So I Automated 94.7% of ALL ITEMS in Satisfactory Update 5

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hello everyone i'm kibbits and welcome back to satisfactory where last time we got started on our main base here i'm working on a ton of the design and belting in all the items we need to process literally everything in the game because in order to really move in here we need to process everything we need for our storage room which is literally everything pretty much so that's what we're gonna do and hopefully without losing my mind so if you're excited for this remember to leave a like but here's the situation downstairs we have a train track and a train station and then from this floor to that floor which is our storage room we have to turn all the raw materials in the game into everything we are essentially beating the whole game save for space elevator parts within this space today just with the added convenience of having a project train over here bringing in a ton of materials and then we have a truck bringing in cool keterium copper and iron ingots and because of those conveniences the only things we had to go ahead and grab ourselves was a little bit of quartz from the swamp over there and we just need to quickly bridge on over so zupin where's open excellent and now with a little extra organization we can see what's going on all the stuff we need including some aluminum stuff batteries quartz fuel and the rubber and plastic here's the thing we don't care about efficiency rates with this whole build though we're gonna be making turbo motors today trust me we will but we don't care how many so that's the thing we just are trying to supply our storage room so if we're making you know 0.5 supercomputers per minute that's kind of fine if we're making 0.1 turbo motors per minute okay it's fine how often do we use turbo modems not a lot how often are we building with super computers not often so give it enough time so long as this is running we will have a bin full of whatever we need so the real interesting thing with this whole project is distributing items appropriately because for sure we're gonna need iron plates and iron rods copper sheets and all that kind of jazz out the hua zoo because they're used for everything else and of course there's the whole space imitation stuff so there's those two things and i want everything to look incredible i want there to be walkways i want things to make sense supports lights prettiness abundant because it's our main base and this is our big project we're gonna live here want our house to look nice so with all that being said what do we work on first i think it's pretty obvious we have coal here and we have iron here let's deal with the steel as if we get that out of the way now we won't have to bring a coal belt all up into the next phases of this project and that will get annoying really really quick actually we're gonna need a couple more of these guys let's build like five better okay and then the front of the build here we have these pillars and that's gonna be all what's blocking these machines from the outside it's not when we're flying into the base we get to see all the machines and whatnot in the guts of the base working and layout wise if we have all the steel being made here the main things we really just do with steel is turn them into pipes and steel beams so i don't know how the items will get out of here yet but i know we're gonna want a lot of storage for steel that's our main saving grace with the whole project is we're gonna have backup storage for everything everywhere cyrus supply doesn't run out but man that looks hideous okay much better we might move that around too a lot of stuff might be moved around i'm just trying to get the layout of everything right now so if we have all the steel being made there gets stored there makes sense that the machines that will be making the steel pipes will be out this way how many do we need probably a lot but we're gonna start with three yeah cause we're not really making a lot of steel right we can just do this that way we can easily put a splitter right up in front here to stuff it into the import here connect the tiny belt that belt this belt and steel beams are done and if we find out later in the project we need more we just power shard these next up walkability we want to be able to walk through everything of course to see what's going on we don't want to jetpack over all this nonsense all the time right so let's have some pass zupin around this will be good so we can monitor that stuff we should have another path going to the right here because we want to check on the bins the pins are mission critical they're bringing all the items in for our base so we want to have a close eye on them so this will go up this way and then yeah we could build a pathway over to them a little bit something like this so we could just run over click on the bin and be like yo rubber bin gotcha look over this way see the inputs are running well be happy there and everything will be good and that will just go to the wall and generally now that's gonna be our layout so let's get to the belts how are we gonna handle the belts can we clip them just past the other machines uh technically yes but that also looks very cursed it would look better can we bring the belts up to where though um wait it's time for beams back when update 5 came out i was so hyped about beams because we could put belts on them and it would look really cool if they're crisscrossing everywhere but we can also put mergers on the beams so let's do that here and then that deals with the steel just bring that up bring it over what bring it over and we're good except there's kind of that thing going on there see that thing i don't know if we can stop that the beams kind of like to snap to certain parts of the wall and even if we go like a layer higher with them then we're just gonna have the opposite problem where that little uh dip goes up to this instead well now that we're up one let's see if this lines up this time and it doesn't all right cool we can survive with this it'll look really cool from this angle anyway because we won't really see the other side and if we have these just kind of balancing on here we gotta change this maybe we'll have two beams on other side and that looks like they're holding them up maybe or maybe we could have some stuff coming from the ceiling of the next floor coming down it looks like it's holding it up in the sky and we don't have any beams down here at all maybe possibly who knows but you know this is not what i expected so i moved the beam on top of the merger snow so it's all like a big bracket holding them up in the sky and because we have like the belts on the bottom that's going to