Shadowheart (2009) | Full Western Drama Movie | Angus Macfadyen | Justin Ament

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[Music] [Music] thank you [Music] from the great spirit comes a unifying force that flows through all living things through this we are all relatives as I dance I remember my friend most men knew him as James Connors I know him as Shadow heart [Music] this is the most beautiful place in Hawaii girls how do you know never been anywhere else I don't need to go anywhere else I just know not me I'm gonna see the world well better get back to town let's go come on I'll race you to the horse okay [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] yes Father looking all over for you yes I can see that bring me that kind of paint would you bye Mary bye James [Music] Matthew chapter 6 verse 14 15. go for if he forgive men their sins your heavenly father will also forgive you go on if he could have not been their sins neither were your heavenly father to give your sins [Music] you know King James almost as well as I do you understand it if I did we wouldn't need preachers fair enough mother God Rest Your Soul be very proud of you James all right go on back to the house finish your chores and come back here come straight back here I need help with the cross go on foreign [Music] [Music] dang [Music] why do all churches have to be wise honey I mean why not blue red why not red shirts preacher it's not what's on the outside that matters it's what's on the inside it's like that yeah you might want to include that in your sermon right what do you want honey well you've been paying to note in this property to uh Mr rudson Hudson yeah right for about five years now and uh it appears that Mr nurtson had himself what you might call it a stroke a bad luck last night at the poker table and I had weed with you when I called streak a good look and on our own that date Rusty was a patient man give me time to pay it off I I never been one where they hold a patience thing just can't slow down the future now more about the future and I can see in my future can I put closing on your property and you don't pay me for the next two days you can't do that honey well I can even do it Monday preacher now I built this church with my two hands yeah fine job you're done do different than that color and the fact if you built it on my list listen this is a struggle in Paris where are we gonna get that kind of money you could try praying I'm not going to lose this church to a man who runs with prostitutes not a lot of running amongst the line you know what you just got yourself one day preacher I'm thinking I'm thinking a nice burgundy red foreign [Music] foreign sorry James I'm so sorry I remember what I tell you forgive men their sins in the almighty will forgive you yours [Music] no good King father no what happened here Tony well it was an honest mistake Sheriff see being the preacher we was having the powwow about this money he owes me and then I turned my back he pulls out his hammer I think he's gonna throw it at me I don't know what a temper he has so I should have I wasn't aware that preacher Connors had a temper problem he did yes sir so Amanda rest well we're having a Witnesses we have any Witnesses here anybody say this sure exactly like that's right just like William said you sure well you mind if I have my gun back merci beaucoup yeah and you know where to find me uh boys I don't know your names but I like to buy a drink alrighty Lord have mercy look at this come here an angel from above huh mighty fine bone structure okay right over to Saloon okay [Music] he just murdered my father you're not gonna do anything about it claims he acted in self-defense and he's got two witnesses to back up I'm sorry James I really am sorry [Music] wait wait wait oh oh you won kill me boy you want to hurt me bad come over here come over here come on boy that's where I step up how you doing oh you're hurting bad well you see my daddy he taught me laugh raise the shop for a day like this go on take it take it boy now you cut my throat go on just like a pig you cut me take a man's Vengeance come on come on I didn't close my eyes for you come on I can feel it coming [Music] oh [Music] I tell you what boy come back when you man enough good then we'll finish this here that way in a day [Music] well Town's been looking for you James let him look I'm not going back there you can stay with us thanks the same coming back to budget when I do it would be to kill will turn it but James your father's father said father's dead you better go back it'll be dark soon where will you go I don't know I have an aunt and uncle Mobile Alabama that's a thousand ways I don't care I best keep going James wait [Music] wait I thought you'll remember me [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] sugar paints good night [Music] every day Crystal mountains Connor the blood of Christ I know what it is Haynes yay though I ride through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil there are women Connors deny and thy gun comfort me you ain't much for religion or you connorship see I concerned you I'm worried about yourself [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Randy's hostels out of Canyon to Shea put them on a reservation I look very hostile to me either to see I'm gonna put 8 000 of them there smart enough to surrender in five minutes rest no water watch out for that buck over there if he gets half a chance split your throat [Music] the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want [Music] put