Faith - The SIMPLEST and SCARIEST horror game you never played

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there's something to be said about pixelated stuff even though it's ancient nowadays where everything is 8k HDR with Ray chasing seeing something pixelated looks off at least to me the same can be said with horror games when I played I'm scared plenty of you said that pixelated stuff can be scarier because it leaves a lot to the imagination and while it doesn't hold up 100 of the time for a lot of cases yeah that's definitely true so even if you see a game that looks simple AF don't judge a book by its cover because even those can be terrifying as hell and that was the case for me when I saw the game faith for the first time I discovered this game about two years ago when I saw a playthrough of chapter one yes there's chapters and from that video I was instantly intrigued so I kept my eye on this game and just last year they released three chapters all in one game called faith of the Unholy Trinity spoiler alert I think it's amazing I think this game does horror really well for a few reasons but before I try to explain it how about I just show you what I mean okay you see what I mean it's really unnerving which I think is kind of the point of horror horror should keep you on edge and not throw a million you can certainly have jump scares but they should be a small addition to the already existing horror environment not the main focus Faith does exactly that yes there are a few scares but I wouldn't say they're cheap they're set up well and combined with the unnerving nature of the whole game I'd say they're a good addition making the overall horror of the game better but anyway I think the best way to explain this game is to just start at the main menu and go up to the end of chapter one so when you start you have the option to play any of the three chapters although I think when you first get the game you have to play them in order first and Marathon mode which makes you play all three chapters in one sitting and I will forever hate this mode but I'll get to that later anyway when you start chapter 1 you can instantly tell damn this looks old school as hell Yep this game is inspired by the era of 8-big gaming and all the arcade looking games of the 80s which is what gives it this very simple pixelated art style and if you look very closely you can see the individual lines being misplayed which simulates what this would look like on an actual arcade machine everything is like this the branches on the trees are literally one or two pixels tall their character when walking only has two animation frames and is it just me or when you walk up and down it looks like the two frames are the same Sprite just mirrored also your character is a priest if you couldn't tell already and I like how the only thing that signifies he's a priest is the one white pixel in his neck attention to detail the environments use a lot of negative space which I think is the fancy way of saying there's a lot of black used this art style is a thing that caught my eye when I first saw this game I can't be the only one that loves pixelated stuff yes super high-res ultra detailed looking stuff is also amazing and I like it too but there's just something Charming about this to me that I can't quite explain second you may or may not have noticed this but if I brighten the screen you'll see that wait this game has a square resolution because there's black bars on the sides this is again reminiscent of arcade machines that mostly had squared screens but because everyone now has widescreen monitors you'll have black bars you can if you want make the game stretched but that just looks stupid by default though the game will fill in the black bars with some graphic which you can change in the settings and you have a lot of options ranging from this artwork to this bootleg Jeff the killer face and this anime style picture which why the [ __ ] I left the sides blank though so you just have to deal with that anyway the next thing you'll notice when you try to walk around is you walk slow as hell I would say this is one of my only criticisms of the game it's just slow enough to where it sometimes gets annoying and you have to walk a lot in this game if your walk speed was just a little bit faster I think it'll be perfect there's no running by the way you can only walk and I don't think having a sprint button would entirely work in this game maybe it could I don't know but it would feel off to me since the game looks like the definition of 8-bit it only makes sense that the audio is too all of the background music and sound effects fit the 8-Bit theme I would say they sound blocky if that makes any sense like you can hear the difference between the notes they sounded down sampled and a bit distorted that also adds to the horror feel of the game because these bloggy sounds don't sound natural to us so they cross the line of being uncanny which combined with the pixelated art style makes a really good combination speaking of sounds when you launch the game there's a small cutscene that plays that has dialogue in it and this is how it sounds yep that's what the people sound like I believe they're made using Sam or the software automatic mouth which is a text-to-speech program from the old Commodore 64 that came out in the 80s that conveniently is the exact error this game is mimicking there is a fair amount of dialogue in this game so you're going to be hearing these distorted voices quite a bit the dialogue makes the game more unnerving I said the distorted sound effects can get uncanny and that's even more true for the voice lines because something that's supposed to sound human literally Now does not and that can really get you shivering even more so because a lot of the demons in this game also have voice lines and they're double distorted like just listen to this foreign I can guarantee you that when you hear something like that for the first time in game it's gonna make you looking like this also thank God there are subtitles for every line because without it you can barely understand some of the people probably because