Satisfactory Update 8 Harnessing COAL POWER!

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well here we are looking down on our Spaghetti Factory that we built in the last episode hope you guys enjoyed following along and in this episode we've got a few big projects on our hands one of which is going to be our starter Factory where we're going to take all this and we're going to put it up on foundations and make it nice and neat and hopefully it'll have a little bit better power consumption and next big project is going to be the space elevator we want to get the space elevator going so we can get started on some project parts and unlock tier three which will give us access to Coal Power and when we get access to Coal Power we can automate our power production which is going to be super helpful so that we can start building some good factories uh I hope you guys enjoy and follow along so our first big project well our first sub project before we get going on our big project is we need to expand our concrete production because just this little bit it's just not going to be enough to get us going so we can build all those foundations so let's go ahead and get that done real quick you look off to the right there I have put kind of in order what we need to do for this episode so hope you guys follow along and if you have any questions or comments please let me know all right so we have 120 coming out of there we do have marked two belts now so we can go ahead and create two more of these so let's go ahead and do that and we're just going to make this a rough estimate for now running around on these Cliffs makes me a little nervous all right so we've got 120 coming out of there going into Mark two belts if you remember in our last episode we unlocked the parachute which is going to be super helpful and maybe protect us a little bit from Fall damage got that all powered up so now we're going to be utilizing all 120 of our resources coming out of there now just to make things a little bit more power friendly we going know go ahead and underclock these since we have four of them going to go ahead and un underclock them all so they're putting out 10 each just go ahead and copy those settings just paste them right in cool so we got 40 we're consuming should be consuming 30 so consuming 30 30 30 30 that'll give us a little bit more concrete to work with so we can build our starter Factory if we need more concrete we'll go ahead and tap into that other Limestone note just on the other side of that Hill there but for now I think that'll be enough to get us started so where I plan to start this is kind of right here so we're going to have one Miner come out here one's going to come out here and this is going to be the corner of our starter Factory starter Factory is going to be up just above there so let's go ahead and go up there all right so we're up top here and where we're going to start this is going to be right here by snapping to the world grid and holding control that's where we're going to want it to start we're going to come up 16 from the base just enough so that we can basically cover this okay zo over here just going to put a ramp so we can get up there so this is where our inputs are going to come in so I'm just going to take that one out just to mark it so I built out some foundations a lot more than I probably need we're going to be building out this way and this way off to the right you'll see on my to-do list I we're going to need 15 Constructors nine smelters bunch of Splitters and mergers let's get started on the build we're going to need 15 Constructors and then a bunch of smelters let's go ahead and build out those Constructors first all right that should be 15 go ahead and get our smelter lines going all right so that's all belted up let's get the other ones here all right so I got it all set up I'm going to go ahead and explain what's going on here let's turn my light on so we can see things a little bit better all right so basically we have 120 coming in here these are both set to 22.5 each meaning they're only going to use 45 so 45 this is going to use 30 so that's 75 this is going to use 30 so that's 100 5 the other 15 is going to go up over down and into the end which is only going to be using 15 here it's a little bit more simple we have 120 coming in oops I didn't I didn't set those up easy enough all right so these 120 is coming in and each one of these is using 30 so 30 * 4 120 so I'm only going to need two belts coming in so that is the smelter set up and the Constructor set up so let's go ahead and set up the assembler side now all right so I got that all set up let's go ahead and walk you through what's going on with the assemblers so the assemblers this is taking in 20 rods per minute and 100 screws per minute and putting out four rotors uh this is just 25 rods per minute and this is just 20 screws per minute now over here it's a little bit more complicated but not too hard to follow so right here we've got 120 screws coming in then being split into each of these so each of these is taking 60 screws per minute and then these three three Constructors right here are putting out 60 plates per minute coming in over here splitting between these so it's 30 in each each one of these is putting out reinforced iron plates for a total of 10 reinforced iron plates per minute and these last two Constructors here are just making plates so this is going to be a total of 30 plates per minute all these are going to going to go into storage containers so I'll go ahead and build out those storage containers real quick and then we'll get going on the other part of their starter Factory now I am leaving a little bit of space in between these so that I can put a splitter in there hopefully we can unlock smart Splitters soon which allow us to overflow into awesome sinks which will help give us tickets