I bought a 1960 Impala sitting 32 years, will it run AND drive 2,556 miles home? Part 1!

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foreign just bought this 1960 four-door flat top Impala it doesn't run it doesn't drive it hasn't drove in 10 or more years interesting story actually me and my wife flew back here to visit her parents but little old me in my head I'm thinking well maybe I can make a deal so before we got here I was on Facebook Marketplace searching the interwebs trying to find something cool and I found this when we got here as soon as we got off the plane we came and looked at this car I talked to the owner I bought this thing and I said look I'll have to come back for it in a few weeks well here it is a few weeks later I flew back here to Wallington New Jersey to pick this cool old cat up but the thing about it is I live in Tucson Arizona that's at least 2500 miles away I don't know a ton of history about this vehicle what I do know is that he bought it from a dealership down in Florida and he had it shipped up here to New Jersey to work on it and restore it but he never did he never did anything to the motor never tried to see if it would run never did anything to the drivetrain so this drivetrain is truly unknown condition but I'm a little anxious about this trip also pretty excited because this car is right up my alley the 50s and early 60s is my absolute favorite era of cars in this country the most beautiful cars that were ever made in my opinion were made from 1950 to like 1963. so first off looking at this car I really love love this body style of the car they had the two-door sedan which had a post in the middle they had two door hardtops they had four-door sedans they had four-door hardtops and they had convertibles and they also had the El Camino which was the truck version this is a four-door hardtop flat top I really really like these flat tops I really like how these windows curve they give that real panoramic feel it's just so Space Age It's So of the time and the front windshield too how it curves I love that what I really what drew me to this car was the completeness of it I love seeing complete cars I say that in all my videos because when you see stuff mangled up messed up missing that's evidence of a struggle maybe they found a problem that you will find once you dig into it so I like to see completion and originality paint looks pretty original I can see some body filler right here this is Bondo so somebody tried to do body work I think but the quarter panel though is solid anyway coming back around here we are missing a few things we're missing this trim right here maybe in the trunk I don't know we'll have to dig into that and also my lenses so we'll have to figure out what's going on with that but the bumper though the bumper is nice and straight we got the balance panels down here that always rot out and those are okay those look pretty decent um you know you can't buy this stuff and when you find it and it's like in good shape and actually usable and repaintable that's really good all the trim is there for the back window all the way down the side I mean even down to the Impala Emblem The Checkered Flag the spear the door handles all the trim that goes around the windows and these babies right here these I don't see that often and usually they're gone so I think those are worth something to have on the car no hubcaps I mean these wheels look like they're original of this car but I really would like to have the hubcaps that would be cool coming around to the front check it out I just love these front ends they look so Timeless to me you know they just look so good Chevy really hit the nail on the head in my opinion with with these designs they don't look too bulky they just look just right you know Chevrolet on the hood all the letters are there we got a little bit of a chinger right here we got the spot for the license plate we got these Valance panels down here with the lenses and the lights all the tires are seeming to hold air I don't know how old these tires are but they're holding air uh I don't know what the date code is on these oh wait here we go no that ain't right uh 14 inch tires I wish it was 15s but oh well uh let's see that means five of 12. I don't know could be from 2012. all I know is these tires are old because you can see right here see how their uh dry rotting and cracking that's not good you know you cannot go 2500 miles on that you're asking for it another thing that Drew me to this it seems dumb but the windshield is not broken uh these windshields are expensive they're five or six hundred dollars and the gasket is another few hundred so if you did it yourself you're looking at seven eight hundred so the fact that this windshield is here and not busted uh and the back one that really means a lot to me in my opinion this being broke is not a big deal because it's flat I mean I don't really care flat glass is easy they can cut that into any shape but you can't cut that in you cannot cut a flat piece of glass into that shape you know we got the paper mirror oh yeah baby we got our paper mirror going on oh what's this sticker what's this Georgia State Patrol 79 and 80. was this a state patrol car what does that mean March of 79 and 80. Motor Vehicle Safety oh inspection it's an inspection sticker this was not a part of the state patrol yeah this was part of the police force you probably would have saw some spotlights right here