Bought Sight UNSEEN Monte Carlo - Will it RUN AND DRIVE 500 miles home!?

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won't make it back to Iowa that I'm not sure I believe the booster is not that good but I never I think as long as it stops I don't don't we've got a lot of items to start functioning before we can actually leave and try to make it 500 Miles home he said there's a cam in it he said there's so hopefully it's not just a misfire oh my God it's been sitting long enough for gas turn barnish she didn't know about the lifter tick till we got here too late to turn around boys and girls this might be the best rway we've had yet oh my god well we must have had front brakes earlier now we don't have any barely any brakes barely any transmission that means it's perfect what smoking so bad leing oil like mad so many issues that we don't know the issue that makes sense been on the road since 3:00 a.m. 3 a.m. yeah we'll see you in about 4 hours bro turn the volume down what can you tell me used to daily drive it here and there started getting a front end Shake little death wobble action it was more of it would just start floating around oh that's pretty fun though feel like you're on a roller coaster right oh yeah got all the parts to fix it just never got around to it canical fan and the fan shroud they replace this does it work out oh crapped out yeah okay and then the old edal broken worked pretty good y truck's wired up it all works oh perfect somebody put an H distributor on at some point oh it's wired to a switch under Das okay too okay so the St is bad it's still in it though yeah I got a new one sitting in the gar I believe the booster is not that good but I never had any ISS I think as long as it stops I don't I don't really care pretty much nothing works but lights that's I think all we need right this is another intake oh we got an air gapper yeah this is what came on the car I swapped it to the other one okay gnarly we've been this far so I've had this listed for sale since June or so you person even come no sh yep what yep did have eting Freez Diner a little low but ain't no thing like a chicken wing we'll make it back to Iowa that I'm not sure of my only concern would be body panels falling off the brakes the brakes well I'll tell you what we'll probably tow it down the road and uh into Old Riley's parking lot and probably work on it there do we love it I think we got to love it we got it we got to love it as we agreed online miss the car you're going to miss the car yeah well to be honest I going miss it too this is my dream car I bought it when I was 19 don't tell me that I might cry perfect death he was talking about oh my God yeah super bad welcome to the next iteration of uh us on the road buying something that uh going to be honest with you if we would have drove this far we would have passed on this sucker she is a rust bucket this right here boys and girls is it's the prime example of a 72 joh Carlo so fun fact for you Sean right here this is my favorite Chevy muscle car if you guys consider it that let us know on the comment section do you consider a Monte Carlo a muscle car obviously had 70 71 and 72 this is a 72 right before the big body style change I think let's just give you a walk around before we uh we tell you the story about it if you look around you know on camera this ain't ain't going to look too terrible but here's uh here's body filler a million in this poor old girl she's from Missouri so you know know that uh you know some rednecks took care of her really well and in all decent in all option it needs uh quarters it needs rockers it needs floors it needs uh actually doors aren't too bad so the doors aren't too bad but it needs everything else for that matter even a trunk pan so the terrible thing is is it had a vinyl top on it which made it rot in the worst spot possible right here so we have ourselves a prime glory hole going into the trunk for all your pleasure ual activities while you're broken down on the side of the road we got our typical Moss this is great news usually this means we're getting home if there is fungus and moss on the vehicle we we're guaranteed to to make it this time we don't even need to fake the patina cuz she's got so much patina hurts let's look at interior and then let's get the power plant we kind of need to get moving we this time we're at a we're kind of on a we're out of time we're out of time we're already out of time oh look let's see right through that like always you know what we can get some uh we can get some flashing material and it'll be just fine Sam nice gentleman we bought this vehicle from said that uh he drove it up until he didn't cuz the whole front end is it's like that it's like a little whale it just flaps everywhere let's pull this baby and show yall what we got okay I know you're going to be mad we did two small block Chevies in a row I'm sorry they're just so frequent they're so frequent and easy to find supposedly this ran a couple years back by a couple