A Must-See Western | The Lone Cowboy Who Made the Wild West Tremble in Fear! | Full Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I never seen a stage coach heading west but I wanted to be on it ever since I was a kid I wanted to be up there handling the ribbons on them six horse teen with a messenger riding shotgun beside me and 22t of whip cracking over the leaders 30 m a day that's the only job I ever want it driving the mainliner to Deadwood and Tombstone to Rawhide and Silver City West to the Black Hills in the Gold Country going places them railroads never seen carrying Freight passengers gold in the US mail well I'm driving all right if you can call it that crawling from from weed cck to Red Rock on a mud wagon sitting up there beside Old Uncle Ben eating dust pushing [Music] mules go back up that broken down Chuck Wagon back up yourself this is a mail coach whatever it is get on and clear your wheeler we'll pull it off clear it yourself looks like he don't want to get his boots dirty SK the hide off of you dropped your whip Mister take the other one race I got this one nothing to take boy you'll not give us any more trouble this is for your Bulls they get over there and EAS your wheel back a m take it ahead Clen nice quiet morning Ben seen worse Red Rock's getting a little crowded don't have to widen the streets sure glad you were here race you bit off pretty big chunk boy yeah but he looked a lot smaller when you came along better get the mail on over to Bow and he's waiting for what maale nothing in the P but one package and three hands for passengers Parker what kind of driving was that well I tried to pull in the way you like Mr bour saving the open and Swinging fast for a good showing at the station only that m o team sort of got in the way next time pick something smaller than a bull freighter outfit to tangle with knock what's left out of those mules and you'll be hunting another job manifest you to sign Jess you take care of it Uncle Ben old Luke sharpening his teeth on your boy all he does is ride that swivel chair thinking of things to get sore about I ain't taking no more of it race no simmer down kid he don't mean nothing by it a bit stiff in the neck but he's the best division superintendent in these parts don't you get any wrong ideas about him being a swivel chair boss Luke was driving on his line when Bandits were holding up everything couldn't squeeze a dime through between here and jewes birg remember one time me and Luke had Tom Davis and ried decoy Tom and a couple of others dressed like women passengers rode inside regular traveling Arsenal well they hit us around Lance Creek chopped a tree down right across the road I holled up the driver I told him to cut laugh and keep going he did right in the barrels of 10 blazing guns eight well how'd you know killed two of before you ever woke up how you Don fine race come on in and have a drink they're all free I figured there would be when I saw how polite Jess was listening Morning Race good morning [Music] hey race how do I look fine wakeo great day in the morning where are your working clothes I almost didn't recognize yall covered up that way I'm going to a wedding a wedding you deserting me for a husband no my sister's getting married over in Silver City I'm taking the mainline stage today good you'll have me on board with you race today ain't your r when Bowen's got something special on who else does he use this calls for celebration Charlie give the lady a bucket of champagne champagne it is champagne for the lady see Sheriff Tom they want you over the jail they got a Mad Dog Mad Dog dangerous times around here nothing happens here now Sheriff dog catching nobody in jail since the 4th of July and me pounding the dust to weed Creek things sure have changed not like they used to be when you had that julsburg run huh race no law around then only these boy they always had the last word they always will have maybe the loudest this has a last depends on who's wearing is wait a minute Tom I'll go with you Charlie give them whatever they want give away Co a double for the D don't you be late not this trip [Music] race ah welcome my boy welcome I see you're the bearer of gifts this came in on the stage for you ah books the seers of thought long fella uh sit down son sit down thanks Mr Ry but I haven't much time oh well in that case you don't want to be wasted on me now if you should be looking for a certain young lady it's quite possible you'll find her in there thanks Mr Ry let me breathe you look real pretty all rumed up that way you look a pitous Harker don't tell me you drove those poor mules all the way from weed Cricket to G just to see me there's no Gallop left in those mules well it wouldn't hurt you to sound impatient don't young ladies a fashion never wear shoes ever ever never stop School teaching me Kathy and listen I've got something important to tell you turn around your pants are torn maybe so but that's not what I came about I'll menend while you talk Kathy I'm leaving this place not before I've got you mended I'll turn around and hold still you don't understand I'm getting out of this town for good but but your job's here job you call driving those two crowbait mules a job don't you see I got to get out or I'll use up my whole life just crawling back and forth the