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Steve oh my goodness holy hello folks welcome back I'm doing something uh a little different today oh it's getting a little squirly back there pay attention what I'm doing anyway two days ago went to an auction I bought another 58 edil um for reasons I won't get into for now the only pretty much the only reason I bought it was to rescue it from getting crushed so I figured it was just going to be a for sure thing that someone would buy it just to haul it in and make a quick buck so I bought bought it just to rescue it now uh I figured I would probably part it out I mean from the moment the bidding was over on it I had one guy hitting me up about parts off it already but uh today I'm going to go pick it up I think it's been sitting since at least the 70s maybe 80s I'm betting that every wheel on it going to be locked up and um I don't know what I'm going to do this is going to be a longterm video probably over the next few months I couldn't get the engine to turn by hand I'll probably take it home throw some acetone ATF mix down the cylinders let that stew for a couple weeks see if I can get it broke loose maybe try to get it running I don't think I'm going to try to get it driving though that's just too much that's more work than I want to put into it considering I didn't buy it to do anything with other than to just rescue it now I I put it up on couple edil uh Facebook pages that I was going to probably part it out and I had several people want to buy the car complete so that might be an option too yeah I'll I'll take it home P around with it clean it up get some better pictures I would much prefer to just sell it wh so I don't have to mess around take aparts and shipping them and all that I will be happy if someone wants to buy it take it and restore it or if I part it out it's still being more useful than having to go straight to the crusher like it probably would have but anyway while I'm going down there and I'm so close to where you take a vehicle in I went ahead and put an old junk truck on the trailer here I go ahead and turn that in put a few bucks in my pocket cuz there's a big swap me coming up this weekend so I'll have some money to buy treasures at the Swap me this truck is just a it's a half ton Fort like 2002 got the V6 engine in it but the bed is just piled full of crap so yeah the asend of the trailer is really heavy and it's quite squirly so I'm going to get off of here and concentrate on my White Knuckle driving here like I should be doing bye-bye all right that's a relief having that off of there I know it felt Wild that it must have looked worse to other people cuz they were giving me lots of room but anyway I'm not using this trailer to go pick up the edil uh at the auction one of my old high school friends was there Mr Randy Morton I don't see him enough but uh got to talking to him about how much of a it was going to be getting that car up on my trailer if those Wheels were locked up which they probably will be and he offered to let me use his tilt bed trailer so I'm on my way to go pick that up now so yeah I won't have to drag or attempt to drag locked up wheels up my ramps well there she is ain't she a be now for those of you that don't know and this explains why I can't use any parts or pretty much very little off this Edsel for mine is in 1958 only there were four model lines for the cars um there was a ranger Pacer citation and Cavalier the Ranger and Pacer were a totally different body than the Cavalier and citation the Ranger and Pacer were based on the smaller Ford Chassis the uh citation and Cavalier were based on the larger Mercury chassis and even though they look the same they're not I mean I can't use any sheet metal I'm pretty sure I can't use any of the glass I mean stuff like U the headlights the grill stuff maybe these maybe the bumpers but yeah most most of it will not work for me so the like I said the primary reason I got this was just to rescue it from the crusher uh the easiest way to tell the difference between the two Body Lines the what they call the uh the Ranger and Pacer are called the junior series CU they're smaller citation and Cavalier are the senior series the easiest way to tell the difference citation and uh yeah you'd think i' said it already enough times Cavalier no that ain't right citation Corsair it's Corsair I've been saying it the wrong it's Corsair and citation here's the way to tell the difference the Ranger and Pacer do not have this bump right here at the front of the fender that's the one quick easy way to tell the difference in them well let's see um I did bring some tires and wheels for it if any of these things will roll that will make a huge difference but uh let's see what happens now my guess is the reason that several people have wanted to buy this complete yeah so um is uh because this is a twodo that makes it a lot more rare and the fact that it is a citation that was kind of the top top upscale top-of-the-line model so maybe that's why people are wanting it I think it's a little rough myself and that's me something coming from me but hey if somebody wants to tackle this more power to