of how old those TTS is let's see uh what is that oh it's a note yep notes are a big part of this game every chapter has a lot of notes chapter 1 as 20 chapter 2 has 35 and chapter 3 has 44 for a combined total of 99 notes couldn't they have made it to 100 most of the note to give you more backstory into this world but some of them particularly in chapter 3 tell you what you need to do or where you need to go but you won't just find them sitting on the ground or most of them you have to pull out your cross and exercise some objects until the note gets revealed there's an achievement for getting every single no by the way loremaster which is actually kind of difficult because for some of them you have to explore the maps thoroughly to find them also if you're going for this achievement have fun pointing your cross at literally everything to see if they'll give you a note anyway in your playthrough of chapter 1 you find a house by your character who's called John by the way says so you wander around while those demon sometimes attacks you until you find a shed with a key in it and that same demon tries to attack you right after that if you read the notes you'll find out that this demon is called Michael so that's what I'll call him you go back to unlock the house and after wandering around to the basement and standing where you should not be standing all of a sudden you see this what actual animations yep contrasting the super simple gameplay there are quite a few cutscenes at play which are animated and look unnaturally smooth compared to the normal game well they're not really smooth because they're only 15 FPS which these days no one would call smooth but compared to this yeah they're pretty smooth I think that makes them even scarier honestly because when the whole game looks and plays like a PowerPoint you expect everything to be like that so when an animation plays that super smooth it appears much more unsettling also if you're wondering this animation style is called a rotoscoping and it works by recording real footage and then drawing over it in the game folder there is another folder called goodies and in there there's a folder called a reference vids which includes some of the clips that were used as a reference for some of the cutscenes and if you put them side by side you can kind of imagine how it works also in this specific clip airdorf I don't know where you live but like what is that jet engine in the background is your computer trying to run RTX Traders or something by the way I did blur out the other folders in the goodies folder because I'm going to talk about them later but overall I really like the animations in this game they somehow fit while not fitting it at all continuing on in chapter 1 you fight that demon that woke you up with just a cross but that's after dying about six times because it doesn't give you much warning on what it's gonna do so it's a bit of trial and error but instead of admitting defeat it just jumps out the window and then when you walk down you can pick up and if you couldn't tell by the kill her Rin backwards you have to go into the woods and shoot her job well done oh wait hold on a man well oh yeah there's multiple endings and while chapters two and three only have three endings chapter one has five endings now the thing is four of them are not canon I think and only one of them is the good ending and for chapter one it all depends on what you shoot there's five things you can shoot you can shoot Amy that was her name by the way the deer this random dude that appears here this thing which is apparently a sacrificed Fox which I don't know how the [ __ ] that looks like a fox that just looks like ketchup on the floor or you can shoot Michael shooting Michael will give you the good ending all the others give you a bad ending with you getting either pulled over attacked by a demon surrounded by cultists or getting ganged upon by a group of deers so just avoid those chapter 2 starts with you playing as someone else because they're gray and Jon the person from chapter one was blue you go to the basement to find Michael tied up you start talking to it and the voice sounds different from chapter one so if that confirms it's someone else and if you didn't know the demon was called Michael your character says it you try to exercise him but he breaks out of his ties in Escape he also ate a nice meal when you find him now that would suggest that this all happened before chapter one because I don't know how you would catch this thing and also you shot him in chapter one and then cuts to John going to a cemetery in there you have to defeat three demons to get the key to progress so you do just that and you get rewarded with a key in your eye moving along you find that the cemetery Works in strange ways and then you'll also witness a tree getting up and running away no comment you find a church and using these candles that are in every room you find a room with only one candle lit because that means you and the demon are in the same room I don't know if there was something that told you about that and I just missed it but I was walking around for like 15 minutes not knowing what to do you defeat the spindly lady as she's called and that will open the basement there's a small puzzle there that also took me a bit to figure out because I'm stupid but that will lead you back outside where you find another note this note is a bit special because when you're reading it it just sounds like it's part of a newspaper at first but the further you read it starts to get more directed towards you and all in capital letters then it becomes gibberish then you find an upside down cross and then in purple attack someone says they're here hmm where have I seen this purple text before oh no oh no this note right here is probably the best one in the game I didn't mention it but the music also changes and becomes distorted the further you go down it's perfectly timed as well because right when the text starts to change the music also starts to change and that definitely caught me up that apparently turned you into one of those spider demons or oh I guess not you make it to