BIDDING WARS: Finding Hidden Gems Amongst Rat Infested Vehicle Auction | Turnin Rust

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[Music] there's a lot of stuff out here yeah quite a bit is that chistin oh my gosh a rat oh gosh there's another one oh yep here we go guys it's ain't going to be good it's still wet over here oh man I just put my hand on a piece of that r say small town business owners Wyatt and Lance Bush team together to form Craven Customs a father and son Duo Scavenging the web along with the Northeast Texas Woods in search of Rusty relics while buying and building on a budget they recreate and preserve hidden patina giving each one a story of its own chasing their path passion they're giving the past a future saving Lost Dreams one vehicle at a time with help from God these guys [Music] are here we go I thank you for coming out and being with us this was Mr Robert's car collection he had them here he had them in Tyler he had them everywhere there here we go guys it's atin time and we're start right over and that's going to be a lot lot one guys right there hey tell that old frame it's an old car frame right [Music] there there's a lot of stuff out here yeah quite a bit yeah looks like a little bit everything yeah where didd he start 3000 over here got to be 31 31 now 32 33 33 33 so today me and Dad are out here in Cooper Texas checking out a fairly local auto auction they're about to have this weekend uh we really don't have a good idea of what all they had out here till now so we're just going to go ahead and walk the lot just kind of see if there's anything that grabs our attention uh hopefully if there's something that we want to try to go ahead and bring back to the shop the money will be right on it tomorrow place a bid and bring it back home with [Music] us I guess that's an old stud to bakeer is it a lark Hulk or something maybe Hulk y h what I was thinking pretty neat got the little F I like the fs and it being kind of a smaller car too yeah pretty good shape on the inside tell it's been sitting in a barn or something I yeah that's pretty clean too yeah that battery ain't even that old on it V8 Hood pretty nice yeah I don't know that it'd be anything thing unless the price was just really cheap on probably go for more than we want to spend yeah I'm sure it will what is this somebody's hot rod at one point is it a Ford or no it shows a little like a Dodge emblem thing back here but it's just a sticker so I don't know maybe it's like a Daytona oh yeah probably straight 90s in there huh yeah yep s like it got a little sour at some point in time somebody want that though cuz once again though it was something that was sitting underneath you know what I mean it's still got dust on it that's a nice must thing 65 probably probably wow it's clean I mean for something that's just been setting up yeah be interesting this at the right it said 289 on the oh yeah on the side there but yeah yep missing shocks but right hard to tell how long 02 I going to say hard to tell how long it's been setting up but well setting up long enough the hoods yeah Hood getting stiff couple convertibles hard top convertible yeah just folds right back into the back huh yeah yeah tops in the trunk on this one yep these are neat but man I bet bet it cost you a fortune to redo the Interiors in them Galaxy that's crazy say is huge to fit the whole roof in it it's once again this is something that's been sitting under something too cuz it's pretty much the same car here or uh yeah looks it just missing a trim on this one yeah another one here this one just a hard top though it's got an engine in it Galaxy 500 and there's a lot of stuff out here right yeah I'm Frankie Norwood with Norwood Auction Company out of Cunningham Texas well I specialize in the auction business and selling different kinds of items all the way from the estate items to farming Ranch items we'll be selling over 150 old cars tractors and miscellaneous items be October the 28th this this coming Saturday it'll be at 4366 Highway 154 in coer Texas according to as many that has contacted me about this sale we should have a pretty good turnout you know I'm going to say 100 to 200 buyers from all over the United States will be here come see us this Saturday October the 28th we'll start at 10:00 a.m. hey get here a little early look it over and get you a buyer's number and get ready to go with us we're going to have a lot of fun that [Music] day look at the interior on this thing yeah that's way better looking than seems like it should be judging by that mhm man these are big old cars us be two cars look at that tire on the back of this thing oh yeah that's got to be a 12in wheel wonder if it's tubbed fiberglass cow