The Shooter | FULL MOVIE | 1997 | Western, Action, Gunslinger

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[Music] [Music] [Music] many a time i've sat down and tried to conjure up the words to accurately describe what i'm telling you now somehow i've never been able to sufficiently do the story justice but what's to follow is the story of revenge never warm subject but as you'll soon see a subject so worth telling it's how one man's bravery was another man's cross to bear and how the little town of kingston happened to get in the way [Music] wow [Music] ah [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] you know i hate doing this to you darling we gotta maintain order [Music] you screamed real good that time where will you feel this one [Music] [Music] this ain't got nothing to do with you mister you know what's best for you you'll be moving along what is it you want mister untie the girl [Laughter] so [Music] can i take anywhere i said can i take you anywhere wait [Music] [Music] wait [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on come on come on get one [Music] [Music] oh that happened we was out past tanek creek doing what you told us to do this man came up what man i don't know it's a stranger what about the girl he took her with them i think they were heading in towards town how'd you get away at i was up in the rocks with the horses standing guard and you mean you didn't see the man who murdered my son the goddamn liar [Music] [Music] [Applause] i'm seeing you've already heard i didn't want to be the one especially at this time but there's some things in town oh i'm sure everything you have to say to me is very relevant with this particular moment in my life i don't give a damn i don't want to hear anything you have to say the only thing i want to hear from you who murdered my boy and why you go find that man now [Music] man i swear on my bones i'm gonna find that man and he will by god pay we'll miss you saloons [Applause] thank you so how's your books coming there jacob not as well as unlike seems like every great story's already been told hey girl you hold it right there where the hell you been where you told me to be jesus what'd you do this time he just shot finn's crimes gina get over here fix her damn women in more trouble than they're worth sometime [Music] what can i get for you mister whiskey sorry i don't believe i caught your name atherton michael atherton go get the sheriff i beg your pardon sir uh you mind if i join you i couldn't help it over here and you said your name was michael atherton what's it to you it is nothing to that effect sir i can assure you i'm a writer not merely chronicle gunfighters most notable of our time mr atherton jesus christ boy you nearly scared me to death sure mr duncan wanted me to pass on a message well what is it i've heard a great deal about your accomplishments and i've read a lot about you so i was just wondering if perhaps you that what i hear true on what you heard bartender here he says you gone and killed vincent krantz never heard that name so you're saying you didn't no i'm just saying i don't know that name i didn't travel though 500 miles to lose no boundary to some lucky son of a [ __ ] i don't know anything about no pounding either i guess vincent krantz wasn't much of nothing in all of your yellow ass put him down are you still thirsty then pay the man [Music] just a minute there partner take your gun away from my friend from here i could blow your head clean off and i will he ain't kidding stranger [Music] [Music] hey [Music] thought you could use some help nobody do a goddamn thing that's him sheriff that's the man who killed vincent yeah you were just having a drink minding your own business i do not interfere in other folks matters it's not gentlemanly but when it's unfair well and were you with mr atherton uh earlier i'm just passing through your town here on my way to tucson business proposition mr atherton is all alone in his prior dealings now if that's all i'll be going certainly there is one more thing uh didn't quite catch your name tappered kyle tappard sheriff uh there isn't anything more actually mr atherton there is something we'd like to discuss with you uh do you mind uh sitting down old jacob here's told us an awful lot about you well i've studied all the best i am quite familiar with your work so you've told me let me get right to the point there's a reward for what you've done so what vincent krantz you familiar with him no surely you're familiar with his daddy jerry krabs jerry kranz is the dirtiest no-good son of a [ __ ] to ever infest the territory bear this is michael atherton michael allow me to introduce mayor pete pizza you can call me gentleman pete mr atherton everybody does have you told him uh no i was just fixing to now i took an oath to pull the laws of these parts so it is my duty to ward you this bounty it's a substantial sum it's ten thousand dollars it was a lot of money well it's a bargain in comparison to what vincent's done him his father and his whole goddamn gang but that isn't what concerns me the krantz gang is how should i put this they're like an institution in this town krantz stakes his claim and if we don't bother him he pretty much leaves us alone sort of an agreement between the two of us mr atherton i don't think you completely understand the situation jerry kranz is not going to take this lying down that's his only son you killed when he finds out