Can we SAVE a Jeep that was RAN WITHOUT OIL?? Marketplace SURPRISE

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of junkyard digs today you join moo and I in the truck headed to De Moine with an empty trailer and some cash in our hands cuz we are going to pick up something moo doesn't know about yet a surprise oh God any guesses not even in the slightest perfect I don't know anything about this vehicle I know it doesn't run as it sits but it looks to be in pretty good shape so that being said let's continue our very bumpy drive to De MO and kick this off yeah it's this one they have a dinosaur it's the dinosaur oh my god I've been oh my God it's a Jeep no way is this the one I found this morning this is the one on Marketplace he has two he's sharing I love these Jeeps these like late 80s early 90s Grand wagoners hello also I think I bought our entryway table at this house seriously yeah I think that's why I recognize it so while I'm backing this up I woke up and you know muscle memory checked Marketplace this morning and saw this and messaged the guy and we struck a deal pretty quick cuz it's a good deal for one of these and I woke moo up and I said get in the truck I got a surprise for you and of course on the way down she hops on Marketplace and goes hey look at this sweet Grand Cheroke wagon or this this Grand Wagoner I'm like M yeah that's we'll have to go check that out someday that's pretty cool I knew I knew you'd I thought about telling you not to check Marketplace that'll do it let's go check it out here it is I don't know a thing about this I just saw the Wagoner you liked and woke you up oh my God it is a black jeep too I bought it from a coworker um I know that he got it from a kid in Cedar Rapids yeah she's got some like some Northern rust going on but at the same time it's been in Iowa for a long time at the same time looks like it almost went South with the condition of the door seals and oh my gosh there I mean it's it's Rusty like don't don't get me wrong like she's old and needs some work I did get it to run um when I was working on it okay so six of the eight spark plugs are are new so I couldn't get to the back two but the front two and these four those are new spark plugs gotcha if you pour fuel directly into it fire it fires so it's either something with the fuel pump the fuel line or the fuel tank so if you no engines and can troubleshoot that you'll be good I do know a thing or two yeah feel like you know what you're doing well I'm glad you're going to get it here let's get the people we going I'm so excited the funny surpr the funny part is is I found this on Marketplace and I was like oh we going to pick this up not for two grand you would think no she's got some Rust I can see cleaning through the driver's floor fan get it loaded up head home start working on it yeah let's do it [Music] yeah all right let's drop it down and head to the shop right there ready yeah start at the usual yeah braks yay y y before we start on brakes and all the boring stuff should we see if it runs it's probably a good start I I can't help but agree here Motorcraft two barrel yay tuel look at all those wires okay that's scary good get the spray as your mom says mom we're getting the spray oh my God that works life you got life on the dash I do this I should buckle up it's telling me Oh you got the digital AMC clock of classic I'm getting a lot of Eagle Vibes out of this eag Eagle yeah let me check oil quick very full and very clear how many miles are on this 145,000 oh God please still be good all right see if she cranks a little bit the D Sparks we have spark H I say that I got 80 oil pressure I'm going to go ahead and say that doesn't work crank okay no spark that's interesting this is going to get fun fast I can already tell okay we do not I'm thinking the dur spark box might have burnt out okay so the way these four dur spark ignition systems work is basically an electric set of points same as an hii does you have a power on the ground an AC input side and then an interruption circuit for the coil just like a set of points you have a lobe with eight marks or eight bumps on your distributor uh shaft and as it rotates it opens those points and interrupts the ground for the coil and it makes a spark now in the electric ignition systems they replace those lobes with a little piece of Steel that goes past an electromagnet sensor essentially uh this is called a holif effect sensor it then generates a small AC current when that magnet passes a piece of metal and that AC current is then sent into this box which then opens the ground electronically to the coil and produces a spark here is all of that in a drawing as you can see our red is our pre- resistor power in to feed the module 12 volts the coil is fed 12 volts post balance resistor except for one starting this is the starter bypass we've talked about in the starter solenoids before the white one is a second 12vt input or for when starting the green one is your ground wire for the coil and you'll have an orange purple and black these colors can change a bit but the orange and purple are going to be your AC coil that we just talked about and the black one's just a ground inside the distributor now this is so similar in fact to an hii that you can interchange them all three Mopar Ford and duris park can run each other so like in this case you can use the same distributor rewire all these to be appropriate and use any ignition box you want now I told you all of that because a that's something cool to know and B you need to know how these work so that you understand this next step what I'm going to do is take those two wires the