ABANDONED ANTIQUE John Deere M Tractor - Will It RUN AND DRIVE after More Than A Decade?

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[Music] welcome back to Vice GP garage a while back a guy bought this vintage John Deere M tractor on the line site unseen just called up the old boy and said I'd take it went and picked it up dropped it off here in the trees and it's been sitting since all I know is parts are missing and I was told it hasn't run in 10 to 15 years or so so I'm going to try to get this thing fired up and drive it out of the tree row here but first things first we got to build a [Music] [Applause] [Music] fire [Music] unseasonably cold here in Tennessee and Truth went on ahead and be told Feels Like Home up north it's uh just under 0 degrees is it feels like temperature supposed to get another 4 Ines of snow today and that brings me to why we're going to build a fire some of you are probably like what's Fire have to do with anything well few things if this engine isn't stuck if it turns over and we figure out Fuel and ignition there ain't no way we're pull starting this thing today not going to happen with the snow we're not going to have enough Traction tires are just going to Skid so we're going to do what the old timers did back in the day they had all these big John Deere tractors and heavy equipment they were absolutely impossible to start in the winter a lot of them were hand crank you had a big wheel back here and you'd have to throw this thing have have everything perfectly dialed they even have shot so what they do is actually build a small fire under the belly of these things heat the blocks up give them the best possible chance of firing these things off we're going to do the same thing just like back in the day couple other reasons I already can't feel my hands we're going to need these you know what I mean so we can be warm in our hands working on the machine and lastly we could just burn it down if we get to that point you you know what I mean I got my boys helping today I'm going to send them off gather up some dry older Timber snap it all up we're going to make a little fire under this thing so I got Bentley my youngest and Bradley my oldest back here we're down in the trees with the side by side it's the only thing we can get down here with and we got just a little toolbox couple fluids couple small parts that's pretty much it we're going to be using this as a fire ring this this is just a cheap little inset for like duy tires you just snap them in and it's small enough and completely contained we could just throw this under the belly and make a little fire so you guys want to run off the saws all and just get a bunch of small little sticks bring them all back and get us a good enough pile that we can try to keep warm for the entire day it's supposed to get colder and more snow all right well I'll take this you take this side her the saws off be safe they're about 100 yards down in the trees there I can hear them out there just snapping sticks while they're doing that I think we should go ahead and just walk around this thing see what's missing see what we could find or scrouge up a lot of this stuff I'm not going to be able to get I can tell you right now like a fuel making happen or kit but I've got a couple miscellaneous ones in the barn don't know if they're going to work or not but let's walk around this thing check this thing out it was sold as a 49 we can also figure that out if it is in fact a 49 should get this capped off my can done bleed off who knows how long ago see what we're up against today so again this is a little M the Mt would be a tricycle or have the uh wheels in the center here this was a you know basic utility of crop road tractor back then so the front here you'd be able to adjust it narrow it or widen it whatever you need for your particular crop this one's got an intact Hood which is nice front's a little beat up but some of this will come right back out of it you know no idea what the tires are doing I'm sure they're flat it's had a 12vt conversion on it and some expert wiring did I work on this I might have yep confirmed I don't know the head's on it that's nice lightning whirlers there fan belt fan I had never really looked at this thing we pulled up in front of this Old Barn it was kind of sunk in the ground we just hooked the hinch on it pulled it on the trailer and brought it home this tire looks newish this old timer he wanted to fart around with it but I think it was just a little too much for him it's got a threep point be nice if that worked it's already got the uh adapter on it there if I remember right the seat is shot yeah see only half of it upholstered some sort of homemade step so you can climb up this Jump On In the tractor there so up here we'd have radiator oil fill breather of course exhaust here uh fuel would be a little bit more on that side we'll look at the top here in a minute we got a Marvel schnober fuel Mak happer intake tube is completely just rotted off on that not a huge huge ordeal sediment bowl well it's got a lot of sediment that's for sure battery tree is gone battery's gone we got a red sad cable or evidence I worked on this it'll work biggest problem that I initially saw when I glanced at this rig was the starter was missing just completely gone and I happened to go ahead and order one of those I don't know when that was a month ago so I have a used new to me starter that's supposed to fit this m and various other models I hope that's the case how you guys make out pretty good I think we got enough wood for now so