Gunfighters Moon | FREE WESTERN MOVIE | Action | Full Length Film | ENGLISH

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] was he [Music] yeah I said whiskey pig said you're better get my brother a whiskey quick friend he's gonna put bullet here before to give me a dollar my name is Jesse landed this usable brother Brett dirty Dan I don't think so senior this is a very small town brother looking for somebody people told us we can find a man the name Senor Frank Morgan I do not know when you went by that name letting me go everybody knows Frank Morgan why is it so damn quiet in here play some music where are you going Chiquita you stay up there and dance are you too stupid to understand English it's a dance dammit leave her alone Morgan is that you so you're Frank Morgan my name is Jesse Landon this is my brother Brett I know who you are what do you got in mind well we got in mind as people saying you real fast Frank and you know something funny I think my brother's a little faster we don't have to do this let me buy you a drink I'll drink later no you won't you'll be dead both of you when he takes out that gun you'll be dead he's the one who's gonna be dead lady I saw you slap leather with that bartender you're really fast kid but you ain't gonna make it don't do this to yourself please please I thought listen to her brother he's trying to rail you you can do it you can do it you're younger and you faster look he's an old man for Christ's sake look at him he's yellow he's scary you he's gonna piss well and up in his eyes listen we'll be right all the way out here from Kansas for anyhow so you can have your name written on the wind forever right that's what's gonna be you or him come on do it now do it do it boy do it now it was just a kid no saint sons of bitches like you own my life no no no Morgan wait wait I'll give you an edge I ain't no comforted my brother he was the gunfight hey you ain't my real brother he's my half brother lived on don't take it out do it slow slowly [Music] now cock it [Music] there's your ass get up damn you get up get up what are you do stupid understand English maybe tomorrow he dies down we'll head south I'll find us a little town pull some female dogs we think Veneto huh Benito it was Veneto Frank what do you want Veneto yeah came a long way in his heat for nothing what's going on Rosa I told you Frank nothing I got to see if I can Rosa here this is for you you'll find out sooner or later anyway take good Frank pick it up and read it read it [Music] you will never come back now I'll never see you again [Music] crazy gringo Frank my sister told me not to have a crazy dream [Music] Morgan son of a bitch but back here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Waco and he shot his self a fry-cook Harry for giving him indigestion 64 he shot four men dead in the bar they hung a son-of-a-bitch from a barber pole they hung him but it were in 68 and it weren't from no barber pole neither you're still too young but you were made when you were 16 yes I was and I don't understand why I have to wait because I think you need a couple of more years mom don't you remember what it was like when you were in love with dance I remember don't run I've got pins in my hands Kristin you've got your whole life ahead of you will you stop fidgeting I can't what is the matter I don't know sometimes I just feel like I'm going to explode if I don't mind stop fussing with me let me look at it no the neckline needs to be lower I think the neckline is low enough come on mom all right go across the street ask your father if he says that it's okay then I will lower it a little don't spend all afternoon flirting with spot if you want to wear that [Applause] sorry I didn't see what happened you are what what happened you are I broke how'd you do that the falling off a horse you did up yeah I gotta go it's Christ you-know-who come on Morgan he's down in Colorado I'm tellin ya I'm tellin you horse he's been don't wake unto me starlight do drugs don't know much about necklines much lower do you want it hey storekeeper well if you want it lower then that's the way it should be I'm talking to you storekeeper yeah I'm hungry now get fed when it's time yeah like all the rest of the hogs you really think you're fast on you kid well I know guys blow you away for you could spit know what you remind me of Mars leave at ease by turd wood lips come on over here honey I'll show you where you can put your neckline you want your mouth around her saddle tramp yes sir mr. storekeeper you got me so scared I've got the diarrhea Jesus PUD shoot him kid shoot the old fart the Christ's sake Harry you know better than to come barging in here like that what do you want anyway oh yeah you aren't gonna believe this Jordan you are not going to believe it what ain't I gonna believe Frank Morgan just rode into town who's Frank Morgan Jordan who's Frank Morgan you some kind of gunfighter holy Cohen Frank lugging the gun fighters like calling a desert guys morning gunfighter Jordan oh he's an honest to god of walk around religion thanks Harry shut up coach oh sure I think I met him he almost ran over me that's right I seen you that was Frank Morgan do you think he'd come to spring Mars no he ain't come to spring warrants you come to convert everybody to the baby Jesus let's go find out why he's here it's bud no gunplay come back to