coup years we don't know how long ago um some things got done to it some other things happened we're just going to pray is what I'm trying to tell you guys I don't even want to there at least it's not summer at least it's not summer the mud dobers yeah victed long story short it got parked because of the front end and also got parked and won't start because of uh a starter issue which kind of scares me a little bit because we have some gnarly wiring under the dash and some other items that have transpired that I wholeheartedly don't trust but that's why we're here the guys that don't know a lot what what time is it Alex it's about 10: 10:30 11 it's 11 it's 11:00 we have a couple hours I forgot my big light got my little light but we only have a couple hours we need to get this front end for functioning we got to get that engine functioning we got to get this radiator functioning cuz this fan doesn't work we've got a lot of items to start functioning before uh we can actually leave and try to make it how far 500 miles home yeah both of us have to be back home by basically midday tomorrow he said there's a cam in it he said there so hopefully it's not just a misfire and also say it might have a lifter tick which means I'm guessing the Cam's going round everything's in our favor today how we doing you mind if we work on 70 mon Carlo the side lot over there you don't give ask depends on what you're doing you know motor swap no not a motor swap we just got we just got to we got change against it would be against it um and we just got to do enough to get it running to drive it back to Iowa hasn't ran in about 10 years so okay yeah if you want to we'll be buying [ __ ] off here so you guys will make money on us so we're just going to guess that the start end is fine I don't know this happened one to us once before I think that sounds uh UNG good but let's change the starter and pray that that's not something else right the previous owner said that he had basically everything to rebuild the front end in here just Towing it behind the Dodge made her shake like my knees before I had to give a speech in eighth grade how can cardi B cardi they don't know who cardi B is nobody look up who cardi B is we need to run through the parts a b bag for you a bag for me hey look at that ball joint yeah oh my gosh dude that's exactly what we needed there's the lower oh my gosh here's another upper he had him marked he was a fiddler he fiddled he was a fiddler he did good job I bet some shagging got done in these Monte Carlos back in the day oh bearings tie rod one of them and then another one we have everything when it could have just been a tire what else we got in here oh dude look at this those are definitely not going on today or tomorrow so whoever owns this next get some brand new coils so we also have folders cup full of we don't look in there ever never look inside random boltt box oh free safety glasses dude we going to put these in the trunk and they're going to fall back out that's fine Beauty caps are ugly anyway um so right now we're at the part store so if somebody comes and offers us offers us a decent price for this we'll just pack up we'll just leave we'll just leave right now if somebody comes by and wants a m Carlo if uh you're watching this right now you're too late all the all the front end did you see how the fenders are held on oh yeah cuz there's no bolts in them we're not here to take talk you know talk crap by any means cuz I uh have built and done a lot worse items than we're seeing here so main thingy here is we just need to make sure that um everything was truthful that we were told and uh that that motor is actually still good dude I think if we take these upper ball joints out I think we just throw the new Springs in we just have to disconnect the sway bar and it' come down all the way down did you get a starter out oh wow that thing sounds rancid oh yeah it does I put it I I haven't tried out for St so while Sean was taking out the starter getting these calipers off so we can start changing some suspension parts look at the Hat what is that a rock I think it's a wasp was it just looks like a giant rock that was crazy I don't know how to see starter boys and girls somebody help me we need Bob from last week Bob Bob Bob Bob brand new starter boys and girls something on these money carers that I've always found very funny since I was a little kid was looking in here and seeing the absolute amount of space between the radiator and uh the engine Somebody went ahead and took the Shroud out and put this electric fan that stopped working in it possibly just blew a fuse which I might check because it hit that mud Dober nest and then cooked it probably most likely that's what happened I'm going to check that before I do anything oh the fuse is good the fan is bad I do want to try it though first just in case it's just the mud dbas you don't want to take it home you got the doll already there Pi up now I'm just going to drain the oil daily driven death trap