he's going to come looking for answers and when he doesn't find any a lot of innocent people in this town are going to suffer it's our own fault for letting go like we did krantz gains gotten stronger and we've just gotten weaker sheriff here in casey the only lawman we've got there isn't any way we can fend off krantz and his gang by ourselves now i'm asking and frankly i'm expecting your assistance in this matter the reward for jerry crans is the same as vincent's but you bring him in for us we'll double it mr mayor sheriff i'd like to help but i'm not a hired gun i don't enjoy killing people like i said i was just passing through so before the war michael atherton was a pretty famous lawman in pennsylvania in the army he never advanced any farther than a foot soldier despite his deeds he was captured by the confederacy and then he escaped after that never heard much about him just disappeared that's the first i've heard about him in seven eight years wonder where he's been hiding all these years you just get some rest now i'll be back to check on you thank you jake what's the bar for a bit i'll be back whiskey please hold your horses someone here to see you darling you can tell that damn duncan i ain't up for nothing right now i don't think he's here for tricks uh howdy i came by to see if you was all right as all well i just can be expected i guess actually it's kind of good to get a break from you know a little bit anyway this here is for you [Music] what is it bounty money money how much sure says ten thousand dollars [Laughter] [Music] i don't want it burn i said i don't want it don't you speak english i am not for sale not for you jerry crabs duncan nobody nobody owns me nobody well like i said i just came by to see if he was okay's home so i'm here what do you got he's only been in town a day but all he's done is crowd wendy and i think that's something mr krantz ought to know i'll decide what mr krantz needs to know pete beat him off the bounty on vincent it's ten thousand dollars and the word out is he's been offered double that to bring in jerry that's so well i heard nothing for sure i mean it's tough enough getting what i got already i need a name some fast shot from back east i ain't never heard of atherton i think michael atherton that's it michael atherton's in kingston well i'll beat damn you know him yeah well no but i heard way pete's acting you'd think wyatt earp himself just wrote in well he may as well have who'd have thought michael atherton [Music] this fella atherton is famous never heard of him he was a war hero fought for the north maybe that's why he was escaped prisoner helped take down the south stronghold in colombia cleared the way for sherman to march on in and burn atlanta to the ground pretty much disappeared from the face of the earth these last few years story had it that day he made his break he killed 15 confederate soldiers single-handed 15 confederate soldiers all by himself took care of vance and the others without breaking the sweats what i heard paul those men that died with family one of them was blood this was my son paul and i don't like you taking so lightly you understand me oh yeah um how'd you find all this stuff about this man it's what you pay me to find out so they went out and they hired themselves a shooter huh what are they paying him offers double for your head double just double i say we hit the town hard teach them a lesson they won't soon forget ah paul i got some special plan for the town i'm gonna throw a real party for that boy hero believe me 15 minutes bam yeah i don't know why i've been so damn lucky today hold it i think we need to recount those cards i know what you're saying to yourselves cheater right with your luck i'd cry foul as well the fact is i've been on the up and up with you boys nothing up my sleeve you're just bad card players and i think it's time you excused yourselves not much with a gun either i see [Music] [Music] least i could do at least you could do is nothing i'm more appreciative of this gesture you know i've heard of you what you did during the war a few things after what are you doing here just passing through just like you where you hidden tell your truth i haven't given up much time mind if i look at that shooter [ __ ] i know guns pretty well and that is quite a piece 45 scofield ivory handles you know they only made a few of these it's very nice it's pretty good you know words out the town's willing to offer you quite a handsome son for a particular bounty now did you hear well done [Music] well you know how small towns are news travels fast you gonna stick around could i offer you some advice the hell with these people they no more care about you than some poor fool that rides into town just trying to get you to do their work for themselves oh maybe you're right [Music] [Music] sure i want a word with you if you please uh i didn't figure you want to talk to me damn i know you can hear me this whole damn town can hear me i'm going to make this very simple sheriff i want one thing astroturn are you giving to me i'm going to spare this town if i don't get him i'll make a graveyard out of this whole dump and you hear me and you hear me good sir if i don't find him nothing or nobody would survive you hear me you bastard that's your turn damn you i know you can hear me good luck you're supposed to be a war hero and you don't even have the heart to come out here and see these innocent souls there are