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[Music] tell me why can't we have as much fun as you Uncle Robert because I've shaken hands with your father promise them I'll keep you out of trouble come on when did you get so proper there are nice girls in add water which women do you prefer Uncle Robert the beautiful or the [Laughter] cheap keep your mouth shut and behave or I'll end up in trouble when I get [Laughter] [Music] get hi good afternoon you great minotas good afternoon are you two heading south yep yeah help yourself thanks no no no give your partner some no I don't want any ain't you thirsty drink Daniel I have to apologize for his Bad Manners oh that's all right I can be very impolite myself for instance right now man drop your gun you better do as he says my friend now you fought for stars and bars in the struggle so what do you want not your life anyway fat man only what you're hiding on that wagon what happens if we don't give it to you we'll just kill you you idiot you drop your gun get your ass off that wagon are you de for something get off you better do as we say boy get up back up hey guys I was right they were carrying guns on this load good rifle Tommy Randy tie the devil and take the wagon and meet us later y right Mike no God what the hell no no no don't kill me please please I won't kill [Music] you K stop [Applause] it what the hell did you do that for you don't talk to my brother that way Jake you got a sick mind you know that I said mind your own business or I'll blow your brains out too Morgan Hey lay off Jake well it's best he Minds his own business keeps his dog on nose in his own dirt tell him that Frank lay off Jake put down your gun listen nobody and I mean nobody shall tell me what to do you better listen to your brothers Jake Murphy because if you don't I will personally make sure you wake up in Hell let's stop this damn quibbling now Jake and get up on your horse Roy you take some men get rid of the bodies and take the wagon yeah Frank rest of us go down to the river let's go how long do you think it'll take before the posi appears they will be nothing they'll ride 10 miles and get tired and pull back calling for Pinkerton so some trials in manado lasted less than 5 minutes so we're up and running we just need to shoot a pig or two and sell the Skins the stupid motans [Laughter] right this is my last score I'm tired of this [ __ ] it's a good livelihood I'm thinking of buying myself a ranch and raising horses I've saved enough money I'm going home a man must have dreams you're right problem is just figuring out where home is you said you're on your way to men's Farm yes it's a home I love that woman hey I want to talk to you are you getting married I suppose so I said I want to talk to you but I don't want to talk to you you have a big mouth yep I'm famous for that get lost hey hey easy easy don't be stupid Jake I said take it easy what are you doing Bob don't mess with me stop fighting Jake Put The Knife Down he's going to kill you [Music] Bob come on Jak give him a stupid head kick that devil [Music] a don't try it Frank don't move I said don't move come on Bob come on [Music] don't move or I'll shoot don't put down that pistol Rick oh my God Jake get up there brother Jake talk to me Jake he's dying he's dying don't try it Frank talk to me Jake talk to me he's dying forg God's sake don't make me kill you I'll take care of you Jake he's dying he's dying Frank he's dying you know it wasn't my fault he's dead Frank it was your brother right hold it we'll catch up with them later son of a [Music] [ __ ] [Music] haa yeah Billy go get those other [Music] guys they're in the cottage come on sprad [Music] out with me this [Music] [Music] way hey there's somebody out there a [Applause] ah my God I got to get out of here no Bob come back b b b spin bin I don't want to die I won't leave you I'll get you out of here I didn't make it I die I'll get you out of here I won't leave you so hold on I won't leave you here Ben [Music] [Music] Ben [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yeah ma ma someone's coming go tell your father p pa pa what is it ingred someone's coming where from behind the barn John go get me the gun G here P thank you son stay where you are don't come any closer who are you hey stay put don't move tell me your name or move [Music] on he's been shot and he's badly [Music] injured is he dead he will be without help they must have ridden a long way I don't think he's from these parts poor man we have to take him inside and help him Eric help me with him John ingred take his horse to the stable yes p how is him Mama He's weak what shall we do Eric he won't survive unless we get him to a doctor Papa we could take him to Dr Jackson in nor field well I don't think he's going to make it the whole way but if we can get Dr Jackson here instead he might stay in a chance John you could take his horse to Northfield try and find Dr Jackson tell him what happened I'm sure he'll understand with God's help you'll be back tomorrow how long have I been here a couple of hours you fell off your horse outside and we brought you in no I have to leave take it easy easy you're safe here whoever you are whatever you've done we will take care of you no relax and lay back you see my son here is going to take your horse and ride to Northfield and try to