Satisfactory PLUS is now in UPDATE 8! How to fix your...

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bad plays games Hello Pioneers I hope you're well my name is bed and this is the satisfactory plus mod for the game satisfactory and it is finally time we are here in update 8 I am so excited it's a brand new year and a brand new me well no I'm still me but look it we've made some changes check it out we are now running the infinite Zoot mod again we've run the one before uh we stopped cuz we were using the smart mod a little bit but smart mod is not ready for update 8 yet it seems so we've gone back to infinite zup and console commands never work so I can't control the sun like I need to for filming uh so we have skyui mod which is this cool thing check it out I can set it to be whatever time I want down to the millisecond and I can even pause time anyway that's all the stuff new for update 8 so far update a has also caused our power grid to go down I'm not really sure why and I've also been doing a lot of redecorating which you'll be able to see as we go through the factory and I will take some time and show you what I did um but I did most of it uh without without voice anyway without a microphone I do have some video of it but I didn't want to release a 5H hour long video of just me decorating so I've decided to just add it as a small part of this episode on the last episode we finally did it we got the Nexus we utilized mining the quantum crystals and we started using our Digital Data Network well since then I've tore everything out and we need to rebuild that this episode uh but the first thing we need to do is correct the power grid you'll see yeah I we just don't have power something has happened and the power grid is dead so what we're going to do this episode is we're going to fix the power grid and then I'm going to show you kind of how I did some redecorating so it looks like some of this has power and I'm not sure how that's possible production capacity 1.4 megawatt and we're using half of that oh I figured it out also between episodes I was playing with hydroelectric power which we unlocked late late last episode that's right there you can see these nodes right here that's where I ran out of materials again I haven't played in this world in almost month and a half so excited to get back into it but yeah so we have a little bit of hydroelectric power right now uh also the update 8 the update eight update to satisfactory plus has brought back what is it wind turbines so we've got uh Mark 1 and Mark 2 and I don't have the number sitting in front of me but I know you're limited to like 50 or 100 of them per world so this isn't going to break the game or anything like that it's just going to help me um delay building a huge power plant for a little while we've got the power Towers I can't wait to try those out oh my gosh I've never even seen one of these never built one can't wait still can't figure out why we don't have any power anywhere maybe I disconnected it that's definitely a possibility all right so we have compact biomass it's not being consumed and we're not something's wrong right I mean carbon dioxide all right we're full of carbon dioxide no we're not there's no carbon dioxide in here whatsoever which is baffling no that just means there's a disconnect somewhere right here yeah so that no longer connects automatically or something in the update has made this yeah disconnect there it's good now let's just delete all these okay we're full of water Yep this is going to be fine let's see if these are still connected yeah looks like it is or is it we'll come back and check let me go fix the other floors of this of this first issue that we've discovered I'm so excited to be an update eight I'm going to probably gush over that for the entire episode and probably the next four episodes a new year a new satisfactory update what could be better I've actually made a goal for my YouTube channel this year and that's to hit 10,000 subscribers so please if you're not already go down and hit the Subscribe button and I'd love to hear from you if you'd like to leave me a comment okay it looks like these need to be replaced as well so let's do that on all three floors really quick uh-oh where's all of our product all right that's not good either let's head downstairs figure out where the problem is all right we've got biological water we have got crushed stone all right so this is out as well let's gather some more let's fix this issue really quick and hopefully it's as simple as that all right the power didn't take off it looks like it looks like these all need to be redone let's see if this is working actually yes that is so after the Nexus Trilogy episodes after I was done filming those I started on redecorating the base and doing that meant unhooking a lot of the power and I've started building some shapes like this around if you can see here I have a lot of hours of footage I was going to cut down into kind of a montage maybe or a musical episode where I'm just building but it just got to be way too much footage um I did way too much but right now now I'm just going to show you kind of briefly what I did so we can move on and do more satisfactory plus stuff and we will come back and do a little bit of design at a time because full episodes Worth or maybe 5 6 8 hours worth is just too much also now that we have the Nexus working we're going to be able to do things more efficiently for example we can use fluid faits to use all this water and I can get rid of all of this eyes sort of just a flat Checker just this Foundation anyway so I started here this is going to