them it's actually really not that much worse shape than uh my twodo Ranger I've got now what I'm doing here is I'm not going to pick the car up enough to get the tire off I just want to because I don't want a chance damaging that bumper it looks nice and straight and the Chrome's not terrible on it I'm just picking it up just enough hopefully that I can get a floor jack underneath it to the frame rail and then use that to do the heavy lifting all right kind of having to do this as a team effort with both the Jacks this is the second rear tire got the other one on already neither one budges at all that sucks but in a way it's kind kind of good because if either one of them would have had you know least bit of jiggle to it I would have had to crawl underneath and unhook the drive shaft because those of you that don't know these edel look there at the see if I can get zoomed in on it it's called a teletouch and that's the shifter it's electrically controlled and obviously you're not going to get this thing in neutral it might already be in neutral I think actually if I'm seeing it right from here that top button's pushed in I think that's an n but it doesn't matter at this point cuz both rear brakes are locked up tight let's get on to the front now well neither one of the fronts has helped me out either they are all stuck not surprisingly you can see that line right there on the drum right there on that wheel this thing is sat around so long that it had sunk up clear to the hub now at some point excuse me I'm panting here I've been working at some point in the not to par par fast far past someone has picked the front end up and crammed a a concrete block underneath there for what purpose I don't know but yeah that doesn't help me at this point oh and this is what leads me to believe this thing's been off the road last registration tag 1978 well at least it looks slightly cooler while I struggle with it uh let's see how this disaster turns out try to get it on the trailer now okay my first big problem had to swap out the battery but Randy told me that one might be dead I can't get this very tight but that doesn't seem to matter because these circuit breakers kick out after just a couple seconds of winching even before I got a load on it so I think I'm just going to have to uh run the red wire directly there and hope those uh circuit breakers were just uh being a little overprotective all right got a run Dr let's see what happens next [Laughter] now much better so I was thinking worst case scenario what I was going to do here you know this isn't my winch even if it was my winch I'd want to make life on it as easy as possible in this circumstance obviously all four tires are locked up so I was thinking well how can I uh make that a little more slick cheap dish [Music] detergent come on get up on there you can do it outside the problem time for a little more well it ain't pretty but it's on there I started pulling sideways because I'm hooked into one of the a ARS underneath there not a lot of good options to hook underneath it's a little precarious there but I think it'll be okay I could tell the soap did make a difference once the tire would run off the soap and hit the drywood you could hear the winch grunt down but uh I don't know how I'm going to tie this thing down I can't go forward anymore with it cuz it's pretty much touching the winch now another small dilemma is I can't get this thing latched Randy did point out that somebody had a jack knife the trailer at some point you can see it so the tongue's kind of tweaked that's probably why I can't get that down in there hey referring to the valve cover there this is the e475 which I believe is a 410 if I'm not mistaken got these weird power brakes which I've heard are called a tradle vac whatever the hell that is no air conditioning but if I'm not mistaken it looks to me like this thing has power windows I do not see aack all right all right here's my next concern the ground is kind of soft here it's not muddy it's just kind of spongy as you can see my rear tires sunk in so let's see if I can get this thing moving now before I go let's take a look at this I don't know what year it is but it's some sort of a Dodge uh if I remember I think it sold for 250 bucks I would have got in on that bidding for that price I probably would have went up to mount four on it um but yeah as soon as I bought my edel here a couple guys could have started talking to me and distracted me from that I don't know what I'd have done it been a good hell of a good start for a rat Rod or throw it on a four-wheel drive chassis or something and in this bare spot there was a 65 chevel SS was basically a rolling shell but it was a you know for being in the Rust Belt it was a pretty decent shell not great but yeah usable obviously I think it brought 1,500 all right I have it tied down sort of they being crooked like that kind of messes up your options but uh I think it's time to hit the road I still got to go to work tonight pretty much felt like I had to get this out of here cuz there's rain coming [Music] tomorrow you get to feel the wind on your windshield for the first time since what was it 1978 looks