find a doctor that will help you you understand what I'm saying you can trust me and my family can you tell me what happened to you me and the Murphy Brothers got into a fight one of the brothers picked up a knife and tried to stab me my brother Ben shot him but the Murphy Brothers they swore to find me and Ben and kill us we tried to hide but they found us and they shot my brother to bits and pieces they're going to do the same with me mother if it's true what he just said we are in danger all of us John blessed are the merciful for they would receive Mercy that's what it says in the Bible stand up son now can you look your mother in the eyes and say when we in this family we're afraid to do something that we believe is right you know the man needs our help we're going to give him that like any good Christians would yes Father good if you ride now you can get back tomorrow go now I'm grateful but you take a hell of a risk well well God is always with us take this gun I hope you can handle it for [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] m oh now no burning stay where you are my apologies for the in trudence Mister we're looking for a man 25 years old wearing a white hat and a black jacket he rides a white horse and we're pretty sure he passed your farm so we only want to know if youve seen him me and my family hadn't seen anything but you can always check with the people at Hawk rocks well mister that's [ __ ] we know he passed this way I can't help you I hadn't seen anybody passing this way we happen to know that the man pass your farm we just know you see so you better start telling the truth now I hadn't seen anything you're lying good evening ma'am my apologies ma'am at least he's nice to me we're looking for a man that we know past your farm where is he we haven't seen or heard anyone right Margaret no Rick look in the barn the man you're looking for isn't here I hope so for you and your family's sake for if you're lying to me you're in bad bad trouble I swear I hadn't seen anyone I he's been here I know I found this in the barn and it's Bob Morgan's and I guess it's your glove I don't know anything about this man maybe he's still here on the farm or in the house you wouldn't be giving me the idea of hiding him from me would you or maybe you like me to ask your wife or daughter don't touch no Eric come here come here are you deaf don't touch my daughter please don't you dare touch her let her go you don't give me any orders Bob [Music] burn the house burn in hell Yankees nobody lies to Frank Murphy sleep nice yeah really great goodbye burn in hell [Music] G [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] John your family was very close to me you know that John it's a tragedy and uh and what I want to say is uh I mean your father and your mother they were a great help to me when my wife died listen John what father means is that you're welcome to live with us if you want I'm not young anymore and you'd be a great help on our farm and I know that you and Annie get along well I'd like you to come and live with us John they are here now Axel [Music] Annie well we are all gathered here today to say our last farewell of the people we knew as good-hearted and good Christians their lives here in this new country were far too short as we all know but what we don't know is why God called them to his kingdom all I can say is God always has a purpose be strong for the Lord preserves the faithful Eric Margaret and ingred fought many battles against the sea the land itself and man they did not lose in the struggle of Life The Power of faith is the power of love and that's why they live on now let us pray the Lord is my shepherd I shall not lack he maketh me lie down in Green Pastures he leadth me beside the Still Waters [Music] [Music] for [Music] don't do it your hate will destroy you only a fool gives full vent to his anger the wise man holds it back and quiets it what happened can never be excused The Killers must pay for what they've done with God's Almighty help they'll burn in hell John dear you must it's only you who knows my family was murdered everyone thinks it was an accident and we'll let them think so Annie listened to me the Murphy Brothers killed my my family so I will crush them you heart blinded fool I love you and I don't want to lose you doesn't that mean anything I know I'm never going to see you again and you know why because your hate is going to destroy [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] I have a horse that needs to rest you have the Livery stable over there thanks a [Music] lot can you take care of my horse please sure buff here thank you do you have a hotel in town across the street you have Kate's Palace thank you no problem on the other side of the [Music] street [Music] are you still asking [Music] $15 the money first come on now the hell I will do you think I give a [ __ ] about you you disgust me alone leave me alone let me go stop no don't touch me get off of me no no no get off a [Music] a now get out of here before something really bad happens move did he did he hurt you H what the hell do you think oh boy so now you want me no thanks hey wait I didn't mean to make you angry I'm not offended my name is John Peterson I'm Maryanne Maryanne well I'm pleased to meet you well thank you I'm pleased to meet you too I wish I could