become a tower that I Envision swooping up into the sky and then looping over the main part of this build here which we're going to block off this side over here at some point and I need to reroute all the wires and power lines because it's kind of a pain in the butt right now but everything was off and I'm just trying to get it back on right now which is why I'm okay with just this awful clipping but yeah so this hallway was a cool design I thought I did power walls excuse me I did power storage units on one side wall because I think they look cool they make a cool hum when you stand next to them and uh you know they're useful as well put some lights up here added some beams there for Shadows different shadows around and then it's going to run two different Nexus networks and then the power now I need to run up above up above this these Rafters here in this ceiling I'm going to need to run a logistics floor or Corridor because I need to be able to get the power lines first off I need to put them up and over these hallways so they don't clip through like that and then I need to run the power into these side rooms you know this should look familiar this was the brass and the bronze you wouldn't believe how long it took me to do this and it doesn't make for entertaining television I should know I tried cutting it into a video and it's just trying to condense it's basically either 3 hours condenses down to 3 seconds or you know I'm doing things and undoing them redoing them changing my mind and stuff but I do kind of like I like this hallway a lot and so I do kind of want to keep this sort of style I think and the way I'm going to do that is I think by running the corridors this way like I did for this room there you can see the corridor there but then somewhere around this spot right here I'll take these walls out and build up and down stairwells anyway that's my plan I just want to give you a taste of what I'd been doing um because I think I'm not going to try to put out a super long design episode um it was just too my numbingly boring but now that I've showed it to you that's kind of a gist of the last 10 hours of gameplay um now that I've shown that to you I feel like we can pretty confidently move on to building more stuff in satisfactory plus specifically with the Nexus so let's do that let's rebuild all of the infrastructure that we need to create the quantum [Music] Parts all right let's build a big big platform like that and there now we can build some more [Music] Factory let's see let's take all right that looks good okay now we can build a little platform over and we have a new place for factories okay let's get back to Quantum Crystal Basics we've got unstable Quantum crystals also note that the artwork has changed these are the now the unstable Quantum crystals there's new placeholder adapter artwork there cable and then here these pulled Quantum crystals which I believe are used to be the stabilized Quantum crystals right so let's make these unstable Quantum crystals are now consumed in let's see uh an assembler no wait so here's the first form stabilization frames so we need an assembler and with this we want to make stabilization frames so we need zinc and Lead all right so let's get a faxa item sender hook it up to the network and now we can perfectly do zinc there we go and this one will be lead frames now let's go hook lead frames up to the Nexus all right here are the lead frames I turn them back on by plugging them back into power now that we just need faxa item receiver and then we can plug the lead frames right in and let's limit these to 20 I love I love it I love the facts it I love the Nexus select lead frames and now we're making stabilization frames probably want to be making more than just five to be honest yeah I want to be making 10 per minute so let's double this up stabilization frames and then there and now we select lead frames for that one again and zinc for that one and we're good to go right let's make a merger right in the center of these and now we can do a receiver there now we've got stabilization frames going in now if we want to make pulled Quantum crystals we just need to take those 10 stabilization frames per minute mix them with 60 unstable Quantum crystals and we should get our pulled Quantum crystals so let's take another assembler and I'm going to need to make a blueprint I think for these fax it uh assemblers it's going to be useful I think but we'll get to that in just a short while all right now let's select our recipe for the pulled Quantum crystals just hooked up the cables to these things uh these fax itss and now all I have to do is Select those and those excellent this is awesome now we can take those pulled Quantum crystals the 10 per minute we're making and we can either use them to make drives or Quantum cables let's just keep plugging away let's do a receiver here and then cable there pulled Quantum crystals Max at 20 seems to be working okay pretty seems to be working pretty well for us honestly although we aren't getting any more unstable Quantum crystals I'm going to have to run over there and make sure yep going to have to run over there there's no way around it let's go check on the farm and make sure we're still making slugs which we do we still have blue slugs so we still have low energy slug slime which means the she was elsewhere H you know what I bet happened of course now that I ran over here Dawns on me I bet we accidentally disconnected the power over on the quantum I bet the quantum minor doesn't have power because it probably got disconnected at our base somewhere let me go check that really quick before