have all the steel ingots it kind of makes sense it's looks secure right kind of totally right also have some new pathways up here so we can monitor make sure everything's running properly and then when we get over this way i redesigned it a lot because we have all the steel coming up this way why have the bins downstairs the bins are now upstairs so we're gonna store tons and tons and tons of steel then where the bins were that's where the production has been moved so the steel pipes are gonna be made here go up again stored and then go off to the races well right now just to an awesome sink but later on up to the next production line same with the steel beams they're going to go through the same process though i'm thinking of mixing belts here like we'd have the steel beams and the steel pipes on one belt because we're gonna have like every item in the game being made here so we're gonna have so many pull-ups going everywhere it's gonna be a little crazy so i'm thinking of doing this but we might switch it up we do have smart splitters nowadays so later up in the production chain we can split it all up like having the steel beams and steel pipes going wherever else but there are a lot of opportunities for that stuff to get packed up still so then we'd need a lot of awesome sinks and i don't know if we have the room for that especially once we start going to the next floor though i've always wanted to make a sushi belt with like a ton of different items on it i don't know if today's the day we'll see maybe maybe got a lot more to do though we have copper stuff we have iron stuff let's quickly do it shouldn't be too difficult we'll do some copper stuff over here probably the wire yes just make copper wire why not then on this wall we'll do the iron stuff specifically iron plates we're gonna need so many iron plates i burn through iron plates like it's nobody's business and the outputs from these machines will just go directly to the next floor oh we don't even have to build a special wall but that looks really bad so i'll move those around now looking around here a little bit more we have so much space in the air we need more floors should this floor come out probably do something with that and then over here where we're going to make the wire we want to make copper sheets let's just make more machines on top so we can be space efficient that should look pretty cool you know what look even better what if we just got rid of all the walls here made some kind of like open concept machine design that would be cool let's go for you you you sure you as well and by the next floor we'll have the little cubby dug out we'll just bring up the items with a conveyor lift or something and then after that we'll zoom in stuff like this and the wall will continue up as planned and doing stuff like this will add a ton of detail like we'll get to see some machines from the outside running not just from the front that'll be awesome i also tried to do something like that with the awesome sink see it was kind of clipped into the wall much so we can have this antenna on the outside it's just these little things that will stack up throughout the entire build which will make it a lot more interesting and speaking of going up the materials we're making down on this first floor do have to go up to our storage room like at least a portion of them right like we're gonna need steel pipes to make heavy mods their frames but we also need them to you know build with so we're gonna have to have lots of item elevators around fortunately if you haven't seen one of the previous episodes there's this really cool trick nowadays you can use to easily make compact item elevators so if you go from a floor hole and then have a conveyor lift go up and then look at a floor hole that's up above the conveyor lift has an infinite distance so in one tile you can conveniently make nine conveyor lists just to like this and then underneath you just stack them down like so and you're good to go i will say if you're making these though make the first row of three i don't know first and then go to the next row of three because the hitboxes can get pretty finicky doing this but overall it's really not too bad and we can have all of these on the outside of the building with the belts facing to the world and we can see everything going on that's gonna be really fun and with this built we are ready to scoot to the next floor quick couple things though i made the silica and the quartz crystals downstairs and i'm transporting some of those up to the storage room and then also down here i just fixed it up a little bit to make it look a little better and also we're not going to be doing the whole sushi belt thing decided against it because i saw way too many issues going forward and we don't have enough space but next floor time close that up i'll add in the lights later we got lots to do got the iron plates over there brought those all up we have rubber that's just from the downstairs storage copper sheets wire quartz crystals and that's it for now so what do we got to make well everything else in the game but as we did with the last floor let's start this lure with organization and something i unintentionally kind of designed downstairs was the pattern we're going to be using as we move through all of these factory floors and that is dividing each one into four quadrants so i have a space over there probably for logistics a production area here here and then one up front that will be more so decorative though i have no idea what we're gonna do for the decorative kind of design i do know that over here we need to make some of the basics still we need lots of quick wire number one and yeah we could probably fit in like three machines here and we're going to be using the alternate that uses some copper fused quick wire which kind of sucks because it uses a lot of copper ingots but later on we're going to need to make high-speed connectors and high-speed connectors just consume all quick wire so we need this more efficient recipe and almost certainly we're gonna have to overclock these i could only imagine anyway that's really important next up we're going to need some reinforced iron plates on the next floor we'll probably end up doing what are they called the modular frames and the heavy modular frames i'm considering making the modular frames on this floor but i don't know if we'll have enough space like this is going to be our mean production zone it's looking like then something decorative still don't know what else could we do instead of modular frames oh we have the steel we could get that all dealt with let's do that let's deal with the rotors which just use the steel pipes and wire and then the stators which use the exact same materials