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bad play games sitting here collecting materials thinking I would go and build a Nexus over by where the coolant is but now I'm kind of thinking I should bring the quartz here because running a belt is something I could do easily whereas running a Quantum cable all that way is not something I'm set up to do just quite yet the the cost of uh let's see if I can show you yeah the cost of like these just the cables and the effects it poles these these poles alone that one stabilized Quantum Crystal it requires is going to be really cost prohibitive I think is there even any water over by my quartz where is the quartz exactly cryolite I should say not quartz let me check this real quick and this will give us the answer to my consideration right now there so there's water here except this is way above it I wonder if we can get enough water from right there how much do I need for coolant I guess is the question 90 per minute oh my gosh can I put a water extractor here resource not deep enough let's see if I can get that no no that's not enough water where else could I get water I get water up above or I could just take cryy down to this [Music] Lake oh is this just water too yes but we're still quite a ways away from this technology okay so this was the very very basic setup I did just to get a little bit of lime I think it was what was it salt uh just to get the quartz crystals I guess actually can't remember now why I set this up but this is all it is and it was just in a biomass burner so I didn't think I bothered showing it cuz it's not great but some of the infrastructure I have is pretty useful can actually get rid of a lot of this I think there I can run a power line back I should have brought it with me but I wasn't thinking um and let's just run this belt back yep as awful as this is I think I'm just going to do it this way it'll be easier than bringing water over here and there now we've got cryolite back to the main base sort of just in time for me to run screws that's good cuz that would have made me angry if IID run out way back there even though I'd just been here now where do we want to put the Nexus we're going to need water so let's go find which water we want to use for the Nexus I vote this one here and we'll put the Nexus right here he said sure of himself there let's find a spot for that cryolite let's get our way down there all right we've got water we've got cryolite there cryolite into the base and honestly I'm getting really excited to start decorating and rebuilding things in a more permanent sense now that we're going to have Nexus let's do it let's go storage network storage network Nexus let's do it I love it oh yeah uh the texture is not complete don't worry about that cannot find a Nexus or is not powered or cooled okay yeah I don't have power anyway yet oh I'm so excited so excited let's run a power line over here and we're going to run it to there so now this is the data Network Port where everything magic happens let's get get what do we need we need a fluid conditioner I totally hit the wrong button all right we need a fluid conditioner and we want it to make coolant so to add to get it to make coolant we're going to put cry it into it look at that first try and then water starting to think that uh I might need to add a pump let's see if it gets any water I don't I don't think it will let's power this as well just based on my experience over there with the bronze I had to add a pump after I just another slight race up I think we're exactly hit the headlift to get to this level yep no fluid awesome that's fine we're not going to worry about it we're going to add a pump and everything is going to work there perfect and now we're going to have what is this 90 cooling per minute cannot find a Nexus or is not powered or cooled well it is powered and it is cooled so our issue is actually that we don't have any drives storage or what are those other things I was telling you about the the processors these all right let's start putting this into a container so it doesn't ever stop because we're going to need an absolute uh just a ton of these stabilized Quantum crystals let's see how we're doing on everything here we need more lead frames let me go stop stock up top off tip chop chip chop chip I don't even know what I'm saying most of the time it's the joys of being me you guys think it's bad imagine being stuck in this head with me all righty back to the Nexus I can't remember how many slots this thing has one two so one two 3 4 One Two yeah eight pretty sure sure so we're going to do four of those four of those oh you know else we need we need a server rack let's do a fax it pull look at it [Music] so all right so that little swoopy thing is on the right side so let's put this facing this way all right our first fix it fax it and now we can there now we have a Data Network it isn't doing much but it's here this thing has coolant oh that outputs for steam that makes sense so we're going to need to we're going to need to fill this out get rid of that Steam for too long okay but we have we have our own first little Data Network how cool is that now we're going to need to put some item servers in all right now we can configure the item server and then the hard drives are going to go right here uh let's see and those drives again are these things right here so we've got the rack the wreck holds the servers and the servers hold the drives and the drives uh let's see I'll show you in the man are going to get better and better as we unlock these ones Drive Mark 2 Drive Mark 3 Drive Mark 4 and then we've got fluid storage well better fluid drives we'll get uh we're going to get more stuff oh I'm so excited ah so we need a lot of stuff we need all that stuff in our um Whatchamacallit to-do list there and we need enough stuff to make these and then a bunch of extra drives but we're getting close we're on the cusp feels like I'm going to be waiting for ages on these stabilized Quantum crystals I need was that 152 more and I make 10 per minute is that really only 15 minutes I guess uh okay that's not going to be so bad I've gathered up everything else just for us to um to install all the input and output processors that we want but that's going to WIP us out of stabilized Quantum crystals we're going to have to wait to build it back up but again I know I've already said this but we are on the cusp of getting everything unlocked and once we are we're going to change the production of everything we have to make these stabilized Quantum crystals uh brass plates these things that we need uh I'm sorry not brass plates bronze frames we need a lot more of this smart plating we're going to use the fa it fix it Network to mass produce items that we need to expand the fix it Network fax it Network I mean this is the network maybe I should just drop the fix it and fax it stuff and anyway once we get this uh all set up we're going to use all of our resources to expand the network and then like I said we're going to rebuild everything in a much much greater quantity all right let's do a couple of the input ones while we're standing here we have yeah we've got more than half the stuff so we could do all of the inputs one two three four how cool is this where you clip them right onto the building I think it's just the greatest the greatest thing ever yep and then we've got room for four more on the other side and those will be Opa processors this flush button this a