Satisfactory Update 8! A Satisfying Start

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hello everybody my name is Falcon Phoenix and we're going to be playing some satisfactory today in case you're unfamiliar with satisfactory it is an open world firstperson Factory building game as is in the title satisfactory this is on update 8 It's the final update before the full release of the game and I wanted to do a playthrough and share it with you guys to get started um I have started in the Northern Forest here which is a place I have not started before I've started in grass fields Rocky desert both really great places uh for beginners however I kind of wanted to try this one just cuz it has a lot of vegetation um it has a lot of vertical challenges so it should make for an interesting start um without further Ado let's get started so I have an idea of where I want to go and it is off over here kind of to the West and along the way we're going to go ahead and grab some leaves by pressing e and make our way over there I am familiar with the map I have a little under 500 hours in the game so I kind of know where everything is for the most part there's some places I haven't really got into but I think this is a beautiful game all the green vegetation on this alien planet that Fixit has put us on we're going to need a lot of leaves and wood early game for biomass and biofuel so we're going to go ahead and grab it along the way till we get over to our starting point if we see anything interesting along the way like power slugs hard drive sites uh we're going to go ahead and stop and gather any of those resources we're just going to follow the road here the road will take us right to where we want to go all right so this is my starting point there are four pure iron nodes a pure Limestone node a pure Limestone node on the other side of there and two pure copper nodes all really good resources for beginning early game and it's got enough space here for us to kind of get a little Spaghetti Factory going so we're going to start by building the Hub and I'm going to put it probably right there that'd be good for now all right so here's our Milestones so in the hub here this is where it shows our different Milestones as we progress through the game so these two and then you unlock the space elevator phase one phase 2 phase three so we're going to get started on Logistics as our first one that is definitely the one we want first so we can split some stuff up I'm just going to drop off a few things here and the one thing I'm going to do is I'm going to automate I'm going to automate some biomass right off the bat cuz I don't like dealing with it there are leaves in there wood in there go and craft up some biomass real quick so we can get some power that should be enough to get us started just want enough power to get us going here we're going to utilize these two biomass generators [Music] on the Hub they only put out 20 megaw give a little bit of space we're going to utilize this later so that's why I'm just going to go ahead head and make this now so I'm going to set the recipe to biomass leaves on one wood on the other and I get them belted up get them powered up and for now I'm just going to run one of [Music] them until we get Logistics opened up we will get some biomass going now I've already used quite a bit of my resources here to get started so let's go ahead and get started on our copper that'll be one of the first things we need just going to clear off this node going to place my Miner here I want it pointed off this way get a smelter and the smelter I want to be facing there so real quick here you look at our Miner here it's going to be putting out 120 it's on a pure node however we're limited by this 60 belt the 60 belt's going to go in here and this is only going to be smelting 30 so we're going to be horribly inefficient right away but we'll get there let's get our wire going so instructor is only going to use 15 so it goes 120 down to 60 down to 30 down to 15 so this one will be going that one will be turning on and off that one will be turning on and off we'll see fluctuations in our power grid until we get her all figured out hello Mr Bean you can move faster in this game by Crouch jumping okay this looks like a good place to put a power pole there we've got wire going I'm not worried about storage containers just yet let's get our iron going I'm going to clear off these nodes real quick and I'm going to go clean off this Limestone note as well now one of the first things we're going to need is plates let's get some plates going I'm going to utilize these two nodes couple smelters and you can align these by holding control I'm going to hold control and give us just enough space where in the future we can put a splitter between these we could be more efficient cuz that's the name of the game efficiency get these powered up see we're missing wire already I'm going to go ahead and run the power out this way so we can just connect these nice and easily set the recipes here iron ingots iron ingots we're going to be splitting these again so give a little bit of space little bit of space hey Mr hug set the recipes one will be Iron rods one will be plates let's get it belted up perfect we have well it's not perfect they need power of course well it's still not perfect cuz we don't have storage yet but we will get storage we have iron plates iron rods let's get some concrete going make sure we have enough materials for that of course we've lost power now Limestone does not require a smelter so we do have everything we need to get going we might as well oh I can't afford it lame that's okay there's going to be a little bit of handcrafting at first we are going to need some power let's see if we have enough for one biomass generator no we need plates might as well clear off this note do a little bit more handcrafting we are going to put one we going to put biomass burners over here oh let's get some biomass in there and I want our biomass and biofuel generation to be on a separate grid we blew the fuse so let's go ahead and restart that we can finish up our first part