we're going to head back and then if we need any more we'll come back down here and get some all right there's a lot of Fallen trees from that last storm huh yeah that one's pretty dry too M all right cool follow you guys make a nice path for me get some of this off here so again the Cap's missing she is full of snow hopefully that was drained at some point we don't need anything cracked or broken here's the oil fill cap still on that back here is the gas tank has a can on it this is that old's can old Dr Pepper I wonder if it's got a date on it May 29th 2013 processing 11 years yeah that's that's right in the timeline hello hello nothing in there smells very varnishing so that's good put that back on there see these mounts right here there's one over here too we got them on the sides talking about these guys right here and here uh that's probably a belly mower probably had a mower on it at some point but let's go ahead and look at the serial number back here we can and determine what GE this bad boy is so this is original or correct you got the water temp gauge over top of the amperes that looks like an original gauge that's been replaced this would be the choke this would be the starter actuator or Armature and then this has been changed this is just a Cheesy onoff switch normally it's a big knob and I believe it was ignition low light ignition High ignition off lights and then down here is the serial number this one is 5285 so I can tell you immediately that's a 52 not a I believe they said they thought it was a 49 but this is in fact a 1952 John Deere M tractor let's see so this would be our touch thematic right here this would be our three point control hopefully that works this would be a cute little tractor if we could pull a hay rake or something like that with it and we've got PT right here which is tight but moving then of course our gear shift I'm not going to pop it out of gear it's kind of hard to tell but we're we're on pretty good incline we should get a block of wood if we run up to the shop there's one down the forest is there will you run and grab that please so this bad boy don't roll away on us but of course you got clutch over there independent braking over here or you just stomp on both of them but this tire that one looked new when we were walking around it but this one looks older she's a beef good Rich power grip hopefully it holds air so I think all we're missing really is that starter but there's going to be an issue with that here in a minute I just realized yeah it's not in there great why don't we get this little fire gone and uh get our gloves dried up start warming this thing up just in case going to start with the starter get a battery in this thing somehow and uh make sure it turns over oh look that maybe it is there's the battery plate gloves are sticking there everything so yeah let's see if we can get this thing to spin over first and foremost I don't know how long my pop can's been off the muffler could be full of water hopefully not if it's stuck we're really going to have to get out after this thing we might go ahead and try to take these tins off potentially um some of this Hardware is really hard to turn and then we'll move on to fuel and Spark boys found a nice size block was that on the side of the Hayfield yeah yeah whenever I'm riding they see it drive by it every time nice all right throw that under there slide it under the oil drain plug basically now you can see boys we can't do a big fire we don't want the Flames actually licking yeah the oil pan so nice little short any sort of heat out here it's neg five is going to help this thing just going to try to get it warm to touch and we'll see that if a lot of the snow starts melting off in there now talking about the issue I figured out earlier over here I've got that used starter but it's missing this starter bolt this is a big pin essentially that goes through this casing and then actually sticks right into the starter housing and it does a couple things obviously it holds the starter in here but it's also the ground so it's grounding the casing through these threads and then there's a big lock nut that goes onto that as well not easy to find we're probably going to have to try to make something it's got teeth on it still that's good that's probably plenty boys get going yeah yeah let's let's just get some some there you go a couple smaller sticks Bo it's really coming down for Tennessee We just cleaned this off there you go all right get some more of those dry dry sticks in here where there's smoke there's fire that's what xwi said [Laughter] there we go let that get once it gets a little hotter we could start putting some of the more wet stuff in there but about an hour that'll be ripping pretty good so let's go ahead and test fit this old starter I've got well new to me anyway make sure it fits in here and looks correct and then we're going to have to figure out something for the uh pin here to even hold that in before we start trying to wire it in so here's the starter I got big old Hefty guy so remember that pan I was just talking about this is the collar these two worrn areas that sits in that housing and that keeps it in the correct orientation this way this hole right here and this slides in that that pin has a pointed tip on it and it slides into that and makes sure that this is clocked correctly this way and like I say also grounds it and then this is the Armature here so when you pull that Rod it's moving that looks correct let me just make sure it slides in here oh it's getting nice and warm down here yeah