the store just do what I say please how are you people doing out here Frank Morgan's in there I don't care who it is just get on about your business you can't give me no order you gonna tell you again Howard now move out that goes for everybody come on move out you too Harry oh come on Jordan I'm the one record Fanny's morning in there you let me handle this take care of myself let me do talking to my boss afternoon mind if I sit down you Frank Morman who are you Jordan Yarnell temporary sheriff this here's my deputy spice Walker where's the real the real one sheriff you got shot you're packing a lot of it in there kid I can use it to you can uh what you want here Morgan no more cauldron we've got a prisoner over in the jail Jack Morris you gonna hang him next week that's nice maybe you didn't hear him right we're gonna hang Morris next week listen mr. temporary Sheriff I don't care if you hang ulysses s grant it ain't got nothing to do with me cuz I'm just passing through you're stupid clean it up slip and break their neck your deputies hooked yourself to a short fuse er mr. temporary Sheriff oh wait a minute you just remember what I said we're gonna hang on ain't nobody gonna stop us neither how long you plan on staying in red pine Morgan as long as I want and nobody can stop me neither come on bud come on I said come on out of here yeah take is a steward you see the way he kept me in front of him and those eyes I ain't never seen that way can you hear me he's dangerous you promise me damn it anybody has to talk to her it's gonna be me tell me no I know you can take care of yourself hey ya talking to you come here sit down sit down a man should not be on his knees to very bad place to be men on his knees is only half a man do you know a place where I can stay get some food it doesn't taste like a gringo cow pissed on it there is a house and what it made up before a mind of your reception life taste what are you looking at you better clean up that mess or someone might slip on it and break their fool neck did you hear what I said you jackass pick up a broom clean it up my woman is a pretty good cook we do not have much but you are welcome in my house gracias in you you are right amigo this is not a good place to be on the knees [Music] [Applause] you just try all I'm saying is we can't go off half-cocked just because Frank Morgan rides it I don't think you know what kind of money you do into it and do you do I took a bullet out of him back in Abilene few years ago two men shot him in the back left him for dead and crawled on his hands and knees three blocks we've been talking Jordan and we figured maybe we'd hire Morgan hell I don't need it Reverend Jordan when we appointed you share a hold on Bob nobody appointed me anything I agreed to fill in until Morris gets hanged once that's done I'm going back to working the store but Jordan we're at enough judge it's the end of it no one has any objections I'd like to enjoy my dinner in peace [Music] more beans oh no no Libya muchas gracias he will attack people you're done he's not my dog he just showed up when they comes he goes you know I was thinking it will do no good to talk to the bartender he will only hurt me after you were gone well he will worry about you coming back but then he will hurt me I'm sorry Juan you don't have to be sorry Senor Morgan besides it will be worse any pain he can give me you see he will never forget that I have seen him on his knees and a man on his knees it's just a half a man come I will take you to a place where you can sleep I need to ask you a favor amigo someone's following me I don't know who it is but he's been behind me ever since I left Colorado I need someone watching my back for a couple of days you think you can do that I will watch for him signore Morgan he will not slip past me I promise well he likes the dark he won't be coming straight at me he'll come at me from behind what's that music I beg your pardon and would you be offended if I told you and I find you very attractive not at all sir then might I inquire if you are romantically attached yes are you - a very handsome man whom I adore all my heart [Music] [Applause] got your cast off can I help you with something what do you got in mind [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cluvin Frank you look pretty thank you just still wear this hurt the other sons of bitches got it worse than me I heard I don't think it's funny for it well you don't know you haven't changed much I'm sorry the girl in the orange dress is you mind what the girl with the cast on her arm is she my daughter yes she looks like you when you were 17 does she know about me no and I don't ever want her to Frank she has a father who loves her just as much as if she were his own she didn't have to grow up wondering if one day he was gonna be shot dead in the street what do you want Linda why did you send me this telegram [Music] my husband owns the general store the temporary sheriff he's a good man Frank but he's in way over his head how's that three drifters came into town a couple of weeks ago they tried to rob the bank the sheriff was killed everybody but he was just shooting at anything that moved the whole town went crazy my husband had a shotgun I'm not even sure that he actually hit anything but when it was over everybody convinced him that he was some kind of a hero one of the Drifters