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make this thing just [Music] pop everybody's going to be so mad at us dude it's good it is so good she's tough dude oh my God we've got a special one here for you guys today this one may be a little easier than our last couple which is somewhat good news and somewhat bad oh my gosh as you see behind me we have something that looks real nice it is a 1953 Ford Custom line story behind the old girl you know again on Facebook Marketplace and uh the ad basically said hey um selling this for my grandmother my grandfather just passed away and this was one of his pride and joy vehicles um well you know you look around you had a lot of Pride Joy vehicles but this was one that was basically recently on the road and before he got sick about about 3 years ago um he used to drive this very frequently and uh it was one of his Beauties I said hey what does it need blah blah blah blah it sounds like it'll be a really easy will it run but it hasn't ran in those 3 years so we're going to do a roll quick once over check it all over and then we have big plans for this car we want to make this thing cool so let's just walk around and let's see what she's all got to her I've stopped here once before and kind of took a look at it really quick just to make sure it was something I want we're not far from home this isn't going to be a hard will run drive home but uh this ain't going to be an engine swap this ain't going to be no engine swap but this will be a really interesting video for you guys to kind of we got some budget build details that's kind of our plan here we didn't pay a lot for this vehicle for what it is and I feel like we got a really good deal so gives us a good opportunity um to throw some items at it that I purchased and that will make this thing just pop and it be a really sweet say I don't know what do you want to say like a car show car yeah not in the car shows but it'll really be a really sweet car show car she's had a repain she's a very ugly I don't know what do you want call Copper bronze yeah copper kind of thing it's a really ugly copper um body is is myth you say say the least it's it's we've got a lot of bubbling on the roof um we we'll do something to take care of it spray pain the fenders have a little bit of rod in them I would call this the perfect daily driven vehicle this is to me is perfect it's not too showy not too uh not too crappy just it's just all in all really sweet rig so this is a twodo which is really the only things I like to buy cuz I don't like four-doors um hate me if you want but I don't like four-doors like the two doors this is the twood door sedan so it has the big back window not the cute little uh Business Coupe look you get what you get nowadays is the sad part because business CPS are just oh so expensive one thing I really liked about this generation of vehicle is just how flowy it is like this I'd call this the fender extraction it's super flowy with the vehicle as well as you come around to the back it's got the little little bullets in the back so it's a super super cool vehicle for the era the guy told me he had the receipts and did show me she's got a new fuel tank she's got a new exhaust system and I didn't see any receipts for this but I would fathom to guess the best part about this vehicle okay there's that one there we go right there look at that that is a beautiful old flathead V8 from what I know Ford started producing the the V8 or flathead V8 in the early 1930s um I'm not the guy to give history lessons as you guys know but 1930s and then this is the last year of the flathead V8 I was really hoping it was the Next Generation like the yde block but I was slapped to my senses really quick when people you know you talk about the yde block and it doesn't have the best rep but yeah this Flathead I think has been messed with in uh recent years because it's the heads are all painted up nice no they're not like edel Brock Speedy heads but the engine bay itself clean very clean very clean and that's the best part about it should we just get into it or do we want to look inside let's look inside so something really F really cool I think about this car is this like what kind of carpet is this actually that's vinyl dude that's like a rubber I didn't even check the I didn't even check the floor pans well jez they not bad oh don't grab the screwdriver we we still got some left she's got insulation in her oh we got the air hole still oh man this is sweet but this is really nice and I think it's some hillbilly hog ring it so we won't do anything with those but we also have some stuff to touch up inside which is going to be sweet for you guys to see um but yeah these seats aren't bad look at that came with a book again we can read while we're broke down the side of the road it's not Twilight this time she's a little three-speed on the column do you know how to drive that Alex I don't actually I bet I figure it out and roast something the good news is is I can drive it so not well but I can drive it that's a I'll drive the truck that's fine that hard but on this vehicle we didn't bring many new parts cuz I don't think it's going to be too big of an issue so we're just going to do some fiddling honor make it happen let's see if I can find some keys in this little girl they said they're going to leave in the visor hey didn't get lied to you this time this car did come with a clean title what about that and the keys this might be our nicest one yet oh look at that fulls size spare what with a nice Tire oh wow and it's not rotted in the bottom too you think that's the original bumper Jack too yeah I think it is really oh and there's a classic smell of every old new car old car moth balls look at that literature oh nice huh so she was kind of a goldener day so may here's no way this is the original color we got red here too we just got all kinds of stuff happening make for some cool patina wink wink trunk is good I think that's look at that floor so I think she needs a little air in a couple tires which we have taken care of too but I think we're going to try to just the way it sits I think we're going to try to drive it to the shop and then we'll get to the actual episode let's just go and go get a jump starter on that battery cuz they said that they were trying to get it to run earlier and they couldn't get it to run so we're just going to check the oil and see if we've got spark and we'll just let her rip we have our jump pack that is a 6vt or or 12vt working system somehow it's more intelligent than us this battery's been plugged in probably quite some time we're hopefully not going to burn up the system and this gets stupid and 12vt so this whole thing is 6vt it won't really matter if I'm being honest with you guys because we have plans for this anyway and it's already been purchased is what I'll say I'm going to pop the top off that distributor I'm going to have Alex jump on inside and give her some turning over that's a weird place to put a key like here yeah dude all the way on the left side welcome to the old Vehicles so another way to tell that somebody actually cared for this thing she still got oil in the oil bath this is the first vehicle that is damn near original that I've seen that is this well taken care of I'm going to take this off just for now go and turn it over make sure you put the clutch in so I don't die oh go ahead go ahead oh go again go ahead oh yeah she's a sparker very slow so since it's 6V this thing is slower than molasses and that is why we're going to do one of our upgrades cuz neither you nor I have enough life left to wait on this thing to turn over Let's uh let's spray some Goods