like I better pull over do something about that passenger side door it won't latch looks like that big old mom is drifting back there behind [Music] me I'm not a perfectionist but boy that really irritates me when the car's on there that crooked but yeah there's not much I can do about it at the moment especially for no further than I'm going to get it home although I may not make it home I'm almost outed gas and the gas station here in tell I'm going through they've got their t tanks all ripped out I think there's a uh MFA on the outskirts of town see if they I think there's a pan the pump thing there I might have to uh partake of that if I can looks like I'm saved got what I believe is a late 50s Mercury here I really like those those are just as bizarre looking as these 58 edels well I've had the Edsel home for uh almost two weeks now been meaning to get some acid atone ATF down in the cylinders but the weather just hasn't worked out until today so let's get to it Moment of Truth here we have a crappy old Holly maybe auto light 4100 let's see 4100 all right oh man it's stuck that's not a good sign for the engine well I already knew the engine was stuck obviously but the amount of rust that it collected around here these plug wires are just some of them are just absolutely disintegrating where was that worst one at where did it go yeah it must have been that one anyway I don't think that's a concern because honestly I don't see this thing needing plug wires in the future I don't think I'm going to get it unstuck but I've been wrong before I'm going to go ahead and put the air cleaner back on while I Tred to blow all this crud out from around the spark plug holes no point getting any more crap down in the engine than what's already in it but uh maybe that is a too little too late kind of a sentiment but couldn't hurt all right good as it's going to get okay so I got seven of the spark plugs out number three is being a real I can get it to move I can back it out a little bit run it back in I'm I'm gaining a little bit on every time but I went and got the other seven out as you can see there is rust these would be uh one two and four there's rust on all of those four looks pretty crusty I'm I'm just going to guess number three is going to look really nasty by the fight it's putting up here's 5 through eight five not terrible six not terrible seven very bad eight eh not great either anyway I think I'm probably just going to go get the impact get number three out I don't have anything to lose by putting it on there I'm tired of fighting with [Music] it [Music] there we go so don't mind the uh that's just PB Blaster I sprayed down there to help get the threads broke loose as I worked it back and forth It's not really as bad looking as I thought it would be so much room for activities on these massive edil trunks let's mix up some [Music] magic all right so I don't think I really need to show you me putting the mix in there obviously I'll I'll be using one of these squeezy nozzles for the ones that are easy to get to and the one back there I'll add a length of hose and hey here's that spark plug wire for some reason I didn't even pull it off probably went right past my radar cuz it didn't even look like a spark plug wire anymore my last edel video uh was my Ranger with a 361 in it and somebody in the comments tried telling me that was an M engine no the 361 is an Fe this is an me it does have some uh visual features that are like an Fe especially those exhaust manifolds but this is a true ml ml stands for Mercury edil Lincoln all right they are all full it took four full quarts to fill all eight cylinders some of them cylinders the Piston was down all the way obviously and they were very thirsty um you got to put the plugs back in it's been my experience with this ATF acetone mix that the acetone will uh evaporate out of the mix and so yeah you want to put the plugs in to keep that from happening so with that I will bid you a do for a few weeks you I'm saying a few weeks it's probably going to be more like a month six weeks but uh we shall see well folks it has been more than a couple weeks it has been more than a couple of months it's been about 6 months in my estimation and I got busy with other things you guys understand how that is but it is now late fall early winter I want to get this thing up in the driveway and figure out if this acetone ATF that's been sitting in the engine for this 6 months see if that's got the engine freed up here before the snow hits probably the last one of the last few nice days I'm going to have here let me show you what I got going on now I don't remember 6 months ago if I even remembered I had this puller or maybe I thought it wouldn't work for one reason or another but I brought it up here and it does grab there's enough lip on the drum there for it to grab some drum breaks the backing plate comes over this lip to where there's nothing to grab but this one does and also you can see if this drum would have been much deeper my jaws would not have grabbed it but it does grab it now obviously it should go without saying that you actually have to take the retaining nut off there and I did