weed cick while there's real driving jobs to be had over in Wyoming territory in California new lines opening up where I'd be needed ouch it's about time someone's stuck some sense to you wanting to walk out on everyone just because you're a little fed up maybe this town isn't sighten enough for you that's not it at all it's just that a man has to get out and find a place for himself there's nothing for me around here just Hawker you're the most selfish single track man I've ever known hey wait a minute Kathy no sense to get all riled up you know wherever I go I aim to come back for you maybe then it'll be too late Come Away With Me Kathy I can't JZ you know that you could if you love me enough but then got to be selfish and hurt other people Everyone can't just up and run away from things because they take a sudden notion I couldn't go away like that you've got so much here Jess I made my plans then comes the lover sing like a furnace Shakespeare tight as you can Uncle Ben we don't want this cargo bouncing around you stay here the harness up old Luke's kind of skittish today got a right to be M Primm could I see if for just a minute well I never put a time limit on a conversation with a pretty young lady what can I do for you miss Riley stop Jess Harker from leaving town I didn't know he was planed on he's got his mind set on quitting his job and going to Wyoming or some place I know if he does he just start drifting again like he was when he came to Red Rock well don't you think he maybe ought to talk to Tom Davidson about it he's had more experience at handing out advice and me if the sheriff talked to him he just get his back up higher than it is already could be but I can't understand why i''d ever want to leave Red Rock you're the only one he'd listen to but you run along home don't you worry about it I got an idea and it might just work I I can't thank you enough Mr Crim it's all right Jody come here you want to make a nickel boy sure race what you do got me a driver yet Luke I will have I'm pulling Thorp off the horse headline you canceling out to run thought you'd already sold tickets on it I had to cancel something what about the weed Crick run it don't sell no tickets you mean put Jess on the main line why not not this trip race you're not holding that freighter records against you are you no no no fault of his he's just not ready yet well I've know nothing boy ever since he's been on this line help train him himself he can handle horses better than any man you got I'd gamble on him Ben race wants Jess Harker to take the mainline special to Silver City what do you think needs a little seasoning but the boy's good Luke good is to come with race I'll be right there beside him every minute watching every move he makes give him a chance Walker let's get him over here and have a talk get Jess Harker I've already sent for him he'll be here in a moment I guess I might have known Mr Bowen wants me come in boy close the door Jess think you could drive the mainline stage from here to Silver City could I I can drive any stage any place Mr Bowen and show you faster time than any driver on the line the first concern of a good driver is the safety of his passengers on his Freight not chasing speed records now wait a minute Luke the boy knows all about passengers and Freight but he thinks he wants speed so he shoots off about it he'll play the cards anyway you call him me and the boy rode out a lot of miles together Luke if it was my stage Jess would be on it and maybe you better go along too Ben I'll give you an extra messeng of this trip that way I'll take the chance thanks Mr bow I can handle it any way you want it I want it to get get there this isn't just a regular run Jess you'll be packing the biggest load of gold we've shipped out of Red Rock in The Last 5 Years $27,000 worth the entire take of a new pocket at the mines now look you leave Red Rock at 3:00 you'll stop for only one change of horses here at Buffalo Gap and if you keep rolling on schedule you'll be in Silver City just a few minutes after 2:00 in the morning and no one not even the shipper will know that it's moving today that way there'll be no trouble one with a silver handle you'll not regret the choice a thing of beauty is a joy forever Keats thank you a lot Mr Riley thank [Music] you you can't drive a mainliner with a two horse whip [Music] here bet you that dust is going to taste a lot better today [Music] boy Jess you don't mean you I sure am it took bone a long time getting around to it but he finally put me where I belong got to inspect now right this way wakeo your tickets already paid for Grace you did yes I did call it a wedding present for me to the bride ready Jess ready to roll Chief kick them off here [Music] [Music] la this is what you wanted boy driving the main liner something with you race if I felt any better I'd bust out sing I don't go spoiling [Music] things mind if I water my horse glad I have [Applause] you looks like you've done a far stretch of riding start walking to the barn MO nice driving boy right on time things are might quiet around here get him W's in the clear hold up on those chalks a minute Ben you stay sitting right where you are something don't smell right race I don't know yet stay inside Waco Bert is that you Bert take that stage out way CH can you