it into a preacher these humans don't need religion they're going to be Farmers if it kills them probably will [Music] [Music] hey what are you doing [Music] what'd you do that for that's my lucky knife I don't think he'll need a hands [Music] [Applause] long ride Connors how about you buy me a drink we're calling it sort of a last request but he's such a hurry for huh where you gonna catch up with that engine party I saw that look you in that Squad head what's going on here got a wild one here yeah well who's collecting James Connors Connors that's right well I'll be damned you unlucky man Connor's here usually brings him in more dead than alive yeah real lucky all right let's go laughs [Music] the suspense is killing me why don't you get to the point where I give a damn yes Mr math it looks like it will now come out of Denver head directly south Five Below Scott the Eastern side of the sagre de Cristos through Cimarron and then Southwest to Santa Fe and come Thunder and right through our lovely little town of Legends when the tracks are laid the Pacific Railroad will deliver more business to this town than you've ever imagined right at my doorstep more or less more or less you better hope more than this yes of course you see I've bought every single piece of property here in Legend based on your advice and some people have died based on your advice here in Legend accidentally of course I can assure you their value will more than triple however however there ain't no however you're 10 law if you don't include no however 15 actually regardless I do have to point out there is still a parcel of land that you do not yet own you didn't make them an offer you oh yes I did how it but they seem to be stalling I fear that if they see the surveyor they may raise their asking price it's about to take care of that who spider pleasure maker acquaintance Esquire relax Gary Future's on its way and I'm gonna make sure you catch the bouquet my way [Music] [Music] I'm supposed to eat this I'm just saying I don't know what what part of the chicken that is secret stop it I'm trying to can I eat my dinner what would you say that is I would say I would say it's something you don't have to eat you know every every time we go to it's the same thing it's not every time no you pick something out on your plate that you can't identify and suddenly it's like it's like poison I'm also eating anything so we eat together I know I mean you're a gentleman just excellent thank you definitely the best we've had since um Reno For Your Entertainment after supper There are games a chance in the back and if you wish for some female Revenge that's available upstairs just inquire Billy at the office that's Billy oh well then excuse me I was just wondering if um if you were I mean I only work downstairs it was an embarrassing question but I asked it for years foreign [Music] I'll be right back yeah well you look tired you can take the weight of your makeup I was a piano man stop playing that music I can't hear myself think that man uh I was looking for you this morning before your shift you know that went right now yeah you also go riding I like to ride yeah so do I that's fun well I like to ride along yeah well soon that will change you're only gonna run a ride with me yeah look well yeah I'm only working here to keep you from throwing my brother out of the Livery that we own owned and there are some benefits to being owned you know what I'm saying don't plan on sticking around to find out someday soon I'm going to stop asking politely my angel I gotta I gotta get to work how are you looking at Tom nothing well it's a trouble it is uh I put this woman on pedestal now I can't preach her then knock it down [Music] oh maybe some money I'll be upstairs if you care without any pedestals [Music] can we shoot our horses yet hey there Mr Finch yeah I'll get to it all right when I'm done finished shopping real customer sources Mr Tony is your real customer and he's also your boss really well I thought this was my livery came down to me by my father and take them by my boss you don't like it you can always leave without your lovely sister of course come on stable Boy Take Your Best Shot as dumb as you look thank you what huh huh oh boy huh what nothing Mr Tony now right now come debris you have his grave and my sorrow baby yes sir [Music] you want Miss Trench tell Tony I'll be right here right where you need me hello stable boy tires look at you look at you y'all grown up and you're hearing I'm kind of scary looking to tell you so what you've been up to all these years nothing worth talking about how's your pop been we got about four years back sorry about that I'm better you ain't around seeing your son lose delivery what happened that's a weak moment we'll send a couple of women of uh questionable fashion over to my place and uh that was pretty whiskey and all that so yeah stumbled into Saloon lost it in two hands yeah well never got the best of me yeah Tony had a pan the day after you left but I should say Mary penny Marathon yes sir you see Mary yet I don't know if I plan to where she don't come on let's go get some grilled foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you're looking for Velma she works out of the saloon laughs the Angels I'm not looking for them [Music] voices [Music] [Music] their voices [Music] [Music] let's get this next reading okay I just walked the last two miles fine then I'm on the transit I am on the transit New Mexico you are on the transit in Utah did you just make that up we'll flip for it fine let's