I don't know if it's showing up on the camera but I got a ratchet stat wrapped around here holding in the three jaws now obviously doing this you're going to the the shoes are rusted to the drum you're going to destroy some of the retaining Hardware in there by pulling it off of there but uh the reason I'm doing this I've brought home parts vehicles before where I did with the brakes were locked up I just took a sledgehammer and busted up the drum I don't know the particulars of the 58 edil but I know some of these drums are are hard to come by they don't make them new anymore so you have to go used so that's kind of why I'm trying to save these from destruction so I'm I'm sacrificing all the brake hardware in there to get the drum salvaged yeah now I got to get that damn washer out out of there why didn't I think of that before I got started come on I suppose I should get the bearing out of there too now that I got a little room to play with thankfully that ratchet st's holding my Jaws on there so I don't have to totally reset this up that's all I'm going to get but that was enough there you go she's a roller now at least on one corner now it was kind of a struggle getting that three jaw clamp all hung on there until I got it tightened down but I'm going to tell you that was way easier than wailing on that drum with a sledgehammer busted into pieces seems like it would be kind of easy but yeah it's not those drums do put up a pretty good struggle it's not that hard to get them cracked but you had to get them all busted in pieces out of there it uh yeah definitely much [Music] easier now even though that went pretty well I do have some daylight left I could do the rear but I think I need to use my daylight just to get this thing moved up to the shop and I got a couple other things I need to get done before it gets dark well it looks like I got foiled for getting this thing moved today I got the loader back here and the way I usually do this was picking up one end of a car I'll sling a chain underneath here and it'll come up hook into the loader forks go back down so that leaves a lot of room for the car to swing like this which a lot of times will end up with the chain contacting something up here I am not willing to even take that risk of breaking out these tail lights so I got it up on jack stands next time I got time some afternoon I'll get up here and get those uh rear brakes broke loose doesn't fall over by then pretty good lean to it going throw some blocks underneath the front but anyway I'll have to once I get the rear brakes freed I'll pick it up by the front because as you can see the front's already pretty well munched up anyway and Rusty and yeah a lot less uh stuff to damage up here that isn't already well once again a couple more weeks have passed I did get it up here to the shop as you can see I took the rear brakes off pulled the drums went pretty much the same as the fronts I feel pretty stupid not thinking of that using in that puller before I've had that thing for years I've brought home two other vehicles where I had to actually whail and beat and bust the drums apart when it probably would have worked pretty slick on those but I guess I was thinking that uh maybe that thing wasn't big enough to get hold of drums but apparently it is but anyway picking it up by the front end the chain got into these headlight pods a little bit which is a no big deal cuz as you can see they're not exactly pristine anyway not like those tail lights those have some value anyway supposedly got some snow coming later tonight work on this this afternoon a little bit before I go to work let's see if uh those six or seven months of sitting with that acetone ATF in the engine has uh freed anything up all right I've been at this I'm sure at least an hour and a half maybe 2 hours just getting stuff out of the way so I can get a good shot at the crank bolt wanted to make sure yeah isolated everything got the power steering unhooked the generator wasn't stuck but it is kind of hard to turn but I wanted to show you how bad those belts were most of the belt stayed behind in the pulley nasty and yeah here yeah yeah I don't have much hope that this thing's going to come unstuck and even if it does I don't know that I can make it run anyway let's get a socket and breaker bar on there and see what happens now losing my daylight pretty quick here no it's just tightening up the bolt sure so ain't going to go the other way either nope well there it is looks like a fail on that uh I brought it up to the shop and put it up in the air so even if I didn't get the engine unstuck I can get underneath there and evaluate how Rusty the floor is and just kind of help me decide what I want to do with it and I'm running out of daylight today so we'll evaluate the floor and frame on it another day when we have a nice sunny day if that ever happens in the near future and uh maybe we'll clean up the car and evaluate its uh value from there well it's another couple days now um I think I'm done with this engine I kind of hate to quit at this point but I think it's a lost cause um this thing is stuck hard enough that uh even if I got it freed up I can't