down the old uh carburetor get this distributor cap back on looks like these plugs are even pretty decent decently new so I'm not going to worry about checking those um one thing I'd really like to do is change these battery monstrous lugs out that could be another reason why we're losing voltes cuz these are just so thick I know that sounds stupid but I think when stuff is that thick I think well that's another issue we got to get some new battery cables on her that's for sure somebody somebody already knew D rare death reps was coming look at that start sanding that right away yeah sanding with my fingers my Tacoma has that every oh man so these are actually back in the day when we did the the Power Wagon video I was actually right on the day I just want to point that out those were from like what like 09 we were like 10 years old or something around there yeah so these are actually a 2018 Tire oh damn so that would have been a little bit before that threeyear parking time dude these are I this is crazy we got a damn good deal so what's this so that is actually where the oil filter is at um which we probably should check we're not going to the oil what is this random wire what the heck oh my gosh dude she's a little dark and she's got a little gas in her so that we're going to add that to the list I think we'll be just fine to get home what I was reading is obviously most people are going to put sa3 in it and that is like as thick pretty common in oil as you could get in the old days so I'm not really worried about this losing its like you know viscosity on keeping the motor lubricated so we'll drive it that 50 miles and then we'll change whatever we got to change I think I got one of those on order so that's perfect I even ordered a fuel pump we're not going to need that obviously we already had a little though that's nice yeah she's doing a lot better than the javelin for sure my gosh this is this is a n day difference I think this like I said this car has had like even look down you look down here and there's like brand new brake lines already right there this is just well yeah it's been messed with three years ago so other than 20 this is uh this is going to be we're having an easy time but the budget thing is going to be the the most of this video so obviously watch this video but if you guys uh have any recommendations on how to hop up a flathead V8 let us know cuz I think this would be a really cool thing on the channel for us to do some Flathead work and make maybe tell me something I don't know as much as much as I think I know I I might not I think she has a little bit less than 200 horse can we get 250 horse out of this kind of thing just tell me down in the comments I'd like to know and you old boys let me know and teach me something go ahead oh my gosh dude what the heck go ahead oh just [Music] H oh my gosh no way so yeah I mean I what can you say the guy said that it did run two three years ago so I think uh I think this one's this already shows you look at that Flathead that thing runs better than the javelin hey all right let's get some let's get the gas tank from the pickup fill it up cuz we're just going to pray that whatever is left in the tank is still good oh that's so Alex this is a good chance for Alex to know this is an oil bath so he used to use oil baths to separate from the filter so everyone knows I was a regular child I didn't have to smell cotton balls or whatever all day basically let's just get this straight right now Alex did not work on old cars until he met Sean which was back in 18 yeah and I don't even really know what I'm doing ever because I just I just wing it you don't even know what bre rotors are I don't even know what rotors are what is this got this must have four-wheel disc people get my goat I'll tell you what everybody's just a freaking expert all I don't know nothing I don't know nothing so after our last video we went out and bought one of these guys I call it like an ATV motorcycle fil jug back in the day but I'll tell you what this thing is 99% better than those stupid Red Jug so 20 bucks hey to your local monards shout out to the Midwest get yourself one of these suckers cuzz it makes life much easier that's so much easier look how fast that goes don't you wish we would have bought one of these years ago oh yeah plenty of years ago would make it better if they had another hand right here I guess we got to make some right and start inventing and selling maybe we should actually make people buy useful stuff rather than t-shirts and stuff and tea tags that' be cool maybe we should invent actual items do you guys want to see gas tank daily driven best trp merch let us know what we can brand that you guys would rather buy than stupid apparel just a bunch of different car silhouette nuggets that' beet that would be pretty cool she there's 2 and2 gallons just like that so we'll pray cuz we only R half tank that here's a little bit of varnish left in the tank that will clog up the carburetor and uh also pray that we make it 20 mi into town oh oh dude it's pulling gas hell yeah dude can we get the lift off the ground listen to this thing though it sounds good even back here like check out the exhaust it sounds pretty good is that she's got one little misfire um do we have lights oh do no way do the back work no way dude oh yes sir um is it out of gear so how do you tell it's like an H pattern so there's uh so pull it towards you and up is reverse pull towards you down is first away from you second and then third so it's out right now let go then push the brake oh my gosh take camera do it [Music] again oh Jesus she's running rich oh yeah go do it again oh my gosh dude soak up the views real quick boys and girls I would say this to me you know right now it's just kind of a meh you know you see uh this exactly what it is you'd see your grandfather driving this around um do a car show you know all original almost just kind of me look at that gosh dude whereas now this thing is going to be so cool very excited I can't believe the headlights work just wild to me also it is charging that is why the obviously it's still running we have the jump pack off so generator works again it don't it won't have to work for long we'll explain when we get to the shop so I think we just cuz we're running out of daylight let's just jump this on the road so we can go and have time to go get our materials and drive back what do you think should we explain what we're going to do when we get the materials yes we don't need to know now I'm scared for my arm not even any new parts well you know we won't get lucky like this next time next time we'll be putting an engine in a adoped 240Z in Africa or something in Africa oh don't look at these this is the same set we've had for every vehicle we've done well they just look good on everything yeah do I think smoothies are actually the most versatile versatile you'd ever get just look at that sucker over there I don't know know way all right let's hop on the Old Highway and probably have to grab some fuel somewhere I'll make sure you don't fall apart somehow I'm going to do a little check and see what we actually got working here and what we don't so we already figured out the lights work it does not look like our instrument cluster oh we have something going on so it must be that marker lights working see if the wipers work it's a bad idea most no it looks like the rubber's good usually you don't want to do this cuz you'll scratch your window all the do the vacuum Works to it no way air I don't that's just for the vent for the floor interior lights no lighter I don't want to test that just in case I don't know would even pull