see him get him out J get it up red and Hank follow me the rest of you keep blasting them [Music] leave the mail pouch help me with this [Music] hey yeah [Music] ow oh oh Uncle Ben you all right [Music] Jess [Music] Grace you wasted a ticket just rest easy you're going to be all right I'm going to miss the [Music] wet [Music] why didn't you take that coach out I couldn't pull out on you race this one's dead get some water Jess it's all right I can talk lucky they only hog tied you how many were there seven and all I couldn't do nothing race they comeing to me all of a sudden like did you know any of them never saw before my life race I heard one of them talking while I was lying under the coach I know I heard that voice someplace before what about the leader did you get a good look at him yeah the one they call Slater I seen him good Salah looking fell little Thin Mustache kind of a high quick way of talking that's it that's it race a guy with a red mustache he was the one talking a Charlie hat at the saloon what were they talking about he was asking about you and Charlie was bragging how important you were to the company race where you going we got to take the stage to Silver City that's your job do it this time but what are you going to do you don't need me now there four of them left B wants to know how many of the road agents got away four hold it there now no fast movements Please Mr Harker you don't want to spoil one of my finest bandaging Jobs first gunshot case we've had here in Silver City in 3 months Bish me so good I can hardly move at all an excess of zeal rare opportunity with the patient out cold and can't fight back how long is it going to take to heal doc well you've got a few bruises up and down your backside and a neat cut along the fourth rib there's nothing seriously wrong that a good meal won't cure Bowen wants to know about race Crim why isn't he here where is he now where he should be after the Outlaws how much do I owe you for the patchwork doc oh I'll send the bill to the company that way my conscience lets me charge more B wants you back in Red Rock off right away he says you can ride with a posi as far as Buffalo Gap can I eat first or do you have to Telegraph Bowen I don't think you realize how serious this thing is Harker I was in the right place to find out Mr Morrison I'm Tex rafy Tom's Deputy here you take the bay Morrison said you'd be riding with us to the Gap I'm staying all the way if it's all right with you Mr rafy ain't up to me didn't take you long getting here Tom long enough Tex you look better now I expected Jess I'm all right Tom Tri glad wasn't worse Bowen's kind of anxious to talk to you I'm not going back race is out there alone I'm staying with a posi guess that's up to you all ready start [Music] [Applause] [Music] moving [Music] looks like the pouch the gold was in sure we're in a hurry leaving that pouch on the trail like that yeah so are we [Music] all right boys let's [Music] go hey Tom over [Music] here never saw that one in Silver City hbert yeah he's one of them all right race must have seen him huh race seen him want to take him along no let's get after the live on come [Music] [Music] on here's where the they split up Zex you and your men take that left for rest every stay with me Rice go Tom [Music] [Applause] [Music] look [Music] oh [Music] get down you want to get killed must go he's right in that Bri right let's go in and get him stay where you are he can see us a lot better than we can see him keep down out of sight we're going to just sit here till he gets a m to come out Bert you circle around that side Cal you take the other get in behind that brush and started burning rest if you spread out and keep down he might come out shoot don't be sure so is you to use that shooting iron Jess you worried about his health no but he'll talk a lot better if he ain't dead I can spot him now let's get him down we already got enough killings against him you pick us all off Tom there's seven guns waiting for you out here fella unless you come out peaceful I'll be a about roasted now can't take much more of that I ain't armed come you still dog k seen all that smoke heard the shooting now we smoked out a live one one you missed here's two I didn't miss what are you going to do with him he's going to tell us where Slater is nice double crossing rattlesnake that Slater it's 4,000 in this pouch you carried but there was 27 ,000 stolen from the coach yeah Slater was smart picks a good spot for a hold up then lays out the trail so only one can get away the rest of you drawing the posy off while he escapes the other direction where was he headed just like Slater had it figured you die with your trap shut before making it easier on yourself wasting your [Applause] time where'd he go where where North toward the needl stone country plan to Hole up for a while where in that country I don't know he just said he was heading no you're liing no towards the needl stone wait it figures Slater could hold up in that country and not be found for months you won't be needing him anymore let's get on with it no race I'm taking him back to Red Rock for trial but why we got what we want out of him let's hang him makes sense get my rope boy stay where you are Jess got four votes against you the tender the two passengers and Uncle Ben