hood rat's about to take it over wen't they yeah they it's hard to say what you know if any of this stuff's the engine's locked up on it right not fair L yeah it's crazy that the Interiors on a lot of these are really really pretty good shape not bad shape huh yeah and those are normally what scares us away on these older cars so if the money's right on them we can we can get them running but I'm just not super crazy about that it's a neat looking car but right well somebody out there's looking for it oh yeah for [Music] sure bunch of No Stuff have no interest at all in [Music] right [Music] those are pretty cool yeah what's that a chevel SS I think so 396 assuming it's got a motor in it they got it covered up with Tor yep great shap yeah sh yep that's rough this one will go high though probably yeah Bell there junky o RV there you new MOA cabota Torino Torino yeah yeah took a lick over here yeah no motor in it though man that's sharp though the way that yeah that fast back yeah that's it's a cool car back in its day that's for sure that was pretty well probably the last body style that Torino was decent looking cuz then they went into a really ugly body style after that that's a good looking C10 yeah even though it's got the newer bed on it they did a pretty good job yeah they made them match up like it's supposed to be that way I've seen a lot of people put that bed on these trucks but this one don't look too bad put the molding on there off the near truck too cab is rebuilt and clean do not crank truck until you clean gas tank needs oil change really bad huh huh pearl white oh yeah that's a pretty nice truck mhm 454 if that's what it's got in it I'm sure it does I like this got like a front row pan on it yeah this one will go high too we just pray for rain Saturday and nobody will show yeah I think that's that's in the plan anyway yeah power windows that's what I was wondering yeah it's all been updated looks like pretty well tell's been setting up a while but that's how we like to find them huh right look at that what is that o is that a javelin I start to say it looks like a [Music] javelin it's got to be one of the ugliest yet it's coolest looking right yeah for some reason another AMC was just they were all over the place yeah but they were neat them fenders are huge that's pretty cool yeah it's pretty clean I mean it's got look at the handles typical yep kind of like the Pacer y kind of rat turs over there Wy coyote a Road Runner seat covers look at that stereo I know that was I was looking at that just a second ago trying to figure out cheap looking yeah wonder if this has got a motor in it bet it does fiberglass Hood so I wonder if that's huh is there a hood pop in there bet there is yeah I say there is no that's a vent let's break no I don't see anything Lance it's opening it but it [Music] won't oh hinges may US be so Rusty right yeah that's a neat looking car that'd be a fun one to try to get up and going again [Music] I always thought these Falcons were pretty NE little cars yeah they're small probably got six cylinder in it yep yep straight six no valve cover clean car sheet metal wise but is that [Music] Christine [Music] that's an old Fury oh yeah Christine that's pretty cool yeah wow but is it rough man I bet we come home with this unless there's just something some guy out there it's rough I don't know that we need it cuz it's so rough but man it's a cool car right yeah it's oh yeah now we had a four-door yeah a while on back but the rest I got it along the rear window it was red too look underneath the trim where at right here oh okay R up too high this is Christine well if I remember correctly the last one the boor we had was covered with everything under the hood man I was hoping I could open that to see nothing in it transmission no motor huh well if that one comes Al that we're in trouble in yeah a little cab Ford truck there has got a military look to it yeah it's a I don't know it's funky looking hi jet I think that's pretty much everything that I'm interested in out most other stuff's either too new or to two Farm related but I think there's another place up the road it's got about 30 more we'll go check it out and see if there's anything down [Music] there [Music] it's like an old first J Bronco [Music] yeah don't look too bad uh-uh looks like it's got an engine in it yeah no radiator but oh my gosh oh almost had to run away it's a rat or a squirrel it's a little it's a big rat I think how in the world I don't know somebody had to be shutting the hood down to or planted it one but it looks like don't look like it's been too long ago no golly this thing is roasted floor pans are gone over there oh wow yeah I figured it'd be rusty most of these first G