make it up to you somehow well could you fix me a room at the hotel sure I can and I can fix you up with a [Music] bath I've got the room honey is it all right yeah I love you Sam yeah thank you you're welcome Hey you think you own this place sorry won't happen again it's crowded here it can be [Music] sometimes I'm just wondering why are you here I'm looking for some men Four Brothers I've never seen them before so I have no idea what they look like only that they call themselves The Murphy's Murphy the Murphy Brothers you know two of them are sitting downstairs in the saloon are you sure maranne absolutely what do you want from them do you know if the other two brothers are staying here in town that's what I've heard you seem pretty anxious to meet them I want you to point them out for me of [Music] course [Music] you see the fat man over there that's Billy Murphy and the guy in the white hat is his brother [Music] Rick are you two the Murphy Brothers maybe we are what's it to you I'm going to kill you right here man and your brother you you mind giving us a reason why you want to kill us did my family get one before you killed them and burned down our farm so you see you have to pay the price for what you've done and your lives are the price for my family and I suggest that you two leave this table as fast as you [Music] can if you want him to leave the table I think you'll have to drag him out hey Chicken brain don't you know that's doc Fairdale the gunman I'll take him first then [Music] you now go tell your other damn brothers that I'll be waiting for you they killed my family I understand don't you lie to me no Frank I'm not lying the hell could he take all three of you no did you sleep I couldn't do anything and you ran away from your brother I I couldn't do anything he was good don't give me that [ __ ] you coward you damn coward you left your brother you left him dead you need some pardoning don't hit me please please don't hit me please you want Mercy you Cy little [ __ ] he's waiting for us he's waiting for us he's waiting for you and me and Vernon now he's waiting for us he's waiting for us he's waiting for us he's waiting for us huh he's waiting for us waiting for us we think it's over the war I've seen men and young boys with empty eyes we win the war but when I see these young boys I don't know I think we have lost everything I see you have these eyes you're in [Music] pain do you think you could love someone like me why do you ask I want to [Music] know I have something waiting for me back home what's her name Annie do you love her but I could love you just don't lie to me I swear I could [Music] when I've got enough money I'm going to leave this place the other girls they just talk about it they're going to rot here and they know it but still they can't [Music] leave Maryanne you stay here and die in this house or fight for something good your own life and that's that's [Music] plenty and I'm sure you'll make it I'm so [Music] scared [Music] for what [Music] for you little creep what the hell do you think think you're up to you're a troublemaker and I don't like troublemakers don't get upset Mister Who Who Are You That was an amazingly stupid question that spectacular show last night at the saloon God you're lucky you have people to testify it with self-defense and bringing war with the Murphy to my town that's very stupid I might break your neck for that boy have a nice day come with me Wilson morning boys now Frank Murphy I've heard you had Stone in your boot I can tell you that I just threw that little Stone away you see I don't want trouble in my town so I have a proposition for you you take your brothers and these nice gentlemen and get your asses out of my town and as a reward for that me and my men won't kill you now Frank a man with your intelligence has got to understand that that's the best deal you'll ever fac so how about it Frank we have a deal or not I don't like deals Sunny go for his back yeah [Music] friend [Music] a [Music] he's by the coach go around the side he's in here go around Vernon [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] no [Music] stop shooting it's Tom he tricked us burning down [Music] w [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] is [Music] it hurts Frank it hurts help me out here Frank oh Frank it hurts it hurts help me out okay LLY lay back Frank what are you do what are you doing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] John Stay With Me don't leave me stay with me I'll [Music] stay [Music] come [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] all [Music] [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 587,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Savage Land 1980, Anna Eidem, Stefan Kumberg, free movies, free western movies, western, western movies, western feature films, cowboys, wild west, western movie, western movies online, full western movies, full movie youtube, classic western movies, western movies full length, cowboy movies, western movies full length free, full movies, best western movies, westerns full movies, spaghettiwestern, spaghetti westerns, spaghetti western, free westerns, old western movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 15sec (4215 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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