purple and orange find where they land on the Jeep AMC side of the wire color spectrum so purple-ish in Orange turns into wait I am unplugging our dir spark box I got a hell of a good spark turn the key off moo turn it back on turn it back off okay that's a self test I've found in the past that shows that at least all the wirings go do it one more time off yeah when you turn it off you get one more spark you'll notice once in a while on a Ford you turn the key off and it goes FK if it wasn't already running that's cuz that last spark hit a hit something in the cap and actually went to a piston that had a ression and ignition of fuel sitting there anyway what I was going to show you is if we follow these wires through and find the two that would be purple and orange and we set our voltmeter to AC go ahead moo okay yeah see how it made voltage that means our hall effect sensor is picking up that little piece of metal moving past it and it's creating a signal to this box so from that I can see our coil is good because it's over there sparking our hall effect sensor is good and if we don't have spark right now I'm going to start digging into replacing our Dura spark box all right old Dura spark box is out was able to find some some new pigtails so I could use the Ford connectors wired that guy in that'll make this easier for us in the future let's see if that's our fix hey there we go all right yeah we got good spark let's put this back together and try it again it R I've heard better sounding engines I don't know what the I don't know what the was was that not you no it was like all the valves at least it's not dead or seized well I don't know I think got Val I think that's a bunch of bad valve train followed by a little rod knock from the bottom end it doesn't sound too happy huh it does not sound happy I'd ask you what kind of oil pressure you have but I know the answer is 80 uh all of it yeah the gauge doesn't work right wonder if you can put an LS in a wagon here it's not what it looks like that's actually our fuel jug not a jug of oil it was at one point though let's go ahead and see if this sucker will pull up some gas and run on its own without making a giant uh geyser of fuel and then listen to how bad the motor is go ahead moo oh God that is not fantastic I'll tell you that good oh god oh that sounds so bad how is it possibly that loud I've never heard an engine that loud in my life what is there zero oil pressure it sounds like it's just mechanic iCal lifters good God that is bad have never heard something that bad before that's like a Y block out of oil after 10,000 Mi I don't think we have any oil pressure for some reason let's see if we can find the oil pressure port for like the electric sensor and swap in a mechanical one all right thanks to Ben pack we got the sucker in the air let's take the oil filter off nothing's coming out doesn't really feel like it has anything in it either it's completely uh-oh we don't have any oil flow you know I've seen external pumps dry up and you got to pack them full of grease to get them to flow okay a quick Google has confirmed this is an external oil pump the angle distributor was my first clue this right here is the face plate with the oil filter adapter on it I need to take this guy off and then I can get to the gears and pack those with Vaseline and this should Prime as you can see nothing in there at all so they didn't uh fill the oil filter before putting it on it is sideways so you can only half blame them but you should be able to half fill this at least to get it on there another clue I have to this is the fact when I checked the oil it was very clean and a qut overfilled there's your extra Court I wondered if we had no oil pressure when I heard all 16 lifters making noise cuz they were all pumped down and just clattering like crazy not just one hopefully noan ran it before us we we didn't run it much I think it'll be okay all right let's take that cover off pack that with Vaseline I bet this Bo is still just fine it's an AMC they don't care I'm not going to say that went perfect I broke one of the bolts off without even trying so that was fun I don't think I'm the first one to be in here oh there he goes hello perfectly dry gears still I'd say they still look healthy but they've chewed on some stuff where the hell do we get this gasket milk oh that is we have cardboard boxes get the be box for the oil pump gasket get the red RTV out all right let's see if I can get that bolt out of there good news Muk got it yay all right while I did that moo hopped on the O'Reilly's website they have an oil pump repair kit for this it comes with new gears gasket spring and restrictor for the piece that's in the housing so I think that's here tomorrow morning yeah yeah I'm assuming since this is so worn out the clearances are so large that it could pull enough vacuum to actually Prime itself especially all the way back from the pan had the previous owner uh ran Lucas in it maybe to make it a little stickier and especially filled the oil filter much higher chance that it would not have done this so I think we've caught it early enough that it's not an issue I think we're good I did hear some rod knock on the bottom end but you'd have that if there's no oil pressure so 140,000 Mi it's all pretty worn don't think it's quite done yet though all right it's been a day we've got our pump repair kit this comes with a new spring a new whatever this thing is I believe this goes in the end of the spring it's the pressure bow piece a new gasket and new gears I believe our spring and that one piece is in here so we got to pop this guy open get those out get this all