are but yeah it's it's bad Rusty I mean sides of the rear wheel rear wheel wells is terrible yeah tub shot on the hood crushed in yeah I mean the top uh March of 88 is what it's got on the tags it was kind of wonder what's underneath the hood besides that but I guess I'll open it I'm curious if it's a V8 or dead huh it's dead yeah I guess it is oh gosh there's another one oh y oh man that's sad golly it's a V8 it's got a huge Rat's Nest and a live rat yeah wow well the odds of shutting that hood down and catching that one I Know It uh move it out the way or just shut it back down I guess it don't matter at this point huh yeah well that's a plus though V8 and then a big negative on the rat I don't know where he went he went down the side and dropped down over that way over like it was going to that truck interested in the truck but not interested in bringing those home with us here's a pretty cool old Chevy short bad too it's on something different yeah five lug different frame got me L of reaching and looking around in any of this stuff now they got a different steering and everything in it it's still pretty old frame though it's set up on leaf springs with the straight axle up front but bodywise it's pretty good shape never seen never seen one of these trucks with a sliding back window sure hadn't either I didn't know they even made a such critter look at that that is the littlest sliding back window I've ever seen in my life that's pretty neat yeah this one's pretty cool got a old wreer back there there's another Fury maybe a little better shape but how much but it's four-door yeah now this is a Plaza Plymouth Plaza I guess basically the same thing yeah I guess so well I think we got a pretty good idea of what we're kind of interested in anyways right lot to pick from just have to come back and kind of see what the money's like on them I guess right think about these auctions you never really know you know if they're going to sell for good deals or go for Crazy Prices right just have to wait and [Music] see [Music] so it's October 28th day of the auction and I would say dad's prayers are answered cuz it extremely wet it's been raining all night didn't think there'd be a whole lot of people show up out here but kind of surprised of the amount of people we've seen here so far so we're going to go and get registered uh try to find the auctioneer and just see what some of this stuff starts selling for I think he said he's going to start down here mark his way that way yeah they've got numbers on them so it's number six over there I guess let's see if there's anything down in this row we're interested in to be BR if you will bow with me we're going to have a quick word of prayer and we'll get started father we come to you today the blessings of life we thank you for father thank you for this rain we needed that rain but father we just thank you for your protection just watch over and guide this people keep them in the POS of the hand today in everything we do in your name amen here we go guys it's a time and we're start right over there and that's going to be a lot lot one guys right there how about 250 250 3 3 3 250 3 3 give 250 now 3 250 300 250 300 250 right there 396 396 move right on up guys so starting off it's kind of hard to judge what these vehicles are going to be selling like they started on a row that's probably going to be the Lesser quality of stuff so stuff's not I wouldn't say going crazy high but it's not just super cheap either so at this point me and Dad are just going to kind of walk the lineup find out exactly what we might want to bid on and then once the lineup gets there just thr our numbers at them and see if we [Applause] win 72 it's 72 all in all done 7 and2 7 and2 7 and2 700 396 396 396 stuff's going fairly reasonable I guess but just not not anything we would [Music] buy yeah as rough as this thing is it's hard to say what it'll bring but pretty rare car too right being a twoo and now it's try to bid on this one I guess if I think well yeah just right what they're looking at as far [Music] as far as I can tell it's complete exterior wise back glass is gone but trims in [Applause] it what do you think how much you think it go for I think there's going to be somebody that wants it more than us I don't know it's uh look good with 12 valve in it [Laughter] cuz they hadn't really sold many vehicles yet up that way most of it's all been like trailers and boats so it's hard to tell so I bet it goes for a thousand and that might be a good deal but that's more than I want to stand at this point when we've got other things we're more interested just have to wait and see6 right here guys hey s right here guys no paperwork 47 what that high the funny thing about it