flip for it heads or tails heads wait Tails Tails heads heads Heads I'll take heads are you sure now yeah wait what did I say heads fine heads Heads it is no more go backs Audi which one of you is Griffiths better be me that must make you O2 that's right how do you know our names well I'm staying at my hotel well uh I'm hearing that your boys are running some kind of railroad through here we're just out here doing some preliminary measurements uh more negotiations with the person who owns this land that possibly cut throughout well negotiations over [Applause] land owners sign over dinner steak was a bit rare it looks like you drew your line wrong no uh based on elevation incline rocking soil samples you know science uh that is the best place to lay railroad tracks best yeah well I'm no surveyor but it seems to me but the line needs to go right through here down ledge actually because of our instructions I bet your life on it both is and my best advice to you would be to take your pencil new Jordan right there go on just move it over a half an hour all right that's good that's a really good one how'd you like it I do not like it yeah you do fine work with that pencil Mr DaVinci actually it's da Vinci nevermind yeah well you just make sure that the line stays right wherever it is I'll take this took me almost a year to make my way back to Alabama by my aunt uncle these were okay for a while until the war came we're farming to have slaves we are part of the Confederacy it's just the same had no choice but to fight for the gray how long were we in the war too long I suspect long enough to know that God doesn't favor man James Mary I've seen too many terrible things Terrible Things That No God could just Stand By and Watch man is on his own how can you say that James your father was a preacher and God really favored him foreign do you really believe that I've done too many things marish just let go now you do sound like my father your father was a great man hey [Music] I have an idea what if we just start over and and we pretend like you never let all these years we just stayed the same in our hearts [Music] never did forget Mary all I had to do was hold onto your Ribbon I was back home it's back here I came out here every day since you left just hoping and praying that you would come home should have came back a long time ago I gotta ask you did you come back to kill will Tony because that's the last thing I ever heard you say there's going to be Justice I don't want no more killing I just want to make up for last time how do you propose we do that [Music] I think she needs a new coat okay he's back on track Eric I'm gonna take this tab into the 20th century if I have to drag it Kicking and Screaming Kicking and Screaming excellent Mr Mayor how wonderful did you know Gary I ain't never really railroad track before I wait Tony I'm sure you can catch a ride anywhere but here and you uh I'm here to buy this church well it ain't for sale and it ain't no church it was a church is my father's search do you know who this is caught good God Almighty all grown up whiskers and all I didn't even think I'd see your goodness hide in this town the legend again that's not my father OG on the note when you killed him take it count it and leave well I ain't going nowhere [Music] you see I own this town now yeah all of it mine and I'm the mayor and soon to be husband and you're a long lost marriage should be gone by Sundown Tony oh sundown sun down sunny side up now ain't going nowhere okay you want to see what that is what have we here ah yeah yeah I remember I remember that night yeah that fellow was in the wrong place the right time just like you're dead it was I'm glad to see you took care of my life you can leave town now lawyer of those yes I'm leaving straight away you tell me something when he woke up this morning did you know you were gonna die today [Music] how about you Tony did you get up this morning knowing you're gonna be aired I like the morning laundry [Music] and more fragrance for you tonight Samuel [Music] [Music] the meaning of this stranger this man's wanted for the murder of Nathan Kearns two years ago in Jameson County self-defense sure there's no more in self-defense when he murdered my Father James thank you yeah Daddy was a self-righteous fool who thought he was better than the rest of us townsfolk yeah Jesus the son of God your dad it was a son of a go ahead shoot finish the job try this this town needs me more than needs you I'm the future there fore dead [Music] wait boy don't do it I'm waiting [Music] you still don't have the stuff lock him up [Music] hey hurry Mary what the hell you doing with him Mary you come here now damn it [Music] foreign Jameson confirmed the killing of Nathan Carnes by Mr Tony said if we wait a couple days you can meet us halfway well how far is halfway you know I get to piles if I have to ride too far like in a day and a half maybe two all right we'll we'll wait want me to come on now bro no no that's all right Brian forget it not Sheriff night Matt my under bed bugs don't back if they do get a shoe beat him to the black and blue oh that's a dumb move sir share share why not just get you a nice check mate I'm thinking tall European Thelma's best in town no thanks why not like you haven't partaken before fortunately that part of me no longer has a say in the matter how old are you 60 65 71 71 what I take my hat off to you you have fulfilled your civic duty it's time for you to experience the financial ease of your Twilight ears ten years ago I would have taken you