Sawed-off Shorty Double Barrel Shotgun

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70+ yards downrange, and that super short sawed-off is still scary as hell.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Ess2s2 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

Also really kind of surprised at the spread of shot in this video.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/vicxvr 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2016 🗫︎ replies
we have any more ammo yes 12-gauge gets the job done what's the Fountain of Youth let's try the other one oh that's too cool Oh somebody put our garbage can lid right in the way you believe that Pete Hill yeah Hickok 45 again having more fun that I deserve to have man don't hate me because I'm beautiful and I have all these cool guns issue you know what Christie Brinkley said actually I think she just said don't hate me because I'm beautiful she didn't have a lot of cool guys to shoot we definitely do today this is a remington spr I think for Spartan 220 F that's an imported they imported it from Russia made by my call and you'll notice we hacked off the barrel here before the video don't tell anybody just kidding done perfectly legally obviously or we would not have it this is from NC silencer thanks to NC silencer we have this jewel to experiment with and shoot alright I'd be careful on that grip right that's a pretty short barrel for a 12-gauge shotgun can you believe it it was actually cut off by paladin Armory Elliston Montana call it a bear claw how cool was that the bear claw the like all bear claws it is definitely a bear crawl all grizzly so let's just shoot some more what all did we shoot we have few things left the shoot I don't know if we'll shoot the gong with bird shot or not we might take a couple shots over there lay down here we can see it and while I reload magazines on the weymouth there's no magazines to reload so again we appreciate that entity silence they're bringing us along and the federal for supplying some food for it and we've got some field loads target loads will shoot and we got something double-aught buck you know just to make sure I get jarred around a little bit all right let's see what what happens there and we may do some other things with it later and all that but we wanted to bring it to you show you what we have as I understand I've never had a bike all before from Russia and my browsing around seeing what people say about them and I've kind of gotten away from them going to and shooting in cowboy action matches so I don't hear a lot of talk at the matches but people tend to like these they are well-made they they're solid there's a lot of steel in them I mean that's kind of the take I get on it although you do see mixed reviews some people who had trouble with them and don't like them all right but by and large my take on it is it's one of the better double shotguns out there now okay I mean in the four or five six hundred dollar price range if you're not gonna go up to fifteen hundred or two thousand dollars and get some old Parker Hale or LC Smith or some shotgun and hack it off you know so that's so the buy call is apparently a decent shotgun pretty wouldn't it must have some nice walnut over there in Russia and interesting well let's shoot it some more okay let's get you know what we're gonna do for you to hear well we shoot up the world too much let's get some double on book and let's let's show you a little bit about the show me and John because we really don't know we've not done again a little bit about the patterning what I'm gonna do here and forget to excited and far afield is the only always need a couple with this one uh we're gonna shoot we've got some paper set up here we put a target there you know one of our eBay targets I don't know fish anything left over to put on ebay but we stuck one up anyway I'm gonna shoot the top targets this one is at six yards which we've managed here to here believe it or not very scientifically six yards and the far targets are twice that far which it would be what 12 yeah 12 yards all right so we're 6 and 12 if your bedroom is bigger than that you got a big house but yeah that's just I was afraid to put those two bunch further away because I don't know this thing they spread so much and crazy we'll see alright so we're going to take a shot at each top target with this baby I'll go ahead and do a bug here alright I'll do the right barrel and see what kind of spread now there's a couple of 38 caliber holes on that but I'm a name for the paper okay now that one okay kind of patterns a little bit high but I see where they went you reckon we ought to put another one on there I think all those are on the paper actually I think most of those are - they're just towards the top okay it's a little bit higher than point of aim alright let's try the 20-inch barrel down of the Rossi just to compare I need two rounds we've got double lock book on both of these yes okay nine pellets actually we could count the pellets right see we got enough I'm on there to tell anything alright we're gonna shoot the bottom target all right and the far target bottom I'm gonna talk all right yeah maybe I better traipse down here a little bit and that's the the wad there so I don't know looks like there's a couple there so so yeah okay not bad that's would be a pretty good little pattern six yards and then the longer barrel is old get smoke coming out isn't it and that's sexy and you can see that that's not a very big group is it for a shotgun so the barrel length and in and of itself it makes a little difference here this is not to scientific like anything we do but just to give you an idea check out the other one here that's almost 36 feet so down here we've got with a long barrel you know we've got most of them are kind of on that paper and not a lot of spread similar to the other shotgun at six yards and that's here we've got 1 3 3 4 classic so a couple of might have gone over there 2 4 6 7 whatever ok yeah you'd get one on them 12 yards and that was with the short baby the SBS so that's a long way if we were inside your house you very likely don't have a yeah you might but you very likely don't have a place where you would not we're talking home self-defense here right it kind of implied how many places in your house are gonna be farther away than 12 yards like that so again as and we've done this a little bit more scientific method before and do more with us but but mainly another reminder while we had these out here that this because I have a short barreled shotgun cut off like that I can't just take out the world you know at five yards or ten yards so it's just kind of a reminder about that you see if we make John walk backwards that falling I do well to walk forwards that falling so this is the Rossy here and of course these are different shotguns and neither one has chokes or anything like that I think this is a cylinder bore but the Overland so I wanted to have this out here anyway just to show you the difference and so though we had it was just just do a little comparison and boy look at the difference close them up when