executive decision here is a terrible decision we're we're deciding to work on the suspension before we drive it I just wanted to do something while you're doing oh so since Alex is on this side now I'm going to hop over this side and we're just going to start throwing all these nice new parts onto this front suspension and just pray something fixes that absolute disgusting wobble and if nothing fixes it we're going to have to wait till tomorrow morning to uh probably get some new tires for this old girl process of events that have transpired this caliper bolt where is it at the head twisted off and broke so then which led me to go get the new caliper which is great it has uh new bolts in it um then that led me to have this happen that is a brake line that is that brake line right there that broke off so going to need a new hard line then which led me to believe or led me to know that the softt lines are special order that head was rounded over so now I'm trying to surgically take this off so that way we can reuse that on the new caliper or not going well I'm doing just fine his side's great my side is everything's that could go wrong is went wrong but we're okay it's still looks like by the sun about 1:00 have lunch here's the scenery Yum Yum Yum Yum so what do we think is going to happen little stay oh my god oh dude there's a see6 over there dude should we go like see if it'll do a burning do hey will you do bref hey you you do a boy out for us for oh my God is that a ghetto booty anyway about 2:00 had a nice little lunch now we are back in Action we end up kicking the springs in pretty heavily the Old Spring depression did not make us depressed enough to go in so we just kicked the heck out of it and it worked Sam gentleman own us before us he had the new parts in it we decided just to throw everything in since we already had to do the ball joint so new shocks new coils new upper ball joint we could throw the lower ball joints in and the tie rods but we are running out of time as you guys seen on the other side I uh broke off the hard line somehow we're going to have to fix that and then we still don't know if this actually runs well enough to get us home if it runs well enough to get us home then we'll be happy campers but as of right now we are unsure on our life story thanks to this O'Reilly's what town are we in Harley cat this or's gave us some skis never heard of them but lemon and orange couple hours of working on the old girl we've got kind of a rebuilt front end which is nice um I've got a Twist Off brake L on the passenger side what else do we have that's bad we don't know if it runs still after it's been sitting for as long as it's has we don't know a lot but I think uh what we need to do now is kind of halt our production on the brakes CU we know we can mess with those at this point and uh go ahead and spray some starting fluid in it and see if we can get it to start on varnish it's been sitting long enough for the gas turn varnishes so at least a year he said it's at it didn't it didn't set for a long time but I would fathom guess it's been about five years being honest with you um 5 years later we're going to see if it still uh sounds good supposedly has a cam and a lifter tick didn't know about the lifter tick till we got here too late to turn around boys and girls once you're uh eight hours away and people don't know what's their vehicle's going going for it then that's what happens so let's uh get some starting fluid in this old girl and turn the ignition on and let her eat okay all right time to get the Vol meter out we at least have uh a good fuel pump hey so he said that the hii was wired in later which uh that's whatever finding Dandy I guess you got to figure out if it's getting voltage now cuz AIS don't just stop working well the ignition module I've had a lot of those fail but it's kind of more rare than not but we're going to check this thing he said I don't see anything happening here at most I got was six it might be a bad ground better rip go ahead she sounds good all right turn off it sounds pretty good it does sounds really healthy had a little lifter tick cuz there's no oil up there no oil got up there it sounded great that's sweet all right go go pee where am I you're at O'Reilly's by arkans please SL I wonder how much is in there it might be easier this yeah I think it's going to be easier just to um we get as much as we can out of it and then just put the Sea Foam and [ __ ] in it oh that's super low hey there's an exhaust hanger right there so what's going on right now that's what they all want to know to be honest with you I have no idea we have good ignition actually I something was messed up in that distributor took it all apart cleaned some things play with some things and uh you literally just touched it I literally touched it I might Bob gave me the ASC Certified Technician touch check out our last video check out the last F100 video it was magical we met guy F1 you mean 50 F150 it was one of those F something