up on your first offer five years ago I would have taken you up on your second but right now in my Twilight years all I've earned is a life of regret Checkmate I should have locked you up 15 years ago now shut the hell up or I'll hand you myself gets buzzed because he can't read too far share get the pies kids get right too far I said Sheriff gets Pilots because it can't ride too far will the sheriff get them passed cause he can't ride too far yeah [Music] what are you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let's go Tony it's Judgment Day sure hold on hold on let me grab my horse and I'll ride with you guys that's okay James I'll take it from here hey he's still my prisoner not anymore because it was a law now you make sure you ride straight through you can change its color but it's still my property smoke out Eric don't you do anything foolish now it's going to stop you from wearing wide at our wedding middle name you better go bad luck go Barbara's waiting for you get we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of James Connors and Mary Cooper it is a time to rejoice and it is also a Time to give thanks to the Lord okay hold it up hold up hold up hey Sheriff how's that long ride treating your beehive you know something why don't we just turn around head back to town for a nice little drink my Saloon the bygones be bygones turn the other cheek what do you think hey Brian another peep out of him you got my permission to blow him out of the saddle right living that live right do you have the Rings yes sir oh I'm sorry [Music] it's time for you to reload find my camera yeah my boys here would be happy to sit by and watch you refill your pistol bird spider up there you see he ain't so bludgeoned Mount you James and Mary husband you may now kiss the bride now I'm a decent Christian fella so I'm gonna abide by the Lord live turn the other cheek if you hand over the key to these handcuffs uh yeah much blood Sheriff much obliged you know all that stuff about turning the other cheek well I lied as she walked in the room she was wobbly she was dressed as a bride to be [Music] had such an ear never virtue [Music] everyone in the chapel could see she's almost almost exactly the way I remember her then she's almost almost lost exactly the image of all my new friends as I look down the aisle I recalling 20 some odd years ago I'm a girl so pretty and graceful who captured my heart and my soul she's almost all lost exactly the image [Music] the image [Music] congratulations sis thanks Johnny James come here oh you know you don't clean up too good no it doesn't you take good care of it I will so uh y'all two headed back to town No No not tonight we're not I have a surprise for you Mr all right [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] bench Master mayor of his own grateful little town yeah boss yep then I'm appointing you Sheriff yeah your first job is to find collars and arrest him for what well for the murder of Sheriff's handers in his dick hey how you doing [Music] and where is my lovely little wife be what Mary I ask you a question where's Mary huh celebrating her wedding well I guess just me and you Ruby now you better not go off and get married I'm gonna be the one getting married next if anybody is hey stable boy we interrupt a little something with your mayor oh no she stopped listening to me a long time ago well that's a smart horse can I help you guys with anything where's your sister's horse it's kind of late to be out running I guess so where'd they go where did Hoover We're not gonna play them he doesn't know [Music] but I do I followed her once see where she rides off to every morning well that's kind of disturbing to me but you don't want to do that I guess he's gonna win that game spider why don't you take that from him he's foreign give me your gun hands pretty good with either one show me I think this one we could have been brothers and all you know that we'll get yours maybe not in this life ah [Music] foreign good evening Mrs Connors Square the honeymoon spot you picked out for us [Music] I do [Music] let's never leave here from the spot yeah from this spot let's build our house here we raise our children by this Creek girl together [Music] okay can we wait till the morning [Music] am I too late what are you doing here will I asked you a question Mary am I too late well leave us alone Once Upon a Time there was a little girl called Mary and she could have had a future she could have been Mrs mayor Tony because he loved her and he'd given her the world but Mary well she had a little lamb Little Lamb really Mary had a little name Mary had a little his face was wet and it's snowed well well stop so they're in the big bad wolf came to town and he huffed and he pursed and he made her a widow well stop it stop it just like he should have done a long time ago [Music] please please [Music] say hello to your daddy's to me yes yes go [Music] no [Music] ugh [Music] really you killed him so it makes him feel the pain they can feel the pain thank you oh no oh no good man 's coming up the sun's coming at me wake up you sleep yeah don't bleed a long slow pain for death you sleep good [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] he wants another bottle he's been drinking for days a bit Velma Velma Velma your favorite Has Broken do you rest Mary [Music] [Music] [Music] I am Mia coda and James the Bible by King James I learned on the reservation life is not good there any Navajo have died [Music] that was you who helped us there are several others that escaped as