so that's super convenient now honestly we're just gonna have to embrace chaos that's that's it just the belt spaghett is gonna get real now every item in the game this amount of space items flying everywhere yeah i don't think this is gonna look very pretty so we're just gonna try and make it work oh no wait wait wait wait i've made a blender a catastrophic blender we have to make all of the items in the game here right did you spot what we're missing hmm did you spot it do you see what is not to be seen that's right that would be concrete we have no limestone here i forgot i just forgot it i just forgot it because i realized what we're going to put up in front of this floor here we're going to make increased industrial beams it'd be perfect because we want to do the heavy modular frames upstairs and they need them so we just have a bunch of machines up here but who cares if we can't make them because we don't have concrete oh no here we go again it's time to scan for limestone and see how far away it is so our base is way off in the corner here of the world there's not a lot of resources here i'm gonna be frank ah so we have concrete 700 meters away 1000 meters and 825 great well clearly we go for the closest one right and of course it's in the swamp but wait a second here wait a second past kibbs are you the hero we needed is that a limestone node and i hooked it up too it's coming this way past kids there's no way oh there is a way i did bring it i just forgot to hook it up to the building which is now half full of a million machines that's fine i'm ready i'm ready to embrace the chaos we're gonna have belts going every which way and it will end up looking incredible i guarantee it will be absolute headache absolutely but it'll be worth it i lied it wasn't worth it this was such a pain but i couldn't believe it our entire first floor here is being compacted to the huazu whatever that's supposed to mean and i had to move around pretty much everything to get this belt going through everything ducking weaving turning and then finally i got it to a bin then that bin had to go up this way where i'm going to be adding in a new item elevator because of just there's just so much going on to go up here and then from up here it goes to these constructors which make the concrete but you see that was after i had had to do this which was absolutely everyone it was really annoying it was really annoying i had to move like half of these belts around and that no [Music] it's already a little busy a little little bit going on here a little crazy oh crazy guys but they're all together now it's great everything's fine we're belting stuff oh my gosh rotors stators quick wire reinforced iron plates and finally the encased industrial beams all being put together all will be good try to include some beams as well and i just use them for power here this time because the items are just gonna go upstairs through the floor and into some manufacturers for round three we're gonna get started with all of these things yep cable forgot to do that on the first floor whoops along with screws because technically we need them and then these other things we're just gonna produce similar to what we did on the bottom floor we're in we're going to take this area here we're going to stuff it with assemblers and go through the spaghet again the cool thing on this floor is that we're going to be making some manufacturers here at the front to make things a little bit different a little interesting and i brought all this stuff here so we could make a floor up top and how the manufacturer sitting here so from the front when we're flying in we can see a little sandwich floor with some stuff going on that'll look pretty cool also considering heavy mods their frames need a billion different items to be crafted that also gives us a ton of options for belting things in here because what do we need lots of stuff where are they there they are uh which one are we using not screws this one so we need modular frames encased industrial beams steel pipes and concrete well a lot of that stuff is on the floor below so i'll bring that up and then yeah the steel beams or encased industrial beams pardon me right there so we can bring them on out have a little splitty boy ready to go and stuff will go this way i can't believe that worked and stuff will go that way to manufacturers there and as for the rest of the floor absolute and utter chaos yeah belt work no oh gosh everything just keeps getting crazier and crazier and the belt work just keeps going everywhere because oh man i brought all these items up from the previous floor because i knew we're gonna be making like modular frames and stuff right of course but then it's like wait a second these things also need to go up to the storage room and i didn't really plan for that so now there's just belts going everywhere you look outside on one of these walls and it's getting a little crazy trying to like get places to things and stuff to wear exactly that sentence that's my mind right now but we did get a lot of stuff done it's looking a little weird though i don't really like how this looks but i'll probably fix it in the future after some humming and hawing i'm just happy to get a lot of this done like the motors mission critical modular frames for the heavy modular frames good to go then all the extra things were put together as well and yes including screws we have screws you know what else i forgot though iron rods just completely forgot to make them so i just decided to make them here as well why not there they go up to the storage room we're good late and i actually we're not good all of these floors were the easy mode parts now we're out of space that is the storage room this is the floor we still have a lot to create and they're all the most complicated things high speed connectors crystal oscillators computers radio control units turbo motors and super computers on this base along with a beltwork and to be blatantly honest i don't think we're gonna be able to make this work i'm gonna try but it's not gonna look pretty i can tell you that the main thing is fitting in all the manufacturers let's see if we can space them out properly at least right so we'll have one there we'll have another here then we need two more for turbo motors and super computers and then for the computer and crystal oscillator uh recipes we're gonna be using manufacturers for those as well so somehow we'll fit them in up here maybe i'll raise them on a platform yeah we're going to be using probably this recipe the keterium computer just because it's convenient because we have the quick wire like right downstairs well everything's right downstairs technically including circuit boards by the way so that's fine and