long story short fiddled with that played with a little bit got that to work we took a couple canisters of gas out of it so that way you don't have so much nasty gas that gas had have been what Alex like 4 years old it's varnishing very vishy so we got that out um we do need to get a different clear bow filter this one has a bunch of junk in it Sam said he did put a new fuel pump a bunch of other new parts in it so that being said as long as we're charging and we can get this brake line fixed and uh act like we're going to actually install some gauges I think we're going to be good maybe hit springf tonight stay there and wake up early and head back yeah maybe even do a paint job what's going to say it's going to be flat black is that's our plan I think we're going to see what we can do we're very strapped on time now we just learned even more so so now uh basically we just need to get this thing to run right and uh hopefully it drives straight we just put a whole new front suspension in it it's more torque than your high torque yeah Mike uh I want to be honest with you guys I got one of these bige headed High ters Milwaukee I think I'm going to call it subpar wasn't worth the money not worth the money this guy was I got his a Christmas gift so thank you Taylor for that but this was uh definitely a better investment this highp speeder it's just nice it's nicer so you can break stuff loose and then still you know tighten it manually that thing you can't even use it manually so you just have to use automatic oh really you can't you can't wrench with it no you can't r with it oh that's weird you can't R dude boys and girls this might be the best friendway we've had yet dude I'm telling you she uh sat for about 5 years which is uh you know that's not too terribly long so not unlike that freaking small block Chevy last week but this time we got a good old edle broken we've got Aluminum Intake we got four barrel and it's idling like a dream keep in mind it's going to be smoking right now a little bit cuz I just poured her full of seaf foam and also full of Everything Under the Sun so we can get everything unstuck but um he was saying there was a lifter tick I don't hear a lifter tick I hear a small exhaust leak but other than that Rella nice and thick so we need to get a temperature gauge at the very least on it um obviously we don't have an oil gauge on it but you would definitely hear if we didn't have oil pressure she would be the end of the world last thing tonight that we're going to have to fight is going to be this final the final boss is uh the brake line that goes and then over there once we if we had that brake line right now and I wouldn't have sna that off we could have been on the road it's only 4 it's only 4: we got here at 10:00 this has been one of our luckier struts but we still have a big big big trip as you see with the Jeep one this is not over by any of the means and we still have a lot of work to uh to make happen all right turn it off and let's get at it come here come here I think our favorite one to film is actually the one with the least views so far and it's the um the orange race car it's a 56 Chevy we did and that was my favorite cuz we uh we whipped that thing around the track pretty hard did really hard my foot go to the floor no emergency stop or any stops at all once you let it like settle for a little bit then it'll give you break and then if you do it right after you have nothing that's so buo must be like booster or something well we must have had front brakes earlier now we don't have any and we have no bra back brakes at all you have a whole Walmart parking lot so that's pretty cool that the brakes and lights and everything work even the interior light when you open the door the buzzer works it's just pretty it's pretty crazy how well together that thing is I like l survey says barely any brakes barely any transmission that means it's perfect I think if we get a little bit of training fluid in it we get a little bit make sure I didn't lose brake fluid on the drive um I think I'd feel comfortable limping it a little bit probably just going around it oh that work weird ooh I wonder if the thermostat's not opening oh it's not even that warm at all the Tank's not not even even warm well that wasn't even nothing of of a drive I wouldn't think either why it was reading 200 already that's kind of wild it could just have a bubble well we got to clean up this nice gentleman's lot and then I think we're going to hit the road always leave your campsite better than it was originally intended that's why we're pouring concrete right now brand new concrete who this oh whoa whoa whoa call me Michael had brand new con bro set rep on the Mony Carlo we're going to head out we're 7 hours from home from this exact spot right here we are going to just throw on the old highway hit the interstate try to hit the minimum if we don't have the death wobble and uh give her all she's got I think we're going to end up pointing all Niner probably getting