Pedersoli 20 gauge Howdah Pistol

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hey [ __ ] 45 here I'm going to show you how to shoot this thing oh there's another target over there hey just over the log so I wouldn't shoot him again no problem with that only cue shot yeah yeah Hickok 45 I wasn't sure how to do it but I kind of got the knack for how to how to work the thing and I'm going to show you how to work the thing now - okay and you've probably seen from the title that's just an extremely hilarious joke I'm I'm using there for the how the pistol okay I think it's empty if we saw it shoot twice it's probably empty right we don't need to check the chamber that's the cool thing about these you know they're empty if they fired I guess you could have such a light load or something you should be it could be so clueless you could not know it I don't know how that would happen or not but this is a double-barrel and it's called a house' and this is mine I didn't get it from buds for liquidy so many firearms and again appreciate buds help buds gun shop comm be sure you check out their website and look at all the cool stuff that they're doing and they do a lot for us and while you're thinking about it go down to the description and join the NRA at our our site if you are inclined to do that we really would like to see you as a member helps us helps the NRA and helps immensely the gun rights movement so please think about all those things and think about buying one of these for your concealed carry firearm how's that for an idea now this is a little different and I have looked at these things for years decades I guess I've been a little bit enamored by them whenever I see one in a magazine and an article or an actual gun at a gun show not that they show up very often but maybe an antique gun show place like that wow that's a definition of cool short shotgun or rifle whatever it is whether it's chambers 4570 or it's a shotgun whether it's percussion whether it fires cartridges just whatever it is it is so cool a pistol big pistol that shoots a lot of shot or a big bullet whatever the heck it is and that's kind of the definition of a how-to pistol all right now what this is firing is nothing that we got by the way from federal we appreciate Federals help and we normally are firing stuff they send us but I don't think they have this kind of stuff they might you know I need to actually check into a little bit more but I don't think they do caps and shot they might offer shot I need to check on that get some free shot done this is number four that's number seven and a half you know the wads and the whole nine yards so but anyway now how the pistol and it's now I'm going to be try to be safe with this baby well I am going to be safe with it but I need to kind of move it around a little bit and it's a little bit different to work with I've got my big ramrod I've got this rod that works for most things and it's best to load it from right here I'm going to use powder and a Dipper and just go at it like that and I'll just go and load it again while I'm talking how's that this is a pistol that was used fairly extensively riding on elephants and you might find it interesting I look it up what is google it and you find some neat information about this and lots of different variations of it but back in the evening late 1700s but especially in the 1800s Early 1900s if you were an explorer a soldier a hunter and Africa especially or India and you're an elephant Caravan or you're riding and one those big baskets up on the elephant which is called a how the by the way and that's where it gets its name well you're in the deep jungle hunting and guess what might just aside you look like dinner a tiger lion and I think you've ever noticed observe a housecat sometime or just cats at the zoo there's one characteristic they all share very very quick and so if a tiger came running up your elephant to snatch you for dinner you might have time to grab your rifle and get it in position so they would carry something like this and it was designed for close range to really basically ward off a tiger as much as anything that was the main purpose of it all right you're you're riding along there also whoa you know you've got something that's powerful they would use bucking ball which means a you know a combination of vigor pellets you know and or just a bullet a round ball or whatever it would fire it depending on the generation what year it was but they want something that would be effective in stopping a tiger all right and that's kind of where the that's the story on this thing and you see them around you might see an antique at a gun show or something and they're pretty interesting this one is a replica by Petter soli and made in Italy and I just thought you saw so calm I have one on one for a long time and just finally hit the bullet and I'm gonna put some powder in here and it's had time to cool off I'm going to load the left barrel first I've developed a kind of a pattern where I I do everything I'm going to do is the left barrel generally first that way I won't get mixed up because a [ __ ] mind is gonna close up the powder okay and over the powder you need to put a over powder wad and that would be this one right here okay get these wads so most of when I was at friendship at the black-powder shoot because I knew