and on the other side you know what that means easy eye safety plate easy eyeglass that was a factory option you could buy this is green huge glass the glass itself is actually green and it's meant to reflect or refract UV lights to make it easier on your eyeballs when you're driving a regular glass would have just been clear you look at it in the light you'll see that it's green missing our door lock over on this side oh well not too big of a deal yeah let's check out the inside of this thing oh we got a sticker here what is this golf I always love seeing these old stickers you know like dates when it was serviced any pencil marks are gone now but I don't know this was serviced by golf somewheres and you can see these stickers have came off see these spots here where there would have been stickers service stickers and stuff it's looking like we got manual seats no power seats but the dash is like so clean not in bad shape at all let me get in here real quick oh so we got our wipers uh I think they're electric I'm not sure what this button does but I they might be electric got our lights we've got our gauges are all in it look at those beautiful gauges uh PRNDL so there's no D2 and L so this is a two speed it's probably a power glide more than likely got our key switch I don't have keys for this car but you know I don't need them I guess um yeah it feels hooked up to the transmission horn button it's even got a ragio look at that usually these are these are There's an actual wire that hooks to a wheel that hooks to your station and then usually they freeze up so you can turn this but you won't see this move so the fact that that's moving uh that's not bad that's pretty good sign we might get lucky and that radio will work got an ashtray missing the uh little sticky thing oh well Impala oh yeah baby uh I decoded the VIN and this was made in I think Atlanta Georgia be cool if it was made in LA but hey oh well the car's here right I don't care where it was made looks like uh here's our wipers and some old belts maybe those will fit I don't know manual windows no power windows no power uh seats dome lights in it back seat oh what is that oh man look one two three four those are the hubcaps yes those are gonna look so good on here look at these rockers looking so good they always go right here so floor okay I mean at least this one looks all right about to check out the other ones but this thing's so low to the ground I can hardly even get under here this used to be a wasp's nest a pretty big one but not no more so the trunk is pretty much gone um we got Roth holes you know oh well no big deal uh but we have Let's see we need six lenses total so oh I don't want to lose these screws do not want to lose those all right so we have a red a white a couple more screws reverse two we're missing one but hey these lights uh they go right here so the lights go here and the lenses go over them so that's pretty good I'm glad those are all in there the housings we'll have to get a test light when we get to putting a battery in it and see if we got power we even got the gaskets these are the gaskets for uh the lights nice not totally sure what these are I don't know here's a spare tire screw but that's long gone the spare tire rim kind of wish I had the rim because if I had the rim then I could put one of these tires on that Rim when I put new tires on the car I could save one of these tires and put it on a spare Rim in case I have a blowout but oh well didn't get that lucky oh look look look the original Jack instructions wow that is really neat believe it or not some of these cars didn't come with trunk lights they would they would be mounted right here on a Mercury switch no trunk light all right what do you say we check under the hood see what we're working with [Music] so this car has the 283 V8 with the two-speed power glide some of these came with an inline six it looks all complete under here come on in here and I'll show you guys a86c you still see the part number on there I love that looks like we got a four barrel we got radiator hose we got heater hoses we got the whole complete engine fuel pump lower radiator hose we got the water pump which is free this one still has a generator looks to be an original one Delco Remy a 12 volt generator check the power steering power steering is empty no power brakes we got manual brakes now for the Moment of Truth we got to see if this thing will turn over [Music] oh oh it turns [Music] you hear that hissing that's compression let's check the radiator antifreeze yeah and we do have coolant in it let's see what we can smell coming out of the gas tank maybe there's gas in there maybe there's not but I'm kind of assuming I can't use this tank hopefully I got the right size battery I just sort of winged it [Music] oh yeah like a glove I knew all along let's see if we can get it to crank with uh the key switch [Music] all right generator light comes on oil light comes on the fuel gauge goes to full ha [Music] it sounds like a nice healthy crank too nice and even see if the horn works oh no way I'm gonna try the headlights real quick see if they come on one pull out and then two all right yes both okay let's see if the brights work all right click what do you see what do you see on all four just like that man that makes me happy and you know what's cool is you can't necessarily see it where you're at but these two are T3 headlights which T3 headlights were those are actually