a choke well maybe and that is freed up that is crazy most time those are all stuck last thing radio check nothing super cool radio though shout out Stars and Stripes clock it's not six o' and it's not moving plus we got horn oh my gosh that works oh damn horn works all right well here we go first time oh clutch might need a little adjustment I think here we [Music] go yeah clutches little adjustment throttle is really crispy so need to get moving that 2 and 12 gallons of gas will go quick I don't what these get for gas mileage wonder if it's a Prius all right we are going to be on our way now here we go we got a little bit of dirt roading and we'll be right back on it say goodbye to your resting place little fellet Jubilee if these gauges are working looks like we have some charge looks like if that oil pressure gaug that's crazy there's no way that's working temperature gauge is looking good fuel gauge those never work so I want to guess we're probably about empty see what she does on the highway here we go this is third she wanders a little bit like every old car wow oh my gosh guys you know I think the old boys the older generation they always kept so much better care of these old [Music] Vehicles than anybody nowadays and I will totally agree my generation is the worst at it but this is incredible and this is an incredible vehicle for 53 to be we're on the highway going well 45 can we get up to the road 55 here we are she just feels [Music] great so she's a little unhappier and we're still keeping up with the speed limit but having a little issues um I think she's just getting some of that old gas wrapped up in the old carburetor or something cuz we're kind of doing a little bit of jolt back and forth once in a while it could just be draw blowing the old you know cobwebs out of her so that could be the reasoning there so I'm not going to worry just yet but should be getting to a gas station here soon the door water jackets are leaking this whole Top's kind of wet so probably want to address that before we do anything strenuous but uh we'll also figure that out as we go and I might also just be some residual moisture from that drip in there with the humidity coming up oh gosh there's a cop I'm so screwed that's my truck so let's just pray that he doesn't get out of the way and there's a cop right there oh she pulls really bad to the right on the brakes didn't say that yet but we we good cop is uh is behind Alex so uh we might make it we're in the hometown so I st of thought that cop was going to turn around around and give her the uh give me the beans dude she did phenomenal I mean after made that first gas station stop started right back up and right back on the road so 50 Mi easy on the old girl um some the old boy that had it really took care of it and I think that really shows with our little drive right there so we are going to get ready to uh we're going to go get some items really quick before gets dark and then uh even after dark we might have to do some of the work out here not to kind of give it away yet but we'll have to do a little bit of stuff outside and then we can roll it in the stop and start doing our uh our special stuff we want to show you guys so you'll see us here in a couple seconds we'll tell you what we're going to do and then I'll be it this is going to be a weird place for two guys looking all dirty like hey fabric store what are we looking for where am I Bridal L this is really good I thinking we're going to need something like this though because actually has Home Improvement swore baby he's itchy yeah can I have a mix double [Music] [Music] please and you're good actually sounds really good it sounds really nice I wonder what's under this thing I've had some glass packs squeaky try to secr you'll see what we have bought for uh this thing's makeover so the main thing we are doing to this vehicle is we have these fellas you all know what that is this is a 3 and 1/2 in uh low block that's about as Extreme as you can get um for uh basically stock vehicles without doing anything crazy with the um drive shaft angle then we've got these fellas okay and this right here is something I did a little bit of research on before uh you know before wouldn't picked the vehicle up so we had them these are Aerostar band Springs now if you listen to everybody online these fit this vehicle and it lowers it about I think it was like the consensus was about 2 in I wish it went about 2 and a half so we'd match the back but we're going to have a little bit of a rake which is kind of fine just in case we drag some oil pan worst case scenario we have to go out to the shop and Heat this up and we have to uh get it a little bit further down now I've also read if you do that then your lower control arm starts to hit your frame you don't want that either lowering it that's our first piece of the puzzle tonight since we got back a little late I'm going to I'm going to tackle the front end also going to tackle the rear end the next thing in our process tomorrow will be to make a lace top this is something I've always seen even when I was a young guy I seen at car shows and I always thought it was really cool how they would do lace like paint schemes on the roof and we uh we have the perfect vehicle to do it in all honesty we're not going to do anything extreme we're just going to do a kind of a ghost lace is what I'll call it and uh it will it will transform this majorly I'll tell you what so after that we are going to fake patina this now fake patina I mean we're are going to uh go on these rails and we're going to sand anything that we think the sun would have hit and turned into a patina look that's what we're going to we're going to kind of go for something like that we'll extend this a little bit wider um and experiment as we go but this is going to be somewhat of a learning experience for not only us but we're also going to show you what not to do and what what to do so this will give us a very good uh chance to learn um it will give you a very good chance to what you might not want to know and what you do want to know after that um obviously we're going to have some exposed areas we did pick up obviously you can see we did pick up gentleman's uh um clear coat and we would like to uh try it out and then we're going to clear coat this whole vehicle we're not going to spray it we're going to try wiping it off after that we'll step into the interior and we'll get the carpet in it and maybe we'll even go pick up some some beauty pieces for maybe some door panels and this guy right here Mexican blanket is that what it's actually called yeah that's what it's called or drug rugs we can try a different thing so here's plenty of options there we'll do that something that I really wanted to do that we're going to do later on with this vehicle is do a flamethrower so here's a just fits the vibe something that I've always seen at car shows of specifically one car show we go to guys put big old flamethrowers on the back of these cars so you rev up the car one more boom and it'll just blow belch a big old flame out the back that won't help probably happen this episode and maybe we can participate next year we will participate in that we'll participate in a bunch of different things come May that is my full goal um and we'll have a very large event we'd like to let them know what it's called it's called torque Fest vintage torque Fest in debuk Iowa um if you guys see this video this gets a lot of views it' be awesome um you can see us probably at that event and you come support us and or not support us if we have things uh go downhill again this will be there as long as that little Flathead keeps