this was coming so I kinda got set up for it some of these are from love mics so they set up their mics black powder supplies or whatever is called man some I ordered I deaf in circle fly they've been making these for a long time too so this stuff is available so you push down the Awad over the powder okay and you're always kind of watching they can hear you all the way down as I've talked about extensively in muzzleloading videos so you can tell by how far it goes down really loads smoothly it's pretty nice also you see all this variation of wads if you have experience doing this you may do it differently I have been doing a lot of reading on it because this is my first muzzleloading shotgun I've always kind of wanted one so has John and so now we have one this and it's cool I've been enjoying it it's a lot of fun I've got to have a regular long one I really do it is neat and it just works so anyway there's different theories on it in the reading I've done I've run across about 18 different ways to load them I mean basically they're saying you got to have the powder in first then a wad to cover it up you don't want to burn through into the shot and and then you put your shot in you put a cushion wat it almost everybody uses the cushion wad between the powder and the shot and then over the shot you put another small card or just to hold the shot in there okay so it's basically that it's just a matter of people have different opinions and the shot and the size wad that they like to use and the way their gunpowder --nz if they're hunting or not and all that kind of thing so it can vary and then some people are minimalist they get by with fewer wads and it's just a there's just a lot of different ways to do it alright and I'm experimenting accuracy and I'm not try and hit a bird out of the air at 50 yards or anything like that I'm not hunting for this it really doesn't matter as much of course and even a shotgun if you're not hunting it's not quite as critical but anyway let's go so I got the powder and I put a card over the powder now goes my cushion wad a couple of these and I've lived these a little bit I'm soak them in ballast all kind of that helps keep the boar clean so put one of those in each muzzle and push it down that gives some cushion to the shot you know there's a lot of force pushing it out of there you don't want your shot generally to be to get deformed it flies better if it stays round so make sense all right now I've even read some people will put another card like over the cushion I talked to a guy friendship talks about using a lot of nitro card that's thicker card using extras of those he gets really good patterns at certain things using that doing those different things so lots of different ways to do it like I said but we've got enough we've got a cushion wad so now I'm going to put shot in oh let's see you know what I might just go and shoot some number four that's number four buckshot and I'm going to try to get it full side of perfect science then have to be not alowed the left barrel first there we go this is number four buckshot like I said the right barrel alright ooh dangerous looking stuff might work on a tiger and now we just need an overshot wad card and put those in there now I'm going to show you something else I'm going to put I don't know if it helps I'm going to put two of these over the left barrel okay they're kind of thin and they just hold the shot in there that's their main goal their purpose I'll tell you why I'm doing that second I want to show you something you've got to be careful about with these first of all you've got to be very careful to do the same thing and each barrel or not you know that's why I was always start with the last and watch what I'm doing you don't want to load one barrel twice or get twice as much powder in one barrel that's one of the things that could happen with a double barrel so you really want to focus and not have like two powder charges in one barrel and none in the other or something weird like that so you guys be careful about that and the other thing has to do with inertia when you shoot the first barrel which always fire the right barrel first then that pullback could release your shot okay it could move on you or a bullet whatever you have in there just just something that could happen that you want to check I have shot this a lot and I've been checking shooting one barrel at a time over and over and it just doesn't move with the watch I'm using it has not moved one iota and that left arrow okay so otherwise you might you have had your shot move out here your bullet to it could cut come loose under recoil and be out here then you've got that issue with the pipe bomb or what you don't want you know the powder having space between the powder in your your ball or your shot okay so I'm going to do this that way I did this a lot of different times I'll show you what I did and I recommend you do especially until you are certain absolutely that you're not going to have a problem with it based on the load you're firing your specific firearm and all that okay so I'm going to shoot just the right barrel I've got shot let's shoot the paper target all right let's see what kind of pattern we get from right here all right got the wad hit of course nice it worked I shot that number four bucket several things and it did patterns