now I'm taking you don't try it race hanging is the court job I'm holding them in jail till the judge gets to town maybe by then we'll have Slater too tie him on a horse how do you figure on getting it sitting in your office whistling out the window nobody can't hold up out there forever ever let him make the break then we'll go after him you do it your own way but I'm not waiting I'm going with you race no you're not Jess you're coming back to Red Rock with me stay here with him boy better go with him Jess race I can't figure it put P this into a onean war what's back of it seems like you're covering something yeah covering my own fool mistakes tipping Slater off about the gold I could you tip him off you never saw Slater before but he saw me shooting my big mouth off in Charlie Hat's bar Charlie figured something special was on Slater got it out of it well even saying that's true you couldn't have stopped them once they jumped you J could have what do you mean he wouldn't take the stage out and leave me and I should have figured it my mistakes killed Uncle Ben wakeo and now I'm going to get Slater I've been wondering Tom what if race really tried to take the prison you wouldn't have shot him would you plug a man like race to save an outlaw race is the best friend I've ever had he still figures he has a law on his holster he's got to learn different Jess Harker's here s a in there's 12,000 of it Mr Bowen Tom and me brought in one of the Outlaws with us race got two more of them there's just one left glad you finally decided to come back you don't look none the worse I'm as good as new Mr B not very good at obeying orders you were told to be back 2 days ago yes sir at least you brought in good excuse now what happened at Buffalo Gap I guess Morrison told you most of it I want you to fill in where he didn't when did you pull in 5:00 right on schedule and then the relay team was waiting out in front just like it ought have been but race thought that something didn't look right and told me to take the stage out then they started blasting you mean race had time to warn you well yes sir every stable boy every tener on this line knows his first duty is to protect the passengers you should have pulled out of the first sign of trouble without needing to be told you didn't have enough brains to even when race told you that had have been running out on him Mr Bowen you weren't hired to protect race stage driving is no job for a kid go get your pay at the cashier there father says spilling tears won't put the milk back in the bucket why don't you eat your supper and try to forget about it I tried to tell him I couldn't leave race but he wouldn't even listen to me just told me to get out that's all Kathy you see why I had to stay then you think I done wrong too sometimes it's awfully hard saying what's right or wrong well if you're right and Bowen's right then I killed those passengers everything that happened is my fault J it's my fault too I asked Grace to give you that job to stop you from leaving town so whatever happened I'm part of no one's part of it but me J what are we going to do I don't know Kathy I just don't know you busy Tom come on in sit down Jess suppose you heard Bowen threw me out quit feeling sorry for yourself Jess you made a bad mistake Bowen can't afford to give you a second chance you shouldn't expect him to I'm expecting nothing from him what do you want out of me my job maybe that'll give me a chance to make things right you refused to OB Bay race that right that's right he knew he was trying to protect the passengers in the stage and you wouldn't listen to him it was Race's job to stay when the trouble started and he stayed and it was Uncle Ben's he stayed too what was your job looking after the stage Bowen ordered you back to Red Rock where' you do I didn't go what I said I didn't go I I was wrong dead wrong you did what you wanted to do because you haven't grown up enough to know the meaning of responsibility how can you expect me to take a chance and been a badge on you all right Tom I was wrong everything I done was wrong I know it sick about it I thought maybe that you might give me the chance to make it up so I was wrong about that too Jas job you're taking on won't wear as easy as this tin badge you already made two mistakes don't make another say Tom can I ask you a question yeah don't think I'm complaining but how long you figure I'm sitting around here waiting for Slater to make that break so we can go out after him law Works kind of slow sometimes Jess it's like fishing nothing we can do except keep the hooks out and keep them baited sherff Davidson around I'm Tom Davon what can I do for you name's haa JM hor got a ranch up in the hills south of needl stone don't get to town much don't like people none what'd you come to town for this time might be I got information you could use but it ain't free how do I know it's worth anything till I know what it's about I ain't talking for nothing how much do you want I want to get paid for my time ain't coming all the way down from needl stone for nothing figure it's worth six bits fell stop by my PL place this morning walking said his animals died and put him a foot bought a horse and a bur said he was a prospector head for the Gold Country paid too much for him never argued about the price