our copper setup is going to be a little bit more simple it's only going to be seven Constructors which we might we'll just barely have enough room here one two three four five 6 7 we're going to have four smelters let's go ahead and these two are pretty easy to set up so let's go ahead and get these set up and then I'll explain what's going on all right so our copper is all set up here it's pretty simple so these four Constructors are going to be putting out wire these three Constructors are going to be putting out copper sheets as I went ahead and did this as well so we have 120 coming in 60 going in Split to 30 60 going in Split to 30 so it works out perfectly so let's go ahead and get the other side set up all right so our Copper's set up which is pretty simple these four Constructors are putting out 30 wire each one's dedicated to its own storage bin these three are dedicated to these two these are underclocked to put out 22.5 cable each so that'll give us 45 cable going in there which requires only the 90 wire these three Constructors are making copper sheets so that's our cable set up there is our iron set up next up we're just going to bring in some Limestone and we're going to make our own concrete production right over here so we can make sure that we do not run out of concrete anymore so I'll see you when I get that done well concrete is all set up now going to have 120 coming in feeding these four each machine is set to produce 10 concrete which should give us 80 concrete per minute so that means 80 is going to be going into here and we always need concrete so I definitely wanted to get that going cool so let's go ahead and get everything powered up check for leaks and we'll be right back okay and we're back with the power of editing you didn't have to sit here and wait for all this to even out we have green lights across the board everything is super efficient and we've got concrete production we've got all of our basic parts to get started here and we even cleaned up downstairs a little bit so I'll show you what we did downstairs cleaned up all of this all of our Old Spaghetti Factory is now gone we even have a couple extra nodes to work with so if we want to expand and maybe do a small batch of modular frames or even heavy modular frames when we get to it we will so the next bck step is we're going to probably clean up our biomass and biofuel production a little bit and we're going to get the Hub and everything up on top of the platform and we're going to build the space elevator there now we have a nice little area here on foundations it's nice and clean we've got concrete production right next door and all the parts that we really need for now let's see what it takes to build the space elevator okay well we need some copper wire all right we've got everything we need to go ahead and build the space elevator as a matter of fact let's go ahead and build out a little bit more foundations here so we can make nice room for it eventually we'll move all this and we'll build a really nice starter Factory when we unlocked a lot more items in the awesome shop this looks like a good place for the space elevator so that looks like a good place for it let's watch little animation that it does so cool [Music] never gets old so if you look up at the top right of our screen we now have an objective complete phase one which requires us to make smart plating let's just see what smart plating takes looks like it's a 1:1 ratio of reinforced iron plates and rotors easy enough I think what we'll do for this is just get a little temporary setup going here get our highest belt that we can and let's make some smart plating now it's a one:1 ratio so literally all we need to do is take 50 of these put them in there 50 of these put them in there we'll have to go get our power going we'll just run that right into the space elevator let's see what's going on with our power grid oh looks like we ran out of biofuel so let's go take care of that real quick reset our power we're going to need a couple more biomass generators 12 generators that should be good get them powered up and look at that so much more power should last us a little bit longer too since we're not using 100% of the power that we need all righty we've got our power situation temporarily fixed we've got some smart plating coming into the space elevator and then once that's all good then we'll unlock tier three and four once we get tiers three and four unlocked we'll have access to Coal Power so while this is filling up with our smart plating I'm going to keep an eye on it on the top right and let's go grab some wood and leaves for our last round of biomass and due to the power of editing you will not have to sit here and watch paint dry we're back finally went around and got some wood some leaves found a couple new things like Barrel nuts got some more CER found a couple power slugs cool that should be enough to get us going for a little while until we can get some Coal Power going while we're waiting on the space elevator to finish filling up let's go ahead and see if we can't get some quick wire unlocked in the M let's go ahead and craft up a few things well would you look at that our elevator is all already never get enough of that so now we have access to TI three and four let's look at tier three we've got Coal Power vehicular transport basic steel production melee combat tier four we get Advanced steel production and all kinds of good jazz let's go after Coal Power I know we have enough for that one and much like what we did before let's go ahead and make a temporary setup for our modular frames cuz it looks like we're going to need some so there that'll get us some modular frames going matter of fact let's do a little bit of overclocking just to make it go a little bit faster and I don't have to make a big old complicated one that just make it