just nicely yeah even with this hand load now here's what I was talking about see the left barrel still loaded but there's no fire of course there's no cap so no way it can fire and the reason I didn't put a cap on it yet was because I want to come over here and check it the cap went had any damage I just wanted to be checking it so yep it's still down had moved a bit all right so it's one two double check that is to show you that's something you want to do okay until you're certain yours works without doing that all right what we just take off another 2-liter here won't we use the correct trigger low I was pulling the right barrel which is the front trigger and I know better than that that's why all shotguns are you know the forward trigger operates to the right barrel okay so that's just a safety thing you want to be aware of okay I'm so glad this one doesn't have an issue with that now if I were to change my wadding or if I bought a new batch of cards and wads and things I might want to recheck that you know maybe they're not quite as tight or something who knows okay I'm going to do what I do every now and then I grab my full length of ramrod this is for a 58 caliber so it comes in handy with this 20 gauge works pretty cool and just run a patch in there although I don't think I really have to it doesn't clog up a lot one advantage I guess of this this replica is I think this one's chrome lined the barrel is I know they're full-length shotguns are all that and they just don't get too bad too bad shape so it's pretty neat let me take that out while I'm at it let's see show you how its put together here just take this pin it's really stiff it's I'm glad it is take the barrels off a tank trouble would be one way you could clean it in fact just take them off and soak it in the bucket of water whatever you want to do and a little system here for getting that out without scratching my barrels it is tight and I'm glad it's tight it's the way I want to think there you go so pretty much what you'd expect the percussion gun it's a percussion pretty wood and I've always of all the reproduction muzzle loaders and such I've always been of the opinion that the Pettis ollie was probably I guess no no if it's a premiere but it's one of the premiere maybe the premiere muzzle loader manufacturer they just make good guns and they're many of them they just look good these good wood and all that sort of thing least the ones I've seen so that's what you got right there and it's got a weight on the end to kind of a counterweight just to add to it but the whole thing is pretty heavy it's like 400 US four well 4/3 pounds like that so it's got plenty of way to absorb the recoil you could load it up pretty hot I'm just using I've actually recommend about well it was like 36 Grange or something like that a powder which is really anemic healing anemic load most people I've read online or using 15 60 70 you know grains but again travel at your own risk you know be careful I'm using sixty right here I was using 50 and I cranked it up a little bit one of the things in my learning experience here about muzzleloading shotguns was that that most of the time the same amount of you load the same amount of powder as you do shot my volume not by weight but by my volume so you can use the same dipper this is an antique one a student got me that back in 1973 when I started teaching it was funny I wouldn't even sure what it was but he knew I was into shooting and that's really what that is I used it for a couple of days that I realized with a smaller container these that are made for that kind of work better the way they're kind of cut but uh I use that some too but anyway so that's kind of weird and as I've told you before in mostly loading videos black powder is not quite as critical even though it's highly ignitable unlike smokeless powder you can very like I could load ten grains in here in fact we did or before we started John we put about ten or fifteen grains of powder in messing around like it load you 50 or 60 or 70 it doesn't make a lot of difference except you know it's more powerful other than the well more recoil but you've got to make sure the ball or the shot whatever it is it's all right against the powder okay that's the most important thing much more so than how much powder you use with black powder alright so so we've shot some shot I'll start out with some southern half shot and shot some number four let me show you what else we'll do before we run out time you have to run to dinner another cool thing about this okay you don't even have to shoot that like I say the buck and ball the bigger shot is a combination of that was useful I think pretty popular when you were riding in the house uh and we're trying to ward off any Tigers quickly running up the elephant but then they also had bullets they used the bullet rounds all the kind of thing - one thing you can do is you can load a ball a patch ball in it of course these are six ten for that inner so new size got these recently - these are gal 610 610 thousands so sixty caliber okay trying to confuse you alright so we load a couple buttons pretty versatile doubt about it and you know there's a lot of really cool firearms from back in the 1800's of course one of the most commonly used by on the frontier that was a shotgun because of this versatility you can load a