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hey moglets today we'll be raising saiyu and of course we got the gengal here sayukuli chichi diona um the small character team so adorable seeing them in the party select menu just we did already get her to level 20 since we didn't have any of the small xp books i didn't want to waste another 4 thousand so we just got it to 19.99 and uh killed a few enemies okay but here we are getting the first star super pog i don't think we'll need to farm any more books i hope not we should hopefully have everything else we need as well at least for 80 here yikes we're kind of low on maura as well it's so draining to raise uh i mean we we we just raised dione as well yes for this video in particular because i didn't want to have you know a level 10 character there so dionna is 80 now i think only chichi is still 70 but you know she has actually been doing completely fine so we'll just leave her there there's 70 oh my god we are actually getting really low on maura also oh and we need one of these i thought i got enough all right let's go kill magu kinky real quick well since she's already level 70 i think uh we could use her we yeah she just needs some artifacts and so you know she seems to me more like a healer support i think her fuen dash here is the most interesting to me uh in particular so we'll start with that try and get it to six that's the size we can go anyway i mean we could get this one to nine as well we did farm the books for it anyway may as well right there's quite a lot to unpack here so there's an activation damage and there's an activation healing as well as uh i believe she summons some kind of weird pet kind of like razor does and that thing will also do damage plus healing all right i guess i'll pretty much do it for talents usually i do artifacts after she's raised but i guess it doesn't really matter it seems she is a little bit like clee where the healing is based off of her attack she also can do some pretty solid damage with her dash here though like 300 there when she kicks 50 isn't too much unless she attacks quite fast uh we'll see though her passive here is pretty interesting flat hp recovery ours is unfortunately only c3 i would have liked c6 but it just didn't happen uh let's see what we're missing here though a bit of energy recovery here okay yeah so her c6 really amps up her ult up to 400 attack apparently if she's built with a ton of elemental mastery let's focus on what we have though which is her c1 similar to bini where it'll ignore the hp limit and will be attacking and healing at the same time oh c2 is pretty interesting because i think her rolling is what interests me the most because just it's so unique and you can get up to 66 extra damage depending on how long you are rolling and of course her c3 just increases uh the old byte three so now that we know a bit more about her we're probably gonna build her similar to chi chi but also i do kind of want to try and do damage with her just because that's how i am i try and see the dps potential of every character so with that being said we're just gonna steal all of kazuha's artifacts i took some from vinty to whatever can't go wrong with veridescent i suppose gotta make sure the rest of our characters are good which i'm seeing the cli is not here all right i think we're finally all good let's go ahead and uh go beat up maggot kinky once oh hello day has reset genji calling me out for uh being up at five in the morning it's all good the one bad thing is going everywhere with these tiny characters is so slow wait a second before we do that i have to actually change diona's set may as well grab this too real quick we might actually need some strong shields um a diona connoisseur told me that she has the second strongest shield in the game when built properly we're probably gonna go triple hp no healing bonus since we do have chi chi um because also i've only ever raised one healing bonus and that's on chichi which is in our party so uh actually i haven't raised any hp's either have we raised anything besides crit rate and crit damage well we had a four piece maiden beloved lying around so i guess we're just going to go with that also gives us some healing bonus i think this is going to be quite a challenge like even with my my normal team uh magu here can prove to be a bit annoying let's just start with getting a shield here going to some clea for some deeps oh god the shield's gone already let's refresh that let's try some saiyu okay that's actually way harder to control than i kind of thought it would but yeah i'm gonna get motion sick here we're getting like some 1700 hits oh god she's half dead let's get chichi in there for some healing let's go back to khlee go ahead and do her ult she's probably gonna be the uh the one to carry here never mind let's try sawyusults because we need some healing anyway oh god where'd he go oh no we need to stay in the healing ring oh she can heal a lot ow no god yeah cleo won't be back for another like two minutes now so we gotta just survive what how do i avoid those then the rolling