on running as good as she does and you'll get to see what we turned out with all right guys I wanted to do really quick um a measurement to see how tall both the front and rear are before we start doing these modifications just to see if we actually end up making this uh better worse or somewhere in between all right right there we got 25 and A4 all right looking like directly behind 1678 okay so here's what we got going on Alex is unpackaging we're on jack stands we're looking good we have uncovered some interesting things as of yet so I didn't know this and I did not look at the motor in the front but right now we've uncovered that we have a fuel pressure regulator some kind of fuel pump we're looking at and then uh obviously filter filter is not a big deal that tank looks to be original guys like very like that is definitely the original tank um we still have the original undercoating it's flaking off but in reality this car is extremely solid for what it is and then this pack here she still does have the OG brake lines but she does have new shocks and then you see that shiny pipe up in there that is the new exhaust with a glass pack so that is very good news that's exactly probably what we would end up doing with the exhaust next thing being is U these uh these rotors are a little rough but you mean DRS yeah me Dr from here on out I'm you're so mediocre I'm going to continuously call these rotors because it just makes everybody so infuriated last video called him rotors once in the first two seconds of the video and we got called mediocre cuz we are we have brand new rubber brake lines in the front here one of 17 so that's fantastic and then we have a new uh steel line there and then if you look down here we have a gas leak so we have some kind of a fuel leak coming from that crass right there so we might be doing a little bit of fuel sourcing there and maybe changing to a rubber fuel line coming from the tank I don't know we'll see what's going on it's uh it's it's been peeing pretty good front lowering springs wise I think all I'm going to have to do is this pivot shaft it looks like looks like I should all I need to do is undo this monstrous bolt bring that out and then the lower control arm drops the everything down so we're going to pray that I can drop it down far enough where I don't need to take the brake line off but if we do it's uh not the end of the [Music] world here's probably a better way to do this also you can take the bottom knuckle loose from the lower control arm the next thing you're going to see me talk about is telling you to take the top bolt off the upper control arm don't do that you live and learn you know you're young and you don't know what you're doing and then you know what you're doing after you duck it up and now we're going to do the wrong thing and see if we get the spring to kill one of this it's like you know it's a game I got this knuckle down looks like we just unthread the top knuckle and uh basically un threads out of that upper control arm which is or upper a arm which is fantastic only bad part about this whole process is I had to end up pulling that brake line should be fine it's got a whole new rebuild kit in it which it looks like so should bleed just fine and come back to life just as fine so just look how clean this guy is and a little bit of rot right there but other than that a lot of the original undercoating is still underneath this vehicle for an Iowa car this is insane all right for you folks that are doing the back it's a lot more easier than the front all you have to do is take this bottom plate out and put the new U bolts in there and Jack the Pumpkin up and then slide the the spacer right in between there and boom you're done and if you're doing the front like Sean you have to do all this except you get Hazard pay all right guys so we were having some phenomenal luck and a lot of quick progress as you'll see we have three tires over we got hit in the face and guys were basically saying that to get rims and tires on these after you lower it up to at 3 and 1 12 in two in 2 and half inches is an issue but since we're at three and A2 you have to basically uninstall lowering blocks and then reinstall them with a tire on the axle so we are getting ready to see which of our three will work we obviously want the Mickey to work um cuz that's the look we're going for but it's going to be a very very close fit and I don't really want to massage these some gentleman said that you basically have to massage these as well or roll them again we don't want to do that Alex and I are both are hoping that the black ones don't work and we have to paint their ogs but uh if the black ones do work we are going to use our beautiful black um steelies just because it fits the look of the car and then we have to buy new rims and tires for not only the Javy but also the coyote [Music] wagon is it really that big [Music] fall down now all right so this is a universal kit so we had to get a 7/8 drill bit and drill out the bottom just a little bit more so now she'll work yeah I got my sight in she doesn't have a lot of material left but I think this is strong enough aluminum and this engine doesn't have enough power um to really make a difference the other thing is is that we wish this was the same 7/8 as that um we're going to play Devil's Advocate and uh see um what happens if we uh obviously don't do this right and uh make it so this is the same size down here so um again at home don't you know I'd recommend taking your time either making a bushing but we're uh we're pretty late at night right now we want to get her done and it shouldn't be an issue like I said with how much little amount of power this vehicle has compared if you're you got 500 horse don't do this but 186 horse shouldn't make a difference oh there it goes all right sweet there we go okay so the worst possible situation transpired which is also the best okay we're saying basically our pocketbook books hurt keep going up keep going up up more can wait wait a second hold up buttercup okay down you go and then over all right down they actually how tucked is that oh does it look phenomenal though looks good down oh my God holy cow why does it look so good cool actually 275s 3 Ford for no reason for no reason and all need to tell us how to hop this little guy up I also want to know what kind of rear end this is cuz it looks like very much like a an early 9 in I know it's not but gosh looks very might be an 8 in comments tell me I'll look it up by the time you tell me but an update of the ages 275s 53 Ford 3 and 1/2 in lower yes they fit that mean I need to buy your rims and tires he's fine don't listen to him I bought these for the wagon long story short and we have used the you know what out of them we used them for a lot of projects haven't we oh yeah we have so they look good on everything because smoothies look so good yeah this is a little known fact if you guys don't agree smoothies look good on everything um you're automatically wrong and you need to leave this channel so please please actually like comment subscribe uh PM us on what vehicle you want to buy cuz everything's for sale always now I am getting ready to reinstall the front suspension and brake lines again just unleash the bottom please don't don't have to rebled all your brakes like we're going to have to we probably won't bleed them tonight uh we're just going to set it back down on the ground and then we'll make it really hard on our so we have to Jack back up and take the tire off to bleed it again but but that's just what we do so worst possible situation that will happen now is that our matching fronts will hit this inide