imagine it would run worth of crap if it would even run at all the Rings would be messed up I don't know how the valve train it might be stuck uh I think it's just a lost cause and especially with this being such an old rare and obsolete engine I don't want to put the effort into it that e would be better put into swapping a different engine into this if I decide I wanted to do something with this car which I don't think I am at this point I just want to evaluate it and decide what I want to do with it it's not completely off the table that I could try to want to do something with the rest of the car but not likely it's probably either going to get sent along to somebody else or parted out but with that in mind uh I might if I have time before I wrap this video up pull the top end off the engine just to look in the cylinder heads just out of curiosity I know you want to see it too but uh again that's another thing that's really not worth my time yeah going any further with this engine that would be kind of great I'd like to do it but I it's just not feasible for me my uh YouTube channel is not uh profitable enough well there's no profit in my Channel at all hopefully that'll change someday but anyway yeah the guys that can do that they've got the time to do it they've got the money to do it I don't I have a lot more limited resources I need to think about uh where I can put those resources that would work out better for me than this pretty nice day coming up a couple days from now I should be able to get the pressure washer out and give this a good wash inside and out and evaluate what's going to happen you can already see there's holes in the floor there I pulled the old household carpet out of there cuz I didn't want to set this thing on fire I want to pull the seat out so I can do a good job of cleaning I want to pull the back seat out so I can see what's in the trunk uh with what little daylight I have left today the two rear bolts came out amazingly easy the fronts are seized up I've got the that one cut off of the grinder already I'm working on this one so hopefully today I can at least get the uh interior out of it get this thing ready for washing in a couple of days did a pretty decent job of cutting that off without getting into the seat frame seems like everywhere you touch the seat it makes a crunching noise and this is kind of fun too oh look at that nice mix mixture of a dried up Dusty Upholstery and a mouse turds well I'm starting to lose my light but I just wanted to point out for those of you that weren't familiar with edsels the speedometer it's kind of a disc in there and it floats and as your speed gets faster the little disc spins around it's kind of like a little flying saucer for lack of a better explanation it's it's rather cool I got the rear seat out uh the floors back here actually look somewhat solid I can see some rush through over there in that bottom of that wheel well the trunk kind of dark in there doesn't look to me like there's much treasure let's get back to this in a couple days when the weather's better tomorrow I've got other plans damn nice day out for uh December I think it's like almost 60° won't be getting another nice day like this probably till spring so let's get some clean done on this little piggy oh man that is one heavy trunk lid crawled in there unbolded the trunk latch uh not much in there some extra tail light housings and a busted tail light some rotten carpet but uh you know how it is you can't truly evaluate the rust in a car without checking out the trunk you see a mouse jump out of there or just debris falling out of the hinge found old newspaper in here I always find these kind of fascinating just to get an idea this one is from uh Sunday June 28th 19 74 I kind of like looking at trying to find uh like prices just to compare what things go for now is to back then oh there's a price some sort of a uh Zenith television [Music] $299.95 the Acapulco model and the only story I could really get out of it is few support women's lib and Slater this was the uh de Mo Tribune well this trunk liner is proving to be quite frustrating it just wants to come out in chunks like that I'm really surprised that this trunk seal channel is not rusted out it was just full of dirt and another odd thing to me anyway I've never run into this before this trunk there were just all kinds of these shells in there which I'm assuming is some sort of a snail and I know snails aren't exclusive to being underwater but by the amount of these that were in there it makes me wonder if the as end of this thing was underwater for quite a while or at least in a very moist environment anyway I think the best way I'm going to be able to get all that stuff up is with the pressure washer so I just well get it broke out well I didn't get it all knocked out of there but it kind of got it to where you can uh see the floor frankly I'm shocked that the floor is in this good a shape got some holes there holes there understandably around the wheel wells down in here around each side of the license plate but those make for some pretty good drains and it really surprises me that this spare tire wheel well isn't all