paid cash never knew a prospector with cash never knew when used a horse always walk lead their burs what' it look like clothes all right but not dirty enough no gold around there anyway did he have a Thin Mustache not a whisker our man would have shaved that off first thing was his skin kind of yellowish don't recollect so Rish Brown like berry stain backtracked him found where he'd been holed up in a cave no dead animals around no sign he'd had any you're sharp man Mr hoer you check which way he headed after he bought the animals not born yesterday nor the day before the horse I saw him was Shred with tone heel Clips easy to to follow tracks headed up Northeast toward Crow Mountain chased cows around it once old Indian Trail to other side of it cor screws North somewhere that's a good six bits worth Mr hoer figured it was the Gold Country starts back of that mountain Slater might head in there maybe work a claim it's a prospector he could ship all the gold he wants and no questions asked mighty used company coaches to ship it yeah you were sure right about baiting those hooks Tom well we got a bite now let's see if we can land [Applause] them just like you said shot with Towing and heel Clips going Northeast wait here decide the light is load knows he's being followed Maybe maybe you seen us coming up yeah us and someone else you guess it might be race Tom not much guess to it no wonder Slater acting so scared say you think he might have left the gold pots too he's not that [Applause] scared oh oh Tow and heel Clips better leave our horses here too he's in them rocks up there that you over there you're too late Tom I got Slater mous trapped up in those rocks and going up after him we're all going I want him alive well he ain't going to be that Legge dropped straight off into the lake you stay where you are Jess you cover the right side I'm going up the Middle where I can watch race and Slater both and Jess it's important one of them getch the Slater before race gets there so he doesn't finish him off let's go [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] get a all on [Applause] he's made the top hold it it don't shoot you got them stopped drop it sorry look around and see if you can find where he left the gold while we pick him up come on hey Cal Racing the sheriff's back they got the outlaw with them yeah that's Slater he killed Uncle Ben didn't he and wakeo too and and two others that rattlesnake Liv too long already let's get the other guny out of jail he don't look big enough he'll kill four of them he'll look big as stretch in a rope hey Tom I got a new rawh rope for him swing him both on the same tree waiting won't make them no CER let's get him inside dot handle him gently dot he's kind of stiff in the lake he'll be stiffer in the neck all right mister get out down real [Music] easy all right boys let's stand clear dod's got a sell waiting for him what do you need a sell for Tom all we needs limb of a tree go home to your wife Jake he'll hang when he stood trial he don't need no trial we know he done it to's a waste of time and money let's grab him and get moving shut up and listen to me all of you stop shooting off a lot of foolish talk there won't be any hanging in this town until a judge says so we ain't waiting for no Judge Tom this one didn't wait for Uncle Ben wo let's get a rope on hold it I ain't asking you to wait long the judge will be here in the morning and he get all the hanging you on Old Law belly holding Court here tomorrow tom didn't figure he was do in for 2 weeks I said he'd be here in the morning Josh and he'll be here now go home and eat your dinner that goes for the rest of you what do you say race Tom's doing it say Jess bring those poches inside I got them Tom rest of you better get to bed early some of you be called for jewy duty tomorrow coming in with us race you won't be needing me lucky thing that judge is coming tomorrow he isn't but I hope that'll keep him quiet till we get it oh do get right over to Ban's office and set on that Telegraph key and find the judge he may be in Sheran or Silver City tell him to get here right away before judge Lynch beats him to it oh DOD the take these pouches with you I don't think this would be a safe place for storing gold what can I do run up some grub and some extra blankets we'll be here for a while [Music] while would have saved a heap of trouble if you had have BR Slater back lying across his saddle Tom's doing it his way sure feeding them keeping them warm real tender Charlie most good enough to serve them jail Birds they wouldn't be swallowing a good if he done be order jury try and ain't sure anyways man's guilty court gets him messes up things with lawyer talk maybe he bails out free yeah like that fell in Montana last year why are we sitting here waiting there's enough of us here to take care of him now I've got as much reason as any man in town for want them hung Tom said the judge will be here in the morning we're [Music] waiting Morrison said the judge hasn't come to Silver City yet haven't heard a thing from him we try a [Music] sh who is it open up it's me Jeff Riley Kathy wanted to be sure we wouldn't be starved out how things around town quiet except for that crowd over at hat Saloon drowning their feelings I guess you think they'll stay there the whiskey don't