you hack off a shotgun that far first of all you better have paperwork yes you want possibility of $10,000 fine and ten years in prison not worth it right my paperwork is right in my pocket here so that's that's quite a sight isn't it it's amazing I've always thought if I was going to ever get something a short-barrel you know NFA short barrel it would be a shotgun like this and so this is pretty cool it's nice to have the stock it would also be cool to have it that cut off like that when it so you wouldn't have that stock the logger to shoot but that'd be pretty cool well shoot a little bit more just wanted to shoot that enough to get it dirty duh okay let's try some double off here yeah I got a couple of these leaders left so let's put some double lock in here I'd like a double-barrel shotgun all right short or long uh-huh look we could use birdshot on those I'm gonna try both of those two leaders I was trying to save soaking our target there partly oh you know what it does print hi let me hold her down okay I'll shooting double-aught buck listen I okay that's interesting let me try some more I'm gonna shoot the same thing maybe I better get a whole handful of it I didn't I did not do that on purpose believe it or not part of it is this this little shotgun and uh you know I just being a little wary of it and everything but I don't know where they went but that's some evidence that you can miss you know with a shotgun even at that distance I'm shooting I was shooting at the 2-litre here on the dueling treat believe it or not alright okay it seems to print higher than where you hold I discovered that on these paper targets so let's just bring her down a little bit and quit embarrassing myself I need to hold on the bottom of it the same thing of course that was pretty far on out there I was shooting at that other one cool we might just have to attack it run it down part of that just knowing where where it's going let's try a couple birdshot get a little bit more spread hey more fun here's another one Oh God remember hold on the bottom Brittany I bet you I could take off some of those champion targets there let's see I mean I could take off with one shot i'ma back up a little bit okay maybe none they're pretty heavy actually so I might hit some shot in them nothing more fun than just playing you know playing I say playing safely with a shotgun I mean if you're not hunting how many what else is it it's shooting sports playing baseball playing firearms some people don't like that term there we go what concussion oh man anything with a shorter barrel gives you a little more blast whoo would you like to see that barrel I mean is that cool that's the entire shotgun Wow read owner's manual oh that's my problem and as a short shotgun now what's gonna have trouble getting it back there we go okay I can action okay yeah I don't know if it's dusty enough one thing I wanted to do too is throw a couple over there on the hill and see I'm gonna shoot towards the gong and see if we can tell anything about what sort of spread we get over there just for kicks just because we can Oh I'll aim to the right of the tires more or less or try to hit it in there I better aim at the Fallen targets that might put it there we're kind of high okay ah now what was our shooting short-term memory loss yeah I was double-aught buck I'll tell you what that's seventy and eighty yards and I don't want you shooting at me with it at that far away you know most people would just laugh at you oh you shot gun at 80 yards yeah that's really scary that's gonna really scare me well let's do that again now I've got my ears in and the blast from a shotgun you might even hear hit the gong there's a desperado if they're about to take a shot at you from the gong there's peles good deter hell I tell you I think I shall hire that time for any nice pretty nice again these require special you know paperwork and a stamp and your waiting period and in most states of their legal and it's just just an added requirement you know getting approval from your local law enforcement signed off on unless you have a trust establish you can go online you can find out everything you need about that at the NC silenced or a website or just it's just all over the web okay so if you are interested just just be aware and know you can't take your shotgun or your dad's shotgun and sawed it off like this it is a it really is a 10-year penalty or $10,000 I like maximum penalty so be aware of that oh good we've got a couple of pots let's see if we can get a little pot smoking with it all right got about that it's ought to be about the right spot I guess okay didn't smoke them too well but got him and we got one watermelon left what should we put on that watermelon we're going to be close enough I don't think it matters we split some seven and a half shot on him right here if I hold the right place he will go down whoa cowboy need the whole globe need the whole along with it just a little bit interesting what I'll do is take another shot the paper targets with some birdshot look why not with this thing see where they go if you've already seen and then plus the the holes will be bigger you can tell the difference let's just take some birdshot the top one I'm gonna hold a little bit lower now that I have a better feel for it a hold okay I put two on it I can see it's all over that shoot and see or whatever that is there Vince the colors target you can see that John gives a good look at I'll put one right here not much difference between birdshot and double-aught buck if you're close you don't get much spread devastating devastating anywhere I know that wasn't all that scientific it was just kind of a why not since we had this short barrel so that's probably enough fun with it for right now you will see it probably again because this is just too cool a piece not to shoot or some things and again this this gun has more names on it then you can imagine it's actually you SSG and EEA they're all kind of part of the same group of corporations best I know made by Mike all believe is pronounced and imported by Remington and it's a is one of their Spartan models this one to f4 function or something that's got the hammers you know I think it's maybe the only one with the hammer and these are real hammers by the way some of these guns have a a fake hammer it's just for cosmetic purposes you can see the firing pin in there I'll let it fall see it actually hits the firing pin and you know strikes the primer so these are these are real hammers they're not just there for looks there are some of these that have that and then you have your internal hammer and all that kind of thing okay so that's a interesting little shotgun and now I have to say lots of possibilities life is good [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: hickok45
Views: 3,413,386
Rating: 4.9255276 out of 5
Keywords: Baikal, Russian, Remington, 12 gauge, double barrel, shotgun, stagecoach, buckshot, birdshot, Remington 220F, Paladin Armory, coach gun
Id: 00IvKx6gGeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 09 2014
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