Christopher Lambert Action Movie Online | Sicilian Sniper } Powerful Action Films HD | Full English

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[Music] fore [Music] [Music] [Music] spee [Music] that was marvelous yes now I'm going to take a [Music] bath [Music] what's that that was my uncle Dominic his last wish was to be buried in Mont lepre he was a saint he fell off this ladder yesterday authorization for burial he he throw on his head and my aunt who was there she [Music] license from you [Music] [Applause] identification they got to be no you you son of a [Applause] [ __ ] [Applause] oh got you hit what did you bleeding the [Music] death good morning [Music] captain [Music] [Music] [Music] brother get julana who fired first I want the truth please father I swear you see we stolen this grain you know what you's ideas for all those people you've got Starving in mon lepre so he said let's get them some food good deeds are always punished here his was can he stay here till he gets well no chance of that he's dying well he isn't living very long with that hole in him and all the blood he's lost we get him a doctor a real doctor even a barber knows death when he sees it he was always a generous boy die just Ju Just like that over over some lousy bread for Christ sake you should have known that it was God's will people have always starved the monal lepre and always will how many only s amen he's young he's strong he may take his time about leaving us but leave us he will I'm not leaving yet [Music] [Music] I want you to go now to travana comes here son we can't leave you up here like this please [Music] please Bab I tell you Professor it's hard to believe I cut his hair your godson's hair just last month the American GI looky wanted now he's a murderer price on his head terrible terrible it's no more terrible than one of your haircuts on his head that's Unworthy of you Professor try again I'd rather not professor darest your God's son Juliano gets in touch with you as he will you have to tell him that he is to surrender is that understood I take no orders from you Quintana and Juliano takes none from me he killed a policeman we don't do that here he was trying to deliver food to the people that is not his job what he's done is also a crime against the government of Italy and Sicily is Italian like it or not and I am the mayor of mon lepre like it or not and I am if you are a friend of donino croch J is very young and very stupid Don mazino orders him to surrender then D Mao will pay the Dead Man's family the usual Indemnity charges will be dropped and and Juliano will be free to join Don maoo has always had his eye on that boy damned if I know why wild you're controlling him who wants that but he is lucky The Duchess got her horses back you've got blood on your [Music] shoe I give a bad shave you know that Juliano he dying [Music] [Music] professor they say the people don't want land they say the people only want bread they are wrong we W the land that's ours that's why we're here this is the law the new law since the last election anyone who has worked in the fields of an estate has the right the absolute right 20 acre of D State's uncultivated land he is only one man a man Bor and paid for by Prince BOS and Don mazino you are hundreds you are citizens the law is with you not [Music] them shot in the belly you he says he's going to live is just one you don't think so if he thinks so he will anyway he's safe in the mountains he told me to tell you we'll see you soon why does your brother do this because the people are afraid to claim what's theirs by law he's the one who should be afraid is the mayor of montra going to kill a political opponent in public you are our [Music] way [Music] [Music] for [Applause] [Music] new how did you get in here you smoke that much Juliano is going to live thank god well maybe that's premature why D Zeno wants him to surrender then maeno can go [ __ ] himself no no we don't speak of him like that he protects us us he only protects the people who pay him I just saw Sylvio Farah outside Prince bors's gate quintana's horse almost killed him Trella says Juliano is dying if he was like you or me he would but he isn't he's decided to live so he will I'm off to Pal steal meet some women what else you know something funny some things are funnier than other things what is this thing Juliano he's not afraid to die that is very me I thought you'd think so professor in their bodies wasted and aged sit The Souls of old men how Grievous are the poor things and how bored with the miserable life they endure how they tremble lest they lose it and how they dot on it the confounded and contradictory Souls that sit comical tragical in their worn out [Applause] hies can see you at the last your coffee is very good I can smell it from Brazil Don Mao I love Brazilian cafee which is why I always drink chamomile tea which I hate my liver has turned Trader my son is in Brazil he said is insects entomology is a fascinating science in your world Dr notor but not in mine to me a bag is a bag no more no less but for my son all that matters are the mating habits of the jera your son is a scholar Don Mao my son does not exist for me that is Dear Professor donino has honored us visit always a joy to see you donino de old Hector not many of us left