Fender right here and then uh that'll be a really depressing moment and oh you did the back for nothing oh my gosh dude you should see this this is how it's going to [Music] look oh my gosh this is so low okay hold it right there dude it's good it is so good oh my God you know honestly guys I am not usually an excited person being totally honest but this car is going to look insane no way is it that low in the back she's T dude oh my God I'll be honest with you this thing looks amazing that's so low oh that's a lot better too dude the aostar Springs killed it are we on the bump stops in the front stops everywhere no dude we have we have literally an inch of room that's perfect we are basically 5 hours of after picking this vehicle up and this is this looks so good it'll probably ride like butt and it'll probably not be functional at all but it's totally worth it oh it's just so much better everything about this vehicle I'd take it for a drive right now but I'm an idiot there is still probably a half an inch of clearance this need a coyote yesterday I'm just kidding you know I looked one of these up on the Internet when we first got it I was a little disappointed was wasn't a business cop this might be the best example of a twodo sedan I've seen and that's we're not even this is just the first step you imagine if this thing was actually where we wanted it and it'll be there tomorrow it will be there tomorrow as close as we can get her of course we will have one more thing and that might be the tint on the Windows yeah I'm I'm a tint guy and I think with the black accents that we're doing just tinting out the just yeah just a little bit yeah just give it a little Haze to it and it'll match so good no we're not going to get rid of chrome guys this one all Chrome staying but I will say we are I think going to get this guy black and the bullet black and then do these titches black I'm thinking we're going to try it and I think that will be our connection to our lace yeah to the roof and I think this thing is going to be way too oh no you know what oh it's going to ride great it's probably going to ride the exact same yeah it's not too stiff I mean the front stiffer but it needed that yeah the arrow star spring will break in and what I read is those will actually get lower yet so once those half an inch to an inch wow we didn't even check let's not do this on camera this is a good night we will see you guys in the morning all right guys good morning showed up pretty early this morning and uh and started saying on the roof and uh she's uh she's pretty rough on the roof wise I was really hoping to get by with not doing this extensive work but uh obviously it's needed so before we do anything stream on top so we're taking care of it now rather than later so we're going to go ahead and finish sing this I've got the heater cooking so we can get all the moisture out of this car um cuz this metal is going to have some moisture in it since it's been below freezing and everything for a while so we're going to hold the garage at a steady 50 60° for a couple hours hours get that uh get the wetness out of it and then we will be ready to clear coat the old girl only thing I'm worried about is that heater over there takes a lot of juice so we'll pray that that tank does not run out in the time frame that we needed to um stay warm I'm going to go ahead and finish some of the sanding on this and he's going to go back with some dining glass and dining glass it and we'll hope that dining glass uh dries in timely manner in that time frame we'll probably start sanding to make this thing patina we'll get this uh wrapped up that way we can continue on our original plan and we can stay on our time time budgeting but still look how good this thing [Music] looks [Music] [Music] everybody's going to be so mad at us all right so we're using the sunn side mineral spirits Sean's masking off it's going to be faster newspaper boy over there going around and oh God as you can see it's super shiny over there put this stuff on bam the Shine Comes Out going look even better with the clear coat on oh it's going to look this thing look like a new car all right guys so we are uh masked off ready to start our special roof um solely very excited about this cuz it's going to be absolutely sweet it's going to be a great addition of the car especially the way it's looking right now with the stance so right now we're going to I think we're going to wash this down we're going to shoot a little bit of primer where we have bare metal and then we are going to go eat lunch and then we'll be back to uh do the lace lace up that not uh spraying it with a gun or anything so this is a lace paint job for under 30 bucks [Music] honestly this looks phenomenal I don't think I've ever seen such a good uh rattle can restoration rattle can restoration let me tell you what oh god dude that thing looks magical yes sir not bad for [Music] rest the boomers are going crazy they're so pissed right now yeah oh man he's a toxic Wonderland here but I'll tell you what I don't know if we ever laid down a better wrestl paint job in our lives it's pretty solid so we're going to let this here 110% and then we need to go back with our uh lace laid over the top pull it as tight as humanly possible after this is dry and spray the plat over it and then we'll have our our I'm going to call it the ghost plates right now I'm going to grab some of this triple Zer a box of rags and some Windex and I am going to start working on this chrome in the front here while I'm doing that Alex is going to start around back on that back bumper and uh I think we can get this chrome looking really nice um we already did tape off these tail lights but we'll probably untape them really quick just cuz we're waiting for this this guy to dry and we're not really going to kick up much dust so we'll uh give you guys the final product again triple zero or quad zero steer wall whatever you want to use the triple zero might etch it a little bit but the quad will do a good job and some uh Windex went through all of it with the old quad zero look at that shine original 1953 Chrome coming back really nice got a couple pits and stuff but not terrible we are still in talks on if we want to point paint the bullet or not I'm going to paint the little lashes when uh somebody gets back with some paint so I'm going to thread those or paint those in I don't know we've got uh we've got the Boomer that doesn't want to do it and uh both of us want to do it just to see you know it' be I don't know I think it'd be kind of cool to match the roof to the bullet video is the Boomers to this is this is to make a 19 1950s let's say uh Grandpa car into something that some uh guys that want to get into cars that will keep the car hobby going look good that's our whole goal is to make this appealing to Millennials and gen Z so that maybe they would see this and be like wow that's actually a really cool car rather than looking at take over about 20° outside we got that sucker cooking but no matter what we do you're still going to be a hill humidity in the air so this is going to take a little bit longer than the 2 hours it says dry and I don't want we're going to mask off like the drip tray and then the lace will go behind it basically so I don't want to mask it and then pull it tight after that 2hour rule and then rip all of what we did off we are just going to go expensive route and time extensive route and rip all this off and then mask off the Chrome clean the car one more time and we're going to do the the BGG clear coat tonight which is good for you guys cuz you can see a really good transformation um and then we can also see