cleaned up get this gasket off if you even want to call it that anymore and then we will be able to uh reinstall this pack it all full of grease and she'll be good right M yeah all right here you go lick this clean no let see what Treasures are hiding in here moo goop oh yeah you're not wrong and a spring there we go I don't know if this needs replaced we you have a new one might as well so what this is in the spring is your pressure pop off valve this is what uh governs your oil pressure so this doesn't just make infinite amount of pressure if the pump is really good this one is not so it's not really going to be a problem anyway but let's say you hit 80 psi or 65 PSI this opens up and is a bypass to regulate it to that set pressure if you ever have an engine that just seems to make infinite amount of pressure that pop off valve is probably stuck or in contrary I've seen instances where the pop off valve is too weak and the engine is not making enough pressure because it's letting it all bypass in the pump there we go all right he's going to stay and our secondary gear oil comes in one side is passed through the gears and out the other side pressurized just like a supercharger for the record these are not the best style pumps should have to use these as well the Ford gerotor Style with one big gear and the thing that oscillates those are much better pump Styles you can't actually see spikes and pressure it's much smoother all right let's get that properly torqued down pre-fill the oil filter and put it on one pre-filled oil filter let's see how much I can spill on myself here that's the one that was on it but it's brand new so I'm not worried about it what we'll probably do is run this for a few minutes and then change that oil filter I'm sure there's a bunch of metal in the system after you know potentially running for like 5 minutes or whatever either way let's get this guy hooked up and we're ready to fire this up again bring it on down all right oil filters pre-filled we've got a mechanical gauge muk's going to watch that and call it what we have for pressure go ahead moo let's see what happens see if she quiets down go ahead anything what 50 going up to 60 about 60 yeah tons of pressure it still does not sound good it's not all of them one's good well it's a little quieter give it a around oh a well I don't know what to tell you MERS I can tell you one thing it's really Smokey I don't want to say it was getting quieter cuz I'm not confident that that's a true statement at all I don't exactly have an abundance of AMC 360 sitting around so maybe it'll get better or it'll blow up those are kind of literally the two options so I suppose we'll see which one it chooses all right moo ready to try it again I suppose that's a chance maybe it's better not a lot of blowb that's good oh God I take it all back I'm not sure that one is even a lifter oh boy that sounds like a lot that's pretty fast a lifter would be half Tempo it would be half the RPM cuz the cam spins half the speed of the crank rod knock would be full match RPM it it'd be a lot faster like like this I think it's always a little hard to tell it's still hard to tell the valve A lot quieter go ahead and shut her down if I had a guess it torched one of the end bearings and we're just hearing that Rod knocking around in there I guess we put it up in the air and pull the pan off I think we can do that on this Jeep let's do a bearing roll okay Sor is there something in your way there's a lot of things you have to like go up here or like all the way back here there's a bit of rust in her but really not bad those our floor pants o oh that's just carpet yeah that is just carpet this Jeep actually has The Flintstones trim this one's not as bad here's our fuel tank he did say it had a fuel delivery issue is this plastic it is a plastic she's pretty Rusty too the shrouding for it is oh as is the frame uh-oh that's not exactly excellent oh boy we're going to have to brace that up the seat belt Mount or seat Mount is completely absent well that somehow it's there but it's doing nothing she's seing some Winters that's for sure is this an illary fuel tank oh it is oh they had an electric fuel pump that's where that switch was right there there's the factory wait a minute they're connected together that's where it big leaks what the hell right there it was all wet when we were unloading it that tank is hooked to this tank as if it's supposed to fill the back one and then overflow into that what is going on here it comes in it's splits to two one fills this tank one fills that tank and then there's just a big crossover tube I guess no looks like you got her e there she went I'm stuck in the gasket the starter is out what is going on progress what are you hitting the Z okay let me let me put this down and give you a hand oh yeah that'd be nice there's one very specific way you can do this without removing the exhaust bring your pan down rotate it clockwise from the until it's completely backwards this there we go completely backwards and then come out so go in put it in backwards and then spit it into place okay let's see what we're looking at here really she's a pretty clean motor inside like that's that's pretty good we'll take that wiggling these rods back and forth they're nice and tight on this journal this one right here however I've got some slop in that guy and some noise out of that one I do believe that right there is our rod knock so if we do a bearing roll on this it should clean that up hopefully and we can fix that if nothing else we'll have new bearings on the bottom we don't have to worry about that anymore let's pop that one apart and