The Grace of God

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[Music] chris is when divinity steps into humanity and causes ordinary men and ordinary women to do extraordinary things further we remember and commemorate the death and the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ Oh Charla Baca DOS Kellogg adesh we identified with the saving and atonic walk of our Lord avocados ha we partake of the Lord's table Oh in unity with Christ reso mahadesh ha and as they were eating Jesus took the bread blessed it and broke it and gave it to the disciples and say take eat this is my body shall we partake of the bread together [Music] the vast twenty-seven then he took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them saying drink from it all of you for this is my blood of the New Covenant which was shed for many for the remission of sins shall we all partake of the wine together I will ask mum to come and pray open your mouth and speak to God and tell the Lord their Lord that Jesus died on the cross because of you and me open your mouth and tell the Lord the blood of Jesus to speak on your behalf to speak on behalf of your family to speak on behalf of your situations open your mouth and speak to God tonight the Bible says weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning father take your people out of Dodge ins take them out of the beat Oh Lord take them out of situation King of glory use their bodies King of glory they are those who have incurable diseases let your blood cleanse them Lord Jehovah God I thank you King of Kings because there is nothing that is impossible with you the situations that seem impossible in the lives of your people touched them tonight Lord Jehovah God bring them out of the fires bring them out of the fiery furnace Oh God fires of life fire support a fires of joblessness fires of frustration fires of disappointments fires of rejection fires of intimidation fires Oh God rimas sha la la la mesilla ARIMA mama set area baba baba sahaba let your people come out of the mess that they are in lord let them come out of pain let them come out to pain road let them come out of distress take them to the americas let them walk to their destiny father we cannot rewrite our past but we can take a flat page Oh God and write about our future our future is bright our children's future is bright our Korea so bright oh God Oh seanny la la mesilla how a ministry so bright have your way Lord protect us from tragedies and calamities delete our names from the book of share from the book of defeat and failure father let not our enemies triumph over us we need to attach tonight touch that - man that is crying tonight touch that lady Jehovah has come to the end of ourself Jehovah touched that of our Lord there is no one to take care of him or ha Jehovah make a way for us Oh God turn our situations around our case is urgent we need your deliverance we need your blessings we need to a breath we need to our favor we need to apart we need to our lighting come in through for us oh god it's all about you as we walk out of that door because of your broad let us come out victoriously because it's all about you in our lives we cannot make it in this life without you we are nothing without you Oh God Thank You Jehovah even those that are not saved Lord Lord you attach their lives tonight at the end of this year because of your blood we shall testify that doings of the Lord we think and we worship you in Jesus name we pray Shaba undeletable say your father we thank you for the gift of your son and I pray that anyone that is seeking our midst right now even as you are partaking of the Lord's table right now receive your healing in the name of Jesus if you're there and you are sick just as you're seated begin to receive your healing right now shabak a dose kaligati sha sha say Maga hundred avocados I speak held in the name of Jesus even if you have loved ones that are sick at home and even if you are watching me and you are seeking your body I command the spirit of infirmity to lose its hold over your life every spirit of affliction every spirit of discomfort I command it dry up in the name of Jesus I speak healing to your body organs to your systems to your glanza I speak health and healing in the name of Jesus I declare your mind is healed I declare God is healing you emotionally psychologically in the name of Jesus Ricardo Scala gadot's K Z NEBOSH Alaba Han days I see divine healing right now somebody is getting healed of hypertension somebody is getting healed of chronic chest pains my god insomnia raga goes kosoul's I command healing of that throat condition that stiff neck my god where's fibroids I command them to dissolve the blood clots asthma bronchitis I did right now be healed nausea in the name of Jesus arthritis joint pain hormonal imbalance I declare be healed right now I declare by the reason of the stripes of Jesus and in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach supernatural victory of a sickness and disease I declare from today you are healthy in the name of Jesus I break that curse within your bloodline of diabetes high blood pressure mental insanity in the name of Jesus j-hope Arafah the lord i will heal up actual people now those that are watching us on life facebook on youtube on oracle on TV I declare be healed distance is not a barrier