old those are actually from the 60s they don't make t3s anymore I know we got more important fish to fry but I'm just curious if we got power back here no no nothing I'll have to figure that out later right now let's move to something a little more pressing oh man my spear came along oh whoa whoa whoa whoa I got a key is this the key it is a key but is it the key I also found the uh door lock plastic whoa wow we're just finding more and more goodies as we go along aren't we all right let's give this key a shot oh oh dang you never get that look I just found that in the floor I wish they would have used this on the trunk they drilled out the lock cylinder on the trunk and they could have just used the key if they would have looked in the floor of the car that's an original piece of the car gone so what I'm going to do now is I'm gonna go get the belt that I saw in the car maybe it's the right size belt I'm not sure uh put it on here and tighten it up because if this thing does run I want to see if it's charging and I want the water pump to turn too that's the most important thing um this is the longer one I think this one is for the water pump and Generator so um we'll just go ahead and throw it on there and see if this fits I'm pretty sure that generator bolt is a half inch oh I think I see one right there ah [Music] let's try and pry it up against the head not the valve cover [Music] oh this light is on and if those points are opening and closing that light should go on and off when you crank it uh well not like that but you should you're just getting a bad ground what'd you see now that I'm pretty sure the points are opening and shutting um I'm confident enough to try and see if we can just get it to light off we'll take this oh man that goes down to the fuel pump and the fuel pump is disconnected from the line on the car so we're not gonna pull anything from the tank you guys like my gas can it's actually these were cheaper than the uh gas tank cans themselves not really sure what that's all about but I just bought this instead of a gas can I got a smaller screwdriver all right I just don't want to go get it I'm lazy leave me alone I think I can see that it was leaking past the floats and give her a few love Taps maybe she'll seal up if not we're gonna have to refill this carburetor it's leaking really bad from this fitting I might have flooded it before we even tried it but we can try it anyway [Music] oh oh she tried just try it again [Music] oh yeah yes okay so the oil light went out but the generator light did not uh might not be charging but she runs yeah baby come on oh no I can't kill this battery I think this carburetor is going to need to be rebuilt because it's leaking really bad right here and also uh the accelerator pump okay so I had to run out and get some brake clean because I didn't have any I think this accelerator pump's not working and so it's not giving it that Spritz it needs plus it's been a little bit now so it might if it was flooded it's evaporated bad news is is it still coming out of this hole a little bit but good news is I don't see it coming out of the uh Jets anymore now I think the floats finally started to seat okay I want to hear this thing run on its own before I leave tonight that was the goal for today [Music] thank you I don't know why it's pulsing like that I'm not 100 sure why it's doing that gen lights on oh all right well she's doing her thing kinda well I got done what I wanted to get done today I wanted to see if it would run and it will run I think it's hitting on all eight uh motor sounds uh healthy uh that up and down stuff I think that's a carburation issue that's not an internal engine problem I think it has oil pressure I wish I had a gauge it's only a light I need to figure out that charging issue before my battery goes dead I'm just you know using what's in the battery I gotta replenish it somehow maybe I call Dad and see what he has to say about it those little generators are pretty tough it could be the regulator could be the generator could I don't know you know but since I'm on the East Coast I think I'm gonna retire for the evening it's getting dark I might go get some pizza we will continue on this journey tomorrow so it's officially day two I gotta figure out why it's surging like that a big deal we got to get straightened out is that generator situation it's not charging and I don't have a jump pack I have got to have some sort of charging so after a few seconds of checking I think I might have found the problem with the generator if you look on the back of this generator let me get you guys in here okay let me show you all right so as the generator is turning see this black piece right here this goes against the Armature and this is what carries the current to the car it's spring this arm is a spring tension that pushes that brush up against that Armature see how this one's tight and see this one see how that's loose this brush is it needs to be pushed up against that Armature to carry current so I really hope to God that's our problem that's like an easy fix um so I'm gonna see if I can get some spring tension put back on that bad boy [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you see down in there all that crap look at that those right there those two things are jets those are probably plugged look at all that crap no no no so we might have got it figured out I cleaned these bowls out and now they're looking pretty good