get a measurement on it see what we got interestingly enough this last Rod has different uh bolts in it different Nuts And so there's this one up here in the middle I don't know why everything else has these long Factory nuts so looks like someone's probably been in here before this motor may have even been redone there we go well she isn't spun that's good you know what that's another sign that someone's been in here this one is stamped to and it was on number four seven so that Rod is not where it was supposed to be it might not even be from this motor so as you can see all these shiny spots throughout here are metal that's been picked up melted and Drug across it's all been smeared in as it rotates so this thing's been through hell uh I've definitely seen worse bearings but this one has a ton ton of Spalding in it which you know running for 5 minutes with no oil we'll do that threw the part number in pulled up uh 20 thou under size I believe from the looks of it someone's probably had the crank out and turned it 20,000 under on the rods and probably redone this whole motor it looks really clean inside and it runs really good despite making terrible noises so even though this is a bit of a rusty hunk the interior is really nice and the motor's really good honestly this is not as bad of a Jeep as I've seen on Marketplace over the years though especially for two grand yeah it's pretty good all right let's get some of these ordered up and then we'll do a bearing roll if you guys are Avid viewers of the channel you know that the car I'm in right now is the old mobile 98 that we pulled out of a shed last year and I have been driving daily ever since this was a 1owner car we pulled out of the shed at 39,000 Mi and currently it is at 46,000 Mi I absolutely love this thing and I drive it everywhere the seats are like a couch the Big Blocks got plenty of torque it is the best Highway car you could ever ask for but there's one problem the fuel consumption this one gets about 12 m per gallon at best and a lot of people always ask me Kevin how can you afford to drive that thing daily getting 12 MP gallon well I'll tell you there's one reason the sponsor of today's video upside upside is a free app that gives you free cash back on gas groceries and dining out something all of us do two of which absolute Necessities to stay alive now they give me these fancy talking points but I don't like using them cuz I like to rather tell you how upside Works to get over the fact that it's not a gimmick I'm myself was questioning this at first it seemed too good to be true but then I learned how it worked upside is essentially an advertising platform for businesses and gas stations to make it quick let's say there's two gas stations in town they both sell the exact same fuel for the exact same price one of them can get an edge over the other by advertising on upside they will pay upside to put their gas station on the map upside will 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card to make sure it wasn't just some random receipt you found on the ground and I didn't even mention the fact that in comparison to most credit card reward or loyalty programs upside gives you three times more money back upside is an excellent app that earns people hundreds of dollars a year Angus uses it I use it my mom uses it there's no wonder that it has a 4.8 star rating on the App Store so if you guys are tired of throwing money away and want that free cash back download the free upside app today and use the code junkyard to get an extra 25 cents per gallon on your first tank of gas once again download the free upside app use the code junkyard and get an extra 25 cents back per gallon on your first tank all right let's go fill this sucker up and get back to the video W I think the gas gauge actually went down faster then the speedometer went up thank God I have upside morning everyone it's been I think five six 100 days since we were here but we're back in the shop with the goop we got a little bit snowed in over the weekend as you can see right there so we stayed home and got some stuff done at the house and went stumble billing as often as we could and today we are back at the shop I have started cleaning the oil pan off getting all that goop out of there and this morning we picked up a new oil pan gasket and some bearings and some black RTV Maybe it snowed a little bit a little bit it snowed a lot you're a snowman all right where the hell do we leave off of this oil pan and bearings oh that's right bearing roll okay I'm going to go warm up you do that and we'll re rejoin later I don't know I can't really think to cold out with the old in with the new these are also 20 overs or 20 unders sorry these are cleave lights instead of federal mul I like these a little better they're Dusty that's fun they uh I don't think anyone's ordered bearings for a 360 MC from ailly for for a while there's your comparison these have a champer on some crankshafts right here and right here there will be a fillet where it's rounded it's fileted up to the actual uh casting of the crank right here to make sure that champer is up against the fillet on the outside of that crank otherwise you're going to run a straight 90 Edge into a cup and bite into that corner and burn bearings out really quick attention to detail and thick oil will get you a long ways in life I don't I don't like this just a little extra reassurance in there Perfection gooping it up yep for the goop for the goop if you're confused which way it goes there's a certain orientation for the tangs on the bearing give that a Google too it might be engine specific it might not I'm hardly