KEQING IS 10/10/10!!! (Genshin Impact)

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hey moglets so a while ago my first tin tintin hero was hutau this was kind of in the midst of swapping over from kaching to hutao as my main dps and a lot of people felt sorry for kaching that i was kind of abandoning her and so i promised my next tin tin tin will be kaching and so that's what we're doing today i am a man of my word so without further ado there is no farming required we're going to go ahead and level up stellar restoration here to tin and she is technically tinting tin now but you know we're gonna get star wars sword to 13 because that is kind of tin you know i just have her coincidentally at a higher constellation and there that is jesus christ that's a lot of mora and i've been really struggling with maura so that hurt a lot but there she is tintin 10 thanks as always for watching honestly her artifacts haven't changed much she is currently still an electrocaching i think that's really nice with miss splitter here um if i did have aquila favona i'd probably still build her physical but with miss splitter she's definitely more of an electro here are her current attributes they're actually not super impressive to be totally honest i remember she was a lot better at one point but i think that was maybe with physical catching because i have a lot better physical artifacts than elektra ones i probably will try and make her a little bit better but before we even start like the four piece set for thundering fury i don't know i don't think it's that good actually uh it's decent and the main reason i have her in this is because you know i have decent thundering fury artifacts like you know 18 crit damage that's actually about it but yeah i think i am gonna actually go back to my original two-piece gladiator two-piece thundering she definitely has more attack create to create damage ratio actually suffered a little bit we did also recently get her to c4 so 25 attack boost really nice obviously would like c6 as well you know up to 24 electro damage bonus one thing i did want to try is going back to oceanid and trying to solo that with kaching i remember i had so much trouble with that when i first tried it and i did technically do it but i also died from the last enemies explosion so it felt kind of like a half victory i am a little worried we have to go back to black sword though to actually get a little bit of healing we'll try a couple times though just for fun crabs just kill me all right let's try this again we do have black sword this time iframe [Music] all right what is the first double one here squirrels and the bird okay actually not too bad not too bad i'm gonna i shouldn't have done my old actually no no no no i need it all right now we can kill now we can go up [Music] not doing too bad we're actually at full health half done who do we got bird and crabs oh god the crabs i'm just going to wait till the crabs stop no leave me alone okay that's it oh god all right crab big burb i framed oh no i can't i can't i can't kill it gonna wait till it's next big jump iframe good now we can kill and going up all righty one one left we can do this maybe we have our q i remember i came here before though and then just like got one shot by a bunch of crap oh yeah these i'm gonna kill them with with q all right just squirrels left i think we got this oh no now i'm getting careless oh go away go away all right all right this should be easy okay there it was okay i gotta say way easier than last time so something has been improved i don't think our black sword got any refinements either i was just focusing on death match i don't know really why just because i don't have that many good spears so my death matches are five now it's currently on zhongli although probably i'm going to give him houma again since uh hutao is now in kind of the backseat while i play more more with yormia and ayaka and the new characters i guess i could just be a slightly better player also memes aside though let's go ahead and get our you know usual team back in here um of course we are going to give her miss splitter back black sword is better than miss splitter for trying to solo oceanid um and i guess soloing in general because it's a way for her to heal herself but um that's pretty much it oh actually since we're not doing pyrokitching i would have to get binny out of there unfortunately let's just go with kazuha i really like him as a support as well abyss has just reset so i was thinking about doing some of that a couple of people also brought it to my attention that um um yo mia and facial together work pretty well for overloaded i think that is with c6 official where she you know fires attacks alongside and that really depends on officials attack where um you know a level 40 official isn't going to be that great but we can check it out anyway just for fun let's try an old here 4 000 actually per hit from her ult i was not expecting that that's quite a lot of damage i'm used to seeing like maybe 25 to 3 000 so seems like maxing that out did something let's get kazua back in there and just do his ult real quick everyone's dead around here now so can't really see much okay here's a here's a here's a hillet okay he's dead yeah well with the charge attack i saw a 22k a 10 plus 12 which is really quite good i probably could do a little bit more with physical glitching but then you know her ult and you know at least one part of her e is going to be not as good uh but let's check out this with the official comp here so we're just going to go to official i didn't mean to do her q let's just go to yoyomia now so i don't think we're gonna see really big numbers there was a 30k but um but a lot more smaller numbers so there we can do that again and just go i guess with without boost and you can see how fast the abyss mage died so i'd say it's not as flashy as a vaporized yoymia because you know you can see some really big numbers but you know when i would actually have a stronger official and she's doing the synchronized attacks with yoimia i can imagine the actual damage per second would be impressive and you know i'm definitely pretty guilty of being caught up in the single large digit numbers you know i'm always calling out oh there was a blah blah blah and um yeah you know but it's important to realize that dps is actually more important than a single large number so we don't have many boosts here actually besides zhong li shield unfortunately this guy has a shield let's try and get rid of that real quick all right we can also try out the samurai later although obviously i don't think kaching is going to be able to beat tutao or yuemia in their times whoops i forgot to get official in there oh well i mean she still just absolutely shreds them let's go and get binny in there do officials e real quick and then switch back to yoymia oh yeah it looks like um birdman i forgot his name i'm very sorry oz it is is attacking every time your mia is and yonya attacks really fast so definitely a consideration for sure all right let's try this again uh he's already dead almost my supports are too strong oh we have an ice one over here let's just go ahead and do her old real quick although it's not gonna