other time the enemy of man the only winner we need your counsel Professor Adonis it's a very small matter really Don mazino has a nephew Who Wants To Be A Doctor Dr notori says the boy does not qualif if academically donino has graciously come here to plead his nephew's case in person donino has done so much for our University I thought that if we put our heads together we could find a solution to this problem which the solution to any problem can usually be found within the problem itself how wise as Hector here knows I'm not much of a reader as for mathematics a mystery I can add of course and subtract and divide you flatter me anyway I've been able to pick up just about all I ever needed to know in my line of work why can't my nephew do the same I beg you sir don't break my poor sister's heart please I'm sorry of course but I harm can my if you do I get him a government job with the army or with old people who can hold their hands and listen to their troubles he's a sensitive boy he can't stand the sight of blood I think there's a curse on my family I'm afraid sir that that is part of the problem Professor adonan M's nephew wants to be a surgeon your nephew for all practical purposes is a functional illiterate who will someday have to enter the human body with a sharp knife in fear of blood my dear Domino I I think I see a way through this Labyrinth let me propose a compromise impossible your nephew will receive passing marks to become a doctor not a surgeon he will then be given a large pharmaceutical book when he is told a symptom he will look it up in the book and prescribe a cure I predict extraordinary success for the boy I know the boy he is a born healer I Surrender once again Professor adanas you have defeated me with your good sense and your reasonableness so be it my nephew will be a doctor and not a surgeon my ambitious sister a born surgeon herself a butcher anyway we'll have to settle for that you must resign from University today you're mad no but you are why why what why should I leave you have said the word no to donino croch that means you can no longer live in Sicily how do you feel did you ever have a bullet hit you I'm a Franciscan not a Jesuit well first you feel this shock and then pain then all this hot Blood starts to come out and you feel wonderful Immortal and so you are you are about to return to your heavenly protector you feel you're someone else someone Untouchable someone who could the answer to Don mazino your Earthly protector is no you see I think I can do just about anything since uh since since you were shot since I was shot and did not die as I was supposed to here is Don mazino your Earthly protector he is our chief here the rich landlords like Prince borsa they paid Don mazino and his friends to protect them here is the church and hope of heaven after death of course which of the three will you join none I'm over here I'm Giuliano no one can live in Sicily without the blessing of one of the three circles what about the people people they are the dust you draw your circles in those those are the people Sicilians are hopeless I mean exactly that nothing changes here [Music] ever Giuliano says no he's romantic he wants to give or buy land for the people is he a communist no no no no but he's engaged to Sylvio Farah's sister this election is going to give our party trouble thanks to Sylvio far and his friends where do they come from they spring up like mushrooms after rain anyway the minister is frantic I have this terrible burning in my stomach there's nothing wrong with the soup now drink it Mao you always have this terrible burning in your stomach the way you used to eat and drink it's a wonder you have any stomach left at all it's mushroom oh God I know it's poison oh soranzo what about Juliano he goes to the mountains to be a bandit like teranova and pass a Tempo no I don't want him to end up like them in a prison cell when do they go on trial never I've decided to free them myself hell I should think to tell Juliano to behave he will be safe because he is under my protection what must he do for you in return I want him to like me that's all but you tell him if he so much as looks at a bug he is a dead man Don Mao is our friend he is not my friend and he is not my brother's friend either he could be I can just see him helping us divide up the land I hate political women so does Juliano don't get mixed up in this election he's got enough trouble don't worry opposite a trap they [Music] say [Music] you look [Music] good you look [Music] different hey mustache it excites women you should grow one too javana she's like a broken [Music] record she tells me don't let juli work for don't let him Rob the poor people the poor people we would ever rob poor people that's a [Music] promise [Music] you make a handsome priest shall I join the order Over My Dead Body how's your [Music] brother do you care yes I do ever since quana I knocked him down he's also right your brother you know about the land we are deep [ __ ] and you talk politics well it's all the same isn't [Music] it professor adanus says you'll have to go up up with the angels angels like pasatempo and teranova don't worry I'll come down to see you anyway no matter what I am very proud you did what you did that I said no to donino maybe one day I'll say yes to