an engine builder I'm just really good at doing brakes and making old run all right get the nuts back on here torque that down that's one done seven more to go see you after lunch the last melon number one as we moved forward much as I expected the bearings got better and better M you want to show them our display over there junk this was towards the back of the engine working forward just ignore that one and maybe that one a little bit Yeah there's one like number three it was had seen better days as well that was weird but beyond that that it makes total sense because the engine or the crank is oiled from the front to the back on this motor so I figured all that noise that sounded deep in the engine was uh rod bearings and if you'll remember before we could wiggle these I can't move them at all anymore so yeah I think we got her next step here is to clean up all our gasket surfaces get that oil pan on get some RTV on the seals and then eat tacos while it dries we'll be back after that dump some oil in it see if it runs we're goop in the goop goop in the goop working well for you yeah goop there you go okay now let's see if I can remember how to put this back in was backwards right yeah and then swing around oh I've already hit the gasket okay there we go good enough for the geep we drive this is a goop sorry the goop the other one's geep I keep forgetting yeah get it right oh Tada okay I hope it was lined up took a second to get all those align but we got them you just tighten tightening everything down and we'll be good to go here we're starting over what was that we're not starting over I'm taking over okay hello my name is Moo if you can hear this I need help what please send help we cut the oil pan back installed and so now I'm pouring the oil that we took out of it back into it because oh you left the I had two margaritas part shut up Kevin that's private information it's classified she all filled up you're watching for oil pressure I'm listening for noise shockingly it says zero right now go for it the LIF you got pressure what you got it's still going up but it's at 40 right now yeah I wondered about this it's quieter yeah it's definitely not the r bearings despite them looking terrible I really didn't see any direct issues with those so I do believe this could be a bunch of valve train and all making noise this is not what I had in mind for this video this is supposed to be quick and easy well the looks of it that motor probably has to come apart she don't sound happy but she runs good if engine has to come apart that sounds like an episode 2 to me okay for now let's make this thing run and drive I mean Drive okay that's like fixed brakes I know give me it I wonder if these are original rooms they're like turbines they kind of smell like it they smell like original rims yeah oh you love to see it yeah love to see it good tires they look like lots of good TR don't touch me GM brakes that's good to see that'll be easy these need turn really bad these are going to have to come off we got all new bits of this and oh boy yeah new hoses shall we Muk yeah after a minute would you hit your knee on the tire good thing I have my safety glasses on though there you go e they're pretty worn down good lord time for a snap ring God damn it one and out pliers it out here's our gear that attaches our axle shaft to the Hub translating this rotating energy into this rotating surface here which of course attaches to the wheel in a fulltime it is just a piece of metal that attaches them full time forever so anytime you're going down the road even if you're in two wheel drive on the dash of the transfer case this is still turning that front drive shaft so it's a lot more parasitic drag through here a lot more parasitic loss and mileage loss and a lot of wear and tear on the components up front for literally no reason these were pretty common in the 80s GM ran a lot of these Ford ran a lot of these too what you can do is put regular part-time hubs on there and then have the ability to get out and shut this off so that when this is spinning this is not and you get a little more mileage and less wear I do believe I know where we could probably find a set of those around here ooh goopy next up inside of our Hub we have that uh spine nut right there go down to O'Reilly's get yourself one of these there we go I come in here with a pick and get this retention ring off this holds on to a pin on each or on the rear nut I should say it keeps him from turning there's that pin I was talking about now those are what holds the preload on your wheel bearings and holds the whole uh disc assembly onto the truck with those out of the way the whole thing can come right off and there's your outer bearing there's your inner bearing and your seal go ahead and knock this apart and get it on the lathe and get it all cleaned up there you go progress is coming along as you can see I have our erors on the benack ranger Precision combination brake blade this thing does drums rotors flywheels I recently successfully did a flywheel with no issues this thing is absolutely awesome if you're interested in this or any of the other equipment Ben pack cells check it out on their website all right our rotors are all cleaned up we've had our uh bearings and stuff soaking in a little bit of gasoline over here for a few minutes this guy out yeah you got to St with me thank you now it's clean it wasn't before Kevin did a great job licking these clean so they look decent excuse me check this out o into the gas get these suckers cleaned up and then I believe quick performance shot me a call I think we have some new hubs to put on all right got