no yankee walls evils just goddamn college hmm where mr war hero welcome to kingston [Music] [Music] so ah [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] i know you don't give a damn about this town but i have something here that i think you might just care for tell him you hear sweetness michael [Music] this treasure sounds like a weeble i'm here looks like um dead man don't need a gun you know where to take you and as quickly as this heroic character came into our lives he was quickly taken from it the hope that michael atherton symbolized was lost gone forever no law-abiding man ever returned only thing left to speculate about now was what would be in store for kingston my god ah smashing one more uh [Music] where you going i'm leaving oh really and exactly where do you plan on going away from here you ain't going no place how much how much for what how much you let me leave how much you got this much unfortunately it's all lit she's gonna pay for that [Music] [Music] a lot tougher than i thought you were but i'm that poor boy suffered enough but you got a problem with my methods well they're not the tactics of civil society that's for sure but then that's what i like about you folks well as you can see i'm quite busy at the moment oh why don't you come back again you know i'll tell you something better when there's something you want me to know you tell paul and i will save you a trip i get the feeling you don't want me around i pay you to do what the hell i want you to do when i want you to okay yes sir mr krantz boys you don't remember me do you infamous escape colombia ring any bells [Music] better you than me partner better you than me [Music] ah [Music] looks like a storm's coming in boss what do you want us to do with him now i think he looks just fine where he is you killed my son you hear me boy an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth and blood for blood damn we think this is just the start for now yes he'll settle for atherton but eventually his revenge will not be limited to just him he'll blame everyone and everything this town in particular we lost our only lawnman worth of damn today and he won't be easy to replace we've recruited a few boys to lend a hand until casey feels better but they're gonna need some guidance will you help us why me if you don't mind my asking you don't know me from adam you're not a bad gunman in your own right it's what i've heard i ain't no atherton though am i along with what you did in town the other day in defense of atherton i feel more than comfortable asking what i'm asking frankly sir we're desperate by the time the government assigns a marshal to this town i'm afraid it may be too late you know mr mayor i've become quite fond of your little town here i'd find it a privilege and an honor to be his next sheriff thank you thank you so just like that they give control of the town to this stranger well i think old pete knows what he's doing at least i hope he does [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] so wendy what the hell are you doing here i needed some things well you better be quick and getting back to wherever it is you've been hiding duncan got real angry after you left got kind of hard on us for a while so sorry about that don't be none of the girls blame me for leaving they just blame themselves for staying i sure have missed you why haven't you moved on got me a place in sabin wash instead nothing around for mine miss gina see you at our usual time this evening looking forward to it mr mayor and your thought of it you can't let them see you oh no look duncan went and got the new sheriff to post it sure has been a long time right after the shooting we got a new one tapered kyle tappert who's called tap you don't understand do you there's a bounty out on your head duncan went ahead and had the new sheriff post it you can't stay here anymore it's too dangerous take care take care of yourself um hope you don't mind [Music] how you feeling i'll be [Music] i guess vincent krantz wasn't much of nothing at all yo when you're down [Music] says ten thousand dollars i said i don't want it don't you speak english [Music] better you than me partner [Music] frankly i'm expecting your assistance in this manner [Music] michael what is it [Music] [Music] nothing [Music] [Music] is that your chef it is come in i take it this ain't how you got the nickname gentlemen i don't know what happened she she was laughing and then you killed her it was like a terrible accident i didn't mean to kill the chef you got to believe me i didn't mean to do it i know you didn't just try and calm down mike young don't you think mayor oh god hey i don't want you to keep fretting about this she's insignificant and she won't be missed you have to keep it together you've got way too much responsibility resting on your shoulders to worry about some two-bit [ __ ] now you trusted me to run this town didn't you didn't you yes good we'll just let this be our little secret between me and you not no no butts no butts nothing else to say you just leave this to me we're gonna run this town the right way way it ought to be my way and this is how we take care of our own in my town now you go get yourself cleaned up now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] going somewhere i can see you've been getting better a little bit it won't be long before you're ready i suppose not you got a plan or you're gonna fire them like they're