and if you left anyone sick at home right now I'm sending the healing power of God wherever they are I send that touch of God in the name of Jesus be healed in Jesus mighty name shout amen 1st Corinthians chapter 15 and verse 10 but by the grace of God I am what I am and His grace towards me was not in vain but I laboured more abundantly than they all yet not i but the grace of God which was with me when I started this series I began speaking on when grace Peaks the grace of God first Corinthians 15:10 by the grace of God I am Who I am by the grace of God I am what I am everything that we are is by the grace of God everything that this ministry has done and will do is by the grace of God hallelujah and the Bible says in Titus chapter 2 and verse 11 for the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men grace is about to appear grace is about to manifest my god and finally I want to read Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 to verse 9 for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourself it is the gift of God not the works lest you should lest anyone should boast further as you're lifting your hand father I thank you by divine authority I break the limits and restrictions in the lives of your people because of the grace I break the chains and the yoke I take authority over every principality and demon spirit every wickedness in high places in the name of Jesus I bind the spirit of anxiety the spirit of oppression the spirit of depression every spirit of weariness every spirit of doubt every spirit of stress every spirit of bitterness every spirit of failure I cast it out in the name of Jesus I come again as the spirit behind anxiety behind failure in the name of Jesus rhizoma goddess Kalika Tosca you and your family will be delivered tonight in the name of Jesus Rizzo Kadesh karma goddess car jehan de bazooka Kadosh kala goddess I declare you will prosper you are more than a conqueror I decree and declare I release the grace of God over you over your children I release the blessing of God you will not whip you will not cry father bless your people Shama Cardoza I declare you are blessed I speak within your walls the Shalom of God yes a mahadesh cup everything will work for you this week without struggle this week your ears will hear good news not even news will come to your ears you will see opportunities in adversity in the name of Jesus where others will be stranded this week you will know what to do in the name of Jesus resume mahadesh Carla Garros car doors will continue to open for you this week ER and the plan of the weekend against your advancements I declare I shall fill in the name of Jesus raza Maga - cops I cover you out with the grace of God I hide your family and canapé of god's grace no member of your family shall be a victim of accident or calamity in the name of Jesus all arrows of the wicked against your family shall be broken in the name of Jesus I decree and declare this is your season you shall not suffer setback by the grace of God in Jesus mighty name shout amen I started on speaking about when grace peeks and I say grass is divine enablement grace is God helping you in the rest of life grass is when divinity steps into humanity and causes ordinary men and ordinary women to do extraordinary things that is right the Apostle Paul said I am Who I am by the grace of God I want somebody to know as ordinary as you I you can do the extraordinary by the grace of God Salaam iam tamami julio a kowai de who define a mambo assyria Kawai de hallelujah so the grace of God is divine enablement God helping you in the race of life it is the unmerited goodness of God the undisturbed goodness of God what you did not work for what you did not qualify for I love the grace of God because when Chris is at work because I suspended when Chris is at what you know I have seen people I rely everything in my life on the grace of God because even skills cannot produce without the grace of God giftings cannot deliver without the grace of God I told you that at the day I have seen gifted people that are not celebrated they are stranded because of lack of grace but I am standing on this altar of miracle Monday to declare to every one that is under the sound of my voice and to the thousands that are watching us life of God I know you are oh my god in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus single receive grace for settlement it takes less to receive grace for marriage and I declare because of grace you will not marry a player pointer you will [Applause] when you marry the wrong woman you Maria Priya points but because of grace you married the right woman Priya point between now and next day at this time I see weddings weddings I see marriages in the name of Jesus I release press for marriages under family whether you are 21 31 41 51 61 higher 34:16 say sir not one will miss their mate so my mouth has commented together that means there is somebody for everybody when Chris is at work it doesn't matter I came under mantra manifests I come under women to manifest a marriage in the name of Jesus Schama cotton Scala Ganesha I also release press for divine health I declare between now on the end of the year you will not waste our resources on medical pills I declare blessed to enjoy divine health what is killing us will not kill you and your family I