everything cleaned up it's looking good getting ready to regrease our bearings here there we go oh there's some goo yep just enough to push all the stuff out there we go a greased bearing with grease between the uh rollers bearings are all lubed up new wheel seals everything's all greased inside looking good all right we've got our outer bearing in we're going to do this one one with the nipple first so we'll set our preload on our bearing same as the nut on a uh two wheel drive system and these guys are just here to hold him in place instead of a cotter [Music] pin so that are preload to whatever it is you desire mine's right about there and then the fun part this ring has a notch on it which will align with a notch on the spindle collar here and it needs to line up with the pin on that last piece and sure enough it doesn't so I need to tighten or loosen it a little more tightening this ring again there we go it went okay she's in and now the outer ring which does not have the nipple TM and we simply tighten this one down on top of it and he'll hold them in place and we can move on to our worn hubs all right time now for our manual hubs I've got some grease and all the splines in here I'm just going to take this guy drop him in rotate that Center there we go drop him into place and rotate this again until that moves freely right there all the way in and out as you can see now we have the outer shell of the Hub and this piece that is spined into that outer moving separate from the axle and when I turn this to lock this engages and they all move together and that is how a manual locking hub works now it goes without saying a huge thanks to Quick performance for hooking those up with this you guys probably know they're all about 9-in rear axles and putting them in anything but beyond that they're also all about front axles and four-wheel drive applications they sell stuff like lockers and lunchbox lockers and these worn hubs cheaper than anywhere else I've ever been able to find them and they are the same exact high quality products that you buy everywhere else and this one just happens to even be color matched so a huge thank you to Quick performance check them out on quick go get yourself some excellent stuff for a hell of a deal I didn't even mention the fact they sell brake components they're like one of the number one Distributors of willwood they'll sell you a whole backing plates for the rear you just take the whole dust cover and everything off and a fully assembled ready to go drum package just goes Boop four bolts and bolts on hook up the line done why didn't we do that I don't know it's it would be so much faster I'm kind of mad at you not going to lie all right once this is in place drop your large ring in grab these two screws that youve put in there prior give it a wiggle make sure it does some models need a clip right here on this guy some do not if you're curious about it reach back grab the U joint you give it a push and right there is a little bit of a ringland where we can put that clip there we go he's in place looking good there we go take your outer cap go ahead and push that O-ring into place make sure he's set to free before you go through all the work let's go ahead and verify that this is working as you can see our drive shaft in there way up on that pumpkin is not spinning now I turn this to lock drive shaft spins no more clanky clunky noises from this front end besides you know the worn out youu joint but and better mileage less wear let's get back to putting some calipers on this all right right look at that beautiful I'm reg gooping the goop Kevin oh yeah get some an's on there yeah one more for the night come back and do lines in the morning yeah sweet see you then stink all right so it's been a day I'm working on some other stuff uh finished up the lines up front the hoses up front front Brak should be good to go working on getting these drums off they are being very very very stubborn I've been beating the out of of them and there is absolutely no sign of movement on this Center Hub so you know what if you can't take it off this way you can always take it off this way if it wasn't for the fact that I'm scared of the uh wheel cylinder in there blowing up and you know killing moo I would probably just have left this alone but but I am fearful of that and I don't want to have to think about that every time she drives this that's interesting huh what I'm trying to do is split the face of this cast iron drum why that's not happening I don't know I've never seen this before huh I always thought those were one piece no wonder they're so springy this is actually piece of stamped steel what in the this is the worst I've ever seen tell you what I'm going have a beer about it we'll be back try again had a beer about it got the torch out heated it up this inner ring for like 60 seconds one hit it flew off that never works all right right now I know morning moo I'm mad at you if you can't tell why would that be can't you see my crossed arms n oh I see what you're saying how are you today I'm a little stuck I'm good ready do some some goop stuff once again it seems I left you alone for an afternoon while I was planning our wedding and you blew up a little something on my goop huh yeah the drums are in pieces I just can't leave me alone good thing I ordered new ones with your credit card H that's what the business card's for there very nice new one what do you mean this one's perfectly fine oh yeah why did we why did we do any of this good point I walked over you in the middle of it we got ourselves the WC 51081 uh there's a scream in there there it's done installed all right