of our Yeti Factory going to start with our Constructors here I'm just going to get one going for now see if I have enough for this I do oh we need cable I can't even afford a craft bench we got wire going over there so I'm just going to make all this into cable we'll go grab some wire we'll be right back well we've got that powered up set that concrete so we're going to have 120 coming out of the miner limited by a 60 belt and this is going to be using 45 so again horribly inefficient but it will get us some concrete going which will be helpful see what we got I think just to speed up the process I'm going to go ahead and get a minor get another one of these set up excuse me thank you thank you ins set our recipes let's see what our Power Systems like o we're getting close we're going to have to make some more biomass generation ators I bet you now look at that so it's it's using up most of the wood there we'll switch that over to leaves in a minute until then let's just see where we're at here for our Milestones let's go collect our we have so far and we're back see where we're at we do have enough for all of our first milestone Logistics this going to help us get Splitters so we can make things more efficient conveyor belts can now merge split and lift to increase the complexity and efficiency of your factory thanks aah before we leave let's go ahead and select our next milestone I think we're going to want some part assembly that way we can get the assembler so we can automate our or semi-automate our reinforced iron plates so we can get Logistics Mark to so let's do that now that we have access to Splitters we can start making things a little bit more efficient ient let's start with rods let's collect what we have so far out of these machines and we need reinforced iron plates let's make some of those real quick cool so I made up some of those I made up about 10 reinforced iron plates that'll be enough to get us going here each smelter will feed two Constructors doing iron rods we want to put our splitter right here we go into our Builder we go into Logistics now and I'm going to put these on my hot bar I put I always start with the splitter so let's do that one on four that one on five by mousing over and pressing the number that we want I'm going to split right here yeah that'll work set the recipe to rods get some power plates are a little bit different plates this puts out 30 this consumes 30 so we want to split right here we're going to line that up with our Constructor get some power St exchange concluded fix it fre re-entry complete that our [Music] recipe now we've got 60 coming in here 30 go into each smelter and that's a 1:1 ratio so 30 come in 30 go out so this is relatively efficient now this one over here well that's just lovely isn't it I forgot about power of course I just start adding machines and then we run out of power let's get some biomass going let's get three more of those now let's build three more biomass burners there we go way more power all right let's get back to expanding our infastructure to recap we have two producing iron rods so we got 30 coming out there we've got two producing plates so we've got six coming out here and we could probably just go ahead and switch these over to screws so let's go ahead and get some screws going one thing I have learned in this game is to give yourself more space than you think you need trust me trust me trust me so screws are going to be a little bit different let's get these powered up real quick set our recipes now like I said in the beginning or maybe I didn't don't remember I am using the alternate recipes Advanced game setting now I've done a lot of running around and Gathering resources and it's just timec consuming and I value my time so time is your most precious and valuable resource you should always remember that ohol we'll get some screws going here now these are going to be using you look 12.5 per so that's 12.5 25 so that's going to be 37.5 so we are going to need another one of these but that'll be plenty efficient for now our last project is going to be to do our copper setup let's get that expanded real quick and let's get our materials here that we've collected now copper I'm going to expand out this way so since this utilizes 15 and this is putting out 30 I'm going to build one out this way actually I'm going to build two out this way after I craft up some um reinforced iron plates two that way one this way and I'll show you why here in a second so I want another smelter to go let's see here let's get a little bit better view want one smelter there and we're going to put a splitter here let's see if that works nope all right let's move our Miner and two of these machines are going to be going into another Constructor making cable perfect now we've got our wire and cable automated last thing we're going to do is we're going to try to get our concrete going a little bit better here let's get some storage going there we go now we got some Storage Solutions going I'm going to let these build up real quick and we will get part assembly going now just to speed up the process a little bit I went ahead and crafted up some cable here and now we have enough for our part assembly Milestone let's send her off I like watching this animation too more complex assembly of Parts can now be automated project assembly parts can now be constructed and sent up via the space elevator note project parts are too complex to produce by hand taking all of our hard work up to fix it Corporation let's see what we unlocked the assembler that's wonderful let's go ahead and let's build out two of these and I'll show you why here in a sec let's build some rotors we're going to need eight rotors and 16 reinforced iron plates now we have everything we need to make two of these bad boys and put one there one there the plan is to make one of these reinforced iron plates and one of these rotors I am trying to stick with the standard recipes at the beginning just because they are kind of easy and you know if you guys want to follow along and you don't want to use the alternate recipes that's fine let's get them