was wounded they had a trial and they're going to hang him Jack Morris do you know him no but I know his cousin Walt Shannon Jesus Frank is there any scum in this entire country you haven't run with Walt Shannon is in territorial prison he's being released tomorrow the warden says as soon as he gets out he's coming here to get Morris my husband thinks that the town will back him up they won't don't be left all alone Shannon will kill him I don't suppose I have to ask you what it is you want me to do you are some kind of woman you know that 16 years ago you ran me off you told me you'd rather kill yourself than have my child what kind of a father was left in Frank my kill I can't quit there's no quitting I tried it was crazy to think I could ask you wanna see you wanna know how crazy I am I actually believed you might want me and not Frank Morgan the gunfire let go of me me and now I can't even talk to my own daughter don't want me fry you're gonna kill somebody for you damn it let me go I pity you you're a dead man already I can see it in your eyes they used to be so full of life but not anymore you have one thing to look forward to lying face down in the street and there'll be no one there to cry for you [Music] with a shotgun where have you been anyway waiting for your damn father together she went out someplace don't be mad now thanks to will be married I'll never have to stop tell me what Morgan is like what Thank You Morgan what's it like talking to Jesus Chris I'm gonna explode any second you wanna know about Frank Morgan good okay tell me why he hasn't come peacemaker you say tricky I mean let's see does it feel like when you're talking to does he scare ya you crazy you know that tell me okay yeah he's scary it's just like in my gunfighter books he's in total control moves like a spring wound up too tight or something and he sees everything I mean everything that's really strange as like yours [Music] he is cock love the universe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] gratefully go for Watson yeah Margaret I have done nothing or now listening they have caused you some trouble and it's been a pleasure to have you with us you are always welcome in my house Oh it was baramos I'll be what are you going looks like Jordan hold it right [Music] sleep mischance name's Simon worries just like you saying what you sure can save yourself [Music] always going around like that who knows I smell her gonna find out what think I've work to do [Music] [Applause] fell off your horse huh we go for ride with me no what are you scared little girl not a little girl and I'm not afraid of you yes you are you're scared pea-green [Music] [Music] I don't have to be please don't hurt me I think it hurt you to do stop calling me that I'm not a little girl I'm 16 years out of my name's Christine Yarnell it is a [Music] [Music] [Music] my real father was a major was still my Jackson but he got killed in the First Battle of Bull Run they came from all kinds of medals you know everybody worshiped he was the bravest hero but he died before I was born so I never actually got to see him mom doesn't talk about him very much but you know what what every once in a while I'll dream about him I can almost see his face when I talk to him sometimes even though he is dead do you think that's crazy just wish I could have known him what if you could he's dead spud says it's crazy talking to a dead man next thing you know he'll be answering you back wait you Mets by then listen Lane yesterday what'd you think of him we're gonna get married next year as soon as I finish high school mom thinks I'm too young I don't think she likes him very much what do you think spud he's all right yes huh you really like him if you got to know him practices with his gun every single day you know he's really fast mr. Morgan maybe UNESCO this year yes he thinks he shot the guy who tried to rob the bank yesterday and I'll tell you what as soon as that watch Shannon gets in town Capote will probably shoot him do hmm spud says that you have eyes like mine do you think your eyes are like why did you bring me up here you must have had a reason do things like that look I'm finished tada you know everybody's gonna be out looking for me look and they will so are you gonna take me back yep what's that somebody's name it's your name can I have it do you want mr. Morgan can I see you shoot no oh come on everybody's gonna ask me why you brought me up here to say that you gave me a piece of wood your silly name on it so I can't do anything like watch Shannon shoot like that jump up it was so fast ice can you really shoot like that yeah wall Shannon can shoot like that get in the house now what did you tell her I didn't tell her anything how could I have indents since the Battle of Bull Run a night you could just leave it alone could you Frank what is it you want I don't know stay around a couple of days I hear tell little lady is gonna become a widow woman with a pretty daughter anyhow tell me when you look in her eyes you don't see me hey Morgan remember me [Applause] hey Morgan Morgan you live yeah I'm alive you're gonna kill me oh yeah not too tight is it I don't know maybe just strong as an ox what what is it a Moo Sakina is all my fault I should have watched out for you I forgot what whisper being through this a few times anyways you got more lives than a cat you