Bruce Mitchell's Cajun Fried Rice | Blackstone Griddles

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hey y'all I'm fixing to show you how to make something real easy real fun and real good to eat sometime when you get out of swamp at night and you ain't got time to cook because you've been catching turtles frogs snakes and alligators let me show you how to do this we're going to call this cajun fried rice [Music] hey y'all the first thing we need to do is cut up our vegetables I'm gonna start with the pepper we call this the Cajun Trinity because you got pepper onion and celery we got some extra stuff today I'll show y'all a minute but I like squeezing this whole pepper up a little bit like that then we're gonna cut it right there break it okay see how I did that and that makes us pop out you don't want to eat this that's that's definitely good okay we're going to slice this up real small and a little and Tiny and it don't really make no difference if it's green blue yellow uh red uh we got got red today but look how look at that y'all I like to cut my vegetables real small the reason I do that because my kids would not eat vegetables if they've seen it so I found over the years you cut it up real small cook it down good they won't even know it's in there I'm gonna cut this off y'all and uh what we used to do when I was a kid my grandma would not throw this away like we're fixing to do she would put that in the refrigerator everything she would throw in the refrigerator at the end of the week she would pull it out and uh once you pulled it out she would ball it down and make her stock out of that and she let us throw it in the bucket of the boiling water and she'd she took a stock all day you know of course you have wood stove so you just put it on a wood stove and slow cook it all day you know ain't this pretty y'all oh now that is what you call a Holy Trinity let me show you what we're going to do with that come on over here first thing I'm going to throw a little all down on here all right gotta have all cooked with I'm gonna turn this up on high I'm in it get the oil heated up cooking for one two people's fun but hey when you got this much space you got your 36 inch griddle you could throw down on that y'all watch this okay we're gonna turn this side up on high you're just gonna drop it off just like it is let it sit a while we're gonna grab these crawfish I got some all over here and start cooking them crawfish down got shrimp fill your shrimp down we're gonna get all this stuff cooking together y'all let me throw this out a little bit all right y'all we got some okra right here we're not going to use a lot of okra we're gonna use some all right we'll get it right here let's go a little line of it up oh yeah I like to cook everything separate I got my meat over here I got my we missing meat where'd it go oh we got sausage y'all while that's simmering down I'm gonna cut this sausage up got some good smoked sausage here y'all look at there got to cut cut this up mmm this is just regular smoked sauce but you can use andouille um just whatever you want sausage is always good sausage is one of my favorites because ever sausage is made different you got family and friends coming over it don't take long to whip this hook and you could cook for a lot of people or just a little bit but we always cook for a lot and uh anyway you always got something left over for tomorrow all right y'all come on over here we're gonna throw this up come here well it's a breezy day look at my sausage almost blow it away okay we're gonna fry this down come into this shrimp I like to look look at it separately you know what I mean how everything got its own little spot and the shrimp are basically cooked we're gonna turn these trophies over to the other side we're gonna hit this with a little bit of water steam it up the main thing you got to throw in here some Louisiana crawfish got to have Louisiana crawfish all right we're gonna let these cook down about time we can mix all this up now where's my seasoning at oh here it is got it all right y'all we're gonna juice this up a little bit I'm taking the whole top off I'm gonna hit it with a little more water the water steams it up makes you break break your vegetables down and your meat plus it gets your seasoning all melted together now watch this y'all I'm fixing a put some blend this all in together and it's uh look at that okra in there okay we're going to mix these meats together now right before you mix your meat together y'all notice I seasoned it okay see all this when you do this that's all good stuff popping up out of there see all that good stuff look at that that's seasoned whoop getting something y'all get you some butter right here I'm gonna drop half over here in half right there oh that's a lot of butter y'all but it's gonna be good I know it ain't diet butter but hey nobody knows it okay all that butter is starting to melt up y'all all right y'all we're gonna blend this together a little bit now I got it over here it ain't gonna be long we're gonna be adding our rice over here you can cook your own rice but I didn't have time today so I got just Uncle Ben's and it's already cooked and all you do is dump it now look look at that jumping off the griddle y'all we're gonna throw a little water on top of this look at there [Applause] okay once y'all get to this point this rice is already cooked next thing I'm going to do I'm gonna throw a little garlic on this side or a lot of garlic I like garlic now we're fixing to put some sesame oil on here a little bit of this goes a long ways and we're gonna get our soy sauce got the soy [Applause] juice up this rice a little bit it's going to change the color of the rice a little bit it's going to make a lot of good flavors in that rice we'll mix this up a little bit now we're gonna mix the whole thing first I want to mix this a little bit because I got my garlic cooking in there look at that yo oh the smell is good that's a po boy there you talking about a po boy but okay that's another day watch this y'all go mix all this in here see all the stuff stuck and stuff right here that's flavor support your little go around the water in there rake it all to you rake it all to you that's your flavor y'all that is the flavor you want that that's good stuff oh look at that look at that that'll make you a fight somebody for this hi y'all we can show y'all something else yeah get you some egg come over here and watch it okay y'all y'all get these eggs cooking like this watch this it's got some mirror dust around like this y'all ever want to just tear up an egg that's what I just did I tore that thing up okay I'm gonna kind of fold these up like this flip them like this let them stay here just a second oh I know I'm making racket but that's all right chop them up chop them up fine go that way go back the other way what are we making a little bitty piece of egg okay we'll take these eggs drop that in here oh yeah something's still missing y'all something is missing looks good but we ain't true yet more here got our green onion first thing you do cut the ends of them off grandma would take the ends of these and she'd replant them because she had a big bucket outside she planted it all up green onions in chopped these up good you don't put these at the beginning because you put them when you first start cooking with this they're going to turn brown ain't gonna look good bring onions give it a good flavor plus they add a little color to it all right y'all come on over here drop that on top right there mix it in a little more all right y'all we're going to top it off with some of these sesame seeds I like to eat I like the little crunch you put in it makes it pretty it's pretty that way yeah look at that that's a lot let me get a plate that's what we need I'm gonna set that right there is that pretty y'all you talking about good good fast easy it's cheap to make uh you can make a lot to feed a lot of people look at this get your egg in there all your vegetables your shrimp the nice thing about fried rice is you can make it the way you want it and the good thing about it tomorrow it's even better once it sits in the refrigerator overnight you eat it tomorrow for lunch oh my goodness all the flavors and stuff go through it brother super good good meal for leftovers [Music]
Channel: Blackstone Griddles
Views: 43,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackstone griddle recipes, how to cook on blackstone griddle, how to use blackstone griddle, griddle recipes, flat top recipes, blackstone griddle cooking, griddle cooking, flat top cooking, outdoor cooking, flat top griddle, blackstone, blackstone griddle, Black Stone, Blackstone Recipes
Id: VIAfQ7oTc3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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