all right nice yeah see that hole in there bud yep so that's that pin that slides through yeah and this lines up correctly looks like it a little bent yeah maybe that M needs a little I wonder if I could just bend it like that will probably so it looks like it's going to fit everything lines up there Rod even fits so it definitely is from an am and I think there's some other series I just don't know one of you out there does and you can bleep bloop it down in the comments if you want okay so I believe this is a weird thread like UPC or something it's coar thread let's just call it coar thread I think it's a 58 or that's what it looks like so let me dig through the bolt bucket on the side by side see if I can find a bolt make sure it fits we'll probably have to up to the shop and try to make her own pin to hold this thing in place this is what I found come on maybe yeah there we go that's perfect okay so that's the right size but now the challenge is going to be well we'll just take a flap disc what do you think and just make this a point yeah probably the easiest way and then it's got to have enough threads to maybe run a nut on there it's about an probably inch and a half okay so let's run up to the shop see if we can make something quick hold this in Bentley's on operation glove trying to dry them up I am on starter bolt o see like this one right here will have the length but we can run a nut a jam nut on here so this is going to be our our stud I guess or bolt and then our nut but I'm going to take the end here and just put a flap disc on the death machine there and try to make that more into a point and that should work just fine [Music] a [Music] well it's not perfect but I think it's going to work as long as I can still get it to thread in we got a pretty clean thread there that should run around so let's run back down and see if that fits huh yep made it back to the Tractor Bradley's been keeping watch I think we're going to call him the the official block heater and it's working see all the uh moisture snow no melting off going to thin this oil up in here we just got to make sure that's about Max we want to go on the Flames cuz we don't want don't want it to be Lick in the pan but anyo let's see this is going to work it's threading should touch the starter any second there we go see the starter move so it just kind of indexed it there so we'll get some tools Bley you want to back the side by side up into here yeah so we're not having to walk up the hill we'll tighten this into place finally step one done this is the oil pressure it's an original gauge see the John Deere in there that's pretty cool oh that feels nice throw this battery in then we can figure out where we want to run our cables whatnot there we go yeah I think this cable that's the that's the sad cable put it on yeah or should we put the new one on I'd put the new one on it does not look that good it's all winded up up here okay so they just got that run right to the the body here so I think we'll probably do the same you want to pull that battery back out Bradley don't be weird so I got it grounded up in here but look at this cable it's almost snapped off actually and this doesn't look too hot either so I'm going to try to get this off and uh I think I got a new sad cable okay we got new cables here you want to open them up yep thanks buddy everything out here is just absolutely froze we've wiped this off I don't know 15 times there's another inch on it yeah where do I set this this is pretty wild for Tennessee this is our snow scoper oh yeah okay we I think that was a/ [Music] inch all right that was junk new sad cable going on these old starters the ground is so important give her another crank until something pops in your back there you go okay now this guy oh no never see that again oh found itoo cold okay now we'll run this one right up to this lug right there on the starter and that's as easy as it gets for the starting system you want to hook this onto here just so it's facing down like that just oh you okay just don't lose this washer or that nut or you'll be walking home no I'm kidding I wouldn't do that to you I'll bring you a bike or something okay this one we don't want to overtighten it too much yeah they're a little fragile these little switches should be able to throw the battery in now and then we'll be able to pull that starter Rod see if this thing cranks over meanwhile the engine's doing pretty good our block heater is it's getting there we might have to lick the Flames up a little bit let me see see that ranch dressing okay put that back in the cool box did bring a new battery believe it or not because it's already cold out and there's a very good chance we're going to be cranking on this thing for a long time you want to grab a half inch half inch yeah br ah open and Ranch I'm assuming this other red wire something to do with lights or gauges actually there's no lights on here you want to try to tighten these yeah both of them yeah both of them just remember don't touch the all the two or on this side you don't want the wrench to touch the metal the tractor CU it'll spark on yeah so I'm actually going to uh pull these spark lators out there's a really good chance there's water in it and if we bump the starter and it wants to rotate I'm going to stop we'll probably put some Marvel Mystery Oil in it I don't know what's in it it's a mystery let that sit for a minute we can warm back up again and then we'll probably rotate it with a m oil in there lubricate it up a little bit see if we can even build a little bit of oil pressure