know that wouldn't go that far you've danced this dance before I took the bullet out of your shoulder and Evelina I'm grateful for what I don't think I've done any great service to the human race shut up but let me go let him go if you so much as touched her I'm gonna kill you do you understand me and if you don't I will the wounds are opened up again we got to start all over [Music] it's a Christian already she's fine [Music] don't know what the hell that bastard thought he was doing hair off like that he did anything to her Jordan can we please just leave anyone leave just pack up our things and go I can't do that why when des people are dependent on me Christ why all of a sudden is everybody depending on you you have too much faith in people Jordan listen to me you don't have to tell me about what I have I know exactly what I am I loved you second I laid eyes on you you knew that we promised never to lie to each other and it was the most important promise we ever joined them I have to tell you something a long time ago wait let me say my piece first and then you can tell me whatever you want [Music] I've never been so happy in my whole life as the day you said you'd marry me and I figured we'd have a good life your name Kristin but something came up that I never counted on what ghosts I think ghosts yeah yeah ghosts that's what I'm talking about sometimes I wonder if you feel the same way about Kristin's father that she does he's dead for God's sake that's the point Linda I never fought in the damn war I never had a chance to be a hero [Music] the other day after all that shooting everybody said they were amazed Jordan Lee stop it I'm sorry I didn't know I've said you means don't say you're sorry it's not your fault I don't understand I love you so much you're such a good [Music] could you please just on me [Music] now listen to me it's important that we're all together on this why is that so important to you Bob you implying something implying I'm not implying anything I'm saying it out loud God you'd sell your mother to save your weasel skin damn it doc I'm the mayor I'm not thinking to myself here I know what's best for red pine they put Peterson and two other guns here on the top of the bank and the judge and three more down at the north end of the street how many guns we got altogether I think you're 30 maybe more well spread them out go through it's open Harry I'm right a bank come in when you want Harry had well I want to come in so what's stopping you well lunchtime he almost shot my freaking head off you said Harry Harry Harry Harry you can come in you sleep on an anthill huh time I see you you're scratching yourself yeah that's right I was wondering about that too I think it's please I think I get fleas say Tom's got his own cat - its Lou knows better than Harry what what do you want on it oh you have a bad vision the Bob Peterson and the others are over the saloon so I sent me over here to get you so in the first place I didn't I swear to god Harry sometimes talking to you is like going to the bottom of a mine all right father what's so damn important we received a telegram from the warden at the prison this morning Jordan it's about Shannon and this is the telegram you want to sit down no I don't want to sit down all right now Jordan none of us want to turn this town into a shooting gallery especially after last night's violence it's only prudent that we consider all our options spud and I were just going over the playa news I know I know but this telegram changes everything when Shannon was released this morning there were two hard cases wait inform at the gate two of them they all rode off together the warden thinks they're heading here they're professional gunman Jordan we're not we can handle them if we stick together I think we should let Morris go what does we say what harm would it do the money's still in the bank why do we have to hang him you killed the sheriff the sheriff's is dead damn it nobody can bring him back but if we play our cards right we could manage to save a few of our own lives Jesus we only let Morris go after he agrees to ride out and tell Shannon what we done no hard feelings nobody gets shot tough any of you thought about what will happen if we turn Morris loose then they'll be four of them on our butts instead of three he's right damn it he's right if you won't listen to reason then you're gonna have to deal with this problem yourself [Music] is that why you all feel [Music] doc [Music] there's nothing I like better than I give you a hand Johanna but I take bullets out of people and I think I've got the spine to poison them [Music] - anymore turn him loose Jordan it's the only way [Music] ain't talking about I'm just wondering what would happen if we did pull up stakes I'm gonna ain't nothin to keep us here really is there if you stay you'll both get shot Morgan said that Shannon will kill the Bozeman I don't want to hear that subtle fashion I mean this house never again please I mean it I'm gonna started one wrong a second that man rode into town I just don't want anybody to die I'm sorry I shouldn't have got angry on you but I can't run away from this your daddy wouldn't have done I cannot take this any longer what's the matter this has got to stop are you going cigar Morgan are you awake is someone to see you huh that's an order my god Frank I have no idea everyone pulled