a really good transformation enjoy us unwrapping a [Music] car look at that all right so we are about probably about 5 minutes away from Lane starting to lay that CER coat right now we're just waiting for some of our uh mineral spirits to dry we will start in the back here work our way forward because we have one more spot that's being uh sanded on that we'll have to clean up with mineral spirits intact right now Alex is going around tack clothing it so that way in the clear coat we don't have a bunch of bulges obviously if this is uh if you guys ever see this car in person it is not the mirror Perfection we still have some holes and rust holes and stuff that uh like see that right there be under that door yeah she ain't perfect it is never meant to be perfect it is meant to be a driver I'm not going to pull this down to ground zero and do all of the body work just because of some random minor spots because then it just sits on jack stands for 30 years and never gets done so we're just getting it ready best thing I can tell you guys is do the same thing if you think you need a show car you don't need a show car and Prep Prep do a lot of prep um Alex is going to take a cup and I'm going to take a cup so I want to have two separates so I'm going to actually start with four cups divide this in half divide that in half so I know exactly how much we have and then kind of go from there then mix them up we'll do some what's this first stuff so this is going to be your activator is my understanding and then uh um that's going to be your actual your goods that's your actual clear coat so this is a part kind of thing they uh didn't have on any instruction sheet what part it was just mostly because you're supposed to put that full thing and this full thing we are just going to divide it we are going to divide it again okay right now we're on the two to one line for both of these on the first little one one grab two more the cleaner you are the better your stuff looks just so you know that's why we look like chicken nuggets we're going to get these both lined up in the two to ones again little over five on that over five on that yeah obviously if I was a painter I'd know all these equ equ but now you going need to get a mixing right mix it all [Music] [Music] up all right guys here she is after the vgg white wipe on clear coat I'm going to give you guys my honest opinion um I really wish we would have sprayed this um just would have done the car a lot better if I'm being honest with you um you definitely see all the really doesn't pick up on camera that's why it looks so good in all the videos you can see every wipe mark on the damn thing and that might be because we applicated a little bit different or wrong but uh being honest with you so this is almost dry it's been about 45 minutes since we uh put it on basically very it's nice and thick so I'm thinking if we really wanted to we could take a a wet sand to it and then go ahead and hit it with the buffer I think we could get a really good Sheen out of it then but uh in all honesty I think as of right now I think this is as good as we're going to get which is uh significantly better than what it did look like I love the patina it looks just looks so much cooler gives the paint some character gives the car character everything just has more character on their old girl now there she is for the night she's going to sit like that we're going to do the lace top and we got a couple of little knick-knacks to make her cool again and then that is it I took off this uh well I'd call it like the trunk panel or whatever you want to call it divider panel and I was doing some thinking this thing the seat covers are are actually pretty uh pretty cool just a nice red and uh some stuff going on there and obviously we have that nice carpet kit right here to still put in there and it's kind of bland so we got got a little weird going on a little Bland going on and then we got these doors those are pretty rough um we got a lot of popping and blowing out here so usually what I do is I go and grab some Masonite and we just wrap it in some black vinyl but I had so since this was uh gentleman's vehicle I had this idea let's do some flannel accenting in her now I think that this is going to give it a really different look and that's what we're kind of going for I started having little like reminiscing moments about like the Gremlins on I guess Levi editions and even Jeeps with uh with their uh flannel so we are going to at least do this back panel and then the two side doors so I'm going to get a bench cleared off so we can start going but I'm just going to give you an overview how this is all going to go so in in a perfect world what I would do is I would go get a piece of Mace Knight template that and then basically just use that um but this is not going to be a perfect world because I kind of want to try to reuse what I can and this guy I think is fully reusable it's got a little bit of water damage nothing too crazy but I'd still still would like to just rewrap this guy and uh just throw that this flannel right over the top there's no reason we can't do that because it's our hot rod so we're just going to throw this circumstance this is solid enough to still use to rewrap I am not an interior specialist by any means of the word so you can go ahead and judge all the hell you want I don't really care but these guys I'm definitely going to have to go pick up a 4x8 sheet of Masonite probably 8 inch and we will probably have to go to town on gluing and rewrapping this little pad here I am missing on that side so I might pick up something too that I can kind of mold and I'm going to wrap that sucker in the the plaid or flannel as well later on I would really like to pull these uh these are all metal panels that come off like to pull all that and start converting this interior to Black just because Brown is kind of me but it would also it's going to match our flannel pretty well so I know a lot of you guys are going to be like wondering how to get these off in a very quick manner these uh they're just a Clips our local hardware store or all ry's R old Parts as we'll say it they didn't have the right tool for the job so I ended up kind of pushing it in with a straight screwdriver and then just used like a dental pick and grabbed the the heavy part of the clip and popped it out it still took a significant amount of time to do so so your really doesn't seem like there's a very fast way to do this you know yours always trick the trade let me know in the comments section how do you get these Ford Clips out really fast we're going to take this window molding out I already did the other side all right guys be honest with you it's been a couple days took me a couple days to go get the mace tonight been a busy couple days for uh before the holidays here so here's what we got going on we got the lace rolled out it is uh it's vibing so it just kind of straightens out a little bit since it was in a roll um went and got a little bit more heat juice propane so we can get this lit up and get the car back up to temperature so that way we can do our lace top next thing being I've got my table laid out outside cuz it's a pretty it's a little brisk today but not too terrible um I'm getting ready to trace these uh door panels the old ones on u a piece of Masonite and then I will start cutting these out with uh with my jigsaw and we'll get these uh ready to uh basically rewrap on a new panel the only problem with doing this is if he had a lot more time he could glue those little Fellers in we're not going to do that we're just going to go ahead and use some self tappers around the door um that's usually