your brother Over My Dead Body you're really going up with me yeah I want to be an angel too what do I care for palmo Bright Lights [Music] women well if you want to be an angel you got to change your [Music] shoes what I'll never forgive political women what they've done to you but think what I shall do to them what are you going to do save the world what else don't worry I have a plan be careful all right for [Music] you [Music] did you find out where they are in the police barracks on the traany [Music] road [Music] you're on a bank yes as a matter of fact I did small Bank Hey [Applause] general that you wine why SP be sh what it is for Commander Roo oh I bring them in you bring them in I'm not breaking my back and loading this stuff you got a helper there hel forget about it she drunk the [ __ ] there's only one thing she's good for all right all right unload this wagon wake up [ __ ] come on drop your belt corpal so the [ __ ] is Juliano huh don't be insulting corpal can sylvest take your B unlock your cage Mr sylvestro [Applause] get your hands up you're free to go or you can come with me to the mountains get moving get moving or I'll kick your ass if you do I'll kick [Laughter] yours and now I want teranova pass Tempo sit down Mr sylvestro corporal sylvestro aren't you a bit young to be declaring war on Rome at my age Alexander the Great had conquered half the world they called him fire from Heaven Alexander who wasn't a sicilian like you and me there's no fire in our heaven to fall I am salvator Juliano you are both in my [Music] de no [Music] [Music] it's a miracle please let me kill him no let us respect him we don't kill the police at least not deliberately who says there is no fire from heaven in [Music] Sicily why should they come cuz I was supposed to die back there but I didn't for the second time don't worry they'll come they know no what that I'm not like anyone else P Tempo won't come even P Tempo is impressed by Miracles the only thing that impresses him is cash I'll see gets plenty of that all I want from him is loyalty loyalty past Tempo killed the uncle who gave him his first Dunkey then I'll have to teach him the meaning of loyalty [Music] caranova [Music] you'll get used to the cold up here by the temple where your man where I want them and where is that watching you watching me we are in your debt so how much to each of us onethird of all we collect fair enough but you follow me is that understood you are a boy but you are lucky we'll do good business you'll be rich Juliano I must warn you I want to help the people buy land why do you want to do that no one else ever has because no one else ever has jul if you're a communist were finished I will only kill for a good Christian I am a good Christian well don't be too good a Christian or you end up alone me never so what do you want [Music] land I join you [Music] I join [Music] you salvator juli lord of the [Music] mountain what the hell is going on let me [Music] see no one gets Hur if your man unload the money give the order what if I refuse K down [Music] oh [Music] get out get the [ __ ] out get up come on come on held the newspapers that I Salvatore Juliano accept the Army's generous contribution to the poor people of Sicily the money will be used to buy land for those without land food for those without food your thir of the money not mine I third of course I want all the credit my old friend I must say that here in Rome I follow as a sicilian of course your young friend's career with PR for his um for his dashing style but as Minister I am humiliated when he makes my police look stupid and as a conservative politician I'm terrified when he starts giving Farah money to buy land for the peasants could make Farah popular we could lose the election my dear dreader if you want me to make a speech I'll make a speech on the radio and sisily will listen and that over the end end of Juliano the politician if the peasants vote communist next year our party is finished because the Communists are just like the fascists they want all the power concentrated in the state this means they will not allow me to protect your interest for you to protect mine the parties of the left must be destroyed crushed your young friend must give up syv your fell let me tell you about this girl she has dark red hair green eyes skin pale as milk fresh milk we are talking of life and death and you sing me the song of Solomon save the horse to later I sing that of a wh but of javanna Farah she is the sister of Sylvio Juliano gives her money to impress her that is all he's not a communist he is just in love I Amy him Commander roofino has asked for reinforcements he wants once Juliano helps us win the election we can always find way why should Juliano help us look there are matters that I must leave to Rome and there are matters that Rome is leave to me the more of a people's hero my friend becomes the more use he will be to us when the people vote you are a master in your house what news of your son I've been giving you news of my son could you not [Music] [Music] tell [Music] morning so hand thank you let's ask you nothing all right [Music] [Music] I could never control PR Tempo and you have him eating out of your hand what next will we be having the pleasure of your husband's coming this season I hope not he's