pretty clean I clean those two jet holes out right there and then I took these uh these little housings off these three screws you can take this off clean the idle circuits in there clean the circuits in here put those back on and uh the accelerator pump is is working it's actually working it's squirting fuel right out here I'll show you how that works fuel comes in the bowl fills this up oh come on you hit the pedal this goes down see that well we're squirting out of one we were squirting out of two have to see what's up there it's supposed to squirt out of both of these on she goes and now we're going to tackle this generator problem since we sort of know what the issue is I got all the bolts out and we're just gonna see if we can get in there and somehow get spring tension put back on that brush spring loaded I'm pushing it back well you see this one's just sort of dangling in the Wind turn it over here see sort of it needs to be pushing up against that thing helping me out come on foreign [Music] these bolts should go like all the way through the housing very very easy so I went to the local Ace Hardware shop here to try and maybe MacGyver something together or find a few Springs that are rogue that I can maybe make work I would need like a generator alternator repair shop to even know what I'm talking about a little spring like that it no one's open Ace Hardware was closing at two barely got in the door before they closed so this was my original spring and I just bought a few whatnot springs for 20 cents a piece because I thought well maybe I can just cut it and bend it into what I need and so I had three and I cut one up and I bent it up and if you see it in there I bent it to what I needed so now see the bottom how I hooked it around the anchor on the housing and I I bent it to where it would go through this arm and so now that should hold our brush in okay what I want to do after I get this on I don't want it to leak out of here anymore the generator should be charging with the carburetor clean it should run smooth and then we can finally move on from this mess onto another one well fuel pumps on I don't see it leaking out of the main lug on the carburetor anymore let's try this good [Music] oh yeah that's way better maybe not [Music] parking brake was on that's why it dies when I put it in gear thank you all right [Music] well she's sputtering a little bit but things are a lot better than they were yesterday I'll tell you that no more surging uh we got some spitter spatter [Music] but it's running on its own it's not dripping fuel anymore I want it to run for a little bit get warm my fix worked 12 7 12 8. I also want it to run to charge that battery back up I've been uh I've been abusing it pretty bad so smoking a little bit she's flirting a little bit but hey what do you want what do you expect it's actually starting this cycle water now that's a good sign let's look at the temperature see if the temperature gauge is working yeah temperature gauge is reading yeah temperature gauge is reading that's good yeah that's going to be very important now that the oil is uh nice and hot I'm going to drain it and while the front is in the air I'm also going to look at the front brakes and repack those ball bearings [Music] all right [Music] it's not milky it's just hot and thin [Music] smells a little gassy old gassy yeah see how thin that is almost like water I think there's some gas in there foreign [Music] so these brakes they're pretty thin as they need to come off because this these wheel cylinders need to be replaced anyway and I knew that they would look like this after so long that brake fluid turns into powder and that's I mean imagine if I would have just came and tried to put brake fluid in that master cylinder I mean you know you can't drive 2500 miles on that that is totally that's gone that is absolutely done shoes wheel cylinders and Brake hoses I can see it getting crack right there [Music] [Music] thank you good thing I brought a one inch wrench because this piece oh it's actually got some sealer on it or like uh some anti-seize on it actually wow anyway this is a one inch nut that holds the wheel cylinder on so that was my biggest wrench and I didn't want to use a crescent wrench because that one was on there pretty tight so I'm glad I glad I had that but look at this wheel cylinder I'm about to show you this thing is that this thing is crazy look at that you think that I was going to rebuild that here where I'm at yeah right fat chance now this brake line I'm going to replace but I am going to save this copper Crush Washer this is what SEALs the wheel cylinder and the brake line is this copper washer and I'm telling you the new ones will leak and these old ones you can use again and they will have a less probability of leaking believe it or not so I always save those copper Crush washers because those ones these are thicker and they're usually better I'm at kind of a weird stopping point I would have liked to have got all the front brakes done and put back together but it's like almost seven o'clock getting dark and I got tools literally everywhere so I want to clean up my mess and we'll pick up on the brakes uh tomorrow morning and we'll pick up on the brakes tomorrow morning all right well good morning guys it is officially the beginning of day three working on this 1960 Impala uh in the back lot of a New Jersey warehouse today we have a lot to do still before this thing is ready