and if all goes well there then we'll move on to spark which I'm assuming the points are shot or need filed at minimum and then fuel almost got it uh this thing's just spin in the bolt oh you might need a plier on the try that there you got it it's so cold it's just quiet out here can't even feel my fingers I don't even know what I'm doing good job Bradley we're getting heat all the way up through the hood it's starting to steam a little bit I can't even get this I had to like twist it weird we just don't want to pull the rod on accident cuz it might I'll get it in a second well a guy and two little guys got to get the spark lators out of this deer see what's going on my youngest human I'm responsible for Bentley will tackle that while my oldest Bradley there is trying to gather up some firewood for us keep this warm and get this deer melting we're going to see what kind of condition these are in tell us a lot about this engine here see if there's any mechanical damage or anything like that and here we're seeing very fouled she's richer than Elon and I ain't kidding you Bentley's pointing out he said dad this one's different well sometimes they're a different heat range we don't want any water in here that ain't going to compress we'll have Parts scattering all over rapid unscheduled disassembly but we'll get this one out here and take a look at it as well Brad's got that fire ripping down there got to be a little careful get too high y we got an NGK and an AC Delco that one don't look good either really no Rhyme or Reason for that unless like I say one cylinder might need to burn hotter than another we don't know but these are going to have to be swapped out either way Bentley's figured out how to cook his hands apparently medium well well it's time a guy and couple little guys see if this thing is actually going to turn over a little nervous this thing's locked up to be honest it's been sitting for more than a decade in conditions like this checking to make sure this thing's in neutral it's not a good idea to try to start these rigs in front of these rear tires but we're going to do her anyway you know maybe I'll lean over here here we go y oh spinning oh there we go we got some water coming out y yeah little bit of moisture coming station but it's spinning Bentley's pointing out here that yeah we had some stuff shooting out here I can look way back in there and it looks pretty good I also didn't notice anything shooting out the muffler lator so it wasn't too terribly bad to be honest I think what we're going to do is grab that Marvel Myster oil over there what's in Myster oil I don't know in here no no no the Myster oil yeah I don't know either but just put some down in here with the funnel let it soak you know and we'll see if that'll get her some lubrication or whatnot but man that's good news I was really nervous this thing was going to be locked up tighter than County jail oh funnels full snow well it's let's cook that I guess about here is where I said uh hey boys we should maybe get some venison or something maybe some sausages cook some dinner you know which Bley quickly said marshmallows you know marshmallows no we need some meat some carbs that'll probably work let's get some Mr oil poured in this thing all right see if that one go in there oh no it's too big oh yeah it's just going to run out we need the one with the straw thing on the bottom I think it's in our paint C all right Brad you keep this thing cooking we're going to run up to the shop and get a different funnel okay all right you're doing good it's starting to heat up bring back some more SM on our way back with the finnal I think it's in there yeah looks better don't need a ton just get them a little lubed yep okay switch to the other this is a funnel I made for the Hemi half pickup to fit the transmission filler tube neck thing there we go cylinders are flat so I mean it should go all the way around the Piston s we a little all right let that sit for a minute check the oil says we got a add a court doesn't quite want to drip but it is a lot runnier than it would be oh yeah it's rolling around the stick here so that's good so while we're letting it cook on the Myster oil I think I'm going to go ahead and start looking at the fuel system going to have to be a little bit more careful than usual since you know there's that right there but that's full of Gunk gasket still on there so that's good it clean B dry obviously I want to flush this but we got to be really careful not to get it in there get it in there so we might have to find a bucket or a pail or something or even a funnel into a bucket yeah we could just use a funnel and dump it outside or something well just don't want to get it too close things will R's off he says he might know something clean this up with some brake cleaner and then I just want to put a shot of fuel in here and just flush that really quick make sure it flows and then nothing in here is stuck up and we might even crack it here you want to get a half inch half in and um we'll crack it here flush this line out I'm sure we're going to have to dig into this but maybe we'll just try it I don't know going to guy get that lucky doubtful very you want to take this off Bud yeah there you go you can take it off here in here and then we'll just spray some carb cleaner through it or something I'll go clean this why you do that all right easy got it yep all right that's clean yeah this I'm going to have to let sit for a minute so so here's the plan don't have one I just uh threw some of this true fuel into the tank here which