quite happy in Paris spending my money how's your Harvest best in years you heard didn't you how they tried to take some of my land Communists I told on MSO hang them now before the election after it'll be too late you know Sandro just between us I can't see what's wrong with letting them have the land we don't use it's a very American thing to say I am very American although maybe I'm too Sicilian IED anyway what you don't use his [Music] rless [Music] hello why it's Juliana himself let's make a place for our guest here beside me I'm sorry but I've already eaten oh that's right you done early on the mountains yes my word but the rest of you go on with your lunch Prince bisa ridicul this is a pleasure quite I've come for you Jewel just they're upstairs I know where you keep them may I have your watch thank [Music] you you have more yes and the bank in palmo last night you wore the creton emeralds I sent them back to palmo this morning no car has gone from here to palmo in the last week all right don't make a mess you're an American aren't you yes and like every Sicilian you want to go to America and start a pizzeria in New Jersey no never I wouldn't mind being an American I'd like to be free but no Pizzeria what else Mafia you people know a lot more about them than I do after all you pay them sorry you're just a bandit no I'm not just a bandit oh that's right you give money to buy land for the people I so you tell the papers I hey Glen Miller don't you have any c basy I love Glenn Miller since you are so interested in jewelry have you heard String of Pearls yeah it's okay a quarter of a million is L of money yes it is is and it's my money not yours Italy's number one Authority on Dente Le party so all's well it ends well I you paid too much I agree but as you have no intention of ever telling the insurance company you got your Jewels back that will be 100% profit for you and what I'm sure was a very interesting transaction interest of making you blush no of Juliano that boy if I were you I would be afraid you know what they call him the lord of the mountains well Sicily is mostly mountains true but the money and the power is here by the Sea there is nothing in the mountains but goats Ang Juliana [Applause] [Music] may I have the honor Excellency of dancing with you to show that we are friends as [Music] always I didn't know you d oh when I was young I used to go to what they called tea dancers like your husband you know he and I were boys together he Duke I poor but here in Sicily all men are the same yes and all women are either madas or Horus I was just inrolled how that City wakes me up I always come back here with a new zest for Life the only zest cilian maners for death don't say the word thank you professor I think the uh weather is changing good night [Music] gentlemen thank you mad good night well he still refuses to meet you but he accepts your paternal affection but that's a beginning what he wants I give Giuliano is coming to palmo oh he's not coming to palmo that is out of the [Music] question I think I know you're crazy if anybody recognizes you how could they I don't look like me all dressed up do I well you don't look like somebody who wants to help the poor I bought your dress because you're poor I bought this suit because I am poor I wanted breedy white trousers you have a suit [Music] suit did anyone ever tell you that he were a show off my mother what did you do when she said that I shot her I don't think that's funny okay I'll never make a joke again not that kind not to me let's go I want to go dancing you are crazy I am crazy to be with you in po yeah I want you to take me home [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] I'm Juliano J see no horns no tale tonight I celebrate I'm getting married hit [Music] [Applause] [Music] it [Music] the story starts here there's our hero Julian his cousin has been over which one is his cousin you see there's a coffin with a grain in it but the police shoot Julia only no they can't shoot him Happ Easter Professor Christ is risen amen Corp amen Corp amen Corpus Dom Jus Chris to be Eternal [Music] amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] who is he father Doan he's been here for 3 months yes rough [Music] hands salvator Juliano my sister has spoken to [Music] me you have my [Music] blessing and my gratitude for your [Music] support got more with [Music] them he must we must all of us do what we have to do sylvestro Cano is here alone he wants to join us you want me to kill him it's the oldest trick there is man's a spy well because of you I lost my stripes what can I say say so what do you have to say I know who betrayed you on Easter Sunday the new priest father doana was having his hair cut he said you'd be in Mont lepra last Sunday who told him I think he heard it in the confessional he thinks he is no priest I know then the barber frisella he told Rock aino isella has always been on the payroll he's lying why he'll betray you betray me only a friend can do that all right sylvestro we'll see if you're lying or [Music] not [Music] put it down I've got someone in the chair you are not in the mountains Julia know come outside for God's sake say something what you're the mayor you're the friend of Don I am you're not come outside [Music] [Music] I got your father's ha for 