powered up now these are not going to be 100% efficient but it'll be better than nothing before we get too much further we want Logistics Mark 2 that's going to be the next big one just hand filling these up for now later on we'll be able to go ahead and automate them so while we're waiting for all of these machines to do their thing and fill up our storage SP so we can get our Logistics Mark too I'm going to go ahead and go grab some leaves and some wood so that we continue making our biomass oh look our heart Drive site let's go ahead and grab what we have around here got some reinforced iron plates and that's probably going to be enough reinforced iron plates for us to get our logistic smilestone I know there's a power slug up here let's go ahead and grab that because when we unlock Lo field research we're going to want to get power shards there it is [Music] awesome now we've got Logistics Mark I imprs of conveyor belts and conve are en add Verity so we've got stackable conveyor poles and Logistics Mark 2 belts that's going to be super helpful cuz now we can go ahead and upgrade a couple of our belts starting with biomass we have everything we need for obstacle clearing so let's go ahead and do that and in a couple minutes when our pod returns we will be able to unlock bof fuel let's go ahead and get these all topped off cuz I bet you they just ran out they were getting [Music] low and I think we're going to build four more of those there that'll give us a little bit more power for a while our pods back let's get obstacle clearing going cable and concrete let's make a chainsaw cool little animation it does when you first use an item let's just go ahead and automate our biofuel real quick so that's as as automated as our solid bofi is really going to get we might expand it a little bit more after we make our starter Factory but this will be enough to get us started and get us going let's go gather some more leaves and wood and and let's use our chainsaw to clear out some of these trees up here that we're going to be building over after we select our next Milestone which I think should be field research let's get field research first by the time we get back we'll probably have enough materials if we see anything else like sulfur quartz we'll go ahead and grab that as well one thing to note is that if you take down a tree it doesn't grow back so if you want to take down a tree you better make sure it's a permanent thing you want all right so I hope you guys enjoyed watching me explore around I found a lot of really good stuff and got a bunch of wood and leaves as well as some stuff for the m and we're going to unlock that right now so let's stock these up and let's unlock field research we should also be able to go ahead and unlock Base building as well so let's do them both at the same time resource sync program will be our next one and we have unlocked the M that's why I wanted to go do some exploring cuz we have got a lot of this stuff while we were out there alien organisms hog protein spiders spitters aerium LEF Mycelia nutrients power slugs let's just have a craft bench right here so we can handcraft some stuff here so now we can do power shards we can unlock overclocking and underclocking quartz quartz crystal silica Blade Runners that'll be really really helpful as a matter of fact let's go ahead and see if we can do that right now we need 50 silica 10 modular frames can make exactly 50 silica let's make up 10 modular frames yeah we can get Blade Runners now so now we can run faster jump farther and one that we found was also sulfur black powder this will give us the parachute right here which will be nice let's go ahead and what that 10 fabric we can make a parachute which going to take 20 fabric I think we need a little bit more biomass for making fabric cool so now we've got a parachute we can equip that by dragging it over to our back so now we won't take that fall damage all right we've got Blade Runners now let's go ahead and put those on our legs and oh we can move so much faster watch this we can jump another yellow power slug we can jump so much farther cool so let's go back to the hub our next Milestone we're going to go ahead and let's do the resource sync program we'll send that off and here in a little bit we will have enough to finish up our last of dear too jump pads just to speed up the process let's go ahead and belt these up real quick all right so our drop pod came back and now we have enough rotors to send off our final Milestone achievement we have got tiers one and two done real quick before we finish things up here I'm going to go ahead and take this solid bio Fuel and we are going to use this solid bio fuel to fill up our biomass generators we've got some solid biofuel in our biomass generators which is going to take a lot longer to deplete so that'll be nice well ladies and gentlemen that's going to be it for this episode hope you enjoyed following along when we built our first Spaghetti Factory we got all the way through tiers 1 and two I hope you guys join me next time when we build the space elevator we get tier three we're going to automate with coal power with that being said if you you guys have any ideas or suggestions please leave them in the comment section below I'm going to read every single comment and if I see one that I really like I definitely want to put that into the build I hope you guys enjoyed the episode and we'll see you next [Music] time [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Falcon Phoenix Gaming
Views: 326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory, Satisfactory Update 8, satisfactory update 8 gameplay, satisfactory, factory game, factorygame, coffee stain studios, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory game, Update 8, spaghetti factory, lets play, let's play, lets play satisfactory, satisfactory lets play, falconphoenixgaming, falcon phoenix, onedudeonewarehouse, onedudeonewarehouse plays satisfactory, operations manager plays, satisfactory tips
Id: u8LP5Fyw2Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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