let's hit the road yeah there was a noise your butt boomed that was it finishing installing oh all right well we're waiting on parts for the rest of the brakes might as well move on the fuel system I actually have no knowledge that this doesn't actually work just fine the guy just said it in it based off what else we've seen here think out to test this before I start tearing stuff apart going to blow some air backwards down it and listen for bubbles in the tank oh seems like that should work just fine to me let's hook it back up maybe that filter just pluged I don't though don't drink that like fresh fuel to me yeah it's pretty clean I mean the fun bucket is obviously making it a little dirty clearly our fuel system works so that's good get this hooked back up I suppose all right give her a little bit to go off of here hit her Muk again terrible noises which might go away yet you never know that'd be really cool if they did go ahead yeah that clutch Fan's junk there she go it's running running off the goop is running off a fo juice yeah soup juice how's your oil pressure up 6 five what the hell is this sleep idle I don't know what the squeak noise is that's a new one it's quieting down there's only one or three ticks left I don't know what the squeak is it almost sounds like a belt or a water pump or a cam bearing I think the lifters are probably stuck with a bit of metal and they've been pumping up finally 10 gauge is going up a little bit is it just above the bottom line let her idle let's see if she comes up the T we're down to one tick noise though kind of half Rhythm like valve train it would be a miracle and a half but there's a chance everything kind of works itself out maybe a lot of something burning off this header over here the oil line oh shut it off we melted our oil line oh I guess I forgot to zip tie that out of the way all right well she runs off her own fuel system though moo that's good news it is wait for the parts to come in in the morning fix the oil line finish the brakes I suppose I suppose too let's do it oh hey how's it going as you can see we have new wheel cylinders each side I still have to redo the brake lines but things are going good this is pretty typical stuff we've done this a million times on the channel it's just these are just Chevy braks I'm not convinced that the uh previous owner didn't pull the parking brake at one point we'll see when we go to drop the drums on the spring was pretty tight on the cable no one's told you or it's not apparent anything older than pretty much 15 years sometimes even 10 any Northern Vehicles especially don't use the parking brake ever cuz unless it's a manual and it's used all the time on the automatics chances are you hit that and it's just going to go down and then the pedal will come back up but these lines or these cables are rusted up so it's just going to stay on full parking brake forever and then your truck doesn't move or the brakes are on fire and you got to come in here with a bar and pry that or cut these it's a nightmare just don't touch it so here's something unique about this exact style of GM brake or at least this exact style of spring this bottom spring uh I always put this on before I put the adjuster on makes life way easier what you need to pay attention to is not the direction these Loops face but but where this is in relation to the top or the bottom of this coil needs to be coming off the top of the coil so that it clears the star wheel I put this all together and I was having troubles turning this one but the other one turned just fine so I came back and looked and realized that yeah that's a specific Bend where this hits the star wheel you can see where it was hitting and it doesn't allow it to turn but this way allows it to turn you learn something every day I suppose attention to detail we'll save your ass every time all right get that guy on take this shove it in the long way bring it back to this side screw them in all the way straighten them out Force everything apart slip them in place Center it up that's more like it I could not turn that by hand before let's fix some lines and then adjust them to our drums and we're good to go if you guys have been with us for a while you've heard me mention this before this is the Capri tools uh quarter inch or sorry 3/16 inch brake line tool this thing is fantastic you can get these on Amazon they also have a/4 inch I will put links for both these and the link that I used to buy bulk brake line really cheap with good fittings down in the description there's a lot of options for brake line a lot of them come with really shitty fittings with a hole for the line itself is way too big I found one that's good every time I buy it it'll be listed down below right next to these These are fantastic because they're quick they make make really good flares and you can do it on the vehicle and only take up like this much space you can use a wrench there we go that'll do her on to the goop well sure as we got all the lines everything on I went to drop the drums on and they're tight they don't want to turn and the adjusters are all the way in which means the parking brake has been pulled what you need to do to release this is get a pry bar between the center and the parking brake lever back here here it's going to screw your Springs up and stuff but you're waiting to hear that cable go and drag forward there it goes everything back into place yeah that spring looks much more relaxed now that's how you reset them if someone does pull your parking brake for some ungodly reason just don't use them on anything older than 15 years in the north and that's probably pushing