20 years I'm not you all your life come on I gave you lemon ice when you were a baby I saved your life when you were shot make your peace with God don't let my wife and boy starve they won't starve I promise where my son when he grows up no Juliano don't you're not you're not [Music] wise [Music] [Music] what are you going to do about it until Dano lets me have more man nothing I remember when he bought those shoes he said they would last him forever ever they did I've known many hard men in my life but the really hard ones are those who are able to live with what they have done why in public everyone must know I'm a serious man and serious man give these to his son yourself if you dare he wanted you to have these when you grow up what I did I had to do you see he he I told them I would look after you I will always he [Music] ah your Excellency salvator Juliano respectfully request your company for a short visit with him in the mountains may I take my umbrella of course Excellency when we go outside don't try and run actually I don't run ever not since school of course I have [Music] asthma it's very beautiful yes scarlati he was born near here he had Asma too I think I don't suppose it's raining no [Music] Excellency I'll get more food for you are you ready my son I hope so father for I have sinned since my last communion I killed a man worse he suffers from [Music] Pride [Music] the priest must defend himself too I shall make my confession in the mountains where we will all be closer to God am I still not wise no I am then wise one because I love love you blood and all help us both we meet again Prince for again oh of course Camilla's lunch yes you were simply riveting that day riveting I hope that's a compliment it is well kima's ring her father gave it to her oh didn't he in point of fact he didn't I did you too since you put it like that yes me too it's going to be fun having you around I've always been curious about you H we're sort of the same age 45 if he's a day well that's not so old you'll like it up here good for [Music] asthma at the risk of being tactless what may I ask do you think I'm worth you know in the marketplace well the government has a price of 10 million on my head so I figured it would be an insult to the richest man in Sicily if your Ransom were not 10 times the priz for me I hope my family values me as highly as you do they better your news comes just like our police after the crime so here we are all together friends friends with a common enemy each of you rules your own City but I am a prisoner in mine Juliano lets me live in monal because he is not ready to fight all of you but when he is what will you do I am here to listen my dear Don masino you know the respect we all have for you if it weren't for you and your many friends in the American Army we wouldn't be here today that was yesterday today we are being challenged made fools of if we forgive the kidnapping of Prince boura we'll lose all respect I agree let me make one final effort to reason with Juliano no thank you I knew that you would agree with me me but then that is our strength we always act as one you make no sense borsa you say you treat your servants like your own family yet if one of them claims any of your land no matter how useless you kill him the land no matter how useless has belonged to my family for 1,000 years I hold it for my son as my father held it for me and his father before him we will never let go we can't let go what happens if the Communists win the election they won't Sicilians believe in God what the fake priest he's dead good I crucified him alive he is a cruel man you're not I do what I have to do people say you're a communist I hate politics I also believe in God well you're marrying Sylvia Farah's sister he wants to take my land for the peasants I'll help him do that if I can why are you so eager for people to love you why are you so eager for them to hate you hate me they don't they can't I'm the Prince I'm like the south wind from Africa I've always been here you haven't we don't get that Ransom soon you won't be here much longer then my son will be The Prince and the south wind goes on I hate you people done to us you don't hate me you hate not being me but if you were born me you would have never been you so you can take my money my life but you can never be me that's metaphysics aspanu that's horseshit Juliano that's life gentlemen he has refused to come to me but he says that I can come to him in the mountain like a King I put a reward of 10 million on his head and now he has put a price on mine three times that he forbids the police to patrol the streets after midnight so his men can visit their families oh in Sicily the family is everything thank you sir well not a bad likeness try to next what kind of a man is he I've never met him you've never met him oh last time I saw you you said he was your son I meant the son I never had but that I mean to have you know I have spies in his camp and if I gave the word for them to kill him you know what they would do they would kill me they love him all Sicily loves him in the last election Sylvio Farah nearly won this year he will win if I will win as this election but on one condition you must promise Juliano a pardon anything is possible in Italy but even here the sun cannot rise from