do as much because he has a shield right now and i have no fire to remove it so still doing solid damage for having a shield i think he'll die before his shield runs out yeah there he goes so yeah trying some more overloaded yoymia um yeah there's just definitely tons of numbers popping up over there and they are getting shredded pretty fast even though they are you know agents which have pyro resistance before we move on to physical catching i do want to try the samurai guy just out of curiosity when i was testing with yoimia and tutao i would get everyone's alt first so it's as you know consistent as possible in this case i don't think it really matters she's not going to break any records ooh that was a pretty nice uh that is some pretty nice damage i gotta say let's go ahead and do her old yeah not bad not bad at all i could probably get like a 25 here if things weren't going weird right there so yeah yeah that got a little rough throughout the end but uh better than i expected actually some pretty pretty solid numbers i don't think kazuha does much to this guy actually so that's not very fair but at the same time i can't really use binny i do want to try one more time and yeah we're still getting 4k there and uh you know a nice solid 25k there there he goes we are going to swap and do some other uh support things as well so if she doesn't die getting jealous and all that let's go ahead and go back to kaching and finish him off i don't know well 28 there not not too shabby most likely with a c5 mini i could have done that quite a bit faster what i'm going to do now is go physical catching and we'll do some more content like that i was definitely more into physical catching until i got miss splitter and now i'm more like 50 50 so i don't know it still is kind of a shame that her old won't do those big 4ks anymore like how many times does she hit with that eight times so she hits eight times with a 4k and then a 400 which is the same damage as the you know these 850s and then another 187 so i can imagine she's doing like 70 to 80k damage with her old and that's really really nice because she has like the biggest aoe ever and it's really good in group situations but anyway we actually can go pretty big physical damage because we have pale flame now it's not a perfect goblet by any means but it's on the right set so i think we're gonna go with that we also have blood stains so we can get 50 physical damage bonus from those two sets unfortunately we don't have a single one raised we have a one plus 20 with hp on it i could have sworn i raised at least a two piece set at one point i think we're still going to stick with miss splitter though because at the end of the day the elemental damage bonus is still useful for her ult and you know part of her e plus its main sets are really nice and just and just works really well with their current crit damage ratio i am trying four piece pale flames because i wanted to test something anyway if this counts as one attack and that counts as one attack so 2083 2173 still 2173 wait a second so now i have the two stacks again by doing the charge attack after the e maybe i just missed the first one as a final demonstration here 2083 attack first e is done now we have 2173 now i'm gonna do the charged attack and now we have 22.63 so that's pretty cool maybe i'll just stick with four piece pale flames then because i mean we also have 108 physical damage bonus now yeah so i can absolutely 100 confirm that both stacks are happening because now we have 83. anyway we got to switch up our party again we're going to take causewa out of there and get a cryo um i always used to use chi chi probably would still be one of the better selections because she can continually you know do super conduct while not even being on the field and since i believe ganyu stuff is currently on ayaka we are going to just yeah go with chichi we just want the super conduct mainly all right let's give this a look we're going to just start with her e and then go there wow 20k okay he's already dead once we're gonna run out of uh stamina here in a second though oh wow oh damn if he did if he didn't run away there that would have been like a 20 run that would have been really really impressive considering that was my first try with physical catching on this guy the best time i ever got with utah was 17 seconds which which is of course more impressive but it's hutau versus kaching you know with staff of houma so to even be on even footing i would definitely need you know kaching's aquila but i digress let's give physical kaching a try in chamber 10. again i gotta say i'm just simply more impressed with physical than electro i've always had that opinion and uh this is the one where they all have increased resistances so it's gonna be kind of annoying to look at actual numbers but we'll do our best sure we can play around with some more official comp well i guess we should uh probably try and kill the minions first super conduct ah out of i can't see let's just do her ults yeah see now we're getting about 2500 which is still impressive considering like that was what i saw with a electric aching in the before days all right let's see what we can do here yeah i got like a 15k there oh here we go here's a really good use case for uh but yeah he has a shield now and i don't have any geo with me so i think this should be actually pretty good bye bye shield okay he's just gonna die before shield runs out i guess but whatever oh here we go just go ahead and uh i think we're gonna start with our old actually get that crit rate boost oh no i need to do the other part of the e oh i missed it what a shame i'll just try that again oh and now they have shields well i mean she's still like ripping through them crazy fast yeah like she kills them before their shields are gone i don't really have the proper elements here there's a 14k yeah that was over 30k there for the charged i gotta say that was a little bit faster though oh geez i totally forgot that there's a herald here i always forget about these things let's go ahead and just start with her olds i think he's super conducted yeah that was a ton of damage we got to kill the minions though i think they're both dead i guess water can do a little bit this shouldn't be a problem actually who needs pyro and then here we have the other one where we would have needed i believe ice uh by official i think we'll still have enough time though oh that is really slow though uh hurry up okay but yeah i suppose that'll pretty much do it tin tin tinka very pog make sure tell me what you think in the comments down below dropping like on this video enjoys always greatly appreciated as well also real quick just wanted to thank you guys we recently hit 350k subscribers that was my next milestone uh next i don't know let's just go for something boring like 400k 500 just feels way too off or we could do like a 369 you know 69 the funny number whatever subscribe if you want to if you enjoy the videos it's it's appreciating all that bye guys
Channel: Moga
Views: 811,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, keqing
Id: 4ftrYNUjHCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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