sh down up up down down up oh give it a feel fixed yeah okay good good scared me okay there we go brakes are done let's put some tires on it time to go for a drive yeah with the socket on okay good all new brakes oil line is zip tight out of the way got our air cleaner back on I found two vacuum leaks I just fixed give her some [Music] pumps what's your pressure read out 60 hell yeah it sounds terrible but it's got 60 PSI we probably going to fix this for now yeah that's way better all right let's see if it drives we literally don't know oh it's not that much noise that motor's fine right tell you what one thing I didn't realize is I don't really fit in this Jeep that's okay it's Muk size yeah that's true I think it's just cuz the headliner is hanging down nothing like back there though yeah exactly I'll just get some dinosaur headliner wee first time driving goop oh take it to meet geep all right goop that's geep nice to each other that motor's sounding arguably a little bit better and better like it's down to just one or two noisy valves I'm a little scared we could probably just tighten up the Lash maybe I don't know what kind of valve train I don't know if they're adjustable how's the drive Prett good it does yeah tick tick tick tick turns into tick oh my hey it'll either go away never change or die is it shifting yeah it's shifting okay speedometer works I'm going 20 hell yeah got all the mag went 40 for a second there I'm driving my dream Jeep stop thank you it goes woo just like my other Jeep just cheap things I'm used to it there's a lot of hey the center caps oh my gosh we're riding ugly now oh look at there nice give it a old thumbs up M that's a nice one out doing work I'm going to follow it all right get on her a little let's see what she does despite the ticking which is down to one tick it wow oh it stinks stinks or is it that truck it's probably us it's the oil line on fire again I don't know but there's smoke everywhere I think we're down to one tick now and despite that it uh actually ran really good yeah we didn't touch the carburetor or anything I booped it think this thing will spin them I really don't know let's find out oh yeah and that is all the faster auk needs to go not so much for her safety but for everyone's you know it's a wild Hecker hate to turn that loose on the public with more than 200 horse plenty of horsepower for a moo what did you tell them nothing it has five horsepower that was I said 200 it's a secret might have been a vast overe exaggeration I don't need to be Speedy in this thing I just love the looks of them it does look good and you look pretty good over there driving it Shank what do you think moo good good I love it see how the oil pressure does warm yeah she could probably use some thicker oil what do we put in 1040 I thought yeah well actually it's what was in it this is doing a lot better than I thought it was going to I thought we'd be a long ways off from you being able to drive this but me too here we are oh hang on this thing's a Jeep we don't even know if the four-wheel drive works oh done yeah not very confidence inspiring at least this part will be we know for sure the front part is locked yep nope the uh vacuum four-wheel drive doesn't work believe it or not what yeah wild there were a bunch of missing vacuum lines on the hood so that doesn't surprise me but look at I'm doing Jeep things in another Jeep you sure are this is what y'all do right no they just put one tire on I know I didn't want to do that this one on each other I'll get my other Jeep out yeah there you go well what do you think Muk I'm impressed I'm impressed too it did a couple miles and well maned halfway up a snow bank yeah and two wheel drive so we got to fix that we got to fix the hole in the floor the hole in the tank the hole in the frame the hole in the cam shaft or whatever the hell all that noise is up there the holes all the holes and then goop will be good to go unfortunately that is all the time we have today but it is not all the time we'll be spending on this make sure you guys subscribe to see when this returns to the channel probably here soonish I don't know muk's going to bug me about it until we get it fixed so she can drive it but this next couple months is going to be a bit of a mess we have someone coming to help us in March and I'm just trying to make it to March thank you guys very much for watching this episode thank you to Moo for all of her help thank you to goop for only mildly fighting us all the way and then being pretty okay at the end best way to support the channel is to check out junkyard buy some merch buy some hats we have new Koozies coming out that are much better than the old ones you can check them out on the website here soon we'll see you there's youth sizes oh there's youth size shirts I haven't said this in a video I keep forgetting we finally have youth siiz shirts on the website so go check those out junkard all right from all of us here thank you much for watching we'll see you next time peace my knees don't like that anymore say that hurt my knees just watching that I'm good I bounced back Huger [Applause] scope run you down goodbye Hiers [Applause] sh
Channel: Junkyard Digs
Views: 638,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, revival, first, start, first start, run, drive, and, will, it, can, we, junkyard, digs, mook, cold, classic, truck, jyd, junk, yard, diggs, vgg, grand, wagoneer, jeep, fsj, no oil, can we save, rescue
Id: GupIOcY-oDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 10sec (3490 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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