out laughs my husband on his own he won't run away he'll be killed by tomorrow night he'll be dead and it's all my fault I wanted Kristin to be proud of her father that's why I made up all those eyes that's why I told her you were a war hero and now Jordan feels he has to live up to a man who never even existed [Music] I'll go away with you Frank I'll tell Kristin that you're a real father that's what you want I know it is that's why you took her yesterday I'll do anything you ask if you just keep him from dying [Music] stork [Music] yes [Music] do you want me Frank what do you still want me he just Linda just a little in the last 15 years Hewitt's been keeping me going yeah no matter how bad it got cheap hotels might cut whiskey tequila Emma's fear gut-wrenching fear when it got too bad piggy you you're dead wrong bet what you said the other night I never got what I mad [Music] what I got was a nightmare crazy bastards coming out of the woodwork from all directions all trying to blow my head off cuz I'm frightened warning [Music] all I really wanted was to go back started [Music] it's why I came running he said that telegram like some kind of lovesick kid I shouldn't have said those things I said the other night I did love you once [Music] and if you ever do fall Frank [Music] I I have to go try to take care of yourself [Music] [Music] we go on inside see if they got the coffee on [Applause] all right Walt nobody in there but the bartender peeing on himself in the back come on over here you what's your name You Know Who I am Tom are you sir Robert Schuman well he's a couple of friends of mine Tom this year's Boise he's a back shooter in a winery would he kill you did yeah I can do that and this year now that's Julio pull your legs to sing but you probably don't want to hear him sing do you tell him no no sir then I don't need to hear him sing that's fine you got a marshal or sheriff Road Utah that'd be jordan Yarnell he's only temporary well you probably right about that Tom now I want you to find me this temporary sheriff you tell him that Walt Shannon is over here waiting for him I want you to tell him he's got Keenan mining that Julius and I wanna inquire as to visitation rights that's funny you're right ain't funny at all no matter what happens I love you please you can't come this time Sonny has to stay here and look after everybody Jordan please know I've been lying to you about any difference nothing girl loves you feel the same about her you marry her but if you ever put a gun in your hand again I'll hear about it and so help me God I will find you and I will kill you bribe you are dead do you understand me I hate you he's not gonna die it's gonna have a hell of a headache lose on peace just like you want about me how many you say no all right damn I make it when they come out in the street that are gonna try to get as far apart as he can I'll take Shannon and one further step you take the closest one one if Shannon is the closest I'll take him you take the one next door listen you don't hesitate for Christ's sake when I drop this rifle you cut the bastard knife don't let me stand out there pissing in the wind you think you can manage that away I hope so well you better do a lot more than hips off but we're gonna be dead as doornails in a couple of minutes stop what's the matter that voice who's it hey wolf get your ass out here Morgan Frank Morgan Jesus Walter you said just shut up I know what he's doing here what are you doing in there Shannon playing with yourself be safe right a long time [Applause] [Music] [Music] what are you doing here Frank standing in for you are now standing in go buy yourself free you don't look too good somebody got mad at you Frank come on wall let's get this over with this year's break Morgan fellas he did tell Kristen he's too much Frank will be standing in for y'all now these have a little trouble just standing that right Frank why don't I get rid of this what did you do just that the gun broke open there's no bullets there's no bullets no gun I didn't mean it don't shoot I quit mysterious ways serious hell I was miraculous you realize judges put the town of red pine on the map yeah show more law and order town to goodbye Linda Kristen I have to tell you something about your real father no no it's better your way no it's not what what about my real father why don't you kill Shannon why did you do that I don't know sometimes I do things I can't explain I'm not like you [Music] he called you then [Music] yes he did but how did he know your name I used to know him a long time ago yes [Music] Oh [Music] sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 585,913
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Keywords: watch films online, free full film, western movies, full length film, full movie youtube, western movies full length, full movie, classic western movies, western movie, entire movies, western movies full length free, gunfighter's moon full movie, full length, western, classic western movies full length, free youtube movie, gunfighter's moon, full length movies, action movie, full action movie, movies online, drama film, full drama film, romance movie, full romance movie
Id: 3oDoFWptFsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 24sec (5664 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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