raining out here is everything's wet and glossy so I feel like most of this stuff looks in better condition than what it actually is so that's going to hurt us a little bit of people bidding on stuff cuz I mean just what we saw out here yesterday everything just looks a lot better now that it's wet and shiny yes sir right there 12 12 down theill 12 how much 500 600 5 6 5 6 5 600 in 5 600 56 56 56 about 350 now 400 and 35 4 4 354 at 350 now 75 at 375 375 now 4 4 4 at 400 375 4 at [Music] 375 4 4 5 now qu 5 the quarter 5 in the quar 5 H 500 now 25 H 525 all in all done 525 525 so 500 right there8 158 158 158 hey 42 got paperwork 42 got [Music] paperwork [Music] if he would have B one more time I was going to let it go yeah I was thinking that was about a good spot to stop I think this would be the next one yeah but we're two rows from it I seen them trying to get the hood open as well and I don't think anyone's everever got it done but it looks like to me like there's a motor in it it's not it's squat down but no paperwork on it [Applause] either yeah I think so I said [Applause] we kind of we got got our eyes set on certain things I I don't want to leave out of here we bought the worst shape vehicle on the lck we ain't going to do that that's for sure there good 73in all right guys it right there hey telly 2,000 now 2500 2,000 now 25 2,000 now 25 $1,000 now 122 it's the bill now I got 500 600 6 now 8 8 n now, now 1100 11 now 12 11 12 the bidding on this has kind of been sporadic I mean there's been some that's gone really high that we thought would go lower and some of it just lower that went High 1 18 18 18 18 18 1 18 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 and2 182 in 18 and2 all in all done 18 half 18 so 1800 on this old Javelin we really didn't know what number we wanted to be at cuz there's still more Vehicles we're wanting to bid on that we're probably more interested in so having to walk away from it at the bid that it got up to is a little bit disappointing but hopefully that'll leave us with a little extra money to bid on something that we want a little bit [Music] more1 be 31 got 68 3500 now 7 35 7 35 7 35 would you get it 37 4, 57 55 7 6 we are limited on what we have to spend out here today so we had a number in our head that was 8,000 and I went past that 91 9292 92292 9292 92 92 92 91 9200 91 9200 9100 right here that guy from Oklahoma guy from Oklahoma the guy who bought it was obviously pretty determined to get that truck so I don't know how high the truck would have actually went for if we would have kept bidding but at that point we just had to he was too confident on his b he would have kept going got be 31 I got 1500 money now 17 17 15 17 now 22 22 25 2 the way the bidding is going I don't know if we'll go home with a whole lot of stuff but you know if we can go home with one or two I think we're we're okay at that so far all we've bought is a $500 Plymouth Fury uh we're hoping that we'll be able to bring home a little bit something more than that but if all else fails at least we got something 29 now I'm 29 here now three 29 now 3, 29 now 3 29 now 3 4 412 and 412 and 41 now 412 412 [Music] 42100 [Music] watch out that's slick this Pond wasn't out here the other day we should have should have bought bid on one of them boats this is probably the muddiest auction I've ever been to in that I prayed for some rain but I didn't pray for this it's a mess actually almost almost a river there I want to check out this Bronco and see if it still has the the bin tag on it and the the rat hood [Applause] ornament I almost got my feet wet the rat's still there wonder if it drowning at laast the dead One V tag should be in here yeah it's got it u5 that rat's starting to stink I smell it does have a tag man it's rusty though yeah it's worse than rust I almost put it in that same category as that that Volkswagen Thing it's pretty bad ain't it yeah maybe the dead Ratt will scare people away from bidding on it I think bid on this and just see what other stuff sells for the old Chevy truck would be pretty cool yeah maybe they'll make their way down here pretty quick and we can get out of the [Music] r and 175 now two now two two two now 25 two the B now 25 2 25 get two the bill now 25 225 225 two now 25 225 225 7 200 21 2011 what we got now been raining it's been raining 1 18 18 17 18 19 19 now 2 19 21 21 21 now 2 22 22 22 now 3 23 23 23 4 24 2 24 24 24 now 5 25 25 now 6 26 26 26 now 7 27 now 8 28 28 28 now now 3 3 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 that's 3,000 over here got to be 31 31 now 2 32 now 3 at 33 at 33 33 now four 34 at 34 now 5 35 35 now 6 36 at 36 now 7 37 37 37 now 8 38 38 down 39 39 39 39 39 39 now 41 41 42 41 41 41 41 it's 412 