to make a 2500 Mile Road Trip um right now I'm working on brakes shoes cylinders hoses master cylinder that's what we need to do to get these brakes going and bled and then once the brakes are bled we still have to switch the gas tank out before I got here like I said I'd ordered a gas tank it was only like 163 dollars on RockAuto I thought it was totally worth it because I need that capacity so I'm not stopping every 100 miles with a 5 gallon or two five gallon jugs I'm probably going to do these breaks and put them on and grease these bearings and then get back because the this job is so filthy I can't keep turning the camera on and off [Music] okay so we have kind of an issue right now I got these hubs together listen to this one can't even hear it beautiful come over to the other one remember the brakes are adjusted totally in you should have no interference hear that that bearing in there that inner bearing is toast you can't buy them at Auto Parts houses because what they'll sell you the listing they show is a taper bearing a conical taper bearing these are actual ball bearings so that that's one thing I really didn't want to go wrong because um that's not an easy fix well it is an easy fix but actually finding that ball bearing that's that's the hard part is actually getting your hands on that that's why it's uh not an easy fix I wipe the surface off you can see how it's it's kind of pitted in there and the bearing too where's the bearing at yeah so see that see how pitted that those balls are and those holes are elongated see how those holes are real wallered out and those bearings are about to fall out of their holes this is not usable this this won't go anywhere and uh yeah this kind of sucks so we're in a sticky situation I put the good bearing from that wheel on this Hub and put it together to see if the races were good enough to hold a good bearing and it's still scrapey and Scratchy uh we're screwed in a sense this this is this tire this wheel is not going anywhere this side is not going anywhere without new races and a new bearing and none of the parts houses carry it Cantor if you guys are familiar with Cantor Canter car parts they sell classic car parts they are not open to the public but I'm actually close enough to canter Auto Parts and they have the bearing it's like 40 minutes away the thing is is they only have the bearing not the Races they don't even sell the races and I need the races um so I got on Rock Auto apparently there was a set races and the inner bearing so I'm having it overnighted to me to put on tomorrow there's nothing else I could do I can't get it in town There's I I gotta overnight it let's just cross our fingers and hope and pray that that is the right bearing in race but in the meantime I'm gonna go eat some lunch and that brings me to the sponsor of today's video this video is sponsored by factor which is a great meal solution if you're too busy to cook but you still want to make sure your eating well Factor has premium ingredients like pork chop pork tenderloin turkey butter chicken and much more I think I'm gonna have the pork chop today 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the story is with these back brakes [Music] all right I'll get back with you on that so I finally got the drum off and just like the front um it's just dust in there and uh yeah this car hasn't been on the road in a long time I know uh it was transported up here five years ago but this thing hasn't been on the road in probably 20 or 30 years just by looking at these brakes there's no possible way look I haven't opened these up but it's just [Music] nothing another indicator it's been sitting a long time I usually try to adjust the brakes in because sometimes the shoe lining when you break a lot it wears a it wears the drum and then the outer ring of the drum is still unused and so you can't get the drum off because the pad is wore a line inside this shoe and I can't adjust this in because it's frozen solid so that tells me it hasn't been adjusted in well 15 20 years and getting it off I I took so much force to get it off that the the linings came off with the drum so yeah yeah all right the rear brakes are finally together after a little bit of Hassle and convincing so the rear hose is on shoes are on Wheel cylinders on all the hardware is on these were frozen solid I got those unstuck going around here to the driver's side breaks her together on this side too so tomorrow I didn't get to the gas tank today because of that Fiasco with the ball bearing that threw me for a loop uh spent some time trying to figure out what I was going to do about that trying to call around see if I could get one that ball bearing is coming from Rock Auto well I'm gonna finish this up oh and check it out I got two of the tires put on the rims uh the guy bought the car from was nice enough to take those down and have two of them put on while I have the back up in the air so I'm going to adjust these brakes get everything cleaned up and I'll see you guys bright and early tomorrow for day four welcome to day four of the 1960 Impala I wanted to get to the gas tank yesterday wasn't able to reach quite that far but today that's what we're starting with I finished up the brakes last night got the rear brakes adjusted so it's all about fuel right now I want to get the new gas tank in here I want to fix the rubber hoses in between the metal fuel lines because those are rotten and I have a mechanical