run them out of talk looks like you're getting ready for more and talk taking no chances folks will be a little Restless come morning especially if that judge is a little late getting here you think do is reaching them all right I stopped thinking just hoping the judge says he's got a trial to finish in sharidan tomorrow doesn't see how I can do it well he's got to do it Luke you think it'll do any good to get Tom over here might sound a little stronger coming from him yeah be worth a try keep him on the wire who's there it's me bone I got to talk to you [Music] Tom ra the judge ain't coming who says he ain't I heard it I was right there by the telegraph Bowen's gone after Tom kind of different from what Tom said what are you going to do race let him sit there till old law belly gets around the coming I've sat here as long as I'm going to what about you race let's go get him appears like I had Tom figured all wrong Charlie start turning off them lamps you better hurry Tom I'll be leaving you alone here for a few minutes Jess lights are out in Charlie Hat's place and everything's pretty quiet I want to be across the street if anything Happ happens I can get right back you're in charge now Jess keep everything locked up and don't let anybody in so tell judge web I say either he gets here tomorrow there won't be any prisoners left to try the judge says he's leaving for Red Rock tonight thanks for the use of the wire Loop right don't reach Tom now it's my turn I'm telling you I had the judge on a telegraph myself he's on his way here now ho in there Jess is in there alone race you're putting him right in the middle between a bloodthirsty mob and a prisoners Jess won't be in it at all kid'll see it my way don't count on that Jess is working for me now he's working for bow at Buffalo Gap he stuck with me then tonight it be no different stick this in his mouth just save your dry slip any nuts for [Music] oh open up Jess I'm taking over hurry up and open the door no race the door stand closed now don't be a fool son we're coming in after him just open up the door and Skip and you'll be out of it the laws got these prisoners race tell them to go back no use waiting on him race come on let's bust our way in come on out son Tom and Dot ain't coming back you're all alone there ain't no need for you to mix in this now unlock that door like I say Tom left me in charge the judge will be back by morning tell him to wait till L race the judge ain't coming Tom lied to us and you know it where are your brains boy you you got no call to stand up for that pair of killers was your coach and your passengers he ain't coming out race Talk's wasting time I ain't asking you again Jess are you coming out I can't I got to stay let's cut the talk let's smash it in knock the door down come on let's our way [Applause] in don't look like nothing stop Mr borne I'll tell them how bad it'll get we better get ready to move that gold out of here get my saddle bags get back from the door son so you don't get hurt get us out of here kid you got us trapped that way won't do it use the axes come on don't let him bust through kid open these cell doors or they kill us like rats give us some guns so we have a [Applause] chance Mr Bowen Mr Bowen put it away son you've done everything Tom could expect R stop they come any closer I got to shoot well this is me boy race you can't shoot me get the cell key off you rce give me the key Jess no race please go back race rce why didn't you stop all right boys we got four guns behind you just stay where you are nobody will get hurt Jake get the [Applause] doctor better start moving boys is the only thing you could do Jess he wouldn't stop Tom kept coming forward he left you no choice I'd have done the same you sure never know what a kids got inside of them come in are you gone without even seeing me didn't think you'd want to see me after what I did nobody would what you did what was right just after lynching it's no use Kathy I can't stay around here any longer I got to go away then I'll go with you traving and a guest you might be think you ought to go in and see race before you leave just can't do it Tom you did something much harder at the [Applause] jail hello Jess you going to be all right race you never seen a good messenger die in bed you cut it might close boy I wasn't trying to cut a close race I was trying to stop you any way I could then I guess I'm lucky you can drive a stage coach straight and you shoot he didn't teach me shooting you mind if I rest a while boy I feel a might tired sure race got ticket man' drivers wies travel on pastes only on the honeymoon goodbye D goodbye hey Jess you forgot something ready to roll Chief kick him off [Music] Jess [Music] all things change for this is Nature's plan he went to sleep a boy awoke a man [Music] me
Channel: VLG Cinema
Views: 1,217,514
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Keywords: best western movies, classic western movies, cowboy movies, free western movies, full movie, movies, western, western feature films, western movie, western movies, western movies full length, western movies full length free
Id: wKxiguwA0Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 25sec (4345 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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