Cajun Cheeseburger Dogs with Bruce Mitchell | Blackstone Griddle

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hey y'all know me and y'all know i like to mix it up i like to play with my food a lot we're gonna make some cajun cheeseburger dogs that's what i said cajun cheeseburger dog y'all this is gonna be super good uh a lot of times people can't make up their mind want a hamburger or a hot dog we're gonna do them both all in one [Music] [Music] tonight you're cooking with the alligator man [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right y'all we're gonna be doing tater tots not french fries tater tots on the airfryer now i've been preheating this about 5-10 minutes on my uh airfryer so what i'm going to do is get over here and i'm going to spray a little spray in here and i'm going to get my handy-dandy knife and open these up we're gonna dump some of these straight in here look at that look at that we got our tater tots going we're gonna stick them in here now i've been preheating this thing about 10-15 minutes probably medium medium heat and uh we're ready to go on that so let's get over here and see if we can make us some hamburger stuff up don't worry about that y'all i'm not we're gonna get over here and open this hamburger meat up all right got that open i'm gonna try this saran wrap last time i used something different it worked all right me and this stuff fight every time i use it yep we fixed it right now fixing to fight all right this works it works if you don't do something else we're gonna get our hot dogs cut them out of here little you let the dogs out i did first thing we're gonna do get that old hot dog out there we're gonna get a piece of cheese well we better get we're getting ahead of myself y'all we really need to get the hamburger meat on here so we're gonna dump about half of it right there now i got the hamburger meat on here we're gonna kind of flatten it out now i'm gonna have to trim it up some y'all that's all right perfect i mean you can use any kind of cheese you want i like american i like the way it melts oh first thing we got to do is season it up some you got to put a little seasoning on your meat so we got some of this bayou blend right here i'm just going to doctor it up just a little bit and then whisk your shares risky shy wishes this stuff come out of this bottle that's what i'm putting on here just doing a little bit of it don't hold a lot and last time i sticked it on there and pat it around a little bit make sure it's all in there good yep put that old hot dog right there wrap the cheese around it y'all it'll fit trust me now this is the kind of hard part right here the first step getting that first little round going in there and once you get that going you got it you got it okay and like i told you a while ago we're gonna have to trim this up a little bit but while we're trimming it up we're gonna go ahead and light our black stone up and get it warming up i'm gonna start it out on high well it's been it's kind of warm already so we're gonna go down about medium heat on this right here okay next we're gonna get a little bit of oil gotta have oil what we're gonna do is spread it around i just like olive oil it's uh to me i use it on my griddles a lot it don't gum up like a lot of your uh vegetable oils will gum up this don't okay y'all we got some oil down there let's sit back down here and i'm gonna show you all some more stuff with this i'm gonna uh go ahead and trim this right here a little bit okay go ahead and roll it the rest of the way look at there and smash the ends together a little bit not much just a little all right i'm gonna get some of this bayou blend right here it's child proof i don't know if i can get it open yeah there we go we're gonna go ahead and put a little bit of this on it oh yeah all around y'all all around kind of pack it together make sure it's all the ends and stuff look at that is that pretty what we're gonna set it right here let's start cooking we got our tater tots over here we're going to shake them up a little bit oh yeah yeah they don't do give them a little shake here we like them crispy all right y'all i'ma turn this over to the side and mix it in together just like that gotta turn these every once while just turn them a little bit all right we gotta get another one of these hot dogs out of here we're gonna put a little bayou blend on here a little whiskey share sauce whiskey sheer whiskey shower put it on and get her done first thing we're gonna get a couple pieces of cheese i always say the first thing is we on the tenth thing not the first okay we're gonna put the cheese right there we'll get two pieces of cheese this is going to be a double i mean you can put anything you want in here this is just what i'm doing because this is what i like you don't have to like what i got but it's a good way to start off i guarantee you that now watch how we turn this slightly turn it look at there almost looks like i know what i'm doing on and what we're going to do we're going to cut this trim it up just a little bit a little bit of meat left over right there and if it breaks a little bit it ain't no biggie what we're going to do is eat it that's it all right all right y'all we're going we're going to tighten it up a little bit with a little more of this value in all right look up there so basically what we're doing here is cooking the hamburger meat so we're just going to slowly turn it while we're waiting on that we got a bomb warmer right here or a heater box on the end here these first two are for ours we're gonna shake the tater tots a little bit but we're gonna take a couple of these buns stick them in the fryer airfryer right here this is just a warming tree right here so you put your buns in here just like that that way when these things are ready we just flip the buns out got a nice warm bun i'm gonna see you on about two or three minutes when these are ready we're gonna get back over here and plate them up and eat them all right y'all first thing we're gonna get over here these are just about ready y'all so we're gonna cut the fire off just totally off okay over here we're gonna check on our tops look at there that thing is nice and crispy ready to go i'm gonna leave them in here to warm them up speaking of warming up our buns are right here oh yeah we're gonna let you sit just a second and we'll go we're gonna make a special sauce okay y'all come over here it's really good starts out with ketchup and i like a lot of it then we like crystal crystal got nothing but good flavors in it it's not really hot now you can put as much of this as you want i put it like this a lot of time i would add a little bit just a little bit of whiskey share okay just a little bit of that you don't want a lot now you can dip them with your tater tots or put some on your burger even when you want but it is delicious that's some good stuff there y'all let me get my blinds oh yeah nice and warm look at there put them right here look at that nothing but goodness y'all can't do it that way i'm gonna have to grab my thongs or tongs i say it wrong all the time look at this oh my goodness i'm gonna put this one on this plate so i'm not tempted to eat both of them well okay next thing we're going to grito here pull out our tater tots probably put a few on the side right here look at that let me move this over a little bit more tater tots here and this is for the one that can't make up their mind whether they want a hot dog or a hamburger you get the best of both worlds here so you don't have to choose look at this ain't that beautiful i'll tell you what we're gonna do here let's see if we can get it cut look at there oh my goodness i mean this is just got to be tried all right that's something about cooking you know mix it up a little bit do different things try different stuff y'all gotta try the sauce here simple to make i made this years ago my kids loved it i loved it and if you make it you'll like it too so give it a shot [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Blackstone Griddles
Views: 246,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackstone griddle recipes, how to cook on blackstone griddle, how to use blackstone griddle, griddle recipes, flat top recipes, blackstone griddle cooking, griddle cooking, flat top cooking, outdoor cooking, flat top griddle, blackstone, blackstone griddle, Black Stone, Blackstone Recipes
Id: n6u1aCJIAjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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