fuel pump I want to put on the Block so the next time I run this it'd be kind of cool to be able to run it from the fuel system it should be running on oh yes so I've been soaking these bolts down for a day since I got here these strap bolts and oh don't do that on me um it's about to come out of there because these strap bolts they have really long ends on them and they get rusted and they don't want to come apart um and another big reason I'm doing the gas tank you're saying well why don't you just put a few you know Jerry cans in the uh the cab and just run it like that well I thought about that and I would have done that if I wasn't going so many miles you got to think if you're getting 12 miles to the gallon and you have two two five gallon tanks you got 10 gallons 12 miles to the gallon that's 120 miles in between stops and just to be safe so you don't run out of gas sorry it's windy it just to be safe so you don't run out of gas you're going to want to probably stop every 100 miles stopping every 100 miles on a 2500 mile road trip is not very practical [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] unit oh man yeah yeah this is toast this needed to be done look at that this is stuck well now it's free this yeah this float goes up and down to read your levels of gas but I mean I don't know if it's gonna work or not but look and we would have never got gas out of this anyway it's totally plugged up we'll have to unplug that and try and blow through it yeah after looking at all the evidence that I've seen as I'm taking this car apart I don't think this thing has been on the road in 30 years I think I said that when I was doing the brakes but this just this just kind of proves it there's no way this thing has been driven at all and in 20 or 30 years so I wish I had like a drill bit all right I think I have everything ready I got the sending unit cleaned out and installed in this new tank I got a new hose coming from the frame going to this straps are ready so hopefully it fits oh well all right straps in all right one installed gas tank I might put a piece of balen wire around this neck because I'm not sure about the structural Integrity of this and when you get a bunch of weight in there might put stress on that and so uh I'll put it around the neck and maybe wire it somewhere in the trunk and then coming around here to the back of the tank got the sending unit in and the wires hooked up to the sending unit you know for whatever that's worth and then the new hoses hooked up from the frame to the tank and now I've been draining the oil out of this differential because while it's up in the air I want to put new differential fluid in it and bleed the rear brakes um but first we got to put the master cylinder on to do that [Music] foreign [Music] we can switch from the Jerry can to oops we've got gas coming out the top two uh the real deal ah come on so here's where we're at the fuel system should be good to go now the gas Tank's all in all the rubber lines the fuel pump is in I put the master cylinder on bled all the brakes all the brakes are bled and now what I'm doing is the last thing I'm going to do today is pound the race out of that Hub because I got an email saying that my bearing and races were delivered to where I'm staying at so I'm gonna take them to where I'm staying make sure that they're correct so if they're correct we can start out bright and early tomorrow fixing that uh fixing them ball bearings in that hub and then after that it's just tuning the engine to make it run a little better and we should be off oh yeah and the rear lights so the I still haven't fixed the rear lights brake lights running lights we're gonna have to figure that out but that's nothing compared to what what's going on here with this Hub and all this other stuff fuel tank so whoo it's been a lot make sure you subscribe make sure you like it's a lot of work [Music] [Music] you know I've never actually done this before like punching races out of a drum or a hub I've it's my first time actually attempting this [Music] well here it comes now that that's out I'm going to clean my mess up and I'll see you guys bright and early tomorrow for day five of the 1960 Impala so my new bearing came last night this is the old one and uh for all intent and purposes when I'm looking at these they look pretty much the exact same if you look at the if you look at the width they're the same and this race right here these look the same I'm pretty confident that this is going to work the measurements seem to be the same I'm very happy this came I'm very happy that it is correct so goal now is to get this packed put this side on get the tires on and get the car set on the ground so we can keep this thing moving because by the end of today I would like this car to be mostly ready to go by the end of today that's tires on brakes adjusted brakes working and I need to figure out the tail light situation why are my tail lights not working I was checking last night and the fuse block is the fuse block for the brake lights I'm sorry the fuse block the tail lamps isn't getting power and I think it gets its power from the headlight switch so I got to figure that out because all the wiring looks to be good it doesn't look eight and a half the motor last time I ran it still didn't sound 100 so we still have some things to do but I'm trying to be ready by the end of today that looks like that fits right that's awesome and then this