what I see a lot of people do anyway so we're going to follow that route then I did make an executive decision just cuz these are pretty rotted if I'm being honest with you guys I'm just going to go ahead and uh make a new one of these as well probably make it a little bit smaller so it fits in a little easier then I'm still up in the air about doing these back door panels as of right now cuz I think I'm going to run out of fabric but I'll keep you guys updated okay guys so here's what I use to kind of do these door panels um you can get these handy panels of 8 in basically anywhere you want so it's I they say you can get uh the cardboard uh E8 inch from online for a poer but I just go ahead and go to the local Big Box store grab one of those up then I just laid it on top like you guys saw Trace them out make your own grab your jigsaw grab your little skill saw and then grab your da um I grab this 36 grit to clean up my edges and then I grab a spade bit and cut out the holes so this is about as budget as you can get this panel was 19 bucks the fabric was 40 bucks so we're going to do these door panels basically for uh $60 um as well as that back panel now obviously if you get uh actual Automotive grade Fabric and actual Automotive grade everything we're going to be up into the two 300 400 bucks and if you get these Mount multi-patterned you know you can get as expensive as you want but right here we have 60 bucks sitting here and uh um it's always a good day when you can work outside in December so this is about as Bunch as you can get out saw horses piece of plywood just having a good time um here's what I got left from the handy panel 4x8 sheet um that might be enough to make one rear door panel again we're going to see how much we got left I'm going to blow off my table lay out my Fabric and start laying these on the faces um and then I'm going to see how much we actually have left and you guys are going to watch me hit it scissors I have a drywall knife um you guys could use a roller as well but you know you know whatever and then grab some Automotive grade headliner adhesive which will work fantastic spread your fabric out make sure you don't have any wrinkles make sure you're pretty straight the nice part about we're doing this on some OSB so it has it's kind of prickly so it keeps it pretty uh actually straight then you're going to grab your panel obviously this is going to be the top so what we're going to end up doing is spray that Automotive adhes adhesive all over this pretty thick little layer and we're going to just Lamor right down and we're going to cut it out after it adheres pretty nicely now it is like I said about 50° out here so uh it's going to take a minute to adhere but once it adheres we will cut about approximately 2 in in the border and then we'll be be green [Music] [Music] light [Music] okay as you guys uh basically what you need to do is uh just overlay it spray it overlay it boom you basically got it cut it out and then now we're going to get to the kind of the harder part where you uh fold this whole thing over and start getting your butt kicked by it a little bit but I think shouldn't be too terrible this stuff is uh better adhesive than it was okay I'm going to step you guys through this real quick basically how I do this whether it be the right way or wrong way I go through the corner Corners going to make a couple relief Cuts make sure you don't go into the corner obviously I just go through relief cut couple spots even on the straight areas relief cut relief cut then Leaf cut again this is not Automotive grade fabric but we're making an automotive grade right now how come when you film even a dirt road is insanely busy relief cut Central basically what you can do is you what I kind of noticed is that since this stuff is uh has a little bit more give to it I was just spraying it you know just just cender on you know just oh then I was taking my little knife flip it over flip it over flip it over flip it over and then you can kind of you can even shape it with this knife as you go through knife grabs it flips it over itself couple spots you might have to grab and bring in tight tight so that way you don't have any weird edges not that this corner you won't see cuz it has a little steel panel on it but you you never know what you're going to see go around with it one more time and uh spray it with a little bit more adhesive and then hit it with tape we don't not have any uh Gorilla Tape so we're using painter tape which isn't going to do much holding power but it will work basically that's your process on all your door panels it's going to be the same thing with that one and then one's inside curing right now so that way we can install it later today but pretty simple process pretty much anybody can do it and like I said this is $60 basically in material we are retaping the car off one more time so that way we can go ahead and spray our lace Alex is inevitably sick just like I was last week so we're going to we're going to finish this old girl up without him so the video quality is going to go down but you'll have that all we got left is this roof I got to bleed the front brakes and then I think uh well obviously install the door panels we made then she's ready for her new and improved Maiden Voyage okay after all hands on deck we are kind of ready what we're going to try is use these little M uh magnets that we bought that was uh not toys is what it said on the packaging so don't ingest these but we are going to seam it right there continue it right there and then the seam on the other side's the same so I think it's going to look pretty sweet she's putting close pins in that seam right now so it stays uh the same I uh I don't know if I'm excited or scared for this end result I think it'll look decent as long as everything goes right I'm I'm [Music] afraid ready go dude what the okay oh I think that's cool hell yeah absolutely good yeah it's just theid it's just the sides it's a ghost which is fine you just barely see it hell yeah that looks fing awesome man yeah theid a little light but who cares I mean it kind of Fades yeah it works dude I think it's all right oh wow in pictures it looks really good all right here she is oh wow camera picks up real nice there you go boys and girls she is now I don't even know what you'd say 60s custom I don't even what you'd call this this is our custom we're going to call it the daily driven death traps custom there's our breakage line there a breakage line over here is a a little bit lower but you can't look at two sides of the car at once so um long story short turned out okay I think uh if we would have done a little bit thicker of a lace it would have turned out a little bit better it kind of ghosts off which is cool so I I think uh for a couple spray cans I think this is pretty solid she's a little streaky as well but I don't think I M it for the price this top I think we have like $36 into it so they're 36 bucks lace top custom you guys can look them up online there's guys that are using you know $500 spray guns and get about the exact same uh quality but the longevity on there is probably going to be a little bit better but this is really good for what it is and I love the shine still even though it has the flat to it looks really good so we've got the rubber R flooring out which was actually in really good shape for its year so uncovering that we've got some uh some Pat has transpired at one point in this old girl's life and we even got some food from the last uh Mouse so that's perfect what we're going to do now is just vacuum it up and I'm just going to spray bomb it being honest with you guys and after that