then beside we'll have crystal oscillators and we'll just use this recipe for that too and now wish me the best of luck as i try to make this horrific nightmare a reality so against all odds i actually did it it is put together it's not the prettiest thing in the world by no means but technically speaking things go to the right places and we're gonna be able to make all the items in the game yep yeah yeah you see this is why i pooped it i don't even know how to explain this okay there's just so much going everywhere but finally everything ends up against this small and we'll go up to storage and we are done yes that needs to go up as well there's a lot that still needs to happen here okay but the main thing is we need to turn it all on you may have noticed all of the empty belts because none of this has been tested all of it could break immediately i have no idea in fact it almost certainly will which is why we're going to do this together because i need your guys's support here okay okay so i just have a test amount of stuff in all these bins so if we have to delete a bunch of lines to clear them it's not the end of the world yeah enough enough let's get it done vegan machines come to life all right everything is lined up to connect properly to where it needs to go at least if it needs to go somewhere except for the quartz i forgot to bring that somewhere whoops let's bring that to there where is the court supposed to go cubs what have you done you've left it out in the cold please give it a home it wants a home you know what no i have to do this now that's what to say let's just check on everything else but no we have to do this right now we need this we need the quartz for all the other future things i'll make it look pretty later dot tm come on down and around it's time to explore why is that not moving anywhere i don't know is this moving yes iron plate machines they're working of course stage one looking all right all right all right all right we have steel silica on the move good steel machines operational coal where it needs to be everything else where it needs to be concrete moving grooving let's check out the next floor upstairs what do we got going on up here not a lot why stuff is still being processed fair enough we have some copper sheets there we're waiting on wire okay a little bit of steel fair enough doesn't matter the speed of things we just need them to work so far no wire what's going on with the wire the wire is over there wires what is going on with the wire is it even going to this area of the build did i not bring it over what is this what is this i don't remember what is this is this an output oh that's encased industrial beams yes okay so where's the input for this how does wire get here copper sheet nice copper sheet here though you don't even need copper sheets here oh no the problems begin stop stop stop but but wait no check on other things first and then yeah we'll see what other mistakes are there will be more oh i mislabeled these two past kibbs wait that means that's an easy fix that just has to go to there and that just has to go to there yes obviously the lines won't be clipping like that later on i'll solve it all right though with that issue fixed things should be moving yes yeah we got iron plates being made i use this recipe because i just want a lot of them how is this going fantastic easily overclocked if need be and there we go now we have the rotors and the stators being made slowly but surely very good and this floor is processing things yes not seeing a lot of movement that's because a lot of stuff is needed okay maybe we overclock the steel stuff a lot noted here you go make the ingots make them quick same with you steel pipes you are mission critical here there we go finally seeing some movement and then the next floor why is there steel ingots here [Music] i chose the way of chaos chaos has become me okay at least that's working this is working circuit boards are being made ah no wonder we never had any steel but now another problem has been found and fixed however weird thing with storage containers uh the bottom exit distributes more items than the top one like you'll notice like all these steel pipes are going down there yeah i don't know why it is so we're just gonna build one of these you see like sometimes like stuff goes to the top one but not usually so we do that this quirk with the bins is actually quite handy though trust me it's a good thing but we want things to distribute evenly right now and it looks like the next step is technically working just very very very slowly so let's speed it along and check on the next floor where things have absolutely certainly gone wrong to a horrific degree oh but one machine's working hope radio control units all right oh and also there we go crystal oscillators computers they're working too yeah because that one already had a computer and oscillator right so we're doing it the ai limiters are being made on the floor below so that's working good turbo motors soon from this machine we're gonna go and have some of those go to the turbo motors yes i just saw one go in good the control rods are being made on the floor below as well and then motors keep an eye on that but right over here this is working too we have automated super computers only thing to check on is the motors but you know what i don't think we even have to as we already know the problem there is going to be steel steel pipes for everything so i just have to go around i have to upgrade those systems and we'll be fine and bizarrely that means we've also pretty much beaten the entire game we have automated everything pretty much so everything from our storage room is automated or being brought in via a train so we are pretty much good to go but of course it's not going to be that easy right of course not because somehow now i have to bring all the items from below and belt them into the storage room and considering how crazy things have already got that is going to be a tall order and that seems like a future kids problem and i'll save it for next time so i hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for watching but have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 198,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory, satisfactory drones, satisfactory plutonium, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory nuclear, satisfactory new update, satisfactory update, satisfactory tips, satisfactory how to, satisfactory let's play, satisfactory tier 8, satisfactory experimental, kibitz, satisfactory game, satisfactory update 5, satisfactory nuclear power, satisfactory nuclear waste
Id: MD3gW0D3oI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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