has a little bit of two stroke oil in it again just to further lubricate needle and seat in the engine I was just explaining to my boys that when it comes to gasoline the fumes are even more dangerous than the liquid form and this could easily jump so I'm going to have them back off and what I'm going to do is try to flush the tank through the funnel into my water cooler which apparently you guys found in the forest out here yeah and then if it looks decent and doesn't have a bunch of rust and stuff in it then I'll just clean the sediment bowl put it back in Hook the line in which we just cleaned I might uh fill this up if I can and then we're going to use that as fuel for the fire and then the boys are going to put their sticks into the cooler and cover it cuz now we're having an issue it's snowing so quickly that we can't keep our drywood dry anymore so that's a that's a thing so if you guys want to step back I'll see if I can flush this out you guys having fun yes nice now that we got a little bit of fuel in here guys going to see if we can get some out of this tank see if it's plugged and then also what we're getting out hopefully not just a bunch of rust right into the water pil here cracked this valve open hey it's flowing that's good and uh hey I'm not seeing a bunch of rust particles or chunks or anything in here that's great news still looks great close this valve back down here well now a guy can come back and pour a few gallons of real fuel in here this here is a gravity fed fuel system carburetor on the bottom it's an updraft carb so relies on vacuum which is different than the carbs on top well I guess that's gravity and vacuum too but listen they're different kind of this is different than this it's differenter okay this is an UPG graft carb okay now we can pour a few gallons of real gas in here have the boys come over and warm up by our fire that's been making a difference mom's got you guys wrapped up like Ralphie's brother guys all right here Bentley's asking me why it's so Smoky and it comes this way trying to explain on bigger Feller gets the smokes going come after you cuz you're creating a low pressure area and that's where that smoke wants to travel so I sent them to the other side here going to throw some fresh fuel in by fresh I mean from the lawnmowers last here but it'll run having the boys back up here in case I do what I usually do which is Spill 96.3 7% of this can right under that fire that probably wouldn't be good all these trees would be burnt down you know what I mean here we're talking about the snowfall and how odd it is for this much snow to fall in the South but it's just been one of those Winters we've had this on and off for few days now actually W are doing a good job keeping the fire stoked keeping us warm and we can already feel the this tractor you can see the snow melting when it hits it and the engine starting to heat up that's going to be very helpful trying to get this thing to bang off here in a bit hopefully anyway you know these were made in 47 to 52 and they were a really popular Ranch and farm tractor and if you didn't see this model here you'd probably see the Ford 8N which was built around on the same time same era anyway this is an old Johnny popper it's a two-cylinder they called it a square bore it's a 4in bore and a 4in stroke he's made about you know 20 22 horsepower similar back there at the PTO and the Ford 4cylinder made around the same horsepower maybe 24 25 horse something like that cute little tractors guys's going to throw a little Marvel Mystery Oil in here don't know what's in it it's a mystery but maybe that'll help put my professional gas cap on no it's a soda can perfect now we need to rotate this old guy again and see if we can get the oil here out of the combustion Chambers and then we'll put the sparklers back in at that point and we're kind of just poking along here we'll probably do fuel last we kind of got done what we needed to over there I'm going to move this Johnny popper block heater though you know we don't want oil coming down the side of this engine here dripping into that kve this whole place could go up so I'm going to move that over and get it out of the way and then we'll work on ignition stuff which I don't have any parts for that's fine grab this with the meat mitt drag on it that'll work that dly trim rings working really good highly recommended cleaning the old boots off here trying to keep the feet dry neutralis check boy got all the way get over here spin it see what we got there we go that's all that Marvel Mist Royal coming out I'm going to keep on rocking it here for a bit get it cleaned out it's got good compression sounds pretty good A little bit more here yeah that'll probably do okay I need some uh hand cleaner going to spray this down with some brake clean right next to the fire here clean up all this oil and stuff this will dry faster get this all cleaned off there we go telling the boys to get their boots Into the Fire it's a good opportunity keep them toes dry it is getting pretty cold out here got to be honest all right gapped close enough throw these in here and then we'll get our little inline spark tester tell us if we're getting Sparkles or not there we go all right then the other one yeah come on out got my gloves hanging here drying up going yeah takes a minute just to get that wood dry enough to bite the snow start to speed up well M will get these sparklers snugged up about 97 footl lbs no probably probably 99 y oh but all seriousness they got the Crush Washer you got to crush them like this seat or