42 now 3 43 43 42 and a 3 43 42 3 H 42 3 423 42 your 158 8888 breaker right [Music] there guy there pretty confident about the 4,000 I actually didn't 4,000 I told him 3900 but I think they took it at 39 because the other guy bit four and you got it for 41 that was my [Music] understanding [Music] [Applause] I'm Sean cross uh my channel is Sean cross the line my channel specializes in a little bit of everything I like to do road trips but I like to do everything with the wrong equipment I've got a four-wheel drive car that I like to haul cars with do rock crawling I've actually hauled quite a bit of cars for Lance in the past yeah I think loading this car shouldn't be that big a deal uh my trailer is not a duvail so we're going to drag it a little bit the uh the mud and stuff doesn't really bother me I don't think we'll have too many issues out it quite the rig you got there you like that pretty much needed out here though well you said there was a little moist so I figured I'd uh you know bring something we could get through it with I think my truck would have made it but as soon as it didn't I'd be strained out you'd be calling me anyway what do you think about her uh she's rough yes she is she look better in the rain when it was wet and kind of shiny yeah it's got a lot of rust back here window's probably been out of it a while right really cool car though yeah I thought it was a Christine but this is a 59 and it was a 58 so but I don't know going to open that up cuz it sure is setting no it sure is setting low ain't it yeah it's like it's got a were these a Lea spring or a CO spring car I don't know man I I would I don't know I would think cool maybe ain't no telling though see well I don't see no leash well it' be way up in there then there's no motor in it so that's you know why it's sitting up so high in the front but no tell I don't know if anything's locked up on it or not I did see back here on the back bumper where they've drug it with something oh man yeah the 50s it's got a full frame under there there's something better to hook to than a bump right yeah hate seeing that but is what it is well we got a 12,000 on the trailer so I don't think we'll have any issues getting it up there yeah now in one piece I'm not guaranteeing that that's your car call I'll let you run the W controller if you [Music] want [Music] looks like You' already been mighty I don't know what done I think a axle strap under the front there yeah yeah you can get to that cross mem pretty easy mine are rolling mine are too [Applause] yeah good yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] it looks pretty good on the trailer though oh yeah especially being that it's on the ground that low that's just telling you the look that it needs to be already exactly bring the front end down just like this would be cool with a 12 valve oh yeah just like it is but on the ground the front end down you know there's plenty of room up under the hood for yeah you just have to leave it rough and ready cuz that's it is cool yeah yeah may be fun strapping this back yeah what are you hooked to bumper bumper that ain't going to be good it's still wet over here so I would have typically used my car which is called Greta unfortunately this morning we tried to hook up this newer trailer to my car and noticed that the frame and the rear is flexing a little bit so the car that I'm using now is another one of my Creations I actually built for a buddy of mine this one is called Vicki uh it's a 85 Crown Vic I built a full custom chassis for it it's got to come in 10 it sixspeed and once you know it I don't have a transfer case shifter so that means knocking it in the fourel drive in the pond where's it at I don't mind getting [Music] money if you pull up over here where it's dry I'll get up underneath it I not think of [Music] that I think we're about to go redneck out [Music] here as long as it's only a shoes come get down to his underwear and we got issues last what we may have to do is get in it crank it up put it in gear and just Ease on the clutch a little bit to move everything in the transfer case mhm and then so while I'm beating on [Music] it that circuit does not want to move I'll do that part this part part here yeah cuz you know clutch pedal better than not do yeah cuz I think if it kind of halfway Works flanks gets up underneath that tire he give you some traction and Y just lay down it's soft enough I mean just lay flat yep let me get in there first cuz the step's going to come down and all right hit you in the head and and worst case scenario I get the old get old GMC out here and pull out the the Ford and the Plymouth [Applause] yeah you want this unlock seem like it's want to do anything I hit it a