a tunnel and through that tunnel you make it to malfa's house if you don't know what that means don't worry you'll find out later but in this house you'll find the same gray figure from the beginning of the chapter with him you have to fight the final boss of chapter 2 this nun like every boss she has a few phases the first one you have to protect the other dude while he recites The 91st Psalm after that you have to look for her in the dark and finally there's one where she has a bunch of different attacks though when you defeat her you wake up and realize that the entirety of chapter 2 was a dream waste of time chapter 2 has three endings two of them depend on whether the gray dude lives or not because if you're not careful he can die if he dies you get the not good ending but the third ending is a lot more involved there's three things you have to do first in the cemetery when you get stabbed with the key you have to walk all the way back and draw Star Within These five rocks and get rid of the demon that spawns second after getting rid of the spindly lady go out to the cornfield in the back where a purple child will start following you I guess this is purple guy from fan you have to bring this child to of the booth and a hand will pull him and you away you have to defeat this demon as well finally when you become the spider thing don't go in the tunnel just yet you see these two people on the bridge well you go up there and take them both out that also unlocks a note in malfo's house that you previously couldn't get now at the end of the chapter you'll see that the back door of your house is open and if you go there you'll find this super huge demon that gets rid of your eyes this ending is not considered Canon because I mean you're a priest but you help the demons good job chapter 3 is very long so I'm not going to explain it in detail but I'll give you a small overview so someone named father Garcia sends you letters telling you about a code that wants to summon something called the profane Sabbath and obviously it doesn't sound like a fun time so you have to go stop them but you don't know where they're gonna summon it so father Garcia gives you a few locations to check out yeah you have to do all the work he apparently can't go because I don't know he was too busy at the club to care first you go to a nursery and beat a demon there but turns out that's not it then you go to an apartment complex to save someone named Lisa and you do that by writing this elevator about a hundred times but nope this isn't the place either and finally in the daycare you find a large underground tunnel with a red walls so yeah that's probably it you keep exploring those vast underground until you find a door that leads you to someone named Gary Miller who we've seen a few times Gary is the one that's starting this profane Sabbath and since he screwed up his process you gotta fight him and just as you're about to win father Garcia shows up to finish him off with the power of the Second Amendment finally you seal The Crucible with what looks like a huge casket or something I don't know what that is you leave the daycare with Father Garcia and here two things can happen if during the apartment section Lisa lives Garcia acts caring but if she dies yeah she can die then Garcia kinda hates you I think that's what this means the third ending is the easiest for this one you just leave each section immediately like don't even bother exploring them it's that simple since you didn't stop the profane Sabbath quotas will surround your house and if you make it outside you can even see in the other houses that basically everyone died now you get to go in that room that you've seen covered in crosses but not before this thing chases you in the room you find Amy how did you get in there not even John knows and after she grabs you you'll find yourself back at the house from chapter one where you kind of just accept your fate and the Devil Himself snatches you this is the bad ending if you couldn't tell the last ending is the hardest again you might have noticed while playing that when you leave a section there's a brief shot of one of the areas you're in that means you missed something in the three locations you explore there are three additional demons you have to get rid of in order to break this the Unholy Trinity and you know how the Holy Trinity is of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit Well the Unholy Trinity is the opposite in the nursery you have to go through this other area all down the stairs if you couldn't tell and defeat the mother her fight is pretty easy then in the apartments you have to play something called the elevator game to find Tiffany who is the daughter daughter Tiffany though can go burn in hell like I absolutely despise this bit this is my least favorite fight in the entire game because of how random it is and how it's a little luck based see Tiffany will teleport around if she gets damaged and the more you damage her the more often she'll teleport the thing is she teleports semi-close to you so she can teleport right where you're walking and you have almost no time to react also when you do enough damage she'll run around the place exactly like a DVD logo and since you have to be close enough for your cross to work sometimes she can start running right in your direction and she's really fast so you can't run out the way fast enough also the head part of her Sprite has a longer range than her body so you can sometimes die when you thought you shouldn't have so yeah [ __ ] Tiffany in the daycare though it's a lot simpler you have to walk by the specific painting three times and that will cause the Unholy Spirit to chase you and once you defeat him the Unholy Trinity is gone and at the end of the game you jump through it in there you meet Gary again who might be wearing a costume this is the final final boss there's three stages to this the first one is Jose Gary following you uh he's a bit slow his suit might be a bit heavy but then he summons remember the one name he just shoots arrows at you those two stages are relatively easy and finally after that they both combine into