they're going to back out on you you know it's important to guy keeps hydrated you don't want it's cold out he'll sneak up on you oh my uh wobble pops Frozen got to bring that down I guess up and temp one of the directions it's a lateral move that's probably good enough about a little grease a little more uhoh panicking I am panicking I am out of I'm out okay now what we're going to do is add the oh now what we're going to do is add this in line it's a spark lator tester it's got a little light bulb on it you know you've seen this before and hopefully we have spark but that's probably not going to be the case hopefully the coil's good I don't know unless the Oldtimer put points in this is trying to get it running or it's had points when it was parked decade and a half ago I'm sure we're going to have to dig in here make some lightning happen but I don't have any ignition points or parts so this is going to be a little bit interesting but we'll Jam this in line flip the switch on this tractor which I'm assuming is the ignition switch and see what we got here oh you guys got that fire ripping I can't see nothing this isn't fitting correctly what is happening with this thing I think it's too long is what's going on my eyes are on fire I've inhaled more smoke than willly Nelson at this point so here I've identified the sparkle lator boots and the lightning hoses is just a little too long anyways for this to work so going to snip out the old tree saw here that's a front pocket find and bring these down in stature a little bits out they're a little long on the tooth they'll fit on the spark lator better and it's going to work better on my test machine we'll burn that so it's more Smoky and probably do the same with this one yep for some reason Bentley's talking to me about chicken dumplings right now to which I quickly agree that does sound good yep y eyes falling out of my face okay what was I doing Sparkles all right icicles on the mission L on yeah all right watch for that light to go off sir okay yep negative I didn't see it did you no this is my surprise face ain't got no spark so let's dig in start with the points probably and uh go from there so I got this little rinky test light thing and it'll tell me if we got power so we got power coming into lightning wher so now we'll crack this thing open take a look at the points oh boy those have been pocket knifed they're there but pretty scratched up same with this look at that just been attacked with a butter knife so that's good more evidence I worked on this point should be under here oh yeah see someone so someone had uh replaced on them let's see if we can I want to kick it over just a hair so I can rock it and open and close the points so we'll just there we go so now see should be sparking or snapping and it's not so I'll get in there with my file on the old super tool 300 Zip Zip Zip Zip clean them up a little bit and uh hopefully we get spark boy this Russian Heat Wave is feeling really good starting to get some good coals down there Bradley starting another one we didn't know we had two trim rings stacked together he's starting another one over there keep our our feet are just out absolutely soaked all the way through and our overalls so we're going to try to keep warm around that one a little bit and this one well a guys got to get these points doled up I'll grab my point file here yes sir no that's just a Leatherman but listen if it works is it a dumb idea looks to be off nope well off is on got a little zip there so guy's going to be working these points here Bradley's got another fire going over there the boys were getting cold I think Bley headed back to the house actually speaking of which is he still moving checking on him yeah that's either him or a werewolf okay so guys's going to start filing these points you got to be careful here especially if they're older points you can file the pads right off just trying to work some new metal in on each side and uh you don't want to get too overly aggressive here either you know cuz then you're going to have to come back in here and readjust them which isn't a big deal but flip the ignition back on turn the cam bam we got Sparkles there now you can come look closer is what I'm saying here you don't have to stand back there watching the snow come down showing Brad it's been a while since we've seen this stuff tell you that much right now so now same exact test but now we have spark there on the points or contacts so now we'll reassemble this I should put this on my glove dryer again and then we'll test it with our uh little Sparky do Dabber to make sure we got Spark all the way to the spark lator that's pretty good okay [Music] yeah you know ideally we'd warm the transmission up as well when it's this cold well not really this cold if it's -20 -30 just turns to basically honey and uh it can do things it's not easy on it guy could if you get it fired up Roll It Forward let it sit under that for a while or start another one or something but okay so now we can plug this back into here like so and turn this on which it already is cuz we just tested it we got spark Bradley Noles okay so now I'm going to leave that in line for now so we can just keep an eye on it I'll plug this guy in we can go ahead and get the fuel line back on the sediment bowl which isn't perfect but probably good enough to get us out of the trees here and I want to put a little bit of oil in it then we're going to go ahead and see if that fuel make it happen or is going to work nope and that'll be the next big battle hopefully that I mean chances are