ball you get load shot of area sizes your I am left barrel remember I try to stick to that and also pay attention while I'm doing so I've got powder in two different barrels then put it all in one barrel okay now up class what goes on next yes you're correct the over the powder card okay now you can use these nitro cards they are thicker and maybe I'll use those okay you don't want that fire blowing by you know let's put those in there and most of the experimentation is done by hunters and I talked to a fellow that actually competes for the shotgun up at friendship okay you know the national shoot there and so if you're doing that sort of thing are you hunting a lot with it then it's really important to experiment with a lot of different sorts of loads and because anything you do I've used a smaller cushion wad even like I'm about to put in here over the powder it could give you a different pattern and that kind of thing so you just want to experiment a lot I've learned nothing dangerous I kind of know the things to think about but we're I don't hunt I shoot for fun what a good patterns then you know I'm just kind of enjoying this the history of it and all that I also learned that if you've got choke if you got choked the barrels screwin chokes it's harder to get these cards in there thought of wanting part of that when I get a regular full length shotgun it's going to be like this it's not going to be choked because I don't want to deal with that I don't need it I'm not going to hunt with it all right so I've got the cushions in there and you could even put another card over that if you wanted you know before you put the bullet or whatever you're doing and you know what I did yeah I put the cushion in and I didn't really need to for the ball but it won't hurt anything it won't hurt anything so I'll go ahead and load a ball because I wanted to show you that you could load anything you want okay because if you're if you're shooting ball basically it's like it's very similar to a just a puzzling rifle from a lot of ways the way you load it although you know come to think of it maybe a lot of people do go ahead and put the cushion wad in there doesn't hurt these balls are big enough there you get a nice snug fit but they still work I don't think I even need the small part of that yeah it's good and I'm going to push that on down while I'm thinking about that's so important yeah good it goes all the way down that's exactly the the amount of friction I want on the one so hard that's tough to load because you generally need to support these with one hand when you're doing all this you know you could get a stand that kind of thing but it's nice to be able to just go ahead and load it there we go like I say these reproductions this putter solely is believe its chrome line it's got a nice smooth bore so it makes that easier now you don't need an over shot wad like this like I did on the other loads because you have no shot in there you said one big ball all right all right let's see if they're really in there okay now I have shot a couple of these and I won't hit anything today right because you're on the camera but I hit the cowboy my first shot with one right in the center and then I shot low on him on the next shot but but they didn't work and it's not like some crazy unbelievably inaccurate of round or anything okay Clark I'm putting those hammers even down on it make sure it's tight you know seated right okay I put them on half [ __ ] all right so we've got some 60 caliber balls here now let's uh let's shoot let's try the stop sign and see where it goes the lead ball of course when the smoke clears look at that right no sinner Wow okay and I'll try the cowboy this is where I shot low that left barrel I don't know that there's a big difference I'll hold up a little bit okay well I probably flesh on the first nice nice so we turn it into a rifle well not really a rifle but it will shoot without anything about anything and of course one thing we're going to do I know you just won't be happy if I don't do it okay and that is yeah shoot both barrels at one time Wow should I crank the powder down a little bit let's make sure it's clean here see look at that it's a good shape I think I can probably handle that load will shoot one sheet some shot okay and I will shoot those barrels at the same time because when you have two triggers you can do that okay one thing you probably notice I have pipe cleaners out here all the time we're doing most loading stuff and that stuff for the nipple make sure they cleaned out and everything you just run in there I use them what I'm cleaning the firearm at we're finished that okay Carol you don't have problems but it's just nice to have everything you need all right and again hammer the hammers are cocked or knife there's no cap on those nipples this thing cannot fire okay cannot fire okay all right so and you definitely aware you know we're not smoking cigarettes you notice we've got black powder exposed here but a lot of ways that's even safer because you know if there were a spark in here you know it's just going to flash there's no grenade in my hand or anything so I probably could do this is when I'm choosing the rifles wouldn't matter boy I go full load all right a powder close that up take on spit some fire or something ah all right let's put it over the powder card