tiny cans on a fence i haven't given up much thought were you better cause they ain't tin cans and they're gonna fire back and there's a hell of a lot more of them than there is you are you hearing me you don't have to prove yourself to them you can stay here with me what difference is it gonna make getting yourself killed for something you can't change i know about sarah i know how you must feel i'm not trying to take her place you don't know how i feel you don't so you're gonna go to war for a bunch of strangers that don't give a damn about you i ain't find nobody's water it ain't about right it ain't about wrong what isn't about i don't know [Music] wow uh so what do you want i thought i told them to tell you tomorrow they did i figured why wait where is everybody out keepsake that's right nice piece yeah it's kind of hard to get rounds for though oh that's a beaut you like it take it so what do you want that's the second time you've barked at me in my home forgive me what can i do for you i'd like for you to explain yourself to me in what sense i hear there's a new tax in town too you see i cannot remember having okayed a new tags but you are going to include me in your newfound fortune are you not yeah what yes of course get the hell out of here thanks [Music] read them and weep [Music] that's a good thing you boys are better gun hands than you are card players what is that now three in a row even the forces of nature they can stop me tonight ladies [Music] can't be [Music] that better not be you tapper [Music] i killed you you did go ahead and kill me i'm not gonna kill you [Music] you killed yourself [Music] i know something is up sheriff and i need your help how can i help you tell me so i can go home haven't you heard a word i said tina's been missing now for three days the last time i seen her was at the bar she was telling them other girls she'd seen that other [ __ ] the one we've been looking for right here in this town not a day prior i am losing money left and right with all these [ __ ] getting up and moving on like this somebody is trying to do me in and i think they're all in it together duncan listen to me i know you're hurting but what do you want me to do about it tonight i figure with all the money i've been kicking back to you it'd be worth a little inconvenience what are you doing here i got some news can't wait whatever it is can krantz is dead what happened son of a [ __ ] burst into the barn started shooting up a storm took us out like we was nothing killed everybody there when i went outside after that's when i found jerry lying on the porch dead that crazy son of a [ __ ] was gone who did it couldn't have been the man i saw yes couldn't damn it who was it atherton it was michael atherton the man we killed left for dead are you sure why would i lie it was him or his ghost either one it's the man i saw there i can't believe it jerry krantz dead hold you thinking there duncan it can't be i mean you all saw him die we strung him up good a couple of us went out a few days later couldn't find no body just figured the buzzers and coyotes had themselves a nice yankee supper what the hell is going on sheriff duncan i'm not gonna tell you again to shut up who else saw atherton out there anyone who saw him there he's dead how many lives does this man have you said tapper was a sheriff how many deputies they got i don't know [Music] i know it don't matter much but i love you [Music] [Applause] word gets out that atherton's kill krantz he's gonna be so high and mighty nobody will ever bring him down this is not how he's supposed to be what do you want me to do can't you see what he's doing he's hunting us the son of a [ __ ] stole my idea what we have to do is find him before he gets bigger than he ever was and destroy him from top to bottom and i know how yeah well where the hell is he duncan that [ __ ] atherton gave the money to she say where she was living yeah good [Music] [Music] oh [Music] do you know what time it is 2 30. that isn't what i mean what is it that can't wait till morning your church going man aren't you mayor of course you remember the passage in the bible where god told abraham to sacrifice his child yes in that case it was just a test but the point being for every cause there has to be someone willing to sacrifice you understand that's etherton's gun where'd you get it where i got this should be of little concern to you right now it's what i'm planning to do with it that you should worry about miss sayers i can't tell you how embarrassing this is for me somebody ought to fetch a sheriff man's been killed sorry to get you boys up so early i know it's still a couple hours before dawn but i felt i had to do something quick before we lose this one i'm afraid i have some disturbing news for you our dear mayor has been murdered oh mayor now we know the whereabouts of the perpetrator it shames me to be the one to tell you this but it's someone we all know someone we've admired greatly he was made to withstand a terrible punishment and then somehow miraculously survive unfortunately he blames everything and everybody in this town including our dear mayor and his innocent lovely wife his name is michael atherton how he survived after being turned over to krantz is a mystery to me but war hero or no war hero his brand of justice cannot go unanswered it was blatantly misguided and foolishly executed as a witness saw the whole damn thing now let's show him how we take