this one super demon this stage is both the easiest and hardest one depending on if you know what to do it seems easy because you're allowed to be hit 10 times before you actually die and also its attacks are somewhat easy to dodge except for this one but when you think you defeat it it comes back so okay you do that all again and it comes back again so you do it again and it comes back again at this point you might be wondering either hmm I probably have to do this like 10 times or hmm I'm probably missing something and yes you were see when you defeat it what you're supposed to do is lay yourself on fire and then light the demon on fire GG so that could have either taken you a hundred tries or one no in between and congrats you defeated malphos Gary dies I think and you can finally finish what you started from the beginning turning Amy into bones apparently you walk out have a talk with Garcia and Lisa shows up and here you decide who you want to go with Lisa who I assume is John's girlfriend according to this or you can go with Garcia let's go find some tea bugs yep I went with Garcia congratulations that's the whole game I really liked it but there's some more stuff in the game for those who are interested for chapter one you can play it in flashlight or Lantern mode which are exactly how they sound you either have a flashlight or a lantern constantly this is exclusive to chapter one because I would not want to play chapters two and three like that I prefer the lantern IMO you can see a bit more with it and plus the flashlight just sucks there's also a marathon mode ah yes Marathon mode on the surface it doesn't seem interesting at first it just makes you play through all the chapters at once in one sitting but this leads me to a good Christian boy good Christian boy is the hardest achievement you can get in this game so difficult that only 0.5 percent of all players have gotten it to get it you have to play through Marathon mode and get all of the good endings without even dying once if you do all that you get the honor of being a very good Christian boy this achievement is the reason I said I will forever hate Marathon mode in the beginning of the video I decided to get this achievement because I mean I got all the others and I just couldn't bear seeing 20 9 out of 30 complete this took me like 40 tries to complete which doesn't sound like a lot but remember chapters 2 and 3 can be like an hour long if you're not speedrunning it so one playthrough of marathon Rod can be like two or three hours long plus most of my deaths were in the second section of chapter three because Tiffany decided to be extra special far so that man every time I died there an hour and 30 minutes just went down the drain to help I used some speedrunning strategies like being able to hold the cross while walking which was really helpful and some other time saving ones like squeezing in between these bars here instead of walking all the way around but finally after 40 or so tries I got it [Music] really yeah that wasn't worth it once you do get it though you might not notice but there's an extra option you unlock in the settings called demons enable or disable this option no one knows what it does I can't find any difference in game and I can't find any answer online so who knows what it does small Interruption while I was getting some footage I did notice that a lot of the Demons seem to die quicker if you have the option disabled like look at this birthday so maybe the Demon's option is secretly a hard mode that's locked and enabled by default and only after you get the good Christian boy achievement you can turn it off making the game slightly easier but again that's just a theory a game theme there's also other achievements like dying 100 times or getting run over by a truck in all three chapters those are fun this one was not fun finally I wanted to mention the goodies folder because there's some good stuff in here besides the reference videos there's some production sketchbooks if you're into that there's a few clips of when the game was in Alpha what's interesting is that instead of hearing mortis when you die it used to be a mortem there's also memes because who doesn't love those and other Faith related stuff like a 3D version of Michael and this interesting photo which suggests that while making chapter 3 erdog whatever you chose which section to go to instead of having a predefined order which I think would have been a cool addition and there's also a miscellaneous folder with some weird stuff like 6.png or an attic with mannequins or a video of a unity game with a bean walking around by the way 3D Faith game someone should definitely do it but the final folder Faith the demon Siege is by far the coolest one and there is a whole other game completely separate from the faith you've been playing Faith the demon Siege is a top-down wave base game where you fight demons and waves and you can go to the shop to spend your money in between those Realms I guess you can think of it as a combination of faith and Call of Duty zombies it is so cool but also kind of difficult especially when these things appear because they're faster than the flash but besides that awesome game 10 out of 10 IGN overall I really like Faith 11 out of 10 for me it's a game that you wouldn't think would be scary at all but then you get thoroughly surprised when you play it it's a shame that it isn't more popular because I think a lot of people would like this kind of horror every part of it from the 8-Bit design to the audio and the voice lines somehow fit together making it actually deserving of the psychological horror tag I would highly recommend this game to everyone because it truly is an amazing game so try it out it's worth it but anyways bye [Music] thank you
Channel: LamWarp
Views: 579,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Faith, FAITH, Faith The Unholy Trinity, the unholy trinity, 2D, horror, 2D horror game, commentary, subtitles, comedy, pixelated, retro, scary, Kevin MacLeod, Sneaky Adventure
Id: vsDnMybVcHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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