picture of a toilet I like that that's hilarious all right we just got enough of our parts so let's see input we want to switch to Output one two and then three and four there okay so here's our Network now we need some drives and we need to work on these these thingies here so what do we need for that we need the drives what do we need for the drives we need stabilization and smart plating and then what else do we need we need what is that that's cable and cable adapters yep perfect that wasn't so bad at all lots of time just idling and then filling up containers as this stuff gets created for us but now yeah here we're ready for the fax it item receiver and the fax it item sender and we are just about out of stuff but uh what can we do now let's go over here and put some servers in this took absolutely forever I'm just going to fill up one of these and then we'll we'll call that good all right all those hard drives together gives us 4 400 items left and what this means is that you can store digitally 400 items I could take two stacks of lead frames put them into the Nexus system and it would be completely full of 400 items now I know that doesn't seem like a lot but remember we're going to be unlocking better and better drives and we're not actually needing to store anything inside digitally we just need to use this as a a portal a Gateway if you will so if we take if we put one lead frame in and we take one lead frame out we don't need any of this 400 item storage cuz we're using it instantly oh I need to remember to Output the steam before we get much further let's do that right now before I completely forget which is definitely something I would do let's add okay storage Network fax it blue cable we're going to put a seven and the pole as eight we need those belts is that right we don't have those conveyor belt that's something we recently unlocked that we have not automated yet so maybe that's what we should do first all right this is going to be a great example uh tutorial for me to show you how the facts it's going to work we need a few of first so I'm going to make them in an assembler really quick let's see conveyor belt parts here we go perfect 20 per minutes so we only need 30 seconds to stand here that should be enough wait wait wait wait wait special no storage network fix it item receivers so we need to receive brass and bronze plates send brass and bronze plates so yeah we're going to need 20 of these so one full minute and then I'm going to show you how this Nexus stuff works and you're going to love it as much as I do now funny enough last season if you watched my first season of satisfactory plus way back when um when we got to the Nexus I got really excited and I explored it all and I got kind of burnt out doing it cuz I did what I what I just did in the last two to three hours of just letting this idle and build up materials and I just had to stop by for a minute to make sure that for example the the steam over there doesn't back up and fill and like move the lead frames from over here into the Container over there to make sure I keep making stabilized Quantum crystals not to mention running over to get unstable Quantum crystals out anyway I have so much better infrastructure right now that took me three hours maybe to do this and I didn't have to do anything mostly just sit around a wait when I did it before it was a lot of like even more just running things back and forth and I wasn't making the numbers of lead frames that I am now so it was really a pain and so this is already so much better and I'm just really excited oh so that all that to say it took me so long to just unlock the stuff and I got so burnt out on it and the fact that the whole season last season was you know building up the city I wanted to use the trucks and trains and this one we've been gearing up for um we've been gearing up for using the fait Network this whole time so this was kind of predestined uh anyway I just ran away and didn't bring the network so that's my fault uh but we are definitely going to need to bring this so just like power poles we'll run the network run the network lines over to where we're going to be using it which just for this testing for me showing you is just going to be over here here we go okay so let's make an assembler and we're going to have this make conveyor belt parts our brand new Mark 3 Parts which is great let's power it okay now we need a send it aexit item sender and we need it to be right here and right here it doesn't have to be obviously they can be wherever you want them but this is where I want mine okay so now we're going to hook them both up to the network they don't need electrical power they just need data network connections okay now I can't configure this because there's nothing in the fait Network yet okay but right now we need we know we need 10 brass plates per minute and 20 bronze plates per minute so let's go and take our Data Network over to the where the bronze plates are which is just a hop skip and one literal jump right here they are right here okay so now let's get a receiver and the sender and receiver are let me turn that sound off thanks again for the comment reminding me that that was a thing doing me heading um the sending and receiving is from the point of view of the Nexus item itself not you so the receiver is the input into the system it's not you receiving Goods out just wanted to clarify that CU it first last time I played it confused me a little bit all right so watch what we're going to do now we are going to see nothing goes in because it's not in the data Network yet but as soon as I plug this in it's going to be in the network so what we're going to do is we're going to select the bronze um the bronze plates we're going to have a maximum item amount of 20 okay so now uh we're already at 24 the maximum item count is 20 and so look at this we're using 24 now once I start taking these out it'll now Max out at um 20 like I said so even though we have 24 right now that's only because I didn't set the maximum until uh because I didn't set the maximum until I was already over what the maximum was I wanted to set so remember the recipe over here was 20 of those um bronze plates and then 10 breast plates so just for one minute's worth I'm putting the max at 20 per minute of the bronze inside the Nexus system and we'll do the same thing with 10 for the brass let's go do that real quick let's bring the network with us though oh my gosh this is so cool uh now brass is over here okay and we're going to use a receiver again uh let's hook it up to the network and then let's race it as soon as this gets in here all right I didn't make it in time we'll do 10 boom so now we've got bronze we've got brass Max of 10 Max of 20 we're using 30 of our 400 um for a maximum and now let's go set these up to now to get these to Output what you need to do we're just going to select them there now that's sending out bronze plates this is going to do brass check it out we're making conveyor parts we have now automated apart and we didn't have to build a whole bunch of new machines we didn't have to mess with belts that much just these ones all we have to mess with is this blue wire Data Network bad play games bad play games play games bad play games bad play games bad play games
Channel: BEDplaysGAMES
Views: 2,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RUwKpcJqZ3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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