little harder just hit it you ain't going to hurt [Applause] it rock that Hub let see if it did [Applause] anything get my TR probably so all [Applause] [Music] [Music] right [Applause] I can only imagine if we wouldn't have waited a week how bad this would have been [Music] [Music] [Music] so say this one's in a little bit better shape but that ain't saying much it's a little higher off the ground at least yeah but check out the floor pans in this one or the lack of pretty rting watch your hand there was a dead rat done four-wheel drive plus another horsepower Manpower whatever you want to call yeah get some of them foot pounds in it yeah yeah there's where your foot pounds come from there was a rat head sticking up through that and I don't know if birds or something have ate it when I opened this up another live rat was in there too yeah his body's still there but I think he's beyond the stink stage yeah hopefully that other one's gone looks like it's he ain't Bey on the stink stage I still smell it unless it's just rat home that me me you're smelling I was curious if this had power steering power brakes but it don't all manual V8 Bronco though kind of 44 the it's got the 44 in the front yeah it's rough and Rusty but these early Broncos are yeah this thing here is still bringing a bunch of money yeah and it's a full cab yeah I had a 69 half cap oh yeah made it into a full cab it's pretty neat little truck this one's got a big old they started chopping the top on it yeah lowering it have goats out here yeah that third row seat yeah or a second row whatever you want to call it uh I'm going to try to load it Forward I know it's a little but it's muddy but it's dry it looks like I say that mine parked yeah I think it' be fine maybe if you just putting the trailer down in that you should be okay yeah I'd rather load it Forward than backwards but right yeah don't want to guess I'll pull up here and try that's uphill so we should be good little wet right there though a wet right there from all of that so yeah I'll just try to hug close to this car here few of them left out here is the steering work in that one no idea a lot shorter wheel base it should be easier to steer and get up on the trailer even if it's crooked yeah got to hit the unlock yeah yeah oh yeah let me try to get backed up to it real [Music] quick [Music] [Music] oh man I just put my hand on a piece of that rat's head the top half of his [Music] skull see that's cheating too sure hope that other booger is not still in here we've done brought enough rats back to the shop as it [Applause] is [Music] not used to them loading this easy all [Music] [Music] uh-uh should be good huh I think so not bad it all get some straps throw it on it I don't know if she'll ever run again but it' be worth it shot to [Music] see so guys I think it's safe to say that we can call this one a win when we headed out here for the first time we had no idea what all was going to be out here more or less of what we might even be bringing home now on the day of the auction we knew that rain was in the forecast and hoped that that would steer a lot of people away unfortunately I think everyone had the same thought1 so after hours of treading through mud and just getting soak and wet we ended up having a winning bed on a 1959 Plymouth Fury as well as a 1974 Ford Bronco as far as old Bronco goes me and Dad have had a lot of them around the shop now on this one we ended up paying a little bit more than what we hop for but nonetheless it's a V8 Bronco with a clean title now with it having the old V8 in it that's only going to be an asset towards the vehicle if we can get it up and running but being that this thing has been rat infested for who knows how long your guess is as good as ours if that'll ever happen we hope that you guys enjoyed this video as always thanks for watching don't forget to like subscribe ring that Bell check out our restor Channel as well and we'll see you on the next [Music] [Applause] one [Music]
Channel: Turnin Rust
Views: 794,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restored, turnin rust, turning rust, classic truck, abandoned, rescued, patina, antique, will it run, neglected, forgotten, vgg, vice grip, full rebuild, transformation, rebuild, barn find, muscle car barn find, classic car barn find, bidding wars, bidding war, car auction, classic car auction, rat infested, estate auction, hidden gems, finding, finding hidden gems, finding gems, vehicle auction, classic vehicle auction, bidding, estate sale, christine, bronco, bel air, junk yard, rare
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 19sec (3259 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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