extremely slim but somehow if this works save us a bunch of time I do have some miscellaneous gaskets and stuff from you know just having old tractors but nothing I don't think I have an exact Marvel kit per [Music] se look at this [Music] beautiful fuel [Music] now see if this gasket starts [Music] soaking I don't know sure Bradley's on a glove drying Mission over here how's it going good yeah they look like they're coming along a little wet on the Cuffs yet but are one time to put oil on what do we got and C the motor I don't know rolling around on the toolbox for a while doesn't matter what it is it's better than whatever they made in 1952 so said it was is a qu low look that's barely pouring out we go ahead and dump this in and we are getting very close to firing this thing up so we juice it down it's spinning over great we've put the starter in starter cables battery we cleaned up the points filed them we've got spark we verified that we've got fresh fuel in it fuel line's clean sediment bowls clean we could start to try to fire this thing now or to that point as long as the fuel make it happen there going to do something but I have a feeling we're probably going to have to tearing that as well hard to tell what time it is but I think we're going to be losing light here in probably about an hour hour and a half so hopefully we can get this thing running today if not we'll have to come back for a light but you staying warm yeah good it's only going to get colder here let this just barely trickle in we'll be firing this up here in a minute well that's what we say anyway all right that only took 10 minutes got that in going to run over on the other side verify on the stick what we got going on might take a minute to get down into the pan Pan's pretty hot though it's getting warm to touch oh yeah see yeah almost right to full okay nothing pouring out of the fuel make it happen or yet hopefully the bowl filled the needle is seating and it's not spilling over have my gloves hanging on the clothes dryer there okay you ready Bud should we just see what happens here um ignition on I don't know double check everything up I don't know if that oil pressure gauge works we're not leaking any fuel all right watch out something just in case this wants to for some reason buck into gear ignition on got Throttle Down we'll give her just a pinch oh choke knob just broke off do we have any sort of [Music] Choke I don't think our choke is going to a choke I'll just manually do it try it with throttle these old tractors they all have their secret ingredient to Fire and it might take us a little bit to find this one and it doesn't help it's so darn cold huh really really don't like doing this but it's going to help me verify if we've got a carbo rer problem Brad while I'm cranking this just give it a huff where right in through here and we're just going to see if it bangs off okay all right you got to hit it in the in the hole kind of hard to aim it okay try it again okay we got something else going on hopefully the timing is not out of whack hard on these wrist pins okay well got to try to figure out what's going on spark fuel compression this net was loose that doesn't help us not saying that was the issue do we still have spark what it was just that loose wire yes it's running I'll be dipped I was not I was just going to check the spark again after I tightened the thing that's what a Johnny popper sounds like nothing sounds like a two cylinder deer pretty cool huh now we got to get some anif freeze wow it's got oil pressure well remember all that Marvel M Oil we put in it it's got an exhaust manifold Le good job buddy thanks for all the help today Bentley too he got a little cold we sent him up to the house uhoh I killed the ignition there this is cool I just wow so cool okay we need a a bungee cord for the battery to hold or a strap or something let's get some antifreeze uh air compresser air tires up and then we're about ready to see if this thing will drive out of here bud as long as the clutch works all right well I ran I took the side by side ran back to the barn and got some antifreeze well I did that Bradley went to our tractor junkyard and was this off to Orange Alice yeah the one like up by the pond yeah and this fits the uh rad so that's good did you happen to notice we put antifreeze in that Alice didn't we pretty sure we did okay here you want to do this I got to warm up my hands right over here they about frozed off so we'll see if this radiator is going to hold any antifreeze these couplers over here oh see we got a this pitcocks open so they did drain it oh it's like right into the fire okay keep going hopefully it'll hold my whole goal here is drive this out of the tree rad which isn't going to be easy we're going up a hill we can't get out this way we can't get out that way we don't want to go through the cattle up there so we got two ways to get out of here and we got to go across the Hayfield way down around a fence get to our place go way down the driveway go around the back road go through the gravel and get to the barn and once we rode it there get it stored then we could think about bringing it up to the main shop and maybe we can mess around with this thing a little bit more I mean been clean it up we got to change the oil what's in it now is going to be good enough to get it there but fill tray fix the ignition stuff put some new boots on the coolant side belt I have no idea how it's going to steer I guess I'm getting ahead of myself I don't even know if the clutch works or brakes we never got brakes okay