in there we could just shoot blanks right be no problem put the cards down on there and put the caps on and be a nice blank I know that wouldn't kick too much all right cushion rods up one find him those down on the powder now you might not even have to put the over powder card if you're using those cushions island some people do some people don't again I'd rather err on the side of having too many cards in there and otherwise alright got the cushion in that we need shot okay you know it could now go to I'm tough I can okay I won't worry that I pulled it and left barrel right barrel okay over powder now here we don't have this you've at all look over shot the thin ones don't have that issue at all because I'm going to pull both barrels at the same time right so it's not going to be a problem other than my hand made this is really fun I have thoroughly enjoyed doing this the last few days I can't tell you that's what's one of the cool things that I said before about the shooting hobby the sports there are so many different kinds of shooting what you got skeet shooters you got long-range benchrest shooters you got muzzle loading a bunch of different aspects of that where people compete with handguns different sorts of handguns that are muscle loaders or black-powder shotgunning rifles long range I mean you've got so many different disciplines and types of firearms and the history that there's just no end to it and Here I am at my age my gosh I'm almost 35 years old and I am just now discovering the joys of shotgun muzzle loaders and thoroughly enjoying it and already have plans to get a real shotgun because I just could I'd like these things are so cool in the history of them I didn't expect it to be so much fun the loading of it and everything so I don't know I guess there's no hope for me right that's what it comes down to okay oh man did I really say I was going to shoot two barrels at once I guess I did and there's a two-litre sitting right here in front of me looks like a likely target yeah he does uh yeah let's shoot him okay and it's going to kick a little more but it won't hurt you all won't hurt you all a bit if I get a good grip on it maybe it won't hurt me maybe you could see me bleed again like you did in the what was at the HK DP 9sk or whatever video all right I got a good handle on it here we go I wasn't too bad let's do that oh hey I wonder why I just got one of them oh man I didn't get that other one pull let's put it on this target no let's shoot that stuff right there we'll do a double barrel the next time well unless we really want do we really need to do it you think John I think we do okay well let's do it John wants to see me hurt he wants to see me hurt he is determined to see me in pain Wow okay here we go then let's get some powder let's see was there anything else was burning down you're cooling off yeah just a pretty gun basically two triggers you got to wait back here the barrel makes it front heavy no doubt about when you hold it like that oh boy nothing front heavy but you know for the intended purpose you know this this this would have gotten the job done as long as you could get a shot on the tiger you know so keep you from being eaten now again they didn't use these for hunting Tigers I don't know if anybody's ever hunted Thai yes they have this is self-defense basically while riding on the elephant okay and they were in all sorts of configurations depending on the times and then even got into the 1900s there were other things you know like really nice powerful revolvers that you could carry and load fast and all that sort of thing cartridges so this sort of thing became less you know important they would even cut off old rifles and double barrel shotguns all sorts of things to use for that purpose well you can imagine the horror of being one of those baskets on a tiger comes running up at you so so so quick they're so quick I don't have to tell you that if you observe the cat I've got a couple of cats I can tell you they are quick all right over powder cards I'm sure they're the same yep bamboo and cushion I don't think that cushion wad provides me any cushioning but does for the shot I'd hate for the shot to get deformed again for the purpose of this none of that really mattered much you just wanted a lot of blasts at close range good to anti carjacking pigs wouldn't it alright let's see what else now all right I guess whoever puts shot it I should have just skipped the shot you would have never known this run you wouldn't have known the difference he's written about a difference a couple of grains got away pick up a couple more all right now what's not greens all right over shot yeah in some ways this is well there are more steps I guess but in some ways it's simpler than loading a muzzleloading rifle it all goes down pretty easily and sort of time main things get to watch the right size the cards as I understand a lot of the old antique shotguns you really need to check them out if you get one slug it or not slug it but figure out the size of cards you need there are people who make going both these companies Mike's whatever it's called and circle fly I think they they have on almost every size you can imagine 19 gauge just right on down a line because if you buy an old gonna supposed to be a 10 gauge it might take a size 11 card or a size 9 there's a lot