care of our own hearing kings [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] what do you have it's a mess a real mess and that it is we've all heard the legend mr finch what gun in particular does the famous michael atherton wear on his side michael atherton he's dead just answer the question scofield 45 specially made ivory handle the brutality of this crime is beyond me revenge is an ugly sight you saying michael atherton's alive alive and very much well to those of you who may not have heard this is no accident you take a look at our dear mayor's body you'll see he was shot murdered and i'll bet you my last dollar you're gonna find a scofield 45 slug inside i don't believe it well don't take my word for it what kind is it scofield 45. why don't we just ask him ourselves what kind of man does something like this can you tell us your whereabouts last night how did you survive all that time must have been tough did any of you ever hear of anybody escaping from jerry krantz of course not not unless you made some sort of deal with him that's why you killed pete did he pay you to you make me sick get him out of my sight bury him death by hanging that's what the majority is calling for and i'm just carrying out the wishes of the masses i am just a public servant you know you don't know how much joy seeing you like this brings me all those years of looking for you finally paid off pays to be patient pays to be patient still don't remember me huh some legend you are i guess i wasn't as important to you as you were to me see you gave me a souvenir so i'll always remember you it wasn't 15 men you killed single-handed it was 14 one survivor and no one remembers the men who were killed that day when you broke out of prison but i do every damn day and tomorrow when you hang not only will you die but a new legend will be born and you won't be remembered for any act of bravery only as a killer you done yet when god puts the sun over the horizon tomorrow morning it'll be time for you to swing and i give you my word of honor no matter how long it takes no matter how much it cost i'm gonna find that little [ __ ] of yours and treat her like she ought to be treated you know my only regret here is i don't get to kill you myself oh that would have been sweet real sweet son of a [ __ ] not much is known about atherton's escape from the southern camp except for the basics none of the names of the soldiers were ever released so i couldn't really say legend has it at 15. but is it possible is it possible one survived yeah i'd say anything's possible but the records were destroyed deputy you want my opinion i'd say it's highly unlikely but yeah it's possible let me ask you something why all this sudden interest in the story everybody knows about cause i think everybody may just be a little bit wrong [Music] [Music] [Music] uh i thought you might be coming by since you just broke out of jail i figured you and your accomplice here might undoubtedly be seeking greener pastures oh and just to make everything official i brought a witness because i want everybody to know the truth about what happens here today or at least the truth as i give it to it not so fast lightning and you wouldn't want to shoot me knowing the slightest change of balance could lead to a very unfortunate circumstance for the lady here you see i came to the realization last night that i don't just want you dead and your name ruined i want it all and i figured this way i could have all that and the satisfaction of killing you myself oh i reckon it is somewhat unfair of me to be doing this keeping you off guard though cause i don't want you to be distracted when you finally draw i wanna know i've seen your best so i gotta hand it to you atherton you are indeed one hell of a shot even all crippled up but unfortunately for you even the best shooters can't do anything with no bullets even an ignorant [ __ ] knows that [Music] so wow [Music] ah yeah where is he oh it's okay [Music] deputies coming sorry mr athlete i know you're innocent i heard everything teppert said last night to you know he'd been lying all along couldn't really believe he'd gone in with cramps but i saw the jail cell door open like that well i knew something weren't right so i come here to stop him [Music] thank you [Music] hey danny can you get me loose i'll wreck it it was never determined whether or not kyle tappert was who he claimed to be later it was revealed that that wasn't even his real name so it goes as for michael atherton well he pulled another disappearing act the man who single-handedly wiped out the krantz gang and saved a small western town found what he had been searching for for an incredibly long time peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 2,535,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Popcornflix, Full movies English, #popcornflix, free movies on youtube, the shooter full movie english, the shooter full movie, the shooter full movie free, shooter 1997, deadly shooter full movie, deadly shooter movie, deadly shooter 1997, Randy Travis, Valerie Wildman, Michael Dudikoff, western movies full length, western full movies english, movies western full movies english free, wild west action movies, best action movies wild west, western, western movies, cowboy movies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 55sec (5455 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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