back home about 2: in the morning 3 in the morning we'll see what happens we'll see if she lets us down or not so we'll uh we'll see you guys on the road what's smoking so bad passer Bank a little like mad right the did the temp finally no it's all over the place and it's just so much fumes down there bud looks like it's coming out of the back of the intake we can ask him why it needs so much oil so I think the valve cover gasket might be shot did you do anything with those I didn't anything with them okay well then we'll we'll pray that that's the problem we got them out 20 M down the road and then everybody else is closed so this is our best chance to turn around come back yeah I think that's it see that little yeah goober six in a row ready toe wa and V raise sit down P sometimes you just got to wonder why you wouldn't wct them we're going to stay a night somewhere we were going to two time it real quick but see if we can get it done under in 24 hours yeah we almost had we almost had her dude but she gave him in with the whole left hook left hook Chris Brown and knocked on her butt that's what it was I don't know I don't know Jesus I think we got a bad head gasket you think so yeah bunch of smoke coming out white yeah but I I don't know if that's still the issue you know what I mean there's we have there so many issues that we don't know the issue if that makes sense I think for the night we're just going to get some rest and um we'll get some case seal tomorrow I don't know that's I don't know what to say honestly good morning guys looking at the aftermath of last night yeah so that's our view under the car and then in the dipstick it looks like we're perfect so we've got some interesting stuff happening we seem to think the the head gas gets given out because this thing is letting out a smoke tunnel behind it as we drive but we also we also don't know exactly what the issue is um cuz we had a little bit of milkshake on the valve cover but that could have just been from sitting the moisture in the motor um as well as I'm use a couple unsuri I think we'll figure it out and uh we'll kind of just improvise the bad part is is Alex has to get on the road and uh get back home because he's got to go film a wedding proposal that's Prett important I'm going to be uh I'm going to be hitting this baby girl pretty hard myself I'm going to try to make it to a a certain spot and uh I don't I I've kind of directed the troops at home to um let's just say send reinforcements VI uh four wheelers and or four wheels and a hole behind so Black Diamond construction Black Diamond construction is on its way so she want to give your thoughts about the intake or is that just just thinking here so I'm just fit here but um I think when the intake might have been installed might have been I had a corner that missed a little bit of silicone or use the gasket I don't know but that's why we're dropping so much oil was blowing out the back of the intake manifolding from the lifter Valley and that's what I think our oil leak is um but I'm also yeah I can't tell we we changed the valve cover gasket and that's what it looked like it was coming from but don't know it's hard to tell when you don't do this stuff and in the P chance of matters we just still just don't know so um I don't really want to ruin the motor but we're going to get this baby going and hopefully collect another 10 and some miles on it and I'll just watch it as we go and we'll pray that till 350 heals itself or I'm going to get to a park store this morning and change the change the intake manifold of gaskets which I don't want to do but we we could try it since we have if we if this is as far as we can get we have 5 and 1 half hours before anybody rears the head so I can actually get home so um yeah we're going to load as many tools as I can get in Monte Carlo and uh then Alex is going to follow me to the park store and that'll be uh that'll be that there is the remnants of a Monty car oh my gosh there's always time for a coffee even when your head gas gets blown so we're leaking o like profusely got to get a drink though you know what I'm saying hey thank you so much you too it's wrong so far no smoke cuz it's probably because it's cold out still dude every time you step on it gas just flows out the back because it's so horizontal oh they messed up my drink so bad oh no I asked for vanilla and heavy whipping cream I didn't get either what I got a dark coffee yeah so I took one Sip and now I feel like I'm G to jump off a damn wall it's not Smoky yeah I was thinking cuz it's cold but I think it wouldn't tell you by now drove this thing home from freaking uh from Arkansas yeah yeah it's negative deg I think I'm going to throw some casy on it and send it it's not oiling either I don't think well I'm sure it is I just don't want to look under it but well you have to make it to Springfield either way I will make it to Springfield if I push the damn thing bro are you a 4x4 I got a 4x4 more you're squatted dude dude you