uh i guess the rolling is not gonna work i think we're gonna die oh my god they're all so squishy to be fair the iona shield is actually quite strong though all right i could finally revive glee so now i just gotta be a little bit more careful no no no almost okay there we go god uh that was uh quite challenging but regardless we can go ahead and finish cyu now ascend we're almost out of maura man and i thought xp books would be our problem i guess both i don't know if even this no this isn't even enough oh no and i still have the god mode showcases to do why are characters so expensive to raise well let's head over to l.a line also i don't exactly know what i was talking about before about uh this team being slow we have rolling cyou now she's actually pretty fast and it doesn't even use stamina oh no this is gonna be a problem and we have intruders over here thankfully we have easy vaporize oh no god clee she's getting one shot i swear to god oh okay wait a second you don't even need to uh you don't need to hold e anymore after she starts uh rolling ah the gravestone proc let's go ultimate time from saiyu okay well that'll just stay on the field as we do other things it heals a lot she is a really nice healer i don't think it lasts that long though unless i'm mistaken unfreeze please i gotta say though that was one of the hardest ley lines i've had to do i mean it's okay i don't think she's ever gonna really be a damage dealer though from what i can tell uh i'm not sure what her rolling is for like it really doesn't do a lot of damage it doesn't proc fast enough i guess for that 50 percent really shine through i'm not sure if i'm missing something i mean yeah when she pops out of it it's a pretty decent uh hit healer saiyu probably doesn't want gravestone but it looks pretty hilarious the sword is bigger than she is i would assume all swords are bigger than she is yeah pretty much well that was enough for level 80 anyway so that's good i'm gonna farm more ley lines later you know because i also want to get yomi at a 90 um later in the week but yeah i mean attributes wise you know she has 2400 attack um maybe maybe she just can't be a damage dealer i haven't tried basic attacking with her to be fair but then again i gave her an ammo damage bonus unfortunately we cannot super conduct with this team as there's no electro oh yeah also this is really pog look at this just boom thanks for the crab not running away at all that's uh one of saiyu's perks whatever well let's go ahead and start this i always like to start with the diony shield go do some clee that's good i don't know i mean it's not that bad of course she is doing swirls as well you know no criticals anymore let's just go ahead and do her ultra real quick and start basic attacking yeah it's really not that impressive to be honest but she does heal a lot though oh diona heals actually way more but of course dion is built like a healer so that's unfair to compare them diona's over there healing like 6k how long does her q last 10 seconds 12 okay it also needs 80 energy though we can also of course just try here kick damage how about on these slimes over here oh okay actually that was pretty strong i mean granted that is one attack oh oh no she's like mona and uh this does 1500 per ticket looks like which isn't bad well there's a 3300 i guess winning when it crits so trying to put my dps enthusiast personality aside um and just kind of see her as um pure support which i would say is probably gonna be her best role anyway like i actually missed on her c4 when we were first looking over it that can only happen every two seconds so the fact she can't swirl super often doesn't really help that much in that case uh c6 though i can imagine would be pretty interesting although again not a game changer like i would say it's basically impossible to get this 400 attack like why do they even have that limit there you need five elements of mastery per percent that's like 2 000 elements of mastery so meme team aside let's just put her in a i don't know my usual team of hutau zhang lee saiyu oh yeah let's go ahead and try the uh training dummy i mean she is pretty good for swirls well how about with some buffs that was just a top either this is also healing my team as well so it wouldn't really be that appropriate for a hutao team because sometimes they don't want healing let's just go ahead and try her alt again then we'll swap to hutau you know then we can do the uh swirl and at this point you know he has his pyro resistance reduced because of iridescent as you may have noticed by now i'm not quite as good at dealing with support characters oh yeah also her basic is so weak because i haven't leveled it up yet i don't think i will because yeah at the end of the day she could maybe be like a physical damage dealer but i guess everyone can be a physical damage dealer so i can't really think of a better set than vr destin for her though because at the end of the day she can swirl quite often quite easily a 40 reduction in element resistance even if you completely focus on healing that would that wouldn't be