rusted out I mean there's definitely rust I would have assumed it would have been gone of course most of that crap got blown up there into there into the front of the car so uh let's go ahead and keep on washing I'm afraid I'm just going to keep blowing the stuff back and forth you think I'd have been smart enough to pull these drain plugs out oh man that is brittle [Music] I think that's about as good as going to get in here this is kind of something weird looks like somebody actually cut part of the transmission tunnel out to do some sort of work on the transmission and then kind of I don't even want to use the word patched it back in that's being too generous and then also used a piece of galvaniz that they brazed to it I don't know what that's all about well let's get washing all this moss and crud off the outside now [Music] f [Music] w I think you get the idea I'm tired of trying to set the camera up at different angles I just want to get this done kitty it's a beautiful day out what are you doing all huddled up here in your bed all right folks we're not quite done with this old girl yet as I promised I'm going to pull the cylinder heads off of it I just pulled the carburetor off even though it was stuck I really like those audio L Audi auto light 4100 so I'm keeping that I pulled the valve covers off expecting to find uh something pretty nasty but uh it actually looks pretty good in there both sides I was just underneath cutting the exhaust off I cuz I want to pull the cylinder head and the exhaust manifold off as one uh I know on one side one of these exhaust manifolds is uh fairly valuable they must break easy or something they look intact to me so far so maybe I'll make some of my money back out of this this by that but anyway while I was underneath there uh cutting the exhaust off I found something rather nasty with the frame let's go underneath and show you right here just behind the rear leaf spring hanger that doesn't seem to be the case over here on the other side other than that the frame looks pretty good like you can see of it here we'll try to move around a little show you back there not too shabby right there pretty solid or sure looks like it anyway panning around to the front I probably I don't believe I mentioned it but once I got the rear brakes off it to get it up here to the shop it still wouldn't roll so it means the transmission even though the selector on the steering wheel was in neutral it was not so I had to unbolt the drive shaft yeah starts right there at the spring hanger H as usual I'll be out of daylight before long I'm not going to have time to get the cylinder heads off maybe before I lose all my light I might have enough time to get these uh rocker assemblies and maybe the intake off looks to me like I shouldn't have to pull the distributor out like with other Fords looks like I won't have to anyway I might find that to be quite surprising well as you saw there I was rather shocked that the distributor actually turned but still won't come out I'm not sure what's going on with that uh looks pretty good down here in the lifter Valley other than that lifter there you can see popped the cap out maybe that was just the uh push rod stuck in it and did it but uh anyway think this is all I'm going to get today we'll hit it again tomorrow when there's some nice good daylight we can see the uh Carnage once I get the heads pulled off all right this is kind of weird um none of them really look all that bad I mean they look bad but not terrible I'm kind of curious where all the acetone ATF went it must have leaked on down into the oil pan so anyway here's what's really weird right in here it's like the cylinder has a taper to it you could distinctly feel it it doesn't go all the way around just right through here and it almost looks as if yeah the Piston only comes up to here maybe that uh bevel or taper in it is for a valve relief for air flow because definitely that's where the rust is a lot worse in these where you can see where the piston in the past has traveled here and kept the wall clean but it's definitely not an open chamber head now unfortunately this manifold is cracked that's probably the one that's valuable and that's probably why it's valuable cuz they always crack there maybe I don't know I'll have to look into that anyway on to the other side all right kind of the same story here you see how they all have that taper in them and that taper is Rusty like it's been there for quite a while um I'm going to assume that's the case because because it doesn't look like any of the Pistons come up any higher than well on this end it does but you can see the the Piston has a taper to it as well so there's I guess yeah that makes sense seem as how there is no uh actual chamber in the head the chambers in the cylinder head or in the cylinder itself blah blah blah anyway that's the only cylinder there as you can see with the mixture still in it and this one actually has a little bit of water in it let's take a look at the head as you can clearly see it has three valves that are stuck and while this manifold is good I noticed while I was taking the heads out or the head bolts out Crack crack