declare bless will exempt you Jesus somebody shall gross I love the Chris of God because we are we are we are going to I love God in the rest of life receive divine empowerment divine enablement of Jesus now what are the benefits of grace number one in fishin's 2:8 for by grace you have been saved through faith and not of yourselves it is the gift of God number one you are saved by grace somebody said I am saved by grace it is not by works it is by grace we are saved by grace that is the first benefit of grace lift your hand and say I am saved by grace I am saved by grace what is the second benefit of grace Romans chapter 3 and verse 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus number two I am sexual I grace tell you whenever I am sexual by grace somebody say I am sexual by grace let every temple in hell hear it and let the heavens witness I am sexual by grace number three let's see 2nd chronicles chapter 9 and verse 8 second chronicles chapter 9 and verse 8 and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may have an abundance for every good work number 3 I am strengthened by grace [Music] come to your neighbor tell them I am strengthened by grace Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 16 says let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need I am supplied by grace tell your neighbor I am supplied by grace come on look at your neighbor tell them it is the grace it is the grace when you see me looking the way I'm looking at is the grace Kusum Tomomi any Nima Sinicki toutaku javonni any name at all I am supplied by grace I post a mahadesh officiants chapter 3 verse 7 and verse 8 hallelujah of which I became a minister according to the gift of the grace of God given to me by the effective working of his power uh-huh to me Who I am less than the least of all the saints this grace was given that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ I am somebody by grace in other words he was saying I am a nobody that Chris made somebody look at your neighbor say neighbor I am I am just a nobody that grace made us somebody grace brings honor into somebody's life my God we're academic credentials and qualifications could not take me I have seen Christic me hallelujah the grace of God where family backgrounds cannot take you grace will take you wherever money cannot take you grass will take you grass is your ticket rosamma got ashika let grace makes you as somebody in the corporate world in the business world may your name be mentioned among the great because of grace as they park of great men and women may you and never be mentioned big grace qualifies you where you are disqualified schambach i Posca let grace qualify you for that promotion sham Mikado's kama Ganesha I am somebody by grace and lastly officiants 2:8 for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourself it is the gift of God I am satisfied by the grace tell your neighbor I am satisfied by the grace so remind your neighbor say number one I'm saved by grace I'm secured by grace I am strengthened by grace I am supplied by grace I am somebody by grace I am satisfied by grace hallelujah lift your hands above your head syllabic a dusky shala hand a bazooka liquid Oshima Goreski oh Jesus we give you praise thank you for your grace just begin to tell God thank you Rasika - oh Jesus we thank you Rizzo kedusha thank you for your grace yabas omega dooshka by the grace of God day things are panning around for your good you are protected in your going out and your coming in none of your steps will slide Sheila Basso because of the grace of God the grace of God the grace of God the stress in your life is over the stress in your finances is declared over oh my god every generation or caste in your family is breaking now Yaakov el shamah Garros Ruzicka dooshka your destiny shall not be delayed unit destiny shall not be Western you had destiny shall not be destroyed receive grace yarmulke duska yonder bazooka dashka lagares Zinda martial avocadoes karma garage rock adams Kimagure scaliger 'yes yes Lord yes Lord father we thank you for the gift of grace oh shall ibaka duska i declare from this miracle Monday you are breaking forth into new realms of glory in the name of Jesus the remaining days of 2018 I speak as gods or echo into your life thus in this auditorium angles that are following us live in the remaining days of 2018 things that eyes have not seen nor ears heard shall become the order of the day in your life in the name of Jesus in the remaining days of 2018 you shall sing a new song Oh Rizzo mahadesh car your family shall be saved by grace of your family members that is not born again mention their name in 10 seconds Shanna picado ska yonder mashallah bossy by the grace of God he shall be a season of spiritual renewal in the name of Jesus there shall be no prep done apiece in your family right now I really supernatural victory over everybody in the name of Jesus shall Ibaka deskah les amagad irska this will be a season of answered prayers somebody tell God thank you for answered prayers I hear the Lord say every form of crisis in your life in your family in your business and the form of crisis is coming to an end in the name of Jesus that bad is coming to an end a season of Supernatural brethren you will not experience setback thank you for grace in Jesus name shout amen we believe