of variants variation there all right so we're loaded right I've got the over powder cards in there down correctly if I didn't get them in just what you'd be pouring out and it's not so alright let me try again couple on I'm on half [ __ ] I just didn't coordinate the pulling of the triggers I've done a lot of that before I just never had that problem before I guess I've never tried it on a shotgun pistol alright okay well you know let's just do it on this paper all right Rocky maybe something left there to put on ebay knows alright we focus now got two triggers to pull two triggers three to okay it was a little bit of an interval there but they both went off all right I think some of it got on there oh man it's cool I guess if a tiger were really after you you will need to have this in his face you know and maybe when one that sort of cold load up at the same time you might want to say one in case you missed or you I don't know because you know when something is that close even though it's a little shotgun like this it's easy to miss it you know because it doesn't spread that much at three feet five feet so I guess that's probably enough shooting you're getting hungry for dinner and so are we anything else about this anything I know like I say there are so many different variations depending on the year they started out as flintlock you know and shot they put shot in them some people put bucking ball but ball in when they were chambered for bullets cartridges you say you'll see all sorts of I think there's somebody that makes well maybe it's better solely mixed one in forty five seventy somebody does you know I have seen them but I've always liked them and it's it's cool I'm really glad that I decided to get this instead of a cartridge one because it's it introduced me to muzzleloading shotgunning and that is it's just fun a lot of fun and also by the way at least in Tennessee in three states this was shipped right to my door now I don't have an FFL with a muzzle loader you notice there's this much less crazy regulation you know so it's pretty neat that's what you need so the Halden it's a h o WD aah like that's right how4 in the title here i am telling you that but yeah it's a pistol based on the what they called those those baskets and contraptions that people rode in Hunter soldiers you know explorers or whatever in those elephant caravans or hunting whatever in you through the jungle and to ward off wild attacks from wild cats primarily against I don't know what else would climb up there's that quickly and being that much of a threat probably not a hippo right but boy a cat could be on you and and instead we all know that just sit around look at your cat if you have a cat or somebody else does and think about that cat being about 300 pounds or 500 pounds and what he could do so the held epistle I know you probably thought it was just for anti carjacking but it actually has some history behind it and it's been fun to to shoot it and kind of introduce it to you if you're not familiar with it appreciate you supporting us and our supporters you know NRA and buds and SDI and federal we're some lucky dudes and this is just a lot of fun life is good well hope you guys enjoyed that because I know I sure did well I've got two here I wanted to let you guys know about our friends over SBI this Sonoran Desert Institute they are a fully accredited online distance learning program or you can be certified and gunsmithing and you can also get an associates degree in firearms technology and they also do a lot of work with veterans they accept the GI bill they also have hands-on experience even though it's a distance learning program so this one let you guys know about them also you can find them at SDI edu that's the Sonoran Desert Institute also just want to let you guys know we have merchandise now so if you want to buy any it got 45 merchandise you can go over to our store the link is in the description of every video and there's also a link kind of on the header of the main channel page that the main youtube channel and so we've got that and also if you want to find more of our content and other places it's everywhere you can go to full 30 com we have most of all of our videos over there you can also find us on Facebook Hickok 45 Facebook you can find Hickok 45 on Instagram I think it's the real Hickok 45 over there and then also on twitter is Hickok 45 and then me the Sun the and son John Hickok you can find me at Hickok 45 and Sun on YouTube I also do a podcast called gun culture radio what you can find on that YouTube channel and also on iTunes and there's also a John Hickok Facebook page which you can find a link to on the Hickok 45 and son channel page there's a link over there and that's all I can think about for now it's a lot to digest so you're going to want to think about that for a little bit and then watch one of these other videos it's like down there over there somewhere because some of these look pretty good
Channel: hickok45
Views: 2,215,775
Rating: 4.8874454 out of 5
Keywords: Pedersoli, double barrel, percussion, 20 gauge, Howdah, elephant, Howdah basket, tigers, safari, Africa, India, hunting
Id: JH3HTuDgjSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 16sec (2296 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2017
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