we'll throw the new carpet down and cut the hole for the Vroom vomer and uh then there will be that will be that for uh this time around we're going to be left with still doing those rear door panels later in life and as well as pain couple other little things I think for uh gosh we only have about six maybe 7 hours into this transformation so far so I think it's been uh it's looking good so far so I'm going to vacuum and I'll get right back with you all right boys and girls here's what we're working with we've got the new front carpet new back carpet big fan of whoever uh who purchased this carpet before uh you know cuz it uh it came with these nice little metal round eyelets for the throttle and the kick the high low beam which line up great help you line up the carpet then it came with these extra um sound deadeners and then I even put a little bit of uh sound deadener down in the center so that way under the seat we won't have as much uh noise but uh other than that this car is turning out much better than ever expected so be almost to I'd almost say it's the quality of a car show show car which I don't own this is kind of odd for me so we're going to throw seat back in it cover up all the beauty we just uh behold then I'm going to get to installing the door cards in the back panel all right here we are we got her back on the road we're about a couple days later and uh this is its first test drive out and about I will say she does rub a little bit in the back so we might need to do some fender rolling or uh something of the sorts nothing too major uh we'll just hope we don't cut the sidewall of our little Mickey dpy so other than that she uh is tracking really straight especially after uh be taking those upper control arms uh loose and like messing with their adjustments um as well as we also fixed when you push the brakes how it turns to the right the only thing we did kind of mess up is the throttle just due to the fact there like this little ball and uh it needs to be adjusted upward so that we can actually go Throttle Down right now we're only about a half thr no matter what we do this is just a cruiser such a nice car inside now actually that looks phenomenal on everything looks so good on camera so the only thing we got to do next is get this car the rest uh matching so we got to get these back door panels done and get this Dash black and everything else kind of matching and my goodness this thing will be a regular rig we are behind the scenes a v- [Music] [Music] roll [Music] let's talk about the transformation this 53 Ford Custom line went through in the last let's say 12 hours of work okay so we started off with getting this vehicle from its original resting place like original home and basically had no trouble getting this sucker running and driving in uh in basically two hours we drove it home she drove like a dream so you know what in the in that thought process we were like you know what we need to modernize this we need to make this look like something we would want to drive SL a newer generation would look at it and being like wow that is a really sweet s rig so we took a couple cues and all the cues were super budget friendly the first CU was we had to lower this car so we went on the internet I did a little bit of research we found that Aerostar front Springs actually work to lower these vehicles 2 and 1/2 in so we did not only that but we also lowered the back 3 and 1/2 in and not only that we put a nice set of deep dish 2757 as well as some 255 17s in the front give those little Moon caps to give it a little finish that black just sets off the car after we saw the black rims we thought about it a little bit and we decided to do something special at the top now this is something I've seen for years and always wanted to do but never had the vehicle or the opportunity to do it so we decided to do a black lace top so as you'll see on the top it it actually turned out significantly better than expected that top cost us $65 no joke Rustoleum gloss Rustoleum flat and then the fabric to Overlay the fabric was actually more expensive than the paint itself after that we decided you know what we need to bring this thing's Natural Touch out cuz it was the paint job was pretty boring and pretty lackluster if you ask me it did have a nice gold to it a lot of people left it the way it was but me personally Alex this does not fit our that did not fit what we like so we decided to fake some patina and we did I think we went a little extreme but I think we did the perfect amount to offset the vehicle tremendously we then went ahead after the patina we took one of our one of our uh YouTube friends or YouTube uh person's uh advice and we did a nice clear coat on it that's that vice grip garage wipe on gloss now we didn't have the best uh didn't have the best result but I in all honesty we had a result I am more than happy with so after we had a nice glossy finished we went went ahead and went through all the Chrome with some SOS and uh some steel wool with some Windex and the Chrome looks immaculate now this vehicle was never meant to be perfect but for very very small amounts of money we have turned this thing into extremely budget hot rod build we have less than I think 1,800 bucks into the wheels and tires make up most of that this is the most budget friendly thing you are ever going to do get your buddy get whoever wants to help you go find a rig that's at least in somewhat decent shape overpay a little bit and then just do your cosmetic stuff I'm not a guy that likes cosmetic stuff but this car has turned out Leaps and Bounds better than we ever expected now something that I'd really like to show you guys is the interior this is something that I came up with myself walking around Joann's Fabric where no men or meant to be but we went in there and decided to give this car a crazy touch and that's a flannel interior so the seat covers and the rear seat covers were actually already there so we need to offset those a little bit and we also need to bring some touch to it so we decided to hit this thing with a little bit of a vibe from an AMC as well as I think a Jeep with some flannel to it so we got some flannel on the back we got some flannel on the door cards we're also going to do in the future flannel on the rear door cards and and we also have brand new carpet sitting inside the sucker now as you'll see I think for uh for the budget we had this vehicle has turned out amazingly not only did we revive this vehicle but we also brought it a whole new life and that's really all you can ask for on these old Rigs and I think this is going to be our first success story on our channel that runs and drives on its own power after we did a bunch of work to it so we are not done yet we still have a 12vt conversion with the vehicle and we also have a couple other little minor touches to make this an extremely userfriendly and fun vehicle to drive anywhere you want but this really is a daily driver that we could all get behind from trash not really trash from lackluster to as much clust as you can ask for in 12 hours this is what we can give [Music] you
Channel: DailyDrivenDeathTraps
Views: 166,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: will it drive, will it start, vice grip garage, on a budget, car restoration, 1953 ford flathead v8, 1953 ford customline, flathead v8 sound, revival, car revival, dddt, Dailydrivendeathtraps, transforming on a budget, will it run, budget build, budget classic car build
Id: Zk8WJ6c_MIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 12sec (4572 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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