we can hold the center line alright gas is on both under care just down mixture is rich prompts are going into full before landing checklist is complete all right let's go ahead descend on down we've got to displace threshold here let's get on past that before we let tires down like i'm on the land a little bit of a bright fire first for the crosswind oh that center line and just let it roll out carburetor heats going in i'm not going to touch anything else until we get off the runway all right I think we can make this taxiway right here alpha 3 bet another airplane coming up on the parallel taxiway but he's not gonna be a factor they're gonna stop right here clean the airplane up and make our traffic call here we got traveling forty seven forty two is clearly runway Henry County all right flaps come up open my cowl flaps lean it for the taxi and we still got plenty of time but we're going to tax the over here to the ramp well I hope you enjoyed that transition into through Atlanta's Class B not too scary you just have to be on top of your numbers like I said really pay attention to the radio now we're gonna taxi round over here at the ramp I have a one thing to show you though it was a kind of a little surprise here I didn't know we had it here and you might have already seen on the cameras when we were pulling off there on alpha 3 but uh looks like we have a couple of Hornets down here I believe they are so we'll just kind of go down swing the airplane around and take a peek before we let you go I'm gonna get too close because uh no reason to start raising suspicion we'll get it close enough look here to get a good peek and there they are okay guys thanks for joining us on this flight we're gonna stop and go in and get a coke in we'll be looking forward to seeing you again come visit us at Gold Seal online ground school comm so long you [Music]
Channel: Gold Seal Flight Training
Views: 154,658
Rating: 4.9442849 out of 5
Keywords: flight training, ATC, Class B, Hartsfield, student pilot, radio communications, flight following
Id: nNO-qLP_bto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 2sec (2102 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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