in the power of tithing as a ministry and we appreciate every title into this ministry may God increase you may God prosper you may God I show you to great heights in the name of Jesus somebody say Amen tithe is the 10% of your income it is holy and it belongs to the Lord and I always tell people everybody plays tight the only difference is whether you pay it to God or to the devil because if you don't give it to God the davara who and who you are asking who are devourers it does or finances they will destroy the fruit of your labor but every time you give your 10% God releases a blessing on the 90% and tithing is a command from God hallelujah the m-pesa number is on screen that 0-7 1084 21 21 send your type as you come with your phone as the point of contact remember tithing brings lifting it brings it brings blessings protection tithing brings a promotion you are tithing opens the doors it brings fruitfulness it rebukes pain it rebukes tears it rebukes labor failure it rebukes the motion and the Devourer if you are not a piper your things will be tight I'm telling you tithe is the foundation of prosperity because tithe is the connection to the protection of your finances hallelujah so anytime you give your tithe it honors God as it is in obedience to God's Word when you give you tight it makes God a shareholder or whatever you do when you give your tithe it attracts the overflowing blessing of God it brings judgment to the enemy of your prosperity your tithe opens the windows of heaven you are there you are a tighter you are a partner or you'd also like to become a partner in this ministry be able to send your partnership on this number the gospel is free but the means of taking it is expensive we have a testimony and online testimony all the way from Ghana all the way from Ghana yes uh-huh all the way from a mere I mean all day from Ghana from Mary Kareem oh she says last week you were praying over the passports during the closing prayer distance is not a barrier mama hmm and she says this week her parents were able to receive their American visa mom oh my god all the way from Ghana when I was praying for the documents last week hallelujah I believe she's watching us right now she believed God for her parents that were going for a visa interview and now she's testifying that the parents caught the US visa can we give God a clap offering in Jesus name somebody say I connect any country you desire to go rocket Osama got a strap I opened that door in the name of Jesus and see I open international doors for somebody I stomp your passport with American vision Australian visa Canadian visa China visa and visa UK visa any nation you desire to go home I decree and declare as gotta rock or dress for nations in the name of Jesus responded somebody say I receive and even those ones that are watching me online right now you're watching me on Facebook live YouTube or Oracle on TV and you're trusting God for a visa or you are living in the diaspora and your documents are not right you are an illegal immigrant right now I move you from illegal to liquor I declare god is settling your documents in the name of Jesus I can show you a deeper patient from their own power of miracle Monday in the name of Jesus shout I receive another testimony from Peter Messiah although he came to miracle Monday just to testify mama aha he says so this is an online testimony but he came today to testify yes mom uh-huh he says since April this year have been listening to miracle Monday on YouTube the Oracle of God prayed for phones and prophesied that will only receive calls of good news and I received a call from a mother who asked me do I have an account because I have a colossal sum of money that I want to deposited in your account immediately I said yes and I gave my account number and as from September 2018 I received 900,000 Kenya shillings my god and if that isn't enough this goes on in place in October he received a 980 thousand and today he received 1.75 million Shahla pocket Oska tell you anybody anointing for money anointing for somebody some money cometh can I lose money into somebody's life [Applause] in remaining two months of this year November and December you will touch money in ways you have never imagined [Music] why is that gentlemen is he here yes mom so this was a blessing 900 then 1.7 [Music] [Applause] connects listen to me not up spiritual as long as you've not gone to happen you need money and the money you have determines the quality of life you leave the money you have determines what you eat reg now money you up determines where you take your children to school it determines where you live no matter how spiritual you are money is not evil it is the love of money money is the purchasing power and irulu so valuing life the purchasing power receive money to do that business you want to talk receive money to play the house you want listen the money to buy the time want oh Jesus listen money to accomplish your dreams money right now in the name of Jesus [Music] you
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 43,830
Rating: 4.7456646 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, kenyan sermon
Id: 39TZ_IX_m90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 29sec (1949 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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