Squatty Potty I got a stump potty at home probably blow this in my face don't look P pressure wow so here's the predicaments this morning no smoke a little bit of gas flowing out no smoke no oil on the ground yet something's weird so we're going to put some Casey on it I'm going to buy about 3 quart of oil 4 quarts of oil and I'm going to book it to Springfield Alex is going to book it home and I'm hopefully going to meet the team up in Springfield if this makes it further You're darn toon I'm going to go to Davenport you're not going to look at Lincoln I would love to look at Lincoln musum don't I might still at this point if this thing is going to actually do well I'm all right on this episode of um jurry rig mechanics I'm going to put some K seal just cuz I've seen this on another other shows work really well for head gaskets and then for the oil leak we're going to use the old Blue Devil uh we're going to pour this in oil pour this in the rad and then just start praying I guess and then I'm going to go to CVS get some cream for the coffee and then I'm going to hit the road and try to get to Springfield with this old girl hell if the works in minutes Works in seconds we'll be good to go and if this works all we'll be even better off all right we are Motoring long at about 50 mph um I I'm just hitting her 50 just to be easy on the old girl it's a nice cold morning so it's going to be really hard to get any temperature in it which is fine because if I look back behind myself I don't have a smoke screen like I did last night so um the only thing I'm going to tell you guys is make sure you get somebody to uh balance your tires correctly cuz this uh front end just bounces like a mother trucker from these uh from these junk tires that I think sat for a little bit too long and they're really not even that old comparatively to the old ones we've been using so I'm kind of just uh right now I'm just kind of waiting to see the smoke start pouring out and uh this interior starts filling smoke but we're I'm like I said I'm just kind of dogging it and praying that just stays below Temp and doesn't create a lot of pressure CU if we don't get a lot of pressure in it I think we might be okay plus if that Cas seal starts working as well as the oil leak stopper we're we're probably going to be in bus got 2 hours in right now an hour and a half I'm going 51 that's the fast I'm going so I'm taking a lot of Country Roads sweet it's a sweet road because it was old Route 66 so it's really cool uh scenery around here so I get to go 51 and enjoy that I also get to go 51 and enjoy all the middle-aged white women coming up my bottom and then being angry when they pass me do I care no it's Monday morning all right we've made it 40 minutes minutes and uh yeah I don't know if that's for me or not that's a lot of oil holy cow but anyway Route 66 what do you think about that another middle- AG white woman on my butt um but I'm leaving the heater on so we can keep circulating that uh nasty uh head gasket water and uh it's getting warm in here like profusely warm so the heater works great in this wish we would had this for our Arkansas trip other than the lack of it wanting to keep any fluids inside the motor it has so I am approximately 2 hours out of gilburg Illinois which I think is going to end up being the Ronde uh Ronde way point with my guys to with the trailer um now I called him last night thinking that I didn't think this was going to even make it to this morning anywhere but it's uh we're again we're calling 51 mil an hour all the way I am uh I'm I'm going to retract the trailer offer when they get there and I'm going to keep sending this thing as far as it will go I mean if it will if it will make it I will make it happen with this vehicle um but if it continues to you know if it if it looses its life we're going to we'll change plans but of right now everything's looking fine other than uh on my jackets over the three gauge cluster so I don't know what's going on I'll tell you what this is kind of what this hobby is about you get nice gentleman stop mind asking about your vehicle and you get to talk to them just like uh how America used to be so right now the Monty is at Road Ranger and uh we still have our oil leak um but so I'm thinking the dip stick that's in this engine isn't correct cuz it is still showing full even though I've been driving this thing for 3 hours now with a massive oil leak so other other items that happened we lost our cap and the heat works really good other than that we're making a making our way to Galesburg funny story at the last gas stop I said you know she ain't going to be no ain't no show car but she'll be a great dir Road car muscle car and uh I guess we were on dirt road for about 15 minutes now we just hit another uh slightly paved dirt road so good Illinois has some really interesting uh some really interesting like drives like I'm literally on a m road right now this is just a paved dirt road that's one lane this is crazy and good old Google