go a little bit faster okay we got all this let's get improved melee combat oh looks like we're still missing some let's put down an awesome sink here with a storage container their highest belt speed get it powered up how is our power doing we're cutting it a little close get some tickets going three tickets just like that can always get rid of some of these rotors just to see what we can get for tickets maybe I'll regret this but maybe I won't yeah we definitely can use up some of this cable let's put all that in there cable rotors I'm going to take a couple stacks of rotors cool that'll get us some tickets and we can get the awesome shop this will allow us to get some more aesthetically pleasing building material and we're going to start by checking out a few things like floor holes will be nice foundations I always get the double ramp set walls concrete can also buy equipment too but I'm not going to do that yeah 15 coupons and Counting well we got enough of our modular frames now so let's go ahead and send these off vehicular transport send basic steel production send improved melee combat send look at that tier three done now before we get going too much further on this we definitely need to get our power situation fixed so let's go ahead and work on our power situation which we are going to now use coal power so that we are no longer relying on biofuel for our power which is not very automatable if that's a word well I went ahead and got some concrete turned our power back on and I'm back built out a couple foundations and we're going to get started building our coal plant I'm going to limit ourselves to one pipe Pipeline and one pipeline is 300 and I'm going to see how much water that will provide us so if we look at it here coal generator takes 45 so we do a little bit of quick napkin math 300 ID 45 is going to be 6666 repeating that's the number of generators we'll be able to provide I don't want to do that so now if we underclock these to consume 40 water instead of 45 then we can use three per water extractor and that makes it a lot easier to manage our Logistics so we're just going to do the six for now then later on when we have more parts and stuff we will just double it up on this side so for now let's get all of our water up here to fuel all of these generators all right we got it set up and if you go four clicks out these line up perfect with the generator it looks really nice nice and clean all right so we've got our pipes we've got our Mark 2 belts our Miner right there let's get that belted up real quick these are going to get all loaded up with coal and we'll go ahead and get some power around to them now these are all going to be set to kind of a weird number but it will make sense I promise all right so those are all set to consume 40 water now while that's filling up let's get the water going we're going to need a pump going need power for that pump hopefully we have enough juice ooh all right we're getting some water once the system fills up then we'll start turning them on one by one cool so the system is full I'm going to go ahead and turn these on now and it will have been official that we have automated our power production last thing I'm going to do is just adjust these so that they are putting out 100 each that's all working all right let's see what it is look at that now our power is automated and each of these is going to be putting out for power production is 66.6 666 repeating got coal going into all of them they're all on all green lights well now that we have Coal Power we don't need all this how about that watch this it's going to be so awesome to have to do that I am excited to have to do that all right we'll keep our little solid biofuel production actually let's go ahead and take that upstairs too make that upstairs so it's just on some foundations and then everything will be up there there we go now our biofuel production is not on the ground everything is up here our power's automated and we're going to go ahead and make sure that concrete never stops and we can go ahead and go over here to our to do list and we can say Coal Power is done I know what we need to do let's see what we've got for tickets 22 tickets I don't mind if I do okay let's see what we can buy in the awesome shop conveyor floor lifts double ramp set doors conveyor walls concrete asphalt there we go we've got double ramp foundations concrete asphalt doors conveyor walls conveyor wall holes well that's going to be it for this episode guys I hope you enjoyed when we built our first starter Factory we also got the space elevator done and phase one completed that unlocked tier three so we're able to get coal power done we got a small coal generator set up going where we automated our power production I hope you guys really enjoyed the episode as always if you have ideas or suggestions please leave them in the comments section Below guys next time when we unlock Advanced steel production and we get Mark III Logistics done we're also going to unlock a few more things in the awesome shop so we can actually start making some really really nice looking factories and I will see you guys next [Music] time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Falcon Phoenix Gaming
Views: 187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory, satisfactory update 8, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory update 8 gameplay, factory game, factorygame, coffee stain studios, satisfactory game, coal power, lets play, update 8, lets play satisfactory, falcon phoenix, falcon phoenix gaming, onedudeonewarehouse, onedudeonewarehouse plays satisfactory, operations manager plays, space elevator, starter factory, satisfactory space elevator, satisfactory coal power, satisfactory tips
Id: rG2d6yABuyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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