well your husband doesn't seem to like me very much kiss my brother our parents were killed at our home in City by your Kit Carson and trying to forgive them for what they have done turn the other cheek That's What God Says you tried that it doesn't work you're still weak I'll be fine what did he say he said you are foolish white man and we should have left you to die what's going on hey boss how you feeling I asked you a question we haven't even found here and uh all the Deeds have been giving it back to their original owner so let's say we're pretty much uh do not even dead adventure and opinion yeah well Pacific Railroad them big wigs coming into town to do that dog and pony show we're gonna need to get them Deeds back from everyone in town does that answer your question we're gonna need more men how many many cockroaches you can find turn over every rock this time to live I'm gonna clean up you better hope I'm in bed tomorrow there you go she was beautiful the woman who passed she was my wife I'm sorry there are wonderful things in your God death that are like my people's beliefs I'm sorry but I'm all out of beliefs for one lifetime we have all suffered a great loss but it is The Valleys that we learned from and out the Hills sounds like poetry me okota and I hold this ribbon in my hand all I see is blackness in my heart it is not like you saved my life we saved each other's I'm grateful it was you who gave us the knife [Music] it is an old Navajo saying it means he who saves a life shares his debt with those he says that doesn't sound too bad it is for him you'll do what is right for your heart foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's me why don't you two get away where's Mary look at me look at me look at me okay it ends here white James hello there hi come on Penny in chat all right just wait oh come on you need to cover yourself up James here's a coat where's your horse at behind the General Store we can read some Marshall up in Jameson maybe bye tomorrow morning but we gotta leave right now going anywhere what are you gonna do you're gonna take them all on by yourself sure Sanders is dead deputy's dead We'll Kill Them All without the law attorney and his men they control the whole damn town not for long hey that's my sister what I told her not to marry you what did you see I told her she'd be making mistake you ain't the same person he wants now I thought he ain't a man he says down to a family she said I was wrong she said that you changed her all desperate ways she said that you promised her and I believed her listen to me James if you go against everything that Mary believed in and you get yourself killed doing it well then you destroy any chance you have being together at your end sorry Johnny all right I'll make a deal with you just just brought me to James we'll talk to the Marshall and if you don't agree to take Antoni then but we'll take them down together all of them I promise [Music] [Music] let's go it can't be yeah hey boss James is still alive you want to repeat that for me now Mary's brother wrote out of town they were in a heck of a hurry well they're heading for Jameson to get to Marshall once you go get them first and find me spotter all right [Music] thanks [Music] we need to rest in the song and we need to place the bear come knife off suggestions they ain't never been out of town this far before [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] what do you do she hey did you see Barry's horse over here no no no no no it's okay we're shocking he's my friend please let him go you know he's Savage didn't mean that he didn't mean that apologize are you serious yeah he understands English I'm sorry I'm sorry for whatever I said I'm sorry he's sorry please please let him go let him go what did I say howdy man hmm there's some pretty amazing stew there Mia I made a mayday meacuda me Dakota me Dakota that's a pretty name if you hesitate you will come to a creek once you pass Twin Rocks follow it to Jameson the moon will show you the way keep moving he's right thanks again miyakota I'll come back here after I see the Marshall it is time for us to move on we will be gone by then here you keep it you are doing the right thing Mia Carter and Mia coda thanks again for that stew I really hit the spot yeah thanks to both the offer [Music] thank you join time [Music] stay here stay with me a coda she would be fine this is not your fight her fights are not my fight [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] well I am deeply saddened by that news where's the body I want to see James is born I had to leave him there but I scared officers yeah well he wasn't eating that horse no longer what I'm trying to say is James is still alive killed Charlie you what he had this Engine with him and that's who killed Charlie let's see I had to leave him how many men you got wrestled up for this meeting [Music] cancer six okay we'll go after James after the meeting [Music] you must all be in the church going in there to take down the man and murdered my wife evening fine folks a legend I am T.S McGinley Pacific West representative for the Pacific Railroad thank you thank you as you know the Pacific Railroad is laying tracks in this area which will make Legend one of its many stops [Applause] that there will be a whole lot of new people and products coming to your businesses [Applause] furthermore yes sir well this is the first we've heard of the railroad yeah that word months ago several updates to who we didn't hear about it oh no no calm down calm down we sent them