that smart to pass up in my opinion so i mean naturally you know you could go attack attack and not animal damage bonus here like yeah you don't really need animal damage bonus because she's not doing too much damage anyway so we definitely could just give her like this attack right here me personally just because i am kind of a damage enthusiast would probably go triple attack because she needs quite a lot of energy and then she's healing a lot anyway for those 12 seconds we do have a pretty decent attack person circle it here and since we had to go off piece on i think goblet for that attack percent because i just don't raise those i guess elements mastery energy charge those two are there so that's good i'm not gonna care obviously if it goes to uh crit damage or flat attack energy recharge that's actually the best one i would say here element mastery i guess would be more important later on we got some flat attack his super poggers i am running out of mora rapidly flat attack again love to see it crit damage whatever it went to energy recharge once it's good enough can't really expect more at this point okay went up again cool i'm uh kind of curious to see her stats now with a triple attack and gravestone three thousand all right three thousand attack actually a pretty solid great damage ratio energy recharge you know maybe it should be a little higher so i'm gonna try and focus on her being more of a support i know we gotta delete some of these maidens for the weapon so let's go for those pretty nice when you can use it though i gotta say good boom all right she has her old now so i want to see how much she heals sorry about this zhang li damn it sorry about this zhang li oh god she hasn't ah there she goes she noticed me let's just risk it and hope she leaves me alone okay 5100 all right not bad at all this is just with her old nothing special going on no attack boost or anything like that yeah i mean she was obviously doing a lot more damage with the dps build but not as much healing so i don't know what i'm trying to say that is extremely obvious that it would be like that moga but yeah outside of like verdessen procs she doesn't give much in the way of offensive support i guess one thing i can say on her healing abilities is uh her passive here that heals 300 hp flat would be quite good for earlier game players you know ones that don't have a massive amount of hp on their characters but yeah at the end of the day she is mainly a healer even if i were to max out her skills and get her to 90 and give her the best greatsword in the game she's not going to be some monster of a dps and that's okay you know we need healers too oh we got pyro and cryo damage increased here man i hate whopper flowers all right saw you your time to shine go show them who's boss how much are we healing there it's actually not too bad i see it ticking up every couple of seconds it's not a ton though it's very supplemental healing i would say let's just go ahead and uh put her alt down here uh see if that helps get rid of these shields obviously mona would be a little bit faster but yeah it's actually not too bad what i'm seeing oh jeez i hope this guy can also get killed by not fire oh wait i think uh ayaka's dash is a little hard to see but i think that is doing something as well we're not in a massive rush though and now for the pyro cubes i actually haven't uh fought in this one a lot but let's see what we can do here okay yeah this one ice one i never really had a hard time with because i have such a strong hutau the pyro one is super annoying though but yeah i guess we'll need all two minutes of those let's see how cyu can do with getting rid of the pyro uh decently well i i would say because this guy is so hard to hit so just like rolling in his general direction as long as you have a strong shield you know it does something not as much as mona obviously or any hydro almost one tapped him let's just go to mona not that it really matters at this point because he won't get his shield back well i know he didn't get to see much of saiyu but i don't know there's really not that much to show her rolling thing is still super fun and unique and if it wouldn't get stuck on ledges and stuff all the time that would be way nicer i would have a definite reason to have her in my team when i'm you know farming some enemies around here and can roll around to them or if she could jump while being a ball that would be cool jump and obviously stay as a ball yeah i suppose i pretty much do it i don't have many final thoughts i said everything already make sure you tell me what you think though in the comments down below dropping a like on this video if you did happen to enjoy as always greatly appreciate it as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 390,531
Rating: 4.9606314 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, sayu genshin impact, diona genshin impact, klee genshin impact, qiqi genshin impact, sayu, klee, diona, qiqi, sayu build
Id: CZPbm8Q0u1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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