race goes down in here I got to figure out a good way to pound this in [Music] now I'm going to move on to the engine and see if we can get it to run better because last time I ran it was kind of missing and I haven't ran it in a few days so just until it can get some gas all right let's give this a whirl [Music] I see some gas coming through the fuel filter [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign I know we're getting there oh it's got two cylinders that aren't firing as it's running I was taking the spark plug wires off of the distributor cap and you can see [Music] one back there and there's another one back there so I'm gonna check those cylinders out so these are the spark plugs from the two cylinders number five and seven that are messing up uh this one looks pretty bad and smashed in but I'm not sure why this one's not working it looks okay but uh we'll just go ahead and put two new ones in it and hopefully that fixes our problem [Music] thank you [Music] so I figured out my light situation testing out my lights right now been testing them I wasn't getting power to the tail light fuse so I bootlegged power from somewhere else and now we got turn signals and we have running lights I had to tape this up because I don't have a lens for this but yeah all the lights work the reverse lights the tail lights the turn signals and the brake lights and the headlights so we are totally legal beagle so what I want to do is is I haven't driven this thing at all I don't even know if it gets second gear I want to go eat some lunch we'll drive this car to go get lunch I want to go get gas in it too I only have a few gallons in it so so let's drive it for the first time in probably 25 or 30 years after seeing what I've seen 25 30 years [Music] brakes work [Music] power steering works [Music] man take a look at her out in the open for the first time that's a good looking car man that's a good looking car brand new set of shoes on her with the skinny whites looking fine it has wine [Music] so I think the fuel gauge came around and maybe it's working uh Speedo is trying to do something I think my temperature gauge works and the Gen and oil light obviously work so first thing I want to do is hit a gas station put some gas in this thing oh yeah she had second gear that's exactly what I wanted to know to know I heard it I definitely heard it I'm going 50 but you know but you know so I'm filling up probably the first of many but I'm in New Jersey and this is kind of cool see that Booth right there in New Jersey and I think one other state are the only states in the union that require a gas attendant still like like this is the 30s but yeah it's a law they got to have a gas attendant to pump your gas but I don't know I don't want them to pump mine I just got out and started doing it anyway oh it took 12 gallons I put a couple gallons in it it's probably a 15 gallon tank all right keep this show moving let's see if the gas gauge started working oh yes yeah baby [Music] well I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be we got this thing as good as we can get it where it sits so it's up to this thing to get us 2500 miles back home and I got a few stops along the way that I think you guys are going to like there's some historical things I want to see that I want to show you guys so our first stop is down south in Pennsylvania [Music] foreign [Music] stopped at a gas station our first stop it took seven gallons I think I've driven it I don't know probably 30 some miles I'll get a better idea about what the gas mileage is once we get some more miles onto our belt but um let's continue on our way to Bethlehem Pennsylvania she's not overheating I unhooked the speedometer because it's making so much dang noise gas gauge is trying to work but not working quite right but my main concern is is that we're not overheating I'm happy about that so let's keep her going I had to stop you see that warehouse right there I passed it and it said Cantor products Packard Parts cancer products I think that's the Cantor Warehouse there's a bunch of parts for uh classic cars they sell in that warehouse it's kind of cool [Music] thank you [Music] all right so we've officially made it to Bethlehem Pennsylvania first 100 miles down she did pretty dang good it still has a slight stumble in it but it's good enough to ride on we got to get this show on the road and if you recognize those right there this is the first stop along the way and I want to show you guys a little bit of this because I've been wanting to see this for a long time it's the abandoned and repurposed Bethlehem steel plant I've read about this in books before and I think it's just a fascinating story of American might and power if you want to support the channel subscribe like leave a comment and if you want to support the channel in a more direct way I've opened up Channel memberships there's two different tiers there's a couple of cool little perks in there that you guys might like so make sure you check out the channel memberships that would help me out it helped me get home it'll help me keep making more videos just like this make sure you keep checking the channel for part two of driving this 1960 El Camino over 2 400 miles back to Tucson Arizona
Channel: Theetravisb
Views: 776,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 15sec (3615 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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