Maps always have in your back when it comes to doing this stuff 250 m in Monon is uh doing well I think like I said no cases work anymore so we're cruising along I decid to up the anti a little bit we're going about 60 61 um there's a terrible noise in the front end I I think it is just uh power steering pump or some metal on metal sound I don't think it's the motor but if it is it's definitely a rocker um not a big deal I suppose so we are 60 miles away from RI VI Point um I think I'm just you can see that right now she's see it back there she's smoking once in a while I have a hypothesis to that but still unsure you know it's just it pops off randomly let out bunch of smoke so I don't know exactly I'm sure you uh you real uh machinists know what's going on but Uncle SP me to guess some different things uh but all I know is it's running it's running decent and I'm going to keep on give her the berries until she doesn't uh take anymore all right guys we made it out to Davenport Iowa here's the plan of action guys um this old girl has made it about 350 mil on the back roads all the way here we've been on the road for darn near I've been on the road for about 6 and 1/2 hours now and I just met up with the guys so thought process being this is I can I'll turn it on for you guys so you can hear it so she is actually still starting every darn time which is extremely impressive but right now you can hear it she has a pretty solid lifter tick coming out of the passenger bank and then once it warms up we have a lowend knock so I I think the plan action here guys is we are just going to go ahead and throw her on the trailer and with what we did we basically mended the head gasket with a bottle of goo and at this point right now I'd rather have something to rebuild and or something to sell rather than if I'm on the highway cruising at 65 70 M an hour we end up throwing a rod or lose the cam and then everything locks up I go in the you know safely I I just don't think this is a good idea for this to stay the way it is I'd really like to actually maybe think about doing a budget rebuild on this for our first time and here you go you can it's just getting worse so let me just unplug her she is uh she's leaking oil pretty profusely too so I'm just we're probably going to call it um I'll get her home and we'll do the outro at home but kind of a sad event we did make it 600 miles home we did make it 350 Mi and uh if anything that's very impressive for a vehicle that had all the problems we were having yesterday let alone sitting for about 5 and 1/2 years um being filled with and um getting her back on the r I'm calling this a win this is uh going to be a pretty sweet vehicle I think uh we're either going to we might keep it and do some uh do some Fast and Furious Tokyo drift entry scene Vibes to it and uh do a little um video with it then maybe a muscle car uh budget muscle car build I don't know we'll see what do you guys want to see with the Monty in the future uh drop it down in the comment section all right guys we made it back home all good vehicles go to die no this is the worst possible way to get I know one of these guys home I wish we could have been driving it home but at this point right now we are unsure to do what to do with the Monte Carlo especially with the bum engine um right now we're going to probably post up for sale as is and if uh situations arise differently maybe we'll throw a different engine in it maybe we'll do something different basically at every video I have a you know a lesson to be told so this one was a good time had by all we had a very good time doing it and it was full a bunch of surprises now this one came with Marketplace tell Tales we came in this the situation kind of not knowing what we were getting and it ended up kind of hurting us due to the fact that the old manty was in much worse expected condition and uh educational wise we really didn't know how the engine was rebuilt we don't know what you're getting on Marketplace in reality could be a cammed motor or it could be a blown up motor slight failure onto the next one um and I hope to see you guys on the next one make sure you uh hit that old like And subscribe button really helps us out and makes us I want to keep doing more of these for everybody and entertain everybody I know I enjoy doing it especially with friends it's a good old time and if you want a Monte Carlo specifically this morning Carlo hit us up on our daily driven death traps uh um website or PM us see you guys on the next one
Channel: DailyDrivenDeathTraps
Views: 72,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vice grip garage, will it run, monte carlo, 72 monte carlo, 1972 monte carlo, monte carlo revival, revival, will it run and drive, will it drive home, bought sight unseen, rusty monte, roadkill, motortrend, will it drive 500 miles, will it start, DDDT, dailydrivendeathtraps
Id: pK84Fk9Tu0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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