we run over all the way to the quantum mine here we go here's some scraps I see yes okay we don't have power right here there now that we have that back up and running we should be good you know what else I want to do I want to unlock some more Milestones because I think we should be able to do that pretty easily what was that steel rods Coal Power all right hoverboard ooh hover pack all right I want to hover pack can I make a hover pack I bet I can all right 150 smart plating and a bunch of rotor blades let's see I bet I have rotor blades how much should I need though hover back 50 blades and 150 smart plating okay and we're getting Quantum crystals again which means we've corrected our issue so now we've got pulled Quantum crystals and with the pulled Quantum Crystal we can make more drives and we can make Quantum cables all right so let's make a Quantum cable assembler this is going to be cable and now we'll do the pulled Quantum Crystal and blue slugs all right now we'll have Quantum cable and with the quantum cable we can make Quantum cable adapters I'm sitting here contemplating redoing all of the production using the fait system part of me thinks that would be a lot of work another part of me thinks that would be pretty cool and I really would like to embrace facts it fully you know if I was to redo everything I could take all of the production and use molten production to get more out of it or we could even race to ore washing and turn everything into ore purified Wars through washing with acid that's kind of a cool idea let's go see what we need to do to unlock something else wait a minute wait a minute I want to do another one I need an assembler all right this assembler I want to make smart plating and yeah that's it smart plating so we'll do just like we've been doing connect these going I need to do something this is also the same everything is the same now I really need to build a blueprint for this though so maybe I should do that first zinc and what was the other thing I needed bronze frames let's go first off let me just throw some bronze frames into here then let's hook bronze frames up to the data Network that's right I removed the bronze frames uh because it was just a temporary production line right here so I don't actually have a bronze frame being produced so that needs to be corrected first I have a sort of a temporary solution and that's I'm pretty sure one of these bins has a ton of bronze frames sitting in them oh I did uh before I turned off the Christmas stuff I did grab all of the items oh huz that I also just saw a bunch of smart plating all right let's try another milestone bigger blueprinter that sounds cool let's go I think uh let's see I think I can build myself a hover bag now no what did I ah I used all my used all my all right just for the time being throw these bronze frames into that container we'll fill it manually like a bunch of Barbarians so Quantum cables go into that one this one's going to become adapters then let's go look at our next unlock I think we'll try to get hyper tubes maybe there we are easy peasy ready for hyper tubes oh I can't wait let's build the space elevator for a minute I can't remember what it needs for the next phase but that's going to be approaching pretty quickly well not that quickly something's wrong with our power oh this is this is frustrating let's go fix the power let's get the whole rest of the factory turned on we're going to get all of our basic items plugged into the Nexus we're going to get every item plugged into the Nexus every single one all right I figured out the issue that is I'm not making enough solid biofuel because I'm not making enough leaves because this biomass isn't being used uh really dumb so let's make a smart splitter let's put it into here here and make this left be overflow and that should solve all of my issues once I power that n except I'm a dummy need to place that over here actually for this to work because otherwise it's missing an entire line all right I think I've solved the power issue got everything unclogged everything should be running now uh sorry everything will be running eventually everything's cold right now so it'll take a little while to boot back up but that's okay we'll find something to do in the meantime grab enough smart plating for hover pack and then we'll stockpile the rest so we can launch the space elevator soon except before we launch the space elevator we need to actually unlock those parts so let's go and see what we need to do that I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why my power is not getting back to normal and I discovered and then confirmed on the kods Discord channel in the bug reports that these fluid conditioners are bugged you'll see here yeah one leaf and one biomass is coming out of each of them at about a rate of 12 per minute or so and it's supposed to be 30 per minute biomass and 60 per minute leaves so this is why absolutely why nothing is working so should be able to just fix that hopefully it's as easy as this the person that made the bug report commented that uh replacing this should work so uh and now it needs power what have I done there there okay I think that should hopefully fix it let's just test yeah that looks way better okay so I am going to just tear all these out like I just did and replace them all and hopefully that gets our power back on bad plays games bad games play games games play games bad games
Channel: BEDplaysGAMES
Views: 1,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ydegHMqmkfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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