to your mayor's office all right we gotta take out these two guys are they coming who's your way off the reservation camp as far as talking to you Indian girl she doesn't understand a word we're saying do you man oh man you are pretty wild for a light-haired man named James oh look at that she can talk find him sure climb off and I'll take you right too you can handle things as well the little and I go look for her friend now my lawyer and political advisor Mr Garrick Herring advised me to buy land and like everyone else in this town I am also a businessman is that true mayor well now obviously Mr Garrett Herring was keeping the information of a railroad deal to himself and benefiting from my personal Investments of which he was to make a very generous 50 however I was falsely arrested thrown in jail Mr Garrick Heron was run out of town of these townspokes have reneed on these contracts which you all signed hand and over your properties to me I now Own Your Land I get it when you're done if there's anything left this is his destiny James if you do this you'll have nothing wash your computer out of here I will not run or hide from my beliefs your decision stay here we were forced to sell our land to the mayor [Applause] it's the land back well my friend I would like to help you out from the bottom of my heart but I only own 50 of your properties and I never go back on a deal however you may rest assured that your business is going to prosper because of all of this new currency which is a rolling in from out there not if not if you charge us for that land [Applause] well I don't see that happening in the foreseeable future [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sorry folks just want to say I support a man 100 percent why thank you spider as you can see Mr McKinley we are all very excited about the prospect of a railroad coming through Legend and we look forward to Legend being your favorite star in fact you are now standing in what will be Legends railroad Depot now if you'll excuse me I am going to go to the saloon and get drunk celebrate this momentous occasion if anybody would care to join me please drinks around me apparently I remember you let's raise hell where is everybody customers what the hell is my piano player I didn't give nobody tonight off Bill nah nah get your daddy on the next down here it was a supposed to be six men with us one two three four was open to see enough with spiders yeah where is spider spider don't drink spinach whiskey now make sure it ain't that water down public swim come on I feel lucky tonight yes sir I'm trying to which one of you oh yeah well yes what [Music] get up honey sure was exciting man you've gone shot all my man and I have the winning hand should have done race hell when I killed you A Puppy Bowl why won't you just let me be tell you what you name your price anything you want in the world it's yours just name it I only want one thing anything I want Mary back what should you do she'll do yes sir it's amazing I'm just gonna take my coat here catch me a fresh fresh air right outside is it doesn't it's about if I wasn't so cheap I give you a raise what have we huh I don't normally get requests for Redskins but my own personal tastes before they run wild spider I want you to give me a good head start we're not going anywhere well adios James India okay chief no margin talk chief shh that was not nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughs I will be fine what you do now must be done on your own friendship James daughter thank you I'm looking all over for you okay hi James boy give men their sins in the Almighty come on boys that was lucky shot what's up still ain't got the guts to kill me huh this ain't your Tower no more boy this is my town now the hell are you still doing here your daddy your wife your daddy's Church they are all gone this is my town is my future yeah I am the desire here and you a history boy or was it your daddy said to you before he died he said forgive men their sins that he may forgive you yours now tell me something can you find a little forgiveness for me in your before I blow a hole in it you look at me boy look at me you look deep in my eyes with all that hate yeah yeah you can't hide from me boy come on do it I know you got it there bring it on boy yeah you can't kill me boy you just can't kill me you wanna know why huh well your daddy said it he said to you killing me that don't make you any better than me you understand you don't wanna disappoint your daddy you don't fail our lovely Mary they want to see them in heaven right oh you don't let's see President I guess I failed [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] beautiful day back to me [Music] the Angels Sing from mountains [Music] their voices [Music] shadow of my heart foreign [Music] Place Redeeming Grace [Music] I'm born shadow of my mouth [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: ACI On The Go
Views: 1,495,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American Cinema International, ACI, Flims, Movies, TV, Entertainment, Full Movies, Full Free Movie, Free Movie, New Free Movie, Free Movies, ACI on the go, Shadowheart Full movie, Shadowheart free movie, shadowheart 2009, 2000s movie, 2009, New Free Movies, Angus Macfayden, justin amen, Western movies, Western, Drama, Drama movies, bounty hunter, native americans, spiritual
Id: FV6gGfNLqnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 26sec (6566 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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