uh that one is cracked I can't really see it too well and that one the bolt was gone so obviously even if I would got the Pistons freed up this thing had a whole laundry list of other problems stuck valves even if we would have got it running it would have uh run like like absolute I don't think yeah obviously I don't believe there was any one cylinder that was the problem it was all of them well folks I think it's time to uh put a fork in this piggy I guess I realized I never did show this after I washed it uh was it an improvement and that's debatable is it any better any worse I don't know it's just different pretty obvious I've brought it back up here in the field now I also didn't show when I was washing it there was a rust hole yeah right over there know if I'm getting or not a couple of them actually and there was a rust hole right here and on the other side it wasn't that far from being a rust hole actually you could even argue it is a rust hole it just hasn't fallen away yet I'm rather surprised how good the shape the floors were in not they were good but I expected them to be pretty much non-existent H you could even say I was floored by how good a shape they were in yeah sorry about that obviously there's rust on the outer quarters rockers door skins and around here in the Rust Belt they're always rusted out around the headlight pods for obvious reasons I shouldn't need to point it out but I will the tires throw crud up in here and it sits up there and just rots that all out what could a person do with this car well I was thinking maybe either find a better set of front fenders for it and then you know do some rudimentary patching up of the floors and the other rust it's too far gone to be a good nice driver or show car uh but uh that's what I was thinking you could patch it up enough to make it into a vintage stock car um a Mad Max apocalyptic vehicle sure um and with the RO rust in the roof I was thinking even cut the top off cuz I would love love to have a 58 convertible Edo but uh once I found all that rust in the frame and sure that's fixable too um but I bet it's like like sheet m you start digging into it and the rust you're just going to keep finding more and more H the shame of it is edels are rare but they're not super rare like if this were some really rare exotic muscle car oh yeah all that crap could be fixed easily for that uh edil have come up in value over the past several years but not enough that this car would be worth fixing in my opinion that's not to say somebody couldn't um if they had some sort of sentimental attachment to it which I don't or if this were some really rare model which it isn't I suppose a person could you know do the fender either replacement or patches and fix some of the rust and just pick this body up put it on a four-wheel drive chassis that would look pretty good you know it's not worthless but it's yeah it's just too far gone if you want to fix up a nice driver or something to take the car shows that being said there's a lot of good parts on it well I think all the glass is good except for the driver's window uh it's got all its Rim other than some of stuff up front here is busted up um parts car sure but uh I don't want to pull parts box them up and ship them if somebody wanted to come here and take them off themselves that would be I would consider that but otherwise I don't want to mess with parting it out so I think what I'm going to do is it's just going to as you seen it's right back up here in the field and even though this is a senior series the sheet metal and glass will not work in my Rangers that I have the two Rangers I have two door and four-door and I have some thoughts on what I want to do with those but uh nothing is in stone yet but a day ever comes I start doing something with those I'm sure you know some of the trim pieces off the front um I don't know what all but I'm sure there's parts of this that could be used plus I really love the speedometer in these it would just be sweet to take the speedometer out of this and graft it into some other type of car if it's even usable so that's what I'm thinking is just going to sit here and it'll be my parts car when the time comes unless somebody's interested in buying the whole thing um I would let it go on any given day who knows how much I'd want for it at the auction I thought I got out at 400 next thing you know it's sold at 500 and the auctioneers are staring at me for my number I'm like I fine I'll take it for five um so that's what I got in it for what I paid um as I said any given day I might take five I might take more than that might take less who knows what's going on on in my day on that particular day to make me decide but yeah if somebody's interested in it I would be open to selling it that being said thanks for watching this uh big old loss cuz it was a big old losing turd and until next time watch out for a cornhole bud
Channel: Misfit Toys
Views: 135,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OSup4Ix3oNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 27sec (3447 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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