so let's fire it up again see if we could let it run you want to grab that ratchet strap out of the other out of the Deer Side by Side might have put it up on the seat let's see if this fires off again loyal we can let it sit run warm up let that was it full yeah okay go over to the other side I'll throw you this other side of the strap let this thing warm up a little bit we're strapping the battery in right now with this ratchet strap that's something else I got to fix I think I'm going to go ahead and sacrifice this one we don't have all this extra there we go man we did didn't even have to take the pins off this thing today I feel really good about just letting this thing sit here and run for a while it's been a long time me the fire says it's charging yeah you can move the fire now if you want hey care be very careful be careful you can toot that up a little bit so they get warm he's been working hard getting branches and little pieces of wood with that saws off so we can get it really ripping now get some smoke in your eyes yeah yeah I don't see any leak around the cool cor on the back very small weep on the boot here but I'll show you get over get over here I ain't going to bite you little bit of a weave here that's in pretty bad shape these are original clamps hopefully it [Music] holds sediment bowl looks great so far [Music] [Music] man when you think about tractor just this shape all of us have drawn this tractor growing up you'll draw me a tractor boom there it is oh you want to get the air compressor we'll start putting some wind in these things [Music] there it is right on the bottom this one might have air in it so we're going to add some air to all the tires I'm going to let the thing just sit here and run it says it's charging and uh we'll warm up a little bit and I guess if I can get it out of here if the clutch Works which we're going to test next I'll just have Bradley follow me and the other deer the gator see if we can work out of here might be a lot of spinning and steering with the brakes if the brakes work which they [Music] won't always makes me curious these old Tru like how many hours does this have on it if someone was using it as a mower they it thousands probably 7500 10,000 hours listen to it run it's just it's mind bottling it's cliche but they don't make nothing like these write it down okay now we're going to uh go ahead and test the clutch on this thing I'm going to pull that seat off let the dry spot to sit not that a matters it's so cold out here nothing's really melting oh maybe not oh there we go I can just sit on the three point basically rushed all this off this morning and it's already this ho glove was full snow okay now oops hit the kill switch there you go let's see if I remember my John Deere shift pattern see like first is in the middle yes oh she's ready to go not a lot of right break got some left let it should be reverse yep second let's see that's second that' be first oh it's so cool I think we're ready to get out of here bud let me uh let's clean up a little bit keep this running head to the barn not SAS squat SI getting ready to head out so there you go [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] have to brake steer it to control the wheel spin so if this tire is spinning you just give it some break and it'll kick it over to this side and vice versa but we're heading towards the barn running good barely charging I don't know if the temp cage works we got oil pressure it's hard to see little bit of blow by but that's normal completely normal we're going to try fourth gear little bit of a clutch slip there we go oh yeah oh oh oh oh okay a little fast for the Hy field oh we're pling some snow ow ow okay bad idea let's uh let's bring her back down the third there we go well it made it all the way back to the barn now let's see if the three oh it apparently it does even though why is it it was in the down position oh it pushes down put some weight on that with your foot there you go let's see if it lifts oh yeah nice we got a threep point okay now I'm going to jump on I'm going to try the PTO have to depress the clutch swing the PTO on well I can already see it turning lazy I can hold it but this thing should take off but that works as well we got a nice little tractor here although I don't know if the uh thermostat not getting War but let's see if that works all right watch touch down engage Let's uh spice it up oh yeah yes we got a p ha there you have it 19 52 John Deere M 72 years old sitting for more than a decade fired up crawled itself out of a tree row and roted itself back to a barn where you can bet I'm going to put it to work if you want to see more of this little L there's lots to do make it reliable uh probably got to replace some gauges make sure it's actually not heating up or we have any other issues go through the fluids all of that stuff I'd like to probably pull a hay rake with it or something like that if you guys want to see that let me know but we got another one back home thanks guys for watching appreciate you so much we'll see you very [Music] soon [Music] n
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 1,521,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, john deere, john deer, jd, model m, antique, classic, old, abandoned, forgotten, revival, rescue, will it run, will it start, will it drive, tractor, tractors, farm, ranch, equipment
Id: R3W128yR6i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 3sec (4503 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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