the West he he has committed every crime there is I said promise him a pardon will that work he's getting married who want to settle down emigrate promise him a pardon I won't say I hope we meet again but we had a good time didn't we I did no Asma Juliano stay out of politics for your own good nothing changes here if you keep on saying nothing changes nothing will then I shall keep on saying it you will I won't goodbye goodbye [Music] gentlemen he doesn't want me to shave him he's Shing himself he hasn't done that in 20 years [Music] [Music] look like a bridegroom and you must perform the [Applause] service [Applause] something in your eye dust dust cilian [Music] dust you look fit dear Hector and you look like the president of the [Music] Republic [Music] I kiss your [Music] hand [Music] [Music] [Music] you give me waiting a long time I am flattered well here we are at last I've just been to Rome I think we have a way out out of what into what the government is afraid that you support the Communists in the election I said that was impossible you're a sicilian you are the Sicilian how do you know the Russians won't pardon us let us be practical tr's party is the least dangerous to us so it is for our common good if they win what is our common good well for us communism is not uh commonly a good thing you agree to that don't you if I help tra's party what will I get kick in the ass as a sign of good faith the minister has sent you this Kel Amato's military plan to destroy you this is my wedding gift to you and the Beautiful javana the minister has also promised me personally that he will pardon you after the election of course which we win I'm sure I wouldn't have lie to you nor to me even so I want to hear tr's words from his own lips Minister treto will make the promise directly to you in Rome I can't go to Rome you know that no but you can go to [ __ ] as you have already proved you can go to the cathedral the Cardinal will tell you of tzer's Promise of a pardon but you can't trust the Cardinal I trust no one except a span pish let him talk to the Cardinal I've always known we would be friends I've always known we would be friends yes I hear you Don Laino I understand you [Music] you I guess your hands my [Music] son goodbye come in my son hello espano is this life gentlemen whatever it is espano pish it is is better than death we have a message from Rome for salvator Juliana solution for both of you Rome is very sensitive to Juliano's popularity with certain elements of the population our people listen to him they don't listen to anybody except when I got this to their throat please not in front of his Eminence it's a bit crude as I was like you once you would never like me you see we're Hest in our way the event at Salvador Giuliano resident of Mont lepre in the province of palmo in Sicily I not that cough anywhere even if I were dead which you will be soon enough you just made a deal with the government the mafia and the church a deal to do what keep the Communists from voting scare the peasants and you we me too that is a pardon then I joined danino you go to America Joana good [Applause] [Applause] luck he the lord of the mountains and his lady may I dance with your lady Lord thank you you look beautiful no I mean it you really look beautiful stay with me just stay with I'm not a singer I'm a dancer 100 years the way we do it Ino Joanna says you may leave the mountains one of these days that's what she wants is that what you want I don't know i' hope to do something you know big for the people if we win this election they'll be land for everyone that's something big I thought nothing changes in Sicily don't work with the Communists but on land reform we are allies don't not this please that's a wedding present [Applause] temp 100 [Applause] years [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Applause] we fire over their [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] head [Music] got a lot of family down there so do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] in [Music] [Applause] fire cers [Applause] [Music] go hold [Applause] [Music] stop [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh take him away we're here for the living [Music] owner [Music] [Music] y [Music] I I told him not to go there I don't come on I set fire over their heads scare them don't hurt them so idiot whose idea was it to scare them Dan Mao he tricked you Dan Mao's head wasn't on that machine [Music] gun when I find out who it was what difference does it make they'll never forgive you I'll finish your work if I can if you try you'll be as dead as he is I know sad isn't [Music] it make your peace with God both of you on your knees I go to hell standing up we never farted people I swear Sanctuary where Juliana was the most hated man in Italy thanks to us one of our connections from from America is on his way to Palo to help him immigrate too late I'm sending in Commandos pirat Troopers Armored Cars when we finish there will be no mountains left in Sicily much less Julian javana will go by sea to Tunis where she will be given documents then she will be flown to America she will be protected by the same family your father worked for in New York you we'll join her later but Don masino has arranged this with the greatest care Don Mao always protects what he needs to protect he was able to protect you for 3 years but now now their party won the election because of me because of all the people who got killed at ginestra now I want my payment land they will never give it I will make them give it get out well as Banu perhaps the time has come to think of yourself he's right I know he's right go on no I Stay the end what else [Music] may julance you're now my prisoner guns in the house of G a deceitful man in the house of God you broke your word to me I shall not move from this place kill me here if you don't come with me I'll tie you up like a goat carry you off to the mountains [Music] crazy [Music] waved your Immortal soul is in Peril my son my soul think of yours there is a special dis RCT in hell for false priests you'll have a lot of company there many friends as you think what do you want I wanted you to be an honest man of God but you were not now I want you to tell the people that the church will bless them if they take possession of the uncultivated land and sis I am not the church I'm not even an honest man of God in your eyes but I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself there is only one Redeemer and you are not he now stop this comedy un shoot your gun it is all you know how to do anyway you lie to me dare to [Music] you have gone too far my son you have sailed off the map of this world I have often talked about you we've done M ever since you were shot stealing what was it bread he has protected you from the friends from the police from everyone except yourself he wanted you to be his son I warned him this was not possible that you unnown one's son except God's and God's purposes are not of this Earth Don Mao means to save your wife and unborn child with my blessing he will try to save you I have advised against it well you know everything my son you are at the end so kill me as the last bit of C and the Glorious story of Juliano the Bandit whatever I've been I was not just a bandit I was stop the car get out we have had only one savior Juliana and we crucified him 2,000 years [Music] ago behind those Gates 100,000 acres of land of unused land is waiting there for you to claim us Yours by law what do Roman laws have to do with us you let f of joho man starve your children have you forgotten why you here to honor your brother your fear does he know honor pull them off the horses bring them to me [Music] dism [Music] [Music] Neel and make your peace with God I execute you in the name of God and [Music] cesy M's here well you have finally succeeded in doing what no one else has ever done youve brought together all of the political parties in Italy with at last a common goal you dead they say this arm is made up of Bachelors so there will be no widows Joana must leave sis now [Music] what something in my eye come [Music] here when you get to America bring me where you'll be told then I settle with d Mao that I join you one man doesn't settle with d Mao one man two men where all that's left you're alone [Music] salvator well that's how I started I did all right leave with me now no it's too dangerous for you I'll come [Music] later life is hard Eno whoever said it [Applause] [Music] wasn't there is nothing more that I can do I know you're right he's crazy I told her if I could just I could you don't want credit neither do I would arrange for the police the Army to get the glory but I have to right you will give yourself up as his accomplice a year or two in prison no worse than a pardon and what what if life is hard [Music] asano the American boat can't wait forever when I get a call I go you're doing the right thing I promise you running away tell Mao that I'm only leaving because I have no one left except aspanu except theanu [Music] yes [Music] I'm [Music] [Music] here once I'm gone you'll be safe I don't want to be safe you want to go to America no what do you want [Music] land what will you do now I'll fight like you forever why so you come back to us I'll tell you a secret I will never ever go away not really I'll always be here somehow with you [Music] [Music] goodbye julo bye goodbye stop the car I said stop the car get out heor salvatory I I did a ho I could for you I swear I did but I couldn't help you no one could you promised the people land they didn't want land they want bread that's all Don mazino knew that you didn't and what did Don Mao promise you a span are you ready shoot [Music] I [Music] can't I told you I wasn't afraid to die well I'm not my time here is over pull the trigger I can't I love you obey [Music] me this is Howard Austin pathing news in palmo the famous Sicilian Outlaw salvator Giuliano was killed this morning in a fierce shootout with a special Italian Commando unit did you bring [Music] it opium dreams [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] help [Music] [Music] dream of gold my [Music] boy [Music] why couldn't he why wouldn't he come to me why should he he was his own father he invented himself then we killed him you and I now he's [Music] gone what next [Music] what next there is nothing next there never is here [Music]
Channel: CinemaID
Views: 508,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 120min 44sec (7244 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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